Ref. Pierre de Coubertin

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Catedra de Gimna ti!"

TEMA# Pierre de C$%&ertin ' t(e F$%nder $) t(e M$dern O*+m,i!

Doctorand: Dnu STOICA

Coordonator tiinific: Valeriu JURAT, doctor n peda o ie, confereniar uni!er"itar

C#iinu $%&'

(ierre de )r*d+ ,a" -orn in (ari" on & Januar+ &./0 into an e"ta-li"#ed ari"tocratic fa1il+2 3e ,a" t#e fourt# c#ild of 4aron C#arle" 5oui" )r*d+, 4aron de Cou-ertin and 6arie7 6arcelle 8i ault de Cri"eno+2 )a1il+ tradition #eld t#at t#e )r*d+ na1e #ad fir"t arri!ed in )rance in t#e earl+ &9t# centur+, and t#e fir"t recorded title of no-ilit+ ranted to t#e fa1il+ ,a" i!en -+ 5oui" :I to an ance"tor, al"o na1ed (ierre de )r*d+, in &';;2 4ut ot#er -ranc#e" of #i" fa1il+ tree del!ed e!en furt#er into )renc# #i"tor+, and t#e annal" of -ot# "ide" of #i" fa1il+ included no-le" of !ariou" "tation", 1ilitar+ leader", and a""ociate" of <in " and prince" of )rance2 (ierre de Cou-ertin, t#e "on of an arti"t, ,a" a talented "port"1an, #e too< part in -o=in , fencin , #or"eridin and ro,in 2 Pierre de Coubertin as a child (right), with one of his sisters, painted by his father Charles Louis de Fredy de Coubertin (detail of Le Dpart, 18 !)" 3i" fat#er C#arle" ,a" a "taunc# ro+ali"t and acco1pli"#ed arti"t ,#o"e paintin " ,ere di"pla+ed and i!en pri>e" at t#e (ari"ian "alon, at lea"t in t#o"e +ear" ,#en #e ,a" not a-"ent in prote"t of t#e ri"e to po,er of 5oui" ?apoleon2 3i" paintin " often centred around t#e1e" related to t#e Ro1an Cat#olic C#urc#, cla""ici"1, and no-ilit+, ,#ic# reflected t#o"e t#in " #e t#ou #t 1o"t i1portant2 In a later "e1i@fictional auto-io rap#ical piece called Le Roman d'un ralli, Cou-ertin de"cri-e" #i" relation"#ip ,it# -ot# #i" 1ot#er and #i" fat#er a" #a!in -een "o1e,#at "trained durin #i" c#ild#ood and adole"cence2 3i" 1e1oir" ela-orated furt#er, de"cri-in a" a pi!otal 1o1ent #i" di"appoint1ent upon 1eetin 3enri, Count of C#a1-ord, ,#o1 t#e elder Cou-ertin -elie!ed to -e t#e ri #tful <in 2 Cou-ertin re, up in a ti1e of profound c#an e in )rance: )ranceA" defeat in t#e )ranco@(ru""ian Bar, t#e (ari" Co11une, and t#e e"ta-li"#1ent of t#e )renc# T#ird Repu-lic, and later t#e Dre+fu" Affair2 4ut ,#ile t#e"e e!ent" ,ere t#e "ettin of #i" c#ild#ood, #i" "c#ool e=perience" ,ere Cu"t a" for1ati!e2 In Octo-er &.;', #i" parent" enrolled #i1 in a ne, Je"uit "c#ool called Externat de la rue de Vienne, ,#ic# ,a" "till under con"truction for #i" fir"t fi!e +ear" t#ere2 B#ile 1an+ of t#e "c#oolA" attendee" ,ere da+ "tudent", Cou-ertin -oarded at t#e "c#ool under t#e "uper!i"ion of a Je"uit prie"t, ,#ic# #i" parent" #oped ,ould in"till #i1 ,it# a "tron 1oral and reli iou" education2 T#ere, #e ,a" a1on t#e top t#ree "tudent" in #i" cla"", and ,a" an officer of t#e "c#oolA" elite acade1+ 1ade up of it" -e"t and -ri #te"t2 T#i" "u e"t" t#at de"pite #i" re-elliou"ne"" at #o1e, Cou-ertin adapted ,ell to t#e "trict ri or" of a Je"uit education2 A" an ari"tocrat, Cou-ertin #ad a nu1-er of career pat#" fro1 ,#ic# to c#oo"e, includin potentiall+ pro1inent role" in t#e 1ilitar+ or politic"2 4ut #e c#o"e in"tead to pur"ue a career a" an intellectual, "tud+in and later ,ritin on a -road ran e of topic", includin education, #i"tor+, literature, and "ociolo +2 Cou-ertin ,a" an educationali"t ,#o atte1pted to refor1 t#e )renc# education "+"te12 3e ,a" intere"ted in "port" education a" #e -elie!ed it #ad t#e potential to de!elop ,#at #e called D1oral ener +D and e!entuall+ -eca1e Secretar+ 8eneral of t#e Union of )renc# Societie" of At#letic Sport" EUS)SAF2

