Adv Control & Robotic Lec1b

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METR4202/7202 – Control Theory

Lecture 1

Frequency Response Techniques

Chapter 10 Nise
METR4202/7202 – Advanced Control & Robotics, Semester 2, 2006. Page: 1

(10.1 – 10.6)

G. Hovland


Prerequisite Material from METR3200

1. Modelling in the Frequency Domain

2. The Laplace Transform

Good reference sources for this material are:

METR4202/7202 – Advanced Control & Robotics, Semester 2, 2006. Page: 2

• Chapter 2 Nise

• Study Guide No. 2 from METR3200
Why Frequency Response Techniques?

• Can easily determine models from data

Frequency response techniques more effective in the laboratory
than root-locus

• Frequency in = Frequency out for linear models

Hence, model fully described by amplitudes and phase angles
METR4202/7202 – Advanced Control & Robotics, Semester 2, 2006. Page: 3

• Graphical analysis
very elegant

Asymptotic Approximations

Sinusoidal Frequency Response

Figure 10.2

a. system;
b. transfer
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c. input and
Frequency Response Definitions

M o ( w)∠φo ( w) = M i ( w) M ( w)∠[φi ( w) + φ ( w)]

Measured Outputs Inputs The System’s

Frequency Response
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M o ( w)
M ( w) = Gain
M i ( w)
φ ( w) = φo ( w) − φi ( w) Phase

Example Magnitude Response

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Frequency Response ⇔ Transfer Function

We will now prove the relation between the

frequency response and the transfer function.

If you understand the proof, you are doing well!

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For practical use, it will suffice to remember the

final result.
s → jω

Proof Page 1

r (t ) = A cos( wt ) + B sin( wt )
= A2 + B 2 cos[ wt − tan −1 ( B / A)]
= M i ∠ − φi Phasor Representation
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= A + jB Rectangular Form

= M i e − jφi Euler’s Formula

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= 2

Proof Page 3
Proof Page 2

s +w 2
+ 2
s + w2
L[ A cos( wt ) + B sin( wt )]
Laplace transform of sinusoids (Table 2.1 Nise):
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End Result (You Need to Remember This!)

c(t ) = M i M G cos( wt + φi + φG )
In Phasor Form:

M o∠φo = ( M i ∠φi )( M G ∠φG )

From Eq. (10.7) and (10.8) we have:
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M G ∠φG = G ( jw) !!!!!!!!

End Result:

Frequency Response = G(jw) = G(s) | s→ jw

Frequency Response Plots (Bode)

Figure 10.4
plots for G(s) =
METR4202/7202 – Advanced Control & Robotics, Semester 2, 2006. Page: 13

1/(s + 2):
and phase

In Matlab type: bode(1,[1 2])

Frequency Response Plots (Polar)

Figure 10.5
Frequency response
plots for G(s)
= 1/(s + 2): polar plot
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Class Exercise

Find the analytical frequency response of

G(s) = 1 / ( s + 2 )

Answer on the whiteboard

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Asymptotic Approximations (10.2)

Consider the following transfer function:

The magnitude frequency response:

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Below you see the main reason why Bode plots are logarithmic:
Bode plots of (s+a) = a (s/a + 1)

Figure 10.6

a. magnitude
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b. phase plot.

Frequency Response of (s+a)

G ( jw) = ( jw + a ) = a j +1
a Angle zero
At low frequencies (w → 0): G(jw) ≈ a

The magnitude response in dB is: 20 log | G(jw) | = 20 log a

Angle 90
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At high frequencies where w >> a: G(jw) ≈ jw = w∠90o

The magnitude response in dB is: 20 log | G(jw) | = 20 log w

Hence, 20dB per decade

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In Matlab type: bode([1 a],1)

Asymptotic and Actual Phase for (s+a)

Asymptotic and Actual Magnitude for (s+a)
Common Asymptotes

Figure 10.9
Normalised and
Bode plots for
a. G(s) = s;
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b. G(s) = 1/s;
c. G(s) = (s + a);
d. G(s) = 1/(s + a)

Example 10.2

Draw the open-loop asymptotic bode plot for the system below,

where G(s) = K (s+3) / [ s (s+1) (s+2) ]

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What is the corresponding Matlab function call?

Second-Order Asymptotes

Figure 10.13
Bode asymptotes
for normalised
and scaled G(s) =
METR4202/7202 – Advanced Control & Robotics, Semester 2, 2006. Page: 23

s2 + 2ζω

a. magnitude;
b. phase

Second-Order Asymptotes
s2 s
G ( s ) = s + 2ςwn s + w = w
2 2
n 2
+ 2ς +1
wn wn

Damping factor Resonance (natural)

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At low frequencies: G(s) ≈ wn2 = wn2∠0o

At high frequencies: G(s) ≈ s2, hence G(jw) ≈ -w2 = w2∠180o
The log-magnitude is: 20 log | G(jw) | = 20 log w2 = 40 log w
(Disappears at w=wn)
Phase at resonance frequency:
G ( jw) = s 2 + 2ςwn s + wn2 |s→ jw = ( wn − w2 ) + j 2ςwn w

