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Highspire Borough Council Minutes

December 17, 2013

Council President Kay Sutch called the Highspire Borough Council meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. The prayer was offered by Mayor John Hoerner then followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken: Council Members Present:

Junior Council Person: Mayor: Borough Manager: Public Works Superintendant: Authority Member: Code Enforcement Officer: Assistant Borough Secretary: Borough Solicitor: Borough Engineer:

Carolee Roman Charles Dengler Michael Anderson Tyler Thatcher Marie Hoch Kay Sutch Dorothy Matesevac Victoria Montijo John Hoerner John McHale John Ingiosi Von Hess Terence Watts Jennifer Rabuck Dave DeLuce Robert Lauriello

Minutes President Sutch presented the meeting minutes from the November 12, 2013 Council Workshop Meeting and asked for questions regarding them. Hearing none, a motion to accept the November 12, 2013 Council Workshop Meeting minutes was made by Member Matesevac and seconded by Member Anderson. Motion approved unanimously. President Sutch presented the meeting minutes from the November 19, 2013 Council Meeting and asked for questions regarding them. Hearing none, a motion to accept the November 19, 2013 Council Meeting minutes was made by Member Roman and seconded by Member Thatcher. Motion approved unanimously. Financial Reports President Sutch presented the Treasurers Report and Financial Statements for the month of November 2013 and asked if there were any questions regarding them. Hearing none, a motion to accept the Treasurers Report and Financial Statements for the month of November 2013 was made by Member Matesevac and seconded by Member Hoch. Motion approved unanimously. Mayors Report Mayor Hoerner noted he attended the following meetings and events: 11/21 Steel-High Shirts program on bullying and a School Board meeting; 11/23 Frank Linn recognition night; 11/24 Community Thanksgiving service; 11/25 Neighborhood Watch meeting; 12/2 Fire Department meeting; 12/3 Steelton Tree Lighting Ceremony; 12/4 Steel-High School Board Reorganization

meeting; 12/7 Highspire Tree Lighting Ceremony; 12/8 Steel-High Holiday Concert; 12/14 Jimmy Harbst celebration; 12/15 Toys for Tots distribution; 12/16 Fire Department meeting. Police Department Report President Sutch presented the Police Department Report for the month of November and asked if there were any questions regarding it. Hearing none she noted that the November Police Department Report could be filed. Fire Department Report Fire Department President Shirley Sundy noted that the department would be holding a bucket drive this Friday to benefit the James Harbst Memorial Fund. She also noted that they would be helping the bicentennial committee on New Years Eve. President Sutch presented the Fire Department Report for the month of November 2013 and asked if there were any questions regarding it. Hearing none, a motion to accept the Fire Department Report for the month of November 2013 was made by Member Matesevac and seconded by Member Hoch. Motion approved unanimously. South Central Emergency Medical Services Report President Sutch presented the South Central Emergency Medical Services report for November and asked if there were any questions regarding it. Hearing none she noted that the November report could be filed. Citizens Comments Bill Mortimore, 183 Market Street presented a brick for the Highspire Veterans Memorial to the Highspire Borough Council. Carrie Elliot, 35 Ann Street Noted that she received a letter stating she was in violation for having chickens on her properties. Ms. Elliot argued against the current ordinance and stated that she believed the interpretation to be different than the Boroughs. It was noted that she could apply by application to be able to have the chickens on her property. Manager McHale noted that she should write a letter, which will serve as her application, seeking permission to have the chickens on her property. Her request will then be put into committee for further review. Correspondence Invitation to the West Shore Chamber of Commerce and the Capital Region COG Annual Meeting and Dinner. Committee Reports Public Facilities Member Matesevac questioned whether leaf pick up was done. Manager McHale noted that if there is a break in the winter weather that they Highway Department would resume collection of leaves. Member Matesevac noted that the holiday decorations are up and that she would like to put some decorations on the Highspire sign on Eisenhower Blvd. Sanitation Committee Member Dengler had nothing to report. Manager McHale noted that both of the trash contracts have been signed. Bi-Centennial Committee President Sutch noted that the Bicentennial will be having games for the kids at the New Years Eve celebration and that she would like each Council member to take a turn helping out at those stations. Member Matesevac noted that the Messiah Sing-a-long

would be help on December 29 at the St. Peters Lutheran Church beginning at 3:00 pm with a reception following. Finance/Administration Member Roman noted that her committee is working on the codification of the ordinances. Personnel Member Roman had nothing to report. Community Development Member Hoch noted that there was a good turnout for the tree lighting ceremony. She also thanked everyone for their help with the event. Public Safety Committee Member Anderson noted that during the recent winter weather he was impressed with how fast the Highway Department was out clearing the snow. He also noted that there are some residences that the Codes Office needs to post to clear their sidewalks. Junior Council JCP Montijo noted that on December 12 there were ten students who were inducted into the National Honor Society. She also noted the following upcoming events: SteelHigh Elementary Holiday Concert will be held on December 20, Steel-High School District will be closed from December 23 through January 1; and the School Board Planning Board and Athletics Board will meet on January 13. Staff Activity Reports Manager McHale noted that the employee holiday luncheon will be Friday at 11:00 am. He noted that Councils reorganization meeting will be held on Monday, January 6, 2014 at 7pm. He also noted that the Finance/Administration Committee met regarding the Recodification of the Ordinances and that they continued the meeting to January 16 at 6:00 pm. Lastly, he noted that the Snow Emergency on December 14 is on the agenda tonight since it has to be approved by Council. President Sutch presented the Staff Activity Reports for the month of November 2013 and asked for a motion to accept it. Motion moved by Member Matesevac, seconded by Member Anderson. Motion approved unanimously. Solicitors Report Solicitor DeLuce noted that at last months meeting Council was given a petition to restrict parking on Moyer Avenue. He noted that Council could refer this petition to committee, take action or not take action. Hearing no request, it was noted that Council will take no action on the request. Engineers Report Engineer Robert Lauriello noted that the construction on Rhoda Avenue Phase I will start in mid to late January. He noted that the Borough received the subrecipient agreement for Phase II of the project and hopes to have both phases completed by this summer. President Sutch noted that there are some utility cuts on the road which sank and have created problems for motorist. Engineer Lauriello noted that once the cut is filled that it usually sits for 90 days and then is permanently filled in. It was noted that the Codes Officer will need to contact the utility companies to have them fix the issues. Old Business President Sutch asked for a motion to approve Ordinance No. 599 of 2013 setting the taxation Rate on Real Property for 2014 at 15.80 mills. A roll call vote was taken: Member Hoch - Yay; Member Dengler Nay (he believes the rising taxes are too much of a burden on the residents); Member Matesevac Yay; Member Roman Yay; Member Anderson Yay; Member Thatcher Yay; Member Sutch Yay. Motion approved.

