2014 Nchga League Rules

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2014 Nationwide Childrens Hospital Information Services Golf Association (NCHGA) League Rules

Official Scoring Website www.leaguesync.com Sign-on: nchga Password: nchga

Table of Contents
1. Membership Requirements 2. League Structure 3. Substitutes 4. League Vacancies 5. Green Fees 6. Skins Game 7. Handicaps 8. Scoring System 9. Awards 10. Rules of Play 11. Scheduling and Starting Times 12. League Schedule 13. Team Numbers 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 9 9 11 12 12


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Membership Requirements 1.1. Participants in the Nationwide Childrens Hospital Information Services Golf Association (NCHGA) does not have to be an employee of Nationwide Childrens Hospital. Preference for filling regular player vacancies will be given to current employees of NCHGA per the guidelines outlined in Section 4 - League Vacancies. Participation must be approved by the NCHGA rules committee.


1.3. 2.

League Structure 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. The league will consist of sixteen (16) members. Play will be between eight (8) sets of two (2) two-player teams competing head-to-head. Participants may form their own teams. Team numbers will carry over from the previous season. The rules committee, consisting of no less than three (3) members, will be elected at the conclusion of the preceding season. The committee is responsible for managing all league activities. The league secretary will be responsible for distributing weekly handicaps and team standings, collecting substitution and skins fees prior to the start of play, collecting scorecards at the completion of play, and coordinating league play and meetings.



Substitutes 3.1. The absent team member shall be responsible for arranging a substitute player and notifying his/her partner, both opposing team members, and the league secretary of the substitute. 3.2. Substitutes must be approved by the NCHGA rules committee. Substitutes can be non-Nationwide Childrens Hospital (NCH) employees. NCH employees should be asked before non-NCH employees. 3.3. Only substitutes with established handicaps are eligible to play in the NCHGA. 3.3.1. To become an established substitute, a player must turn in five 18hole or ten 9-hole golf scores prior to being used as a substitute in the NCHGA. The person must present the scorecards with their hospital extension and/or home phone number where they can be reached,


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and their e-mail address. All scores will be used to determine an average and league handicap. 3.4. Substitutes will be charged $10.00 for green fees, collected by the NCHGA league secretary. These fees will be collected and used for various NCHGA activities (trophies, awards, etc.). 3.4.1. All sub money should be collected prior to the start of play, but no later than when the scorecard is handed in. 3.5. Any substitute golfer who agrees to play for a league member, and fails to show up for that particular week, will be brought to the attention of the league secretary. If the same substitute golfer misses any other week they are scheduled to play (in the same season) a meeting of the rules committee will occur to discuss the situation. If it is determined the substitute golfer did not provide valid reasons for missing the rounds, he/she may be removed from the substitute list. 4. League Vacancies 4.1. 4.2. In the event one member of a team drops out of the league, the remaining team member will have four weeks to select a person to fill the vacancy. If a team fails to fill a vacancy within four weeks, the rules committee will fill the vacancy by inviting the active substitute with the most rounds played, either as a substitute or past member, to join the league. The process will be repeated until a new member is found. New team members must meet league membership requirements and must be approved by the rules committee. In the event of a team vacancy, rule 4.2 will be applied to select the first new team member followed by rule 4.1. In the event that the rules committee must fill a vacancy, and the invitation criteria stated in rule 4.2 results in a tie between two or more candidates, then the rules committee will fill the vacancy by invitation based on earliest date of hire as a Nationwide Children's Hospital employee.

4.3. 4.4. 4.5.


Green Fees 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. Each player is responsible for paying green fees to the league secretary. Fees for the 2014 season will be $270.00. Full payment is required by February 28th.


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If payment is not made by 28 February 2014, the remaining partner will need to fill the vacancy using rules 4.1 and 4.2.


