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8lkeshare Pawall ls a non-proflL 301(c)3 corporaLlon newly esLabllshed for Lhe purpose
of overseelng Lhe launch and admlnlsLraLlon of a publlc blkeshare sysLem ln Pawall.
1hrough a parLnershlp wlLh Lhe SLaLe of Pawall, ClLy and CounLy of Ponolulu and a
number of prlvaLe organlzaLlons, 8lkeshare Pawall ls LargeLlng an lnlLlal sysLem launch
of 140-180 sLaLlons wlLh 1,400-1,700 blcycles ln urban Ponolulu by mld-2013, wlLh plans
Lo expand Lo oLher parLs of Cahu and nelghbor lslands ln subsequenL years. 8lkeshare
Pawall wlll be responslble for program admlnlsLraLlon and wlll conLracL wlLh a Lurn-key
operaLor Lo provlde equlpmenL and dally operaLlons.
8lkeshare ls a publlc LransporLaLlon sysLem LhaL enables lLs cusLomers Lo make shorL
Lrlps beLween a neLwork of unaLLended docklng sLaLlons. 8lkeshare ls growlng rapldly
around Lhe world and ls ln place, or expecLed Lo launch, ln mosL ma[or u.S. clLles ln Lhe
nexL few years.
8lkeshare Pawall requlres an LxecuLlve ulrecLor who can provlde Lhe leadershlp and
lnlLlaLlve Lo sLarL-up Lhe organlzaLlon, aLLracL parLnershlps, fundlng, and oversee and
ensure Lhe developmenL and lmplemenLaLlon of a flscally responslble buslness plan LhaL
accuraLely reflecLs Lhe unlque opporLunlLles and consLralnLs of a blkeshare sysLem ln
Pawall. lL wlll Lake a forward-Lhlnklng leader who can vlsuallze a fuLure where blkeshare
ls an lnLegral parL of Pawall's LransporLaLlon neLwork and can respond Lo Lhe unlque
needs of dlfferenL communlLles across Lhe sLaLe.
1. 8achelor's degree ln 8uslness, urban or 1ransporLaLlon lannlng,
CommunlcaLlons, MarkeLlng, or relaLed fleld. Advanced degrees are preferred
(M8A, MA, !u).
2. Mlnlmum 3 years of relevanL work experlence
3. 8uslness developmenL and fundralslng experlence wlLh Lhe ablllLy Lo ldenLlfy and
leverage lnnovaLlve fundlng sources
4. uemonsLraLed success ln a sLarL-up organlzaLlon envlronmenL wlLh Lhe ablllLy Lo
successfully sLarL up a new organlzaLlon and lmplemenL new programs
3. LxcellenL leadershlp, managemenL, wrlLLen and verbal communlcaLlon, and
negoLlaLlon skllls, lncludlng Leam bulldlng & collaboraLlon across enLlLles
6. AblllLy Lo manage a flnanclally vlable and susLalnable organlzaLlon wlLh ongolng
budgeLlng, monlLorlng and reporLlng

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1he successful candldaLe wlll demonsLraLe many of Lhe followlng LralLs, skllls, or
o ollLlcal and geographlc famlllarlLy wlLh Cahu and Lhe Pawallan lslands
preferred, lncludlng faclllLaLlon of publlc processes and collaboraLlon wlLh
governmenL enLlLles
o knowledge of, experlence wlLh, and commlLmenL Lo managlng a 8oard of
ulrecLors and developlng bylaws, regulaLlons, and eLhlcs of managlng a mlsslon-
orlenLed organlzaLlon
o Lxperlence or undersLandlng of buslness operaLlons (blkeshare operaLlons or
oLherwlse), lncludlng consumer markeLlng, engagemenL and cusLomer servlce
o SLraLegy plannlng, budgeL developmenL, ongolng flnanclal monlLorlng and
reporLlng, baslc accounLlng and bookkeeplng skllls preferred
o Sponsorshlp and parLnershlp experlence lncludlng negoLlaLlon and managemenL
of conLracLs, sponsor recrulLmenL, fulflllmenL, and accounL managemenL
o knowledge and undersLandlng of blkeshare, blcycle lnfrasLrucLure, blcycle
markeLlng campalgns, blcycle and moLorlsL educaLlon, and plannlng for llvable
communlLles ls a plus
o Wllllngness Lo work lrregular hours wlLh occaslonal Lravel
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1he LxecuLlve ulrecLor wlll reporL Lo Lhe non-proflL's 8oard of ulrecLors, whlch wlll
conslsL of a range of prlvaLe, publlc, and sponsor represenLaLlves. !ob may requlre hours
LhaL exceed 8 hours per day and/or 40 hours per week.
