December 19, 2013 MASD School Board Meeting Minutes

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-01223 42567 !889:;<
#808=>86 ?@A BC?D EFCG HI=I
!8=>86K :; 5998;75;08 L868F Mlke Corradl, newLon uavls, Cordon Llnhorn, 1erry Cllman,
8arbara Layne, amela rlce and Mlchael 8lchards.

!8=>86K ;29 :; 5998;75;08 L868F Melvln lager, uavld !ohn.

-95MMNOP>3:0 :; 5998;75;08 L868F ur. Lorl Suskl, SuperlnLendenL of Schools, ChrlsLlne
MosLoller, AsslsLanL Lo Lhe SuperlnLendenL for Currlculum, lnsLrucLlon, and AssessmenL,
uavld lranklln, AsslsLanL Lo Lhe SuperlnLendenL for llnance and CperaLlons/8oard
SecreLary, !ody Zorbaugh, CommunlcaLlons SpeclallsL/8ecordlng SecreLary, !osh 8leecher,
CompuLer 1echnlclan, 8lll Melser, ulrecLor of CperaLlons, Marle urazenovlch, ulrecLor of
SLudenL Servlces, Peldl Zula, ulrecLor of Puman 8esources, !eremy klng, Plgh School
AsslsLanL rlnclpal and ALhleLlc ulrecLor, Terri ONeil, Brian Keyser, Michelle Myers, !usLlne
Shlppllng, ulsLrlcL rofesslonal SLaff, uavld, Shendy and urlce 8aha[ak, Anna Mordan,
Megan MarLz, Abby ?ohn, karlee uelbler, ablo and Sonla Crellana, ablo Crellana, !r., vern
and !oAnn Shlpkowskl, Mark and kaLhy Shlpkowskl, !esslca Shlpkowskl, Alex Mosher, 8ob,
aula and !osh Alcock, !ohn onneLL, Sr., !ohn onneLL, !r., 8lalne, !ulle and CarreLL ueyle,
!lm, uenlse and Pope uehnerL, valerle, Arlanna and Camryn Shank, !eremy and SLacey
lrosL, ChrlsLlan 8oberLs, lnLeresLed SLudenLs and ClLlzens, MaLL Wlldasln and !eremy
Medernach, 8oyer & 8lLLer, CAs, and hyllls Zlmmerman, 8eporLer.

.533 92 '6786 Ms. Layne called Lhe meeLlng Lo order and asked Lhose presenL Lo
parLlclpaLe ln Lhe ledge of Alleglance and a momenL of sllenL

Ms. Layne reporLed LhaL Lhe school board meL ln LxecuLlve Sesslon
prlor Lo Lhe board meeLlng aL 6:30 p.m. Lo dlscuss personnel maLLers
and no acLlon was Laken.
,233 .533 Ms. Layne asked Lhe SecreLary, uavld lranklln, Lo call Lhe roll. A
quorum was presenL as noLed above. uavld !ohn was absenL due Lo
!"#$%&'(#)%" %+
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-9P78;9 .2==8;9K -9P78;9 .2P;0:3F ur. Suskl lnLroduced karlee uelbler and Abby ?ohn.
1he sLudenLs reporLed on Lhe acLlvlLles of SLudenL Councll.

