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1.There are eighteen jobs in the puzzle. Find and circle them. You can read across and down.

2.Unjumble the words in capital letters and write them in the blanks: 1 RROWRAI ! "#$R In the old days, a soldier or fighter was known as a w In so%e &o'ntries, (eo(le 'sed to ) gold and (re&io's *ewels with the dead (erson "o'r d &onsists of e-erything yo' eat All the things that )elong to yo' are known as yo'r ) The fra%ework of )ones in yo'r )ody is referred to as a s Another na%e for a )roken )one is a f A fight )etween two o((osing gro'(s is &alled a ) A large, de&orated gra-e is &alled a t

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3. n !our notebook" write as man! correct conditional sentences as possible" using words #rom the bo$ to link sthe sentence openings with the endings9 E:A8;/E9 1.I would lend my friend money provided that he promised to pay me back. as long as 1 I wo'ld lend %y friend %oney ! I wo'ldn<t kill an ani%al + I wo'ld try )'ngee *'%(ing . I wo'ldn<t lie to %y )est friend 2 I wo'ldn<t *'%( o't of a window 3 I wo'ld agree to wash %y dad<s &ar 'nless (ro-ided that a I knew it was safe ) there was a fire & he ga-e %e e=tra (o&ket %oney d it was in (ain e I really had to f he (ro%ised to (ay %e )a&k

%.&ewrite the #ollowing sentences using provided that or unless: 1 I<ll share a roo% with yo' on holiday only if yo' (ro%ise not to snore Ill share a room with you on holiday provided that you promise not to snore. 2.If To% doesn<t ha-e his hair &'t, his head%aster won<t let hi% into s&hool 3.Sarah will &o%e &a%(ing with 's )'t only if we g'arantee there won<t )e any snakes %.If >osh'a doesn<t (ass all his e=a%s, he won<t )e a)le to st'dy 8edi&ine '.8y (arents will let %e go to the &on&ert )'t only if I (ro%ise to )e ho%e )y 1 +? ( % (.The ar&heologist said we &o'ld wat&h the e=&a-ation, )'t only if we agreed not to to'&h anything '.)omplete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the #irst sentence. Use the word gi*en and other words. 1 If we don<t find any )ones in this &a-e we will ha-e to gi-e '( the sear&h @'nlessA We will ha-e to gi-e '( the sear&h in this &a-e ! O'r geogra(hy tea&her wo'ld gi-e 's a (riBe only if we fo'nd %ore than 2? of the answers to the C'iB @(ro-idedA of the answers to the C'iB o'r geogra(hy tea&her wo'ld gi-e 's a (riBe + If yo' (ro%ise not to wear those worn o't *eans yo' &an &o%e with %e to the tele-ision st'dio @longA "o' &an &o%e with %e to the tele-ision st'dio those worn o't *eans . If no one else tele(hones, I<ll )e ready in a &o'(le of %in'tes @longA I<ll )e ready in a &o'(le of %in'tes tele(hones

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