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house m.d.

call him a "misanthrope", a "cynic", a "narcissist" or a "curmudgeon" but the fact remains
when in comes to solving cases of extreme complexity, the intuitive medical genius of Dr. Gregory House remains unmatched. Unlike regular protagonists, house s display as an anti! hero is the ma"or reason for the both the character s and shows success. #his is the sole reason why fans find a "happy go lucky House" difficult to accept. House has to be miserable. $ontradictory to %ilson s &uote, being miserable indeed makes House a genius

%hile most people would be satisfied tagging the character merely as an introvert, house s character depth goes way beyond that. 'part from the constant leg pain that makes him an insufferable git( house also suffers from the )ubik s complex. His constant hunger for interesting cases is probably the only other alternative to *icodin, the drug he shamelessly remains hooked onto for pain relief. House perceives symptoms as "interesting" unlike normal humans who would see a symptom as "painful" or "ugly". His "oy of observing a symptom at the expense of human life +,ah-- as if it s worth caring. is often disregarded as a part of his inhumane nature. However, it is this dimension of perception that delineates house from rest of the doctors. His analytical mind reasons beyond good and bad actually searching for cause and effect for which he crosses the line, putting patients life on "eopardy, often for the sake of a "uvenile bet. #o house being right is more important, and what makes it worse for everyone surrounding him is that more than often, he is right. He relying on vicodin "ust proves how unreliable people are. He s probably "ust like everybody else, but instead of intentions in every action, he looks ahead to its conse&uences. He sees a reason behind every action. #o people who can never see what he so casually figures out, expecting those bleak minds to accept him is futile. His achievement to them is worthless, for they do not realise the importance of a solution until they face a problem. but his most impressive feature is &uite far away from medicinal practice . the art of understanding and manipulating again unethical to primitive minds . but to get out tough answers people have to make tough choices. /rrelevant whether it might be personal or scary a lie that hinders the path of finding an answer is still an obstacle. #he most dangerous of conditions ama0ingly have clues that are "ust not observed. 1r rather &uite missed or hidden often deliberately 2ust for a day look forward to see up nothing but truth in your life. ,e unbiased about how people feel about you or how they "udge you as long, as they are true about their intentions. 3adly, you re used to living in a space full of imaginary lines drawn where the world looks "ust plainly happy and as long as it remains so even lies are acceptable. so if you believe you can stand up to be a better hero than "miserable House" try understanding the grim reality beneath the grim act of concealment and still remain unaffected by it . #o those who would find it difficult would probably come to appreciate the importance of the character and to those who ll claim they ve always been better than him professionally and personally in all circles of their lives. / ll "ust say probably "4verybody 5ies". the end

(((((call him a "misanthrope", a "cynic", a "narcissist" or a "curmudgeon" but the fact remains
when in comes to solving cases of extreme complexity, the intuitive medical genius of Dr. Gregory House remains unmatched. #his 1ctober the world will witness the end of a medical drama, as house enters into its final season. #he latest bu00 that surrounds the final season is that 5isa 4delstein +Dr. $uddy. would not be a part of "#eam House". %hile this would be a ma"or blow to &uite a number of fans, the true house fans +or rather House!like fans. would appreciate this. Unlike regular protagonists, house s display as an anti!hero is the ma"or reason for the both the character s and shows success. #his is the sole reason why fans find a "happy go lucky House" difficult to accept. House has to be miserable. $ontradictory to %ilson s &uote, being miserable indeed makes House a genius. .... !!!! intro needs to be snapped

extra data in case / need to ahe followingdd House always finds it annoying to talk to patients. #hough his way of working deviates from line of code, it is easy to analyse the person when you not emotionally connected to him. 'gain, to an ignoble mind this would seem like heinous crime on the face of humanity, but has he ever been capable of saving a life. ,eing house is not about saving lives. 6ou have ordinary doctors for that who stick to procedures and protocols. /t s about finding an answer others miserably fail at which takes up

#o be a house all you need to follow are few simple steps below7 3ometimes what we see gets often clouded by what we wish to see. %e take decisions based on hope, emotions ideal. However ethical that may be it can never give us a result what we wish to see. #he only thing that way to fight a problem is7 find a solution, to know truth and irrespective of how the decision counts act upon it. 8eople miserably complain of problems and lack of solution but when they do have a person who can probably figure out they ve always failed at., the call him an introvert, they mock him unable

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