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675 Riverside Road Roswell, GA 30075 ~
770/641-9720 ~ 770/641-8584 fax
Rev. Msgr. Hugh Marren, Pastor ~ Rev. Juan Areiza, Parochial Vicar
Deacons: Rev. Mr. William Keen, Rev. Mr. Tom Gotschall, and Rev. Mr. José Campos



Monday ~ Friday
9:00am to 4:00pm

Monday ~ Thursday
9:00am, and 12:15pm
Friday 6:30am,
9:00am, 12:15 pm
Saturday: 9:00am, 5:00pm
Family Vigil
Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am,
10:30am, 12:00pm,
5:00pm Life Teen
7:30am &7:00pm Spanish
Civil Holidays: 10:00am

Sunday 9:00am and
10:30am Masses

Monday ~ Friday
9:30am ~ 9:00pm

Mondays at 7:15pm Thank you Msgr. Hugh Marren and Rev. Juan Areiza
Saturdays 9:30am ~
10:30am & on request Spiritual Guidance, Love, and Support
Monday 7:00pm-9:00pm

Please keep us informed so
that we can be attentive to
those who are ill.
Mass Intentions for the Week
Monday, October 26 During this month of October we celebrate the feast of the
9:00 a.m. †Karen Goggans Rosary. In fact October is known as the month of the Holy Rosary.
12:15 p.m. It is a prayer which invites us to reflect on the mysteries of life and
faith. It reminds us that we are not alone here on earth and that
Tuesday, October 27 earth itself is not our lasting dwelling place. I know at times looking
9:00 a.m. †Peter Hansen at the world around us, including ourselves, we sometimes give the
12:15 p.m. impression that we are going to live here forever; and that planet
earth is the real and lasting city, but as the holy book says “Seventy
Wednesday, October 28
is the sum of our years, or Eighty if we are strong.” That means it’s
9:00 a.m. †John Cook
October in my life in more ways than one, and very few of us are in
12:15 p.m. For all those in the Armed Forces and their
the month of January. But it doesn’t matter what month we are in,
the important thing is that we take time to reflect on this great gift of
Thursday, October 29 life that God has given us.
9:00 a.m. †Elizabeth Huffner During this month of October we are reminded that the
12:15 p.m. Rosary is a wonderful means given us to do this. As James Met-
Friday, October 30 calfe put it so beautifully in his poem titled:
9:00 a.m. †John &†Marion Hamper
12:15 p.m. MY ROSARY
Saturday, October 31
9:00 a.m. †Byron Bickes There is no other article. . . That means so much to me
5:00 p.m. †Rose Demaso . . . Or gives me so much comfort as . . . My precious
Rosary . . . Each bead is bright and lovely as . . . A
Sunday, November 1 flower or a gem . . . And sacred is the Crucifix . . . That
7:30 a.m. Pedro Moro (SI) Spanish in Family Center watches over them . . . My fingers touch them lightly
7:30 a.m. Deceased Priests of the Archdiocese while . . . My head I gently nod . . . “Our Father” and
9:00 a.m. †Mario Aversa “Hail Mary” and . . . The “Glory be to God” . . . I say my
10:30 a.m. †Elizabeth Huffner Rosary in church . . . At home and on retreat . . . I say
12:00 p.m. †Isaura Campos it in my pocket when . . . I walk along the street . . .
5:00 p.m. People of the Parish And when I quench the little flames . . .That light the
7:00 p.m. Spanish Mass candle-wicks . . . I always kneel beside my bed . . . And
kiss the Crucifix.
Readings for the week
Monday: (Rom 8:12-17, Ps 68, Lk 13:1017) This daughter Msgr. Hugh Marren
of Abraham, ought she not to have been set free on the Sabbath
Tuesday: (Rom 8:18-25, Ps 126, Lk 13:18-21) When it was MOVE CLOCKS BACK ONE HOUR. The N.F.P.A. recom-
fully grown, it became a large bush. mends replacing all 9 volt batteries in smoke detectors twice a year:
Spring and Fall Time Change.
Wednesday: St. Simon and St. Jude (Eph 2:19-22, Ps 19,
Lk 6:12-16) From them Jesus chose Twelve, who He also
named Apostles. HOLY COMMUNION will be held on Thursday evening Octo-
ber 29th from 7pm until 9pm in the RCIA room. This training is
Thursday: (Rom 8:31b-39, Ps 109, Lk 13:31-35) It is im- for anyone interested in joining the ministry as well as for those
possible that a prophet should die outside of Jerusalem. who need to be recertified. Certification is valid for three
years. If you plan to attend, please contact the office or email
Friday: (Rom 9:1-5, Ps 147, Lk 14:1-6) Who among you, if
your son or ox falls into a cistern, would not immediately pull him
out on the Sabbath Day?
SECOND COLLECTION: The second collection next Sunday,
Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary (Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25 November 1st will be for the Archdiocesan Seminarians. Please be
-29,Ps 94, Lk 14:1,7-11) Everyone who exalts himself will generous. The second collection for the following Sunday, November
8th was requested by Catholic Charities for the area flood victims.
be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be ex-
Sunday: All Saints Day (Rv 7:2-4,9-14, Ps 24, 1 Jn 3:1- Monday-Friday 9:30am to 9pm
3, Mt 5:1-12a) Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be Please sign-up for Eucharistic Adoration for the month of
great in heaven. November. You can spend a quiet hour once a week
with Our Lord listening and praying before the Blessed
Sacrament. You can sign-up in the narthex on weekends
and in the chapel during the week. Many time slots are still available.
We would like 2 people at each hour but many time slots have only 1
October 18, 2009 $15,405.50 person. We need your commitment.

