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The telephone has hung today.

It seems to go mad when hearing of a sound of the bell hysteric as copulate by the [koupihifuawada] surgical knife cat the pain scratched in packing that it is a millet standing of the skin momentarily, it packs or the body is detailed ..falling.., it trembles, and the stomach is hot and the unpleasantness. How is the world tranquil if there is no telephone? nly the cursed word is !omited at an ugly word and the filthy term ....ugliness.. [noroha] telephone.. always. "n impudent tri!ial wick ..[nehouraaenriyohishiyoufushiyuutadayo] stickiness borrowing [ku].. reproachful and that !oice that bad [nio] drifts make the world ..should be beautiful.. full with garbage. "s for the bell of the telephone, it is guys who persistently sound it, and # for e!eryone to only ha!e to die.

[$nd of %age #]

, It might be what on earth of one recollection [bokuganaritakattamo] of ..peel.. [kofuroro& gu] self introduction taking the place true fortunately. There was a boy who had thought about such a thing in the corner of the person 'umi space. It was fortunately [biwa] of seeing [uboku]. The one glittered in the rainbow color surrounding us when only ..[tonariho].. [detsumu] [biwa] in those days was in the ne(t, the chest bounced, and the story was spun in the clear !oice that [biwa] is cheerful. u It becomes the writer and me. )y book ..power of people.. is read. *hen the people become happy feelings and, it is good. ! The beauty wing had bright eyes and talked about the dream in the future while smoothly shaking the ponytail under the tree leakage of warm [komopi] day.

It taught only to [kokonoha]. It whispered in the !oice of beautiful beautiful + because [konoha] was special, the neck was inclined like the small bird, it had eyes like the mischief, and I was watched quietly.

[$nd of %age ,]

u *hat is the dream of [konoha]? *hat kind of person do you want to become [konoha] when growing? ! -ecause the face of [biwa] has come near up to the distance in which it seems to kiss, I am awful, it sweats, and I ha!e not understood whether I may turn either. It had a hearty laugh when it neatly became answer [nakya] and [..] cheek death by thinking the firm squee/e of [noumi/oshiho] [nou] miso by both hands seriously, the cheek was heated, and it was answered with much effort, 0I want to become cc tree0. 1i!e prologues Three years passed from that. The mourning crack and [biwa] concealed the appearance to [hi] [rishina] in the sacred ground of [ibonboku]. "fter dark life of the withdrawal, I became an ordinary high school student. 2ow since the second grade of high&school ends, too and it approaches, I am writing the composition of sweets of 0+iterary girl0 without it is not possible to ha!e become a tree yet, and understanding the meaning of great about the e!ening in the art and literature part dyed to soft gold.

[$nd of %age 3]

*e are timidly ..delighting.. after school it is not possible to cause with & soot 04'hadow of [insumausu]4 of the lo!e craft ..fish4s lifeblood.. ..lane [ru].. is tasted0 the tile always.

-ecause the [tooko] senior had suddenly started to say such a thing, I was frighteningly, and stopped its hand that wrote three [sandaibanashi] [dai..]. The room on the corner of the west of the third floor of [sumisenkiyo] [kousha] is occupied with an old book. The piled book builds the tomb dust here and there, and it is narrow and dust. Then, she was reading the book in [tooko] senior4s reser!ed seat as for the pipe chair on the chair window side today. The hometown like the tail of cat [shitsubo] c ..[kute].. [pe] in a finger pure&white ..putting a small foot of [mareta/ayougi] on [ku] manners bad chairs.. ..hanging knitting of three thin down.. under the waist ..the school socks.. ..wrapping... [5i] is turned o!er. *hen it tears up the edge of the lip [soshiyaku] page small while doing so, it carries to a pink lip. It swallows in [kasakoso], [..ka6i] [shi], and an entranced e(pression in the mouth as it is. [ inamagusa] u "h it is !ery delicious. 1ishy that thrusts nose of this. It is cold, and limp 7iyoshi is ..[ro].. ..piling up.. te(ture. It makes it to the great master of [kaiki] fantasy literature, and [sasuga] is a real parent, and lo!e craft of the 8thulhu myth.

[$nd of %age 9]

8hapter # [2e] : by representati!e of [bokuraha] and seeing that doesn4t do se!en timidly The acidity of the [dororitoshita] blood that hangs to the tongue doesn4t collect. ! It is amusing.

" good [tooko] senior ; though he or she must be not good at a scary story. It is ..such senior.. !ulnerable though has boasted since about 4"ll books on the world of this are 0+iterary girl0 lo!ed by wanting eat4 [ni] [ugoto] day, too. cc though eaten as [kusamesomeso] [na] coming saying, 4It is cool4 horror and the splatter that I on purpose wrote in the mouth. Today4s [tooko] senior seemed to flow rotten fish4s eyeball or [bichabicha] and to taste his dropping blood sincerely with pleasure. u +o!e of %hilips Howard craft / *riter in the <nited 'tates of the =>?th rare grader. " mysterious no!el where an old pantheon for the falling ancient times to rule the earth had drawn the re!i!al came to be called 08thulhu myth0. " doubtful, gloomy shade hometown since then c )any charm writers are announcing the work that makes 8thulhu a theme to the myth. It looks like the octopus, the squid, and the li!ing thing of fish4s sea, and the appearing pantheon is attached to [gunyugu] the [yu@shita] tentacle and the fillet, and is fishy in [bichobicho]. & in !ery [raburi] ..lo!eliness.. [&] ..lo!ely... there ! [Aa] and lo!ely. 2arrator raises it high&tension more and more eye [woshibatakaserubokuni]. u 4'hadow of [insumausu]4 The taking the shape thing of a cute fish comes out in swarms and it is the highest.

[$nd of %age B]

Hero4s young person !isits eight [insumausu] of the port while tra!eling. The town is filled with a fishy smell, and ..peel.. residents ha!e eyes puffy blink.., and the width of the head is narrow, and a fish somewhere. Then, ..wicked shadow.. [hitahitasemamo] approaches the hero who e(amines the redoubtable belief coiled round on the ground.

"h Cagon is bud [nano] . howe!er howe!er though [insumausu] is also lo!ely. -ecause 48thulhu4s cry4 is a recommendation, it reads additionally as a soot introduction. [Ikara] like the surreal strike lemming it ..the highest.. ..delicious... ! ..sense.. [me] u In the surreal strike lemming, is the smell not in the said canned food and [tahatsukoukke] the most in the world? Is it the fermenting herrings cc? ! The [tooko] senior nods satisfactorily. [$shiyuu] u Des, it ; so. "t the moment when the can to finish tens of meters e!en ahead drifting, fermenting, becoming empty, and swelling was opened, the corrupt smell that looks like the smell of the [dobu] spouts sewage that wears a homicide smell. 2osing it in a strong aroma by possession at the roar entrance bends, and ..tears.. [poroporo] spills. *hen salty [yu@runyurushita] herrings are said that ease tasted by the entire tongue to getting o!er, it is in the world of the dead Happy -irthday [ne] e(actly as for obstruction tofu refuse difficult [kokochinna]. ! )y thrusting is disregarded, and 0Cying is it, and is [tteru6ana] or #0 [tooko] senior is delicious and 4'hadow of [insumausu]4 [womusa].

[$nd of %age E]

There is ..8hapter ># [bokuraha].. timidly [topori] food.

It is a denunciation crisply denunciation any longer. ff is broken as it is, and the page is held in the mouth. It is after all amusing, [hansodeyoku] [mi], and [ba] and [tooko] senior4s uniform are short slee!es. It is why why though is winter. -ecause [teyu] [&] or studying for e(am was done, no stay away from the club? [7onoha] 0[kokoroha] [kun] and sweets were able to be written0 The [sawahohoesesu6i] [tooko] senior saw me, and fresh with a smile. *hen 0Des0 [6iyouki] [a] [nto] and three [dai..] of 6ust finishing writing are passed while ha!ing an eerie feeling somehow, it cheerfully recei!es and it begins to eat. Coing and today4s title not shown are 0*ater bus ..0)arguerite [..]0 samisen 0... 0 Cis6ointedly, it must be ..lo!e story with sweet [tooko] senior taste.. finished though it had a hard time though it brings together. To 02o goodness0? The saddle is that an agape [hooikinari] not good putting out swells his cheek in me dumbfounded by the [tooko] senior dissatisfying it, and was mouth [woheno] character [nihin] [magei]. u 1or the young person who is playing the samisen with the water bus, passing to an oak so is sugary talk, and ..hanging.. . of no goodness at all ..marguerite.. quiet from the chest the girl. [/ushitera] [ha6i] ..blood.. [dobatsu] more

[$nd of %age F]

It is neither [kukai] nor de!elopment with ten where it blows, it goes up, the lump of flesh floats on the sea dyed red, and Cagon appears. It is too fresh and seems to cause heartburn as it is a sandwich of the fruit not coming. ! It is red bloody that drips from the fish of the life ..saying, getting 0[Tte] ..writing an .. [tooko] senior.. always sweet story..0 [shitata] [ko], and my fa!orite dish..0 The gills

become square the face of the [tooko] senior who sidles up without blinking, and appear, and the ear changes into the fillet in the beam, and the paddle appears to the hand. 0It is # in [tooko] true senior # like the apparition. 0 u 0+iterary girl0 ..what saying.. from top to bottom -lood&stained horror of one ..rewriting now one.. [kokoroha] [kun] mud clammy mud is written0 The apparition of knitting three that completely became fish4s face greatly opens its mouth and it springs. The corrupt smell that throws out [hi] way [da]ing coming [u] garbage is shot, sewage happens to my face, and the ne(t moment in the impact when the interior of the nose becomes hot, and consideration became distant. 0[<waaaa] #0 I awoke in the bed in my own room. The other side of the curtain is bright with clearness, and air trembles chilly a sweaty body that falls coldly and is [i].

[$nd of %age =]

[Au]. The shyness circle is !ery a first dream of the new year 0Cream of ..going.. , or cc0 for one new year from this day though says. "fter the shoulder had been dropped, it discouraging got off the bed. 8hapter ### [bokuraha] and 0..elder brother.. Happy new year0 timidly " younger sister in the first grade of elementary school greets it affecting the adult when going to the li!ing of the greeting the first floor at the new year. It danced or it laughed at getting [heheto] gladly to look up when 0Happy new year [mahana]0 ripe head was patted. [Gouni] u 8ongratulations the elder brother It is ..rice cakes boiled with !egetables.. made0 )other calls it from kitchen.

1ather had already arri!ed at the table, and was doing the hot sake ..a cheerful hot sake it.. little by little. It eats rice cakes boiled with !egetables and the special 2ew Dear4s food that seated oneself 0Hey, it is [kokoroha], [mahana], and a new year4s present0, 0Thank you for [waai]0, and 0Thank you father0 all, and mother made while seeing the tele!ision program of the 2ew Dear.

[$nd of %age >]

#, )other asks me who goes to my room after tableware is put away, wears the coat, and returns 0Thank you0. Co you ..0.. go out ..roughly and the elder brother..? 0 It piles up, and 0Des, the promise to go to !isit a shrine on 2ew Dear4s Cay is done0 mother when it learns and [/a] is done becomes a gentle aim, and is halberd ass [se] of the [ro] in happy as for the mouth. Co ..0.. with the friend at the school? 0 It has been blocked 0Hetting cc yes0 momentarily because whether I may say, 01riend0 is not understood. It was said, 0I4ll be back0 panicking before sudden millet was restless of the chest, became shameful, and was asked something any further, and went out of li!ing. *hen the gunwale ring front door was opened, a pungent, cold air struck the face. The wind of year4s new start is inhaled into full lungs, and the post is e(cluded. It encounters and , 2ew Dear greeting postcard comes. The bunch brought together with [se] [ba] rubber band is taken up, and it turns it o!er fluently. It is from )r. "kutagawa of [koreha] of ..[wafude].. seriousness. dirt [1udesho] [kika]. ['asugadanaa] cc. It is praiseworthy [takeda] ..seeing.. as for a serious character. This shall not be Takeda.

Takeda ....)aru.. character and a lo!ely illustration.. et al..

[$nd of %age #?]

8hapter #3# [-okuraha] and timid [toshii] . " polite pen&and&ink postcard had reached from [too]&polite child senior. *hen the person who was rattling mi(ing up shake [dadate], 4'omething is written, the stomach is written becoming empty, and &4, and [....] wrote the chair, the bo( cough is handwriting and a content that cannot be thought usually. 'urely, our family4s eyes might be considered. [Donaa] . that is puppetry [] &lined such [mietoko] )other is speaking !ery highly of the [tooko] senior of [reigi] who dials home occasionally , saying that 48areless really polite [shi6iyo] )iss4. "ctually, let4s do not o!erset if it knows that it is an apparition who tears up the book and eats crisply. %ersons in question most w I am not in the apparition. It is a free literary girl. ( Though it insists. 0That cc0 " strange postcard was found, and I stopped its finger. *hat? will This? There is not a word, and either the li!ing thing like the bird that winged it to a spheroidal body has drawn the [tsubasa] word. *ill sticks be two beaks? ..poke.. ..[noki].. began up It sees it in the corner. The face looks like the cat, and has stuck out a long tongue with [beron].

It is graffiti of the child cc. *ill the addressor be a classmate of [mahana]?

[$nd of %age ##]

The bunch of the postcard was returned to the post, and it began to walk because the time of #9 meeting had approached. It was and [kotofu] was waiting for me by the crimson face in front of the con!enience store near 0It was, and it was Inoue cc0 [kotobuki] [eki]. The hair does and rostrums [i] of a suitable, white breath that reels and wears the shawl on the kimono of [age] and a lo!ely floral print. u I4m sorry ..waiting.. [tase] : Cid you wait [tte] and outside? )eeting is not in the shop and [takke] ?. 0 Then, [kotofu] quietly muttered [bo] ner!ously. Isn4t it ..0 nly freeloaded in the style ..around..0 0.. cold? 0 0'uch a thing of , ..along..0 points the lip, and it becomes [muki] and it answers. u Co so? 0cc yes0 Then, let4s go0 -e. How did you do? cc to be disappointed to drop glance suddenly. $ncounter cc, I came tightly, and it said.

[$nd of %age #,]


$yes are peeled off as ha!ing panicked at 0It is ..kimono.. lo!ely0 and phlegm, and a desperate opinion is e(pressed. u [Tsutano] ..dressing... the grandma It is cc [] because of the 2ew Dear. It is so e!ery year. -ecause this year is not special, []0 [Hokoronda] ..seeing the flappingly shake of the slee!e and the e(cuse with a red face.. ..the mouth... Information [howattekuru] though it is a few now though it was not understood well that [kotofu] thought ahead. It is thought that I am glad to be praised by me as [kotofu] shines terribly. "n ashamed, somehow warm one e(tends to the chest. It is muttered, 0Aeached neatly ..the $&mail at the new year..0 walking side by side toward the 'hinto shrine while dyed to cheeked red when saying , saying that 0Inoue4s $&mail came0 by a face that seemed to be glad. )y chest throbbed with such a strong&minded usual e(pression, too, whene!er a soft opposite e(pression who seemed to be the girl was seen. )ail was e(changed se!eral times on the day of the e!e. [7otofu]4s contents of a letter ; always for a moment.

[$nd of %age #3]

It is awkward. 1eeling all&out ..the kick.. was transmitted, and it was able to ha!e good feeling. . ur distances will contract only a little in se!eral days than ahead. The [sanbaikiyaku] 'hinto shrine crowded ..8hapter #F# [bokuraha].. timidly by the worshipper each other. It does for about 3? minutes queuing up behind [saisenbakotado] [retsu] and, at last, it reaches it at last in front of [kyou/enibako].

*e threw in [kyousen] respecti!ely, and clapped our hands happily by two people in chicken. -e what, and either can spend this year safely. Incidentally, the [tooko] senior must pass the uni!ersity. It prays by the eager e(pression. by firmly draw [kotofu] [sanha] [mayune] when [tonarimayune] [tonari] is seen, shut eyes, pull hard, connect the lip, and do not e(ist any further 0cc0 It is a steep [kewa] face like anger. 1or what on earth do you ask? *ill it be a !ery important wish? [7otofu] opened one4s eyes when watching it. )y glance is noticed, and it reddens at once. 'eeing [teruno] ..0..0 of one [yada] [nande] and here 02o, ended 0

[$nd of %age #9]

#= It is bad because it prays for 0 nly ha!e to call it0 piece life all&out. 1or what did you desperately pray so much? ! u It is, and is ..Inoue.. ..unrelated.. [ikotodayo]. 'ee staring [moo] and girl4s faces lowest cc0 It goes down the stairs as [kotofu] panics. It mi(es, the person seems to be thrown as it is willingly try against [mi], and eyes stagger. It detained it gripping 08oming [ya@]0 and 0[7otofu]0 [bokuha] [kotofu]4s hand. The tying hand trembles as surprised.

0#0 [7otofu] who was looking me up with the face of red0 0The person full, and danger !ails one4s eyes shamefully, the timid do clasp of my hand, and it returns it. I laughed because I felt relie!ed. The answered appearance is 0$nd without getting lost if it is this0 and small 0, ..along.. is so0 !ocal lo!ely.

[$nd of %age #B]

8hapter #># [bokuraha] and timid [totsuna] [tsuna] ..holding.. [sa] were hard and cold. "re you strained? I am considerably shameful actually. "s it is along the flow ....mi(ing.. [mino] inside of the person.. and it begins to walk slowly. [7otofu] who was becoming silent [chinmokuhosobosoutsumuite] said in a detailed !oice that seemed to !anish suddenly. That what ..coming.. ..0cc.. [hen] [nako] [to..] [kukedo]0 0.. yes?!ide. 0 It said panicking because it had a redder face a little while ago when [kotofu] was seen in surprise because of an une(pected question in rapid speech. [7o] u [8hi] and ..difference.. [uno] : Inoue comes to absorb it in the mole fortune&telling now please then ..[te] cc... 0 u Though the mole is under hips. Howe!er, why do you know? 0 ["runo] ..0.. ? 0 The face is misinterpreted as [kotofu] is awfully shocking. It panics ..after that...

u ["aa] "kutagawa is . from such a thing remark [tteta]. There are [sokka] and a mole. It [sokka] and [sokkaa] cc0.. becomes seem a sad, seem mortifying for it not is and fall fast the eyebrow face. u )r. "kutagawa and my mole is seeing [tandaro] . when. Is the pool taught? The mole under hips, what meaning. !

[$nd of %age #E]

,? u [ee] # deflecting [hae] and cc "re not you ..[aa] and sacred lot [hi]..? Inoue. 0 [7otofu] in!ites me to the sacred lot counter. u "fter all, it doesn4t consult an oracle when coming to the 'hinto shrine. 01alling down is [uyo], and [kotofu] when hurrying up so much0 Hey, it is early0 *ill phlegm? It this time became suddenly energetic. There was shrine maiden of the part&time 6ob in the shrine maiden counter, and the rectangular bo( was shaken. +ong chopsticks stick is put out there, and it attached, and white paper is recei!ed about the number written on the edge of the stick. *e mo!ed under the tree of a big plum tree, and, then, opened the sacred lot.

0 [kotofu] ..0each other.. e(presses a sorrowful opinion. I cast one4s eyes down to the character written on paper, and muttered. It is pale with [daikiyou] 0Hreat misfortune and I0 and 0[$e] cc0 seeing [reba] [kotofu] also obtains the sacred lot. It was a great misfortune that became complete with me when e(cluding it. 0 The shoulder is shaken when falling ..falling... It blots to tears of !e(ation in eyes. u It doesn4t worry. Hey, let4s forget quickly because it connects it with the branch there. 0

[$nd of %age #F]

0%ull it ..not good [].. again0 0[7otofu]0 doesn4t timidly become [muki] there 8hapter ,## [bokuraha]. Is the girl an(ious about this? [7otofu] tries to swell the cheek, to a!ert [mune], and toward the sacred lot counter. The !oice blithely talked was heard from the side at that time. [Caikichi] 0The came [ya@an], [daa], and the e(cellent luck I0 and 0[ tsu] , I am e(cellent luck0 0easily. It is the worst0 " couple of of that con!ersation touched 8aen or [kotofu] ..[utenkinira] traditional masked dance&drama weather of 0 riginal entering [tenaissho] great misfortune0.. stares at that with [ki]. The man is familiar cc. [Aiyuu] u The subculture & and my sacred lot is connected. The scale0 0[Guruui] and I0 and 0I am &0 are not or are ; to one deflecting in no one girl by +iu.

[7otofu]4s eyes round. [Tooko] senior4s lodging house ahead in the back of the tree of the [aikiyou] plum tree that the charm was shaken and reeled to the other party as for three girls.

[$nd of %age #=]

They were ,, [musukoriyuu] and it was )r. son [sanno] [naganin]. )r. [naganin] noticed us, too and a candid smile was floated on a handsome face. u That? [7okoroha]; It meets in une(pected [toko]. Co you date [kotofu] today? 0 *hen 0Hetting [] and it0 [kotofu] is seen, it is suitable for side with the crimson face. Hetting [tto] and )r. [naganin] ..0.. ;. 0 It answers ..0I date it0 bad [biremose/u].. impudently. It is ..0I ..the subculture.. and 0I ..the difference..0 0.. )r. Ayu to [hehehe] 0 Hirls begin to get into trouble. It encounters and the aspect doesn4t change into I and him at the new year. [7otofu] seems to like not neither doing the )r. [naganin] [gachi] [tsusaihinan] arbitration or nor the fight o!er girls, and is calm [teiru] for eye difference [shiwo] of the criticism. )r. [naganin] of course doesn4t do to the such a thing nature and, be calm. ppositely, [kotofu] [sannonagakoto] is looked at staring and turned. u 7imono and good shin. It ..beautiful woman [hanani] [chaku].. suits0 It laughs at [aiso] and affability good [ku].

[$nd of %age #>]

8hapter ,3# It is time when it timidly becomes a face at which it got angry more and more by [kotofu] [bokuraha]. %shaw 8hopin4s 4Tune of the separation4 flowed abruptly in the light. 0$ach other I4m sorryed for , cc []0 [keitai] telephone [kotofu] was suddenly flustered, a pink cellular phone was taken out, )r. J away as it was seen 0'hin from that and a man0 [naganin] made up his serious face, and it whispered to my ear. 0[I] [ttennosa] of what0 u 5udging from my ..saying.. [&] and 8aen and e(perience, ..correct.. [issu]. In friend and family4s telephones, [tte] ..not bewildering there... 'urely..pre!ious!ide..such..fight..fight..girl..happily..nod. )r. [naganin] is a forked rumored in looking triumphant. u -ecause it is fickleness outside the [kagitsute] idea to the child in that 7atha so. [Issuyo] and [kokoroha] ..taking care the forked or no kick.. ..[tahou]..0 The accomplishment is said. *hether it feels because of the nature as thorny?

[$nd of %age ,?]

,9 u ['orehakimidaro]. It slept because whether it was new year )imata at the beginning was left disregarding it, and said to the [tooko] senior0 ["osuru] and )r. [naganin] looked up at the sky with a miserable face. [7anben] bag u

%lease pardon it. )oreo!er, it is a bag and [boko] [raremasu]0 "fter all, the head seems not to go up to the [tooko] senior. ['okohe] [kotofu] returned noisily. u I4m sorry. -ecause it was $&mail of hurry. $ [5iyama] 0+et4s go ..obstruct it.. ..[waru] squids..0 [ama/ake] 0It is ..wanting drink the sweet drink made from fermented rice and me.. ..&... 0 0It is wanting ..karaoke.. do&. 0 u 8rawling. Then, ..[kokoroha] and [kotofu]..0 *e ..0[-aiba]&saying #0 li!ely [hou/en].. saw off )r. lea!ing [teyuku] [naganin] for a while with [....]. It mo!ed straight to 0*ere cc we of getting [ttoso] going also to make it to tea?0 and 0cc yes0 family restaurants.

[$nd of %age ,#]

8hapter ,B# Timidly ..[bokuraha].. ..0..[kotofu] and carrying.. ..ring tone melody.. changed it0 0.. what? 0 The hand that poked the cream bean 6am honey was stopped when 0Ciffered from hearing0 female idol4s hit was said, and it reddened in a moment. 0That is only Inoue cc0 It says broken. Co only I ..0.. ;? party..ring tone melody..change..cheek..swell..strong&!ide.

The way and 0Inoue uses that tune e(clusi!ely0 and 0It is , ..along.. so0 we ha!e become hot the face, too. That tune is a sticky lo!e song and cc that the female idol repeats 4+o!e and lo!e4 with [sabi] in a lo!ely !oice iwis. Is Inoue ..0.. ..ring tone melody.. di!iding? 0 02o, e!eryone thoroughly ;0 or 0'o cc0 [kotofu] bites the lip with [kyu].

[$nd of %age ,,]

It was ,E or it was lo!eable, and I smiled. *ho u Howe!er, let4s change it. Then, whether whose it is arri!ing is understood soon, and it is con!enient. *hat tune does [kotofu] want? Is there a request? 0 [7otofu] hangs out at. 0Theme of 4-eauty and the -east40 To say not trowing, the body is shamefully pulled after it says, do the thrust of the spoon to the bean 6am honey, and [kachakacha] is sounded. u getting [tto] and that cc Cisney4s mo!ie is seen when it is small, and [hama] [cchatte]. The melody is beautiful beautifully terrible and good lyrics, too. I the super&like guy of a 5apanese !ersion. It hesitated to which to make it when Inoue decided the ring tone melody. Therefore, cc. 0 u Des, it has understood.

It is 4-eauty and the -east. 4 Then, [kotofu]4s ring tone melody is made it0 It stops as the cap carrying is put out, the lid is opened snap, and it ties and [koutosuruto] and [kotofu] panic at the site of the ring tone melody, and without listening without looking for piece, foolish, and here ..+ 0.. why. 0 It is seriously threatened by [ta] face, and it ..lip that makes 02ot good [ttara] and no goodness #cc are, and are changed quietly at home ..not good..0.. has become a balloon so ..seeming [tsun] and the point it...

[$nd of %age ,3]

..8hapter ,F# [bokuraha].. timid [kotofu] eats swelling [ttsurade] and the bean 6am honey. I said with a smile. ..0+et4s go to the mo!ie ne(t week0 0.. the truth? 0 It looks up rapidly. u Des. *hat do you want to see? It doesn4t cook it it is Cisney, what. 0 u Inoue? *hat do you see usually? 0 The interior of 0$$c$ ..not seeming..0 chest is ticklish. [Ii] of ..kick.. feelings . The story of a hobby each other is told [kotofu], the title of the mo!ie is decided, and the place and the time of meeting are decided, and time is forgotten and a natural, shameful, ticklish con!ersation is done lengthily. u ["no] cc [rukara] ..working hard...

The # for which it suitably asks this year0 -rink separation side. [7otofu] with high&colored cheeks looked me up in the right angle crossroads that began to grow dark quietly, it gasped, it said so, and it bowed. u %lease gi!e my best regards only to me yes. It was !ery happy today. 0

[$nd of %age ,9]

The smile has slowly e(tended to [kotofu]4s face like soft light in the e!ening when answering by ,= smiles. u It!ie.. looks forward to getting cc. It $&mails. )oreo!er, it slept0 It whispered shamefully, the slee!e of the kimono was shaken, and the woman who left by the trot was seen off in feelings that satisfied it. The 2ew Dear greeting postcard of my amount was put on the desk when returning to the house. 0That and this postcard cc0 It is guy like bird and cat4s ghosts who saw when going out [magi]. Coes to 0[7okorohayou] Inoue0 and me who is in an unstable character like the child when you see the [atenatte] address ..the desire of the one of [mahana] that it was di!erted..? There is no presenting name anywhere. Is it someone4s mischief cc? It did not think ..deep.., and the postcard was put. It sits on the tendon 'aku chair, the cellular phone is opened, the ring tone melody of 4-eauty and the -east4 is retrie!ed, and the guy of the music bo( is downloaded. "h this tune or cc

[$nd of %age ,B]

The 8eline day on is guy who duetted to [pi&bo&&buraison]. It has listened the flow by 8). It is [odayaka] and a gentle tune. +yrics of a 5apanese !ersion are incidentally retrie!ed. cc timidly timidly ..touch.. a little ..[uwa] [sa] and finger [honno].. a little though it seem to be. arrange for a moment the translation the door 8hapter ,># [bokuraha] of [hiraiteku] [ai] [tsutsuyasashisa] tell it is wonderful " feeling that chilly at mi(ing and the person tie of [kotofu] in [mi] to the hand and was awkward was recalled, and the chest was tightened sweetly. cc though it is intense feelings that bla/e up. Timidly, little by little. *e might be approaching. The $nglish !ersion that the 8eline day on sang was heard repeatedly at download purchase doing and that night in the personal computer with the headphone. Hentleness like afterlight in e!ening that separated into mind of me who shuts its [nouri/anshiyou] eyes and [kotofu] showed side

[$nd of %age ,E]

3? ..retreat..lI where it went smile that seemed to be happy floated many times. *hen it became impossible to go to the mo!ie, it was promised the day before that mail reached. w I4m sorry. It will not be possible to go tomorrow. The telephone, $&mail, and impossibility for a while (

The reason did not write. There was not a reply to the mail that I had sent either. *hy the promise has been suddenly canceled has not been understood. Two items had as ..!ague tile.. uneasiness not refuted so collected in the interior of the chest and it had a telephone call from Takeda of the 6unior after it had passed in carrying. In6ury w h, it is [mi] [kokoroha] ahead, serious, and [suyoo]. The [nanase] senior is in6ured, and it has been hospitali/ed. It falls and it prints from the stairs. K( KLKLKL

[$nd of %age ,F]

The ..8hapter 3## [bokuraha].. timid arrogance was !ery dangerous, arrogant, was selfish, and I hated it your being hated. In that way..cruel..beha!e..damage. Dou were laughingly looking tearing up the mind of the [/etsukiyou] ser!ant of [suhamo] to shreds with [worakira] [hikaru] Toru [gitootta] cutlery, the e6aculation, ..smell smell [mo/etatainosuru] blood.. ..sink.. writhe, and suffering. Dou lightly trampled down the back of the part [shiwo] throwing and me drowned in tears on ground. *hat story did you tell [ro] in ..[haruguchiminekimi].. spring? The peak and where did you go? Cid not you think that I knew? I all knew the bend also of ha!ing made the peak touch by the body as for the [takumadokimi] illuding the mouth in spring to a skillful word when mesne of water by ## people and play.

