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Letters to the Editor

I got many responses to yesterdays announcement of my upcoming Fox News blog, which I am planning on titling Happy April Fools Day! Here are some of my favorite comments you sent (each box is from a different person, Im just listing them anonymously):

Fox??? This must be the April Fools' Edition. Right??? I did think to myself, Fox News??? Why would he agree to a deal with Fox News but you got me anyway! OMG! Gabe, I completely fell for your very funny April Fools Joke! and I kept thinking - how could he do this?! Right on. Very very funny!!! Well, you had me fooled for a minute... Good one Gabe!!! You had me going, Saying out loud, WHAT???!!!??? I was ready to send you a what are you thinking??!! letter. But YAY! Now I am just laughing:) Congratulations! Although I don't usually watch Fox News, I guess I'll be looking for your blog and cheering as you make the monkeys on Fox News look silly. Your content has always been so evenhanded, maybe they can learn something. What a coup for you....congratulations to you and your family!
And then a few minutes later, from the same person:

I got punkd! Wasn't even thinking of the date!!!!! You are a little monkey!


Obamacare Enrollments Go Over 7 Million

In June of 2013, U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told reporters that updates to the federal insurance exchange website set to open in October were going well, and that the White House hoped and believed 7 million Americans would be President Obama takes a victory lap. Vice President Biden seen standing signed up for health care behind him. (Win McNamee/Getty Images) because of it. And then the website opened. Its October 2013, and the White House decides to tone its enrollment target down to 6 million. Nobody believed they could even get there the websites launch had been disastrous, plagued by bugs, and months after she had announced that 7 million people would be signed up for Obamacare, Kathleen Sebelius was being called on to resign. Now, fast forward another six months. The open enrollment period has ended. And the White Houses goal of 6 million was incorrect. It was the initial goal of 7 million that was right on the button. Because President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden stood in the Rose Garden Tuesday and announced that that 7.1 million Americans had signed up for health insurance with the health insurance exchanges. The ones set up by the health care law, which in many minds bears the Presidents name. And its not over yet. While another open enrollment period does not begin until November 15, a special enrollment time has begun where you can enroll in health coverage because of special events (like marriage or birth of a child). Also, for an indefinite amount of time, there is an especially special

period for those who started applications on but never finished them by Monday. Bottom line: 7.1 million could just be the tip of the iceberg, and well be watching in the days and weeks ahead for more enrollment numbers flooding in from the states, as well as the federal government.

White House Watch

The Presidents Schedule President Obama has a busy day today talking up a minimum wage increase in Michigan, and then heading to Chicago for DNC fundraisers. Lets break it down: At 10 AM Eastern Time, President Obama and Vice President will receive the Presidential Daily Briefing in the Oval Office. At 11:15 AM, Obama will leave the White House, arriving at Willow Run Airport in Ypsilanti, Michigan at 12:55 PM. At 3 PM, the President will speak at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor to urge Congress and the states to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour. The Michigan speech will be notable because Obama is to be joined by Rep. Gary Peters, a Democratic Senate candidate in the Wolverine State. This is interesting because it makes Peters the first Senate candidate to appear with Obama in a year where many Democrats have shied from embracing his message through the Obamacare troubles. Especially now, with the enrollment numbers from the White House, that could begin to change. Then, he heads to Chicago and the Central Daylight Time zone, arriving at OHare International Airport at 4 PM Central Time. Obama will spend the rest of his day at two DNC events, one at the Chicago Cut Steakhouse, and another at a private Chicago residence before heading back home to the White House. The first fundraiser will be a roundtable with about 25 business executives, hosted by Mesirow Financial chairman and CEO Richard Price. The price tag goes up to $32,400 per person. The second event will be a dinner for about 55 at the home of major Obama donors Craig Freedman and Grace

Tsao-Wu. The up-to-$10,000 donations get attendees a photo with the President, as well as the opportunity to hear him speak.

Election Central
Scandal-Plagued D.C. Mayor Defeated by Councilwoman Muriel Bowser in Democratic Primary D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray, tarred by allegations that he knew about illegal fundraising that helped him get elected in the first place, was defeated Tuesday in the Democratic primary by D.C. Councilwoman Muriel Bowser. Bowser, three decades Grays junior, made the campaign about the incumbents ethics a message that allowed her to win. In the November general election, Bowsers main opponent will be longtime fellow council member David Catania. The latter is a former Republican who switched parties and became an Independent mainly because of his partys turn on social issues and its opposition to same-sex marriage. Catania is openly gay. If elected, Catania will be the first white, as well as the first gay, mayor of the District of Columbia, while Bowser would become the second female mayor. The race could become competitive, although the District is mainly Democratic and mainly African-American two counts in favor of Bowser.

Question of the Day

Todays Question When was the last time Washington, D.C. voted for a Republican presidential candidate?

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