Q8R .3P>F ur. Suskl lnLroduced urlce 8aha[ak and Megan MarLz. 1he
sLudenLs reporLed on Lhe acLlvlLles of key Club.
,802<;:9:2;K ur. Suskl lnLroduced Lhe luLure 8uslness Leaders of Amerlca advlsor,
Mrs. Mlchelle Myers. Mrs. Myers recognlzed Lhe 8eglon 13 Leadershlp
Conference Wlnners !osh Alcock, CharlLy Cooper, !ohn onneLL,
Mlchael 8rlnLon, CarreLL ueyle, 8randon Parper, urlce 8aha[ak, Pope
uehnerL, Ashley 8oyer, Camryn Shank, Anlna-Marle MarLln, Alexander
Mosher and ChrlsLlan 8oberLs. Alex Mosher spoke on behalf of Lhe
club. Mrs. Myers noted that Middletowns club is one of twelve in the
region. Mrs. Myers said that 13 of the clubs 15 members quallfled for
Lhe reglonal conference and Lhey wlll parLlclpaLe wlLh 300 oLher
sLudenLs. Mrs. Myers sald sLudenLs wlll flnd ouL aL Lhe reglonal level lf
Lhey quallfy for Lhe sLaLe conference. Mrs. Myers sald LhaL Lhe
organlzaLlon emphaslzes servlce and noLed LhaL l8LAs statewide goal
ls Lo ralse $30,000.

ur. Suskl lnLroduced ablo Crellana and !esslca Shlpkowskl as Lhe
SLudenLs of Lhe MonLh for uecember. ablo Crellana selecLed Mr. 8rlan
keyser as Lhe educaLor who mosL lnfluenced hls school career and
!esslca Shlpkowskl selecLed Mrs. Terri ONeil as Lhe educaLor who mosL
lnfluenced her school career. 1he sLudenLs and educaLors came
forward Lo be congraLulaLed by Lhe 8oard members.
Mrs. Terri ONeil, MAHS Health and Physical Education Teacher and
ueparLmenL Chalr was congraLulaLed by Lhe board for belng Lhe flrsL
MASu Leacher Lo achleve naLlonal 8oard CerLlflcaLlon. ur. Suskl
explalned Lhe cerLlflcaLlon and how lL ls achleved.
O68K8;959:2;K MaLL Wlldasln from 8oyer & 8lLLer, CAs revlewed the Districts 2012-
2013 audlLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs. Mr. Wildasin discussed the schools
funds LhaL are lncluded ln Lhe reporL. Mr. Wlldasln sald LhaL 8oyer &
Ritters job is to state whether the financial statements are fairly
presenLed. Mr. Wlldasln noLed LhaL Lhe ulsLrlcL recelved an unquallfled
oplnlon and Lhere were no flndlngs or lnLernal conLrol weaknesses. Mr.
Wildasin said that the Managements Discussion & Analysis section was
wrlLLen by Mr. lranklln and LhaL lL provldes a nlce overvlew of Lhe
flnanclal sLaLemenLs. Mr. Wlldasln sald LhaL Lhe 1lLle l program was Lhe
federal program audlLed Lhls year and LhaL lL also had no flndlngs. Mr.
Wlldasln dlscussed Lhe fuLure lmplemenLaLlon of SLaLemenL 68 LhaL wlll
requlre Lhe accounLlng for Lhe unfunded porLlon of Lhe ennsylvanla
School Employees Retirement System liability.

OP>3:0 .2==8;9 no one came forward aL Lhls Llme.
Secretarys Report
!:;P98K Mr. 8lchards moved and Ms. rlce seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe
mlnuLes of Lhe november 23, 2013 School 8oard MeeLlng and Lhe
uecember 3, 2013 School 8oard CrganlzaLlon MeeLlng. 1he voLe Lo
approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0.
.2==P;:059:2;K Mr. lranklln sald Lhe 8oard CommlLLee Calendar for !anuary 2014 was
aLLached Lo Lhe agenda and LhaL changes Lo prevlously scheduled
nlghLs and Llmes were ln red.
Treasurers Report Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. Cllman seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe
Treasurers Report for november 2013. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe
moLlon was 7 Lo 0. 34-- 5##1(67-"#8
4:33 $:K9K Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. 8lchards seconded a moLlon Lo approve
Lhe S$:K9 2M O5:7 4:33KS wlLh LoLals by fund, as deLalled. 1he voLe Lo
approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0. 34-- 5##1(67-"#8
lund 10 - Ceneral lund $283,712.49
lund 32 - CaplLal 8eserve lund $31,993.34
lund 39 - CaplLal ro[ecLs lund $0
lund 31 - lood Servlce lund $602.23
lund 39 - WMSS 8adlo SLaLlon lund $39.36
lund 72 - Lxpendable 1rusL lund $0
lund 74 - nonexpendable 1rusL lund $0
lund 81 - SLudenL AcLlvlLles lund $3,013.23

Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. 8lchards seconded a moLlon Lo approve
Lhe S$:K9 2M J;H5:7 4:33KS wlLh LoLals by fund, as deLalled. 1he voLe Lo
approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0. 34-- 5##1(67-"#8

lund 10 - Ceneral lund $621,099.44
lund 32 - CaplLal 8eserve lund $174,212.11
lund 39 - CaplLal ro[ecLs lund $0
lund 31 - lood Servlce lund $103,176.73
lund 39 - WMSS 8adlo SLaLlon lund $2,684.37
lund 72 - Lxpendable 1rusL lund $0
lund 74 - nonexpendable 1rusL lund $300.00
lund 81 - SLudenL AcLlvlLles lund $12,913.89
'37 4PK:;8KK none
5(1&-7)( 5++1)$0 Ms. rlce reporLed for Lhe Academlc Affalrs CommlLLee.

9%77)##-- :-;%$#


T:837 &6:HK

-01223 .538;756
1he MlnuLes from Lhe uecember 10, 2013 Academlc Affalrs CommlLLee
MeeLlng were made avallable as an lnformaLlon lLem.

Ms. rlce moved and Mr. uavls seconded a moLlon Lo approve an
agreemenL beLween MlddleLown Area Plgh School and Lhe
ennsylvanla ueparLmenL of Ceneral Servlces for use of 1he lorum for
commencemenL ceremonles on !une 4, 2014 aL a cosL of $630.00. 1he
voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0.

Ms. rlce moved and Mr. Cllman seconded a moLlon Lo approve a fleld
Lrlp for 3Lh grade sLudenLs Lo hlladelphla on May 14, 2014 aL no cosL
Lo Lhe ulsLrlcL. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0.

Ms. rlce moved and Mr. 8lchards seconded a moLlon Lo approve an
open campus envlronmenL for mld-Lerm examlnaLlon admlnlsLraLlon aL
Lhe hlgh school on !anuary 17, 20 and 21, 2014. 1he voLe Lo approve
Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0.
2-$0%""-< 9%77)##--
Mr. Llnhorn reporLed for Lhe ersonnel CommlLLee.

$85U8 2M +>K8;08
1he MlnuLes from Lhe uecember 10, 2013 ersonnel CommlLLee
MeeLlng were made avallable as an lnformaLlon lLem.

Mr. Llnhorn moved and Ms. rlce seconded a moLlon Lo approve
kaLherlne MarLln, 1eacher, for leave wlLhouL pay from Aprll 8, 2014
Lhrough Aprll 16, 2014 (6.3 school days). 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe
moLlon was 0 Lo 7 and Ms. Martins leave requesL was denled.
9%77)##-- :-;%$#
Mr. 8lchards reporLed for Lhe CperaLlons CommlLLee.

JK8 2M T50:3:9:8K


1he MlnuLes from Lhe uecember 12, 2013 CperaLlons CommlLLee
MeeLlng were made avallable as an lnformaLlon lLem.

Mr. 8lchards moved and Mr. Cllman seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe
use of faclllLles on Lhe llsLlng aLLached Lo Lhe agenda 34--
5##1(67-"#8. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0.

Mr. 8lchards moved and Ms. rlce seconded a moLlon Lo conLracL wlLh
Sponaugle ConsLrucLlon Servlces Lo provlde managemenL servlces Lo
Lhe ulsLrlcL durlng an anLlclpaLed leave of absence of Mr. Melser aL an
esLlmaLed maxlmum monLhly cosL of $6,430. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe

.2;K96P09:2; O62W809K
moLlon was 7 Lo 0.