Cou-ertin announced t#at #e intended to re!i!e t#e Ol+1pic 8a1e" and on $0rd June, &.G', e"ta-li"#ed t#e International Ol+1pic Co11ittee EIOCF at a 1eetin #eld at t#e Uni!er"it+ of Sor-onne in (ari"2 T#e fir"t Ol+1pic 8a1e" of t#e 1odern era ,ere #eld in At#en" in &.G/2 Cou-ertin -eca1e pre"ident of t#e International Ol+1pic Co11ittee, a po"t #e #eld for $G +ear"2 Durin t#e )ir"t Borld Bar Cou-ertin 1o!ed t#e #eadHuarter" of t#e IOC to 5au"anne, S,it>erland2 (ierre de Cou-ertin, ,#o pu-li"#ed #i" auto-io rap#+, Olympic Memoirs, in &G0&, died of a #eart attac< in 8ene!a on $nd Septe1-er, &G0;2 T#e founder of t#e 1odern Ol+1pic" ,a" an unli<el+ "port" #ero, a )renc# ari"tocrat ,#o t#ou #t p#+"ical education could #a!e "a!ed #i" countr+ fro1 1ilitar+ #u1iliation in t#e late &.%%"2 And t#e lonel+ ca1pai n ,a ed -+ (ierre )red+, 4aron de Cou-ertin, "lo,l+ ained "upport a1on ad!ocate" of at#letic" in Iurope and A1erica, and Cou-ertin ,a" a-le to or ani>e t#e fir"t 1odern Ol+1pic" in At#en" in &.G/2 Ed%!ati$na* ,(i*$ $,(+ T#e "u-Cect ,#ic# #e "ee1" to #a!e -een 1o"t deepl+ intere"ted in ,a" education, and #i" "tud+ focu"ed in particular on p#+"ical education and t#e role of "port in "c#oolin 2 In &..0, #e !i"ited In land for t#e fir"t ti1e, and "tudied t#e pro ra1 of p#+"ical education in"tituted -+ T#o1a" Arnold at t#e Ru -+ Sc#ool2 Cou-ertin credited t#e"e 1et#od" ,it# leadin to t#e e=pan"ion of 4riti"# po,er durin t#e &Gt# centur+ and ad!ocated t#eir u"e in )renc# in"titution"2 T#e inclu"ion of p#+"ical education in t#e curriculu1 of )renc# "c#ool" ,ould -eco1e an on oin pur"uit and pa""ion of Cou-ertinA"2 In fact, Cou-ertin i" t#ou #t to #a!e e=a erated t#e i1portance of "port to T#o1a" Arnold, ,#o1 #e !ie,ed a" Jone of t#e founder" of at#letic c#i!alr+K2 T#e c#aracter@refor1in influence of "port ,it# ,#ic# Cou-ertin ,a" "o i1pre""ed i" 1ore li<el+ to #a!e ori inated in t#e no!el Tom Brown's School Days rat#er t#an e=clu"i!el+ in t#e idea" of Arnold #i1"elf2 ?onet#ele"", Cou-ertin ,a" an ent#u"ia"t in need of a cau"e and #e found it in In land and in T#o1a" Arnold2 JT#o1a" Arnold, t#e leader and cla""ic 1odel of In li"# educator",K ,rote Cou-ertin, J a!e t#e preci"e for1ula for t#e role of at#letic" in education2 T#e cau"e ,a" Huic<l+ ,on2 (la+in field" "pran up all o!er In landK2 Intri ued -+ ,#at #e #ad read a-out In li"# pu-lic "c#ool", in &..0, at t#e a e of t,ent+, )red+ ,ent to Ru -+ and to ot#er In li"# "c#ool" to "ee for #i1"elf2 3e de"cri-ed t#e re"ult" in a -oo<, L Education en !n"leterre, ,#ic# ,a" pu-li"#ed in (ari" in &...2 T#i" #ero of #i" -oo< i" T#o1a" Arnold, and on #i" "econd !i"it in &../, Cou-ertin reflected on ArnoldA" influence in t#e c#apel at Ru -+ Sc#ool2 B#at Cou-ertin "a, on t#e pla+in field" of Ru -+ and t#e ot#er In li"# "c#ool" #e !i"ited ,a" #o, Jor ani"ed "port can create 1oral and "ocial "tren t#K2 ?ot onl+ did or ani"ed a1e" #elp to "et t#e 1ind and -od+ in eHuili-riu1, it al"o pre!ented t#e ti1e -ein ,a"ted in ot#er ,a+"2 )ir"t de!eloped -+ t#e ancient 8ree<", it ,a" an approac# to education t#at #e felt t#e re"t of t#e ,orld #ad for otten and to ,#o"e re!i!al #e ,a" to dedicate t#e re"t of #i" life2 A" a #i"torian and a t#in<er on education, Cou-ertin ro1antici"ed ancient 8reece2 T#u", ,#en #e -e an to de!elop #i" t#eor+ of p#+"ical education, #e naturall+ loo<ed to t#e e=a1ple "et -+ t#e At#enian idea of t#e +1na"iu1, a trainin facilit+ t#at "i1ultaneou"l+ encoura ed p#+"ical and intellectual de!elop1ent2 3e "a, in t#e"e +1na"ia ,#at #e called a triple unit+ -et,een old and +oun , -et,een di"cipline", and -et,een different t+pe" of people, 1eanin

