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Highspire Borough Council Minutes

October 15, 2013

Council Vice President Carolee Roman called the Highspire Borough Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. A moment of silence was offered for the passing of Richard Benner. The prayer was offered by Member Anderson then followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken: Council Members Present:

Carolee Roman Charles Dengler Michael Anderson Tyler Thatcher Marie Hoch John Hoerner John McHale John Ingiosi Von Hess Terence Watts Jennifer Rabuck Dave DeLuce Robert Lauriello

Mayor: Borough Manager: Public Works Superintendant: Authority Member: Code Enforcement Officer: Assistant Borough Secretary: Borough Solicitor: Borough Engineer:

Council Members A. Kay Sutch and Dorothy Matesevac were absent. Minutes Vice President Roman presented the meeting minutes from the September 17, 2013 Council Meeting and asked for questions regarding them. Hearing none, a motion to accept the September 17, 2013 Council Meeting minutes was made by Member Anderson and seconded by Member Thatcher. Motion approved unanimously. Financial Reports Vice President Roman presented the Treasurers Report and Financial Statements for the month of September 2013 and asked if there were any questions regarding them. Hearing none, a motion to accept the Treasurers Report and Financial Statements for the month of September 2013 was made by Member Hoch and seconded by Member Anderson. Motion approved unanimously. Mayors Report Mayor Hoerner noted he attended the following meetings and events: 9/20 State Representative Patty Kims 1st Health Fair at the Fire Department; 9/23 Neighborhood Watch Mtg; 9/26 Intergovernmental Mtg; 9/27 met with Senator Mike Folmer; 9/28 Highspire Bicentennial Car Show; 10/3 Civil Service Mtg; 10/5 Midtown Book Store, Hbg; 10/7 Steel-High School Board Mtg and Highspire Fire Department Mtg; 10/9 Bicentennial Car Show wrap up mtg; 10/10 Bicentennial Mtg; Mayor Hoerner noted that he received a letter of invitation to a reception for Frank Linn on November 23. He also noted that the Fire Police have been given a van from Steelton and hopes that Council accepts the donation.

Fire Department Report Vice President Roman presented the Fire Department Report for the month of September 2013 and asked if there were any questions regarding it. Hearing none, a motion to accept the Fire Department Report for the month of September 2013 was made by Member Thatcher and seconded by Member Dengler. Motion approved unanimously. Police Department Report Vice President Roman presented the Police Department Report for the month of September and asked if there were any questions regarding it. Hearing none she noted that the September Police Department Report could be filed. South Central Emergency Medical Services Report Vice President Roman presented the South Central Emergency Medical Services report for September and asked if there were any questions regarding it. Hearing none she noted that the September report could be filed. Citizens Comments Joann Darrow, New Thing Community Church Ms. Darrow noted that the church would be holding Trunk or Treat on October 26 and Harvest Fest. They will also be holding a free community dinner beginning at 4pm. She also noted that their celebration Sunday will be held on December 1. Correspondence A letter from Steelton Borough notifying the Borough Council of a donation of a Crime Van to the Borough (Fire Police). Manager McHale noted that this van would be used by the Fire Police. Solicitor DeLuce noted that the Steelton Borough can donate it or contribute it to another municipal entity who will own it and will take responsibility of the insurance. The Borough would then lease it to somebody who would benefit it for use in the Borough for $1.00. Manger McHale noted that Council would need to make a motion to accept it. Motion made by Member Anderson. Council Member Hoch noted that she had some questions; what year is it, how many miles are on it, is it in good shape, is it going to cost us money to fix it up? Fire Department President Shirley Sundy noted that she has seen it, but unaware of the year of it. She noted it was just fixed and the inspection is up to date. She noted that it is a good running vehicle Steelton just purchased a new one and do not need it anymore. Council Member Hoch asked if a mechanic has looked at it? Ms. Sundy noted that their mechanics had gone over it and had it all fixed. It was in good running shape but they only used it once or twice once it was all fixed up until they received their new one and they though the Highspire Fire Police could use it other than that she didnt have any other information. Member Dengler asked if graphics would be put on it? Manager McHale noted that the maintenance and that would be their responsibility.

