Digital Media I Syllabus 2013-2014

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Westwood /egional School District

Digital Media I Course Syllabus

Course Information Course Title: Digital Media I Semester: 20 weeks (S.1-September-January / S.2 January June) Teachers Work Email: jody.lazarski wwrsd.or!

"ea#$er%s &ersonal/S#$ool 'elated (mail) mrs.lazarski !mail.#om

Class Website: www wwdigitalmedia weebly com Web !ddress: www wwrsd org " #r $Sr %igh School " Staff " #ody &a'arski Course Descri(tion: "$e !oal o* t$is #ourse is to pro+ide students wit$ opportunities to utilize a +ariety o* 21 st#entury skills by en!a!in! t$em in a#ti+ities t$at will en$an#e t$eir #ommuni#ation wit$ audien#es, moti+atin! t$em to a#$ie+e and inspirin! new ideas so t$ey #an better #ommuni#ate wit$ t$e world around t$em. -dditionally, t$is #lass *o#uses $ea+ily on +ideo produ#tion skills t$at will in#orporate #ooperati+e !roupin!, plannin!, resear#$, teamwork, writin!, and +isual litera#y. .y usin! $i!$er order t$inkin! a#ti+ities, students will learn not only work et$i#, but also appli#ation o* li*e skills t$at #an translate to a real-world workin! en+ironment. Course )oals and *b+ecti,es: "$e !oal o* t$is #ourse is t$at you be#ome an a#ti+e member o* so#iety t$rou!$ te#$nolo!y by learnin! $ow to use a +ariety o* di!ital media in#ludin! web 2.0 tools, editin! pro!rams, +ideo #ameras, animated storytellin! websites, blo!s, and +ideos. "$rou!$ a +ariety o* proje#ts students are re/uired to produ#e +arious *orms o* media in bot$ small !roup and indi+idual settin!s. Students are re/uired to produ#e at least one +ideo *or t$e 0S1 2arsity 3$annel by s$ootin! and editin! a sportin! e+ent $i!$li!$t pie#e or s#$ool e+ent. Students will lea+e t$is #lass wit$ a #lear understandin! o* $ow to e4er#ise t$eir 1 st -mendment ri!$t to t$e 5reedom o* Spee#$ in order to be#ome an a#ti+e member o* t$eir s#$ool 6 #ommunity. Students will do t$is by takin! part in t$e *ollowin! assi!nments)
o o o o o o o o o -nalyzin! t$e $istory o* media -nalyzin! +arious produ#tion jobs t$at e4ist in t$e media industries &rodu#e, s$oot and edit a +ideo e+ent (sport or s#$ool) *or 0S1 2arsity.#om -nalyzin! and applyin! #opyri!$t law &it#$in! Story 7deas *or independent proje#ts 8ritin! S#ripts 9rawin! Storyboards (dit 2ideos usin! 5inal 3ut (4press and :i+e "ype 3reatin! a s#reen#ast e4plainin! $ow to use one o* t$e tools learned in t$is #lass