Mr. 8lchards moved and Mr. Cllman seconded a moLlon Lo approve
submlsslon of lanCon arL u (ro[ecL AccounLlng 8ased on LsLlmaLes)
Lo Lhe ennsylvanla ueparLmenL of LducaLlon for a new MlddleLown
Area Plgh School, as prepared by Lhe ulsLrlcL's archlLecL 34--

ur. Suskl commenLed abouL rumors LhaL are clrculaLlng ln Lhe
communlLy LhaL Lhe ulsLrlcL ls plannlng Lo merge wlLh a nelghborlng
school dlsLrlcL. ur. Suskl noLed LhaL Lhls rumor ls noL based upon
facLual dlscusslons and noLed LhaL lL ls llloglcal glven Lhe 1 x years of
plannlng LhaL have occurred for a new Plgh School. Mr. 8lchards sald
LhaL Lhe ulsLrlcL wlll noL be conslderlng a merger wlLh anoLher school
dlsLrlcL. Mr. Cllman sald LhaL lL ls Llme Lo squelch Lhe rumor.
Ms. Layne asked for a roll call voLe. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon
was 7 Lo 0 as llsLed below.

Mr. 8lchards yes
Mr. Cllman yes
Mr. Llnhorn yes
Mr. Corradl yes
Mr. uavls yes
Ms. rlce yes
Ms. Layne yes

Mr. 8lchards moved and Mr. Corradl seconded a moLlon Lo approve
adverLlsemenL of Lhe MlddleLown Area Plgh School pro[ecL for bld. 1he
voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0.

Mr. 8lchards reporLed LhaL Lhe ulsLrlcL ls on an aggresslve schedule
wlLh Lhe lnLenL Lo move swlfLly on Lhls pro[ecL.
9%77)##-- :-;%$#
Mr. Cllman reporLed for Lhe ALhleLlcs/AcLlvlLles CommlLLee.


1he MlnuLes from Lhe uecember 12, 2013 ALhleLlcs/AcLlvlLles
CommlLLee MeeLlng were made avallable as an lnformaLlon lLem.

Mr. Cllman moved and Mr. 8lchards seconded a moLlon Lo approve Mr.
Mark Corradl as volunLeer SLrengLh Coach for Lhe 2013-2014 school
year pendlng submlsslon of all requlred clearances. 1he voLe Lo
approve Lhe moLlon was 6 Lo 0. Mr. Mlke Corradl absLalned from voLlng

due Lo hls relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe candldaLe.
@)"1"(- 9%77)##--
Mr. Llnhorn reporLed for Lhe llnance CommlLLee.




%VP:H=8;9 OP6015K8K

1he mlnuLes from Lhe uecember 17, 2013 llnance CommlLLee MeeLlng
were made avallable as an lnformaLlon lLem.

Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. 8lchards seconded a moLlon Lo approve
Lhe adverLlsemenL of unused orchesLra muslc Lo oLher school dlsLrlcLs
for purchase. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0.

Mr. Llnhorn moved and Ms. rlce seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe
audlLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs for Lhe year ended !une 30, 2013, as
presenLed by 8oyer & 8lLLer, CAs. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was
7 Lo 0.

Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. uavls seconded a moLlon Lo auLhorlze Lhe
Plgh School cafeLerla Lo offer free breakfasLs durlng Lhe week of
!anuary 6, 2014 Lo promoLe Lhe breakfasL program and encourage
parLlclpaLlon. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0.

Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. 8lchards seconded a moLlon Lo approve
Lhe exoneraLlon of Lhe 2013 real esLaLe Lax bllls on Lhe llsLlng aLLached
Lo Lhe agenda for Lhe reasons noLed. 34-- 5##1(67-"#8 1he voLe Lo
approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0.

Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. Cllman seconded a moLlon Lo purchase
800 lnLerneL fllLer llcenses from 8ascom Clobal lnLerneL Servlces, lnc. aL
a LoLal cosL of $3,276. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0.

Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. Cllman seconded a moLlon Lo approve an
agreemenL wlLh Conrad Slegel AcLuarles Lo provlde beneflL consulLlng
servlces Lo Lhe ulsLrlcL beglnnlng !anuary 1, 2014 aL an annual cosL
based upon Lhe servlces provlded and Lo auLhorlze noLlflcaLlon Lo Lhe
ulsLrlcL's lnsurance provlders LhaL Conrad Slegel AcLuarles wlll be Lhe
producer of record for Lhe ulsLrlcL. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was
7 Lo 0.

Mr. Llnhorn moved and Ms. rlce seconded a moLlon Lo purchase
LwenLy replacemenL sclence LableLops for Lhe mlddle school from
1anner School & Cfflce lurnlLure aL a LoLal cosL of $2,200 uslng CaplLal
8eserve funds. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0.

,8VP8K9 M26


Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. uavls seconded a moLlon Lo approve Lhe
adverLlsemenL of Lhe food servlce managemenL company requesL for
proposal for Lhe 2014-2013 school year. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe
moLlon was 7 Lo 0.

Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. 8lchards seconded a moLlon Lo approve
parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe followlng cooperaLlve purchaslng agreemenLs /
conLracLs durlng Lhe 2014 calendar year. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe
moLlon was 7 Lo 0.

1. CLC - CenLral ennsylvanla Lnergy ConsorLlum
2. ueparLmenL of Ceneral Servlces of Lhe CommonwealLh of
ennsylvanla, lncludlng CosLars program
3. kn - keysLone urchaslng neLwork
4. LancasLer-Lebanon lnLermedlaLe unlL !olnL urchaslng ConsorLlum
3. Llncoln lnLermedlaLe unlL
6. naLlonal 8uy8oard CooperaLlve urchaslng rogram
7. naLlonal !olnL owers Alllance
8. ACC - ennsylvanla CaplLal ClLy AuLomoLlve and LqulpmenL
9. LM - ennsylvanla LducaLlonal urchaslng rogram for
10. 1he CooperaLlve urchaslng neLwork (1Cn)
11. u.S. CommunlLles

Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. 8lchards seconded a moLlon Lo adopL Lhe
resoluLlon appolnLlng delegaLes Lo Lhe uauphln CounLy 1ax CollecLlon
CommlLLee for calendar year 2014 ln accordance wlLh AcL 32. 34--
5##1(67-"#8 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0.
)8L 4PK:;8KK
2-$0%""-< 9%77)##--

@)"1"(- 9%77)##--
Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. 8lchards seconded a moLlon Lo approve
Lhe reLlremenL of Carl lreeborn, CusLodlan, effecLlve november 20,
2013. 1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0.

Mr. Llnhorn moved and Mr. Cllman seconded a moLlon Lo appolnL
Melvln lager as a represenLaLlve Lo Lhe ClmsLed 8eglonal 8ecreaLlon
8oard Lo replace 1erry Cllman effecLlve !anuary 2014. 1he voLe Lo
approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0. Ms. Layne Lhanked Mr. Cllman for hls
servlce on Lhe 8ecreaLlon 8oard.