Mayor Hoerner noted that he will not be vetoing the motion. He believes that Council did a great job with the figures and the rising insurance costs. President Sutch asked for a motion to adopt the 2014 Budget including the General Fund, Sewer Operations and Maintenance, Sewer Administrations, Highway Aid, and Capital Projects budgets. A roll call vote was taken: Member Hoch Yay; Member Dengler Nay; Member Matesevac Yay; Member Roman Yay; Member Anderson Yay; Member Thatcher Yay; Member Sutch Yay. Motion approved. New Business Motion moved by Member Matesevac, seconded by Member Thatcher, to approve the December 2013 Tax Exoneration List submitted by John Hoch, Tax Collection. Motion approved unanimously. Motion moved by Member Matesevac, seconded by Member Anderson, to approve Borough Ordinance 600 of 2013, to establish a handicapped parking space at 42 Willow Street. Motion approved unanimously. Motion moved by Member Anderson, seconded by Member Matesevac, to approve Resolution 26-2013 setting the trash rate for fiscal year 2014 at $208.00 per collection unit. Motion approved unanimously. Motion moved by Member Dengler, seconded by Member Anderson, to approve Resolution 272013 setting the 2014 sewer rental rates for residential and non-residential users and the interest and penalty for non-payment of said fees. Residential rate $65.00 per month/per unit, Non-Residential rate $90.85 per month/per unit and interest and penalty per attached schedule. Motion approved unanimously. Motion moved by Member Roman, seconded by Member Matesevac, to approve the applicants request for modification of Section 404 (Preliminary Plan) of the Highspire Borough Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, and allow for a combined Preliminary/Final Plan submission, for the Barnet Tract. Motion approved unanimously. Motion moved by Member Matesevac, seconded by Member Roman, to approve the Barnet Tract Preliminary/Final Plan subject to complying with the following conditions: Compliance with all the items listed in Rettews review letter #4 dated 12/13/13 and payment of all outstanding fees. Motion approved unanimously. Moved by Member Matesevac, seconded by Member Dengler, to approve the subrecipient agreement between Highspire Borough and Dauphin County for the Rhoda Avenue Reconstruction Project Phase II. Motion approved unanimously. Moved by Member Roman, seconded by Member Anderson, to approve Resolution 30-2013 appointing Waggoner, Frutiger and Daub, Certified Public Accountants to audit the Boroughs Books for the year 2013. Motion approved unanimously. Moved by Member Roman, seconded by Member Anderson, to approve the employment contract for John McHale, for the term January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014. Motion approved unanimously.

Moved by Member Thatcher, seconded by Member Dengler, to approve the employment contract for Jennifer Rabuck, for the term January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014. Motion approved unanimously. Moved by Member Dengler, seconded by Member Anderson, to approve the employment contract for Terence Watts, for the term January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014. Motion approved unanimously. Moved by Member Thatcher, seconded by Member Anderson, to accept the notice of retirement submitted by John Ingiosi, effective January 1, 2014. Motion approved unanimously. President Sutch thanked Public Works Superintendent John Ingiosi for his services to the Borough. Moved by Member Matesevac, seconded by Member Dengler, to approve Resolution 31-2013 reappointing Von Hess to the Highspire Borough Planning Commission for the term January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2017. Motion approved unanimously. Moved by Member Roman, seconded by Member Hoch, to approve Resolution 32-2013 reappointing John Skarupsky to the Zoning Hearing Board for the term January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2016. Motion approved unanimously. Moved by Member Roman, seconded by Member Thatcher, to approve the MOU between the Dauphin County Conservation District and Highspire Borough defining MS4 roles and responsibilities. Motion approved unanimously. Moved by Member Anderson, seconded by Member Dengler, to direct staff to release the December 2013 contribution to the Highspire Fire Department as indicated in the 2013 General Fund Budget. Motion approved unanimously. Moved by Member Anderson, seconded by Member Hoch, to approve Resolution 33-2013 approving the actions of the Mayor which include a Proclamation of Snow Emergency on December 14, 2013. Motion approved unanimously. Moved by Member Dengler, seconded by Member Anderson, to approve Resolution 34-2013 instructing the Solicitor to seek an extension from the PA Liquor Control Board for exemption from the noise requirements pursuant to the present Liquor Code. Motion approved unanimously. Moved by Member Anderson, seconded by Member Matesevac, to approve payroll and bills for December 2013. Motion approved unanimously. President Sutch asked for a motion to adjourn, Motion made by Member Matesevac, seconded by Member Anderson. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm. Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Rabuck Assistant Borough Secretary

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