Te-ts. /eadings. Materials) "$ere will be no te4tbook used *or t$is #ourse. Students must get (ermission form signed by (arent$guardian t$at identi*ies t$e websites you will e4plore *or t$is #lass and our e/uipment poli#y. Students must $a+e a flash dri,e, notebook, and an email address. Students will to #reate a !-mail a##ount be#ause we will use 1oo!le 9o#s, 'eader, and 3alendar. "ests are usually !i+en online, unless ot$erwise re/uested.
Credit Breakdown: 30%-Formal Grades (Tests) 30%-Performance Based Grades (Projects/Videos) 20%-Class Participation ( ail!) 20%-"ome#or$ (%ate &or$ #ill res'lt in (rade red'ction) )00% Co'rse Grade 0ormal 1Tests 2 3ui''es45678 2 9erformance :ased )rades 19ro+ects or ;ideos45678: 1-0ost o* our /uizzes and tests will be !i+en on ;uia.#om. 7 will also use it *or a <9o =ow> -#ti+ity to laun#$ t$e lesson. 2--ny &er*orman#e .ased -ssessment, su#$ as a slides$ow or story pit#$, will $a+e an outline known as a <'ubri#> t$at will a##ompany it. ?n t$is rubri#, you will re#ei+e a #lear outline o* t$e e4pe#tations you must meet *or t$at assi!nment. Class 9artici(ation 1<678) 3lass &arti#ipation will be based on my obser+ation o* you on task, a#ti+e parti#ipation in #lass dis#ussions, #onstru#ti+e #lass #ollaboration wit$ #lassmates and dili!en#e w$en workin! on a proje#t in order to a##omplis$ t$e proje#t at $and. 7* you are on a site you don%t belon! on, you will lose #redit in t$is #ate!ory. %omework 1<678) @omework will likely be eit$er a re*le#tion or assi!nment to write in our #lass blo!. Aou may $a+e to respond to ot$er students% posts. ?t$er $omework assi!nments may re/uire you to re#all steps o* a lesson tau!$t or meanin! *or somet$in! 7%+e e4plained wit$in t$at day%s lesson, so take !ood notesB

E=IT E=!M: "$ere will be a 5inal &roje#t t$at will be an independent +ideo and will be #ounted as t$e midterm/*inal e4am *or t$is #ourse.

Course *utline of To(ics$E-(ected Time 0rame 1<6 week cycle$>? minute class (eriod8
&esson 3lass Syllabus / Student 3ontra#t 'e+iew, 3lass 'ules, (/uipment Cse &oli#y, 8ebsite 7ntrodu#tions and ?+erall 3lass (4pe#tations. @istory o* "ele+ision 63urrent / 5uture o* 9i!ital 0edia -nalyze &rodu#tion Jobs-bo+e/.elow t$e :ine "2 #rew positions 7ntrodu#tion to usin! a 0-3, 5inal 3ut (4press, *ile types, editin! terms and appli#ations -ll -bout 0e ?+er+iew 6 S#$ool/Sport (+ent 1roup 3o+era!e .ooked !ssessments during this month will include: @ew Skill /einforced "$e *irst week o* t$e #ourse students will set rules *or t$e #lassroom and analyze our (/uipment Cse &oli#ies. Students will learn w$at t$eir e4pe#tations are *or outside proje#ts and understand my e4pe#tations *or use o* 0a#s, #ameras, 6 $omework. 8e will spend a lot o* time e4plorin! t$e +arious tools we will use readily in #lass. "$e se#ond week o* t$is #ourse will be spent learnin! about t$e $istory o* media, wit$ a *o#us more spe#i*i#ally to t$e tele+ision. 8e will #reate a playable timeline usin! ourstory.#om and will e4plore *uture aspe#ts o* di!ital media, su#$ as news websites, .lo!!er, Dtranormal, &rezi%s, S#$ooltube, and will dis#ussion t$e importan#e o* responsible di!ital networkin!. 8e will also dis#uss and analyze t$e #urrent state o* media #ompanies and tele+ision networks as a result o* t$e !rowt$ o* t$e 7nternet. "$e t$ird week o* t$is #ourse will be spent learnin! t$e +arious appli#ations and *ile types w$en +arious editin! pro!rams. Students will learn $ow to import/e4port, add transitions and musi# usin! t$ese pro!rams. Students will do t$is by #reatin! a proje#t about t$eir *amily usin! p$otos and/or +ideos set to musi# #alled an <-ll -bout 0e.> "$e *ourt$ week o* t$is #ourse rein*or#es ways to use t$e appli#ations t$ey%+e learned in anti#ipation *or ne4t mont$%s proje#ts. Students must apply t$e terms and #on#epts tau!$t by startin! to #olle#t p$oto or +ideo *iles *or a *uture proje#t, t$e <-ll -bout 0e.> Students will also be re/uired to book a date to #o+er a s#$ool or sportin! e+ent *or 0S1 2arsity and will edit it at a later date. 4%istory of Media 3ui' on 3uia com 4Credit Scroll 9resentation of 9roduction #obs 4Anderstanding :usiness of Digital Media and T; 3ui' on 3uia com 4Editing ;ocabulary 3ui' on 3uia com "$e *irst week o* t$is mont$%s #ourse will be spent analyzin! +arious aspe#ts o* #opyri!$t law in t$e di!ital media realm and #ompre$endin! $ow media et$i#s play a role in t$e pro#ess o* !at$erin! and trans#endin! in*ormation. "$e se#ond week o* t$is mont$%s #ourse learnin! $ow to pit#$ +arious ideas *or produ#tions. Students will understand t$e +arious #omponents t$at must be in#luded in a <pit#$> in order *or a produ#tion to *ully be!in. 7n t$e t$ird and *ourt$ week o* t$is mont$%s #ourse students will learn and apply +arious s$ot types and #amera mo+ements. Students will learn t$e setup o* inter+iews and purpose o* E-point li!$tin!. Students will in#orporate t$is in*ormation into t$eir produ#tions. 4Co(yright &aw 3ui' on 3uia com 4Shot Ty(es 3ui'. Mo,ement 3ui'. and &ighting 3ui' on 3uia com 4Scri(t Due 10ormal Written84details to follow 49erformance :ased !ssessment for 0inal Cut E-(ress 4MS) ;arsity )rou( ;ideo DAE 7n t$e *irst week o* t$is mont$%s #ourse, students will learn t$e +arious ways to #reate a #$ara#ter and de+elop a s#ene. Students will learn $ow to write bot$ a narrati+e and a 2 #olumn s#ript w$ile in#orporatin! a story ar#. .y t$e se#ond week, students s$ould $a+e already #olle#ted p$otos or +ideo #lips t$ey will edit into t$eir <-ll -bout 0e> +ideo. .y #reatin! t$is +ideo, students will learn $ow to add .-roll, musi#, transitions, mo+es, and titles to a +ideo produ#tion. E-(ected Time 0rame