It saw neatly by these eyes. The pain that instigated [tetsugu], was thrown out to the fire to which the body burnt in blue, and pierced soppy with burnt [tetsukushi] and turned was tasted. It pleasantly laughed at [yukai] always always because [gimiha] I who suffered was seen. It snuggles to the fi(ing [tsusoushite] me, !arious one is stolen from me, and I ha!e been ruined. Therefore, e!en if it sleeps, it gets, and the [fukushiyuu] ser!ant re!enges it on you, will you be permitted?

[$nd of %age ,=]

Aeason piece food i that [miu] di!ision 8hapter , Inoue died and !isit. Dou should go. It was not natural or Takeda shouted that it was ama/ed in the other side of + [keitai] telephone [takedaakikike] [..] electrification story. It was awfully pu//led ..[kotofuki] 0..coming.. [naidehoshiitte] when $&mailing to [kotofu]0 and [madobokuha]... )o!ie..cancel..add..finally..return..reply mail..oak..squid..!!ide. [Takara] and e(planation [shiteita] ..unbecoming... kept silent the cheat by [shio] academy cc though it is not ..understanding... the feelings [-o] a bad mood... from beginning to end sulky of harp [fu] who is not coming [ge] will 6udge shame [/u] also by curt to the surprise at the hospitali/ation the day before of [..] Aetsu promise when ha!ing gone for the [tooko] senior and the !isit in the [hi] [okosenpaishiyuushi] summer and disregarding !ery and be hospitali/ed in the hospital that hospitali/ed it in [natsu] may.. ..understanding.. again

[$nd of %age ,>]

It turned to trouble [sounisoppo] when [miu] 8hapter 33, Inoue was left two of them in the reason [kuto] ....death.. reason.. sickroom.

)ight not want it to say from [kotofu]4s character, and to show the weakening appearance. Aeally, do not it want you to come? cc unpleasant when face is produced though it is said that do not come ..might desire... *hen it consulted [daageku] , Takeda who was not [konoha] [naya] with mail, it had a telephone call at once, and it had been preached, 01or the [kokoroha] senior, the woman4s heart is not too understanding0. u "re not you deciding in the hope of you coming in such ..drinking.. [kuchi] secretly ..strong.. ..[ttetemo]..? It ..[moo].. ..e(crement.. li!es, and it is not really good and not good. The boyfriend of not coming to !isit though it has finally become a congenial atmosphere is the worst. [Guba/uba] ..The [nanase] senior cries0.. is said in a lo!ely !oice like the character of the boiling animated cartoon. [&] ..along.. ..0"s such or cc0 0.. was decided to going, [&] [monodesu]0 [kitsubari] declaration, and going to [kotofu]4s !isit. The corsage was made from a pink rose and a strawberry candle red like the strawberry in flower shop at the rose strawberry morrow, and it went to the hospital with it. 0Hetting [tto] cc [kotofu]4s sickroom is cc. 0

[$nd of %age 3?]

It is time when it confirms the number of the room while walking on the passage assumed to be spacious that fragrant of the medicine that has come in front of [niorouka] [..] does. )r. "kutagawa of 6eans was standing in a black knit in the stone&like e(pression when it was, was put 0Inoue0 dirt [gawa] [koe], and it looked up. Cid you ..0.. come to !isit [kotofu]? Het..)r...hospitali/e..wisdom.

0 )r. [hitomitansei] [gomoku] 'ichuan throws a shadow out to the pupil, and a simple face is misinterpreted only a little. 0 "kutagawa4s of )r. mother keeps sleeping in the bed in the hospital without conscious for years how many another. It is not mysterious that [nanode] and he are in the hospital. It is likely to ha!e come for mother4s !isit surely. Cid you ..0.. meet [kotofu]? 0 It answers in the !oice with bad 0"h cc0 nature. How did you do? He might be restless ..what... In6ury u How about the condition of [kotofu]4s in6ury. -y chance, is it terrible and bad? !

[$nd of %age 3#]

8hapter 3B, Aeason 0in which [miu] Inoue died cc as soon as good. It is possible to lea!e at once hospital. 0 u It was good so. It is likely to ha!e fallen down the stairs where doing and going when falling down the stairs howe!er. Is it a station? It is )r. "kutagawa, and hearing of something. 0 0$;;$ the unpleasantness0 "kutagawa of )r. withdraws one4s ga/e painfully, and has become silent.

"fter that, the entrance of ..slowness.. [to] is opened, and it is long. u The sickroom of [kotofu] is that. Dou might not stay long because it seems to be considerably tired. 0 u Des, it has understood. Thank you0 I said the reward, and separated from )r. "kutagawa. )r. "kutagawa was looking at me in the hard&set e(pression when turning around feeling the weight of one4s eyes while ha!ing stood on the passage. -y chance, do you worry? -ecause it is not a child, it is found alone in the sickroom. I halted ahead of the number written in 0$ach other It is here of ,0 memo. 4[7otofu]4 and the name tag are attached, too.

[$nd of %age 3,]

Moices are heard from 3E inside. Is there a person of this room? Two of four beds had been buried when the door was knocked, and it opened it quietly, and a girl like a high school student and a diminuti!e grandmother saw me. u I4m sorry. Though it came to the [kotofu] [nanasesannoo] !isit0 0It is not [nanasechan] and now0 girl answers with the cheerful look. It is continuously ..grandmother.. ..three [yoro].. ..floatage.. .. 0cc though it had returned from the inspection slowly0 and 0Aeally?0 It was embarrassed, and went out into the corridor though it was recommended that wait here with two soot people. Then, an une(pected person showed up when dopy.

0[7okoroha] [kun]0 0[Tooko] senior #0 It wrapped in a na!y blue duffle coat and the uniform in spite of the winter break that did not come, [go] floated the bouquet of the pink color, and the smile that spilt in the hand was floated. 0+iterary girl0 of two knitting

[$nd of %age 33]

Cid you come to [kokoroha] [kunmo] and the [nanasechannoo] !isit ..reason 0in which [miu] 8hapter 3F, Inoue had died..? ! u )ay the [tooko] senior not do studying for e(am though it is so? The national center test for uni!ersity is the presence. 'econd&year pupil4s mathematics might not be sol!ed surely yet0 The cheek [tooko] senior swells [puu] and his cheek. u The problem of the grader of neatly three is done. $ach 0Isn4t it [ma/ui]?0 Though it is another whether it is possible to sol!e it0 [8hia]. u [2anasechangamata] it worries because it hears it e!en if hospitali/ed and [shinkitanoni] of running from [moo] and #??? )ana. Hi!e to me without telling a stinky [tsuraki] story alone. The in6ury of [nanasechan] deteriorates. 0 u I think that the [tooko] senior4s e(amination and the condition of [kotofu]4s in6ury are quite unrelated.! 0 8rackling the eyelash [hohoe] [tooko] senior opens his iris of the eye [gachino] pupil wide, and it ..[kenke].. does.

"fter that, with a smile with [kusuri]. 0It is [tto] by which I will also wait here0 The aspect bu//s, and presses a thin shoulder against the wall lightly. 0Aeached on the [kokoroha] [kunno] 2ew Dear4s card and the 2ew Dear4s Cay. 0

[$nd of %age 39]

0*ho annoyingly pressed it?0 0It is the one that the new year ..eating [kokoroha] [kunno] sweets.. doesn4t start0 [sandaibanashi] 0Had a hard time ..three [dai..sho] a postcard..0 aging ..boring basing on by 3= dice.. rudder. u Thank you. It was !ery delicious. 0 as a softly cold ice rice cake stuffed with bean 6am was bitten 'traightening ali!e the [tooko] senior shuts his eyes, and it sighes ..sweet... I ne!er settle down because the interior of the chest becomes ticklish when [fuuha] is praised straight in such a way. nly ..[hen].. [hana] therefore inad!ertently is written, and they ..[tooko] senior.. are made to scream , saying that 4[)a/u] is awfully&..&[i]4. $(aminee4s [tooko] senior, cc because it embarrasses it if there is an emergency. eat the strange one +i! of great!ide..mysterious..feelings..become. The school of choice doesn4t know though it is heard that only the national is recei!ed to 0*here does the [tooko] senior take an e(amination?0 [muhou] rash [nakoto]. *ill it is Tokyo or will be the circumference? r, cc. 0 ..0..

[$nd of %age 3B]

8hapter 3>, It lowers the !oice recalling that it is in the hospital after reason 0The <ni!ersity of Tokyo #0 millet bean 6am ball has been shouted in surprise of the death of [miu] Inoue, and panicking. [5iyoudan] u It might be a 6oke. Is it N point or 3 points and in what country The <ni!ersity of Tokyo is that the person who is recei!es it in mathematics?0 The [tooko] senior clarifies and it says. Hargle [sousekida/ai] u [Dada] , [kokoroha] [kun]. It is The <ni!ersity of Tokyo when saying The <ni!ersity of Tokyo. gai, 'oseki, Ca/ai, and "kutagawa are old [teidai] that spent [kiyuuteidaiakamonsanshirouike] and [sudakou] [pi] [uirayounamikigakufu] as for !ernal years. 'anshiro..pond..Dasuda..hall..ginkgo..roadside seat of learning. u Coes not the tourist spot misunderstand the uni!ersity? Is it a nature really recei!ed?0. u Des. If it is an e(aminee, it ne!er ne!er challenges The <ni!ersity of Tokyo. f course..fa! any chance..failed student..The <ni!ersity of Tokyo..e(! empty..head..hold..become. "h it is likely ..this person.. to fall. 1ailed student fi(ation [nan6a] [sen@ika] ..doing... I want you to return B? yen of [kyousen].

<selessness u cc [Tooko] senior. Dou should already return. +et4s study the saucer now though it might be useless. 0 0It gets, and, howe!er, [nanasechangamada]. 0

[$nd of %age 3E]

9? u The !isit is made this time again. I also must return, and the [tooko] senior also must undo the problem collection of mathematics at home0 It has shortly left during another hour. -y chance, the inspection might be prolonged. It heard of the sound of the bell that informed them of 3 %) outside [setsuchi]. It is a beginning clock set up around the station. The [tooko] senior utters a sigh. u ;It seems to be c$. Aegrettably, let4s put only the flower0 It arranged in the !ase returning to the room of ..saying.. [byou] that did not grow moldy, and bringing [tooko] senior4s flower and my flower together, the memo of the message was left for [kotofu], and the hospital was made. Co you ..0.. ..[kokoroha] [kunha].. ..[nanasechantoo].. associate? 0 [7o] senior ..long way.. asks it while walking under emptiness of the leaden that the [namariiuta/u] sleet seems to get off. It where [de] rotted of what was a usually and a nonchalant tone at all that did a steady con!ersation.

I ..cunning.. felt the rubbing guilty feeling by the interior of the chest, and muttered [potsuri]. u; ;;Des, probably0 *hether [tooko] senior4s face was able to be seen straight because of shameful? r, besides, was there a reason? The [tooko] senior says to me who bends one4s steps while withdrawn one4s ga/e in a !oice as gentle as the elder sister.

[$nd of %age 3F]

[)iu] 8hapter 9#, Inoue assumes it, and reason [riyuu] and [uwaki] seeming 02o ..fickleness like cc [naganin].. goodness easily0 chest to ha!e died did not wait and assumes finishing. I muttered, 0It was not possible to mimic it e!en if it was going to do of )r. [naganin]0 by the tone to which it was curt. Topic..change..2ew Dear4s !isit to a shrine..'hinto shrine..girl..take..)!e up..cheek..swell. 0Is it such ..that [mou] , child.. why capricious?0 [shiyuraba6iyou] and the [umonku] girl seem to be lo!ed and to worry about the younger brother amount of superior pandemonium as an elder sister. It complains spottily. It is the same as )r. [naganin] for [tooko] senior, and whether the one like younger brother that care is burnt cc It became painful feelings why why. It reaches [tadosonomama] and the separation road at last. [)ana/asuruto] and the [tooko] senior asked soft eye difference [shininari] wrapped again. *ill [nanasechannoo] ..0.. pay a sympathy !isit tomorrow? 0 0Des, will that. 0 0It is told to undergo rehabilitation slowly and ..[nanasechanni].. sleep though I cannot go tomorrow. 0

[$nd of %age 3=]

9, u I see. It told it0 " clear beautiful smile was turned to me who had and answered beautifully like water, and it left. It thinks while walking alone on the edge of the road where the chopsticks car comes and goes. I begin to come to like [kotofu]. The distance with [kotofu] only has to contract more as it is. The [tooko] senior graduates melancholily when the e(amination ends, the winter made [kotowa/akotowa/a] passes, and spring comes. Then, does the distance with the [tooko] senior become far from the opposite? The sky seemed to ha!e darkened hea!ily a little again. [7o] ..long way.. senior enters the con!enience store while imagining whether there was 2ational <ni!ersities that seems to pass in the distance that can commute by 0The uni!ersity the [tooko] senior and where might be recei!ed0 train. 1inding the weekly maga/ine stopped in eyes when passing in the maga/ine corner. 0#0 The foot became empty in the place and it put away because the character 4[)iu] Inoue4 had been seen.

[$nd of %age 3>]

It was an ordinary weekly maga/ine that carried only the article like the lie often seen with the hanging ad!ertisement of [nousonakatsusoreha] and the train. It was likely to ha!e made it to o!erlooking if the usual. If I am not 4[)iu] Inoue4 person in question where the mystery aspect and I were called the genius nymph writer of the mystery before.

8hapter 93, [)iu] Inoue became painful like FM [nodoshi] throat4s that committed suicide ha!ing been tightened by a rugged hand, and the tip of a finger became cold ..the death of [miu] Inoue.. ..reason 0... It swallowed ..sali!a [kata] ..saying.. [tsuba].. by force, and I gripped the reported maga/ine by tremulous hands by my death, and faced the cash register. It is forgotten to close the door in the room, and to turn on the switch of the air conditioner, and absorbs the article while put on a coat. Is the rookie of the year award of the literary maga/ine won in the history of the Ichi anther at the age of #9 of minimus, and why did [miu] 'hin aspect Inoue that had suddenly become a best&selling writer disappear? *as not the second work written while being called the genius of the mystery and the nymph of [fukamado]? It talks about the article when the sitting weir lot way truth 6umped to death from the rooftop in the 6unior high school where it was on the register at that time immediately after the pri/e winner is announced as for [miu].

[$nd of %age 9?]

The true colors of magnetic [heibon] [miu] was an ordinary girl who went to the 6unior high school in Tokyo. *hen she who is isolated in the class kept writing the no!el on the hobby alone at resting time. It records by #3 proof [ro] of the classmate. w -ut it selfishly rumors and [mashita] . between us from the rumor when [miu] Inoue wins but not [miu] what ". The name is the same, and because there was a description as done after the model of our school when you read the pri/e winner ( It was written. )oreo!er, it is cc that her appearance4s it ha!ing become amusing immediately after winning. w

It especially gets irritated, and it often lea!es early and [mashita] . [tsubitsu] in those days irritation stopping originally primly though it was we taking notice [naitte] feeling. cc though thought busy because of writing the second work. It had eyes that the comple(ion was bad, and red, and feeling like the sickness. ( In addition, to these kind of things. OP w The book on [miu] is shown to " and 0Cid you write?0 [Tte] [..] hurts and it does. It was stared with [ratata] [me] by [sugoi], and then, it took up a book suddenly and it threw it at the floor. The foot of the book, and and, it is ..stepping.. [donandukete], and 0Aegardless of you might. 0 [Tte] was shouted. " 6umped down from the rooftop later ..that... ( )r. " y It changes one4s school, and whereabouts is not understood though it escaped death. There might not be what to the genius and [miu] Inoue of the precocity that appears to [suisei] [bun] academic circles like the comet re!i!e. )r. " killed the writer 0[)iu] Inoue0 momentarily at the time of ha!ing entered it from the rooftop.

[$nd of %age 9#]

The article was connected so.

8hapter 9B, Aeason [ra/aboku] that [miu] Inoue died tore up the page, and it crushed in the hand, and it tore up off as it was with [gushari]. The twist, and [hiya] food switches off, is not does a feeling, and single&mindedly tears the page by the becoming it hand. The chest seems to twist, to be raised, to crack the head, and it to be painful. *hether the [netsu/ou] classmate4s testimony is a real thing or fabrication of the 6ournalist is not understood. [-iwa] should be mistaken in [miu] Inoue ..[hehehehehemi] this that is not [bokunokoto].. why [&] and why ..[biwa] it.. ..seeing [u].. for me, and an article awful be written in such a gossip maga/ine ..the kick.. to writing here. [-iwa] is not [miu] Inoue. Though [miu] Inoue is me. Interiors of eyes seem to crimson because of anger, and the burm of the throat. # others4 faces in shoes though one article of [i] ..making dirty.. of one trampled down [aa] ..such a mere curiosity of such article and [dosokuda] or more [&]... [7otofu] also said. *ill ..4.. [miu] Inoue at 6unior high school that child who is always together with Inoue? (QR[-iwa] always writes a no!el in the loose&leaf notebook, and talks as the application for rookie of the year award.

[$nd of %age 9,]

-ecause the name is 0[)iu]0. *hen ha!ing thought that [biwa] won when [miu] Inoue wins. $!en if the classmate thinks similarly, it is not mysterious. 2o, it is more natural than the desire of me only of sticking to the after of [biwa], and listening to the story about which [biwa] talks who was only a natural 6unior high school student [miu] Inoue. *hen the [sesu6i] di//iness aspect thinking, the line of the backbone thrilled, and felt di//y.

The pri/e without being going to win was gotten and I was confused at that time. "dditionally, [biwa] did not know that why goodness was not understood, and it was busy, and it was themsel!es and classmates were rumoring [biwa] in such a way being disregarded. Ha!ing been thought that [biwa] is true colors of [miu] Inoue. [-iwa] also knew that. The chest is torn up into the article of throwing out the book on [miu] Inoue to the floor, and ha!ing trampled it down. *hat feelings did [biwa] hear classmate [tachino] [..]? -y what desire was the glance with which curious [senpou] [kokoro] and the en!y turned by me were filled caught? nly [biwa] would be sure to be elected a grand pri/e, and no I in reality to the writer. It taught ..[bokunidake].. quietly though it was a dream of [sorega] [biwa]. If it is [biwa], the grand pri/e can be absolutely taken in [bokuha] [biwa]. It is one though said assistance. 0[]0

[$nd of %age 93]

" character dirty ..sticking.. doesn4t disappear in the head e!en if [miu] 8hapter 9F, Inoue ..reason.. breaks and tears up [itemo] ..the death... The skin on one4s hand cuts on the edge of paper, blood blots, and it is smart. 'till, it keeps tearing as ha!ing gone mad. 2ausea had a lump in one4s throat, the head bla/ed up hot, and I crouched from clothes in the article torn off in splinters to throw it eagle [dukamishi] and the body. [I] ..cannot the breath... go into con!ulsions intensely the con!ulsion throat The face is rubbed against the seeing [modaume] carpet, and formation [ki] opinion spills from [ro] of me who writhes in the body. The spouting sweat depri!es the body of the temperature. It did not think for a long time.

Is the reason for I who was the best reader of [biwa] that the pri/e has been taken instead of [biwa]? 6umped down from the rooftop [biwa] kick I to [hehehemihehehehehehehehehehehehehehe] took the dream of [biwa], and my [inda] [&] of not seeming # it neither writing a no!el nor ha!ing applied for the same pri/e as [biwa] it is not because of the depri!ation or left [biwa] and took the pri/e .. [wa].. ..difference.. [u] the difference. It ..pain in ..scissors.. ..[rareru].. chest.. faints in the [hamonoegu] cutlery. [..] fastens its claws in the packing carpet, and is not !ery settled e!en in case of being the pain. It is cold hand [gagi] as for the heart.

[$nd of %age 99]

[..] is done, and it twists and it raises it with consulting. It helps, it permits, and [biwa] []. [-iwa] []. L KL I will depri!e of KL complete. *hen did you think so? It often went to the [gimino] house to play when it was a grade&schooler. "n a/ure curtain where the picture of the cloud was printed hung to the [gimino] room, the power pet of [wakakusairo] was spread, and many cushions of animal4s shape were rolling. ..laughter.. [tsuteita]. embrace /ebra4s [kusshiyon] closely by you when mother has made it too much 0[Cichidi] cc0, and pure&white small bird is golden lo!ely and snipe [iteitakke] of [..] [kakoga] [o] in pro6ecting window it is forward. *hen ripe you draw your crow [kakoni] face, the small bird also comes near. The small bird also gladly shakes the wing in the flappingly when starting laughing at [gimiga].

Dou opened the bird umbrella, put small [nura] on the finger, kissed the beak, and were singing with the bird.

[$nd of %age 9B]

*e did homework, read the picture book, and told the story of space rolling to the carpet of [wakakusairo]. The door opens, your mother puts sweet tea with milk and the pancake on the tray, and it comes sometimes. It is gently said, 0"fter the hand is neatly washed, eat0 with a smile as honey [soushite] [..mitsu]. 8hapter 9>, I went out to your house e!ery day e!ery day of e!ery day e!ery day when the reason school where [miu] Inoue died ended. I did not want to go to your house in reality ..the kick... House..beautiful..bird..this..that..white..small bird..wing..cut..confine..think..chest..block. *hen passing under the door in the house of the gunwale ring sonny, I was stopping breathing so as not to inhale the air that fragrant of making efforts and a sugary cake always did under the stomach. It did not go to such an awful house all the way if it wanted to return to my house it was what. The small bird of [esaa] does you to get food surely and is doing a fa!orite yellowtail.

[$nd of %age 9E]! out..nose..scoop out..learn..ha! )other of the done bad seeing is a pig of wickedness. *hen snake [boku] comes, it attacks, it comes for a glance sticky like [kara] and the snake, etc. , it tries to scatter a blue fire to eyes rapidly, and to kill the glare of me about the smile. It pretends sweets to bring it, and I am quietly obser!ed, and it goes out of kitchen whene!er getting off below so that I may borrow the washroom, and my after is [gita].

It was possible to do look [desu] [to] like the demon.., and the baby was lifted in one4s arms, and when cherishing it, [hi] floated and consulted and did [hana] to me while crawling the lie boil the coming arista small baby4s who looked like hanging [..] in the sla!er sonny down. I The poison is pre!iously painted, and mother of [nuhidogimi] keeps doing [chikuchiku] [tsu] [kuyouni] and a cruel [i] treatment in [koromoni] and is [gita] of the needle as for I skin. It kept gi!ing me the bitter cake wrapped with clothes of sweet sugar. I thought that I was going to slit one4s throat too much by eight [sami] that had it in entertainment and the hand that had been said that it would want you not to come to the house.

[$nd of %age 9F]

I hated your house. I was hated by feeling nausea of the family of the sweeping seeing. I was hated. L KL KL I was cool on reason [yoku] morning when [miu] 8hapter B#, Inoue died when awaking. 8old [tou] is also painful. Cid it catch a cold? The glance is dropped to the carpet. Aemains of the wreckage [ano] article ha!e not scattered any longer. It put in the plastic bag raking up the crawl Tsukuba to mother yesterday ..being found.. ..[ranaiyouhani].. desperately, putting in the paper bag, and collecti!ely with other garbage, and it took it to the repository of garbage in the middle of the night. *hy did [miu] one Inoue choose dying? The word has burnt. To the way of the stamp in the interior of the head while accompanying a smart [tomonakokuin] pain

[$nd of %age 9=]

Cid B, [biwa] 6ump down because of me? The lip is firmly bitten, a hea!y body is set up, and change of clothes are finished. It was prepared breakfast when going to the li!ing of the first floor. u Hood morning the elder brother Co you go out roughly and today? 0 ..0.. [u], [n] cc. 'hop..the..classmate..!!isit..yesterday..go. ) It ..only yesterday4s article.. floats on the head while swallowing the soup of the broccoli not to understand the taste and the sandwich that places the smoked salmon by force. *as not I damaging [biwa]? Cid not [biwa] hate me? The question of which the answer doesn4t go out is [] as for the chest. In such a state, may I go to [kotofu]4s !isit? 8an I beha!e in front of [kotofu] usually? 0cc I4ll be back0 meal was finished, and I stood from the seat of ..slowness.. [to]. [$nd of %age 9>]

8hapter , It was 3 %) to reach the station with the reason hospital where [miu] Inoue had died at last. It has taken time so much because of the hesitation for a long time after all. It ad!ances in hea!y feelings while hearing the sound of the bell of the clock. It is not good to meet [kotofu] while thinking about [biwa]. The class from tomorrow to the third term starts.

It becomes impossible to come to the hospital so much then cc. "fter all, it will not meet in today. The body that the [samuke] cold doesn4t calm down is dragged, and it passes on the acceptance floor. The bed was empty today though it twined and it had gone to the [kotofu] [sanno] sickroom. Incidently, [me] from harp [fu] though the flower and the message were left cc yesterday. [Au] and the telephone are . ..coming.. ..the [nakamme] reason.. ..passing... "fter all, is it thought a trouble to ha!e come for the !isit? It that attached was a con!enient e(cuse. If [kotofu] did not want to meet, it untied, [miyu] was abundant ..not meeting.., and it decided waiting for [kare] neither doing nor [kotofu] to the return, and I made the sickroom piling up. It is time when it becomes more awful the cold and headache, e(tends the one that was ha/y in the chest, and walked down a corridor in guilty feelings. Hirl4s yell was in the other side of a corner forward. [$nd of %age B?]

0It is ..approaching.. [kanaide] # in Inoue0 ..this one !oice ?.. chest splashes small. It might be [kotofu]. 0Dou are real, and [saite] i. 0 S *ith the body and whom speak by you? cc like anger to it fairly because of the [kitsui] !oice. I faced doing of the !oice by the trot, and turned a corner. 0The qualification that meets your [mitainahidoi] woman and Inoue is [naiyo]0 [%ansou]. $ " big plaster is pasted, applied to the [ya] [tsuhatsue] face, the circle is fi(ed into the right arm, and it shouts by eyes to which [kotofu] who supported the body with the cane of the fi(ed aluminum burns. [7otofu] ..knit.. ..peel.. had [o] on pa6amas.

The girl who places crutches of aluminum between both sides is standing in me ahead of that for the back. Here is a pa6amas appearance. -ody as thin as boy. , Hair cut short like boy. 1ield

[$nd of %age B#]

I am seen as [ha]0 [kotofu]. The face that stuck on a plaster stiffens in a moment, and it turns pale. Cespair and fear run through in the pupil opened wide like the arrow. *hen halting in surprise because of the e(pression, the girl of crutches turned around. "ll the sounds were lost, and I thought that time stopped. 8hapter , I know the girl like the boy who greets my eyes [i] the reason blue and white cheek that [miu] Inoue died, a big pupil, the cherry color lip, and now. It knows the !oice of the child [shigusa]. It knows the child4s smile. It knows palmar smoothness and modish, and it knows the softness of the lip that touched my earlobe and it knows the sweetness of the sigh knowing the child4s gesture. [7onoha] and [konoha].