Corrections to Second-Order Magnitude Plot
M= (w n
− w2 + (2ςwn w )
2 2 In Matlab:
wn=1; rho=0.1;
2ςwn w w=logspace(-1,1);
φ = tan −1 M=sqrt((wn^2 - w.^2).^2 + (2*rho*wn.*w).^2);
wn − w2
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Corrections to Second-Order Phase Plot

In Matlab:
Scaled phase wn=1; rho=0.1;
response for phi=atan2(2*rho*wn*w,wn^2-w.^2);
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response for
Figure 10.16

Figure 10.17
Second-Order Pole

Scaled phase response for

Normalised and scaled log magnitude

Second-Order Pole Phase Plot

METR4202/7202 – Advanced Control & Robotics, Semester 2, 2006. Page: 29 Example: Elasticity in Gearbox

Gearbox Model

J mθ m + D (θ m − θ a ) + K (θ m − θ a ) = τ Newton’s
2nd law
J aθ a + D (θ a − θ m ) + K (θ a − θ m ) = 0

Important to remember: the Laplace number s models a time-derivative

J m s 2θ m + Ds (θ m − θ a ) + K (θ m − θ a ) = τ
METR4202/7202 – Advanced Control & Robotics, Semester 2, 2006. Page: 30

J a s 2θ a + Ds (θ a − θ m ) + K (θ a − θ m ) = 0
2nd order zero

Ja 2 D
θm 1 s + s +1 2nd order pole
( s) = 2 K K
τ s ( J m + J a ) J m J a s2 + D s + 1
Jm + Ja K
Data Collection and Model Matching

(from poles)
METR4202/7202 – Advanced Control & Robotics, Semester 2, 2006. Page: 31

Dots are sinusoidal

measurements from lab

(from zeros)

Estimated Parameters

(Solid frequency response

in graph)

Summary So Far
We can find the analytical frequency response (s→jw)

We can quickly draw asymptotic approximations of bode

plots, both for 1st and 2nd order poles and zeros

The beauty of logarithmic plots is the fact that

METR4202/7202 – Advanced Control & Robotics, Semester 2, 2006. Page: 32

asymptotes can be added

If poles/zeros are scaled (s/a + 1), then the initial

amplitude stays at 0 Decibel

We can estimate system parameters by matching the

analytical Bode plots with measured data
METR4202/7202 – Advanced Control & Robotics, Semester 2, 2006. Page: 33
Stability: First Requirement of a Control System

Introduction to the Nyquist Criterion (10.3)

The Nyquist criterion relates stability of a closed-loop system

to the open-loop frequency response and the open-loop pole


Open-loop system: G(s) H(s)

Closed-loop system: G(s) / [ 1 + G(s) H(s) ]
METR4202/7202 – Advanced Control & Robotics, Semester 2, 2006. Page: 34
Four Important Concepts

Poles of 1 + G(s) H(s) ⇔ Poles of G(s) H(s)

Zeros of 1 + G(s) H(s) ⇔ Poles of G(s) / [1 + G(s) H(s) ]

The Concept of Mapping Points

METR4202/7202 – Advanced Control & Robotics, Semester 2, 2006. Page: 35

The Concept of Mapping Contours

Poles and Zeros

N Zeros
G( s) = G
DG Poles

H ( s) = Open-Loop Transfer Function
G( s) H ( s) =
METR4202/7202 – Advanced Control & Robotics, Semester 2, 2006. Page: 36

1 + G( s) H ( s) =
G( s) N G DH
T ( s) = =
1 + G ( s ) H ( s ) DG DH + N G N H
Closed-Loop Transfer Function
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Figure 10.22
Figure 10.21

Examples of
to contour B
Mapping Points

Mapping Contours
Mapping contour A
through function F(s)
Vector Representation of Mapping
Assume mapping function F(s) = 1 + G(s) H(s)
METR4202/7202 – Advanced Control & Robotics, Semester 2, 2006. Page: 39

P equals number of poles inside contour A ( = 1 in this example)

Z equals number of zeros inside contour A ( = 2 )

N = P – Z = -1 equals number of counter-clockwise rotations

of contour B around the origin

The Nyquist Criterion


P is the number of poles inside A of 1+GH

(which also equals open-loop poles inside A)

P is known from the open-loop pole locations !

METR4202/7202 – Advanced Control & Robotics, Semester 2, 2006. Page: 40

N (the number of encirclements) can be found graphically

The zeros of 1+GH equal the poles of G / (1+GH)

Hence, Z tells us the number of closed-loop poles inside the contour A !!!
The Final Statement of the Nyquist Criterion

The number of closed-loop

poles, Z, in the right half-plane
equals the number of open-
loop poles, P, that are in the
right half-plane minus the
number of counter-clockwise
revolutions, N, around -1 of
METR4202/7202 – Advanced Control & Robotics, Semester 2, 2006. Page: 41

the mapping GH
Only if Z=0, the system is
Remember this !

