Letter From Paul Fuller

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My reply is below, scroll down On 02/04/2014 10:15, Paul Fuller wrote: Dear Mr Walter, Thank you for your

email ! think town an" #illa$e %entre &u&taina'ility i& really im(ortant for lo%al %ommunitie&, an" free/ &u'&i"i&e" %ar)(arkin$ i& an im(ortant fa%tor for %entre& ! ha#e "i&%u&&e" thi& &u'*e%t with a num'er of lo%al 'u&ine&& (eo(le, who un"er&tan" the im(ortan%e of &marter Town +entre (arkin$) an" en&urin$ &(a%e& are u&e" 'y the %orre%t (eo(le, at the ri$ht time& From my (er&(e%ti#e, a& a mem'er of the rulin$ a"mini&tration ! "o wel%ome the o((ortunity to "e'ate thi&, an" "e(en"in$ on what a((ointment& ! am offere" within the new &tru%ture of the !W +oun%il #ery ha((y to o(en thi& "i&%u&&ion, re$ar"le&& of whether the (etition rea%he& the tar$et ,or not, a& mi$ht 'e the %a&e-. !t &houl" 'e remem'ere" that a "e'ate, will not ne%e&&arily alter (oli%y, an" ! 'elie#e that what Fre&hwater &ho((er& really wi&h for i& a %han$e within (oli%y,-. !n the meantime, ! wi&h the %am(ai$n e#ery &u%%e&& an" am ha((y to a&&i&t /in" re$ar"&, Paul P012 F12234 5P, ++ !n"e(en"ent !&le of Wi$ht +oun%illor for +owe& We&t an" 6urnar" +hairman, !&le of Wi$ht +oun%il Plannin$ +ommittee +owe& Town +oun%illor, 6urnar" Pari&h +oun%illor, 7orthwoo" Pari&h +oun%illor 8ome: 94 Wyatt& 2ane, +owe&, !&le of Wi$ht PO:1 ;<0 Tel: 01=;: 2;=5=5 ,24 hr&.> 09 =:5 0=0 ;:5 ,mo'ile ? te@t. 3mail: (aulfulleriwA$mail %om> Plea&e #i&it: (aulfuller%% 'lo$&(ot %om )))))))))))))))))))))))4e(ly follow&, &%roll "own))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) On 02/4/14 Da#i" Walter wrote: Dear Paul, Thank you for your (o&iti#e an" (rom(t re(ly Thi& i& hu$ely &u((orti#e an" ! ho(e will $i#e en%oura$ement to lo%al re&i"ent& who often feel that while they Bmi$ht 'e Chear"C, they are &el"om Cli&tene" toC, &o why 'otherBD !C" like to %larify one (oint> thi& a& mu%h or more a'out (atient& to the 8ealth +entre an" the Mental 8ealth +lini% a& it i& to &ho((er& 8alf an hour CfreeC i& a #ery &mall allowan%e an" the ma%hine %har$e& =0( ,&i%-. for u( to an hour unle&& the free half)hour i& in o(eration Pre&uma'ly all thi& wa& "e'ate" in the (a&t, when the &y&tem wa&

intro"u%e" ! think they $ot it a'out ri$ht an" all we are a&kin$ for i& the retention of the free half)hour, not &ome #ariation to the (arkin$ tariff (er &e ! rather &u&(e%t that the re#enue Clo&&C i& far lower than one woul" think a& few (eo(le will (ay =0( for :0 minute& &o folk will $o el&ewhere ) e@%e(t for the (atient& ! am in the (ro%e&& of (uttin$ your &u((orti#e letter onto the Ehalfleet Flo$ where it will 'e at htt(://&halfleet(ari&h 'lo$&(ot %o uk/2014/04/(etition)to)iw%)to)kee()free)half) hour html Thank you a$ain, /in" re$ar"&, Da#i" Walter 9G19G: htt(://&halfleet(ari&h 'lo$&(ot %o uk ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))2etter from +llr 2ui&a 8illar"))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Dear David, This Council believes in consulting with town and parish councils regarding such issues. It would greatly help your cause if your local council and your ward county councillor both raise an official, written objection. Kind regards, Luisa County Councillor Luisa Hillard !ard of "ast Cowes Cabinet #e$ber for %ustainability Isle of !ight Council County Hall &ewport Isle of !ight '()* +,D Tel- *+./) /0+*** 12324 #obile- *4.23 /2.)3+ "$ail- Luisa.Hillard5I(!.gov.u6 web- www.iwight.co$

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