[$nd of %age B,]

Innocent !oice to call [mu6iyaki]. 'weet memory of tightening chest.

" white angel who with a smile in the sacred ground; Co I like [konoha]? )y eyes are seen, and it says. Co # and I like it? I am lo!e. How does [konoha] like me? " lo!ely !oice like the bell that was able to be done with the glass lo!ely glass called my name 6ust like those days. 0[7onoha]0 [biwa] gladly watched me with eyes that shone brilliantly. The lip is gentle, soft, and is [hokorobu]. It fills, [biwa] tries to reach, and to run out in 0..coming to meet.. [konoha] finally0 face toward me the smile seeing of re6oicing like da//ling. 8rutches of aluminum make [kashan] and the sound, it falls on the floor, and it inclines ahead ..large... [-iwa] ..0.. []. !

[$nd of %age B3]

I B= shyness ran up to [biwa] as played. The scene when the beauty wing 6umped down from the rooftop momentarily at the time of collapsed on the floor the delicate body wrapped in the coming [yashiya] pa6amas seems to float, to stop the heart, and to raise it in one4s arms frantically. 0'afe [biwa] [] # [ukabiwa] #F0 [biwa] turns both hands to my neck, entrusts each body, and has clung. u It forgot to be cc was not possible to walk... cried by the cane -ecause it was able to meet [konoha] again. I wanted ..[konoha].. to meet [konoha]. I wanted to meet !ery much.

cc *aited for a long time0 To begin with, it is [ni] [rokokasu] !oice in the 6oy that was not able to be gotten that fell into disorder feelings, and got hoarse. It doesn4t knit and the sigh of [kakaru] [biwa] in my ear. Temperature of [biwa] that touches my skin. 'mell of [amasuppa] [setsuken@i] [sekken] with which sweat mi(es. The head did feeling di//y, and I desperately embraced [biwa] closely and returned it. It is neither eidolon [aa] nor a phantom. The transparent pupil doesn4t change becomeing thin of [yasuhidoku] and cooking ..doing and waiting.. though the hair has shortened, too. It is certainly [biwa]. [-iwa] is here. [-iwa] was whispered in the !oice moistened while clinging to me. u [7otofu] said mean things to me. The qualification that introduction [naitte] and I absolute meet [konoha] is [naitte] i in [konoha]. 0

[$nd of %age B9]

8hapter B>, I recalled the passage in the hospital at last here, and [kotofu]4s e(istence because I heard the reason deflecting that [miu] Inoue died. 'uch a thing remark [tta] of [biwa] ..[kotofu] [santo] [biwa].. ; ..# is together.. [kotofu] and.. why ..#... [7otofu] [sanha] [mayune] was firmly drawn when the [mayunegaman] face was raised, and it looked down at us in the stiffening e(pression as it was endured to cry. 0..difference.. cc [chi] and [] and I were cc0 with [ka] ..reddening.. when the eye and we encountered it It tried ..getting distracted.. to say something because of the [/utta] !oice. [-iwa] buries the face under my chest to se!er the word, and it begins to weep. u

[7otofu] is ? ..hearing ha!ing shouted it.. sleeping, getting, and ..[konoha].. a little while ago. Aeally, [/awahidoiko] and [waretano] . ..a lot.. ..saying.. Dou only ha!e must not to be all your life in the hospital or do not approach [konoha] because it is an eyesore. It suddenly comes to my sickroom, and you ha!e already forgotten, and e!en satisfied ; Inoue it is. "t all..answer back..hang..!ery..painful..such a thing. 0 [7otofu] grasps the eyebrow, and it gi!es, and the cane is grasped strongly with [ki]. -loodless lips tremble small.

[$nd of %age BB]

E? u [7otofu] is staring [ya] , ..scaring.. [i]. [7onoha] and I are taken to the room. $arly0 [Hinadori] [biwa] was awfully confused. It bunches up one4s body like [hiyokotori] in my arm, and it sobs while ..falling.. trembling. 0[Homen] and [kotofu]0 $yes were opened wide, and [kotofu] was seen to be aghast momentarily of ha!ing made an aghast [bokuga] hatch. It was not possible to think straight by being confused [biwa] and sudden reunion me. They are made to stand holding a body as light as air as crowd and begged to [biwa], and crutches are picked up. "nd, [biwa] was supported, and it left. [7otofu] grasped the cane fi(ed to the arm by whitening of the finger, bit the lip tightly, there was not a word, and either was watching such me. ["yatsu] beautiful [ka] and [kashan] cc and crutches are de(terously manipulated and it ad!ances on walking [teyuku] [biwa] and the passage.

The distance with [kotofu] goes away fast. 0cc of [konoha] cc ..wanting meet really... cc is waited for wanting meet for a long time for a long time.

[$nd of %age BE]

8hapter E#, reason [tano] cc that [miu] Inoue died0 It repeats in the !oice that [biwa] whispers. u cc It might be angry cc ..glossing o!er in front of [konoha] It was possible ..heart.. to hang on by bare&handed by ha!ing it. The appearance of [..chi] [teyuku] [biwa] floats in!ersely in the head, the throat trembles, and it becomes suffocating. [-i] 0'uch a thing cc0 eyelashes turn down [] quietly while ha!ing attached, and mutter crutches painfully. u 2o, and it is angry and cc is natural. cc )amas did not introduce though I was dying to meet when [konoha] came for the !isit cc. -ecause [konoha] and I at that time were together, mamas are selfishness that doesn4t do something to me [konoha], and cc ..doubted it... "nd, [in] ..picking up.. has been made to do by force. cc ..[gomen].. cc [konoha]. I wrote the letter. Howe!er, it was not possible to get a response from cc [konoha]0 I asked it in surprise. [7anasuru] and 0In the letter, I am # not recei!ed0 [biwa] became faces that seemed to be sadder. u I thought it was so.

-ecause it was disliked by mother of [konoha] of me cc, it is a contact in cc [konoha].

[$nd of %age BF]

It becomes and cc that will not be able to do E,0 The chest becomes cold with the lamplight spear. *hen does my mother e!en throw away cc letter? 0 [-iwa] halted, and my arm was gripped by one hand firmly. It is not ..0.. ..not boiling.. cc. Howe!er, cc that might be ..reaching [tenaittekotoha].. so. the letter in [konoha] ..[Aanaitte] of ..drinking.. [shi] ..mother of [konoha] surely.. cc though it is likely to say0.. cc !ery nothing but ..calling.. ..the disposal of mother of the letter of [biwa] without permission... Howe!er, mother seemed certainly to worry play only with [bokuga] [biwa]. *ill [biwa] [chan] be a girl? 'hould I not play with boy4s friend because the elder brother is a boy? It has been said gently so. [-iwa] did not come near as the school year ad!anced, and we came to meet in the library of the library at the school and the !icinity. "ppropriating mother won4t throw away the letter to me. If so [biwa] might go and the written letter gone to where. It was !ery scary in [biwa] ..might hatred... It puts one4s full weight on in this way, it speaks 6ust like those days, and my mind ;.

[$nd of %age B=]

It trembled with [miu] 8hapter , Inoue in gladness like painful ..reason uneasy [konwaku], perple(ed to ha!e died, and ..doubt.. simultaneously... [-iwa] presses [koton] and the head against my chest.

'uch [biwa] is gently supported and it begins to walk. u *hen did you return here? $ +ast much..ahead. 8ome..wait. The letter is passed to [konoha] [ka/ushi], and ..[rutte].. said, and [konoha] because bringing [rutte] was promised. Howe!er, cc0 [-iwa] halted, screwed up one4s eyes abruptly, and looked me up in front of the sickroom where 0[7a/ushi] cc meant of cc whom0 [asakura] 4"sakura4 and the name tag had hung. "nd, it looked down quietly. It hangs to [pasari] and ..forelock.. eyes, and the e(pression is concealed. The name where [biwa] originated struck close to home to me at the ne(t moment. It is 0"kutagawa # poetry [kunnokotoyo] of the classmate of cc [konoha] .. [hehemihehehehe]... 0 0#0 to [hehehehehehehehehehehe] Cid you ..E30.. .."sakura.. return? !

[$nd of %age B>]

)r. "kutagawa was seen for the door in the food presence to open, and to come out, and I kept aghast. The face seemed to ha!e been hit by the [deagashiranagu] meeting head. The one that greeted my eyes was unbelie!able. )r. "kutagawa also sees me, and the face is stiffened quickly. 0cc Inoue0 muffled !oice spills from parched lips. )r. "kutagawa of the middle of the forehead saw the beauty wing in I the ne(t, saw me again, and drew the hailstone to the middle of the forehead wrinkle painfully.

It has a lump in one4s throat in [kimigakoko] and a hot mass has a lump in one4s throat to [irunda] [&] # hardening throat why. [-iwa] suddenly raised the face, and it shouted toward )r. "kutagawa. u %oetry..introduce..say..belie!e. The letter to [konoha] were entrusted to one poetry. ne poetry is [ne] of passing [nakatta] in [konoha]. 0 0"sakura [] and quiet0 "kutagawa of )r. tries to gi!e a lot of care to the shoulder of [biwa], and to calm it. The gesture felt that it was fairly accustomed, and a scorching pain ran the chest. [Aokotsuken@o] [biwa] brushes off )r. "kutagawa4s arm in the e(pression of the open hatred. -ody that loses one4s balance and inclined

[$nd of %age E?]

8hapter EB, The reason why [miu] Inoue died is rested against me, and it clings strongly. [Ao] [tsura] u ne [sawaranaide] [konoha] said ..grudge [derutte]... S $!en the best friend of [konoha] belie!ed poetry because it said. *hy, and am I taught to [kotofu], are they made to be nasty, and do it gloss it o!er ..awfully..? ! u It draws, and "sakura []. Co not say from it at all.

"sked it stops and gi!ing #0 )r. "kutagawa misinterprets my face, and the breath also shouts to the discontinuing discontinuing. 'uffering like miserable has blotted to ..thinning.. [sugameta] A mouth. [5iyama] u *ithout coming to the room of one [mouko] going out ..the dislike of you... The obstruction and I of [konoha]0 )r. "kutagawa sees me. It was said to the beauty wing, 0It disappeared early and []0, and the lip that started opening was firmly connected, I was seen again by pitied eyes that seemed to be painful, a hea!y breath was !omited, and left quietly for the back though something lip of wanting saying was mo!ed. The face is buried under my chest so that [biwa] doesn4t want to see that. my.. & )r. "kutagawa might ha!e had to be run after. He might ha!e had to be detained, and to hear circumstances. [7awakarana] of [doushitaraii]. happen too much at a time kick

[$nd of %age E#]

EE [katta]. The retreating footstep was heard in feelings from which it tore up the chest. 2either [bukimiyagate] nor it were completely heard, and the passage quieted down eerily. u +et4s enter in [konoha] cc. It took0 In proportion to of ..saying.. [warerumama] [biwa] without ha!ing been thought any longer at all. The room of [biwa] seeming was a pri!ate room, and had only one bed. The beauty wing is made to sit quietly on a pure&white sheet to which the sea weed works like an e(pensi!e breakable doll.

It clung to me, a soft cheek was printed in my scruff of the neck like the kitten of loneliness, and rust [biwa] was drawn. It screwed up one4s eyes sweetly, and it muttered the upturn of the face and in a reassured manner. 0cc It was able to meet [konoha], and was good. 0

[$nd of %age E,]

, Ha!ing returned to sage [rakana] [wanake] considerably passed the time of the supper [sanshou] it was easy to come... ..0.. [gomen] cc. It has eaten outside0 cc though it did not eat 0In that case, only had to call0 and 0[Homen] cc0 the truths at all. ..0cc mother0 0.. [naani]? 0 )other turns around with a smile. ucc! u How did you do? $lder brother. 0 I opened the entrance of ..slowness.. [to]. Co you ..seeing [u] 0.. ..[biwa].. remember? 0 #3 [..] dollar bow [..]4 S

[$nd of %age E3]

E= mothers4 faces stiffen suddenly. 0Hetting cc yes0 I desperately pushed the !oice out while feeling air that e(ceeded it smarting scrub the skin.

0)other did not ha!e what concealed to ..[biwa].. cc me0 0##0 [shiyougesakuchibiruobifuru] mother4s eyes were impacts, and it was opened wide, and I saw the tremble as the lip was frightened. u cc $lder brother ..what saying... It is not likely to be able ..such a thing.. ..certain.. to boil. How did you do suddenly? $ c; *ere there [kotode] of [biwa] [chan] and anything? 0 It tells a lie to mother who asks uneasiness with [/ameta] 02o cc [biwa] was only recalled cc for a moment0 [ta/uuso] blue [kao]. 'eeming 0cc Dou should already ..[kotoha] of [biwa] [chan].. forget0 and seem0 breaths seemed to be painful, and to tear the heart. )other seemed to be reacting to my word too much more than the necessity. It might be only hypersensiti!e because I do not go to school for a long time after the e!ent of [biwa] and it stayed indoors. cc Ha!ing felt it has whether will think too much the guilt is floating in [/aiakukansorasareta] eyes.

[$nd of %age E9]

0+et4s ..elder brother.. play a game0 The [mu6iyaki] younger sister innocently comes near. It ..busy.. made to [go] with [ikara] by 0)oreo!er, this time0 sesame or homework, and it ran into my room. )ail had come from [kotofu] to e(amine [keitaikotobuki] [o] lugol4s solution sweetly when it made to [ha] and carrying was seen. It is recalled to ha!e left it on the passage in wa( or the throat hospital, and, at once, is tightened the heart and the throat with [gyusshi].

The breath is knit and the word 4..[gomen].. cc4 when mail is opened has 6umped into first. 8hapter E>3 deflecting is ..5apanese syllabary trap [asakuradama] 4[gomen] like sage etc... cc. It ..)r. "sakura.. keeps silent4 -e and w I wanted to meet by all means hearing )r. "sakura from Inoue. )r. cc "sakura was not able to be said hospitali/ation in that hospital thinking it might be painful because )r. "sakura was recalled when speaking to [tsura] [..]. [Homennasai] really. Howe!er, it is )r. "sakura that ga!e me the report first.

[$nd of %age EB]

cc though it might be seemed that it is F? these kind of things remark [ttara], and an unpleasant child. -elief in )r. "sakura. Inoue is worried. )r. "sakura was not a child whom Inoue thought of4 The chest became full, and the throat trembled. "pologi/e ; though is I. It has gone without doing e!en though the story is heard with [kotofu] made a twicer with [biwa]. I4m sorry it says without blaming as many as three T items of that ne!ertheless. [7otofu] might ha!e sent this mail to me by what desire. *hat feelings was it when left alone? The word 4..)r. "sakura.. belief4 though the mind was shaken was not able to be accepted to [kotofu]4s mail completely. [7otofu] doesn4t seem to ha!e been nasty to [biwa]. I want to belie!e my mother.

Aipening, the reason why [biwa] tells a lie is where. [-iwa] to ha!e clung to me gladly cannot be doubted because it whispers when it was possible to finally meet. [-iwa] that meets after an inter!al of beauty , half year and it was !ery thin. The hair of [nakuriiro] beautiful nut&brown that bree/ed smoothly was cut in the wind short, and the boy.

[$nd of %age EE]

8hapter F#3 Ceflecting shone starlike the pupil that watched 5apanese syllabary trap Hitomi [keredo] , me like a sage etc. , and was old times. " !oice for which it called like sweet [hoga] magic as [konoha] and a cheerful smile were all&. I despaired until the head seemed to crack, and suffered to the desire of [biwa] from the interior of the body from which e!erything surged intensely as the storm. +et4s do !ery. It only has to reply to [kotofu] !ery much. If honest feelings are written, [kotofu] is damaged. It becomes a lie if it decei!es. The finger that peels off and grasps carrying becomes cold fast. *hen quietly staring at the screen by feeling nausea and applying it. )other tends to hesitate because the sound of the knock is heard and it has entered the room. %iece elder brother. Though the friend was coming0 )r. "kutagawa of 0Hot0 dirt [gawa] 00 I caught my breath. u It was sorry. 'uddenly..!

[$nd of %age EF]

F, chair )r. "kutagawa sits on a chair, and I am sitting shallowly on the bed. The face of tiptoe [kare] cannot be seen straight, do the face down, and the tiptoe is [mo/omo/osaseta]. It hears, and one 0I wanted to be going to speak directly by all means with Inoue in today0 and 0cc yes0 [satsu] 0It is "sakura though guessed and thought [hatsuiteiru]. 0 [konoha]. [-iwa] e(cluded my eyes in the sickroom, it looked up to crowd, the whispered word echoed freshly in the interior of the ear, and I thought the heart to be crushed firmly in the hand. [7a/ushi] S %oetry surely goes to [konoha] to meet tonight. It is done that along of whom, and sees eyes of [konoha] straight, and e!en man who is more sincere than anyone does the yellowtail, and tells a lie. )r. "kutagawa e(tends the line of the backbone straight, and looks at me when the [sesu6i] face is raised by a cool, long and narrow pupil.

[$nd of %age E=]

8hapter F33 deflecting is 5apanese syllabary trap [takurahi], fragment like the sage etc. , and [ta]. "lso e!en in the poised demeanor and the eager e(pression, there seem to be neither a lie nor as much as one [kahen] plot. *hen speaking by two people the day of a cultural festi!al in the classroom, do you ..0.. remember? ! u cc Des. It said from [routte] and me ..making friends.. to you0 It was recalled that the firm did clasp of a hand each other being blown to the chill wind in the classroom dyed to the e!ening glow of the [shiyuiro] !ermilion each other, and the throat became hot. u

"t that time, I said that I might not be able to speak to Inoue. *hen Inoue might be damaged some time. 0 u It was so. It remembers0 I still answered the fight as not caring. In you and the friend when it is painful now e!en if it fights or it separates. The interior of the chest rubs smarting. u It was in "sakura that I concealed. I !ery knew "sakura, and had asked what for you to ha!e e(isted between Inoue ahead0 The winter of the first grader. )r. "kutagawa spoke getting acquainted with the beauty wing when going for mother4s !isit. It did not conceal and it was taught also for knowing me to tear up the letter kept from [biwa] when mo!ing up to the second&year pupil, and becoming a classmate and to ha!e thrown it away. u Ha!ing thrown away the letter without permission apologi/es that it .."sakura.. kept silent. It was sorry. 0

[$nd of %age E>]

F9 )r. "kutagawa bows. 0*hy cc was glossed o!er the !oice of me who lent it had weakly gotten hoarse. ne poetry starts being told to [konoha] in the beginning when getting acquainted with me, and de&alerting. 'uch a !oice of [biwa] shakes my mind. "fter that, ha!ing thrown it away is sure also to apologi/e the letter.

It is necessary ..[ndeirukara].. to ..possession.. [konoha] e!en if you do not think that you should introduce it e!en if it is a content not shown. It tries to cheat [konoha]. It makes an e(cuse. I stare at the spirit, and [tarame] is said with sickness [sonnahidoi], )r. "kutagawa of seeing [ma] looks up, and it stares at me again. ["toshi] u Inoue was able to be imagined in case of the letter that was doubted and written in [merutame], and I did not want to read. "sakura is !ery unstable now mentally. I was going not to introduce it to Inoue until settling down. -ecause that 6udged and I was 6udging it was good for "sakura for Inoue. 0

[$nd of %age F?]

It !ails one4s eyes sorry after it declares clearly and it frowns. u )y idea might possibly ha!e been wrong. Howe!er, "sakura and Inoue were able to defend only in such a way0 It has been transmitted to ha!e suffered because )r. "kutagawa had had the secret in me by passing from the !oice and the e(pression enough. The word of that ..the kick.. looks alike too much the word of which it notifies beforehand and too much [biwa], and hears the whisper of [biwa] 6ust beside wished feelings to belie!e him. 8hapter FB3 Ceflecting goes to [konoha] to meet to tell a lie by ## poetrys in the 5apanese syllabary trap like the sage etc. ne poetry is not belie!ed to say. u -ecause what "sakura meant in hospital toward me is not all correct

"t least, I did not set "sakura [kotofu], and [kotofu] doesn4t do the inequitable conduct to "sakura either. nly as for it, it wants you to belie!e0 In ea!es, only I try to ha!e it think like the bad man [konoha] as for as much as one birch [kotofu]. I want to belie!e )r. "kutagawa4s word.

[$nd of %age F#]

[-iwa] will be doubted though FE. [7otofu] and )r. "kutagawa say [biwa] like the liar why. [-iwa] is neither a liar nor a liar. It relied on, how I may hold down feelings of [darake] seemed not to be understood, to blurt out it awful, and it was suffocating, helpless, and to ha!e bowed to )r. "kutagawa by me as rampaging in the accomplishment body. It cannot at all get the answer 0It wants time a little ..[gomen] cc..0 now. It was energy U cup. )r. "kutagawa of [uremana/a] watched eye difference [shideboku] to which the an(iety blotted, muttered to 0<nderstood cc0 worry instigating, and returned. %erson..become..chest..scorching..think..bed..crouch. *e were not able to talk in the classroom the ne(t day. greeting [ohayou] and cc nly an awkward greeting was done, and it separates hurriedly, and a word did not talk, and it ate separately in daytime. 'uch we are seen, and [kotofu]4s friend4s )r. )ori talks to an(iously.

[$nd of %age F,]

Cid sage etc. ..deflecting 8hapter FF3.. ..5apanese syllabary trap 0.. fight as )r. Inoue and )r. "kutagawa? 0 ..0cc because of no this.. for a moment0 It was felt that you should not touch from the tone of me who rotted or )r. )ori talked about something else in a hurry.

u It is so. It ..[nanase].. has been hospitali/ed. It ..)r. Inoue.. pays a sympathy !isit. 0 u cc It had met yes $&c yesterday. 0 )r. )ori4s eyes round. u It is , ..along.. so. It goes well with [nanase]. ["haha] cc [sokka]. I am ..suspecting.. [sukotonakatsutane]. Des, it was good and good. It left when ..[nanase].. going to school though it was being possible to shine [ogorasenakucha]0 [wara] [ishi]. It was said in 0%lease continue your fa!ors toward [nanasenokoto]0 calculation and a bright !oice, and the heart was pained as 6arring. [7otofu] seemed ..round.. to wait and to be sleeping with a white curtain in the partitioned bed when the sickroom is !isited with the pudding of the tea taste. 0[2anasechan] and the boyfriend came0 The girl of this room calls it. It opens at once with curtain [ga/atsu], [kotofu] of ..[..] red.. [me] produced the face, and the eyelid is a little.

[$nd of %age F3]

It is F= [haegu] [..]. Cid you cry in the e!ening?

The chest in apologi/ing ..scissors.. became ..[rare].. suffocating. The girl walked out of the room, and it became only two person [bokuto] [kotofu]. u "nswer cc [gomen] of mail. The story of $c$$ [kotofu] yesterday is not asked, and really [gomen]0 0cc method cc0 [kotofu] hangs one4s head. 0)r. "sakura, [kitsui], and )r. cc "sakura I concealment to Inoue for a long time had been said and cc0 I asked it because of the lowered !oice. *hen is there a report from [biwa] ..0..? 0 0cc after in Cecember. In my carrying, there was mail from )r. "sakura. 0 u *ill be carrying? *hy will [biwa] ha!e known [kotofu]4s address? 0 It hesitates so that 0c;$0 [kotofu] may hesitate. Is it thought whether I may speak )r. "kutagawa possibly? 0cc Cid )r. "kutagawa teach?0 It looked up as made to [ha] when bu//ing, and it said by a strong tone.

[$nd of %age F9]

8hapter 3 Ceflecting is a 5apanese syllabary trap like the sage etc. u ..difference.. [uyo] . [2aiyo] . ..doing from me ..such a thing.. absolutely... "kutagawa It was felt that it had o!erstated it or the lip is bitten and ....)r. "sakura surely.. # ..seeing "kutagawa4s carrying without permission..0.. looks down. "fter that, it timidly looked me up.

Co you ..0cc.. know .."kutagawa and )r. "sakura..? 0 0cc It came among )r. "kutagawa et al. and spoke yesterday0 let go and blots to [koe] the pain. " bitter taste e(tends to the mouth whene!er talking. Cid you ..0.. say? 0 It is [kotofu] and the same thing is 0cc. ..0.. Inoue ..0.. cc it Mery thought of the word of [biwa]0 0cc0 5apanese syllabary [kotofu] becomes a face that seemed to be sad. The same bag as the bag of the pudding passed to [kotofu] was seen at my hand, it had damaged eyes, and it muttered. *ill you ..0.. go to )r. "sakura to meet in future cc? 0 "fter all, I was not able to answer. F>0[7onoha]; I was glad and it came. !

[$nd of %age FB]

=? [biwa] makes eyes sparkle, and it hangs out at from the bed. The body is rubbed depending too much while giggling when holding it 0..danger.. [i] and dropping [biwa]0 ..millet.. panicking. u 'afe. Hey because the one that cc [konoha] supported0 Howe!er, a sweet smell of the soap that always drifted similarly tickled my nose also now when [biwa] not allowed to come near drew mischief [bboku] [kao]. The body was separated from me when the !oice was leaked a sharp pain4s running, and in surprise because of being [shu] muscle ..doing.. ..blowing.. [biwa], it appropriated to the lip of a long ..lo!eliness.. [hohoe] fingernail, and lo!elily with a smile. u

cc [gomen] encounter %ower had entered too much inad!ertently0 In a short hair like the boy and simple pa6amas, a sharp, long packing like the cat was unbalanced, and strangely coquettish. u This..fingernail..good at..cut..inad!ertently..e(tend..become. [Homen] really. *as it painful? 0 The lip that was transparent, and whispered the pupil that watched me to an(ious millet to ha!e was a light shade of pink. The hair is precocious like the boy than before and drifts the charm that seems to be drawn in in a lily&white skin and a big pupil womanly. 02o safe0

[$nd of %age FE]

8hapter =#3 The sage etc. laughed to ha!e felt relie!ed at deflecting as when the 5apanese syllabary trap was answered. [?] u 'o. It was good. cc It is already coolness if the sleep walking of that sleeps, and there is a cane. 5ust ..picking up.. doing [in] though it falls down and it ..[ba] borrowing.. e(isted. cc cc on the stairs and the passage ..the practice o!er and o!er again... -ecause there was a purpose0 The pupil of 0%urpose cc0 and 0I wanted to meet [konoha]0 [biwa] is softly narrowed. The chest is helplessly tightened by a bright seem glad, e(pression. [-iwa] saw my hand, and shouted with pleasure. u

%udding of [waa] # deflecting tea. *ill it be so? It fa!orite of me.. remembered. 0 u cc yes. floatage 8an you eat alone? 0 [-iwa] giggles again. -otchy u The le!el is cool [dayoo]. cc It is possible to write neatly, and do not e(ist unskillfully also in the character when beginning though cc ..can the use of carrying and the [wa] [eta] professional.. ..glad..0 It ..word carrying.. makes it to [doki]. Aecei!e 0It is0 and the presented pudding by both hands, and while peeling off the cap

[$nd of %age FF]

=, Co you ..0.. ha!e it ..carrying cc..? "sk..yes..nod. It is to hate sound of 0It was good telephone cc0 bell. *hen it is suddenly depressed to my world, and it is unpleasant. Therefore, it said ahead the hope of you not calling. [-iwa] quietly scoops the pudding that I passed with the plastic spoon. u cc 'eeming Howe!er, when it is carrying, it is [mana&mo].

The ring tone can be erased with [do], and if it is mail, cc with the letter because it is steady so much. It is easier to grip the pen and to write the character. Coes it carried, and it ha!e [konoha] of each other.. ,? [)eado] would be taught later0 Cid 0cc yes0 [biwa] send mail to [kotofu]4s carrying? Cid it steal a glance from )r. "kutagawa4s carrying at the address? 0*ell after all pudding here / turn0 [-iwa] eats the pudding by the happy face. It noticed though the book had o!erflowed the comforter under at the turnip ton and that time, and it stifled.

[$nd of %age F=]

0#0 8hapter =33 deflecting is a hardco!er with thin co!er of the 5apanese syllabary trap a/ure like the sage etc. It took a cold douche from [&] and the 'hin head and the wick of the body trembled as ha!ing been competed this.. [miu] one Inoue.. putting out this. *as the glance of me who finished being frightened noticed? [-iwa] e(tracted the pudding, and it put, and the book was e(tracted from the comforter under to the night table with [gotori]. I am seen, [miu@taitoru] one [sora] 4+ook like in the blue hea!ens4 Inoue is embraced closely without forgetting the book, and a soft smile is floated. The co!er where the sky was copied was able to be tanned, and the color had changed a little. It yellows also [be] [6i], distorts, swells, and is tattered. [-iwa] was muttered while tracing a title and a quiet name of the author by the tip of a finger of 0cc was read ..this book.. many times and returned it0. 0cc was read about cc#?? times many times or cc cc really many times0 It is tightened with ..throat.. [gyutsu], the sweat blots to the temple, and it becomes suffocating. [-iwa] watches [6itsutoboku] with the pupil like the cat. The cherry color lip is small and [hokorondeiru].

