New Srimad BhagavatamCanto 3.Ch 1

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Srimad Bhagavatam

First Time In The world In EnglishVerses

Canto 3 The Cosmic Manifestation Chapter 1
Questions by Vidura

Chapter 1: Questions by Vidura

SB 3.1.1

Suka said To His Grace Maitreya,did ask Vidura,loyal Taking to forest ,leaving the prosperous life so royal

SB 3.1.
Oh Parikshit how to describe of thy grand parent s palace !s "rishna Spurned #uryodhana , as $inister to Pandavas

SB 3.1.3
"ing Parikshit said% &Master', where and when , please tell us (oyal Vidura $et His Grace Maitreya (ishi to discuss this)*

SB 3.1.!
&+ertainly the $atter $ust have been of highest i$port !s Maitreya was enlightened and respected by the learnt

SB 3.1."
Suta said &Sage Suka said,bea$ing with e,pertise -eing .uestioned thus by Parikshit,*/isten to this*

SB 3.1.#
Suka said &"ing #hrithrashtra, born blind, never righteous, catered to his savage sons ire, !nd, blinded again by their rage sent his nephews to wa, house, later setting it on fire*

SB 3.1.$
When Dushasana dragged to disrobe Draupadi,the consort Yudhishtira,in the Palace

The King acquiesced,though the vermillion was washed off her bosom by pearly tears

SB 3.1.%
0hen by $eans foul,1udhishtira was deafeated in a ga$e of dice and sent to forest !nd was not allotted the pro$ised share of land,the "ing was deluded by power2lust

SB 3.1.&
!lso when /ord "rishna, being the teacher of the world, on the plea of !r3una appeared in the asse$bly, his words as nectar to $ost, was by the king ,of lowest piety ignored

0hen Vidura was called by #hritarashthra to the palace, he said not to deviate fro$ righteousness and gave the advice that the $inisters did well appreciate

SB 3.1.1' SB 3.1.11

4(eturn now the legiti$ate share to 1udhishthhira, the one who has no bothers by ene$ies yet patient with your offenses 5so be afraid of hi$ and his brothers of who$ we know -hi$a to be as angry and wrathful as any snake that slithers 6

SB 3.1.1
4The sons of Prithu are now adopted by the /ord of /iberation ,the adorable , to the brah$ins and the godly ones, resides with His fa$ily, the honorable 1adu dynasty, that together with Hi$ has defeated nu$erous kings ignoble

SB 3.1.13
#uryodhana, your wicked son, was born in your household as an ene$y of the /ord 6 1ou thus being turned against "rishna are therefore bereft of all goodness ,all sored, that inauspiciousness you $ust, for the sake of the fa$ily, never have this ignored

SB 3.1.1!
Thence #uryodhana addressed Vidura on the spot, swollen , proud and angry n with tre$bling lips, he insulted the highly respectable one of divine .uality in the presence of his younger brothers , his prot7g7 "arna and uncle S8akuni%

SB 3.1.1"

80ho asked hi$ to be here, this illegiti$ate son of a servant,funny who grew up living on the cost of those he betrays as an ene$y spy) Throw hi$ i$$ediately out of palace to be left with his breath only'8

SB 3.1.1#
Vidura on his turn i$$ediately put his bow at the door and the palace,he left hurt in the core of his heart by the barbs ai$ed at hi$ he was cal$ felt great6

SB 3.1.1$
!fter having left the "auravas he sought the salvation through pilgri$ages, all he wanted was the highest grade of devotion by $eans of all those thousands of idols, as established

SB 3.1.1%
He traveled to holy places of devotion where the air, the hills and the orchards, waters, rivers and lakes are pure with te$ples decorated with the appearances of the One 9nli$ited ,thus he proceeded through the holy lands seeking the divine in every place which tookl his eyes

SB 3.1.1&
Traversing the earth independently, he was greatly sanctified by the ground he slept on and without his fa$iliar clothes ,being dressed like a $endicant and perfor$ing his vows to please the /ord, one could recogni:e hi$ not

SB 3.1. '
Traveling this way for years he arrived finally at the holy land of Prabhasa, now under the reign of 1udhishthhira who by the $ercy of /ord "rishna ruled the world under one $ilitary force after his victory in "urukshetra

SB 3.1. 1
There he heard all his kins$en had perished at "urukshetra war in a violent passion like a ba$boo forest burning down because of ignition through its own fiery friction Thereupon he, silent in his thoughts, heading for river Sarasvati ,in the western :one

SB 3.1.
On the bank of the river he visited and duly worshiped the holy places Trita, 9sana, Manu, Prithu, !gni, !sita, V;yu, Sud;sa, Go, Guha and S8raddhadeva6

SB 3.1. 3
There were also many other temples of Vishnu, established by great sages and devatas mar ed by chief emblems of the !ord, and they reminded one always of !ord Krishna"s#