-et,een t#o"e ,#o"e ,or< ,a" t#eoretical and t#o"e ,#o"e ,or< ,a" practical2 Cou-ertin ad!ocated for t#e"e concept", t#i" triple unit+, to -e incorporated into "c#ool"2 4ut ,#ile Cou-ertin ,a" certainl+ a ro1antic, and ,#ile #i" ideali"ed !i"ion of ancient 8reece ,ould lead #i1 later to t#e idea of re!i!in t#e Ol+1pic 8a1e", #i" ad!ocac+ for p#+"ical education ,a" -a"ed on practical concern" a" ,ell2 3e -elie!ed t#at 1en ,#o recei!ed p#+"ical education ,ould -e -etter prepared to fi #t in ,ar", and -etter a-le to ,in conflict" li<e t#e )ranco@(ru""ian Bar, in ,#ic# )rance #ad -een #u1iliated2 Additionall+, #e al"o "a, "port a" de1ocratic, in t#at "port" co1petition cro""ed cla"" line", alt#ou # it did "o ,it#out cau"in a 1in lin of cla""e", ,#ic# #e did not "upport2 Unfortunatel+ for Cou-ertin, #i" effort" to incorporate 1ore p#+"ical education into )renc# "c#ool" failed2 T#e failure of t#i" endea!our, #o,e!er, ,a" clo"el+ follo,ed -+ t#e de!elop1ent of a ne, idea, t#e re!i!al of t#e ancient Ol+1pic 8a1e", t#e creation of a fe"ti!al of international at#letici"12 3e ,a" particularl+ fond of ru -+ and ,a" t#e referee of t#e fir"t e!er )renc# c#a1pion"#ip ru -+ union final on $% 6arc# &.G$ -et,een Racin Clu- de )rance and Stade )ranLai"2 Re-i-in. t(e O*+m,i! Game #ain article$ %ly&pic 'a&es So1e #i"torian" de"cri-e Cou-ertin a" t#e in"ti ator of t#e 1odern Ol+1pic 1o!e1ent, a 1an ,#o"e !i"ion and political "<ill led to t#e re!i!al of t#e Ol+1pic 8a1e" ,#ic# #ad -een practi"ed in antiHuit+2 T#e ancient" cele-rated in 8reece durin t#i" ti1e period, includin t#e (+t#ian, ?e1ean, and I"t#1ian 8a1e", Cou-ertin ideali>ed t#e Ol+1pic 8a1e" a" t#e ulti1ate ancient at#letic co1petition2M&0N (is statue at the Centennial %ly&pic Par), *tlanta T#o1a" Arnold, t#e 3ead 6a"ter of Ru -+ Sc#ool, ,a" an i1portant influence on Cou-ertinA" t#ou #t" a-out education, -ut #i" 1eetin " ,it# Dr2 Billia1 (enn+ 4roo<e" al"o influenced #i" t#in<in a-out at#letic co1petition to "o1e e=tent2 A trained p#+"ician, 4roo<e" -elie!ed t#at t#e -e"t ,a+ to pre!ent illne"" ,a" t#rou # p#+"ical e=erci"e2 In &.9%, #e #ad initiated a local at#letic co1petition t#at #e referred to a" D6eetin " of t#e Ol+1pian Cla""D at t#e 8a"<ell recreation round at 6uc# Benloc<, S#rop"#ire2 Alon ,it# t#e 5i!erpool At#letic Clu-, ,#o -e an #oldin t#eir o,n Ol+1pic )e"ti!al in t#e &./%", 4roo<e" created a ?ational Ol+1pian A""ociation ,#ic# ai1ed to encoura e "uc# local co1petition in citie" acro"" 4ritain2 T#e"e effort" ,ere lar el+ i nored -+ t#e 4riti"# "portin e"ta-li"#1ent2 4roo<e" al"o 1aintained co11unication ,it# t#e o!ern1ent and "portin ad!ocate" in 8reece, "ee<in a re!i!al of t#e Ol+1pic 8a1e" internationall+ under t#e au"pice" of t#e 8ree< o!ern1ent2 T#ere, t#e p#ilant#ropi"t cou"in" I!an elo" and Oon"tantino" Pappa" #ad u"ed t#eir ,ealt# to fund Ol+1pic" ,it#in 8reece, and paid for t#e re"toration of t#e (anat#inai<o Stadiu1 t#at ,a" later u"ed durin t#e &.G/ Su11er Ol+1pic"2 T#e effort" of 4roo<e" to encoura e t#e internationali>ation of t#e"e a1e" ca1e to nau #t2 3o,e!er, Dr 4roo<e" did or ani>e a national Ol+1pic 8a1e" in 5ondon, at Cr+"tal (alace, in &.// and t#i" ,a" t#e fir"t Ol+1pic" to re"e1-le an Ol+1pic 8a1e" to -e #eld out"ide of