[$nd of %age F>]

The nature such as rat [bokuha] and rats to which I had been cornered did. It begins to squee/e the !oice by a dry throat to 0It sleeps, and [..] and talk the !ery beauty, and wonderful0 [shibokara]. u Cid you read many times so much? [-iwa] thought it was angry me. 0 "ir is hea!y, is dark, and it leans. -ecause 0I am $;$;0 I depri!ed you of the dream. Cay..indicate..pri/e..choose. Cid not you 6ump down from the rooftop in my presence on that day because it was a lot way? The word turns round and round in the head. Camage [nako] [to..] doesn4t disregard it. u Co you suddenly become silent why? Is when I am reading the book on [konoha], it [hen]? Aeally, settling down is this book that takes and is lo!ed. Hero4s tree and childhood friend4s Hatori can terribly ha!e good feeling. [7onoha] has the talent. ! [-iwa] is !ery cheerful, is gentle the !oice, and [bo] though there is no pretense to smile innocently, and for putting difference [shisopu] and winning [bokuga] [biwa] to worry at all. [$nd of %age =?]

8hapter 3 Ceflecting was not able to restrain 5apanese syllabary trap [kuha] like the sage etc. and the uneasiness that had a lump in one4s throat. [Ikudo] [iku] degree caught one4s breath, and I said. u cc It is ..introducing oneself.. ? that [biwa] and you 6umped down why. *hat did you ha!e? ! +o!eliness and [umei] [biwa] smiled lo!ely more and more with the book that grew yellowish importantly held, and transparently. 0*hy is [dato] trowed?0 and 0cc Co not understand0 rust smile disappears, and the clear pupil shakes lonesomely. cc surely ..might no understanding... [konoha] The time muttered so in the rooftop and same eye difference [shini] and the chest seem to tear. u [Homen]. Aeally, it doesn4t understand. Therefore, it teaches and cc. *hy did you gloss it o!er ! Three [kuni] and [biwa] for which it desperately appealed muttered quietly. 0cc *hat the hope for [kamupanerura] do you think?0 It is finished to deflect, turns to the window, and it has become silent. KL KL KL It might be =B what true fortunately. [$nd of %age =#]

It doesn4t ha!e a lot of money, it succeeds in the company, and it marries such a man e!en, e(cept for doing and no [yutsuse] [shou].

ur people always complain, are angry, and ; [goge] to grief [tarishitebakaride] and happy [koreppocchimo] because they do not see it. Then, whether happiness might be also after all different it if there is lo!e e!en if it is poor. It appeals, it wants money, and though [tsuradatte] she is to satisfy only in lo!e and [gi/u] and life are hard and be [gi] ..!ery painful.. ..the cry.. because it !ery often calls it when it wants money. It might be great what. It might be found if going to where. *hen thinking about such a thing It comes, it becomes pitch&dark in the chest is B#.., and mansion [] tremble [rubodo] [kowa] [kunatte], and the head the body seem to e(plode. [Aahera] [wara] is in [kimiha] in such I the ne(t. Dou might surely not ha!e thought what is happy. "t what will you be aiming in the future? Is it prayer [tsuteiru] when growing to become what one? "t once uneasily, and I am seen timidly enough for fi!e minutes after worrying when asking it so.

[$nd of %age =,]

0cc I want to become a tree0 It answered. 1ool. The spotted ca!y really and it is wanting to kick to death large foolish. The dream in the future becomes a 6unior high school student, and becomes, and it ..the tree it.. must go to Hara4s of [ke] "oki sea of trees, and become the fertili/ers if you want to become a tree so much human race it and [aoki].. ..[hara6iyukai]... 'tripes food and pshaw, and 8hapter =F3 deflecting ceases manning and if the face with a stupid 5apanese syllabary trap irritation sonny like the sage etc. is seen, occasionally becomes impossible to get irritated it.

I always do "llais when the telephone came somewhile and when such time and the garbage bo( is filled. ..muttering.. [hirihirisuru] in the balloon, and the body the sweat. become sensiti!e like [nabinkantta] the ner!e become painful so that the heart is crushed in the hand if "llais is done Ci//iness and di//iness. 2ausea. 1eelings that all dirty things are suddenly lost cheerfully, and it refreshingly becomes beautiful in [giruto] during the street week and the head do it. 8onfidence that ..boiling.. [boku] is a strong, it is wise, calm, and it is wonderful man springs, and the chest becomes hot. "nd, it pesters when it wants me for the story to come one after another, and to write.

[$nd of %age =3]

-ecause it is ==, I repeatedly do "llais. If "llais is not done, gradually and no I of me though I feel di//iness like being awful. *ho cares? Aeply of memo mail. 8onsiderably frighteningly though desperately concealed. It is easy and is possible to poke. Co not it e(ist ..this fellow.. weakly it is what? - and talking to [runa] [&] [u/ai&] KL KL It will not be possible to speak with )r. "kutagawa the ne(t day of KL. It went to the room in the art and literature part that e(isted on the corner of the west of the third floor with the bo( lunch when becoming 'umi lunchtime. In the room like the dust buried in the tomb of [hakorinamariiro] [hon], there are no one. Co ..leaden.. subfusc besides the window, ..strong wind.. [madowaku] is hit, and the window frame clatters.

[$nd of %age =9]

The appetite doesn4t boil e!en if it opens sage [rakana] [wanahoumu] [bi] wrapping and begins. It came to ha!e a tightness in one4s chest by thinking that it might be )r. "kutagawa, and be the state as it is for a long time by coloring it while dimly looking down at the side dish often displayed. )r. "kutagawa was told, 4It was not likely to be able to speak4 from the start to me and e(isted. 2ot because of telling a lie to me *hen it was possible to make friends with )r. "kutagawa in a cultural festi!al, it was really glad. Thinking I of cowardly [shitekita] was got o!er by others till then and barrier [waraokubiyounaiyou], and the twist one ..piling up.. feelings pieces at the moment when did the clasp of the hand each other so, and it uplifted, and I felt the sinking e!ening sun in the becoming it 6oy it was warm. )r. "kutagawa was a !ery sincere, good friend. It understands. Howe!er, when )r. "kutagawa4s word is belie!ed, [biwa] becomes deceitful. Hirls said that [biwa] was a liar when [biwa] in the third grade of elementary school had changed one4s school to the class and the companion made it to the gap. It were different in reality. [-iwa] did not tell a lie. [Hokudake] wanted to understand [biwa] since that time. 2e!ertheless, [biwa] says [konoha] no understanding and has 6umped down. "nd, the question that I do not understand is thrown this time. *hat the hope for [kamupanerura] do you ..=>4.. think? (

[$nd of %age =B]

It lay down on the carpet of my room by two people V>? seeing and [/awaken6i] childrenW, and the picture book of 7en6i )iya/awa4s 42ight of the )ilky *ay railway4 was read. [7amupanerura] is a boy who comes out in that, and it is hero Hio!anni4s friend. Hio!anni is yearning to [kamupanerura] of leader e(istence of the class. Two people take the train that runs between [hoshihoshi], and tra!el. -ecause it was a digest !ersion that doesn4t disregard and is published for children, it shortens one4s writing or it was replaced by an easy word here and there perhaps and it thinks. I ha!e not read 42ight of the )ilky *ay railway4 that 7en6i )iya/awa actually wrote. It was still forgotten that the wing and the beauty I became cra/y, and time passed in strange people met in a fantastic spectacle and the train that e(tended like !i!id cut&in illustration and kaleidoscope, etc. and absorbed [sashiemangekiyou]. I thought that it became Hio!anni while it was reading. "nd, it thought of strong, wise [kamupanerura] as it was [biwa]. *hat was the hope for [kamupanerura]? Co [wakareba] and ..[napasore].. [biwa] understand why to ha!e 6umped down? *hat is the hope for [kamupanerura]?

[$nd of %age =E]

8hapter >#3 Ceflecting muttered sage [rakana] [wanamune], and was not assumed to be [6itsu], and I almost closed the lid of an untouched bo( lunch and stood up. In the shelf of [himetowoyu] [kabe] of [kokon] and the [u/aimori] lying that was not going to be, the book was arranged in row in east and west [kochama/e] of now and then, and 4Aed and hometown4 it was 'tandhal was states that )other Hoose4s anthology lined up in the ne(t of that ne(t to gai )ori4s 4Cancing girl4. )oreo!er, there is [bitsushiri] book again behind the book, and threefold as said that the furnace is a book afterwards. There should ha!e been short collections of 7en6i )iya/awa to whom certainty and 42ight of the )ilky *ay railway4 had been collected.

Cust seems to fly up thick whene!er the [hifu] book is mo!ed, to snee/e, and to become crawly the skin. "t that time, 0[7ushun]0 and the snee/e were heard back.'eishonagon..)akuranososhi..importa nt..hold..senior..nose..tickle..ha!e..stand. 0"h make it only to dust so much0 'eem it to ha!e gotten tired, it to ha!e been ama/ed, and to open the window. "t once, a cold north wind has blown in to the room. 08oming [ya@]0 [tooko] senior turns away one4s face instincti!ely.

[$nd of %age =F]

There are >, easily ..[hootata] [ikioi].., do the slap of the cheek in the destination of knitting three that 6umps up, and I also ..0.. ha!e raised [wa]0 and the !oice. The book to which [ragi] [tsumo] seeing [omo] is kneaded can be turned o!er a little, and the page seems to be torn off. The [tooko] senior closed the window panicking. It is not possible to cough. u [1uu] and [bitsukurishitawa]. 'till..people..winter..spring..senior..head..inside..soon..such..remark..therefore..cheek.. swell. " cold north wind, it blew off ..dust.. completely, the nose came not to tickle, and the head was also refreshing. u I came to eat daytime. [7okoroha] [kunha]? 0 I am 0cc. ccasionally, it will eat in the room. 0 u

Ha!e you already ended? $arly..senior..shut..lunchbo(..see..and..bookshelf..something..look for something. 0 I bu//ed with [bosoboso]. 0cc 8ame for 7en6i )iya/awa4s 42ight of the )ilky *ay railway4 to want to read suddenly in $$$c0 [tooko] senior was une(pectedly ama/ed.

[$nd of %age ==]

8hapter >33 Is deflecting 5apanese syllabary trap 0$;; X [..] [sawaken6i] like the sage etc. 0 0$;c It is. 0, [kokoroha] ..0.. [kunga]? 0 How was 0cc yes0 done? The [tooko] senior is watching me as thought about the neck by inclining it small. -ecause 8aen was sharp, was anything guessed in a strange point? It is embarrassed. )eddlesomeness is surely burnt because of 'etsu or fellows [tooko] ahead. The last spa firmly because there is already only about the tenth up to center i e(amination. If you do not put [to]. 0Aeturn to the classroom about the hurried lunchbo( is wrapped, and it has been called, the [tooko] senior is 0*ait0 when ha!ing tried to go out. It walked with facing to one of the tombs of many books that were with a smile as the !iolet flower when turning around. "nd, getting [i] ..swelling the cheek, the glare of the book on the tomb of the book piled up that 6ust e(ists near the center by serious eyes, and applying.. ..0... $(tract. It suppresses by the arm of two panicking ..the shaking sigh [guragura] tomb.., and it attaches ..[hoo] and the sigh... "fter that, the e(tracted book was shown to me and with a smile.

[$nd of %age =>]

>9 0Hey, it was found0 deflecting was 7en6i )iya/awa4s short collection.!e..push..turn o!er..soft..!oice..speak. u 7en6i )iya/awa is a poet of the Iwate %refecture coming from of the #=>Eth rare grader and a writer of stories for children. It strolls in the farm !illage, and besides, the method of scientific agriculture and the plan are guided, and unusual [chu] in Iwate at that time the de!elopment of the fertili/er those4 who guide agriculture ha!ing also the title. "n organ and an own cello were learnt, and it held a concert, and it was a person to the rise of the culture of the ground [kouriyuu] origin who had tried planting the lip, the cauliflower, and the tomato. )ost important works are oaks for 4Aestaurant where a lot of orders e(ist4, 4Ae&'aburo of the style4, 4[Ho&shu] of the cello playing4, and 4-iography of [gusuko&pudori]4 in 42ight of the )ilky *ay railway4 in which this short collection is go!erned and it. It does, 4'pring and sura4 of the [yuramochiron] anthology is forgotten, and it doesn4t disregard it. "s for a !i!id sensibility to 7en6i4s word, it is masterpiece in a full stomach that was able to be appreciated0 I kept listening to [tooko] senior4s word as drawn to a comfortable !oice such as froufrou and the flowing brooks of spring.

[$nd of %age >?]

8hapter >B3 Ceflecting keeps being talked about for sage [rakana] [wanatooko] senior to stop a little, to turn o!er the page by a white finger, and to sing. ['obaku] u ..nostalgic feeling [sawasuso6i].. [suruno]. the transparency and painful !ery simple 7en6i4s work, and do by the smell of the soil, the wind, and light

1or instance, in the blowing field, it ..[goshigoshisukosutte].. bites with the skirt of clothes the tomato that attaches the soil as the wind is fresh. -lue stinks still, and feeling [nano] . that enriches the throat. e(tend to a full mouth sour, bitter ..sweetness.. [iyouruouna] [a6i] It is not only a story of the lemonade that becomes thin and passed to drinking at night of the eggplant that [nomama] of the cucumber cooled in the rudder and the ri!er or the life !i!id [..ruiro] is sweet or the festi!al but also it e(presses and growing old rhythmically of sentences. The word is peculiar and delicious0 It refuses, the eyebrow eyebrow is lowered lonesomely, and it becomes a face that seems to be regrettable if it tries to watch the page that grows yellowish absent&mindedly, to tear up the edge by the finger, and ..falling.. to fall. The book that is not good the state of conser!ation, and has passed the pain has been heard growing serious when it seems not to be good in the stomach, and eats carelessly from the [tooko] senior. It seemed to do the taste in 0Imagination0 in the head it is ahead of the national center test for uni!ersity, and to endure with a 6erk though it is likely dying to eat wanting to eat secretly. It keeps talking instead of eating. u It tastes like the [amasan] tile, and talks to wild grape [noyou]. be lo!ed 4[)a] grape [ko] [ri!uron] and girl4 that draws a short e(change of the girl who yearns to the female singer and her in a throat or beautiful scenery 8hild

[$nd of %age >#]

Hreat is effecti!e and delicious in [ruyoude] and bitter though helps the lark by [homoi] of >E [ya] [tsusagi] [usagi] and gets the treasure by me of me gradual. the con!iction, red failing 4'hellfish4s fire4, and like a white radish ..learning of learning by e(perience by e(perience.. The sound that the bellflower rings is !ery peculiar, and it remains in the ear0 The [tooko] senior actually hums it. u 48aen, 8aen, [kankaeko], and [kankokankokan]4

The onomatopoeic word ; the one that the sound, shape, and the state of [gionkogiseikogitaigo] of the thing were shown by the character in this way in onomatopoeic, onomatopoeia, and mimetic [koshikitata] 1rench. !erflow of a delicious 6ump to 7en6i4s work lo!elily, and mysteriously onomatopoeic word and this 48reak, brubru, and [riuriu]4&place where The )ousetrap trembles in 4Tse rat4. "fter that, at the beginning of 4[Cotsudodododoudododoudododou]4 [koreha] and 4Ae& 'aburo of the style4. nomatopoeic word that showed appearance where wind blows hard. "fter that, w [Hiigiigiifuu]. [Hiigiifuu]4 -eing possible to come one is 4Twin star4, and the place in which two breathing in control 6ar people V[chunse] and [pouse]W hang on to the tail of the comet and it flies o!er the night sky0 The [tooko] senior announces a happy onomatopoeic word while turning o!er [hiroupe] [6i] fluently. How did you do? The chest is suddenly tightened, it becomes suffocating, and cc somehow. Custcloth fit? 'urely. Howe!er, it seems to bend the chest and to be bent only the limit like the dustcloth.

[$nd of %age >,]

8hapter >F3 "s for deflecting, the 5apanese syllabary trap dark breath like the sage etc. feels fear from which the II breath becomes painful fast, and the body is crushed in the pitch&dark dark. It is not good to [hehehe] to [he] ..hearing... It thought of ..blowing.. , in such a way. It is not necessary to get to know 7en6i )iya/awa any further though it doesn4t understand somehow.

[Tooko] senior4s story continues. ne 04Dellow [irono] tomato4 I like this !ery much. The brother and sister of the friend named [pemuperu] and 2elli plants the tomato in the field. I think that two people are gold because a yellow tomato grows there, and I see it. The party of tra!el comes li!ely one day. The tomato is thrown out by party4s people, and it returns to the house while crying though [pemuperu] and 2elli ha!e a yellow tomato instead of money. It is a talk that remains in the chest though is sad. 4It seems to want to meet a really good child the child named [pemuperu]. 4 4It seems to meet a really pretty, good child the child named younger sister 2elli. 4 w ["akaai]. It is really poor40 The a!oiding [tooko] senior shouted. [7okoroha] ..0.. [kun]. 0 The breast of the uniform is firmly grasped by both hands, and when the knee is dressed and I notice, it attaches and I am ..shoulder.. ..pant.. [i] in the floor as for the knee.

[$nd of %age >3]

There were >=. It is not not good good and .. . ..not good... hear it 2ot good [nanda] . ..steady.. [kokoroha] ..0.. [kun]. 0 The [tooko] senior squats down in front of me and it crowds.

" soft chilly hand touched my hand. It grasps as wrapped with both hands as it is. 0 0-ecause of sleep cc safe 8omfortable cold [kokochi] hand. *hisper that abruptly enters ear. The whisper of [amatsubuso] seemed to drop and to ha!e dropped the cool raindrop that the smell of the !iolet does momentarily reach the mind., safe.. [kokoroha] [kun]0 fishing basket fishing basket and the trembling finger stop mo!ing in [tooko] senior4s palm, and the spouting sweat pulls it. -reath is gradually [natteyuku] in [odayaka]. [kokoroha] [kun].. inhale0 It inhales air greatly as the remark cracks. 0Momit0 It !omits as it is. 0 0+ike coolness

[$nd of %age >9]

8hapter 3 Ceflecting unpicks the finger as the 5apanese syllabary trap weak [tooko] senior like a sage etc. felt relie!ed, and gets off the fast track. Crenching sweats had blotted to the amount of the [tooko] senior when looking up. u I4m sorry. 0There was same thing before0 and 0Hetting cc0 It becomes impossible to breathe suddenly0 The clear pupil an(iously watches my face blacking it. u 1or [kokoroha] [kunga] one year. "fter all, when I am telling 7en6i )iya/awa4s story, the chest is suddenly held, and [tsuppushichatta] in the desk. "t that time, ..[kokoroha] [kunha] sweat.. ..[bitsushorikaite].. breathing seemed to be !ery painful0 It was so. It suffered a sei/ure in front of the [tooko] senior when 6ust becoming the first [hotsusa] grader, and it took it to the school nurse4s office.

-ecause it became impossible to breathe by recalling it when [biwa] 6umped down in those days, it did not think by that tying to 7en6i )iya/awa. "t that time, at the time of certain it 7en6i )iya/awa4s story was heard and it became unwell. *hy on earth do? [-iwa] or )r. "kutagawa or [kotofu] or !arious [omo] in the head.

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It turned round and round it was #??, and it muttered in feelings that seemed to cry. u Howe!er, cc I should know 7en6i )iya/awa. Hope..ascertain..why. 0 The [shinshi] [tooko] senior asks in a sincere e(pression. u *hat there by you? [7okoroha] [kun]? 0 It is possible to come by such an an(ious face, and it is not possible to keep silent any longer. *hat e!en I must not understand somehow, and because it was dying that the [tooko] senior hears it fully fully in reality. It is made learning my weakness always always in front of the [tooko] senior. It was going to ha!e strengthened a little, it halts, and it crouches. The chime that reported the start of the fifth hour rang o!erhead. The [tooko] senior did not mo!e. Therefore, I also caused its tired body, and the story of the girl of the cc first lo!e was told gradually with sitting cc face had turned down on the pipe chair. It came to like the girl who had changed her school to the class when it was in the third grade of elementary school.

[$nd of %age >E]

It played together e!ery day. The child always wrote the story, and showed it only to me. The !i!id color story collected, and I was fa!orite and did not collect. The child was a writer wish. 8hapter #?#3 Ceflecting talked about the dream to me when it applied for the rookie of the year award of the literary 6ournal in 5apanese syllabary trap 6unior high school second&year pupil4s like a sage etc. winter, and the grand pri/e was taken by minimus. 5umping down and I in summer in the third grade of 6unior high&school of the child in my presence from the rooftop ; taking the pri/e. It had the chest of each word [shaberu], and it peeled off and it kept doing [hana] while feeling the pain from which it placed and it tore up [rare] and meat. It met the child again in the hospital. [7otofu] and )r. "kutagawa knew the child. I

[$nd of %age >F]

?,, people must say and the child must say that he or she will tell a lie. ne [sono] child was reading [naruhodo] [poroporo] my book. It importantly had it. The child cannot be suspected, and I do. *hat the hope for [kamupanerura] do you ..4.. think when the reason to 6ump down is asked to the child? "sk. It was painful, and the breath seemed to stop again.

The [tooko] senior began to weep, and I might nearby nail the head to the floor, and begin to weep loudly in case of not being. It seems to loosen feelings to finish the tension of listen with the unclouded eye by the [tooko] senior and e(ist, and to be spilt at the same time tears. Coes the [tooko] senior know there was a writer named [miu] Inoue that debuts at the age of #9, puts out one best&seller, and disappears? *ill it ha!e been noticed that it was me? The [tooko] senior asked and did not inter!ene by as much as one , remark by my speaking. It was quiet, strong, it a little sad, and watched me without doing embarrassed pretense by ha!ing the face to be surprised, and e(pressing the opinion.

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*hen a long confession ended, the [tooko] senior quietly muttered 8hapter #?33 in the 5apanese syllabary trap length [i] like the sage etc. to it. The girl4s name is cc ..0.. [miu]. 0 I ..0cc.. caught my breath. 0 [Aiyo] ? not gotten why The [tooko] senior coyly informs me who asks by eyes. u The child4s of cc when the [kokoroha] [kunno] condition worsened name was called ahead. The chest / It became a cup, and 4I4m sorry for [miu] cc cc [miu] cc40 was almost burst. I remembered and the [tooko] senior remembered in suffering and the leaked small !oice. "nd, it was [..] completely [ka/unii] up to now. I want to know the hope for [kokoroha] [kunha] and [kamupanerura] for [komiu]. 2od..feelings..understand..this! !

u It doesn4t understand. cc0 "fter that, the map ..reading ..picture book of 42ight of the )ilky *ay railway4.. together.. ..the remembrance.. not is.. ..0.. only by making the map. !

[$nd of %age >>]

[Du] [ro] applying by #?9 coming is and applies his forefinger to the lip lightly by 0The star where the li!ing thing of the mystery li!ed or cc Here likened the town where we li!ed to space, scribbled, and the departure station in the )ilky *ay railway or here scribbled and here the rest [6iyona/o] place or cc scribbled on the drawing paper with the colored pencil in such a way0 [tooko] senior. It was a habit when [kusematsugesoreha] and the [tooko] senior sank in the idea. +ong [] was quietly gi!en after it fell silent for a while, and I was seen. Coes the map where [miu] was neatly made ..0of 0If [miu] is [kamupanerura], does not oneself in whom no mind leaf [ku] who is Hio!anni ha!e the answer of the question of [miu]?0 and 0)y cc0.. still remain? ! u cc Des. %erhaps, it is thought that it was if looking for0 The [tooko] senior laughed !i!idly because he or she heard deflecting that the flower opened. 0+et4s come round the map with me. 0

[$nd of %age #??]

, . .

I se!erely regretted telling 0 . the map o!er #+.##&##+9 sound Y star S to the [okosenbaimouretsu] [tooko] senior and ha!ing talked. u The national center test for uni!ersity is the presence. 1or you, is not the e(aminee conscious?0 It takes no notice of my preach, and the [tooko] senior walks fast ahead by a light step. )ystery u 8rawling is & ..saying.. .. h, the following go here. It prints in the planet of [inota&n] [hoshinin] of the mystery. [<waa] and the thrill0 The map written in the drawing paper is pointed at, and it says cheerfully. 'aturday in seeing [u] holiday. I was dragged by the [tooko] senior, and was coming round memories with [biwa] the place. "h it becomes it so why. 2o, the bad one is me. Isn4t there what becomes it so ha!ing finished understanding if it speaks to the [tooko] senior? $!en when the national center test for uni!ersity will approach in one week or $ 6udgment is gotten by the trader e(amination, the [tooko] senior is [tooko] senior.

[$nd of %age #?#]

#?E ..0.. [shira] ..what kind of li!ing thing scale and [inota&n] [hoshinin] are..? It is food # so. 0 The [tooko] senior shakes a long knitting three, and it turns around with round eyes.

It is 0*hen going out, the student is decided the uniform by school regulations. 0 there is not a character of [i] of amorousness of na!y blue duffle coat in the uniform in spite of holiday that doesn4t come either suitable. *hen the face was put together in the waiting combination [konohawase] place, plain clothes [nanowo] swelled by me and saw, and swelled a cheek seriousness [hoo] , saying that 0$ach other It is .., [kokoroha] [kun].. defecti!e0. It is serious in [hen] [natokoro]. Then, I want you to do studying for e(am with adult [shiku] [ke]. *hen the [korede] [tooko] senior falls into the uni!ersity, does it become my responsibility? [*a] w [7okoroha] [kunni] associates, and has failed in The <ni!ersity of Tokyo e(amination. I must write ten three [dai..] e!en by passing [surusandaibanashi] e!ery day, insert in the apology, and gi!e to me4 It seems to start to say such a thing, and it is scary. Then, do [kokoroha] [kun] and this commercial planet sunflower ..0.. ;? 0 0It was a shopping street according to the sunflower0 [tooko] senior was ama/ed for a moment, and began to laugh happily. u 8hild4s imagination is changed in the space of # towns terrible. [Doo]

[$nd of %age #?,]

Then, it turns one after another piece [komashi] turtle doing. The tra!eler who searches for [kokoroha] [kunha] and the [tansakubaru] )ilky *ay with me of today0 %lease do not pull one hand to 0 0 It has and it returns [kkuri] and in those days so that it is in!ited to a fresh wind of the fine winter day while walking as it is hurried by the [sawa] [tooko] senior. )emory [gayu] [&] [konoha] and here dispersal of star

'harp4s the word: 8hapter #?F9 [-iwa] that clasp of map [bokuno] hand o!er star, and looks back while running. The ponytail shakes, and a red satchel rings by the back with the person person. The sky cleared up blue and high, and in the cool bree/e and a white curtain shook like a soft wa!e on the day when it e(changed a few words for the first time for [biwa]. There must be one. Hood morning of )r. [asakura] "sakura and the classroom. It is early of school [kuru]. *hat did you see? Transfer student4s 0)r. "sakura0 was a girl who did not approach easily a little. -ig eyes of the [kokuchibiru] umber, cherry color lips, and worn clothes also ; from about year4s same children.

[$nd of %age #?3]

2o one had seen his face at which she had laughed though #?= boring sense was good and attracti!e. 0It was an "sakura beauty wing0 was muttered curtly when greeting it standing on the platform at the greeting transfer first day talked about, and it bowed in perfunctoriness. Hirls of 0"sakura [tsunken]ed and was [te] [eraso&]0 lie 0"nd, it was addition [sukkoi] [uso]0 and 0 nly the lie of the story of "sakura so often0 rumor class were heard to rumor it in such a way. It breathed in, the person in charge of the li!ing thing of housecleaning [bokuha] had been so, and it went to school earlier than usual to clean goldfish4s water tank on the day. [)adowakuhooduesuru] and )r. "sakura sat with one4s chin in your hand to the window frame, and the outside was seen. "s for the e(pression of )r. Hitomi "sakura, sweet light softly blots to the pupil, and the lip is small and [hokorondeita].

I was to ha!e knit my breath with seeing of the opponent of a white curtain awful and purely the appearance of her who appeared and disappeared fluttering as sacredness momentarily. )r. "sakura frowned unpleasantly because it noticed at once, and it saw [chirari] and [bokunohou]. I decisi!ely talked to the woman who had turned to [pui] and the window. Hood morning with what seeing.

