September 17. 2013 Highspire Borough Council Meeting Minutes

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Highspire Borough Council Minutes

September 17, 2013

Council President Kay Sutch called the Highspire Borough Council meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. The prayer was offered by Member Roman then followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken: Council Members Present:

Carolee Roman Charles Dengler Michael Anderson Tyler Thatcher A Kay Sutch Marie Hoch Dorothy Matesevac John Hoerner John McHale John Ingiosi Von Hess Jennifer Rabuck Dave DeLuce Robert Lauriello

Mayor: Borough Manager: Public Works Superintendant: Authority Member: Assistant Borough Secretary: Borough Solicitor: Borough Engineer:

Minutes President Sutch presented the meeting minutes from the August 20, 2013 Council Meeting and asked for questions regarding them. Hearing none, a motion to accept the August 20, 2013 Council Meeting minutes was made by Member Matesevac and seconded by Member Anderson. Motion approved unanimously. Financial Reports President Sutch presented the Treasurers Report and Financial Statements for the month of August 2013 and asked if there were any questions regarding them. Hearing none, a motion to accept the Treasurers Report and Financial Statements for the month of August 2013 was made by Member Hoch and seconded by Member Thatcher. Motion approved unanimously. Mayors Report Mayor Hoerner noted he attended the following meetings and events: 8/21 Bicentennial car show meeting, 8/22 School Board meeting, 8/26 Middletown School Board meeting in support of the KOZ, 9/4 fire house meeting, 9/8 193rd Special Ops Annual Flight of Freedom Ceremony, 9/9 School Board meeting, 9/12 Bicentennial meeting, 9/13 met with 2 students from Steel-High who are interested in the Jr Council program. Mayor Hoerner noted that Patty Kim will hold the first annual senior health fair at the Highspire Fire House on 9/20 from 9am-3pm. He also noted that there will be an intergovernmental meeting on 9/26 at 7pm in Highspire. He also mentioned that the Bicentennial car show will be held on 9/28. Police Department Report

President Sutch presented the Police Department Report for the month of August and asked if there were any questions regarding it. Hearing none she noted that the August Police Department Report could be filed. Fire Department Report Fire Department President Shirley Sundy noted that recently the Highspire Fire Department was invited to the House Floor of the State Capital to support Resolution 280 introduced by Representative Patty Kim. This resolution recognizes May 4 of each year as National Firefighters Day. She also noted that the fire house has completed 3 scarecrows already and have left over straw that can be picked up. Ms. Sundy also mentioned that the Fire House will be hosting a fish dinner this Sunday. She also noted that the fire house will be attending pipeline safety dinner on 9/24 and they will be holding a bucket drive on 9/27. President Sutch presented the Fire Department Report for the month of August 2013 and asked if there were any questions regarding it. Hearing none, a motion to accept the Fire Department Report for the month of August 2013 was made by Member Matesevac and seconded by Member Anderson. Motion approved unanimously. South Central Emergency Medical Services Report President Sutch presented the South Central Emergency Medical Services report for August and asked if there were any questions regarding it. Hearing none she noted that the August report could be filed. Citizens Comments Dave Walton, 415 Eshelman Street Mr. Walton had questions pertaining to the payment address for the sewer payments. It was noted that the Borough has been having problems with the PO Box and that all payments for sewer accounts should be sent directly to the Borough. Correspondence An email from PennDot advising the Borough that upon review of the information and on sight visit that the railroad candidate is not a good candidate for the earlier described project and has been cancelled. A note from Bill Mortimore thanking Council for allowing the Highspire United Methodist Mens group to hold their Chicken BBQ in Memorial park on September 14. A letter from Patty Kim inviting members to the First Annual Senior Health Fair sponsored by Representative Kim to be held at the Highspire Fire Company on 9/20 from 9am-3pm. A letter from the Dauphin County Conservation District notifying the Borough of a training workshop for Municipal Stormwater Management. Committee Reports Public Facilities Member Matesevac noted that there are still some properties that need cleaned up and she has notified the codes officer. Sanitation Committee Member Dengler had nothing to report. Bi-Centennial Committee President Sutch noted that the vehicle show on 9/28 from 11am4pm. She also mentioned that the scarecrows should be brought to the gazebo on 10/5 from 8am-Noon. She also noted that the cookbooks are now available for sale at a cost of $15.

