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Nutrition: An Applied Approach, 3e, My Plate Edition (Thompson/Manore) Chapter 1 The Role of Nutrition in Our Health Multiple-Choice Questions

1) Which statement is FALSE concerning the field of nutrition? A) utrition is the stud! of ho" food nourishes the #od!$ %) utrition encompasses ho" "e consume& digest& meta#oli'e& and store food$ C) utrition is an ancient science that dates #ac( to the 1)th centur!$ *) utrition in+ol+es stud!ing the factors that influence eating patterns$ Ans"er, C -age .ef, ) S(ill, Factual /) Which of the follo"ing chronic diseases is 01 strongl! associated "ith dietar! choices? A) Al'heimer2s disease %) cancer C) heart disease *) t!pe / dia#etes Ans"er, A -age .ef, ) S(ill, Factual 3) All nutrients are di+ided into ho" man! classes? A) t"o %) four C) si4 *) eight Ans"er, C -age .ef, 5 S(ill, Factual )) 1o a scientist descri#ing nutrients& the term 6organic6 means nutrients that A) contain #oth car#on and h!drogen$ %) contain h!drogen and nitrogen$ C) are natural& not s!nthetic$ *) are s!nthetic& not natural$ Ans"er, A -age .ef, 5 S(ill, Factual

7) What is the primar! source of fuel for the #rain? A) proteins %) fats C) car#oh!drates *) +itamins Ans"er, C -age .ef, 8 S(ill, Factual 9) 0f the follo"ing nutrients& "hich contains nitrogen? A) car#oh!drates %) proteins C) lipids *) "ater Ans"er, % -age .ef, 11 S(ill, Factual :) Which of the follo"ing is an e4ample of an inorganic nutrient? A) +itamin A ;+itamin) %) stearic acid ;fat) C) dietar! fi#er ;car#oh!drate) *) calcium ;mineral) Ans"er, * -age .ef, 1/ S(ill, Conceptual 5) <ane consumed a #rea(fast that contained 57 grams of car#oh!drate& /= grams of protein& and 15 grams of fat$ >o" man! (ilocalories did <ane eat at #rea(fast? A) 1/3 (ilocalories %) 17/ (ilocalories C) 75/ (ilocalories *) 1&==: (ilocalories Ans"er, C -age .ef, 8 S(ill, Applied

8) For dinner& Carol consumes /7= grams of car#oh!drate& 7= grams of protein& and 3= grams of fat$ ?n addition& Carol decides that she "ants a glass of "ine "ith her meal$ ?f she drin(s one glass of "ine containing 1= grams of alcohol& ho" man! total (ilocalories does she consume in this meal? A) 3)= (ilocalories %) 1&7)= (ilocalories C) 1&5=9 (ilocalories *) /&5/= (ilocalories Ans"er, % -age .ef, 8 S(ill, Applied 1=) Which of the follo"ing are e4amples of car#oh!drate-rich foods? A) #utter and corn oil %) #eef and por( C) "heat and lentils *) #acon and eggs Ans"er, C -age .ef, 8-1= S(ill, Conceptual 11) Which dietar! standard& e4pressed as percentages of total energ!& defines the recommended inta(e range for the macronutrients? A) 1olera#le @pper ?nta(e Le+el ;@L) %) .ecommended *ietar! Allo"ance ;.*A) C) Estimated A+erage .eAuirement ;EA.) *) Accepta#le Macronutrient *istri#ution .ange ;AM*.) Ans"er, * -age .ef, 17 S(ill, Factual 1/) Which of the follo"ing nutrients is 01 organic? A) +itamins %) car#oh!drates C) proteins *) "ater Ans"er, * -age .ef, 5 S(ill, Factual

