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Lesson Plan #4

Grade: 3rd Social Studies Strand: Economics

Submitted By: Pietra Jerome

EDEL 453: Teaching Elementary School Social Science Nevada State College Spring 2014 Instructor: Karen Powell

Lesson Plan #4 Economics

B. Summary of the Lesson Plan:

submitted by: Pietra Jerome

This is a social studies lesson plan designed for 3rd grade students. This lesson will have the students select a type of product of their choice and create an advertisement to share that product based on the principles learned from the activity. This lesson uses the Integrating Language Arts and Social Studies textbook, Strategy 19, Relevant Approaches to Economics (pages 140-141) C. Basic Information: Grade Level: 3rd grade Time to Complete this Lesson: approximately 50 minutes Groupings: whole group for discussion, independent for activity and assessment

D. Materials: Small size blank posters for each student Pencil Colored pencils\markers or crayons Advertisements

This book cover can be used to show the students how commercials can influence our purchasing. E. Objectives: NV State Social Studies Standards E9.3.2 Give examples of prices consumers have paid when buying goods and services Student-Friendly Standards F. Vocabulary Product something made by a person or resulted from a process
EDEL 453 - Spring 2014 Karen Powell- Instructor page 2

I can give prices people have paid when buying services and goods.

Nevada State College

Lesson Plan #4 Economics

submitted by: Pietra Jerome

Advertisement a notice or announcement for the public promoting a product, service, or event.

G. Procedure: 1. Explain to the students what advertisements are and the key parts of advertisements. 2. Call the students attention on different advertisements that will show the relation to social and cultural context. 3. Introduce new vocabulary 4. A short class discussion will take place that can support the students in linking their product they choose to create an advertisement on with the current or past historical era. For example, linking the sale of a piece of sports equipment might benefit into a popular athlete or Olympics. 5. The students will choose a product they want to make an advertisement for and will have to get the teachers permission on the product. 6. The students will then create and advertisement and write 3 sentences on why they choose this product and how it can relate to past or present history. H. Assessment: What will you use to measure student understanding? The students will have to analyze a vintage advertisement. The students will have to write clear information in three areas. The areas are; product description, benefits, and pricing information. Explain how you will know students understand the concepts from the lesson. Students must explain why they chose their product and be able to tell how their product links to past or present history. I. Closure: Quick discussion will take place on why advertisements are important and who the targeted audience is. Students can also work with a peer or teacher helper to create an advertisement through a magazine collage format. able to have them explore on their own so I could really check for understanding. I also did not want the assessment to be too challenging for the students.

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 - Spring 2014

Karen Powell- Instructor

page 3

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