Skins Game 6.1. Players must either email the league secretary their intention to enter skin game for said day and pay for the skins game prior to the first team teeing off. If a player does not email the league secretary their intention to enter the game or pay prior to first team teeing off, the player cannot enter skins game for said round. If you email in confirmation prior to the round without cancellation and still have not yet paid by the time the first team tees off, you still must be considered entered in the skins game for said round, and will be required to pay.




Handicaps 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. 7.5. For handicapping purposes, all female golfers must play from the red tees and all male golfers must play from the white tees. 90% of actual playing strokes over par will constitute a players handicap. The maximum handicap for the NCHGA will be 24. Handicaps will be determined on a moving average of the last eight rounds played, dropping the high and low score. Initial handicaps for the current season will be based upon the last eight rounds played in the previous season. Handicaps for substitutes will be based upon the last eight rounds played, even if several years are spanned and the original submitted scores are used.


Scoring System 8.1. All scorecards must be completed and reviewed by the competing teams prior to submission to the league secretary. 8.1.1. Scorecards must be given to the league secretary immediately following the completion of each match. It is the players responsibility to get scorecards to the secretary before they leave the golf course. Sub fees must also be paid at the time the scorecard is given to the secretary. 8.1.2. Results are final once they are submitted to the league secretary.


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Each team must keep a card for scores of all 4 players. This is meant to be a comparison tool at the end of the round to check for accuracy. One score card should be turned in after the round. 8.2. Scoring will be based on twenty-four (24) points per match, twelve (12) points per head-to-head competition. 8.2.1. Both A players will play against one another for twelve (12) match points, and both B players will play against one another for twelve (12) match points. Nine (9) points will be determined by match play, one (1) point per hole. Competing players compare handicaps and apply the difference in handicap to the lowest handicap holes for the course being played. Example #1: Player A1 has a 12 handicap and Player A2 has a 5 handicap. The difference is 7 strokes. Player A1 receives a stroke on the first seven low handicap holes. Example #2: Player B1 has a 12 handicap and Player B2 has a 24 handicap. The difference is 12 strokes. Player B2 receives two strokes on each of the low three handicap holes and one stroke on each of the six remaining holes. After each hole is played, the gross score is marked on the scorecard, and the handicap strokes are applied to determine the winner of the whole point. Players split the point if the net score is tied. Three (3) points will be determined by medal play. The net score (gross score minus handicap) determines the winner of the three (3) medal points. Example: Player A1 has a 12 handicap and shoots 48 for nine holes. Player A2 has a 5 handicap and shoots 40 for nine holes. Player A1 has a Net Score of 36, while Player A2 has a Net Score of 35. Player A2 wins the three (3) Medal points. Handicaps will be used in determining the A and B players each week. The team has the option of who the A and B position players will be, whenever players on the same team have the same handicap. However, the A and B designation must be made prior to the start of play.



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April 2014 Substitutes must play in the A or B position they fall into when compared with other team members handicap. Teams will NOT be penalized for using a substitute. When a golfer, or a substitute does not show, the A or B positions will be determined using the absent, regular golfer. BLIND SCORES will be substituted for the absent golfer. A BLIND SCORE will be used as a result of any player not completing a round for any reason. A BLIND SCORE, or absent golfer, cannot win match points. Only a golfer playing against BLIND SCORES can win points. The BLIND MATCH SCORE will be determined by the league average score for the given night. The BLIND MATCH SCORE will determine the winner of the nine (9) match points. The golfer playing the BLIND MATCH should apply their handicap to each hole, beginning with the low handicap holes for the course being played. After each hole is played, the golfer applies his/her handicap to determine if the holes point (1) is won, tied, or lost. Scoring: a) Win=1, b) Tie=.5, c) Loss=0. A BLIND NET SCORE will be determined by the league average score for the given night. The BLIND NET SCORE will be used for the BLIND MEDAL SCORE. The golfer playing against the BLIND MEDAL will deduct his/her total handicap at the end of the round to determine the winner of the three (3) medal points. Net Score = Gross score minus handicap. In the event, that a player voluntarily ends a round; the following will occur. The player will not receive any points for the entire round. The opponent will keep any earned points, through the completed holes of play. The opponent will play against the blind for the remaining incomplete holes and for the medal points. The player, ending the round, will meet with the rules committee to explain the reasoning for ending the round within one week. The rules committee will determine if the reason is excused or unexcused. Examples of excused