13) Lauren2s friend has recommended that she ta(e a +itamin C supplement #efore undergoing oral surger!$ Lauren is concerned a#out consuming too much of the supplement$ Which of the follo"ing nutrient standards "ould assist Lauren in determining the highest amount of the supplement that "ould #e safe for her to consume? A) 1olera#le @pper ?nta(e Le+el ;@L) %) .ecommended *ietar! Allo"ance ;.*A) C) Estimated A+erage .eAuirement ;EA.) *) Accepta#le Macronutrient *istri#ution .ange ;AM*.) Ans"er, A -age .ef, 17 S(ill, Applied 1)) Which of the follo"ing nutrients is the M0S1 energ! dense? A) car#oh!drate %) fat C) protein *) +itamins Ans"er, % -age .ef, 8 S(ill, Conceptual 17) Which of the follo"ing %ES1 descri#es minerals? A) micronutrients that are #ro(en do"n easil! during digestion %) micronutrients that are easil! destro!ed #! heat and light C) inorganic micronutrients found in a +ariet! of foods *) nutrients that are needed in large amounts #! the #od! Ans"er, C -age .ef, 1/ S(ill, Conceptual 19) An important source of energ! for muscles during times of rest and lo"-intensit! e4ercise is A) protein$ %) +itamins$ C) fat$ *) "ater$ Ans"er, C -age .ef, 1= S(ill, Factual 1:) 1he #uilding #loc(s of proteins are called A) fatt! acids$ %) amino acids$ C) saccharides$ *) nitrogen fragments$ Ans"er, % -age .ef, 11 S(ill, Factual

15) Which of the follo"ing is 01 a primar! function of dietar! protein? A) #uilding ne" cells and tissues %) repairing damaged structures C) regulating meta#olism and fluid #alance *) ser+ing as a primar! source of energ! for the #od! Ans"er, * -age .ef, 11 S(ill, Factual 18) -roteins are 01 found in A) meats& fish& and poultr!$ %) dair! products$ C) seeds& nuts& and legumes$ *) "ater$ Ans"er, * -age .ef, 11 S(ill, Conceptual /=) What are the t"o groups that +itamins are classified into? A) fat solu#le and "ater solu#le %) macrosolu#le and microsolu#le C) nonnutriti+e and nutriti+e *) trace and maBor Ans"er, A -age .ef, 1/ S(ill, Factual /1) Citamin C and the % +itamins are termed A) nonessential +itamins$ %) "ater-solu#le +itamins$ C) fat-solu#le +itamins$ *) trace +itamins$ Ans"er, % -age .ef, 1/ S(ill, Conceptual //) Which of the follo"ing is FALSE? A) Fats are solu#le in "ater$ %) Fats are an important energ! source for our #odies at rest and during lo"-intensit! e4ercise$ C) Fats are composed of car#on& h!drogen& and o4!gen$ *) Fats !ield more calories per gram than car#oh!drate or protein$ Ans"er, A -age .ef, 1= S(ill, Conceptual

/3) Which of the follo"ing descri#es the +itamins A& *& E& and D? A) e4creted +ia the urine %) potentiall! to4ic C) solu#le in "ater *) not stored to an! e4tent in the #od! Ans"er, % -age .ef, 1/ S(ill, Factual /)) ?norganic nutrients that are 01 #ro(en do"n #! the human #od! or destro!ed #! heat or light are called A) +itamins$ %) minerals$ C) proteins$ *) fats$ Ans"er, % -age .ef, 1/ S(ill, Factual /7) 0+erconsumption of "hich nutrient has the greatest potential for to4icit!? A) +itamin * %) +itamin C C) thiamin *) niacin Ans"er, A -age .ef, 1/ S(ill, Conceptual /9) What is the standard used to estimate the dail! nutrient needs of half of all health! indi+iduals? A) Estimated A+erage .eAuirement ;EA.) %) AdeAuate ?nta(e ;A?) C) .ecommended *ietar! Allo"ance ;.*A) *) 1olera#le @pper ?nta(e Le+el ;@?) Ans"er, A -age .ef, 1) S(ill, Factual /:) Which of the follo"ing is 01 a function of "ater in the #od!? A) helps to regulate ner+ous impulses and muscle contraction %) helps to transport nutrients and o4!gen C) helps to e4crete "aste products *) pro+ides a source of energ! to "or( and pla! Ans"er, * -age .ef, 13 S(ill, Factual