Council Member Hoch noted that they dont have a budget that their money comes from Council. Manager McHale noted that the Fire Company would have to agree to take it since it would be leased to the Fire Company who would have to agree to maintain it and the expenses on it. Motion seconded by Member Dengler. Member Hoch opposed. Motion passed. A letter from the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission asking Council to nominate two (2) representatives to serve on the Regional Planning Commission before December 6, 2013. Dauphin Lebanon County Boroughs Association meeting to be held on Tuesday, October 29, 2013. Committee Reports Public Facilities Member Matesevac was absent Sanitation Committee Member Dengler had nothing to report. Bi-Centennial Committee Member Roman noted that the next big celebration will be New Years Eve. Finance/Administration Member Roman noted that they would be having budget meetings on Wednesdays through October at 5:00 pm. Personnel Member Roman had nothing to report. Community Development Member Hoch had nothing to report. Public Safety Committee Member Anderson noted that the Borough got a ton of rain last week and wondered if there was any flooding damage in the Borough. Code Enforcement Officer Watts noted that there were a few basements that had water and needed to be pumped out. Manager McHale noted that there were a few complaints about the water coming off the hill on Vine Street and filling yards up and the wood carpet is missing in Memorial Park. Member Anderson noted that there is a property on Market Street that has tan bark sitting out front. Since the rain it has washed the majority down the street and should be cleaned up before it gets in the storm drain. He also asked when leaf collections begin. It was noted that it begins towards the beginning of November. He also called Bittner Electric regarding the poles for the banners and that they would be coming out to take a look where they will be going. He noted that it would be a huge cost savings if they can pull off the roadway onto the land instead of having to hire flagger force. Sewer Authority Chairman Hess noted that there is a sewer main in the area where the poles are to be placed so make sure a PA One Call is done. Staff Activity Reports Manager McHale that the Civil Service Board met last week and voted to extend the current eligibility list for one year effective November 8. He also noted that he requested a two month extension for the Recodification project. Code Enforcement Officer Watts noted that Planning Commission member Richard Benner passed away. Public Works Superintendent John Ingiosi noted that the plant made it through the flooding and heaving rains with no issues. He did have to have people there Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

Assistant Borough Secretary Jennifer Rabuck noted that with all the problems with the lockbox all sewer payments are being directed to the Borough Office. She noted that there are residents that still havent received their checks back yet and that Council will see on the adjustment report that there are quite a few adjustments taking off the late fee and interest amounts to adjust for the banks error. Vice President Roman presented the Staff Activity Reports for the month of September 2013 and asked for a motion to accept it. Motion moved by Member Dengler, seconded by Member Anders. She asked if there were any questions regarding it. Mayor Hoerner noted that there is a letter in the packed about the boom truck and asked when the Borough would be getting it? Public Works Superintendent Ingiosi noted they havent gotten back to him. He will keep calling them. Motion approved unanimously. Solicitors Report Solicitor DeLuce had nothing to report but requested and executive session for a legal matter. Engineers Report Engineer Robert Lauriello noted that the Borough will need to take action tonight for the bids that were received on August 16. They were hoping to have the funding and subrecipient agreement in place for Phase II of the Rhoda Ave project but that has not been finalized. So based on the contract and the bids that were advertised tomorrow is the deadline to take action on the contract. They are recommending the Borough award Alternate I of the Rhoda Avenue bids to EK Service Inc in the amount of $88,545.75. Motion made by Member Hoch, seconded by Member Thatcher. Motion carried. Old Business Solicitor DeLuce noted that the Borough has presented the bids for the Municipal Waste and Biosolids. Under the Biosolids the Borough received three bids; Tully Environmental Inc, Advanced Disposal Services LLC, and Republic Services and the bids tabulations have been shared with Council. Solicitor DeLuce asked if anyone was there from Tully Environmental, Advance Disposal Services, or Republic Services and asked if there was anything they wanted to say about their biosolids bid that was submitted. Republic Services representative noted that it appears they werent the low bidder but they are the incumbent. Solicitor DeLuce noted that the Borough received two municipal waste bids; one from Penn Waste and one from Republic Services. Solicitor DeLuce asked if there was anyone there from Penn Waste and if there was anything they wanted to ad regarding their bid. Ed Ward, Penn Waste, he had no comment for their bid but reserved comment based on further discussions. Solicitor DeLuce asked Don Isabella of Republic Services if they had any comment regarding their bid. Mr. Isabella noted not at this time but would reserve comment for later. Solicitor DeLuce noted that he submitted a letter with their proposal on how the services would be provided. He noted that Republic Services indicated to the Borough that each resident would be provided with a 96 gallon mobile cart with wheels and attached lids. Solicitor DeLuce noted that that is not what was in the bid specifications. Solicitor DeLuce then asked if Republics b id still