Visit Our Website at

WELCOME VISITORS Psychological Perspectives on Forgiveness: An Introduction
AND NEWCOMERS! Presentations by Dr. Tom Spudic
We invite you to register and become Forgiveness is “easier said than done”. When a real injustice has
part of our St. Andrew parish family! been done, the concept (of forgiveness) can seem impossible, if not
downright foolish. Part of our problem with forgiveness may be misun-
Please fill out a registration form located on the information wall in the derstanding of what is/is not forgiveness.
narthex (main church entrance) or stop by the parish Forgiveness can be very helpful for the person who forgives. It pro-
office during the week. Welcome! foundly affects our emotional and spiritual lives. There is evidence
that it assists in dealing with anxiety and depressive symptoms.
Join our Q&A sessions about our
Join Thomas Spudic, Ph.D. for a two-part series on the “Psychology of
Catholic Faith
Forgiveness”. The sessions will discuss: 1) Forgiveness—what it is
most Sundays from 9-10am in the RCIA room
and what it isn’t. 2) The rather complex (sometimes lengthy) process
(upstairs in Building B). Questions? Please call
of forgiveness. 3) Some case studies of forgiveness as one possible
Deacon Tom Gotschall: 7/490-9436
option in dealing with negative emotions such as anger, depression,
and anxiety. The series is free and will be held on Nov. 4th and 11th
JIFF-journey in faith formation at 7:00pm in the RCIA Room. Please sign up on the sheet in the Nar- we can have a head count regarding materials and hand outs.
Journey through Church History presented We now have JIFF online at St. Andrew's website. Please visit the
by John Harvey Journey's in Faith Formation link to see the latest dates for
Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2009 7 p.m. at the RCIA room
events. Special thanks to Bill Powers for all his help in setting
If you ask someone to describe the history of the United up the JIFF pages.
States they will most likely start with the revolution, mention the Dec-
laration of Independence (our separation from England) and point to
noteworthy individuals like Washington or Jefferson. The more we
understand the struggle of the founding fathers and the reasons for
Religious education
their passion, the more we appreciate this great country of ours. The STA Preschool and Youth Group Leaders will be hosting a CHRIST-
MAS DROP and SHOP event for parents of children ages 2 to 11. Parents
If someone asked you to describe the history of the Christian Church
are invited to DROP their children off, and then go SHOP for the rest of the
what would be your answer? Beyond the apostles, who were the day. The event will take place here at the Church on December 12th, 2009
founding fathers? What war did we battle for 300 years to establish immediately following Breakfast with Santa (11:00 am). The DROP &
our faith and then what document loudly declares who we are and SHOP event will end at 4:00pm.
what we stand for? Finally, why was the faith of those who founded
the church so strong, strong enough to freely give up their lives for This is a fundraising event for the hosting groups. The fee per child is
$25.00 or $65.00 per family. All children must be between the ages of 2
someone they had never seen or met?
The purpose of this one hour session is to provide a foundation of the LEASE FORM AND CHECK MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO THE
early church and attempt to answer these questions. Then, lightly EVENT FOR EACH CHILD. Registrations are located in the hall outside
touch on key events in our church history that bring us to where we the Youth Ministry offices and at the preschool office. Children must be
are today. picked up promptly at 4:00 pm. A fee of $5.00 per child will be charged for
every 15 minutes late.
Please join JIFF and John Harvey as we build together, not just our
The children will be entertained and cared for by volunteer adults with a
faith but pride in our Catholic History
ratio of 5 children to 1 adult. We will accept volunteer applications from
The Catholic Mass Revealed Video Presentation teens who need service hours for Confirmation class. We will only be able
(3-part series) to accommodate 1 teen per adult for this fundraiser. Please see Cassi
Sundays after the 7:30 a.m. mass (8:30 – 9:30 am) in the Villanueva or Ms. Eileen if you are a confirmation teen and would like to
Multi-Purpose Room receive service hours at this event.