/5) According to the Accepta#le Macronutrient *istri#ution .ange ;AM*.)& up to "hat percentage of !our dail! calories should #e pro+ided #! car#oh!drate? A) 37E %) 97E C) :=E *) :7E Ans"er, % -age .ef, 17 S(ill, Factual /8) 1he highest a+erage amount of a nutrient that can #e consumed "ithout a ris( of ad+erse health effects to almost all indi+iduals in a particular age and gender group is called the A) Accepta#le Macronutrient *istri#ution .ange ;AM*.)$ %) .ecommended *ail! Allo"ance ;.*A)$ C) AdeAuate ?nta(e ;A?)$ *) 1olera#le @pper ?nta(e Le+el ;@L)$ Ans"er, * -age .ef, 17 S(ill, Factual 3=) What is the leading federal agenc! in the @nited States that protects human health and safet!? A) @nited States *epartment of Agriculture ;@S*A) %) American *ietetic Association ;A*A) C) Centers for *isease Control and -re+ention ;C*C) *) ational ?nstitutes of >ealth ; ?>) Ans"er, C -age .ef, /3 S(ill, Factual 31) Four grandmother has recentl! #een diagnosed "ith t!pe / dia#etes$ Which of the follo"ing professionals is M0S1 li(el! to #e Aualified to offer !our grandmother assistance in planning her dia#etic diet? A) registered dietitian ;.*) %) -h* in e4ercise science C) medical doctor ;M*) *) nutritionist Ans"er, A -age .ef, // S(ill, Applied

3/) 1he %.FSS is the go+ernment A) sur+e! that trac(s lifest!le ha#its that increase ris(s for de+eloping chronic diseases$ %) sur+e! that trac(s nutrition education programs in the @nited States$ C) agenc! that protects the health and safet! of the American people$ *) agenc! that conducts medical research in the @nited States$ Ans"er, A -age .ef, /3 S(ill, Factual 33) Which of the follo"ing professional titles has 0 definition or la"s regulating it? A) registered dietitian %) medical doctor C) nutritionist *) licensed nutritionist Ans"er, C -age .ef, // S(ill, Factual 3)) 1he t!pe of stud! that compares a group of indi+iduals "ith a disease to another similar #ut health! group is called a;n) A) dou#le-#lind stud!$ %) clinical trial$ C) inter+ention stud!$ *) case control stud!$ Ans"er, * -age .ef, 18-/= S(ill, Factual 37) 1he group gi+en a specific treatment or inter+ention during an e4periment is called "hat? A) the e4perimental group %) the control group C) the dou#le-#lind group *) the #lind group Ans"er, A -age .ef, /= S(ill, Factual

39) *r$ Sulli+an is conducting a clinical trial to determine if +itamin G can impro+e test performance of students in an introductor! college nutrition course$ *r$ Sulli+an puts all the students2 names in a hat and dra"s names to determine if the! "ill #e placed in the control or the e4perimental group$ 1he e4perimental group recei+es a capsule of +itamin G and the control group a 6sugar pill6 that tastes and loo(s identical to the +itamin G capsule$ either *r$ Sulli+an nor the participants (no"s "ho is recei+ing "hich treatment$ 1his e4periment is %ES1 descri#ed as A) single-#lind& random selection$ %) dou#le-#lind& place#o-controlled$ C) single-#lind& random selection& place#o-controlled$ *) dou#le-#lind& random selection& place#o-controlled$ Ans"er, * -age .ef, /= S(ill, Applied 3:) What is the first step of the scientific method? A) Formulate a h!pothesis$ %) *esign and conduct an e4periment$ C) Collect and anal!'e data$ *) 0#ser+e a phenomenon$ Ans"er, * -age .ef, 19 S(ill, Factual 35) ational >ealth and utrition E4amination Sur+e! ; >A ES) collects dietar! information of Americans #! using a A) "e#site "here indi+iduals can self-report their dietar! inta(e online$ %) personal inter+ie" that collects information from a /)-hour diet recall$ C) telephone sur+e! that collects information using a food freAuenc! Auestionnaire$ *) "ritten sur+e! that collects information using a food li(es and disli(es Auestionnaire$ Ans"er, % -age .ef, /3 S(ill, Factual 38) 1he chemicals found in foods that are critical to human gro"th and function are called A) anti#odies$ %) #acteria$ C) nutrients$ *) carcinogens$ Ans"er, C -age .ef, 5 S(ill, Conceptual

