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Lesson Plan #4

Grade: 4th Social Studies Strand: Economics

Submitted By: Deborah Thompson

EDEL 453: Teaching Elementary School Social Science Nevada State College Spring 2014 Instructor: Karen Powell

Lesson Plan #4-Economics

B. Summary of the Lesson Plan:

submitted by: Deborah Thompson

This social studies lesson is for 4th grade students to learn about relevant approaches to economics. This lesson will be completed using a strategy from Integrating Language Arts and Social Studies textbook, Strategy19 (p.137-141). C. Basic Information: Grade Level: 4th grade Time to Complete this Lesson: Approximately 50 minutes Groupings: Whole group discussion, small group for discussion, independent work for assessment

D. Materials: Pens, Pencils, markers, colored pencils Large, white construction paper (9x12 inches) Modern example of an advertisement List of advertisement requirements (see below) E. Objectives: o NV State Social Studies Standards o E9.4.2 Give reasons why consumers choose to buy more of a good or service. E9.4.2 I can give reasons why consumers choose to buy more of a good or service.

Student-Friendly Standards

F. Vocabulary advertisement a public notice to call notice to something, such as a product or service, or a coming event consumer someone who buys and uses goods and services goods- things that can be bought and sold services-the act or manner of satisfying customers request persuade- to cause to do or believe, to convince

G. Procedure: Review the display of a modern print advertisement as a whole class

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 - Spring 2014

Karen Powell- Instructor

page 2

Lesson Plan #4-Economics

submitted by: Deborah Thompson

Explain the list of categories the students will be including in their advertisements. ( image of the product, product description, benefits and pricing information) Call students attention to the features of print advertisement that would encourage a consumer to purchase an item. Identify & discuss some of the elements of the advertisement that are persuasive and well matched to the current era.

Introduce vocabulary (advertisement, consumer, goods, services, and persuade) Ask the following questions: (have students discuss questions in their groups) What is something that would persuade you to but a product? What are some of the things you would want to know about a product before purchasing the product? Have each student decide on a product to make a poster advertisement including the following points: o An image of the product o A product description o Benefits o Pricing information

H. Assessment: What will you use to measure student understanding? I will review each advertisement poster to ensure that each student gives reasons why consumers choose to buy more of a good or service. Explain how you will know students understand the concepts from the lesson. I will check each poster and make sure that all of the listed requirements are correctly listed on the poster, and that each student gives reasons why consumers choose to buy more of a good or service. I. Closure: Brief discussion about other products the students may have purchase based on the eye catching advertisement.

Advertisement Requirements An image of the product A product description Benefits Pricing information
EDEL 453 - Spring 2014 Karen Powell- Instructor page 3

Nevada State College

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