Is the Mass more of an obligation to you? Are you not getting any-
thing out of or do not understand the significance of the Mass? Why?
Champs / edge youth group news
The Liturgy (Mass) is the summit toward which the activity Do you have a child in 4th-8th grade? If so, give your child a chance to get
of the Church is directed. Every liturgical celebration, because it is an involved with other Catholic youth in our parish! RSVP to any event your
child plans to attend at If you would like to
action of Christ the priest and of his body, which is the church, is a
be added to my email list and notified of upcoming events (or last minute
preeminently sacred action. No other action of the church equals its
changes regarding event details), contact Christen Barrett at the email listed
effectiveness by the same title nor to the same degree. From the above.
liturgy, therefore, and especially from the Eucharist, grace is poured Saturday, Nov. 7: Fleece Blanket Party in room 202 & 203 from 6-
forth upon us as from a fountain . . . but in order that the liturgy may 8pm. Each child must bring 4 yards of fleece (2 yards solid color/2 yards
be able to produce its full effects it is necessary that the faithful come with a print). Snacks available. ( We are still accepting fleece or monetary
to it with proper dispositions, that their minds be attuned to their donations from the parish. These blankets are donated to the children at
voices, and that they cooperate with heavenly grace lest they receive local shelters. Thank you in advance for helping us achieve this special
it in vain. (Sacrosanctum Concilium – The Constitution on the Sacred project!)
Liturgy, articles 7, 10 and 11). Saturday, Dec. 5: (New date) Festival of Lights at Lake Lanier. This event
will need volunteer drivers. Details to be announced. Please check bulle-
Sunday Nov. 1, 2009: The Mass: Introductory Rites tin.
Sunday Nov. 8, 2009: The Mass: The Liturgy of the Word Monday, Dec. 14: Christmas Party in room 202 from 6-7:15 PM. We will
Sunday Nov. 15, 2009: The Mass: The Liturgy of the Eucharist and have Christmas crafts, snacks, and an opportunity to make holiday cards for
Concluding Rites a local nursing home.
Discussion follows after each video presentation. Come join us and Don't forget: Winter EDGE Retreat for grades 6-8 takes place in Febru-
appreciate the Mass. ary! Check bulletin for details!