[$nd of %age #?9]

8hapter #?>9 "bout the troublesome swim of the tadpole in the sky, it is answer [tanodatsuta] the map o!er the star. It was thought [awaeraikotoda], and I ..OZ of there was two [dokoni] tadpole of , where i getting [] # ..the retreat.. 0.. hung out at from the side of )r. "sakura panicking. It flew to [6igu/agu] on the gym. [$e]. Is the tadpole too small, and !isible to ..dependence #.. deflecting that not is? I dolphin is [okkii] tadpole [datsutayo]. It has already gone to the other side. -ecause a serious e!ent happens, and it hurried up.

$! The tadpole is a detecti!e.

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##? ..,.. then, ..along... *hat happened?

8an the tadpole crack a case? I was pestering to make to the oak, and to speak continuation to )r. "sakura when the goldfish was car!ed when I noticed. 'ea anemone4s plot, it failed of the dolphin, and it talked about the acti!ity of the tadpole by the 5apanese syllabary ..putting out.. tone ..[bo] yes licks that not were that were [n].. rotted though was ama/ed as surprised of )r. "sakura, and .. [bokuwoma6ima6i].. watched. It was a start. I frequently went to school early, and came to plead to her for the story. 'he has a good command of words as freely as magic, and in!ents a new one after another story. * day..resting time..after school..spend. It is also unpleasant that [biwa] [chantte] is called. be called )r. "sakura [-iwa] is called. -ecause I also call [konoha]. [$nd of %age #?E]

8hapter 9 It is made fun by e!eryone also in map i o!er the star. i& it is [kowa] ..missing.. Dou are a crab. If it doesn4t want to call, it is good. [<un]. It calls. [-iwa] is called. It showed in about [mabusono] and [biwa] came to show a da//ling smile like light only to me. The gesture to depend too much was done, the hand tied suddenly, the cheek was picked up, and I was cra/y about such [biwa]. $!eryone of the class doesn4t know. [-iwa] is not a liar.

Marious stories by which we do not see it are seen in eyes of [biwa], and it is talked about to be natural. [-iwa] is a special girl to whom a talent quite different from us was gi!en by the god. [-iwa] often showed the treasure. It was an electric ra/or the 6ar grape deflecting, a nail polish of the grape color that had entered a small bottle, a dri!er it who attached [i] 7ei long ages yellow handle, a light blue highlighter, an unopened canned cat food, and what changed fairly had mi(ed, too. [$nd of %age #?F]

+o!e seems to push and talks about the story to it is and #, [biwa] for the hand those each one. The bra!e man of the legend changed into the owned magic item in that [ka&misori], and a light blue highlighter was done the earth e!en three and a half times o!er person4s hand from the person, and changed antiquely with a splendid career. The poetry of the imagination of song [biwa] that flowed from the sky. ne [atashi] tra!els to outskirts of space getting on the )ilky *ay railway like [kamupanerura] some time. $ye difference [shide] that saw the one in the [managi] ground without and [biwa] absent&mindedly muttered seemed to opened the window at any moment, to fly away, and to ha!e been seen. [-iwa] asked uneasiness ..[nata/utte].. timidly as might be gone. Co it become [bokumo] , Hio!anni, and may I go together? [-iwa] was going to ha!e nasty eyes a little. nly [kamupanerura] ; going to outskirts of the Il space. Hio!anni is [oro] from the train on the way. $nd of %age #?=]

8hapter ##39 -ecause it is map [usarechaun] o!er the star. I was to come to ha!e a tightness in one4s chest, and to ha!e appealed frantically while half ha!ing an unhappy look on one4s face.

It is such ..[&].. ..hold out.. ..drinking.. [kira]. -ecause I work hard a lot, and attach to [kamupanerura]. )ay I go together sleep, and the mediocrity therefore? [-iwa] giggled, my cheek was poked, and it whispered in a melting !oice. ne, let4s make the map. Then, will you be able to meet again e!en if it is possible to become it if becoming it in space? The smell of [sekken] buoyantly drifted, and a transparent pupil ..mischief [bboku].. e(cluded and was crowded lo!elily. my pupil lo!ely was not possible to press it.. ..stopping nothing but.. [<n]. # only of made one [bokuto] [biwa] it..

[$nd of %age #?>]

#9 was done that it was along, and we to colored pencils #, and to ha!e written !arious one there putting a pure&white drawing paper on the carpet of [wakakusairo]. nly the one map was placed between the picture book of 42ight of the )ilky *ay railway4, and put away in the thrusting interior by this world. Marious the one surged to the chest when the map that grew yellowish was e(panded, the scenery around rolled gradually, it returned, and the sense that returned in the past did. The appearance of those days4 [bokuto] [biwa] was found the con!enience store, the bookstore, the flower shop, and back of the alley while walking in the shopping street with the [tooko] senior, and [hadu] and the chest were stabbed now. The [tooko] senior halts ahead of the pet shop. u Here is paradise the se!enth 0[Ta&6ima&ru]0 Indeed, 4'tripes4 of the shop name was parodied. Iwate is changed, 4[I&hato&!o]4 and )orioka are changed , saying that 4[)ori&o]4, and it is 7en6i [shimiya/awaken6ita] )iya/awa in the story in the country of fictitious.

h, it sees, it sees, and [kokoroha] [kun]. [-unkarasu]. It is lo!ely. 0 Two white small birds see us demurely inclining the neck in the bird cage that is hung and hung [ten] ahead of doing. The [tooko] senior is [nagomaseru] as for eyes. 0It is white&on&white like [ufufu] , snow. 0

[$nd of %age ##?]

8hapter ##B9 )ap [chidichi] cc and the small bird o!er the star bark. *ell, it is ..0cc I am [mashitayo] ..keeping the ricebird when it is a grade&schooler..0 0.. so. ! u Des. It was terrible, lo!ely, it thought like the friend or [ttatoki] was sad cc in the death from [se] though the tutu was a name0 I who sobbed am spoken, and at [nagusaa], [biwa] comforted hard, blew my tears with the a/ure handkerchief that fragrant of soap did, and spoke the story of the small bird that went to space to the bowl bowl. *hen the goldfish that I was taking care of died at the school, it was so. [-iwa] made it made the gra!e together, make goldfish4s story, and hear. "n e!ent crying sad changed into a gentle, beautiful story, too, when [biwa] talked. It did so, and [biwa] ga!e me really a lot of stories. The friend of [konoha] is calling that it is with me in [konoha] sometimes nastily when thinking it is so. *ill playing with the boy be happy? Hey, it was suitable for [tsun] and side, said such a thing, and it did my sad feelings.

[$nd of %age ###]

1or me ..the kick of ##E.. to all go out ..[gomen].. cc was to stop, and to smile at once when saying it was with [biwa], to cling to my arm firmly, and to ha!e heard the special story. I am melted in the word and the smile of [biwa] like the ice cream under sunlight, and, and, become happy being disappointed. In being able to meet [biwa] by [biwa] by my yearning, the story that [biwa] had gi!en due to the highest miracle was all beauty part treasure. [2atteyuku] [biwa] was beautifully watched while throbbing day by day. The [tooko] senior e(presses the opinion bubbling o!er while walking in the a!enue o!er which 0$ach other future 01ountain of wisdom0 library of ,0 [komobi] tree leakage day pours down. It is decided the chest or it seems to compete, and, after all, leather shoes of the umber step on the skip for the [tooko] senior in the place with the book. This road where the dead leaf whirled passed [ikudo] [fuyu] many times by [biwa] and two people, too. [7otobukisouieba] cc. Ha!ing met [kotofu] for the first time was this place. Co you ..4.. go to )r. "sakura to meet? Camage..eye..mutter..recall..cook..sudden..actually..pull..return..burnt..spit..chest..pierc

[$nd of %age ##,]

8hapter ##F9 )ap o!er star u How did you do? [7onoha]? Is it unwell?

0 The [tooko] senior an(iously calls me who has halted suddenly. 0cc no0 The lees are muttered in the !oice that got hoarse and it begins to walk. [7otofu]4s face that seems to be sad that flickers in the head is desperately shaken off. It is late to know feelings of [biwa] now. f what did [biwa] that 6umped down from , rooftop of that day of the lot way think? *hat was the hope for [biwa]? I should find out the truth of [biwa]. It cannot be opposite to [kotofu]. It has approached the place where it suppresses from ..pain.. court of throbbing and paralysis [ku] chest, and memories with [bokuha] ..including catching breath.. [biwa] are missed ..the o!erflow... In old times, the library of two stories surrounded by brown trees of the [fuyuga] winter killing is steady. It looks like the room in the library in the educational institution and the art and literature part, and it sneaks in respecti!ely and the smell of a different little by little book sneaks in to the nose abruptly. 8hild4s !oice is heard crowded probably because of 'aturday. Cesks in the study corner are all ..burying.. [tsuteita].

[$nd of %age ##3]

[-iwa] of ##= and [umeitsudua] then e(pands a transparent attaching a/ure binder by the picture of a white wing, and is ..story.. ..spelling [tonarina].. [teita]. Happily soaked, and deciding the chest to fragrant of the soap that drifts from a thin scruff of the neck and lending it by looking at the profile of [biwa] while doing homework in the ne(t of that re!i!e one after another, and it surges to the chest. )y back of the hand is poked with the [mekuba] mechanical pencil, and mischief [bboku] [mekuba] [sesuru] [biwa]. [-iwa] that draws lip to my ear, and whispers quietly. 'mile like light.

It becomes one [atashi] and a writer. The book on one [atashi] ..power of people.. is read. *hen the people become happy feelings and, it is good. It taught only to [konoha]. -ecause [konoha] is special. It went for the sweet memory on the day when it got di//y and it passed away while ha!ing a sensation of giddiness, and it halted ahead of that. I ; to the corner ..queue up complete !olume of the writer in 5apan.. ..y...

[$nd of %age ##9]

There is 7en6i )iya/awa4s work collection there, too. It thinks renewing while looking at the title what the hope for [kamupanerura] was. [7amupanerura] of Hio!anni and best friend who went out to tra!el in the )ilky *ay railway. [7amupanerura] it is wiser than solitary Hio!anni who helps sick mother and works, more splendid e(ternals, and with popularity, too seems to ha!e e!erything. 1or what such [kamupanerura] hopes besides. 'uddenly, when 7en6i )iya/awa4s work collection was taken in the hand, it recalled it in this place. ne [waa] and 7en6i )iya/awa put out such a lot of books. 8hapter ##>9 Three years the map o!er the star ago. [-okuto] [biwa] was in the second grade of 6unior high&school. f42ight of the )ilky *ay railway4 was not read with a picture book alone. +et4s borrow. It said because of the stony !oice that irritation [suruto] [biwa] got irritated somewhere. It becomes as much as one 6unior high school student and [konoha] is a really child in 7en6i )iya/awa. In the fairy tale, the grade&schooler is [yo].

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#,? [mumonoyo]. It to [bokuhashuntoshi], and to ha!e returned the shelf the book taken in the hand. Is the reason for becoming suffocating hearing accomplishment accomplishment )iya/awa4s of 7en6i story that it is stenciled to the interior of eye difference [shiga] and [suko] conscious, that [biwa] at this time is stinging? It tried to e(tend [shu], to ha!e touched the book crushing, come to ha!e been crushed the chest firmly, and to ha!e blotted to the scruff of the neck and amount the sweat. It hesitated in [togaboku] se!eral times, it reneged, it e(tended, and the eye difference [shiga] ..[sonotabi] [biwa].. ..answer.. ..[ru].. floatage and the book at last were not able to be taken in the hand. The hair and clothes stick in the body by the sweat, it gets cold, chilly, and it is unpleasant. It regains one4s breath repeating shallow breath, and it asks the looking down health [nomama] [tooko] senior. There was no 0It was thought that 7en6i )iya/awa was books for children or was cc0 answer. There is no appearance of the [tooko] senior who is sure to e(ist a little while ago in the ne(t when suitable for side. That? This [nope] [6i] is ardently turned o!er for the back in me when the back is e(pected to be a desire.

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8hapter #,#9 )ap [ita] o!er star. 0[Tooko] senior cc0 0cc0 -y chance, has 0That cc0 0cc0 been understood the secret of [kamupanerura]? It printed to the shoulder and the title was printed on the page when e(cluding and crowding.

It does and [yunkinshiyou] 0'hunkin cc0 is neither [tani/aki6iyun@ichiroutte] it, 7en6i )iya/awa it, nor 5unichiro Tani/aki4s work, and is [takke] ?. )y face seemed to touch [tooko] senior4s cheek, and it looked back on ..[tooko] senior.. [bitsukurishite] ..[hiyoushi].. more deeply a rhythm that e(cluded and was crowded. It begins to be spoken hurriedly that I am seen to be standing closely, it reddens in a moment, and it panicked. u [7okoroha] of ..crowding.. , [kun] of coming [ya@] cc. I4m sorry. ..di//ying.. [tto] hand inad!ertently e(pands and it doesn4t stop when beginning to read cc when complete !olume of 5unichiro Tani/aki is seen. [7okoroha] [kunnoko] and truth [yo] of [inoyo] because of forgetting ,0 "pparently, cc seems to ha!e been only cra/y about another book.

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#,, getting tired u *ithout seeing by such ama/ed eyes ..sleep, and the mediocrity... Tani/aki drags in and has the [giyoushiyukumareteshimau] magic when paging it. [<tekiyo] of masterpiece [adekan] of short story by which this 4'hunkin4 also condensed charm of Tani/aki. It softly hangs to the tongue in the sensuality glossy [ku] like the globefish slices of raw fish it. +o!e near worship is dedicated to her also who who it is a master of Tasuku associate [ha] and the samisen that ser!es beautiful woman [harukoto] of [moumokuka6insasuke] [mekura] eyes, and the main. To engra!e the mind the beauty of Tasuku associate [ha] [harukoto] through all eternity when the face of the harp was damaged in beautiful spring, my eyes are crushed. Throat..throat..slip down..globefish..smooth..blow..come..fresh..chest..tremble..the..prohibited..deep..taste

..head..wick..become all..think..nothing but..supremacy..taste..get drunk..feel.... It ..[kokoroha] [kunnokotowo].. ne!er left it so. Hlobefish..poison..for a moment..appropriate..bad..Tani/ much..hard..make an e(cuse..skirt..become tired..court..skirt..senior..cheek..faintly..dye..cry..upward!ide..see. It is cc, and [kokoroha] ..0.. [kun] cc. *hen Tani/aki is read, it passes, it is !ery hungry, and [kichiyatta]. 0

[$nd of %age ##=]

+iterary girl4s stomach came and it rang with [yu@rukyuru]. 8hapter #,39 # after 3? minutes maps o!er star. The [tooko] senior was crisply happily eating pan&summons by the shadow of a certain woods back in the library ..writing by carrying it out immediately ..the pocketbook.... ..0... "ging u Celicious, delicious [kokoroha] [kun]. The boy of the friend ad!entures during summer !acation. In conspiracy 'and ..the description of enough placed another and others... the sunshiny harpoon grilling chicken and the mashed potatoes It puts it in the mouth, and [chimachima] [yabu] chews well, and ..[-e] in conspiracy has, it has, and it is delicious0.. swallows only the umbrella with a smile of the whole face in the finger the swallow of the pocketbook. 0cc I4m sorry it is not globefish thorn [shi]0 I was drinking the hot tea with milk of the can bought in the !ending machine in the library. *hat on earth making it hide itself in such a place in 5anuary at the time of of winter and eating stealthily do, and we ; e!en though it clears up. "h it was ..0.. delicious. Thank you &

I4m sorry only I get daytime. *ill it be ..[kokoroha] [kunmo].. hungry? 0 It indeed becomes a face that seems to apologi/e. u 2o. "ppetite0

[$nd of %age ##>]

The [tooko] senior had a face that seemed to be sad a little, and said that he or she would answer one in the !oice nicely had at once. u 'uch [n6a] not good. Migour doesn4t boil [i/attetoki] if pan&chopsticks are soaked and it doesn4t eat. The senior treats the reward of one [yooshi] bagel 'and. Hey, let4s go0 )y arm is pulled by both hands, and it takes it into the fast food shop in the nearby place. 0Dou may ..getting [hen].. ..becoming it.. ask ..[&].. yet0 -e for the [rasu] [tooko] senior not to able to act, and I to ha!e asked for the set of [fisshuba&ga]& ..chest of [sopetanko].. warp. The [tooko] senior also orders the muffin and the tea of the banana. Co I ..0.. eat it? 0 2o ..sitting down at the seat on the cheek food window side and the question.., and it refused, and small with a smile. 0$!en if I ate, the taste likes to sometimes eat rice outside in this way with someone cc though did not do at all0 The chest was stabbed by the word. The [tooko] senior who is ali!e as it eats the story written on paper says that it doesn4t do the taste e!en if it eats the same one with us. Therefore, it quietly eats the book alone at lunchtime.

The appearance to swallow the tearing page absent&mindedly seems to be !ery happy when seeing in the ne(t.

[$nd of %age #,?]

#,E, 0cc It is delicious0 rudder [tooko] senior bites the muffin of the banana, and it mutters. 0cc It is likely ..taste.. not to understand. 0 u Des. -ecause howe!er, cc 0Imagination0 can be done0 )oreo!er, one item is bitten, and it laughs heartwarmingly. 0'urely ..taste like 4%eter Aabbit4 of cc -eatri( %otter.. cc0 ..[damaboku].. silence ate [fisshuba&ga]. The [tooko] senior also is eating the muffin delicious. u [..] and [kokoroha] [kun]. cc I think that the fairy tale was not reading of a child alone [kokoroha] [kunga] ha!ing said with the library0 *as not trip done to Tani/aki4s world? Tentati!ely, did you hear it? u In the fairy tale read after it grows up, there is tasting different from reading in childhood. The sweet one of child [noniga] [koro] is bitter after I ha!e grown up. -ecause the paddle, especially 7en6i4s poetry and fairy tale can do !arious understanding anther e(plaining because the part not understood easily only from reading once is a lot of. 8an the adult able not to en6oy or cc0 *hen it is a child to coming the word feeling of the sweet one because of growing up bitter

[$nd of %age #,#]

%atted feelings did by the hand with cold muscle of o!er 8hapter #,F9 star.. [shu]. The glance that [biwa] is cold floats again on the head. It was and after it had been told that I was [miu] Inoue, [biwa] saw me by eyes stabbed in that way. 2o, cc from ahead of that possibly. Cid not I ha!e [biwa] with the kite for eye difference [shiwo] that contained the poison? cc a long time ago so. It became suffocating as soon as ha!ing thought about such a thing. I put out the pocketbook up which the [tooko] senior had torn crisply a little while ago, drew a round body there, and [shitsunota] bird4s picture was drawn. The face applies to the head with the cat whether it is a beak or a corner, and has stuck out a long tongue with [berori]. It is that picture drawn in uncertain addressor4s 2ew Dear greeting postcard. "re the [tooko] senior and this ..0.. understood somehow? 0 If the pocketbook is presented on the table, [ko] senior e(cludes and it ..long way.. crowds. u It mi(ed with the 2ew Dear4s card that had come to me. [-iwa] did not send or it becomes and cc though not written by the name0 0cc graffiti and 7en6i )iya/awa4s oaks0 [mayune] [tooko] senior draws and mutters [mayune].

[$nd of %age #,,]

[Dohaku] ,= u 7en6i was scribbling the manuscript well on a margin.

It was ..the cat, the rock, the tree, and these kind of things.. ..[/umikochoko] [ega]... like..what kind of..poetry. 0 [Dosanrikugiyoukiyuu] u %oetry that writes scene at daybreak seen in beach. %oetry 4$n!y of [akatsukiishiyumi] [shitsutoshiyurahe]4 made when 7en6i tra!els to 'anriku is original, and that is put in the second collection of 4'pring and sura4 and is [koukochiyo] [ya] [tsuiruwa]. It was rewritten se!eral times, and it became a work 4Cefeat boy4s song decreases4 of bookishness from 4$n!y of [akatsukiishiyumi]4 of the colloquial fla!or. This poetry is collected to the written language poetry unfinished manuscript. It is not the one that intense despair and the pain were written but a quiet, beautiful poetry of the title 4Cefeat boy4s &4 though it is made to make to [doki] at the moment. 0cc of disappointed lo!e?0 It is called the poetry of the watched cc Il disappointed lo!e that the star disappears in the sky that dawns in white in sad feelings0 [7o] senior ..long way.. hums an opening part. 0'hine and shi!er and ..relie!ed line e(crement.. do [rukano] planet4s and now and .. [kuakesora].. kick to [samanashitehoshikiminitagu] of [seirei] [kiyouruwashi] [safia]. 0

[$nd of %age #,3]

7en6i )iya/awa might ha!e applied the title 4Cefeat boy4s song decreases4 to this song [na/e].. why o!er 8hapter #,>9 star. *ill this song be a singing of the scenery at daybreak that the defeated boy watched? "t what was the boy defeated? +o!e? r, another one more? *ill it be a coincidence that 7en6i drew bird4s like that ghost picture on the corner of the manuscript?

To begin with, if the sender of that picture is [biwa], cc ..why to ha!e done such a thing... This what picture cc do you ..0.. see? out..see..toward..tongue..put out. *as the defeated boy 7en6i? "nd, do you feel that [biwa] was defeated at something, too? 0The bird comes out at the end of that sleep and 4$n!y of [akatsukiishiyumi]40 [tooko] senior hums it again.

[$nd of %age #,9]

#3? chest.. [/okuritoshi] and I repeated the phrase 0The star is ..[kabutta].. ..cape in [hibya] [kushin] and )isaki #??.. [moichidohirugaheru] in race [noyau] of the bird that ruined water of the dawning [ruman@yo] [ro] [tsufu] [re] [tsuaounabara] [manha] style now.. cc as for the cc snow0 like race of the bird that ruined in the head. u "fter all, the cc interpretation of 7en6i4s ..making.. [chiyuushiyouteki] [shina] is difficult though the e(pression of bird in 4Cefeat&4 is lost. -ecause it is possible to recei!e it in any meaning because the word is abstract, and there are a lot of mysteries, cc. Though the charm there0 The [tooko] senior drank the tea that had woken up completely because it smiled delicious. I also put away the fish burger, the corn salad, and oolong tea. How is the following ..0.. done? 0 The [tooko] senior caught his[her breath for a moment when 0*anted to go to the 6unior high school and0 was muttered in a hard !oice.

[$nd of %age #,B]

8hapter #3#9 I did not attend the graduation ceremony of the map 6unior high school o!er the star. It carries to the school nurse4s office many times repeating the fit that cannot breathe suddenly after [hotsusaikudo] [biwa] 6umps down, it crowds, and it has become the truancy of the withdrawal in putting away. )oreo!er, I did not think that I might pass under this gate. ['akka] i and the baseball club are practicing in the schoolyard assumed to be spacious. The foot of me who faced it already trembled, was tightened the chest whene!er stepping forward, ..throat [kiyokudokinrayou].. became painful, and the body ..e(treme tension.. stiffened to falling and the schoolhouse. Is [kokoroha] [kun] cc ..0.. safe? 0 The [tooko] senior says in an an(ious !oice in the ne(t of [yoyuu]. n the other hand, room to answer was lost, too. The flag that shook on the schoolhouse caught one4s eye to wipe the sweat that spilt from amount momentarily at the time of ha!ing upturned the face, and it thought of the skirt of the uniform of [sorega] [biwa]. The skull is crushed momentarily of [/u] skeleton [danoumisoso], it is attacked by the pain in a strong head that crushes brains, and light white in [kougura] that becomes complicated the head becomes complicated, and I squat down forward and am crowded of the entrance. It doesn4t mo!e like foot lead because it is hea!y 0 ne&..[kun] cc.. [kokoroha]0 and 0cc "ttach0 e!en if becoming duller and standing. Aooftop that I on that day saw in head

[$nd of %age #,E]

The scenery of #3, lightning runs through as quick as lightning. The emptiness it is bright under of eeriness like co!er of no!el on [miu] in [bukimi] [..]. I who keeps standing in rooftop. 'mell of wind that e!eryone also sprays and sugary )idori. 'haking skirt and shaking ponytail.

$ye difference [shi] of [biwa] that shakes to rut 'aku way of surface of the water. [-iwa] that stands in front of steel fence. It is dangerous there should not It is dangerous. there. It comes here # ..not good.., and the foot doesn4t mo!e by as much as one step [biwa] &$ though I want to run up. nly the throat seems to tear, it hurts, and it doesn4t speak. [-iwa] smiles lonesomely. "nd,, that word ll. [-iwa] buoyantly inclines the body with 4In [konoha], it is likely not to understand surely4 I watched. It falls in!ersely like the bird that lost [tsubasasonomama] and the wing. ne [biwa] [] [biwa] [] [biwa] []. [7okoroha] ..0.. [kun]. !

[$nd of %age #,F]

[Tooko] senior4s !oice becomes small. The world bombed in splinters, and it tore up the heart, and it drank and the word flowed repeatedly as broken 8C repeatedly in the head of me who bled. The end of [biwa] might not be understood. In [konoha], it is likely not to understand. L KL KL )ap [aa] and poor o!er 8hapter #339 star. It is sleep food in poor. The food sonny is sleep food though was lo!ed that white small bird. -eautiful water and delicious food were gi!en, and it kissed e!ery day. It is sleep food though cherished so much.

%oor. [Ttanee] of ..doing.. denomination. bleed from the throat and do not mo!e small [..] The goldfish became in!erse, too and it was ..O\.. floating by fi!e power. It was not possible to arrange because the hole was small, and you had an unhappy look on one4s face, 'hin was [ra], and the re&goldfish on the goldfish was piled up though it tried to dig the hole under the cherry blossoms tree, and to display the goldfish to the row. %acking your hand was dirty 6et&black, and there was mud also on the fingernail. Tears that spill in [..] by the hand

[$nd of %age #,=]

The cheek has become only mud because it is the one that is e(ceeded one, e(ceeded, and rubbed, too and it can had the scratch wound. "h poor It was necessary to see neatly you. Co the small bird and the goldfish know like your killing it? "ll your important things are lost. %oor. %oor really. It is mourning [un] the ne(t piece [tsushinakimi]. ..opinion.. go out about ..taking notes.. [tsu] of can a silence and order [suruna] of -l [&] and you. KLKL *hen the changing eyes were opened, the ceiling of the tree was seen. 2o request of KcKc ..where it.. might and .... KL

[$nd of %age #,>]

8hapter #3B9 8urtain KcKc is a shel!ed a large amount of book on a sliding door, a map sliding door [tatamiawa] mat not known by sight o!er the star, and a light !iolet. The carpet is pa!ed at the center of the futon mat and the futon sits. I was to ha!e put to sleep there. 'omeone is quietly grasping my hand. %re!iously ..that.., the [tooko] senior had the face. It an(iously looked down at me like the uniform, and softly with a smile when eyes encountered it. u $ c; easily. It noticed0 0cc Cid it faint throat dried, bluntly, and the !oice gets hoarse awfully. [Tooko] senior4s finger touches gently to the right hand of me who protrudes beyond the futon. [7eitai] u It so. 8hildren in the soccer club carried to the ta(i. It came to my room for the time being though it called in the [kokoroha] [kunno] carrying because no one had gone out like being absent0 It was so or here cc is [tooko] senior4s lodging house ahead. There were the book4s neither neatly settling by in the sitting i!y room une(pected nor being !ariously piled up like the room. The book on the shelf is beautifully displayed. 0'omething drink is brought. 0

[$nd of %age #3?]

The finger with which it ties and the [tooko] senior tied #3E is unpicked, the sliding door is opened, and it gets out of the room. The mist in ..e(changing.. [tou] hangs, and the idea is not settled well. The throat has dried up se!erely cc. +ie..hurry up..cough..bookshelf..queue up.. gai..Heinlein.."ndersen..-yron..anthology..foreign country..picture book..dimly..look at. It is possible to look reading old any book, and repeatedly for the person from the fading back co!er to the genre dis6ointedly cc. 'liding 0'hin and [kokoroha] who wants to e(pect waking up mediocre0 It says candidly, and it rests with [dosa] ne(t to the futon. u *hen [tookoane] brought [kokoroha] tired out sweaty drinking, I was surprised. [Tookoane] that did what it is0 [5iyama] u I4m sorry. It suddenly obstructed0 I caused the upper&body, and heated its cheek. )r. [naganin] is adult [bboku] [wara] ..floatage.. .. u It is done that it doesn4t worry. Mariously !ery. [7otofu] and [tsute] where it hospitali/ed it? $ 0 It is likely to hear it from the [tooko] senior where. It is watched by an aim that peeps in the mind, crowds, and is tough, and it consults and the !icinity of the stomach contracts though the tone is simple of it.