SB 3.1. !
<ro$ there passing through the wealthy kingdo$s of Surat, Sauvira and "uru3angala , he reached 1a$una river, he $et the greatest devotee 9ddhava, of /ord "rishna

SB 3.1. "
Vidura e$braced /ords dearest co$panion 9ddhava a for$er student of -rihaspati, the $aster of rituals, and with concern he in.uired of Supre$e /ord "rishna s fa$ily

!re the divinities ,"rishna and -alara$a, who, on the re.uest of the +reator -rah$a , descended in the world to uplift it , all well in the house of "unti s father Surasena

SB 3.1. #

SB 3.1. $
!nd, is our greatest "uru and brother2in2law, Vasudeva ,the father of /ord "rishna happy who is so generous in providing to the pleasure of his wives oh 9ddhava)

SB 3.1. %
Please 9ddhava, tell $e whether the $ilitary co$$ander2in2chief of the 1adus, Pradyu$na, is happy, the god of love in previous birth ,the hero who was born to the /ord fro$ (uk$ini after she had tended to the -rah$in sages

SB 3.1. &
!nd is 9grasena the king of the Satvatas, Vrishnis, #asarhas and -ho3as doing well) He is the one to who$ /ord "rishna restored the hope of the throne after he left all that after he had to give it up being put aside under the rule of "a$sa $y uncle 6

SB 3.1.3'
Oh sage , is, Sa$ba, faring well5the son of !l$ighty he, the first and best a$ong the warriors all $ighty, so $uch alike /ord who fathered hi$, in =a$bavat> rich in her vows , after his previous life as the godly "arthikeya born unto the wife of S8iva the /ordly)

SB 3.1.31
How is 1uyudhana ,Satyaki ,trained by !r3una the s$art and fulfilled his purpose in the intricacies of $ilitary art and attained Transcendence for any one,so difficult

SB 3.1.3
How is the devoted son of Syaphalka, !krura,who in subli$e love for /ord

once lost his sanity for ecstasy and fell down on the dust of a road which was mar ed with the footprints of !ord "rishna,the beloved

SB 3.1.33
?s everything well with /ords $other #evaki,the daughter of "ing #evaka2-ho3a) !s !diti was $other to gods and as Vedas to rituals, she was to /ord @arayana6

SB 3.1.3!
!nd is He, the Personality of Godhead !niruddha also ,the happiest, He who as the source for the fulfill$ent of the desires of the devotees considered the channel for the (ig2Veda, the god of the $ental plane and the transcendental plenary e,pansion of the Vishnu2principle )

SB 3.1.3"
@ Hrid>ka, +harudeshna, Gada , Satyabha$a s the son , who accept the /ord as their own and their soul s sun, n who follow Hi$ with an absolute faith, oh hu$ble one, are they into passing their faith to the ne,t generation )

SB 3.1.3#
#oes 1udhishthhira, ruling with the principles of hu$anis$, $aintain the respect of religion under the aegis of !r3un s ar$s) ?t was he who with the opulence of his royal entourage unhar$ed Through the service of !r3una, raised #uryodhana s envious alar$s6

SB 3.1.3$
!nd did the unassailable -hi$a, like a cobra, vent his fire of fury upon the sinners) #idn t the way he used his heavy club $ade hi$ uncon.uerable to all his attackers

SB 3.1.3%
?s !r3una doing well, he the blessed a$ong the chariot fighters who with his bow the Gand>va van.uished so $any ene$ies) He once was blessed by /ord S8iva covering hi$ with arrows when /ord presented hi$self unrecogni:able as a hunter in farce 6

SB 3.1.3&
!nd are @akula and Sahadeva the twin sons of father Prithu happy ) They protected their brother as eyelids cover the eyes in reclai$ing their property during the fight with kauravas like Garuda did with the nectar fro$ ?ndra s $outh6

SB 3.1.!'
Oh dear is "unthi #evi still alive) She dedicated her life to the care for her fatherless children ,after bereave$ent "ing Pandu who alone could $aster the four directions wielding only a second bow as a leader of all his clan s co$$anding warriors 6

SB 3.1.!1
O gentle one ', ? 3ust pity #hritarashthra ,who falling down when his brother Pandu died, e,iled $e, his well2wisher, fro$ $y city showering the sa$e cruelty that his sons showed

SB 3.1.!
Therefore did ? travel incognito through this bewildering world @ being doubtless in Hi$, did ? never $iss the feet of the /ord

SB 3.1.!3
!nd the kings under illusion of false Pride on Physi.ue ,/earning and Status, Tra$$eled the earth with their troops n the /ord tolerated the "urus acts

SB 3.1.!!
/ord, the unborn, incarnates to put down the upstarts !nd to teach, why else he need to do all these kar$as )

SB 3.1.!"
Oh $y friend, chant the glories of the /ord, who, yet, unborn to the universe Took apparent incarnation in 1adu dynasty for the sake of few devout rulers

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