Sept / 5eb

3opyri!$t :aw

?#t / 0ar#$

&it#$in! Story 7deas

Cnderstandin! S$ot "ypes, S$ot 3ompositions, 3amera 0o+es -nd E point :i!$tin! !ssessments during this month will include:

8ritin! S#ripts-2 #olumn 6 =arrati+e Styles (ditin! "e#$ni/ues and "ools 3reatin! a 2ideo &a#ka!e- usin! .roll, S?"s, 2oi#e ?+ers, 0usi#, "itles, "ransitions, and ot$er 5inal 3ut (4press "ools 3onstru#ti+e 3riti#ism and &eer (+aluation/5eedba#k ?n 3amera "e#$ni/ues) (ye 3onta#t / -rti#ulation / &lay by &lay #ommentary / 7nter+iewin! "e#$ni/ues / 5ield &rodu#tion "eamwork.

=o+ /-pril

"$e t$ird week will be!in presentations in #lass o* student <-ll -bout 0e> proje#ts. "$e *ourt$ week will *o#us on some ?n-3amera "e#$ni/ues *or students s$ootin! in 1roups *or 0S1 2arsity S#$ool/Sport (+ent 3o+era!e. Students will pra#ti#e t$e use o* !ood eye #onta#t, posture, speakin! skills and interest in t$e subje#t matter and will e+aluate a re#orded inter+iew e4#$an!e between t$eir #lassmates *or re+iew and #onstru#ti+e #riti#ism, and more importantlyF on #amera pra#ti#e. Students must per*orm te#$ni/ues tau!$t in !roups. !ssessments during this month will include: 1. S#ript (2 #olumn / narrati+e) 2. (ditin! "erms ;uiz E. -ll -bout 0e 2ideo &roje#t G. &eer (+aluation-?n 3amera "e#$ni/ues 9urin! t$e *irst week o* t$is mont$, students be asked to storyboard a s#ript and #reate a di!ital storyboard usin! readwritet$ink.or!%s online storyboardin! *eature to better