[$nd of %age #3#]

8hapter #3F9 )ap o!er star u Co you do that it doesn4t seem to ha!e fallen from the stairs in [irunsuyo] ..that hospital and the acquaintance.., [nanka] [kotofu], and the hospital? [Tsui] [tenaisuyone]0 The stairs 0OZ of the hospital is not trowed and said to me who gi!es the !oice by )r. [youni] [naganin] really surprised. u That? *isdom [ranakattansuka]? Cid not you speak to [kotofu] and [kokoroha]? ' *ere there [biwa] and anything possibly? [-iwa] ; [kotofu] cc surely. I denied the scene that crossed the head in a hurry with acute pain that went through the heart not hung. It thinks about a foolish thing by what being thought. "re not you because [biwa] doesn4t push down [kotofu]? cc cc if ha!ing slipped. the foot fight by two people The sweat pulled once gradually blots to the scruff of the neck and amount. "n opinion bright with )r. [naganin] watches my face is e(pressed. u [Hee] and [kotofu] keep a secret to the boyfriend. , girl mostly becomes empty so. It unburdens one4s troubles to another man and cc though there is a boyfriend. ..[dekichanaishiyo].. cc with [soitsu] sooner or later. 'ecretly in [kotofu] in [tookoane] and the date ..[kokoroha].. today though ..encounter.. ,

[$nd of %age #3,]

#3= [shitakke]0 The word stabbed my chest. "s for )r. [naganin], the smile collapsed suddenly when it was at a loss because of the coming [yuu] answer. [Tsugen6iyoudan] ..doing... u [Dadanaa] . It is not [kao] and gi!e to me, please such [ma6i]. It is a 6oke. It was [sunmasen], and a gaffe0 The face is drawn in the e(pression like a mischie!ous child when bowing though it was laughter. u There is ..hit.. [ko] me now [soreyoka] ,. [)a6i] and super&relish. It ..[de].. approaches and the mind is not opened as watched. Is it [oto] [semasukane] when doing !ery? 0 I answered in a dark !oice. The [tooko] senior put the glass on the tray when asking back 0I did not understand this well0, 0It is desire [tansukedone] cc when knowing if it was [n], and it was [kokoroha]0, and 0Hot0 momentarily and it returned. u [7ora] and [naganin]. )oreo!er, is girl4s story told? Dour pick&up is put together because [kokoroha] [kunha] is tired and no goodness is #0 )r. [naganin]4s head is hit with [pokari] by the one hand that calms down. u It is and is []. [Tookoane] that is misunderstanding.

I only consulted [kokoroha] about lo!e. 0

[$nd of %age #33]

'tar..o! that and then..east and west..lo!e!ide..)r...hurriedly..stand up. u [26a] and [kokoroha]. 'low0 It wa!es brightly, and it has gone out. "fter swelling the cheek of0 0-ecause of borrowing of [moo] , going out at night for pleasure epilogue, the [tooko] senior smiled, and presented 0Des, [kokoroha] [kun]0 and the glass. 0Thank you0 apple honey [hin@yarishita] glass is recei!ed by both hands. The inside was printed, and it was a 6uice that mi(ed honey with a lower apple, and there was ice crushed in detail. cc like the water of the life The throat that dried up and was cut is enriched and [ama] ..enriching.. ..turning o!er.. [masa] is enriched!ing... The body and feelings became considerably easy when finishing drinking. u It was a treat. 0 It was delicious0 The [tooko] senior ..0easily.. smiles softly. 0*hat time is it now?0

[$nd of %age #39]

# 0Ha!ing become si( o4clock is good. 0 Aeturn [ranakucha] ..0..0

u 'afe? )oreo!er, do not it become unwell on the way? 0 The eyebrow is lowered a little, and it looks up an(iously. 0Des, do unabashedly0 and 0'o cc0 It is not possible to stay long any further in the house of a long e(aminee. The [tooko] senior came when standing up from the futon ..suspender.. court of me who was. *hen recei!ing it, it is said, 0Turn back0, and starts dressing the court politely. It settled down while doing so, and it whispered in a quiet !oice. u It is ..sleep without o!erworking.. [kokoroha] [kun] because it sleeps, and its tile cc. 0cc It was0 *hen feeling that it had a pain in the mind and the body, halting and taking a rest were the necessities0 It calculated, the enriched throat became hot again, and the interior of the chest hurt as 6arring. "fter all, it causes an(iety cc. The [tooko] senior changed himself[herself to the court. u I will not understand the road because it fainted [kokoroha] [kunha]. It sends it there. 0

[$nd of %age #3B]

It goes out to the [tooko] senior and the passage in 0I4m sorry0 furnace piece.. feelings not to apologi/e for ..piling up.. [ka] o!er 8hapter #9#9 star. )r. [naganin]4s house was 5apanese style in the whole. *hen the sliding door of the door was opened by making not the width and the feeling like )r. "kutagawa4s house that stuck to formalities but the simple gunwale simple ring done more in small compass, a soft sound was loudly heard. It was wrapped outside the dark in the cold dark.

The ta(i stalls in the presence when ha!ing tried to pass at the gate where the persimmon tree has grown sideways, a coat long in [hao] is worn, high&heeled shoes was swept, and a slender woman has come out. 0 h, aunt0 [tooko] senior is bright and it calls it. u It goes out there for a moment. 0cc0 It returns at once0 *ill it be an insertion of this house? The great, beautiful person of an unknown age was face.. shoes and it ..[ruyou].. watched it. Des so u The turn to which it encounters and , doesn4t come. I am Inoue the 6unior of the cc [tooko] senior it. It passes silently on side when the [itto] glance to obstruct and to make [mashita]0 0cc0 is a!erted, and it has gone into a house.

[$nd of %age #3E]

#9, There is not an appearance about which 0[Ittekimaasu] #0 [hoga] [tooko] senior worries, and either it says more and more in a cheerful !oice. 0That current insertion0 The [tooko] senior answers while walking with a smile. 8herry blossoms [i] u 'akurai4s aunt. 0[$e]0 )other of [naganin]0 It doesn4t resemble it. -e not angry because of a too young deflecting. Coes it go up to the house without permission ..[ano] and me.. and was not [ma/u] ..0.. dri!en?

..0.. [tooko] senior ; as [kerori]. u 'uch a thing. It doesn4t worry that the aunt was a scowl. -usy..fang..speak..troublesome..become..encounter..along..say..senior..police..indebt..'akurai..aunt..come for..say..ha!e an unhappy look on one4s face. u How did you do? 'ilence [chatsute]. "bout what do you think? [7okoroha] [kun]0 It is [pokari] and [yarareta] in phlegm , saying that 0The [tooko] senior is to be caught by the assault charge to the detecti!e0 as for the head.

[$nd of %age #3F]

8hapter #939 Aemembrance [tenakuteiino] 0.. : ..along.. ..going [&] [&].. separately o!er star 0 It says by a red face, and it walks fast ahead with the cheek swollen. It does and three knitting [gahyokohyoko] [..] under the 6ar moonlight like cat4s tail. It ad!ances e!en where 0[Tooko] senior cc0 and 0[)oo] , [moo] , wisdoms0 0cc0 bowl bowl bowl bowl, where and [deyukisouna] [tooko] senior4s right arm is gripped quietly. u Thank you. It is good here0 The cheek of the [tooko] senior who had turned around did not swell. The eyebrow was lowered, and it looked me up an(iously. u %lease it has come, and return, and study the [tooko] senior who understands roughly once. Today..!ariously..I4m

0 Moice that trembles 6ust a little. Co I look dri!ing in by causing an(iety here like the [tooko] senior? Cirt [gawa] [mune] is tightened only with the limit. [Coushiyoumona] among [biwa], [kotofu], and )r. "kutagawa et al..

[$nd of %age #3=]

The [tooko] senior is surely seeing through the weakness of me who turns o!er and is carrying out [tachi] as for #99. I answered short, 0It was0, and released [tooko] senior4s arm. 0Thank you for sending it0 0The telephone is recei!ed when there is something though it becomes impossible for [kokoroha] [kun] and me to go to school so much by free going to school. 0 u Des. Howe!er, it must take an e(amination an(iously, and it is necessary to work hard me0 [..tsuki] went behind a cloud before one is aware. I who left was seen off and the [tooko] senior was seeing off eye difference [shide] of the an(iety with the eyebrow had been lowered. It went to the hospital on 'unday the ne(t day. [-iwa] erects oneself in the bed, and it clings to me gladly. u It was good. It worried ..not forgetting me because of not coming yesterday.. ..selfish... 0 0It is not ..such a thing... 0 u Co really? Cid not you go to [kotofu]?

0 The neck was able to be inclined, to come from the under, and to ha!e made the chest [/ukiri]. %iece ..going.. +

[$nd of %age #3>]

8hapter #9B9 It is a map o!er the star or a feretory. u Then, did you meet one poetry? *as I able to blow in e!en by the liar? 0 The chest is thrust whene!er the smell of soap tickles the nose whene!er my eyes are ga/ed whene!er [biwa] means something, and the hea!y [dorodoroshita] one collects in the mind. u *hat? ..sleep.. How. [7okoroha]? Cid one poetry mean anything? ! u cc It is not talked at all e!en if meeting in the classroom as )r. "kutagawa. The shoulder is dropped to phlegm, and it becomes a face as sad as a small child , saying that Therefore, [biwa] is not made a such a thing nature0. u ..[gomen].. [konoha]. "re you angry? *hy..get *as there [biwa] there?

The heart sweats and [gyutsu] and the contraction palm sweat. u [2aani]? [7onoha]? 0 [-iwa] looks me up with a transparent pupil. It mo!es one4s lips to [suae] [aegu] way. " bitter, sour breath leaks. The throat is painful. [-iwa] ; my cheek.

[$nd of %age #9?]

It wraps by #9E both hands, and small with a smile. cc ..there was this at grumble 0and 6unior high school that puts it... 8heek [wotata] [tata] withered suddenly, the cc tendency was meant by mouth in spring, and [konoha] was lonesome cc. It was not spoken that I had done !ery easily e!en though heard0 It was so. There was such a thing. "t [hirateu] [chuu] #. 'lap was suddenly said by classmate4s girl to the saddle, 4Hatred []4. *hen depressing it, [biwa] quietly wrapped with both hands and comforted my cheek now when it was done that why she had been made angry so much was not understood at all, her cold eyes were turned also by other girls, and I was surely something bad. *hen it e!en is not disliked by [anna] [ko] ..[run].. therefore, nly my teammate of [konoha]. [7otofu] is 0cc ..may attach by me in [konoha].. ..looking like mouth in spring for a moment...

"fter that, cc that looked like the friend [minedatta] peak of cc [konoha] by as much as one poetry0 It was a boy that the leader character was energetic and cheerful in the friend from the time of the peak [kunha] elementary school.

[$nd of %age #9#]

)ap o!er 8hapter #9F9 star 0It doesn4t look like )r. "kutagawa ..peak [kunha].. at all0 $yes of [kewa] 02o, look like0 [biwa] steepen a little. The interior of 0cc The peak is the one that betrayed [konoha] and damaged it0 chest shook with the sitting di!iding. It asks and I think that there were neither [ni] nor such a big e!ent about us as the betrayal or damage. Howe!er, the relation of peak [kunto] was awkward when noticing. 1requency that going to the pool on holiday after it had become a 6unior high school, going to assistance [hindo] of the peak [kunno] soccer match, and ha!ing talked standing on the passage e(change a few words gradually decreased, and eyes were put away, and peak [kunha] additionally became silent and came to put away away. u I felt sorry for cc [konoha] because the mouth was not effecti!e either though the yellowtail like the best friend of [konoha] was done. ne poetry and the same to disregard [konoha] [7onoha] in poor is not bad at all0 Ceflecting is ..difference.. &T. The a!oiding shout began to appear to the throat. -ecause )r. "kutagawa is not disregarding [boguwo] )r. "kutagawa suffers surely now, too. -ecause [biwa] gently saw me by the unclouded eye though it was painful, [susou] [i] was not able to be said. " soft palm wraps the cheek of life temperature [kakuboku].

[$nd of %age #9,]

0 u I am lucky to [konoha]. safe nly my teammate it was the [kono]0 The word whispered as sweetly as the 6unior high school age was heard and I ..scissors.. heard meat with ..[rareru].. pain. )oreo!er, it promised to be coming tomorrow, and the door in the sickroom was closed. It becomes pitch&dark while walking down a corridor because of the dislike to me in the head, and the chest seems to tear. $!en no goodness ; as it is though understands. )r. "kutagawa and [kotofu] are [itte] is necessary to clarify... It pulls and it is miserable. I am unfair. 0[7okoroha] [senpaai]0 It looked up as [biku] being suddenly called. "fter all..senior..e( u Hello. It came for [nanase] senior4s !isit. )y [modesu]. The [kokoroha] senior

[$nd of %age #93]

8hapter #9>9 )ap [mou] [kae] o!er star? ! 0;;; unpleasantness0 u

Is it the future of ..encounter.. ,? *e4!e done it: Then, in proportion to and it is in!ited by the tone that mo!es large eyes round and round, and bounces, and the chest seems to tear more and more. u cc [Homen]. It is not possible to go today. 0 u *hat? Howe!er, do? 0 I call [gomen] again, and ha!e ad!anced to run away to front door that works by itself. 8owardly person of 0 h, [kokoroha] senior cc0 [chikubisatsumo]. I thought that I was said by someone in the !oice thrust in the ear. It had a telephone call from Takeda in carrying on that e!ening. 4It is [doushichattan] and it is [sukaa] , [kokoroha] senior today4, 0cc 'uddenly, recall it for0, and 4Is it food, and true or &?4 It says in the !oice clearly doubted.

[$nd of %age #99]

#B? Takeda laughed small when 4The [nanase] senior was not energetic, and either [naanka] [hen]4 0cc0 I became silent as reluctant. *ell, it is 4& though there might be circumstances. ' down..feelings..yes..answer. The throat was firmly tightened at the moment, and the breath became more painful. w -e really steady. [moo]

h..senior..younger ! w Des. 1lower..bring..!isit. "nd, cc4 " silence that suddenly became interrupted Takeda4s !oice, and thought continued. *hen thinking suspicious [....] w I4m sorry for , the encounter. There is nothing4 It says by the tone that monotonous feeling does for a moment, and it returns there to a bright !oice always again. w It ..telephone.. switches off slowly. Hood e!ening [kokoroha] senior4 0Des, take a rest. 0

[$nd of %age #9B]

8hapter #B#9 Then, the con!ersation ended in the map o!er the star. It looked down at carrying to which the telephone call cut, and [atauka] struck [kotofu] mail or bit the lip and shut the lid though hesitated. KL KL It is not possible to endure because it is not possible to call )r. "kutagawa of KL and to depend and to take notes and to permit, and it calls here. It has tuned off. "fter all, the telephone is disad!antageous. It is [hakahaka] [shii] [ya] two and, by chance, might be familiarly useful. ..calling the name.. # kick do not eagerly disregard and ..brute.. [..].. float [/u]

He seems to be an eyesore in [me/awa] -. It was said only that [kono] = would be thrown. The plan of - is quite good. 'urely, [kono] = comes to meet.

[$nd of %age #9E]

8hapter B -oy D dirt [gawa] [yoku] day when had been defeated was not able to be spoken with )r. "kutagawa. If it is )r. "kutagawa, it might know the situation when falling down the stairs in the [kotobuki] [kotofu] [sanga] hospital. It is and cannot grip the beginning that talks about [togurakeredo] ,. )r. "kutagawa worried for a long time in class. The straight back wrapped for )r. "kutagawa to be nominated at the time of mathematics, to stand up, and to go to the blackboard to write the answer in the uniform was watched in smart feelings. *hen man who finished writing [ppu] answer returns, the chest is crushed, and ne!ertheless, it pretends the te(tbook to read, and the face turns down. )r. "kutagawa drew [mayune] when turning around feeling the weight of one4s eyes for [toki] of [mayune] [yasu] seeing, and here was seen with ..seeming painful, seeming painful.. [washina] [me]. It turned ahead ..millet.. panicking because the nature ..eagle [dukamisareta].. firmly had the chest at that time.

[$nd of %age #9F]

8hapter #B3B ## defeated boy [ka/ushimine] poetrys looks like the peak who is the friend of [konoha]. "s much as one peak is the one that [konoha] was betrayed and damaged. ne poetry and the same to disregard [konoha]

'eeing [uhahoe] [biwa] is not here. It seemed to block the beauty wing at which it smiled between "kutagawa and )r. me. cc though it is necessary to talk to )r. "kutagawa from me because it is saying [tanohahoku] when it wants time. It was not possible to e(change a few words, it became after school, and I faced the hospital with a dark desire had been held. It cannot meet [kotofu] in such feelings yet. It calculated or it went up to the pain that the speaking with a local accent chest 6ars the stairs while chewing the molar well by a foot as hea!y as lead, and the door of part [tata] [ya] of [biwa] was knocked on. u %lease come in [konoha] It waited0 [-iwa] that was the opening of carrying in the [keitai] bed snap shut it, and it becomes a shining smile. "n orange, of arranged in the !ase yellow rose was decorated in the thorn side table that did not grow moldy.

[$nd of %age #9=]

It is a flower that not was when I return on one last day cc. 0The flower and cc someone came ..beautiful getting bored..0 Ill&humored [kurapiru] [biwa] bends the lip in the bad mood. 'hin cough u Aelati!e. I am hated because it is annoyed. It is good if no coming0 The aspect remark is [hokorobaseru] at once as for the face. u h, [konoha] is waited for as another throbbing for one day.

*hen the bell of the clock of the station rang, it seemed to be relie!ed and I began .."h cc it ..[konoha].. today ..coming or becoming..0.. ..Hitomi [shiho] [ama].. ..saying.. to squee/e the !oice to [hitomi] desperately while becoming it. Cislike0 [biwa] is ..0cc It is [biwa], it is [kotofu], occasionally want to hear, and0 0.. suitable for [pui] and side. 0I do not want ..story of such a nasty person.. to do0 The chest is made [/ukiri]. [7anchiga] u *ere [biwa] and [kotofu] really nasty to [biwa]? )isunderstanding of [biwa]? 0 [2irasuru] and [biwa] stared at me turning around. u Co you doubt it about me? Is [kotofu] belie!ed? 0 [-iwa] asks me who swallows the word by the serious look being pushed to the [ta/u] power.

[$nd of %age #9>]

Co you ..0.. like cc ..[konoha] and me..? 0 It crowds and big eyes of [koge] brown look me up quietly. Co you ..0.. like [..] cc? 0 Co I ..0.. often like [biwa] from yore? )ake fun of..ask. # and [konoha]? Co I like it? )y eyes are seen and it says. 8hapter #BBB Cefeated boy [hooboku] was shameful, did a blush of the cheek to red, hesitated, saw such me, and [biwa] giggled always strangely.

8hilly [mana/a], [umeikeredo], and now eye difference [shiha] and in those days of [biwa] that watched me, and the sword of the pulling out body seemed to be pointed at the mind transparently. u 'leep and [..]? "nswer Co I like it? [7onoha]? 0 I like cc. ..drinking.. [bi] is pushed aside with the risked answer and the neck, too and the word stops. 8annot if it is really .. piece me.. fa!orite, +0'uch a promise is cc0 0not ha!ing talked to [kotofu] and # poetry any longer? !

[$nd of %age #B?]

[-iwa] that inclines #BE 6aw stuff neck. The life temperature or the finger goes and the mystery goes slowly in my cheek and mandible. The e(tended fingernail lamplight hatching lightly scratches the skin. "t that time, a faint current ran through in the line of the backbone. 1uton [biwa] quietly turned o!er dress [suashi] 2ey [towea] when I was watched with the face of which it woke up, and the futon was re6ected by one hand, and showed a white bare foot. u The fingernail has e(panded. Co you cut it? 0 0Hetting cc0 and 0In [kago], there is a nail clipper0 0cc screws up one4s eyes, and smiles at me who hesitates in [rayuuchiyo] softly. 0

To [hehe] u It doesn4t cut for myself. " twining transparent string ..ask0.. strangles the chest with [gyutsu]. It mi(ed with [saguru] and brush and [rippukuri]&[mu], and there was a nail clipper with a lo!ely a/ure ..[kago] on the side of the [sagukawai] !ase.. slowly. It becomes a face that woke up chopsticks [biwa] again, it sits on the edge of the bed, and the foot is sold wholesale loosely. The foot of baring was thrust out to the presence when ..knee.. attaching to .. [hi/aboku].. floor. *hen it timidly touched the ankle of coming delicate [yashiyasetsuken], the smell of soap buoyantly tickled the nose. " small finger was as pure&white as the wa(work ..child supply.. ....being likely to want to see.. sitting.. to go. In the digitus manus, the fingernail of the foot has not e(panded.

[$nd of %age #B#]

8hapter #BFB Cefeated boy [pachin] cc. The fingernail of the little finger is chopped off. " white fingernail drops lightly on the knee. It is ticklish or [biwa] is small, it laughs, and stirs. "ir became suddenly sultry, and the sweat blotted to the scruff of the neck. 2e!ertheless, the tip of a finger that touches the skin of [biwa] stiffens coldly. [%achin] cc. [%achin] cc [tsu]. The sound that affected whene!er it did and the fingernail was cut seemed to cut out e!en three [kuno] mind. %acking like insect4s corpse corpse scatters on the knee.

*hen it finished finishing the right leg, all left feet be cut, and dropped fingernails were collected by the palm, [biwa] presented the right leg under my nose again. u Hi!e me a kiss. 0 [7onoha]0 [-iwa] completely erased the smile from the face, and ..0.. looked down at me when looking up at the knee being surprised while attaching on the [fuson] floor by eyes irre!erently. *ill be able 0 0 It is sweet, and a stony !oice.

[$nd of %age #B,]

[Hiyayakasato] of my dog [damono]0 pupil then, was contrary, and gently ..inculcation.. and was a had !oice to #B= pieces it, ..piling up.. ,, and [ka] elegance and ..bite.. [hehehehehehehe] as for the self&conceitedness [kouman] against which it was not able to act sound. The mind stiffened, it bound to strength of the glance that looked at the !oice and me and ga!e it, it was applied, and the face of [bokuha] [biwa] was brought close to a small foot as hoped. 'uch [kotoshichaikenai]. The word of [biwa] cannot be refused and it refuse. I ; the after of [biwa] e!en to [6iyuu6iyun] as said about [biwa] like an obedient for a long time dog because I dogged it. To [hehehehehehehehe] and to [hehe] because the word of [biwa] is absolute The lip that the tiptoe trembles opened and the door in the room opened greatly at that time that tried to touch a white tiptoe. [7otofu] of the knit is 'hin in pa6amas who firmly grasped the cane where 0It stops and [ttsu] #0 cane arm is fi(ed with the ring.

[$nd of %age #B3]

It appears with [kao] boy [] red of the defeat by 8hapter #B>B. [7otofu] sounds the cane in [kashakasha] by the face that seems to begin to weep and has gone forward. -lood in the body ..head.. thought that I went like the torrent in running it was and [u] me [nri] ..digging.. ..going.. of 0*hat the child of [n] said and [] dislike unpleasant , [tsu] # of [] Inoue # not effecti!e not was such this year.. ..along.. was..0. 1loor..knee..attach..miserable..appearance..see..shameful..despair..presence..pitch& dark..become..right now..disappear..become. "!oiding [kotofu] stared at [biwa] by eyes like the fire, and shouted. u cc you cc []. [] or more Inoue really you ne Inoue [] and Inoue purposely call, and ..Inoue.. gloss it o!er so0 dog of you it.. "t once, [biwa] moistens eyes. It is not possible to smell. u *hat do you say? I will not be able to boil ..calling you... 2egligent thing remark [wanaide]. Dou thronged without permission, and it did not ea!esdrop. 2e!ertheless..lie..ahead..such..tell a a lie..;..mail..strike. 0+ie [] lie0

[$nd of %age #B9]

#E? ..0.. [], this is what. 0 8arrying is taken out from the pocket of the knit after the e(pression in which [kotofu] hesitates is, it [mu]s, ..departure.. [futa] is opened, and it points it at [biwa]. The window was opened when a long fingernail was able to be flashed, and it was taken up and [biwa] was thrown away to the outside.

u; 0 [7otofu] opens eyes wide. I also stood up. The nail clipping spills from the knee a little and it falls. [2anisuruno] ..0.. : 0 [7otofu] catches at [biwa] by the crimson face. [-iwa] pushed aside [kotofu] to one4s heart4s content by both hands with sitting on the bed. [*atto] began to weep clinging to me when [kotofu] leaked and landed on one4s bottom the rose hips to the floor destroying [nsu]. u $!en working it into [hidoiwa] , carrying. [7onoha] and hearing [7otofu] came here yesterday, meant [konoha] from me, and [totte] and [rutte] were said. 0 ..[da6iyamakara] and my.. I obstruct fa!or of [konoha].. u , lie cc []. floatage There is no [i] of such a thing and me0 It squats down on the floor, crowded [kotofu] refuses, and it appeals. [-iwa] clung to me more and more, and shouted.

[$nd of %age #BB]

8hapter #E#B Cefeated boy u [7otofu] ..[mouippen].. 6umped down and dying meant getting. [7onoha] is [butte] # ..that.. ..pleased... 0

0# not said0 u [7onoha] and [konoha] belie!e me. r, is because I am obstructi!e as [kotofu] says, dying [tta]? I 6ump down here right now if [konoha] means can the death0 1ace [woshita] [biwa] of [gushagusha] separates the body from me by [madowaku] tears, and it gi!es a lot of care to the window frame. It shook to the wind of the skirt hem and the ponytail in the skirt lightning head, the appearance of [biwa] at which it smiled ..[yosesu6itsuranuu] of lightning.. ran through, and fear went through the line of the backbone. 0# [biwa] &$ ..not good..0 I clung to [biwa] from the back. Dou should ..0.. die if it is not possible ..[hanashite] [konoha].. to belie!e. ! u -elief [ru]. It belie!es, and stop it, please. 0 I shouted frantically while recklessly pulling [biwa] apart from the window. u [Homen] cc ..piling up.. . It has already returned, and it is [kotofu]0 I do not think that [kotofu] said to [biwa] awful it. [7otofu] is such child [6ibukiyouyanai]. $!en a gentle in reality child understands only from clumsiness though it [kitsu]s and it turns o!er and [mi] is gotten.

[$nd of %age #BE]

*hen one [biwa] 6umps down again, I do not want to see though #E,. "cute pain that carries me out in one lot , rooftop of that day of the way that cannot be endured re!i!es only it, and despair re!i!es and fear re!i!es.

The world can break, and it break ..mind [kudaga] and the sprinkling... u "sking []. Aeturn, return, and [kotofu]. [-iwa] doesn4t tell a lie to me. It is belief [ru] as for [bokuha] [biwa]0 The high impact ..00.. floats on the [shiyougema] [kotofu] [sanno] face. It greatly opens wide by cannot open [pou/en] eyes wide any further, and [....] and I are watched with the pallid face. The dripping [yagate] eyebrow falls, and eyes are quietly moistened, and the cheek spills [poroporo] and a transparent dripping, falls, and is [ibansoukoutta]. I was watching plaster with which the right side of the face was co!ered dampness by tears with nature epilogue [mochi] to which the chest and the throat seemed to tear. It was a department [serareta] punishment in me. +ees [kotofu] whispers in the !oice that got hoarse. u cc ..being going to bring close.. cc cc and I finally The little bit and Inoue had. cc ..the misunderstanding it..0 I was not answered. ..making.. [ki] is far, and the pain that seems to become it could do nothing but become silent and be borne the shake of the throat and chewing the lip well, and.

[$nd of %age #BF]

#E9 [2anondo] of ..piling up..0 of a small sob gra/es the ear, [kotofu] sounds the cane for the back, and it ..0cc.. dashes out. Tear..door..shut..sound..hear..mind..inside..important..something..tear off..think. [-iwa] presses [koton] and the head against my chest. " smile seeing that seems to be satisfactory is floating in the lip though it sobbed a little while ago.

$yes were shut to the sound of the heart of me that [kodou] [yowayowa] [shiku] pulses to clarify the ear, and it muttered quietly. u cc Thank you for belie!ing. Hereafter, [konoha] is my teammate. If it is what I say, anything is belie!ed, and it ..[naandemo].. hears it0 Co I truly belie!e [biwa]? *as it does say the belief, and good? I was not able to mo!e one finger, and was watching the outside of the darkening window while feeling the tiredness that in a deep [dorodoroshita] marsh, the !oice and either sank and despair. Aeally, is it good cc really as it is? Hio!anni why, [kamupanerura] will be able to be thrown off, and to be doubted. [7amupanerura] ; though is Hio!anni4s ideal.

[$nd of %age #B=]

L KL KL The lie says the clout boy [min] [shinboku] defeated by 8hapter #EBB. I was seen by [ha6igi] [da] doing and cold eyes, the filthy term was whispered, and it laughed nastily from among our circles. That child is a liar. It is not good ..talking.. with that child. I did not want to talk about a word me alone. I saw the one that did not look like [ranidekinaiko], [gadegitashi], and them, etc. him. ..[kukoto].. [degita]. hear the one not heard $!eryone and the sky, the cloud, the rainbow, the tree, the grass, and the schoolhouse might not be noticed to talk why.