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1he LxecuLlve ulrecLor's prlmary responslblllLles are segmenLed lnLo pre-launch and
ongolng acLlvlLles.
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o Work wlLh and supporL Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors Lo develop and execuLe a plan Lo
launch 8lkeshare Pawall, lncludlng flnallzlng Lhe mlsslon, key meLrlcs, goals, eLc.
o Manage sponsorshlps, fundralslng, plannlng, and lmplemenLaLlon, lncludlng:
! 8esearch poLenLlal sponsorshlp and fundlng sources, plLch Lo poLenLlal
sponsors and secure funds Lo launch Lhe program
! SubmlL proposals for granLs and admlnlsLers fundralslng records and
o SeL-up organlzaLlon lnfrasLrucLure such as flnance, accounLlng, budgeLlng, and
human resources
o Lngage Lhe communlLy and lead slLe plannlng for sLaLlon locaLlons, lncludlng
faclllLaLlng permlLLlng wlLh local [urlsdlcLlons
o llnallze and lssue Lhe 8equesL for roposals (8l) for Lhe 8lkeshare vendor and
supporL Lhe 8oard ln selecLlng, negoLlaLlng wlLh and hlrlng a vendor
o uevelop and manage a mulLl-faceLed brandlng, markeLlng and medla efforL
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o Manage ongolng operaLlons, growLh and expanslon Lo ensure overall success
and fuLure growLh of Lhe program
o uevelop a Leam culLure LhaL embraces a mlsslon-drlven, Leam-orlenLed,
envlronmenLally susLalnable organlzaLlon
o Lead all aspecLs of ongolng organlzaLlonal managemenL/admlnlsLraLlon for Lhe
blkeshare sysLem afLer launch, lncludlng:
! Worklng wlLh Lhe 8oard Lo develop a budgeL and an operaLlonal plan Lo
maxlmlze membershlp, rldershlp, revenues/proflLs and communlLy
accepLance and Lhen lead Lhe managemenL and execuLlon of such plan
! Lnsurlng adequaLe reporLlng, plannlng, flnanclal forecasLlng and
accounLlng sLandards and processes are ln place
! 8ecrulLlng and managlng a large and dlverse Leam
! CoordlnaLlng and malnLalnlng sLrong ongolng relaLlonshlps among
mulLlple parLles, such as Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors, sponsors, vendors,
subconLracLor(s), cusLomers, communlLy organlzaLlons and governmenL
o ulrecL regular board meeLlngs and documenL dlscusslons and declslons of Lhe
8oard Lo ensure smooLh funcLlonlng and compllance wlLh rules and regulaLlons
o CLher duLles Lo accompllsh Lhe non-proflL's mlsslon sLaLemenL and ob[ecLlves
noLe: 1he above descrlpLlon ls noL lnLended Lo be an exhausLlve llsL of all duLles,
responslblllLles, or quallflcaLlons assoclaLed wlLh Lhe [ob.
Salary wlll be commensuraLe wlLh experlence and quallLles deemed necessary Lo
admlnlsLer a successful blkeshare program.
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