Visit Our Website at

St. Andrew Parish Council Meeting Minutes
lifenites Date: October 8, 2009
Members Present: John Miles (President), Bob Ouellette (Secretary), Ginny
Cassi Villanueva: 770-641-9720 or Boll, Susan Demaso, Liz Schantz, Mike Lerch, Diana Zabala, Evelyn
All high school students are invited to the Family Life Center directly Shanni, Phil Cote
Members Not Present: (excused), Margaret Ward (Vice-President), Rick
after the Teen Mass on Sunday, Oct. 25th for faith sharing, fellowship
Medina, Renay Miller
and food.
Others Attending: Monsignor Marren, Jeanne Faas.
Conference Meeting for parents of 9th and 10th graders will be on Meeting Called to Order:
Sunday, November 1, 2009 at 3:30pm in the Family Life Center. The meeting was called to order by John Miles, President at 6:47PM.
Fall Retreat will be November 6th-8th. Forms are available outside the Roll Call was conducted. Quorum was established, and Monsignor
opened the meeting with group prayers.
Life Teen Office.
Opening Remarks / Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve September Minutes by Susan Demaso; seconded
Blue Candle of Life by Mike Lerch; voted and approved.
Burns in the Chapel for the Anniversary of
Gerry & Peggy Peay Monsignor - Pastor’s Update:
Thanks to all in the parish for the new car (Altima)
For your intentions sign-up in the Pro-Life book by
First JIFF meeting of the season was conducted with about
the Chapel door. 30 people on Wednesday evening; it was very well
$10 donation to the Pro-Life Ministry. received
Other programs: something like “Matthew Kelley after Mass”
in the multi-purpose room is being researched;
Knights of Columbus Recruitment Sunday Wednesday nights – parallel program between JIFF
On Sunday, November 1st the St. Andrew Knights invite and Life Teen
all men of the parish and their families to a recruitment Ordination of new Atlanta Auxiliary Arch Bishop - Msgr. Luis
breakfast after all the Masses in the Family Center. Learn R. Zarama; it went well and this is a great choice for the
Catholic community
more about the Knights’ principals of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Pa-
triotism. Old Business:
Discipleship Program Update – Jeanne Faas, Eileen Dejulio
Where else can you get a free breakfast and a little knowledge on one and Monsignor met and reviewed all comments from
of the best men's organizations in the world? Plus you don't have to parishioners; there were many comments on parish
fight the traffic leaving Mass. communications and education, also our interest in
working with other parishes (programs can be shared
HOLIDAYS ARE COMING AND WE’RE GOING NUTS! across parishes, i.e., should we do more?); input will be
The Knights of Columbus will be selling delicious Georgia pecans direct moved forward to the Archdiocese after a team meeting
from the grower, perfect for baking, parties and holiday gifts. Sale Saint Andrew Statue: sculptor has completed the clay model
and it is beautiful; Jeanne will start coordinating the
dates will be November 8th and 15th after all Masses.
work for the placement / location in the Church; it is on
schedule; funding that would have come from the Par-
WELCOME ish Picnic raffles will have to be gained from another
Kaitlyn Marie Marano source
who was baptized into our Christian Community. Church Doors – no response from first suggested contractor;
All parents who wish to have their children baptized in the month of we should move ahead with getting quotes from local
contractors; we will likely paint them versus varnish;
December will need to attend a Baptism Class on Monday, Novem-
we will look into finishing all exterior woodwork
ber 23rd. Please call the office to register. Parents will need to be
Spirit Sunday (Re-scheduling) – Renay Miller is absent, so
registered and active members of the parish for a minimum of three we will address this next month
months prior to taking the class. Parish Picnic – It is officially cancelled for this year due to
grounds condition; we will possibly consider some sort
THE ELIJAH CUP of alternative in the Spring;
The Elijah Cup is a chalice that is given to parishioners and St Vincent De Paul raffle (ducks) will continue it’s sales
families to take home from Mass to use as a focal point while with an upcoming Sunday event to select a winner (to
praying for vocations. You may sign up for the Mass of your be scheduled)
choice in the main church entrance or call Liz Schantz: 7/518- New Business:
6836. Hispanic Community (Diana Zabala) celebrated its first Sun-
Sun 10/25 7:30am Kathy and Holland Earle day morning mass and offered the highest level of
5:00pm Bill Doverspike and Deborah Midkiff thanks to the Monsignor for making it happen (Parish
Center is the location)
Parish Grounds Clean-Up -
VETERAN’S DAY MASS Statues following the flood waters – one statue top was
damaged; several bases were submerged into the
In honor of all St. Andrew Veterans, newly formed mud
living and deceased, Pre-School Area will require major cleaning / re-work; it
could cost several thousands of dollars
we will have our annual Veteran’s Day Mass on Helping Hands – scheduled for November 14; John Miles
Sunday, November 8th at 10:30am. will coordinate with Jeanne to organize crews
If you would like to participate, Adjournment: Meeting adjourned with a prayer at 7:35 PM.