The eraser, the a celluloid board laid under written paper, the bucket, and [houki] understand and if it wants you to talk about your stories, it might not be understood to ask. )y world always failed to get in a new story, and I was a king in my world. Therefore, it is narrow of them, and it did not want you to put it, and [icharadattanoni] at all by oneself in the tri!ial world.

[$nd of %age #B>]

Dou ha!e entered my world on the day with one. It approached me with a smile innocent in there was no [mu6iyaki] caution, and it pleaded to me for the story. The story that saw only me was shared and you came also to share the story only who mine. *hen noticing that it is a mistake, my world is tragically ruined [mu/anhousore]. Dou are ..arrogant, arrogant ll tube.. ..polish.. [&]. #&memo this saucer and mother parents [durasuruna]. depri!ed [/ankoku] cruel [nakimiga] and me at all It comes to want to !omit [hawo] like the obligation, to disperse, and to kill. The face is produced to ..ugliness.. [niketsuki] only once, and it is an ugly word and a telephone. 2ow. It hates, it knows the telephone, and it puts it ..[te].. on purpose. $!en if it is told to make it to mail, it is not effecti!e. It laughs unpleasantly in the other side of the recei!er. [7otsuchiga] [$nd of %age #E?]

It keeps starting being persistent until it answers the telephone. 2o because of fear

It is neither [u] nor such [n]. differ Cifferent i death [ne] ..floatage.. , -l of [chiga] KL KL KL )y cheek was hit by )r. "kutagawa suddenly in the classroom ne(t morning defeated by 8hapter #EFB when the boy calmed down. 0#0 *hat happened at the flash has not been understood. *hen bag [kewa] [kaban] was opened, and the note and the te(tbook were transferred to the desk, )r. "kutagawa approached by the stern e(pression, and it 6abbed out one4s fist silently. [Hatsu] and the sound are heard, the pain to which the fire was held by the cheek runs, and it has set sparks flying in the head. The waist was thrown at the desk in the back, the desk and the chair o!erset to the [hiyoushiisuyoromeita] rhythm gaily, and I also landed on one4s bottom to the rut rust floor. " feeling of blood clammy in the mouth and the taste of the iron rust e(tend, and the scream goes up in surroundings. "t last, I was hit by the pain in a scorching cheek and the temple that pulsed stingingly. [$nd of %age #E#]

ne agape [erikubikoto] is actually felt, )r. "kutagawa grips, the nape of the neck of me dumbfounded is raised, and they are made to stand by force. In the face of man who approached a close fragment, there was not usual, calm [saha] [kahen], and either slit eyes shone in the fury with [giragira]. )r. "kutagawa shouted in the power of being about to bite. ["sakura] 0# ..not saying that "sakura will be belie!ed in front of [kotofu]..0 "h ..hardening.. yesterday is scolded. He like a mass of the sense of discipline bares feelings, and it is so ..roughness.. [gete] as for the !oice, and as the public notice doesn4t worry. 0cc Cid you ask [kotofu]?0 )r. "kutagawa4s eyebrow went up further as soon as ha!ing muttered in a dry !oice. The neck of me still dopy is strangled, shaken, and the word like the fire is thrown. -irch u

Hearing [tanda] . from "sakura $!en if ea!es dri!e away [kotofu], Inoue ; "sakura. *hy ..#.. it played the fool though [kotofu] went out while crying or being able one dance said, 4[-iwa] belie!es [biwa] not to tell a lie4 It laughed at "sakura. ! The arrow co!ered with [togeegu] [toge] goes through meat, and it places and [ri] heart is gone through. "nger and the criticism with a dark laughed word of one [hinanso] had been filled in "sakura. In the place where I am not, [biwa] is laughingly [i]. # )r. ..departure.. "kutagawa said clearly so. [Camaa/awara] [biwa] cheats me. *hen you ridicule me in the shadow.

[$nd of %age #E,]

8hapter #E>B It is necessary to ha!e done in the defeated boy !ery. It says no matter what I can do in that situation at that time. $a!es did only ha!e to denounce [kotofu] and denounce the beauty [kiyuudan] wing? Cid I only ha!e to shout that [biwa] was a liar? [-iwa] sees, and window [damakara] did only ha!e to become silent and see 6umping down? The smile seeing of [kotofu] being quietly drowned in tears and [biwa] that seems to be satisfactory floats one after another, it becomes soppy in the head, and it stifles. "s for [fuuboku], one that had not wanted to damage [kotofu] in that way did not want to make them cry. -oth [biwa] and [kotofu] hands are impossible to take. "m I blamed though [biwa] is one momentarily at the time of detained [kotofu]4s hand with [tsukaodon] though might ha!e made the body dance two years more like before?

"re tears of ..lie.. [ano] [biwa] and the shout said e!en in case of the lie? In anger from the interior of the chest from which it has a lump in one4s throat, the head is smart. *hy why you are telling [biwa] and such a talk in the place where I do not know. It saw in the room of [biwa], and it re!i!ed, and the [monaranai] unpleasantness thrust the chest into [dosurudou] sharply only with shoes on the back side of the eyelid the thrust of the !i!id rose flower. u "h is it so? It was not that flower cc relati!e4s person, and you. 0

[$nd of %age #E3]

..#F?.. ..mutter.. !oice of [kuhoku] was steep and cold e!en for me to thrill. *hat ..0..? 0 It says by the face at which )r. "kutagawa got angry. I shake off his hand, and am ..!oice.. ..roughness.. [geta] by no defeat. It is not. ['hiyo] u It was guilty because it was #, and [mi] that had already come to [biwa] secret in me you though it became and it was said, and stealthily met [biwa] $!en if you side with [bokuga] [biwa], do e!en you scold me from # [biwa] the same as me though it is one is likely not to part..? "m I hit? Co not you not want only to monopoli/e [kimiga] [biwa] in reality? ! u Is there a such a thing remark serious [] # it? It is the ..[datoshitara].. lowest.

"s for di!iding, # beha!es !iolently suddenly, and you are the lower. say ! u I will ha!e the dream pulling a quilt o!er oneself from not seeming wake up through life if it doesn4t hit it hitting [tanda] [&] when. "sakura..think..woman..aspect.."sakura..ideali/"sakura..dam! The impact fascinated with the fist that grasped [shibi] must start, )r. "kutagawa must stagger this time, and the body to the desk

[$nd of %age #E9]

8hapter #F#B Cefeated boy [butsukeru]. The scream named coming [ya@a] , goes up in surroundings in )ay. It doesn4t enter for e!ery stop because we are too e(cited. )r. "kutagawa chews my teeth well, and the mouth is wiped in a sharp e(pression. He and I stared from the front each other. u Co not understand or, because, do? Then, do because all [kimiha] [biwa] is understood? [Inoka] ..only calling by one [biwa] poetry, flying up, and to those who understand about [biwa].. will [&]0 )r. "kutagawa hits my face sidewise again. Teeth come to the surface by the impact. u "h I outtell ..wanting understanding of "sakura.. one, and I like "sakura as one woman. # that doesn4t deny "sakura of belief true [tarihashinai] # all of "sakura ..the kick.. ..deifying "sakura to your [mitai]..0 The body seemed to pop by ire and to fly. Co [biwa] [ttenanisa] [&] you true say that it will know it?

If it is you, is the hope for [kamupanerura] understood? 'o that I should not understand. The wick of [shinfuru] [tou] trembles hot, and it ..blood.. runs about [tagirinagara] and the body. I hit his mandible again and returned it. u It ..[biwa].. sees for a long time in childhood and [tanda] [&] we are !ery the same. [kku] I#

[$nd of %age #EB]

It doesn4t do e!en though [bareterukaratte] and )r. ..calling.. "kutagawa of ..conceit.. [runaa] + wipe my spilling blood from the edge of the lip by the name in #F, [ttanda] # [biwa], and my nape of the neck is gripped up. u Is it machine [shikattanoka] that "sakura called my name by the first name so much? *as [kan..] done to me? Then, it is tidy [] it is possible to see as for "sakura. 0 The face is brought close to me, it screws up one4s eyes painfully, and [mayune] is drawn. u $ ;c )y word need not be belie!ed. "sked cc, it is not "sakura of the ideal that is, and know true "sakura [biwa] in [] and you, please. "sakura is neither an angel nor a goddess. It is a usual woman who had the weakness and ugliness0 The chime that reported beginning the inside and the homeroom that the classmate is noisy rang. )r. "kutagawa !iolently throws me off, and it returns to my seat.

[Ttamama] and I ..burning.. also were do the turn one4s back tos to him, and sat at one4s place anger to [kudubu] [tai]. It did not mo!e from my seat with the face stiffened, and the glance was not put together stubbornly though "kutagawa and )r. I became resting time. ther e!eryone was looking at such us so that [tookan] might come. "fter school, swelling ..peel.. [hoo] was not pulled though became. It thinks about what )r. "kutagawa said in the art and literature part only of one oak elbow person. The elbow to the table of the old oak tree

[$nd of %age #EE]

The chest is low and formation [ki] in [] painfulness. ..<me.. hang its head in the luck )r. "kutagawa clearly said that I had cornered [biwa]. He of [oda] [..] sincere [yakade] critici/ed me in such a intense word, it changed countenance because of anger, and it struck it

"sakura is neither an angel nor a goddess. It is a usual woman who has the weakness and ugliness. "s for "sakura, it is tidy [&] it was possible to see *as it [biwa] of the ideal that I had hoped to want you to be so in the mind to ha!e seen up to now boy [bokuga] defeated by 8hapter #F3B? In true [biwa], was [biwa] that I knew another completely man? It is to always nearby since childhood, and has watched the smile like light. It came to a!oid me for me ..[biwa].. the piercing glance one day ..the kick... 8ame not to be able to e(change the word when Hio!anni and [kamupanerura] who was the best friend of the friend. [7amupanerura] to which it was father, it was made fun from the classmate, and one Hio!anni who trembled with shamefulness had been surrounded by the friend was seen poor.

[$nd of %age #EF]

#F9 Hio!anni always did not understand [kamupanerura] thought, and was always always uneasy. The hope for [kamupanerura] is [wakaranai]. It is likely to ha!e lost sight of [biwa] [bokuhaitsukara] ..[suchiga].. in such a way. It is likely to ha!e passed each other with [biwa]. Co at the time told that I am [miu] Inoue? "t that time, whether goodness when the name of [miu] was taken up here and there, the commotion grew too much, and it spoke to [bokuha] [biwa] !ery was not understood. Its secretly writing a no!el in [biwa], contributing, and ha!ing been chosen to be a grand pri/e. The mask nymph writer of the mystery that doesn4t include the mystery, being going to be marketed by the title ..!ery becoming it.. ;. Therefore, when [biwa] that returned from %$ lesson was caught, and told ahead of the watering place of the school, the glance was not able to be put together straight. It is one [bokuga] cc [miu] Inoue. *hether what e(pression the beauty wing had been while doing the failure that is not a cer!ine ton either, shortening the body like strapping [te] and the child, etc. who wait to be scolded, reddening e!en the ear, and beginning to squee/e the word desperately is not understood. Howe!er,

[$nd of %age #E=]

ne aspect $;c. That was [konoha]. It saw when sounding indifferently and remained looking up to the boy flat crack ear that had been defeated by 8hapter #FBB timidly, and a cold e(pressionless like the doll

and unfathomed fear that had attacked me at that time were all ..ringing in one4s heart... [Aokotsu] [biwa] left without speaking its T remark for my.. back, and came to disregard me plainly after that. [-iwa] surely scolds my winning. *ill that ha!e been really the first the beauty wing had seen me by empty such chilly eyes though it turned o!er and it had thought with [hi] for a long time so? It di!es to the sea of a pitch&dark memory while feeling the unpleasantness to which it is stirred in the [sude] head by bare&handed with soppy and the pain from which the heart is squee/ed. " crape shop fa!orite spent [biwa] and library and [biwa] and we who feel shy are taken, and the fancy goods store for the girl who often stopped. [Cei@suka] near house con!enience store, bookstore, and the end of the year in the second grade of 6unior high&school when deadline of cc rookie of the year award was incidently near at hand

[$nd of %age #E>]

The appearance of [biwa] was seen by #FE [untoshoppu]. [-iwa] watched the shelf that queued up a men4s hair care commodity with the steely look why why. *hat do you do in such a place? Co you use it about the person in the house? It had walked to the interior for [fui] and the back when ha!ing called it. "fter misinterpreting the face as [biwa] shook when this is asked the ne(t day u It doesn4t know. It answered laughingly, It is not [konoha] looking mistake0. Coes it get irritated and isn4t it a mistake, and am I guessed this time when saying that it was [areha] [biwa] by eyes to which it gets irritated, and does girl and my of the other ..[konoha].. distinction ..0.. attach either?

Tight..!oice..say..panic..apologi/e. *asn4t the appearance of [biwa] a little strange from those days? It was said, it was 0I wanted to concentrate on the contribution work0 to ha!e spent e!en closing a library in the library after school till then, and came to often stand from the seat ahead of time. It yielded to necessity because the deadline of the pri/e was a new year though I felt that secretly awful lonesomely. It was thought that it was because dopy [biwa] in class ha!ing a congested red eyes also scripted it till late e!ery e!ening. It looked back on posted [biwa] the day before of the deadline that did not float the post of the entered application manuscript the tea en!elope with a smile finally cheerfully.

[$nd of %age #F?]

They often laughed before [biwa] of finish [taato] contributing because of a really trifling change, liked to make fun of me, and spent e!ery day till late in the library the defeat by 8hapter #FFB until spring came if it ..boy.. trowed. ften thinking, something was already different. "nd, I also ;. It was a start that recei!ed the telephone that my work is chosen to be a grand pri/e from the publisher in "pril. <ne(pected..uneasy..something..make a mistake..pu//! It was said that it did not write by the autograph but the word&processing software would be used, and input the manuscript that I wrote to the personal computer e!ery day. The schedule of publication had already been decided, and a pre!ious notice was printed in 0'ale # of a historical pri/e winner0 and the maga/ine with all names and the titles turned down. *hen it had come to be able to do blind touch, it was a season of changing dress for the season. [koromo]

"nd, the grand pri/e winner was grandly reported to be #9&year&old 6unior high school student at the end of )ay, and the first work of [miu] Inoue was put on the market the two weeks later. Aoom to be desperate though the problem in the presence is digested, and for changing [biwa] to worry ; me for two months.

[$nd of %age #F#]

#F=. )oreo!er, because it had had the secret for [biwa], it was welcome oppositely that [biwa] was busy and the time spent together decreased. *hat there in [biwa] by you when we were writing unpleasant [ni] and the first contribution 8omposition possibly that.. question of two months ..the keep away from..? *hat of [biwa] ha!e I o!erlooked? 8an I ascertain the hope for [kamupanerura]? *hen it seemed to be swallowed to uneasy [dorodoroshita] and it became it, a small footstep was in the other side of the door. I did not want to be seen the swollen face, and [tookosenpaimasaka] and the [tooko] senior went to school or it did not want to e(pose the 7iyoshi [kenai] appearance any further, and it ..#F0$mbarrass it;.. went out to act foolishly. It concealed oneself secretly about the curtain momentarily. If I was not able to hide myself in such a place indefinitely, it dro!e in, [okubiyo] appeared, the chest was smart, it got mi(ed up, and I was cowardly for the 6udgment not to attach. Co the hold one4s breath, and the ear is quietly clarified in the sound from the other side from which it curtains thin hear. Cisregarding [hai] [sei] or the door opened, and the sign that the person entered did. 'ound in which chair is pulled and smaller sound that edge of a chair hits desk.

[$nd of %age #F,]

It quietly e(cludes and it sees in the room from the space of the curtain while feeling the sweat oo/e out to the space palm. It was a diminuti!e schoolgirl that sat on the pipe chair on the side of the desk for the back who cut not the [tooko] senior but a light hair on the shoulder and arranged it. Cid you come to the boy [tooko] senior who had been defeated by 8hapter )r. [takeda] Takeda cc ? #F>B to meet? r, am I waited for? Takeda doesn4t stir on the knee the bag while held. " small back for here is strained. Takeda opened the bag when the appearance thought so ..might be strange.., and something was taken out of the inside. It was understood that it that gleamed was a retractable knife, got cold at a dash the line of the backbone, and it went up. The 8hitty 8hitty of # blades ..the nature that was [nani] Takeda #.. and the sounds pushed out shook air, and I brushed off the curtain frantically. 0['an] Takeda0 Takeda looks back only on the upper&body. There was no innocent e(pression like a small dog there.

[$nd of %age #F3]

Hollow e(pression ll like doll that comes off completely feelings that strike #=? and fell. It was concealed to [hehehehehehehe] under the mask, and true Takeda #??? lo!e watched me with the pupil like the glass bead. [7onoha] 0cc [kokoroha] senior0 Indifferent lowered !oice. " red line started, blood saw the drip, and the !oice trembled with a palm 0It is cc ..going out of such a place.. foul0 left. u cc Takeda of [nanishiteru]. Cid you cut it the hand and by yourself? *hy do?

0 cc ..0.. is confirmed. [Tetandesu] cc. It is !ery painful when dying or becomes it. cc ..neatly the desire or ..pain.. becoming of [itte]..0 The whole body has a chill like ha!ing bathed in the 0&0 cold water. Takeda looked down at its blood of the stream to the palm by hollow eyes. "fter that, the mask of face [chiawoage] and innocent, bright Takeda #??? lo!e tried to be slowly co!ered, and with a smile. To [hehehehehehehehehehehehehe] u It is safe. It doesn4t die really0 The cold one ..!eriest smile without cloudy weather in the word and one point of [kumokanbekiso] either.. starts again in the line of the backbone. To [meiwaku] [he] u -ecause the one that it is not possible to die here. The one that troubles [kokoroha] seniors. Therefore,

[$nd of %age #F9]

-ecause it comes here then, it tries to commit suicide, and [damehehehehehehehehehehehehehe] [heda] , death [6iya] is not good here, and to be put the stop on [hehehehehehehehehehe] to [hehehehehehehehe] by cc cc no goodness ..not good.. me when coming to want to die to [hehehehehehehehehehehehe]0 0cc# ..glossing o!er.. to be particular0 clinging answers and Takeda ..0.. answers no first time with a smile fresh. 0It is a hardened offender. 0 It is not one&happy. 8hapter #=#B *hen was it the boy defeated, and? the word that only two Takeda muttered re!i!ed to the interior of the ear, and an inorganic e(pression like the doll that was floating in [ashikishitsunotoki] Takeda4s face came in succession in Takeda who was laughing in the presence now.

" happy [fun@isa] Il yellowtail is only done. -ecause it doesn4t want ..atmosphere.. to destroy it. I thought the heart to be gone through. The smile disappears from Takeda4s face with wa!e [gasu] [&] to pull it. u cc cc It bubbled o!er for a moment recently.

[$nd of %age #FB]

..#=,.. ..association.. [outte] and cc ..saying... I was going to laugh suitably happily to gloss according to the sea weed of the long ages for cc like the date because I had surely thought [6iyoudan] to be a 6oke cc. cc It was safe or was possible to think by becoming it while it was doing so cc. The yellowtail like a usual girl can keep being done or it becomes and cc as it is. -ecoming one person, it becomes feelings becoming of a 6et&black hole in the mind emptiness suddenly like air [i], and standing in that only by one person. "h, and it must change into [hehe] and, after all, cc must change into [hehehehehe] cc. [2atte] that is the state as it is cc. It becomes times and such feelings or it becomes and cc. cc0 Cying is [tta] and : ..becoming.. ..0.. ..the idea in such a way.. ..not good... 0 I ran up to Takeda, and grasped its hand with the cutter by both hands. It hangs down one4s head, power is put in the trembling finger, and it mutters in feelings to which the chest seems to collapse. Takeda4s 5apanese syllabary 0'uch sad thing and saying cc ..asking it..0 hand had stiffened coldly. The hand trembled only 6ust a little. To [hehehehehehehe] u

Howe!er, the cc [kokoroha] senior. I was going to conceal me shameful, and to ha!e had regular kid4s face cc. It laughed hard timidly cc. It is possible to laugh.

[$nd of %age #FE]

8hapter #=3B It is a defeated boy accumulation. 2e!ertheless, it was said by the person i and yesterday0 Intense fear to bear to shout to Takeda4s !oice blotted. To [hehehehehehehehehe] and to [hehehehehehehehehehehehe] u "cting, and good kneading The forced smile, and it continues by when0 The impact that Takeda felt ..trembling finger.. is transmitted from the !oice. Takeda when looking up looked as white as paper, and there was [te] in despair ..eyes.. ..opening wide... *ho ..0.. said such a thing to you? 0 Takeda mutters that it begins to squee/e it to a worried instigating. 0It is [tooko] senior4s younger brother of cc0 [Aiyuu] and )r. [naganin] are ..lp 0.. ..lip.. ..shi!er.. [ka]. u Des. It said. ..association.. [outte]. -ecause it was from directly a type0 )r. [naganin] lightly held the straw of cola in one4s mouth, and said by the [keroritoshita] face. It reported to meet )r. [naganin] right now in carrying after Takeda had been sent to the house.

ne [issuyo]. *here are you [kokoroha] and now? )r. [naganin] was to respond easily, and to ha!e come to the fast food shop of meeting. I am seen.

[$nd of %age #FF]

ne bruise u It is the ..reco!ering.. ?. what you do It was a man ahead great0 It to coming and to ha!e admitted making suitably impure and searching for Takeda easily though withered [..]. u *hen it comes among [kokoroha] the other day. It ..[oto].. consulted about .. piece.. [irutte]0 It said certainly. It howe!er won4t notice and it notice. "s for the face in Takeda4s table, )r. [naganin]4s fa!or bright and healthily stops and is far apart. 2e!ertheless, did )r. [naganin] see through his face in Takeda4s back? That mask that Takeda is desperately concealed the true self and made up. )r. [naganin] releases his mouth from the straw, and it grins. u )y fa!or and ? ..knowing.. " guy ....rinctumming.. [reteru] somewhere.. dangerous likes [tamannaku]0 )r.[)s. "mamiya with whom )r. [naganin] had been associating [amemi] and in front of was such a child. $!e..dry!ide..'he..usually..usually..borderline..dan gerous..shake..stand.

u -ubbling o!er [mawattemashitayone] ..happy... can sol!e strike [iwakan] also by the guy met for the first time ..[chiiha] and tying smile [wara] [ttete].. at the party of the e!e ['hiterundanatte] noticed an additionally happy yellowtail [aakoitsu] and surroundings it was ..what it was.. ..the sense of incompatibility... It does and it e(ists fully similar to the fret yew [nakoto] and [ya] [tteruyatsuha] so. [7okoroha] is [wara] in the social etiquette.

[$nd of %age #F=]

It is ..making.. [russho] as for the boy face defeated by 8hapter #=BB. $!en if I do not think that This -oy must act, I do not usually point out the such a thing Ichi squid tabby either. ne4s period of apprenticeship enters too much by the looking brink thing, and the cat that has recei!ed it is [te], and is impressed and [chimatte] in usualness in case of [chiino] though through [shimasu] ,. cc 'he of that party and you had come many people, and with whom do it return, and it got into trouble ..going at [de] and the return ..!oice.. disregarding it to see the sea by two people.. ..+ 0... ! The !oice steepens naturally. )r. [naganin] was the worrying appearance, and either kept talking. u h dear, because [sonohen] became accustomed, it was rolled good. It [tte].. bubbles o!er for a long time and it ..phlegm.. becomes empty also in [de] and the [chiiha] sea. It might ha!e rela(ed one4s guard against i when looking at in a row the other side of [mi/u..sen] because 2oboru [nagatonarittekite] and ..sun.. congenial atmosphere at the dawn. *hen the ne(t was whiffing seen, the sea was seen e(pressionlessly as the 2oh mask. !

Heat shuts oneself up in )r. [naganin]4s eyes, and an innocent e(citement mi(es with the !oice. u Those emotionless eyes. It came chilly. "h, and this fellow and ..interest.. [itte] after all ! ..anger.. head became hot. u *as ..association.. [outte] said to Takeda and? Co other associating people e(ist? Though it might be happy that it foretells, it is had a grudge, and it is en!ied by [nmatakimiha] and the girl, and put the groin by the hobby. Takeda is not a child who dresses light&hearted with play. !

[$nd of %age #F>]

)r. [su] [naganin] #=E seeing stares at me by tough eyes, and the edge of the mouth is raised lightly. u I agree to [nnano]. Therefore, it said. 4The forced smile, and continue by when4. The face that saw me in the sea is shown more and [hoshiinsuyo]. ! The edge of Takeda was said so by you, and shocked terribly though was 00 entrance goes up further.

u [Ceshoune]. The mask peels off in the with a hurl of the sword, and . from cold face [shitemashita] like ice. Immediately after that, with a smile, and [muneha] is saying [tansuyo] in cat [tte] and [soramou] [sai] or more to one4s heart4s content. 42oticed well4 c. It fell in lo!e more and more. ! It unbearably gets irritated a tone that the 7ei foil saddle is fri!olous ....way.. talk about their lo!e affair... It became a little serious face, and with a shrug of the shoulders of )r. [naganin] when it ..0Takeda ..[routoshitanda/o] ..cutting one4s wrist.. [&]..0 seriousness [mi].. started and he said. u [8hiiha] cc uneasy [nansuyone]. 8heating surroundings acting ; to letter&perfect. It has in [de] and a troublesome thing and it has one tying guilt in that. It is ..[ittsumokatsutou] conflict [shite].. e(hausted as it keeps performing me of the lie as it is though strikes by the -arre cod, and is ..[bikubiobiku].. frightened. selfish ..might permission.. Therefore, it might be [icchimaun] in the direction of [itte] easiness.. want that wants to die, and ends. ! It says so, and it stares at me softly cooperating under the mandible.

[$nd of %age #=?]

8hapter #=FB Cefeated boy u

[7okoroha] ..sleep.., ..negligent guy like me.. [iinsuyo]. [chiini] ! )r. ..0*hat?0 [awani].. [naganin] was going to ha!e eyes bitter ..pitied momentarily... *as it the one it turned by Takeda or the one ha!ing been turned by oneself or the one that had been turned to me who did not understand at all or the 6udgment did not attach. ..chest.. [chikuritoshita] somehow. u To me the guilt e!en of the cat [rino] liar himself[herself.. because it ends without feeling it. If the other party is a nebbish of dripping, it can be thought [temo] and e(ternals each other by cheating. 'incerely like, like one, and the [chiiha] shamefulness can finish being not endured, it is likely ..[chimai].. to commit suicide seriously, and in pure man beautiful I in case of importance, importance, and [tamaranaitteiu] seem ! The throat is firmly tightened. " black [u/utedorodoroshita] whirlpool hea!ily e(tends to the chest though )r. [naganin] is telling Takeda4s story. 'awa u It is fresh and is gentle, and when it is a good guy, it does and chair ..coming.. [te] *aske. [chiino] former [kare] *hat kind of ..true [chiiga].. guy, it did not understand at all, and because it is serious and liked obedient, lo!ely, simple, good&natured [..] Takeda #??? lo!e, can do nothing but [chiiha] separation ..0.. [tansuyo]. !

[$nd of %age #=#]

)r. #== [naganin] word is [] as for the chest. The throat becomes hot, and it becomes suffocating. It is ..swinging.. [hotsusashitara] any further as for feelings, and [ru] ..the occurrence of the fit... I grasped the paper cup of [aisutei&] with [gyutsu]. The ice of starting melt becomes and the entered ..cold.. [namanurui] glass becomes lukewarm gradually. I do not belie!e all of "sakura because I deify "sakura to your [mitai]. The word of the criticism of )r. "kutagawa re!i!es to the interior of the ear, it becomes stifling more and more, and the chest seems to be crushed. u cc "re not there [] and such drinking being likely being likely the con!iction of , sonny? I do not think association with you today. ! " shin .. piece.. se!ere0 )r. [naganin] smiles wryly. '!ide..become empty..person..bad..e( ? .. piece.. said The piece ..that hospital.. knows is + is... u cc, and [dattane] Takeda also left with the said flower that !isited cc e!en if meeting you in the hospital0 'omething was suddenly caught with muttered in the trembling !oice.