8reece2 4ut ,#ile ot#er" #ad created Ol+1pic conte"t" ,it#in t#eir countrie", and -roac#ed t#e idea of international co1petition, it ,a" Cou-ertin ,#o"e ,or< ,ould lead to t#e e"ta-li"#1ent of t#e International Ol+1pic Co11ittee and t#e or ani"ation of t#e fir"t 1odern Ol+1pic 8a1e"2 In &..., Cou-ertin founded t#e Co1it* pour la (ropa ation de" I=erci"e" (#+"iHue" 1ore ,ell <no,n a" t#e Co1it* Jule" Si1on2 Cou-ertinA" earlie"t reference to t#e 1odern notion of Ol+1pic 8a1e" critici>e" t#e idea2 T#e idea for re!i!in t#e Ol+1pic 8a1e" a" an international co1petition ca1e to Cou-ertin in &..G, apparentl+ independentl+ of 4roo<e", and #e "pent t#e follo,in fi!e +ear" or ani>in an international 1eetin of at#lete" and "port" ent#u"ia"t" t#at 1i #t 1a<e it #appen2 Dr 4roo<e" #ad or ani"ed a national Ol+1pic 8a1e" t#at ,a" #eld at Cr+"tal (alace in 5ondon in &.//2 In re"pon"e to a ne,"paper appeal, 4roo<e" ,rote to Cou-ertin in &.G%, and t#e t,o -e an an e=c#an e of letter" on education and "port2 T#at Octo-er, 4roo<e" #o"ted t#e )renc#1an at a "pecial fe"ti!al #eld in #i" #onour at 6uc# Benloc<2 Alt#ou # #e ,a" too old to attend t#e &.G' Con re"", 4roo<e" ,ould continue to "upport Cou-ertinA" effort", 1o"t i1portantl+ -+ u"in #i" connection" ,it# t#e 8ree< o!ern1ent to "ee< it" "upport in t#e endea!our2 B#ile 4roo<e"A contri-ution to t#e re!i!al of t#e Ol+1pic 8a1e" ,a" reco ni"ed in 4ritain at t#e ti1e, Cou-ertin in #i" later ,ritin " lar el+ ne lected to 1ention t#e role t#e In li"#1an pla+ed in t#eir de!elop1ent2 3e did 1ention t#e role" of I!an eli" Pappa" and #i" cou"in Oon"tantino" Pappa", -ut dre, a di"tinction -et,een t#eir foundin of at#letic Ol+1pic" and #i" o,n role in t#e creation of an international conte"t2 3o,e!er, Cou-ertin to et#er ,it# A2 6ercati", a clo"e friend of Oon"tantino", encoura ed t#e 8ree< o!ern1ent to utili"e part of Oon"tantino"A le ac+ to fund t#e &.G/ At#en" Ol+1pic 8a1e" "eparatel+ and in addition to t#e le ac+ of I!an eli" Pappa" t#at Oon"tantino" #ad -een e=ecutor of2 6oreo!er, 8eor e A!eroff ,a" in!ited -+ t#e 8ree< o!ern1ent to fund t#e "econd refur-i"#1ent of t#e (anat#inai<o Stadiu1 t#at #ad alread+ -een full+ funded -+ I!an eli" Pappa" fort+ +ear" earlier2 Cou-ertinA" ad!ocac+ for t#e 8a1e" centred on a nu1-er of ideal" a-out "port2 3e -elie!ed t#at t#e earl+ ancient Ol+1pic" encoura ed co1petition a1on a1ateur rat#er t#an profe""ional at#lete", and "a, !alue in t#at2 T#e ancient practice of a "acred truce in a""ociation ,it# t#e 8a1e" 1i #t #a!e 1odern i1plication", i!in t#e Ol+1pic" a role in pro1otin peace2 T#i" role ,a" reinforced in Cou-ertinA" 1ind -+ t#e tendenc+ of at#letic co1petition to pro1ote under"tandin acro"" culture", t#ere-+ le""enin t#e dan er" of ,ar2 In addition, #e "a, t#e 8a1e" a" i1portant in ad!ocatin #i" p#ilo"op#ical ideal for at#letic co1petition: t#at t#e co1petition it"elf, t#e "tru le to o!erco1e oneA" opponent, ,a" 1ore i1portant t#an ,innin 2 Cou-ertin e=pre""ed t#i" ideal t#u": L'important dans la #ie ce n'est point le triomphe$ mais le com%at$ l'essentiel ce n'est pas d'a#oir #aincu mais de s'&tre %ien %attu' The important thin" in li(e is not the triumph %ut the stru""le$ the essential thin" is not to ha#e con)uered %ut to ha#e (ou"ht well' A" Cou-ertin prepared for #i" Con re"", #e continued to de!elop a p#ilo"op#+ of t#e Ol+1pic 8a1e"2 B#ile #e certainl+ intended t#e 8a1e" to -e a foru1 for co1petition -et,een a1ateur at#lete", #i" conception of a1ateuri"1 ,a" co1ple=2 4+ &.G', t#e +ear t#e Con re"" ,a" #eld, #e pu-licl+ critici"ed t#e t+pe of a1ateur co1petition e1-odied in In li"# ro,in conte"t", ar uin t#at it" "pecific e=clu"ion of ,or<in @cla"" at#lete" ,a" ,ron 2 B#ile #e -elie!ed t#at at#lete" "#ould not -e paid to -e "uc#, #e did t#in< t#at co1pen"ation ,a" in order for t#e ti1e ,#en at#lete" ,ere co1petin and ,ould ot#er,i"e #a!e -een earnin 1one+2 )ollo,in t#e e"ta-li"#1ent of a definition for an a1ateur at#lete at t#e &.G' Con re"", #e ,ould continue to