5un#tions o* Storyboards

understand #on#epts o*)

1-&urpose/Se/uen#in!-0at#$in! S#ripts 2--ppli#ation o* storyboards) 8$en 6 @ow are t$ey usedH E-2isual 'epresentation o* S#ripts *or #amera purposes

9e# /0ay

&urpose o* &S-s

9urin! t$e se#ond week o* t$e #ourse, students will identi*y w$at a &S- is and #reate a &S- s#ript based on a parti#ular topi# t$at is !eared to edu#ate, in*orm or persuade t$e audien#e to take a#tion on t$e topi#. Students will s$oot and edit a &S- +ideo.

9i!ital 0edia "ools

9urin! t$e t$ird week o* t$is #ourse, students will dis#uss $ow t$ey #an be#ome a#ti+e members o* so#iety by usin! di!ital media tools)
1-3reation o* .lo! (usin! 8ordpress or .lo!spot)

2-3reation o* 8ebsites (8eebly) 3- How to share Video (Discussion about Embedding, Schooltube, Youtube and Vimeo) !ssessments during this month will include: B Creation of a Storyboard < Com(leted 9S! ;ideo 5 Creation of a :log ? Creation of a Website 4MS) ;arsity )rou( Deli,erable DAE 1B (er grou( (er week8 9urin! t$e *irst week o* t$is #ourse we will e4plore t$e *uture o* 9i!ital 0edia-1oo!le "2, 'SS 5((9S, 1oo!le 'eader / S$ared 9o#uments and brie*ly dis#uss w$at =in!s are (we will not join or #reate a =in!). 9urin! t$e se#ond week o* t$is #ourse, we will analyze w$et$er or not we belie+e lar!er media #ompanies will #ontinue to e4ist by e4aminin! #urrent)
-=etwork/:o#als -Syner!y -3on!lomerates -'atin!s/S$ares

'SS 5((9S/ 1??1:( 9?3S 9i!ital 0edia =etworks .usiness o* "2 and e+olution to 9i!ital 0edia

Jan / June

(4am 6 3ourse 3on#lusion) 3reation o* an independent +ideo proje#t t$at en#ompasses t$e #amera, editin!, +ideo produ#tion, and di!ital media skills learned in t$e #lass.

9urin! t$e t$ird week o* t$e #ourse, students #reate online port*olios and #an be!in editin! t$eir e4am +ideo i* t$ey%+e s$ot *oota!e. Midterm$0inal E-am: Students will be re/uired to #reate a +ideo about a topi# *rom a sele#tion o* I !enres t$at demonstrates t$e skills t$ey learned in #lass in#ludin! #amera use, editin! te#$ni/ues, !rap$i# de+elopment, produ#tion te#$ni#al skills, and di!ital media s$arin!. !ssessments during this month will include: B4 Student 9ortfolio Midterm$0inal E-am Inde(endent ;ideo 9ro+ect

'C:(S and 3?=S(;C(=3(S) /ule CB4:e on time and come (re(ared with @otebook$#ournal. Thumb Dri,e. Writing Atensil and %omework 3onse/uen#e- &oint dedu#tions *rom 3lass &arti#ipation 6 @omework as well as a p$one #all $ome. /ule C<4:e /es(ectful to one another. the teacher and to the eDui(ment 1!:S*&ATE&E @* E!TI@)$D/I@FI@) !&&*WED8 3onse/uen#e- &oint dedu#tions *rom !rades/#all $ome/*inan#ial reper#ussions /ule C54!ny missed assignment must be submitted within one week. 7t is your responsibility to *ind out w$at you missed i* absent. 3onse/uen#e-&oint dedu#tions, #all $ome, and parents meetin!. /ule C?4 There is @* :athroom 9ass gi,en during the first > minutes and last > minutes of our class 3onse/uen#e- Aou will be told =? unless it is an absolute emer!en#y /ule C>4Do @ot go on websites that ha,e @*T%I@) to do with the task at hand E*A must be on T!SF at all times 3onse/uen#e-7 will en*or#e t$e 3ode o* 3ondu#t, will #all $ome and send you to t$e -ssistant &rin#ipal i* needed.