)=) What term is commonl! used to descri#e foods that are gro"n "ithout the use of s!nthetic pesticides? A) organic %) inorganic C) geneticall! modified organism ;HM0) *) +egetarian Ans"er, A -age .ef, 5 S(ill, Factual )1) 1he primar! source of fuel for the #od! is A) car#oh!drates$ %) fats and oils$ C) proteins$ *) +itamins and minerals$ Ans"er, A -age .ef, 8 S(ill, Conceptual )/) Amino acids are the smallest unit of a A) car#oh!drate$ %) lipid$ C) protein$ *) +itamin$ Ans"er, C -age .ef, 11 S(ill, Conceptual )3) ?n the @nited States and Canada& "hat set of standards defines the recommended inta(e +alues for +arious nutrients for health! people? A) Estimated A+erage .eAuirement ;EA.) %) 1olera#le @pper ?nta(e Le+el ;@L) C) *ietar! .eference ?nta(es ;*.?s) *) Accepta#le Macronutrient *istri#ution .ange ;AM*.) Ans"er, C -age .ef, 13 S(ill, Factual ))) What is the term for an imitation treatment that has no (no"n ph!sical effect or therapeutic +alue on the su#Bects in a research stud!? A) theor! %) place#o C) single-#lind trial *) dou#le-#lind trial Ans"er, % -age .ef, /= S(ill, Factual

)7) What is another name for an epidemiological stud!? A) a single-#lind stud! %) a dou#le-#lind stud! C) a model stud! *) an o#ser+ational stud! Ans"er, * -age .ef, 18 S(ill, Factual )9) A h!pothesis or group of related h!potheses that ha+e #een confirmed through repeated scientific e4periments is (no"n as a;n) A) phenomenon$ %) e4periment$ C) theor!$ *) fact$ Ans"er, C -age .ef, 15 S(ill, Conceptual 1rueIFalse Questions 1) utrition is a relati+el! ne" scientific discipline$ Ans"er, 1.@E -age .ef, ) S(ill, Factual /) 1he earliest disco+eries in the field of nutrition focused on nutritional deficiencies and illness$ Ans"er, 1.@E -age .ef, ) S(ill, Factual 3) 6Wellness6 is a multidimensional process that includes one2s ph!sical& emotional& social& occupational& and spiritual health$ Ans"er, 1.@E -age .ef, 7 S(ill, Factual )) Cr!ogenics is a ne" area of research that see(s to unco+er the lin(s #et"een our genes& our en+ironment& and our diet$ Ans"er, FALSE -age .ef, ) S(ill, Factual 7) Macronutrients are nutrients that contain inorganic components$ Ans"er, FALSE -age .ef, 8 S(ill, Factual

9) -rotein is the primar! source of fuel for our #rain$ Ans"er, FALSE -age .ef, 11 S(ill, Factual :) Citamins pro+ide ) (ilocalories per gram$ Ans"er, FALSE -age .ef, 11 S(ill, Factual 5) %ecause "ater does not pro+ide an! calories to the #od!& scientists do not consider it a nutrient$ Ans"er, FALSE -age .ef, 13 S(ill, Conceptual 8) A #e+erage that contains /= grams of alcohol mi4ed "ith a diet soda has appro4imatel! 1)= (ilocalories$ Ans"er, 1.@E -age .ef, 8 S(ill, Applied 1=) 1he macronutrients include car#oh!drates& lipids& and proteins$ Ans"er, 1.@E -age .ef, 8 S(ill, Factual 11) Fat is an important energ! source for our #odies during lo"-intensit! e4ercise$ Ans"er, 1.@E -age .ef, 1= S(ill, Factual 1/) -rotein2s primar! role is to pro+ide energ! for the #od!$ Ans"er, FALSE -age .ef, 11 S(ill, Factual 13) -rotein is the onl! macronutrient that contains the element nitrogen$ Ans"er, 1.@E -age .ef, 11 S(ill, Factual 1)) -oor nutrition is strongl! associated "ith three chronic diseases that are among the top ten causes of death in the @nited States$ Ans"er, 1.@E -age .ef, 9 S(ill, Factual

17) Minerals maintain their chemical structure and are not #ro(en do"n during digestion$ Ans"er, 1.@E -age .ef, 1/ S(ill, Conceptual 19) %ecause the! are needed in relati+el! large Auantities& +itamins and minerals are considered macronutrients$ Ans"er, FALSE -age .ef, 11 S(ill, Conceptual 1:) 1he *ietar! .eference ?nta(es ;*.?s) are dietar! standards that should #e applied onl! to health! indi+iduals$ Ans"er, 1.@E -age .ef, 13 S(ill, Conceptual 15) .ich sources of car#oh!drate include legumes& mil(& rice& "heat& fruits& and +egeta#les$ Ans"er, 1.@E -age .ef, 8-1= S(ill, Conceptual 18) A dou#le-#lind e4periment is one in "hich neither the researchers nor participants (no" "hich group is assigned to "hich treatment$ Ans"er, 1.@E -age .ef, /= S(ill, Factual /=) 1he term nutritionist has no precise definition or la"s regulating it$ Ans"er, 1.@E -age .ef, // S(ill, Factual /1) ?n the second half of the /=th centur!& nutrition researchers failed to find a lin( #et"een nutrition and the de+elopment of chronic diseases$ Ans"er, FALSE -age .ef, )& 9 S(ill, Conceptual //) utrigenomics is an ancient specialt! area of nutritional research$ Ans"er, FALSE -age .ef, ) S(ill, Factual