ar ue t#at t#i" definition "#ould -e a1ended a" nece""ar+, and a" late a" &G%G ,ould ar ue t#at t#e Ol+1pic 1o!e1ent "#ould de!elop it" definition of a1ateuri"1 raduall+2 Alon ,it# t#e de!elop1ent of an Ol+1pic p#ilo"op#+, Cou-ertin in!e"ted ti1e in t#e creation and de!elop1ent of a national a""ociation to coordinate at#letic" in )rance, t#e Union de" Soci*t*" )ranLai"e" de Sport" At#l*tiHue" EUS)SAF2 In &..G, )renc# at#letic" a""ociation" #ad rouped to et#er for t#e fir"t ti1e and Cou-ertin founded a 1ont#l+ 1a a>ine La Re#ue !thleti)ue, t#e fir"t )renc# periodical de!oted e=clu"i!el+ to at#letic" and 1odelled on The !thlete, an In li"# Cournal e"ta-li"#ed around &./$2 )or1ed -+ "e!en "portin "ocietie" ,it# appro=i1atel+ .%% 1e1-er", -+ &.G$ t#e a""ociation #ad e=panded to /$ "ocietie" ,it# ;,%%% 1e1-er"2 T#at ?o!e1-er, at t#e annual 1eetin of t#e US)SA, Cou-ertin fir"t pu-licl+ "u e"ted t#e idea of re!i!in t#e Ol+1pic"2 3i" "peec# 1et eneral applau"e, -ut little co11it1ent to t#e Ol+1pic ideal #e ,a" ad!ocatin for, per#ap" -ecau"e "portin a""ociation" and t#eir 1e1-er" tended to focu" on t#eir o,n area of e=perti"e and #ad little identit+ a" "port"people in a eneral "en"e2 T#i" di"appointin re"ult ,a" prelude to a nu1-er of c#allen e" #e ,ould face in or ani"in #i" international conference2 In order to de!elop "upport for t#e conference, #e -e an to pla+ do,n it" role in re!i!in Ol+1pic 8a1e" and in"tead pro1oted it a" a conference on a1ateuri"1 in "port ,#ic#, #e t#ou #t, ,a" "lo,l+ -ein eroded -+ -ettin and "pon"or"#ip"2 T#i" led to later "u e"tion" t#at participant" ,ere con!inced to attend under fal"e preten"e"2 5ittle intere"t ,a" e=pre""ed -+ t#o"e #e "po<e to durin trip" to t#e United State" in &.G0 and 5ondon in &.G', and an atte1pt to in!ol!e t#e 8er1an" an ered )renc# +1na"t" ,#o did not ,ant t#e 8er1an" in!ited at all2 De"pite t#e"e c#allen e", t#e US)SA continued it" plannin for t#e a1e", adoptin in it" fir"t pro ra1 for t#e 1eetin ei #t article" to addre"", onl+ one of ,#ic# #ad to do ,it# t#e Ol+1pic"2 A later pro ra1 ,ould i!e t#e Ol+1pic" a 1uc# 1ore pro1inent role in t#e 1eetin 2 T#e con re"" ,a" #eld on $0 June &.G' at t#e Sor-onne in (ari"2 Once t#ere, participant" di!ided t#e con re"" into t,o co11i""ion", one on a1ateuri"1 and t#e ot#er on re!i!in t#e Ol+1pic"2 A 8ree< participant, De1etriu" Vi<ela", ,a" appointed to #ead t#e co11i""ion on t#e Ol+1pic", and ,ould later -eco1e t#e fir"t (re"ident of t#e International Ol+1pic Co11ittee2 Alon ,it# Cou-ertin, C2 3er-ert of 4ritainA" A1ateur At#letic A""ociation and B262 Sloane of t#e United State" #elped lead t#e effort" of t#e co11i""ion2 In it" report, t#e co11i""ion propo"ed t#at Ol+1pic 8a1e" -e #eld e!er+ four +ear" and t#at t#e pro ra1 for t#e 8a1e" -e one of 1odern rat#er t#an ancient "port"2 T#e+ al"o "et t#e date and location for t#e fir"t 1odern Ol+1pic 8a1e", t#e &.G/ Su11er Ol+1pic" in At#en", 8reece, and t#e "econd, t#e &G%% Su11er Ol+1pic" in (ari"2 Cou-ertin #ad ori inall+ oppo"ed t#e c#oice of 8reece, a" #e #ad concern" a-out t#e a-ilit+ of a ,ea<ened 8ree< "tate to #o"t t#e co1petition, -ut ,a" con!inced -+ Vi<ela" to "upport t#e idea2 T#e co11i""ionA" propo"al" ,ere accepted unani1ou"l+ -+ t#e con re"", and t#e 1odern Ol+1pic 1o!e1ent ,a" officiall+ -orn2 T#e propo"al" of t#e ot#er co11i""ion, on a1ateuri"1, ,ere 1ore contentiou", -ut t#i" co11i""ion al"o "et i1portant precedent" for t#e Ol+1pic 8a1e", "pecificall+ t#e u"e of #eat" to narro, participant" and t#e -annin of pri>e 1one+ in 1o"t conte"t"2 )ollo,in t#e Con re"", t#e in"titution" created t#ere -e an to -e for1ali>ed into t#e International Ol+1pic Co11ittee EIOCF, ,it# De1etriu" Vi<ela" a" it" fir"t (re"ident2 T#e ,or< of t#e IOC increa"in l+ focu"ed on t#e plannin t#e &.G/ At#en" 8a1e", and de Cou-ertin pla+ed a -ac< round role a" 8ree< aut#oritie" too< t#e lead in lo i"tical or ani"ation of t#e 8a1e" in 8reece it"elf, offerin tec#nical ad!ice "uc# a" a "<etc# of a de"i n of a !elodro1e to -e u"ed in c+clin co1petition"2 3e al"o too< t#e lead in plannin t#e pro ra1 of e!ent",