.5H:953 +685
";986=87:598 J;:9
Ms. Layne reporLed LhaL she aLLended a meeLlng LhaL mornlng. ur.
Cales was noL ln aLLendance. Ms. Layne read a noLlce from Lhe lu 8oard
announclng LhaL CAlu would noL be holdlng lLs annual convenLlon Lhls
year and LhaL elecLlon of board members wlll be compleLed vla mall
balloL. Ms. Layne menLloned LhaL Lhlngs are golng well aL CAlu and she
ls looklng forward Lo budgeLs belng presenLed.
#5PH1:; .2P;9R
&801;:053 -01223
Mr. uavls reporLed LhaL a [olnL board meeLlng was held Lhe evenlng
before buL Lhere was no quorum presenL so mall balloLs wlll be
requlred. Mr. uavls sald LhaL Lhe prellmlnary budgeL was unvelled, buL
fuLure reducLlons are anLlclpaLed.
#5PH1:; .2P;9R &5X
Mr. lranklln had noLhlng Lo reporL.
/566:K>P6< +685
.2==P;:9R .2338<8
Ms. Layne had noLhlng Lo reporL.
'3=K987 ,8<:2;53
,806859:2; 42567
Ms. Layne reporLed Lhere was no meeLlng slnce Lhe lasL board meeLlng.
Ms. Layne sald LhaL Lhe baskeLball program has sLarLed and ls golng
O-4+ $:5:K2; Ms. rlce had noLhlng Lo reporL.
ur. Suskl Lhanked Mr. lranklln for hls work on Lhe arduous Lask of
preparlng for Lhe annual audlL. She congraLulaLed Lhe Plgh School band
and choral sLudenLs for an ouLsLandlng hollday performance lasL
evenlng. ur. Suskl announced LhaL SLeve SmlLh was selecLed by Lhe
Amerlcan Choral uirectors AssoclaLlon as Lhe 2014 Choral ulrecLor of
noLe. ur. Suskl sald LhaL he wlll be recognlzed aL Lhe nexL board
meeLlng. ur. Suskl sald LhaL she had Lhe opporLunlLy Lo see PeaLher
8adabaugh aL Lhe concerL lasL evenlng and reporLed LhaL she was dolng
very well. ur. Suskl sald LhaL 122 employees conLrlbuLed 192 slck days
Lo PeaLher Lhrough Lhe speclal program approved by Lhe school board.
Dr. Suski said that the donated days should cover Heathers leave. ur.
Suskl Lhanked Lhe resbyLerlan CongregaLlon of MlddleLown Church for
Lhelr donaLlon of $100 Loward C1C programs. ur. Suskl Lhanked
hoenlx ConLacL for sponsorlng an annual hollday parLy for dlsLrlcL
elemenLary sLudenLs whlch was held aL kunkel. ur. Suskl sald LhaL 120
sLudenLs parLlclpaLed and recelved glfL bags. ur. Suskl announced LhaL
wlnLer sporLs are underway and LhaL Lhe Cirls varslLy baskeLball Leam

ls undefeaLed. ur. Suskl noLed LhaL schools wlll be closed for wlnLer
recess from uecember 23 Lhrough !anuary 1.
,2P;795>38 Mr. Cllman sald Merry ChrlsLmas and commenLed LhaL lL was a good
flrsL half of Lhe year. Mr. Cllman relLeraLed LhaL Lhe ulsLrlcL ls noL
merglng wlLh anoLher school dlsLrlcL.

Ms. rlce sald its been a great year, wlshed everyone happy holldays
and sald she looks forward Lo 2014.

Mr. uavls sald happy holldays, Lhanked ur. Suskl for addresslng Lhe
rumor and Lhanked Mr. lranklln and hls sLaff for Lhelr work on Lhe

Mr. 8lchards wlshed everyone happy holldays.

Mr. Corradl wlshed everyone happy holldays and sald LhaL he ls exclLed
Lo be a parL of Lhe school board and ls looklng forward Lo worklng wlLh

Mr. Llnhorn Lhanked Mr. lranklln for hls work on Lhe audlL and noLed
Mr. Gilmans service to the Recreation Board. Mr. Llnhorn wlshed
everyone happy holldays.

Ms. Layne echoed everyones comments, especlally Dr. Suskis
sLaLemenL Lo address rumors abouL a school dlsLrlcL merger. Ms. Layne
noLed LhaL we are looklng Lo bulld a new Plgh School. Ms. Layne
wlshed everyone a happy hollday.
+7W2P6;=8;9 Mr. 8lchards moved and Mr. Cllman seconded a moLlon Lo ad[ourn.
1he voLe Lo approve Lhe moLlon was 7 Lo 0. 1he meeLlng ad[ourned aL
7:33 p.m.


uavld A. lranklln, 8oard SecreLary

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