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reasons are: health, family, work, and weather related issues. Examples of unexcused reasons are: frustration with poor play or inability to score any points. If the rules committee determines the reason is inexcusable, the player will receive a written warning. If the same player voluntarily ends an additional round in the same season, the player will be removed from the league. The player will also forfeit all fees paid for the remaining weeks of play for the season. The player will be eligible to return to the league in the following year. The players partner will have 4 weeks to select a new team member. If the partner is unable to find a new team member, the rules committee will attempt to find one for him/her. Not completing a single hole is the equivalent of not completing a round. All team matches will count towards determining a league champion. The league season will consist of two halves in which champions will be determined based on total points scored for that half followed by a final overall championship round. In the event that one team wins both halves, that team will automatically be awarded the overall championship. The league schedule will consist of a Rust-Off Night (practice round), sixteen weeks of play, and a championship night. Should a single team win both halves, they will automatically win the overall championship; round eighteen will consist of Fun Night Event for all participants. In the event of ties at the conclusion of the first or second half, the tiebreaker for the first or second half champion will be based on a comparison of team net scores for that night followed by team net scores per hole beginning with the number one handicap hole for that night.


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8.3. Championship format First Half Champion League Champion Second Half Champion The top two qualifying teams for overall league champion will consist of the first and second half champions. In the event of ties at the conclusion of the championship among the teams, a comparison of team net scores for that night will be the first tiebreaker, followed by team net scores per hole beginning with the number one handicap hole for that night. All teams not competing in the playoff will compete in a competition to be determined by the league before the start of week eighteen. The winning team will receive a prize.

8.3.1. 8.3.2.



Awards 9.1. Individual trophies will be presented to the NCHGA overall team champions.

10. Rules of Play 10.1. USGA Golf Rules will govern all play except as amended or stipulated below. Winter golf will prevail except in a hazard, out-of-bounds, or on the putting green. 10.1.1. Preferred lie - the ball may be moved six (6) inches in any direction, but not nearer the hole. The movement of the ball can not improve the playing surface. Example: The ball cannot be moved from the rough to the fairway. 10.1.2. A ball coming to rest near a fence defining out-of-bounds cannot be moved more than the allowed six (6) inches without incurring a onestroke penalty. 10.1.3. Play fair and use common sense. 10.2. A swing and a miss count as one (1) stroke. 10.3. A player may leave the flag in the hole only while putting from off the green. 10.4. A tended flag while putting from the putting green must be removed before the ball reaches the hole. If the ball hits the flag a one-stoke penalty will be assessed to the golfer who putted the ball.