alt#ou # to #i" di"appoint1ent neit#er polo, foot-all, or -o=in ,ere included in &.G/2 T#e 8ree< or ani>in co11ittee #ad -een infor1ed t#at four forei n foot-all tea1" ,ere to participate #o,e!er not one forei n foot-all tea1 "#o,ed up and de"pite 8ree< preparation" for a foot-all tourna1ent it ,a" cancelled durin t#e 8a1e"2 T#e 8ree< aut#oritie" ,ere fru"trated t#at #e could not pro!ide an e=act e"ti1ate of t#e nu1-er of attendee" 1ore t#an a +ear in ad!ance2 In )rance, Cou-ertinA" effort" to elicit intere"t in t#e 8a1e" a1on at#lete" and t#e pre"" 1et difficult+, lar el+ -ecau"e t#e participation of 8er1an at#lete" an ered )renc# nationali"t" ,#o -e rud ed 8er1an+ t#eir !ictor+ in t#e )ranco@(ru""ian Bar2 8er1an+ al"o t#reatened not to participate after ru1our" "pread t#at Cou-ertin #ad ",orn to <eep 8er1an+ out, -ut follo,in a letter to t#e Oai"er den+in t#e accu"ation, t#e 8er1an ?ational Ol+1pic Co11ittee decided to attend2 Cou-ertin #i1"elf ,a" fru"trated -+ t#e 8ree<", ,#o increa"in l+ i nored #i1 in t#eir plannin and ,#o ,anted to continue to #old t#e 8a1e" in At#en" e!er+ four +ear", a ain"t de Cou-ertinA" ,i"#e"2 T#e conflict ,a" re"ol!ed after #e "u e"ted to t#e Oin of 8reece t#at #e #old pan@3ellenic a1e" in -et,een Ol+1piad", an idea ,#ic# t#e Oin accepted, alt#ou # Cou-ertin ,ould recei!e "o1e an r+ corre"pondence e!en after t#e co1pro1i"e ,a" reac#ed and t#e Oin did not 1ention #i1 at all durin t#e -anHuet #eld in #onour of forei n at#lete" durin t#e &.G/ 8a1e"2 Cou-ertin too< o!er t#e IOC pre"idenc+ ,#en De1etriu" Vi<ela" "tepped do,n after t#e Ol+1pic" in #i" o,n countr+2 De"pite t#e initial "ucce"", t#e Ol+1pic 6o!e1ent faced #ard ti1e", a" t#e &G%% Ein De Cou-ertinA" o,n (ari"F and &G%' 8a1e" ,ere -ot# ",allo,ed -+ BorldA" )air", and recei!ed little attention2 T#e (ari" 8a1e" ,ere not or ani"ed -+ Cou-ertin or t#e IOC nor ,ere t#e+ called Ol+1pic" at t#at ti1e2 T#e St2 5oui" 8a1e" ,a" #ardl+ internationali>ed and ,a" an e1-arra""1ent2 Pre ident $) t(e Internati$na* O*+m,i! C$mmittee T#e &G%/ Su11er Ol+1pic" re!i!ed t#e 1o1entu1, and t#e Ol+1pic 8a1e" #a!e co1e to -e re arded a" t#e ,orldQ" fore1o"t "port" co1petition2 Cou-ertin created t#e 1odern pentat#lon for t#e &G&$ Ol+1pic", and "u-"eHuentl+ "tepped do,n fro1 #i" IOC pre"idenc+ after t#e &G$' Ol+1pic" in (ari", ,#ic# pro!ed 1uc# 1ore "ucce""ful t#an t#e fir"t atte1pt in t#at cit+ in &G%%2 3e ,a" "ucceeded a" pre"ident, in &G$9, -+ 4el ian 3enri de 4aillet@5atour2 Cou-ertin re1ained 3onorar+ (re"ident of t#e IOC until #e died in &G0; in 8ene!a, S,it>erland2 3e ,a" -uried in 5au"anne Et#e "eat of t#e IOCF, alt#ou #, in accordance ,it# #i" ,ill, #i" #eart ,a" -uried "eparatel+ in a 1onu1ent near t#e ruin" of ancient Ol+1pia2 Per $na* O*+m,i! %!!e Cou-ertin ,on t#e old 1edal for literature at t#e &G&$ Su11er Ol+1pic" for #i" poe1 Ode to Sport2 S!$%tin. In &G&&, (ierre de Cou-ertin founded t#e inter@reli iou" Scoutin or ani"ation Eclaireurs *ran+ais EI)F in )rance, ,#ic# later 1er ed to for1 t#e Iclaireu"e" et Iclaireur" de )rance2 Later *i)e