Zeros of 1 + G(s) H(s) ⇔ Poles of G(s) / [1 + G(s) H(s) ]

Frequency Response
Polar Plots

Figure 10.25
Mapping examples:
a. contour does
not enclose
METR4202/7202 – Advanced Control & Robotics, Semester 2, 2006. Page: 42

closed-loop poles;
b. contour does
closed-loop poles

Class Question:
Are the closed-loop systems a,b stable or unstable?
Sketching the Nyquist Diagram (10.4)

Figure 10.26
a. Turbine and
METR4202/7202 – Advanced Control & Robotics, Semester 2, 2006. Page: 43

b. block diagram
of speed control
system for
Example 10.4

Vector Evaluation of the Nyquist Diagram

Compare the Nyquist diagram with
the Polar Plot, slide 14 !!

a. vectors on contour
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at low frequency;
b. vectors on contour
around infinity;
c. Nyquist diagram

Class Question:
Is the closed-loop system stable?
Matlab Exercise: Try this yourself!
n=500; %Nominator
d=conv([1 10],[1 3]);
d=conv(d,[1 1]); %Denominator

G=tf(n,d); %Transfer function

nyquist(G); %Draw Nyquist diagram
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Detour Around Open-Loop Poles

a. poles on contour;
b. detour right;
c. detour left
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Example 10.5

a. Contour for G(s) = (s+2) / s2

b. Nyquist diagram
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Stability via the Nyquist Diagram (10.5)

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a. system;
b. contour; Self-Study: Use Matlab function nyquist iteratively
c. Nyquist diagram
to find the value of K where system goes unstable !!
Example 10.6

G( s) =
s( s + 3)( s + 5)
− 8w2 − j (15w − w3 )
a. Contour G ( jw) |K =1 =
64 w4 + w2 (15 − w2 )2
b. Nyquist diagram
G ( j 0+ ) |K =1 = −0.0356 − j∞
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Stability via Mapping only Positive jw-Axis

Figure 10.32
a. Contour and root locus of system that
is stable for small gain and unstable for large gain;
b. Nyquist diagram
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System is stable if open-loop magnitude is less than 1 at that frequency where phase is -180o
Example 10.7
K Double-check
G( s) = 2
( s + 2 s + 2)( s + 2) this calculation

4 K (1 − w2 ) − jwK (6 − w2 ) yourself!
G ( jw) =
16(1 − w2 ) 2 + w2 (6 − w2 ) 2
METR4202/7202 – Advanced Control & Robotics, Semester 2, 2006. Page: 51

Class Questions (use only positive jw axis):

a) Find the range of gain for stability and instability

b) For marginal stability find the radian frequency of oscillation

Example 10.7 - Solution

METR4202/7202 – Advanced Control & Robotics, Semester 2, 2006. Page: 52

G( s) =
( s 2 + 2 s + 2)( s + 2)
4(1 − w2 ) − jw(6 − w2 )
G ( jw) =
16(1 − w2 ) 2 + w2 (6 − w2 ) 2
Stabilisation of Unstable System

a. Contour and root locus of system that is unstable for small gain
and stable for large gain;
b. Nyquist diagram
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System is stable if open-loop magnitude is larger than 1 at that frequency where phase is -180o

Gain and Phase Margin via Nyquist (10.6)

Figure 10.35
Nyquist diagram
showing gain
and phase
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Matlab Example

n=500; %Nominator
d=conv([1 10],[1 3]);
d=conv(d,[1 1]); %Denominator

G=tf(n,d); %Transfer function

nyquist(G); %Draw Nyquist diagram
METR4202/7202 – Advanced Control & Robotics, Semester 2, 2006. Page: 55


Returns gain margin Gm, phase margin Pm,

frequency Wcg where phase is -180o and frequency

Wcp where gain is 1.

Summary So Far

• Contour Mappings: Clockwise and counter-clockwise

• Nyquist: Determine stability from open-loop poles and

open-loop polar plot

• Gain and Phase margins via the Nyquist plot

METR4202/7202 – Advanced Control & Robotics, Semester 2, 2006. Page: 56

• Matlab functions for Nyquist analysis

If you find this material difficult, review Nise pages 590-637

before next lecture. I am also available for individual
consultation Thursdays after the Tutorial.
Tutorials Begin Week 2

Problems P1 – P10 in Nise Chapter 10

You can hand in your answers for grading, but

the result will not count towards final grade.

Tutorials: work alone or in groups of 2.

METR4202/7202 – Advanced Control & Robotics, Semester 2, 2006. Page: 57

Use Matlab as much as possible

Computer Lab in Axon 210

Lecture 2

• Completion of Nise Chapter 10 (10.7 – 10.13)

• Try and read the material before the lecture

• If time permits, the whole Chapter 10 will be reviewed

METR4202/7202 – Advanced Control & Robotics, Semester 2, 2006. Page: 58

and a number of problems typical for the

mid-term class test will be presented and solved.

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