stands for the services as were specked in the bids. Mr. Isabella noted that the letter was a requirement of the bid. It was required to submit a general plan and specifications on routing, equipment to be used, things like that. They have submitted what they believe to be a responsive bid, they are a responsible bidder and have serviced the Borough in the past and are prepared to service the Borough with the pricing they presented as specified in the bid specs. Solicitor DeLuce noted that the bids specs say up to four containers up to thirty gallons each which would be one hundred twenty gallons on a weekly pickup at the same time. Mr. Isabella noted that was correct. Solicitor DeLuce noted that would be done without a 96 gallon mobile cart throughout the Borough. Mr. Isabella noted that was correct. Mr. DeLuce asked if there was anything else he wanted to add. Mr. Isabella noted that other than confirming it tonight he can document it. Solicitor DeLuce noted that Ed Ward, Penn Waste submitted a letter which was presented to him and he understands what is in there and he will share it with Council. Solicitor DeLuce asked if there was anything else he would like to add regarding the Penn Waste bid. Mr. Ward noted that they are the incumbent and have been for the last six years. As far as the letter that it is their recommendation that as the bid specifications were laid out they responded as the Borough requested. Their position in the letter is that the bid from Republic Services did not by providing a 96 gallon cart. He noted that if the 96 gallon cart is of interest to the Borough then he would ask that the Borough consider a rebid and use it as an alternate. He noted that he would rather that opportunity rather than the direction they were going tonight and giving them the opportunity to change their service tonight. Solicitor DeLuce noted that he understands what hes suggesting and understands keeping it apples to apples. He noted that the Borough did not issue specs and bids using the 96 gallon mobile carts. And he knows that the Penn Waste bid was not submitted using that basis. Solicitor DeLuce noted that his recommendation is that they take this under advisement, table it and he would like to talk to Council later in executive session. New Business Motion moved by Member Thatcher, seconded by Member Anderson, to approve the October 2013 Deletions List submitted by John Hoch, Tax Collection. Motion approved unanimously. Motion moved by Member Dengler, seconded by Member Thatcher, to approve the October 2013 Tax Exonerations List submitted by John Hoch, Tax Collector. Motion approved unanimously. Motion moved by Member Dengler, seconded by Member Hoch, to Resolution 25-2013 making Holly Myers an alternate member and Amy Fritz the regular member of the Highspire Borough Civil Service Commission. Motion approved unanimously. Motion moved by Member Anderson, seconded by Member Hoch, to approve and authorize the Council President to sign the zoning and code enforcement services agreement between Royalton Borough and Highspire Borough. Motion approved unanimously. Moved by Member Roman, seconded by Member Dengler, to direct staff to release the October 2013 contribution to the Highspire Fire Department as indicated in the 2013 General Fund Budget. Motion approved unanimously.

Moved by Member Anderson, seconded by Member Hoch, to approve payroll and bills for October 2013. Motion approved unanimously. Executive Session: 7:35 pm Reconvene: 8:00 pm

Solicitor DeLuce noted that Council has been forwarded three bids for the Biosolids Solid Waste Removal contract that was advertised for bids. The lowest bidder is Advance Disposal Services. Council can pass a motion to accept the bid if Advance Disposal Services as submitted for a two year and five month contract to provide biosolids removal from the Borough of Highspire. Motion made by Member Dengler, seconded by Member Anderson to accept the Biosolids bid by Advance Disposal Services contract subject to approval of the Borough Solicitor and Borough Manger using these bid numbers. Motion approved unanimously. Solicitor DeLuce noted that the Borough received two bids for Municipal Waste from Republic Services and Penn Waste. He noted that Council has heard the discussions regarding the terms and conditions and submissions. As the Solicitor he recommends that Council reject all bids and direct the Solicitor to reissue bid specifications and advertise them for submission before next months Council Meeting. Motion made by Member Dengler, seconded by Member Anderson to reject all Municipal Waste bids and direct the Solicitor to reissue bid specifications and advertise them for submission before next months Council Meeting. Motion approved unanimously. Solicitor DeLuce noted that the Borough received a letter from the Dauphin County Tax Claim Bureau for a property located at 204 Penn Street which has been on the non payment of taxes and has gone through various county sales, nobody has bought it and nobody is paying the taxes on it. They have received a bid to buy the property for $500.00. The money would go to the Tax Claim Bureau for the service provided and it would be sold to the bidder that submitted it. They are recommending that the Borough go ahead and the property would then be subject to taxation. Motion made by Member Dengler, seconded by Member Hoch to accept the bid of $500.00 for the property located at 204 Penn Street. Member Anderson and Member Thatcher abstained for conflicts of interest. Motion carried. Vice President Roman asked for a motion to adjourn, Motion made by Member Anderson, seconded by Member Dengler. Meeting adjourned at 8:04 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Rabuck Assistant Borough Secretary

Attachment: Highspire Borough 2013 Bio Solids and Municipal Solid Waste Removal Bids 10/14/13

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