Internet Use Acknowledgement and Release Form 9ear &arents, .y si!nin! t$is do#ument, you are $ereby allowin! your #$ild to e4plore t$e +arious websites listed below in t$e 9i!ital 0edia #ourse. &lease re+iew t$e #ourse syllabus abo+e and do not $esitate to #onta#t me i* you $a+e any /uestions or #on#erns re!ardin! any o* t$ese sites or $ow t$ey will be used wit$in t$e #lassroom settin!. 7n order to prote#t your #$ild%s identity please emp$asize t$at t$ey s$ould ne+er use t$eir *ull name w$en postin!, but instead s$ould use *irst initial, last name or an abbre+iation t$at 7 #an de#ip$er, su#$ as (jlazarski, lazarskij, or 2ndperlazarski). -lso, t$ey s$ould ne+er dis#lose any personal in*ormation su#$ as a p$one number or $ome address. 7n addition to a##ess to t$ese sites, your #$ild will need a +alid email address *or t$is #ourse to send do#uments as well as to lo!in to ;uia.#om and S#$ooltube.#om. 1. www.S#$ooltube.#om ("$is is a plat*orm similar to Aoutube, e4#ept all #ontent is s#$ool based and monitored by a tea#$er-moderator at +arious s#$ools.) 2. Aoutube (?ur s#$ool now $as an <(du#ation 5ilter> and t$ere*ore students are only able to a##ess +ideos wit$ appropriate #ontent. 7 use youtube as a tea#$in! tool, *or some s$ort #lips 6 spe#i*i# lessons and i* 7 do 7 usually play it at my #omputer. &lease understand students are not permitted to randomly <sear#$> on youtube wit$in my #lass.) E. 1oo!le 9o#s ("$is is an appli#ation t$at allows do#ument s$arin! usin! an email lo!in) G. www.&rezi.#om ("$is is a website t$at allows you to #reate your own presentation. Students are able to see ot$er presentations #reated, so please monitor). I. www.;uia.#om ("$is is a website 7 will use to $ost our /uizzes, tests, pra#ti#e a#ti+ities and do now /uestions). J. www.0S12arsity.#om ("$is is a website 7 will re*er our students to w$en produ#in! t$eir 0S1 +ideo) K. www.3yber#olle!e.#om ("$is is a website *or media et$i#s studies t$at 7 will re*er students to *or readin! assi!nments). L. =ews Sites) Aa$oo=ewsM 1oo!le =ewsM -& =ewsM -.3.#om, 3==.#om, 0S=.3.#om , =.3.#om ("$is will be used to resear#$ news arti#les and #urrent internet journalism.) N. www.mandy.#om (- 0edia Job Sear#$in! 8ebsite) 10. www.mediabistro.#om (a media /publis$in! job sear#$in! website) 11. $ttp)//auda#ity.sour#e*or! (-n -udio/&od#ast re#ordin! website) 12. www.4tranormal.#om (an a+atar animation s#riptin! website) 1E. Class Website: www wwdigitalmedia weebly com (:astly, o* #ourse is my website) "$ank you, 0rs. Jody :azarski 9i!ital 0edia "ea#$er -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 $ereby !rant permission *or my #$ild, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, to e4plore t$e abo+e mentioned websites wit$in t$e #lassroom settin! o* t$e 9i!ital 0edia #ourse. =ame (Si!nature))OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 9ate)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Student Waiver-Videotaping o Sc!ool "vents or Film Clu# and "$uipment Use %olic&