(ierre ,a" t#e la"t per"on to t#e fa1il+ na1e2 In t#e ,ord" of #i" -io rap#er Jo#n 6acAloon, DT#e la"t of #i" linea e, (ierre de Cou-ertin ,a" t#e onl+ 1e1-er of it ,#o"e fa1e ,ould outli!e #i12D Criti!i m

+tatue at Lausanne Cou-ertinA" le ac+ #a" -een critici"ed -+ a nu1-er of "c#olar"2 Da!id C2 Roun , a "c#olar of antiHuit+ ,#o #a" "tudied t#e ancient Ol+1pic 8a1e", -elie!e" t#at Cou-ertin 1i"under"tood t#e ancient 8a1e" and t#erefore -a"ed #i" Cu"tification for t#e creation of t#e 1odern 8a1e" on fal"e round"2 Specificall+, Roun point" to Cou-ertinA" a""ertion t#at ancient Ol+1pic at#lete" ,ere a1ateur" a" incorrect2N T#i" Hue"tion of t#e profe""ionali"1 of ancient Ol+1pic at#lete" i" a "u-Cect of de-ate a1on "t "c#olar", ,it# Roun and ot#er" ar uin t#at t#e at#lete" ,ere profe""ional t#rou #out t#e #i"tor+ of t#e ancient 8a1e", ,#ile ot#er "c#olar" led -+ (le<et ar ue t#at t#e earlie"t Ol+1pic at#lete" ,ere in fact a1ateur, and t#at t#e 8a1e" onl+ -eca1e profe""ionali"ed after a-out '.% 4CI2 Cou-ertin a reed ,it# t#i" latter !ie,, and "a, t#i" profe""ionali"ation a" undercuttin t#e 1oralit+ of t#e co1petition2 )urt#er, Roun a""ert" t#at t#e effort to li1it international co1petition to a1ateur at#lete", ,#ic# Cou-ertin ,a" a part of, ,a" in fact part of effort" to i!e t#e upper cla""e" reater control o!er at#letic co1petition, re1o!in "uc# control fro1 t#e ,or<in cla""e"2 Cou-ertin 1a+ #a!e pla+ed a role in "uc# a 1o!e1ent, -ut #i" defender" ar ue t#at #e did "o uncon"ciou" of an+ cla"" repercu""ion"2 3o,e!er, it i" clear t#at #i" ro1antici"ed !i"ion of t#e Ol+1pic 8a1e" ,a" funda1entall+ different fro1 t#at de"cri-ed in t#e #i"torical record2 )or e=a1ple, de Cou-ertinA" idea t#at participation i" 1ore i1portant t#an ,innin ED5Ai1portant cAe"t de participerDF i" at odd" ,it# t#e ideal" of t#e 8ree<"2 T#e Apo"tle (aul, ,ritin in t#e fir"t centur+ to C#ri"tian" in t#e cit+ of Corint# ,#ere t#e I"t#1ian 8a1e" ,ere #eld, reflect" t#i" in #i" ,ritin " ,#en #e "a+", DDo +ou not <no, t#at in a race all t#e runner" run, -ut onl+ one et" t#e pri>eS Run in "uc# a ,a+ a" to et t#e pri>eD, E& Corint#ian" G:$'F2 Cou-ertinA" a""ertion t#at t#e 8a1e" ,ere t#e i1petu" for peace ,a" al"o an e=a erationT t#e peace ,#ic# #e "po<e of onl+ e=i"ted to allo, at#lete" to tra!el "afel+ to Ol+1pia, and neit#er pre!ented t#e out-rea< of ,ar" nor ended on oin one"2 Sc#olar" #a!e critiHued t#e idea t#at at#letic co1petition 1i #t lead to reater under"tandin -et,een culture" and, t#erefore, to peace2 C#ri"top#er 3ill clai1" t#at 1odern participant" in t#e Ol+1pic 1o!e1ent 1a+ defend t#i" particular -elief, Din a "pirit "i1ilar to t#at in ,#ic# t#e C#urc# of In land re1ain" attac#ed to t#e T#irt+@?ine Article" of Reli ion, ,#ic# a (rie"t in t#at C#urc# 1u"t "i n2D In ot#er ,ord", t#at t#e+ 1a+ not ,#oll+ -elie!e it -ut #old to it for #i"torical rea"on"2 Uue"tion" #a!e al"o -een rai"ed a-out t#e !eracit+ of Cou-ertinA" account of #i" role in t#e plannin of t#e &.G/ At#en" 8a1e"2 Accordin to Roun , eit#er due to per"onal or profe""ional di"traction", Cou-ertin pla+ed little role in plannin , de"pite entreatie" -+ Vi<ela"2