or if you have served in the Military,

please call Gene O’Brien at 7/664-5639 OVER 55 CLUB: Please come and join the Over 55 Club for
their monthly meeting on Friday, November 6th at 1:00pm in the
so that we may honor your service to our country. RCIA Room.

Visit Our Website at

Around the diocese MAGNIFICAT PRAYER BREAKFAST for all Catholic women
will be held Saturday, November 7th 9:30-12:30 at Killian Hall, 908
ALL SOULS MASS: The annual Mass for the deceased bishops, Killian Hill Rd., Lilburn, GA 30047. Reservations are $10. No reser-
priests, and deacons will take place on Monday, Novmber2nd at vations will be taken at the door. For more information call
10:30am at Arlington Memorial Park at the priests burial place. Lynda Cupell 404-634-8303.

MASS OF REMEMBRANCE: St. Peter Chanel in Roswell will LET THE LIGHT SHINE OUT OF DARKNESS (2 Cor. 4:6): The
host its tenth annual Mass of Remembrance on Saturday, November Archdiocese invites anyone who has been wronged by the Catholic
7th at 11:00am in the Catholic section of Green Lawn Cemetery. The Church in any way to Prayer Service of Atonement with Archbishop
Mass is open to all and is an opportunity to celebrate the lives of de- Wilton Gregory on Thursday, November 12, 2009. The Prayer Ser-
ceased loved ones and remember in prayer the souls of the faithfully vice will be held at the Cathedral of Christ the King from 7:00pm-
departed. For further info contact Elyse Erwin at 678-277-9424 or visit 8:30pm with a reception to follow in the Parish Hall. For more informa- tion contact Sue Stubbs at or 404-885-7459.