(3$ild%s =ame)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO $as my (our) permission to parti#ipate in all 8estwood 'e!ional S#$ool 9istri#t e+ents t$rou!$out t$e s#$ool year in w$i#$ $e/s$e will be +ideotapin! *or eit$er t$e 2ideo/5ilm 3lub or t$e 9i!ital 0edia 3ourse o* w$i#$ $e/s$e is a member/student. "$ese e+ents may in#lude +ideotapin! any 8estwood 'e!ional e+ents eit$er a*ter s#$ool/#lassroom $ours, at +arious *ields, a*ter s#$ool $ours, on weekends eit$er at 8estwood 'e!ional Jr./Sr. @i!$ S#$ool or at anot$er s#$ool without my direct su(er,ision. Students w$o attend +ideo s$oots are doin! so in a manner similar to any ot$er $omework assi!nment t$at would re/uire t$e student to resear#$ at an o** site lo#ation. 7t is an essential part o* t$e learnin! pro#ess *or +ideo produ#tion t$at students #an work independently *rom my super+ision and still apply t$e te#$ni/ues tau!$t in #lass, work wit$in a #rew o* peers and #ollaborate in a way t$at meets t$e needs o* t$e s#ript, or e+ent $i!$li!$ts. Students may also parti#ipate in e+ents takin! pla#e at t$e 83"2 studio in t$e "wp o* 8as$in!ton wit$out my dire#t super+ision. 3o+era!e o* e+ents *or t$is #lass or #lub, and eit$er *or 83"2 or 88'S9, may take pla#e independent o* my dire#t super+ision. Students will $a+e a s#$eduled &rodu#tion 0eetin! time wit$ t$e -d+isor/"ea#$er prior to lea+in! wit$ e/uipment, w$ere t$e ad+isor will re+iew roles and responsibilities o* t$e s$oot, but t$e student will be responsible to work independently or wit$in $is/$er !roup *or t$e remainder o* t$e s$ootin! time at a parti#ular e+ent. The student must also immediately re(ort any loss or damage done to any (iece of eDui(ment while within his$her (ossession within <? hours to an administrator or the ad,isor If a loss$damage goes unre(orted. the student may be held res(onsible for re(lacing the eDui(ment to the school at the e-(ense of the (arent$guardian "$e undersi!ned parent or !uardian assumes all risk and liability in #onne#tion wit$ t$e student%s parti#ipation in any and all o* t$e 8estwood 'e!ional S#$ool 9istri#t sponsored e+ents t$at re/uire a 5ilm 3lub or 9i!ital 0edia student to #o+er/+ideotape t$at e+ent. I 1we8 hereby release. discharge and hold harmless the Westwood /egional School District. its officers. em(loyees and agents from all liability. claims. or demands for any damage. loss or in+ury to the student. the students (ro(erty or (arents (ro(erty in connection with (artici(ation in these acti,ities I do hereby certify that my student will be held res(onsible for (ro(erly re(orting any issue with regard to the eDui(ment he$she is using. and failing to do so may result in re(air or re(lacement of the eDui(ment at my cost 7 do $ereby #erti*y t$at to t$e best o* my (our) knowled!e my (our) #$ild is in !ood $ealt$ and is *ully able to parti#ipate in t$ese a#ti+ities. 7n #ase o* a##ident or illness, permission is !ranted *or emer!en#y treatment to be administered. 7t is *urt$er understood and a!reed t$at t$e undersi!ned will assume *ull responsibility *or any su#$ a#tion, in#ludin! payment o* medi#al #osts. 7 (we) $ereby ad+ise t$at t$e abo+e named minor $as $ad t$e *ollowin! aller!ies, medi#al rea#tions or unusual p$ysi#al #ondition w$i#$ s$ould be made known to a treatin! p$ysi#ian. P75 -=A &-'(=" 8?C:9 :7Q( "? 97S3CSS, &:(-S( 3?="-3" 0( 97'(3":A 2ia (mailP 'ate:((((((((( %arent)*uardian Signature:(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Student Signature:(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Student %rinted +ame: ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

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