Roun al"o "u e"t" t#at t#e "tor+ a-out Cou-ertinA" #a!in "<etc#ed t#e !elodro1e ,ere untrue, and t#at #e #ad in fact i!en an inter!ie, in ,#ic# #e "u e"ted #e did not ,ant 8er1an" to participate, "o1et#in #e later denied in a letter to t#e Oai"er2N Le.a!+ T#e Ol+1pic 1otto ,itius$ !ltius$ *ortius E)a"ter, 3i #er, Stron erF ,a" propo"ed -+ Cou-ertin in &.G' and #a" -een official "ince &G$'2 T#e 1otto ,a" coined -+ 3enri Didon O(, a friend of Cou-ertin, for a (ari" +out# at#erin of &.G&2 T#e (ierre de Cou-ertin 1edal Eal"o <no,n a" t#e Cou-ertin 1edal or t#e True Spirit of Sport"1an"#ip 1edalF i" an a,ard i!en -+ t#e International Ol+1pic Co11ittee to t#o"e at#lete" t#at de1on"trate t#e "pirit of "port"1an"#ip in t#e Ol+1pic 8a1e"2 T#i" 1edal i" con"idered -+ 1an+ at#lete" and "pectator" to -e t#e #i #e"t a,ard t#at an Ol+1pic at#lete can recei!e, e!en reater t#an a old 1edal2 T#e International Ol+1pic Co11ittee con"ider" it a" it" #i #e"t #onour2 A 1inor planet $&G% Cou-ertin di"co!ered in &G;/ -+ So!iet a"trono1er ?i<olai Stepano!ic# C#ern+<# i" na1ed in #i" #onour2 T#e "treet ,#ere t#e Ol+1pic Stadiu1 in 6ontreal i" located E,#ic# #o"ted t#e &G;/ Su11er Ol+1pic 8a1e"F ,a" na1ed after (ierre de Cou-ertin, i!in t#e "tadiu1 t#e addre"" '9'G (ierre de Cou-ertin A!enue2 It i" t#e onl+ Ol+1pic Stadiu1 in t#e ,orld t#at lie" on a "treet na1ed after Cou-ertin2 T#ere are al"o t,o "c#ool" in 6ontreal na1ed after (ierre de Cou-ertin2 3e ,a" portra+ed -+ 5oui" Jourdan in t#e &G.' ?4C 1ini"erie", T#e )ir"t Ol+1pic": At#en" &.G/2 Li t $) /$r0 T#i" i" a li"tin of (ierre de Cou-ertinA" -oo<"2 In addition to t#e"e, #e ,rote nu1erou" article" for Cournal" and 1a a>ine": -ne ,ampa"ne de ./ ans2 (ari": 5i-rairie de lAVducation (#+"iHue2 &G%.2 La ,hroni)ue de *rance 01 #ols'22 Au=erre and (ari": 5anier2 &G%%@&G%/2 L'3ducation an"laise en *rance2 (ari": 3ac#ette2 &..G2 L'3ducation en !n"leterre2 (ari": 3ac#ette2 &...2 Essais de psycholo"ie sporti#e2 5au"anne: (a+ot2 &G&02 L'3#olution (ran+aise sous la Troisi4me Rpu%li)ue2 (ari": 3ac#ette2 &.G/2 *rance Since /5/62 ?e, Ror<: 6ac1illan2 &G%%2 La 7ymnasti)ue utilitaire2 (ari": Alcan2 &G%92 8istoire uni#erselle 06 #ols'22 Ai=@en@(ro!ence: Soci*t* de lA#i"toire uni!er"elle2 &G&G2 Mmoires olympi)ues2 5au"anne: 4ureau international de p*da o ie "porti!e2 &G0&2 9otes sur l'ducation pu%li)ue2 (ari": 3ac#ette2 &G%&2 :a"es d'histoire contemporaine2 (ari": (lon2 &G%.2 :da"o"ie sporti#e2 (ari": Cr*"2 &G$$2 Le Respect Mutuel2 (ari": Alean2 &G&92 Sou#enirs d'!mri)ue et de 7r4ce2 (ari": 3ac#ette2 &.G;2 -ni#ersits transatlanti)ues2 (ari": 3ac#ette2 &.G%2

Re)eren!e &23ill, C#ri"top#er R2 E&GG/F2 Olympic :olitics2 6anc#e"ter Uni!er"it+ (re"" ?D2 $26acAloon, Jo#n J2 E&G.&F2 This 7reat Sym%ol; :ierre de ,ou%ertin and the Ori"ins o( the Modern Olympic 7ames2 C#ica o: Uni!er"it+ of C#ica o (re""2 02Roun , Da!id C2 E&GG/F2 The Modern Olympics$ ! Stru""le (or Re#i#al2 4alti1ore and 5ondon: T#e Jo#n" 3op<in" Uni!er"it+ (re""2

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