Parish Activities at a Glance MARIST HOLIDAY ARTS AND CRAFT SHOW: Marist will
have their Craft Fair on Saturday, November 7th from 9:00am-
Weekly Events 4:00pm.Admission is $3.00. For additional information check
Adoration M to F 9:30am-9:00pm
Bible Study Tuesday Morning Tues. 10:00am
Bible Study Friday Morning Fri. 10:00am
Bible Study-Friday Night Fri. 7:00pm ST. PIUS X HOLIDAY MARKETPLACE: St. Pius will have
Divine Mercy Chaplet Fri. 3:00pm their arts festival on Saturday, November 21st from 9:00am-3:00pm.
Legion of Mary Thurs. 10:00am Admission is $3 per person.
Men’s Fellowship Fri. 6:30am Mass 7:00am Fellowship
Miraculous Medal Novena Mon. 7:15pm
Spirit and Truth Mon. 8:00pm Ministry Contacts
Religious Education Mon. 6:00pm
Respect Life Rosary Sun. at 1:00pm Altar Care Trudy Scully 770/998-8752
RCIA Sun. at 9:00am Altar Servers Sheryl Hess 770-998-6766
Rosary M to F 8:25am American Heritage Girls Kim Wunschel 770-363-2012
Rosary M to F 12:45pm Bereavement Ministry Jenny Smentek
Spanish Divine Mercy Chaplet Mon. at 6:00pm Bible Study (Friday Night) Elaine Ruppenthal 770-754-6104
Toastmasters Thurs. at 7:45pm Bible Study (Friday Morning) Gene O’Brien 770-664-5639
Bible Study (Tues. Morning) Christine Caveness 770-393-1816
Monthly Events Caring Connection Ginny Boll 770-993-8738
Columbian Squires 2nd Sun. at 3:45pm Catholics Returning Home Larry/Tracie Vicario 770-998-5971
Cub Scout Pack 2006 1st, 2nd, & 4th Friday 7:00pm CHAMPS Youth Group 4th & 5th Grade
Knights of Columbus 1st Mon. at 7:30pm Christen Barrett 404-242-6029
Over 55 Club 1st Fri. at 1:00pm Christ Renews His Parish Katie Troline 678-352-1311
Parish Council 2nd Thur. at 6:30pm Columbian Squires Don Boyle 770-410-9237
Prayer Shawl Ministry 1st Thur. at 6:30pm Cub Scout Pack 2006 Phil Vance 770-597-1401
Respect Life 2nd Sat. at 10:00am EDGE Youth Group Christen Barrett
St. Vincent de Paul 1st Tue. at 7:00pm Elijah Cup Liz Schantz 770-518-6836
St. Vincent de Paul 3rd Sat. at 8:00am Eucharist Adoration Guardians Carol Meurer 770-641-9720
Venturing Crew 2nd & 4th Monday at 7:00pm Eucharistic Ministers Parish Office 770-641-9720
Familia Sara Sullivan 678-965-5351
Homeschoolers of St. Andrew Carolyn Rittmueller 678-524-4950
Please Pray For Our Sick Homestretch Sandy Lashley 770-641-9720
JIFF-Journey in Faith Formation Rick Medina 678-687-8308
Jean Austin, Donald Bedell, David Benjamin, Rebecca Benjamin, Lynne Knights of Columbus Tom Hoover 770-712-7849
Beauchamp, Settembrina Biagioni, Darlene Bixler, Julia Blyth, Bishop J. Kevin Lectors Gert Mullin 770-772-6280
Boland, John W. Boyle, Mary Boyle, Kristie Buck, Daniella Burnf, Graciela Buzeta, Legion of Mary Carol Albright 770-993-7903
