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A party of those who were given the Book threw the Book of ALLAH behind their backs as if they

knew nothing. And they follow what the DEVILS FABRICATED AGAINST THE KINGDOM OF SOLOMON. And Solomon was a Believer , but THE DEVILS DISBELIEVED , teaching men enchantment.And they learn that which harms them and profits them not. And certainly they KNOW that he who BUYS it has no share of good in the Hereafter. And surely EVIL is the PRICE for which they have SOLD THEIR SOULS, did they but know! - Holy Quran 2 : 101 102

Theology of Time....

..Masons who have reached such degrees as 32 nd and 33 rd ARE NOT CALLED MASONS. They are called MOSLEM SHRINERS. They are reaching up to us. When you take the 33 rd degree you are taught to greet each other : As-Salaam-Alaikum. You are taught ISLAM FROM THEN ON because you BECOME A MUSLIM WHEN THAT DEGREE is conferred on you. At least YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE A BELIEVER IN ISLAM. They teach you, almost from the start, to turn your face to THE EAST. In the East, they tell you, IS TRUE MASONRY. But this ( white mans ) Masonry carries you no futher than Australia, America, England and Europe.

A God, who is able to fulfill His promise to us, come and offers you the Flag of Islam . It means that is is now the time you rule your Own. That is your Ouwn and He has offered it to us. We have a song that we sing: ALLAH has given us Our Own, the Sun, Moon and Star for a Flag. I dont think you will find white people running all over the Earth with that on their heads because they know better. THEY DONT HAVE POWER IN IT BUT THEY HAVE TIME IN IT. They dont have power of Creation. When you are asked by the white man about his secret power called Mason or Masonic , he wants you to answer that you WERE NOT MADE IN THAT , BUT YOU WERE BORN THAT. That is true. We * original Black Nation of Earth+ are BORN MUSLIM and cannot be accepted by saying I was made a Muslim. YOU ARE CREATED MUSLIM.

Reading a book in Washington Congressional Library on ancient Masonry, I had to laugh sometime to see how we have been FOOLED. Now you are getting the HIGHEST DEGREE IN THAT ORDER that no WHITE MAN HAS EVER TAUGHT YOU. We bring to you ( Im talking about the DISBELIEVERS AND HYPOCRITES) that Flag and tell you that it is our sign or emblem.

You who have studied degress in Masonry should NOT HESITATE TO COME OVER, BECAUSE WE GIVE YOU MORE THAN WHAT THE DEVIL has given you. These Brothers, MY followers , are MEN WHO HAVE LEARNED MORE ABOUT MASONRY THAN YOU.

Your Masonry has included the history of you slavery, BUT YOU DONT KNOW IT. YOUR FIRST THREE DEGREES TAKES YOU INTO YOUR SLAVERY. THEY ARE THE ANSWER TO YOUR SLAVERY if you understand. BUT NO UNDERSTANDING THEM, as the White man would not TEACH YOU THE THEOLOGY of it, makes you dumb to that which YOU ACTUALLY OWN.

If we bring to you the Sun, Moon, and Star and you laugh at it and criticize it, and say that you dont want it, and that you would rather have a MADE SQUARE OF THE DEVILand that is good enough for you, YOU ARE ONLY WISHING TO BECOME RECOGNIZED BY THE DEVIL and not by YOUR PEOPLE. .If we take our Flag and wrap it around our heads, what does that represent ? The high mason take take that Flag, put it on their coat lapel, around their heads, and walk out to celebrate one day a year.Why doesnt he wear it everyday? Because it doesnt belong to him. Therefore , ( Prophet ) Muhammad permitted the devil to wear the Flag of Islam on his head once a year. Hes got to be one who has been studying the principles and trying to act on the principles for 35 to 40 to 50 years. You do not see young men in the devils high Masonry or Shriners. They all are elderly men because he is not supposed to come out with the Star and Crescent on his head ( that red fez) until hes up so many degrees in the study of it.

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