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10.5. No player is required to putt through puddles of water on a green. The player may move the ball in any direction as long as it is not nearest the hole. 10.6. No player is required to hit out of a sand trap while the ball is in standing water. The player may move the ball and drop from chest height into the sand trap in any direction as long as it is not nearest the hole. 10.6.1. If entire sand hazard is under water, the player may drop the ball immediately behind the sand trap in the grass. 10.7. While there is no official USGA rule requiring continuous putting, the rules committee encourages the use of continuous putting as much as possible. 10.8. Out of bounds 10.8.1. Out of bounds is as designated by the score card. 10.8.2. An out of bounds shot is penalized one stroke, and played from the point where the ball went out of bounds and not where the ball came to rest. The player is allowed up to two club lengths from the point where the ball went out of bounds. The intent of this rule is to speed up play and allow a full swing, but not provide an advantage. 10.9. Lost ball 10.9.1. A golfer will be given two minutes to find a lost ball. 10.9.2. If the ball is not found, drop another ball at a spot agreed upon by the two opponents and resume play. A one (1) stroke penalty is assessed. 10.9.3. If the search for a lost ball exceeds the allowed two (2) minutes, the opposing player is permitted to prompt the searching player to play on. If the searching player fails to comply, a one (1) stroke penalty is assessed per minute of delay. 10.10. Ball in water hazard or lateral water hazard 10.10.1. A ball hit into a water hazard and deemed unplayable is penalized one stroke and played from the point where the ball went into the hazard. The player is allowed up to two club lengths from the point where the ball went into the water or hazard. The intent of this rule is to speed up play and allow a full swing, but not provide an advantage. The ball must not be dropped nearer the hole, and cannot be carried across the hazard. 10.10.2. A golfer will be given two minutes to try and retrieve a ball in a water hazard if so desired. If the retrieval attempt exceeds the allowed two (2) minutes, the opposing player is permitted to prompt the retrieving player to play on. If the retrieving player fails to comply, a one (1) stroke penalty is assessed per minute of delay.


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10.11. Speed of play 10.11.1. From the Tee No 2nd tee shots under any circumstance If a ball goes out of bounds on the tee shot, the player must play the ball from where it entered out of bounds, not where it came to rest, and incurs a 1 stroke penalty. Reference section 10.8 for further clarification of out of bounds procedures. A second tee shot is not permitted. If a ball enters a hazard (such as water), the player must play the ball from where it entered the hazard, and incurs a 1 stroke penalty. Reference section 10.10 for further clarification of out of bounds procedures. A second tee shot is not permitted. 10.11.2. From the Course All foursomes will play ready-golf. Honors can be used on the tee box provided all parties are ready. 10.11.3. Stroke Limits The maximum score allowed per hole will be double par The maximum allowed score on a par three (3) will be six (6) strokes. The maximum allowed score on a par four (4) will be eight (8) strokes. The maximum allowed score on a par five (5) will be ten (10) strokes. 10.12. Weather conditions 10.12.1. In the event of inclement weather, or conditions beyond our control, where nine (9) holes of play are not completed by all foursomes, all matches will be replayed the following week and other matches will be moved back accordingly. 10.13. Any problem pertaining to play which is not covered in these rules shall be decided by the rules committee, in accordance with the United States Golf Association (USGA). 11. Scheduling and Starting Times 11.1. The NCHGA will play on Wednesday evenings at 4:00pm. The course of play is the Blacklick Golf Course. The season will consist of eighteen rounds of play. 11.1.1. The weekly matches will be randomly selected by the scoring software on the league laptop. 11.1.2. Round 1 will be a Rust-Off Night (practice round).


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11.1.3. Round 9 will determine the first half champion. 11.1.4. Round 17 will determine the second half champion. 11.1.5. Round 18 will determine the league champion. 11.2. Teams will be assigned a starting time each week. All teams should make a concerted effort to be on time. 11.3. Any foursome failing to meet its scheduled starting time must relinquish the starting tee to the next scheduled foursome that is ready to play. Every effort must be made to keep league play on schedule. The team not ready will continue to relinquish the tee until they are ready or they are the last group. * Per the courses rule. If our last group is not ready to tee of by 5:01, they have the right to tell our last group to wait until the next league is done teeing off. 11.4. If a tardy player fails to arrive within the leagues allotted start times, the present members must tee off and follow the scoring instructions as per section 12. League Schedule Will be distributed separately 13. Team Numbers
Team 1 Jeff St. Louis Dale Price Team 3 Kevin Cahill Michael Iozzi Team 5 Michael Hunt Chris Hinton Team 7 Mike Coleman Brad Salt Team 2 Josh Ferrell Shane Bowman Team 4 Eric Zimmerman Charlie Brady Team 6 David Whittridge Brian Baacke Team 8 Kevin Mielke Jason Coniglio


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