Mayone Byron, Michael Camuti, Stephen Capano, Juan Jose Chico, Bonnie Chico, Lifenites/High School Youth Group Cassi Villanueva 770-641-9720
San Juanita Chico, Lorelei Clapper, Heidi Clearly, Amy Coddington, Maureen Marriage Encounter Dave/Ronnie Gorzynski 770-594-7608
Cooke, Patsy Crow, Josh Davis, Elizabeth DeBuys, Dawn DeLucia, Mary DeLucia, Men’s Fellowship Mike Lerch 678-521-1583
Jane Demaso, Hank Deren, Jeannette Derum, Alvin Dieter, Kaitlynn Donahue, Moms of St. Andrew Julie Franklin 678-320-0444
Jerry Dooley, Margit Dvorak, Claire Ehrmann, Miriam Flanagan, Marge Fleming, Shannon Wiggins 770-552-0701
Paula Frederick, Judy Friedman, Linda Frescona, Marie Gaede, Lucille Gallagher, Music Ministry Bernie Sotola 770-641-9720 x231
John Gannon, Montye Gardner, Margaret Gavin, Iris Gotschall, Richard Granath,
Over 55 Club Gert Mullin 770-772-6280
Elizabeth Jane Gricus, Pat Groetsch, Mary Ann Gulitozi, Brittany Healy, Michael
Parish Council John Miles 770-518-8512
Healy, Kim Henderson, Heidi Hendricks, Pat Hodges, Will Hodges, Harry Hodgins,
Prayer Shawl Ministry Regina Fueher 770-640-6122
Bruce Holt, Kerri Horton, Dani Howard, Collins Marie Howard, Jill Ingenito, Rose Preschool Carol Hastings 770-642-1636
James, Joan Johnson, Art Johnson, Kay Johnson, , Martha Kassis, Merrell King, Chris Lovejoy 770-642-1636
Tom Knox, Johnny Kranyecz, Dolores Lamb, Deacon Mike Landaiche, Jr., James Religious Education Eileen DeJulio 770-641-9720x228
Lasneski, Laura Lawton, Mary-Gay Li, Tom Loesch, Marie Lourdes, Jane Mayer, or
Gary Meader, Ursula Medlen, Jackson Moore, David Morsa, James Nielsen, Carol R.C.I.A. Tom Gotschall 770-490-9436
Anne Palermo, Maggie Paoletti, Arnulfo Pathon, Erin Patrick, Paulette Pettorosi, Respect Life Eileen Schuster 770-587-2611
Peggy Plunkett, Bill Plunkett, Lynn Ponder, Mary V. Quinlan, Alice Reid, Deborah St. Martin de Porres Sandy Lashley 770-641-9720
Ritter, Hazel Rizzo, David Rundell, Paul Scibona, Julie Shannon, Chris Singh, St. Vincent de Paul Denise Fisher 770-641-9720
Deacon Bob Smith, Jack Smith, Wayne Smith, Sharon Somers, Paul Stahlschmidt, Spanish Ministry Cecilia Campos 770-649-9392
Donna St. Pierre, Elaine Stephens, John and Shirley Stevens, Rick Stradtman, Ushers Guild John Miles 770-518-8512
Doni Strok, Bill Swiger, Graham Troline, Nilca Trujillo, Tim Truxillo, Tom Valentine, Venture Crew 2006 Jerry Cross 770-330-9382
Josephina Villasenor, Ruth Voorhis, Colton Walker, Julie Walker, Reilly Walsh, Kim Wedding Coordinators Carol Meurer 770-641-9720
Weber, James F. Weller, Calvin Ray White, Debbie Williams, Brian Wynn-Higgins Welcoming Committee Claudette Piper 770-518-9604
To add or delete names please contact Carol Meurer at 678-641-9720 Women’s Guild Lisa Biagioni 770-777-5912