President Such noted that she requests that anyone purchasing items for the bicentennial the Borough Office to have correct change or to write a check out to the Bicentennial. She noted that the committee will be holding a sing-a-long on December 29 at St. Peter at 3 pm. On December 31 there will be activities at the park, a bon fire, and then a surprise drop at midnight. The committee also sold winter banners that will be put up November-March. Mayor Hoerner asked the Borough to out and purchase 2 or 4 poles so the Borough can place banners across the street. He asked that it be placed into committee to be looked into it. Member Anderson volunteered for it to be placed in his Public Safety Committee. Finance/Administration Member Roman noted that it is budget time and that the Finance Committee would begin to meet starting on October 2 and will meet on Wednesday nights beginning at 5:00 pm. Personnel Member Roman had nothing to report. Community Development Member Hoch had nothing to report. Public Safety Committee Member Anderson had nothing to report. Staff Activity Reports Manager McHale noted that Lower Swatara will be completing some patch work on Whitehouse Lane. It was determined that there are some spots on the Boroughs side that could use some work. They gave the Borough an estimate of $300-500 to complete the work in which they were given the go ahead. Public Works Superintendent John Ingiosi noted that the public works department is working on the Vine Street storm water issue. It was determined that there were 2 posts that were poked through the storm water line. Assistant Borough Secretary Jennifer Rabuck reiterated that all sewer payment will be sent to the Borough Office until further notice due to the problems with the lockbox address. President Sutch presented the Staff Activity Reports for the month of August 2013 and asked if there were any questions regarding it. Hearing none, a motion to accept the Staff Activity Reports for the month of August 2013 was made by Member Anderson and seconded by Member Thatcher. Motion approved unanimously. Solicitors Report Solicitor DeLuce had nothing to report but requested and executive session for a legal matter. Engineers Report Engineer Robert Lauriello noted that they are still waiting for the subrecipient agreement for Rhoda Avenue Project. The Borough will have to take action at the October meeting whether it is for Phase I or the entire project. Old Business None New Business Motion moved by Member Anderson, seconded by Member Roman, to approve the September 2013 Tax Exonerations List submitted by John Hoch, Tax Collection. Motion approved unanimously.

Motion moved by Member Matesevac, seconded by Member Dengler, to approve the Minimum Municipal Obligation for 2014 for Non-Uniformed Employees. Motion approved unanimously. Motion moved by Member Roman, seconded by Member Anderson, to approve the Minimum Municipal Obligation for 2014 for Police Officers Employees. Motion approved unanimously. Motion made by Member Roman, seconded by Member Hoch to approve the collective bargaining agreement between the Borough of Highspire and Teamsters Union Local 776. Motion approved unanimously. Motion made by Member Anderson, seconded by Member Dengler to authorize Siemens Application for Payment #1 for the Second & Lumber Street traffic Signal to be submitted to PennDot for payment as recommended by Rettew and approved by the Borough Solicitor. Motion approved unanimously. Moved by Member Matesevac, seconded by member Thatcher to approve a Memorandum of Understanding between Dauphin County Land Bank Authority, Highspire Borough and the Steelton Highspire School District., in dealing with vacant, abandoned, blighted and tax delinquent properties. Motion approved unanimously. Moved by Member Roman, seconded by Member Dengler, to direct staff to release the September 2013 contribution to the Highspire Fire Department as indicated in the 2013 General Fund Budget. Motion approved unanimously. Moved by Member Dengler, seconded by Member Matesevac, to approve payroll and bills for August 2013. Member Anderson and Member Thatcher abstained from voting on check # 7781 in the amount of $85.15 since it was made payable to Anderson Mechanical. Motion approved unanimously. Executive Session: 7:37 pm Reconvene: 8:40 pm

Motion made by Member Thatcher, seconded by Member Anderson to authorize the solicitor to prepare an ordinance to require mandatory recycling in the Borough effective January 1, 2014. President Sutch asked for a roll call vote: Member Hoch - Nay Member Dengler Nay Member Roman Nay Member Anderson Yea Member Sutch Nay

Member Matesevac - Nay Member Thatcher Yea

Motion failed. President Sutch noted there will be no mandatory recycling. President Sutch asked if there was anything else to be brought before the meeting. Hearing none, a motion to adjourn at 8:42 pm made by Member Matesevac, seconded by Member Dengler. Motion approved unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Rabuck Assistant Borough Secretary

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