/3) For an e4periment to #e consistent "ith the principles of the scientific method& it must #e repeata#le$ Ans"er, 1.@E -age .ef, 19 S(ill, Factual /)) 1he energ! deri+ed from food is e4pressed in units called (ilocalories$ Ans"er, 1.@E -age .ef, 8 S(ill, Factual /7) A place#o is the misrepresentation of a product& program& or ser+ice for financial gain$ Ans"er, FALSE -age .ef, /= S(ill, Factual /9) 1he ational ?nstitutes of >ealth ; ?>) pla!s a limited role in researching nutrition-related issues$ Ans"er, FALSE -age .ef, /3 S(ill, Factual /:) A .egistered *ietitian is a health professional "ho has earned a #achelor2s degree& has completed e4tensi+e nutrition-related course "or(& and has successfull! completed a national dietetics e4am$ Ans"er, 1.@E -age .ef, // S(ill, Factual Essa! Questions 1) 1he *ietar! .eference ?nta(es ;*.?s) for most nutrients consist of four separate +alues, Estimated A+erage .eAuirement ;EA.)& .ecommended *ietar! Allo"ance ;.*A)& AdeAuate ?nta(e ;A?)& and 1olera#le @pper ?nta(e Le+el ;@L)$ E4plain "hat each of these +alues represents$ Ans"er, Ans"ers "ill +ar!$ -age .ef, 13-17 S(ill, Factual /) List the si4 classes of nutrients$ For each class of nutrients& note "hether it is organic or inorganic and ho" man! (ilocalories per gram it pro+ides& if an!$ Ans"er, Ans"ers "ill +ar!$ -age .ef, 5-8& 11 S(ill, Factual


3) *escri#e "h! humans do not ma(e +er! good e4perimental models$ Ans"er, Ans"ers "ill +ar!$ -age .ef, 18-/= S(ill, Conceptual )) *escri#e ho" nutrition and ph!sical acti+it! influence "ellness$ Ans"er, Ans"ers "ill +ar!$ -age .ef, )-: S(ill, Conceptual utrition *e#ate Questions 1) utrigenomics is a scientific discipline that studies the genetic +ariations in plant and animal foods and the effect on nutrient composition$ Ans"er, FALSE -age .ef, /7 S(ill, Factual /) utrition researchers stud!ing agouti mice disco+ered a lin( #et"een A) +itamin C deficienc! and scur+!$ %) le+el of ph!sical acti+it! and o#esit!$ C) diet and gene e4pression$ *) niacin deficienc! and pellagra$ Ans"er, C -age .ef, /7 S(ill, Factual 3) What is the theor! #ehind nutrigenomics? What e+idence e4ists to support nutrigenomics? Ans"er, Ans"ers "ill +ar!$ -age .ef, /7 S(ill, Factual Questions from Chapter %o4es 1) Which of the follo"ing is an e4ample of disease that is directl! caused #! a nutritional deficienc!? A) pellagra %) cancer C) t!pe / dia#etes *) heart disease Ans"er, A -age .ef, 7 S(ill, Factual


/) -re+alent among @$S$ Southerners during the earl! 18==s& pellagra "as first thought to #e an infectious disease$ 1oda! "e (no" that it is caused #! a deficienc! of A) +itamin A$ %) +itamin C$ C) protein$ *) niacin$ Ans"er, * -age .ef, 7 S(ill, Factual 3) <oan2s dinner contains /1= grams of car#oh!drate& 9= grams of protein& and 7/ grams of fat$ What percent of (ilocalories in this meal comes from car#oh!drate? A) //E %) /7E C) 37E *) 7)E Ans"er, * -age .ef, 1= S(ill, Applied )) A slice of pump(in #read contains 7 grams of fat& )= grams of car#oh!drate& and 7 grams of protein$ What percent of the #read2s calories are from fat? A) 1=E %) /=E C) )=E *) :7E Ans"er, % -age .ef, 1= S(ill, Applied


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