Visit Our Website at

BIENVENIDOS: HORARIO DEL MINISTERIO HISPANO Martes, Miércoles y Jueves de 10:00am a 3:00pm.
Cerrado Lunes .
Ministerio Hispano: Padre Juan Areiza: 770-641-9720 ext. 233
Cecilia Campos 770-649-9392
Deje su nombre, número telefónico y un breve mensaje, su llamada tendrá respuesta.

Ministerio de educacion religiosa sacramentos

Para recibir sacramentos en nuestra Iglesia necesita estar inscrito BAUTIZMO. Requisitos: Estar registrados en la Parroquia
en la Parroquia por un periodo de tres meses antes de poder solicitar
un sacramento. Las planillas de inscripción se encuentran en el por UN PERIODO DE TRES MESES antes de la fecha del
vestíbulo y en el Ministerio Hispano. bautizo. Acta de Nacimiento del niño/a. Los padrinos de-
ben ser Católicos activos. Casados: Copia del certificado
de Matrimonio. Solteros: mayores de 16 años de edad.
alumno es de $50 dólares que puede ser abonado en cuotas. Certificado de Bautizo. Entrega de documentos los miér-
Familias con dificultad económica por favor hablen con el coles de 11am -2:30pm. Pláticas de Preparación: Primer
padre Juan, o en la oficina del Ministerio con Dona Cecilia. Martes del mes de 7:00pm – 9:00pm . Asistencia obligato-
ria de padres y padrinos. Ceremonia Bautismal segundo
Sábado de mes a las 11:00am. En la Capilla, entrada por el estaciona-
Cindy Rivera-
Rivera-Peñaloza Reyes Escobar-
miento lateral.
Johanna Peñaloza-
Peñaloza-Rivera William Escobar-
Kendra M. Peñaloza Rodimiro Cisneros MATRIMONIO: Requisitos: Estar inscritos en la Parroquia.
Jose Merced Natalia Castro-
Castro-Flores Cita con el Sacerdote. Participar en el curso de preparación
LLASU (Llamados A Ser Uno). Reservar la fecha con 6 me-
Juan A. López-
López- Sánchez Alex Arriola
ses de anticipación. Consignar documentos de Bautizo y
Ariadna Hernández-
Hernández-Suárez Emmanuel Aburto-
Aburto- Confirmación.
Pedro A. Enríquez
CONFIRMACION. Este curso es para jóvenes en nove-
Bryan T. Enríquez
no y décimo grado que tengan todos los sacramentos
menos la Confirmación. Al igual que la Primera Comu-
ADORACION AL SANTISIMO nión el programa de la Confirmación es de dos años.
Clases los domingos de 5:30-7:00pm, concluyendo con
la participación en la misa de 7pm.


Formación de adultos y jóvenes mayores de nueve
años sin bautizar para recibir todos o los sacra-
mentos que les falten. Clases los domingos de
5:30-7:00pm. Mas información con Nancy Harde-
man y el Diacono Jose Campos


El Cielo que me tienes prometido,
ni me mueve el infierno tan temido para dejar GRUPO DE ORACION SEMILLAS DE PAZ Y MOR
por eso de ofenderte. Tu me mueves, Señor, muéveme el No importa el nivel de espiritualidad.
verte clavado en una cruz y encarnecido, muéveme tu cuer-
po tan herido,muéveme tus afrentas y tu muerte. Salon 202– Segundo piso.
Muéveme, en fin, tu amor, y en tal manera, que aunque no
hubiera cielo, yo te amara, y aunque no hubiera infierno, te
temiera. (Anónimo) DIVINA MISERICORDIA: Las reuniones se realizan
************************************************************************** e n la Capilla. Lunes: 6:00/ 7:00pm. Enseñanza en el
salón 207

HOMBRENUEVO les invita a la Conferencia de “Un Dios a mi medi- El Ministerio de enfermos JESUS DIVINA MISERICORDIA lleva el
mensaje de amor Misericordioso de Jesús a todos los hogares e n
da”. Existe un solo Dios y no muchos de donde escoger. Martes 03 donde se encuentre un enfermo en cama.
de Noviembre 2009 de 7-9pm en St. Andrew Catholic Church. 10PM. Salón 207
Donativo $15
Clases de ingles tercer nivel. Viernes 7-9pm Salón 205. TES TIPOS DE VIOLENCIA DOMESTICA? Como podemos ayudar en nuestra iglesia,
grupo o comunidad? Sábado 24 de octubre, 2009 de 10:00 am. a 1:00 pm. Norcross
Celebración de la festividad de la Virgen de Guadalupe do- Human Services Center 5030 Georgia Belle Ct. Norcross. Gratis
mingo 13 de Diciembre. Mañanitas con desayuno misa de
7:30am. Misa solemne y convivio misa de 7:00pm. GRUPO DE JOVENES ADULTOS 18+ SE REUNE LOS VIERNES DE 8-
10PM. Salón 207

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