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Novel Study: The Grapes of Wrath

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 24 Review E.Understandings Research Project 15 minutes Dust Bowl, Great Depression, Oakies Group Share HW: C5&6 Read Chapter 1 HW: C2-4 25 Think,Pair,Share: What do you think of the inner chapters so far? Poetics of the Turtle Read pg. 14-16 Read Aloud: The Letter from Steinbeck Quiz over C5&6 Create an analogy for one of the characters: the banks, the tractor driver, Tom Joad, Jim Casy, Muley Possible clip from movie Exit Slip: Make a prediction of what is to come in the book. HW: C7&8 Class Discussion over chapters. HW: C11-13 31 Quiz over 11&13 Play Route 66 Song (1946) List: What rights have been taken away from the Debate: Migrants vs. Route 66 workers vs. Westerners HW: C16&17 HW: C18 1 Literature Circle I ask questions and let them go. 2 Individual Work Day Meetings with Me HW: C19&20 3 Quiz: C19&20 Read: Journal Entry from 1931 TPS: What can we infer about the times when reading this article? (lack of information, young innocence, etc.) 4 HW: C9&10 In pairs, write a thesis statement based off quotes. 26 Quiz over 7&8 Introduce Literary Analysis Paper Hand out Rubric Pre-writing due Thursday the 3rd. Quick Write: How have gender roles changed so far in The Grapes of Wrath? Every person finds one quote from the book that relates to the gender dynamic. Think, Pair, Share 27 28

Joads? HW: C14&15 Discuss perspective of rich owners. HW: C21&22 7 Partner 10-minute Writing: What does Jim Casys role symbolize? Gather information from text to support your answer. Class Discussion: Students can choose talking points. HW: C23 14 Today is the anniversary of Black Sunday 79th Quiz: 29&30 15 16 SPRING BREAK!!!! Group Read The Reverse Joads of California WSJ 17 SPRING BREAK!!! 18 Quiz: C23 Show pictures/videos of Hoovervilles Discussion on Poverty Entertainment HW: C24 8 9 How has your understanding of the Enduring Understanding : We are all part of something bigger than ourselves make more sense? What examples from the book help you support this understanding? What about the other enduring understandings? HW: C25 Quiz: C25 Individual Work Day Group editing if possible: Communicate together to suggest help of advice HW: C26 Class Discussion: The unity of the impoverished. Where did we see this foreshadowed throughout the book? HW: C27&28 10 How has Casys role in the novel advanced? 11

Admit Slip: Compare and Contrast Al and Rosasharn Buying activity!! HW: 29&30

Discussion over Writing activity and any last Work Day themes, characters, understandings. Literary Analysis Paper due at the end of Spring Break. Work Day

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