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Regional Identity Analysis Task Doc Martin, ITV:

v=7sNf-MwxTSE TASK: Watch the clip and answer the questions. You should give evidence from the clip to explain your responses. Evidence should come from technical aspects such as mise en scene, camera work, editing and sound. 1. Can you identify where the characters are from within the country (UK)?

From the clip Doc Martin I can tell that Doc Martin and Mrs Brading are of a more affluent background as they talk with a posh rural accent (Doc Martin from London). The other 3 characters have more of a Cornwall country accent. The policeman is a countertype as he is dressed in uniform which suggests he has a good job whereas the other 2 characters are dressed in everyday farm clothes which portrays them to not be working. 2. Are people from different areas shown as having different interests, personalities, attitudes, behaviours? How? Doc Martin is shown to have a different personality to the girl on the right as he states that he doesnt want to prescribe the posh ladys cream whilst she doesnt have an appointment. This contradicts the personality of the girl on the right as she tells the boy to lie down the phone. 3. Is their regional identity represented as being important in their life? How? I think regional identity is important to these characters as Doc Martin and Mrs Brading have no changed their appearance even though they are no longer in their original region. This shows that this is important to them and that they are proud as they do not want to change. Additionally I think regional identity is important for the other characters originating from Cornwall as their costume is stereotypically rural e.g. hat and worn out suit. Additionally they do not follow the latest fashion which therefore demonstrates that they prefer to stick with what they know as opposed to Londoners who like to experiment with their image.

Regional Identity Analysis Task

4. How do other characters in the clip treat the characters from different regions? Give examples Characters such as Doc Martin treat the residents at the house at the beginning of the extract as inferior. For example when the tap burst he started to get angry at them all and shouts at them ordering them around and telling them what to do. This gives the audience the impression that people from urban cities such as London as more highly valued and their opinions are superior to residents living in the country.

5. Are people from particular regions portrayed as being better, more powerful, than others? (Binary opposites?) How? Yes characters from the city are portrayed as being superior as they wear higher end clothes and have more money. They are binary opposites of the original Cornish people as they are shown to have working class jobs or no job at all. The costumes in which they wear demonstrate class differences which allow the audience to believe the more upper class characters view themselves and are portrayed to be better and more powerful than the Cornish characters.

Regional Identity Analysis Task 6. Are people from particular regions portrayed as being abnormal /weaker/ more pathetic than others? (Dominant/Subordinate!) How? Characters from urban cities such as London are portrayed to be dominant and characters originally from Cornwall are portrayed to be subordinate. For example Doc Martin wears a smart suit that gives him a positive and professional appeal whereas residents of the house wear rural clothes such as hats which connote farmers and less luxury living. Additionally characters from the city are portrayed to be dominant as Doc Martin appears to have more patience with Mrs Brading (who is upper class) even though she is trying to break ethical morals than he does with the country folk who need his help at their home.

7. What is the overall message the clip is trying to portray about regional identity? The clip is trying to show how different regions dress and their attitudes towards different situations. It is trying to portray people from the city such as London to be superior and intelligent whereas characters from the country are portrayed to be incompetent and unable to carry out simple tasks get the mop and work out how to use it. 8. Summary: Evaluate how the different regional identities are represented (positive/negative, stereotypically/counter stereotypically, theories) regional identities such as Londoners are stereotyped positively for example Doc Martin has a good job and his presence will be well received in the Cornish community. On the other hand Cornish people are stereotyped negatively as they woman is portrayed to be incompetent and a liar, similarly the older man is portrayed to be less intelligent as he manages to take the wrong part off the tap resulting in their being a flood of water entering the house. Characters from urban areas are shown to be subordinate and superior whereas characters from rural areas are portrayed as unintelligent and incapable (subordinate).

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