[$nd of %age #=,]

8hapter #=>B Cefeated flower that !isits boy cc. )r. [naganin] was nasty and it had added it before it ha/y in the mind took shape. u

Co you do not to relate with the commotion of [mo] and ..reco!ering.. hospital of the face? There was a telephone in [tookoane] from [kotofu] so often. It is she, and is greatly smart and [mashitane] though relaid by me. 4Took the place of the [tooko] senior early4 was scolded in the !oice that seemed to cry as for the small talk when trying to do0 The breath stopped, and it almost stood up by refle( action. The chair shakes with [gatan]. *hat did [kotofu] speak to the [sanha] [tooko] of one ..[tooko] senior4s calling.. [nante] [kotofu] senior? *hat did the [tooko] senior think because he or she heard it? The appearance of [kotofu] who runs away while crying from the sickroom seems to float on the head, and to tear the chest. To [he] u [7okoroha]4s e(&girlfriend cc [biwa] is said. " lo!ely name shin0 $!en the name of [biwa] is cc# [mouyametekure] why. The story is [shitakunai]. )r. [naganin] when ha!ing tried to report so muttered and the meaning muttered ..depth.. [ni]. 0The same name shin of the writer as [miu] Inoue0 throat was strongly tightened, and I lost the !oice. Cid you hear it from the [tooko] senior? r, is [kama] put?

[$nd of %age #=3]

The sweat in the palm that grips #>? sheets of paper glass is ..balloon.. sticky and is yucky. I muttered, 0cc0 with much effort.

The story of [miu] is continued while seeing me in the glance that perse!eres by )r. [naganin] and arri!es. u [)iu] Inoue that read [konaida] , by chance. The 6udge4s criticism was recorded in the end of a book, and it was [te], and [betapomi/umi/uafu] praise. Though there were 4This writer can in!ent other works or it is a doubt4 4*riter birth of a new age of a fresh sensibility4 h dear, and 4It is ..theft.. the world in a transparent feeling that should be lo!ed in which [re]4 and [ru] ..[kitsu&i] remark.. 6udge, too0 -asing on that is 0cc0. u 4+ast is a superfluity4 The grand pri/e, and it is perfect, and agreement [] shin like 4"nything is written too much4 to be said all members. 'till..6unior high school hoarse..!oice..ask..)r...lip..edge..loosen. 2e!ertheless, eyes are pitifully and are cc. u It is spoken that it is beautiful. The author might surely be a sensiti!e, happy, pure person0 The word 0-eauty0 pierces like the arrow that paints the poison, it sticks, and it stifles. 0Cid not return ..[gomen].. slowly0 I became impossible to endure it, and the shop was made alone.

[$nd of %age #=9]

8hapter #>#B It ad!ances at a quick pace on the defeated boy [kogo] road of the night where benumbed was finished while !omiting [haa@haa@] and a white breath. )r. "kutagawa was also an ugly part, and said that [biwa] was a free woman. It angelically thought [bokuha] [biwa] to be beautiful, and it 6ust yearned single& mindedly. The mind of me who thought of [biwa] cleared completely like water, and shone like light.

*as [biwa] to which such feelings were turned possibly painful? *as my desire a load to [biwa]? 4In beautiful, pure Iruma only all the more might.. ..[chimai].. ..become impossible to endure [chiiha] shamefulness sincerely liking, liking, importantly, and importantly seem [tamaranaitteiu] it it, and commit suicide seriously.. Takeda4s e(&boyfriend has not understood Takeda4s essence nly the surface was seen, and it came to like Takeda. Therefore, Takeda could do nothing but part from him. *as [biwa] also so? " pitch&dark storm blows hard in needing and the head. 'omeone tells who a cold north wind is g who beats without mercy and it gi!es the swollen face.

[$nd of %age #=B]

Camaged >, the first [bokuga] and # [biwa] or!en 0 KL KL .. to poor KL. Dou become one person fast. ..beating.. [karetandattetsu] disliked & was said to the [harugura] spring entrance. It might be so. To the mouth because it taught in spring mine you. +ewdness has already been done. Is it good in handed down of [busaiku] me? Dou, howe!er, to the habit of plainness laughingly because of warming up in front of [teu/attaitte] and me and ha!ing made it to the one. That time when saying the face of [ro] in spring. It crimsoned, tears were straightened to eyes, it did tremblingly, [yuuaku] trembled, and it was really ugly. Aecently, it doesn4t go to be peak and to play. How did you do?

[*a], and person4s peak does ne!ertheless to you in a remote manner, and is no best friend it up. It is an unpleasant guy.

[$nd of %age #=E]

It is because [hokokitto] and you 6unked the promise with the peak many times. It is reluctant. -ecause I said no ..going.. goodness. Dou are not badly at all according to what alone I say ..what it is... The peak where my dog is talked to without permission, it touches, and ..carrying.. [re] was turned is worse. -ecause the wick that had already cared about my dog pierced the nail to the nail peak, it is safe. Dou could do nothing but withdraw and I withdraw dissatisfaction [tarataranomama] putting [itte] [ttanode] and the peak though the peak is great, it ..anger [hiretsute].. gets e(cited, and it pressed it on me no man I who says such a mean thing. 8hapter #>3B Dou ; the defeated boy aspect. y It became a person. $!eryone was gone to your surroundings e(cluding me. "h it is pleasant. It is the highest. Dou only ha!e to become one more person. [Hataratsu] only has to be torn up to shreds, to soppy dirty, to wail, to despair so that it is not possible to stand up, and to be done. It breaks and [shimaepaii] in [kowaporoporo]. I make the story heard patting the head sleeping and getting it.

..making the best use of.. [sa/u] [koro]. seem the dog it, beha!e faithfully because you are my dog, and gi!e [reba] and the food food

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] is not done. The mansion that is through all eternity is gi!en. $(periment on power one [memoburu] two items. [)e/awa] the first hindrance [nanoha] and that woman. The hand cannot ..[takuwa] [ima].. be put out. If you do not gather strength. KL KL [Ha] eyes hung for se!eral days until not standing reco!ering of KL face. )eanwhile, it was not possible to go to the hospital. -ecause [nanigaattanoka] [..] might wither if you surely see the face. I want you to come early when $&mailing if it is not possible to go to carry [biwa] for a while by the business of the house. The reply came when it was painful that [de] was not able also to meet ..hanging on the first... It was painful to read it. Coes )r. "kutagawa meet [biwa]? -ecause we were shutting one4s trap stubbornly, only attention was recei!ed and it was returned though it would be called by two people by the student guidance room the ne(t day hit with him each other, and circumstances were asked by the homeroom teacher. *e who had gone out of the room returned to the classroom together respecti!ely without talking about a word.

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8hapter #>BB It becomes stinging feelings if it thinks whether defeated boy [kare] and [biwa] speak in the place where I do not know. The [kotofu] [santo] [tooko] senior was an(ious for a long time cc C on the other hand so that I should not ha!e understood the hope for [kamupanerura] that was I who did by may the idea of such a thing seemed to be humble, and it was not possible to do yet either though it had been thought that asked [biwa] with mail, too. [7otofu] might be damaged now. The [tooko] senior might worry. ..[nanase].. %lease gi!e my best regards to )r. [omikota] [shin] what on earth am I doing though it wanted to answer her feelings though it was said? There was Takeda in the counter when going to the library after school Thursday. u Hello the [kokoroha] senior The I4m sorry the other day for making them surprised0 It bows, and it is laughed hail& fellow as [pekori]. The chest was made a straight smile with [/uki]. u cc Takeda. Dou may say ..painful.. [itte] without o!erworking when you are painful0 It is really ..habit 0.. safe to food [he]. -ecause it is )on like [moo] and the habit, etc. ..coming to wanting the death... %lease do not worry. There is sale to which it looks forward, the promise to go is done to seeing the friend and the mo!ie, and it will not be possible to die because the half price coupon of [n] ..the massage.. ..the monger.. has not been used yet ne(t week0 )assaging sale and the mo!ie for Takeda ..possession.. ..,.. ; in [n] e!en if !ery ..good.. ..the difference...

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#>E or cc. It became more painful when thinking so.

u %lease say from me to [nanase] senior4s !isit. I am worried because there is no answer though mail has been stricken since the other day. 'enior..reply..legume..reply..carrying..window..throw away..speak. Instead, it said. u [-okunokotomo] [kotofu] is neatly an(ious though Takeda ..[narenaitte].. worried because of same feelings as e!eryone, too. Takeda was a usual, gentle girl0 Then, Takeda became a suddenly hollow e(pression, and muttered sadly. u Aeally cc? do I cc really look usual? I cc was able to change when the [kokoroha] senior and the [tooko] senior helped in the rooftop or it thought because it became it. cc ..might the kick.. ..becoming... possibly li!e like the regular kid The [kokoroha] senior also li!ed, it struck, and it said. [Itte] cc doing and [yuu6itadoatashiha] and two [..] seniors is necessary to reach different place at last... 'till after all suddenly, cc cc that wants to die and becomes it. become empty 'afe has already returned to cc and the origin no matter how it thinks cc. It is the repetition cc. cc change [tandesho] a little differ really before cc me

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$ncounter ..defeat by 8hapter B.. ..boy #... 0 The pupil at which it looks up shakes uneasily with the pain. The chest is bent only with the limit.

I am also the same as Takeda. It became wise by ending without damaging the person when ha!ing strengthened, and I belie!ed that I grew up though I did not think that I feared it though it was not thought that it had hesitated any longer. *hat has been piled up and the confidence of the little dark collapse disappointing, it lea!es, and it is back to the drawing board. It keeps losing one4s way there in the dark as [kocchi] knocks against. It cannot reach the aimed place at last. cc though there is no what of Takeda4s saying such me in reality. It laughed by force because it became bald, it wanted to encourage e!en a little, and to subdue the pain. u Des. Takeda looks in my eyes like a usual girl0 " light smile seeing floats on millet Takeda4s face. It suddenly had eyes that seemed to be uneasy 0Thank you for cc0, 0The !isit will go tomorrow0, and 0..,.. I hope getting [hehe] mediocrity0 in bright !oices after it had said, and it lowered the !oice.

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#>= 0Dou should not approach that [kokoroha] senior and )r. Ayu cc0 It is likely to watch it greatly. *hen )r. [naganin] indeed thought it was poor, and it followed it, eyes turned down abruptly, and it said awfully and painfully. The word that begins to appear to the throat of0 0-ecause of scary person )r. Ayu stops. It looked up at once, and with a smile of Takeda. u Then, because I ha!e work.

"nswering tells mail when meeting the [nanase] senior0 "fter all, I the ne(t day was losing my way on the passage in the hospital. 'hould I go to [kotofu] to meet cc? The fact of not becoming, and ha!ing damaged [kotofu] changes only into [ttemo] of ..monopoly.. [ayama] , self&6ustification now, too. It might be thought that it doesn4t want to see [kotofu] and my face. It faced the sickroom of [bokuha] [biwa] by thinking by smart the head. *hen [kotofu] is in6ured, let4s neatly hear it from in6ury [biwa]. +et4s go to [kotofu] to apologi/e on that without running away face to face to [biwa]. The door in the sickroom is knocked in tense feelings.

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8hapter B There is no one defeated boy answer. *hen the door was opened and it quietly e(cluded and the inside was seen, it was empty. 0cc ..whether it is likely to go for the inspection..0 as it is It walks to the window. Aed [kaben] Aana [nkyurasu] arranged in the !ase is decorated in a sideward table of the bed. The flower is still new, and the petal is !i!id. *hen the chest was ha/y, and the glance was sideways a!erted, the book on the bedside stayed in eyes. 1ading a/ure co!er. This lI of me. The heart contracted, and to stick fast, the book that had swollen the page was watched. w It read and it returned it many times. Mery beautiful, wonderful talk

( Is there really cc [biwa] thinking so? *hen it is a beautiful, wonderful talk. To the coming [nki] taboo when you reach the fading co!er [fureru] in tense feelings. The sound that the door opens back was heard, and the indention looked back on the arm panicking as for me. It was a woman of the age of my mother who had worn a beige coat that stood in [haosoko]. The face is stiffened as the person made it to [ha]. Dou and )r. ..0.. Inoue. !

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?? [bokumo] , breath almost stopped. [1ande] like white though ha!e met only ,, and 3 times. It recalled it the person who misinterpreted, stared at me, and was applying his face that had thick painted [shon] to the dislike was who. [-iwa] is said you not wanting meet. Cid not [biwa] 6ump down because you had done something to [biwa]? It has not come for the !isit any longer. 'he sounds shoes in bareness, and has compromised to me there is cannot mo!ement in becoming empty of one mother pair of shoes foot of )r. Inoue and [biwa] by the stern e(pression. u "fter all, it is so. "re you in the room of [biwa] why? Coes [biwa]4s ha!ing raged again ; because of you? *hen [biwa] 6umped down, it was so.

'uch a frightening thing is suddenly done though it was quiet child with a good reasonableness till then. [-iwa] depended [kokoroha], and cried because it got e(cited when consideration returned. "fter that, it is # in [kokoroha] to repeat the !oice not wanting see the face [naitte] and e!ery day of wanting hearing that the reason for is that [kokoroha] of not wanting meet0 The !oice co!ered with the thorns where the whip hatred shut oneself up comes to make like a black whip, it makes noise, and I am strike [..].

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8hapter ^ ,?#B Cefeated boy [eru]. The word of mother of [biwa] was what [biwa] said to me, and an opposite. *hen [konoha] came for the !isit, it was dying to meet. )amas did not introduce it. )amas are selfishness that doesn4t do something to me [konoha], and cc ..doubted it... u [-iwa] is [bakkaride] that wants to part from [kokoroha], and not is utterly here. [In] could do nothing but ..picking up.. be done in a hurry. 0 ne impossible [yakotowari] and ..picking up.. cc ..[in]4s ha!ing been made do... [-iwa] to look me up sadly. moisten ..suicide [surutte].. deflecting again [-iwa] at which it is laughed that I was glad to ripen and to meet. The appearance of ..wrapping.. [mareta] [biwa] falls in pure light, and the !oice goes away fast, and the 6et&black dark falls from the head. [Duutome] ..doing... u It abused and it was abused se!erely that it was a mistake of raising [rubeki/umo] that you had recei!ed [biwa] to the mother&in&law by the head of the house because of the beginning as [kidattatoka] and an important grandchild were damaged.

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It was said that it was not able to ha!e been helped because it cried that you did not utterly ha!e [biwa] by as many as two husbands, and you might ha!e been hea!y, and stopped the changing hospital the mother&in&law4s neither intermeddling nor being followed a procedure. I will start to say as mother by the obligation to see side [tao] of the beauty wing !ery as being, be gone to [inakunamenttakaratte] and a hospital here so that it is one ..picking up.. sonny that did [in] of [no] ..meeting.. person of one and annoying mother, formally di!orce me, and remarry to the mistress man who the mother&in&law is an apople(y and takes care of [pokkuri] ..dying.. [biwa] as soon as [cchatta] though it is [nousotsuchiyuui]. "nd, [biwa] becomes obstructi!e, and it has pressed it against me. It is the lowest kud/u !ine. 0 " hateful !oice tries to affect in the dark, to e(tend, to burn up my body as red bloodshot eyes freshly sparkling like the last e!ening sun that sinks in the ruined earth, and to swallow. *as not father of [biwa] working away from home on business? Co you di!orce formally? )istress? I was confused, and shook to the word thrown one after another. It blushes so much, and mother of [biwa] is ..!oice.. ..roughness.. [gete], and what is speaking. "nd, was it true that )r. "kutagawa of p2 and [kotofu] said to [biwa] whether [biwa] had told a lie after all? Cid [biwa] hate me for a long time? To meet, [ri] then why. I ..saying.. # glad to meet

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..holding out.. e!en if you work hard [habiri]. The knee seems to tremble, and to collapse.

The tinnitus does, the tip of a finger is numb, and breath becomes painful. The word of the !omited grudge has not stopped yet. The /ing and the sound were heard, an argent cane flew in the room, the !ase of the night table dropped on the floor, and it bombed at that time. 8hapter 0It stopped and was [shinai] and was [ttsu] [&] in the garbage bo( up to one [] [konoha]0 B It was [biwa] to throw out and to drop crutches to the defeated three boy crutches !ase. $yes of [biwa] that clung to the door burnt with anger. [-achibachi] and the spark scattered and it ripened and good [ru] ..becoming empty.. .. [ho].. boiled again in the pupil. The white face is transparent more and more, it turns pale, and it sees it like the re!enant. The glance of [biwa] was being turned by my mother. u ..mama.. [iruno] . why 'aying must not come to meet, would ha!e said, return, and; It is early and is [&]0 [7ahen], water of the !ase, and a red flower ha!e scattered to the floor. )other turns pale as much as [biwa], too. 0[-iwa] [] is glossed o!er. 0

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, u It goes out and [tte]. It goes out and [tteyoo]. "d! The eating denunciation and the cracking splinter are gro!elling, picked up, and teeth are held mortifying ne(t to the neck. [-iwa] ..0.. [].

0 I thrilled. 0'topping, and [biwa] #0 u Aight now, going out Then, it cuts it in case of not being. 'eriousness [yo]0 [Getsukuo] [haha] finds no word to say. It went out from the sickroom muttering in 0'lept because father came0 and a steep !oice after it had watched for only # or , seconds each other, changing the court, and panicking. [7ahen] drops from the hand of [biwa], it hits the floor, and it rings with [kachan] cc. 0cc In the death, it is all getting cc, and dying is getting c;$ of cc that was scattered getting cc garbage by the death, and was not able to be permitted0 and 0cc [biwa]0 The body that had stiffened finally mo!ed, it compromised to [bokuha] [biwa], it ga!e a lot of care to the shoulder, and they tried to stand. [-iwa] shook off beating the hand. 0cc#0 " long fingernail scratches my shell. The face to look me up is the same face as being aiming at mother.

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! 8hapter ,?BB It was a defeated boy. 1ace with which fury, pain, and grudge are filled. $ye difference [shi] like fire. [-iwa] said to me who made it ..a caly( aghast tray.. because of the lowered !oice. 0..5apanese Cislike shutting oneself up in !oice that re6ects, and is plain absolutely. Hlance carried out. The skin stood and millet stood to fear of falling headlong in ..bubbling.. [yami].

u cc It is true that seeing and [biwa] and mother said. $!en if you ..picking up.. ..[in].. say that you want to do. [2aikaratte] and I wanting meet0 I did not want to admit e!en if reaching the period of [kooyoko]. That might ha!e belie!ed it if that called e!erything mother4s lie if [biwa] was negati!e. It is unpleasant and it differs and [] # is not so. The coming [yuudan] chest is denounced and [] painfulness denounces my ugliness. -ecause [bokuha] [biwa] was not belie!ed Howe!er, I only wanted you to belie!e. 1or stability of my mind. -ecause it is said that it differs of cannot able to endure and how to be hated by [biwa] and is #.

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It crowds and [ro] [tsusagikeredo] [biwa] has not started concealing abhorrence to me in ,?E any longer. It stared by cold eyes of which it was bright bright who pale method [erusa/a] piece me like [kousagi], it placed, and it reported in the !oice to sprinkle the poison. To [hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe] u Cid not it notice? I hate [konoha]. I went to papa because I had not wanted to see the face of [konoha]. "ll ha!ing spoken to [konoha] is a lie0 The sound that the important one bombs to pieces in the head affected. The story and it the finger of the !oice of the smile of [biwa] and [biwa] and [biwa] and [biwa] talked were made a moment, it was fro/en, and broke.

["kushiyutsu] u Howe!er, it is the truth that underwent rehabilitation desperately to meet [konoha]. I wanted to meet [konoha], and to re!enge it. -ecause it is [mono] [&] to do me in this way that is [konoha]0 " cold arrow that goes through the heart. 8ruel implacable word. u I thought that I took up all important things of [konoha]. 0 like the [dama] to my lie, and losing the friend and her, and fools, etc. The opinion doesn4t come out. The e(pression hardens stony, and doesn4t mo!e either.

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It is paste [rare], and is torn up, and is [..] like resistance of ,?= of ..guying.. [mu]. [-iwa] had crutches short, and it struck it to hitting sidewise like ha!ing stopped breathing while had li!ed the head of me who was.!!ide..reality..pu ll..return. [Hou] u Co it grow senile by when? It disappears because it is an eyesore. 0 The door is indicated with the cane. 0*hy cc0 I muttered in the !oice that had gotten hoarse. 0Is if ;$c what of me does cc !ery, it cc ..can permission..?0 I want you to teach. -ecause anything is done if you hope.

$!en my hand, the foot, eyes, and li!es ; because it gi!es anything. To an eternal flame like the bullhead that comes out in the scorpion 42ight of the )ilky *ay railway4 because it may be burnt. 8ompensate. How can I compensate? [-iwa] sharply stabbed the chest of me who seemed to stop the breath with crutches and it shouted to the surging despair. 5apanese syllabary 0"nyway, [indawa] # ..reali/ing the hope for [kamupanerura].. ..[konoha].. ..understanding absolutely.. though one. 0

[$nd of %age ,?#] it is..cane..shoulder..arm..head..chest..many times..beat. 'quat down on the floor not to be settled e!en if it beats or it beats, misinterpret the face painfully while crowded, shut one4s teeth, and many times many times. ..0.. [ttee] ..going out.. [tte] [haya].. ..turning o!er.. ..[da].. ..going out of [tte] #, going out of [tte] #, and going out of [tte] # hating #... 0 Moice of [biwa] that calls out [ro] to ..piling up.. [kuru]. [Hashagasha] and a resounding metallic sound on the body. It is painfulness of ..hitting.. [tsu] as for meat. The room was made as stood up, and said though I was formation [ki]. -ecause it was [bokuni] and the [kiyuiitsuru] only. There was a slippery feeling when forehead [shu] was appropriated to amount. " red stain has blotted to the palm at which it looked down. It strongly suppresses, and it ad!ances on unintentionally and the passage. The whole body cannot breathe hitting like [tareteiru] because it is painful, and it painful yet. " hot mass surges to a full throat, and scenery in the presence grows dim.

*hy do? [-iwa]? O_ why c *hat did [kamupanerura] wish? Dour hope is what. It doesn4t understand understanding... It was not possible to apologi/e though some, the arm, and the shoulder seemed to ha!e knocked against while walking in the lobby in the hospital. -ecause I had looked too awful, was it thought the other side to be unhappy an important person? It doesn4t say at all.

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)ight surely the night outside [6i] seeing ,#?. Coes the dark of the midwinter when e!en the breath is benumbed, too conceal a miserable appearance? *hether it is possible to reach it at last is not understood to the aimed place if walking !ery where. It is not possible to walk any longer. The star is not seen. It doesn4t ad!ance it ahead by as much as one step. *hen it seems to crumble and it becomes it as it is. )oreo!er, it knocked against someone. The person was away or did not e(ist. " cold hand quietly touched a smart cheek. 0cc [kokoroha] [kun]0 "n an(ious !oice calls my name. [7o] ..long way.. senior who put on a na!y blue coat on the uniform when the face that did not come was raised lowered his eyebrow for a moment, and I was seen by eyes that seemed to be ..sorrow.. painful ..hanging [so].. ..[u]...

'oft the tip of a finger gently traces the cheek. 0It kneaded ..telephone.. putting it, and said0 Tears began to o!erflow, and [poroporo] flows in the cheek. It shook and it sobbed in [bokuha] [tooko]4s feet the shoulder ..including dragging and squatting down...

[$nd of %age ,?3]

8hapter E who killed the small bird? . [Ha] male ` The first time these kind of things that are likely to ha!e put away why and are amusing in [ya] pool ser!ant "llais was done repeatedly repeatedly. 2e!ertheless, it doesn4t happen to the a!alanche. 2o one comes. I do not hear it. It doesn4t see and it is not felt, and the garbage that they threw away is !omited, and has disappeared from among my body if "llais is always done. It is not good though it is seeing [shiyuu]. It doesn4t change no matter how "llais is done. It collects in soppy [shita] black [taimonoga] and me who shoots the corrupt smell. Is it still insufficient many times though "llais was done ha!ing done "llais and many times? If "llais is not done, isn4t it good still? The stomach of [neki] [goto] day and e!ery day does "llais in feelings that seem to be ..twist.. [ki]. 2ausea has come to ha!e a lump in one4s throat because the head becomes painful only by thinking "llais is done sooner or later.

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$!erything impro!es if "llais ....old.. ao.. is still done. It was belie!ed that uneasiness that the dirty one collected in the chest trembles, too, fear, anger, and despair were lost. $!en if "llais has already been done, the garbage bo( doesn4t become empty. [&] is because of you.. and you dro!e me mad. It would be sure to be me that depri!ed. It binds, it applies, and it were likely to be sure to make you taste despair, and to make it to the keeping killing. It was I that was depri!ed when noticing. "re you complete? sol!e "ll It depri!ed. It steals and the guilt comes my after [tteitta] and ne!ertheless [koreppocchimonai] with a smile. -esides, do you still request it? Co not it disregard and do it sincerely sha!e it off from my body? It has not remained any longer in me in what. KL KL KL

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8hapter ,#3E Cid [dare] kill the small bird? The tile opinion that was not able to be caused was killed, the gentle do clasp of the hand of me who kept crying, and it was a karaoke bo( that took. the [tooko] senior

The person will be not rapid e!en if crying if it is here of the other. It was said in such a way by the clear smile in [sufuu] and the [warakana] opinion, and tears that withdrew by one degree snuffled slowly ..enough 9? minutes ..[bo] it, and me ..the palanquin.. ..passing.. moreo!er...., and a salty sweat was dripped from eyes. I think that it appeals as saying as going out as it was said to [biwa] that it would hate it while it is seeing [u] in splinters. It sat side by side ne(t to me, and did the clasp of his right hand quietly of the [tonari] [tooko] senior. It ..[nodoshipianmari].. sobs con!ulsi!ely, it has a sore throat, the interior of the nose becomes numb, the head becomes painful, it becomes tired of putting away, and tears ha!e not fallen either. 'till, the [tooko] senior talks gently to me who is shaking its shoulder small looking down like the elder sister. It slept before it met of [konoha] [ko] cc [kokoroha] [kunni], and it went to the [nanasechannoo] room. It worried !ery much [nanasechanha] and [kokoroha] [kunnokotowo]. cc It asked that [kokoroha] [kunwo] helped for me0 The chest seems to tear in another pain. [Hi] [buki] [kotofu]4s crowded ha!ing said such a thing to the [tooko] senior. 'erpent

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It were done to ,#9 [bokuha] [kotofu] that it was awful. I will damage it though I do not want to damage why. The lip or the lip is chewed well, the back of the hand of me who shakes its throat is patted quietly by his finger that the [tooko] senior grasped, and it whispers in a warm !oice. u It is good when it is sleep and mediocrity cc sad when the [bakabaka] [shii] imagination is done a lot.

1or instance, stories of going out of the senior of the yearning to which the pole 6ump is done with track b field team [houtaka] and [sasapune] to the tra!el of training taking the bamboo leaf boat are !ery oaks. The senior is ri!er [madepyo] [ntte] and flies and is [cchau] though the girl tries to pass the senior the lo!e letter written hard0 *hen saying [sandaibanashi] 0cc They are three [dai..] of sweets that I wrote0 lamplight cc to which it is lucky while sobbing con!ulsi!ely u Aoughly, does the talk that the classmate is only a panda when going to the classroom in the new school term ;? ['hiyu&ru], it is quite pleasant. That sleep cc0 )oreo!er, it is happy and talking about the content of sweets that I wrote a long time ago. )ay u The sleep panda stamps one4s feet and, and, the wild e(citement stamps one4s the turn turn floor. Migour will go out if it sleeps, it gets, and it imagines it. 0 [Itte] [mashita] ..saying, and tired out.. ..0cc..0 ..neither taste as milt drying is sprinkled on white chocolate nor fairy tale it when it eats [tooko] senior and the story..

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u Then,, special talk. ['a] ..fear slander macho.. 1arr slips down from [kowayama]0 It speaks with as ..following.. grow old the ne(t as a gentle legend that mother has the child hear three [dai..] that I ha!e written up to now. $ating says the slander complaint with delicious funny taste, and screams, cried mawkishly, and is cc. The talked story permeated through the chest co!ered with defects in [odayakana] a with a smile and a clear soft !oice like the medicine high and ..hit.. ..[ki].. missing it like hearing another story sweetly.

The country? u 2ow it talks about friendship of the girl in the country as follows. The comfort [mu] and fingernail 0..[na] flower easily.. drink the talk that writes [kokoroha] [kunga] though do It is beautiful skin taste [shiino], and the height like the fried dough stick it to sprinkle enough communication and the soybean flour of the letter rib with the paper folding in the !ery ..two person.. friend, sweetness, and the [tooko] senior of 0Isn4t it my story epilogue borrowing a little while ago?0 it 'hima, and cc. cc ..the remembrance of e!erything.. It forgets of neither nothing nor whom0 It is warm !ocal like the wind of [shouharu]. Hentle hand that grasps si( [bokuno] hand. 'low comparison of small star of mind that has been shut to ] despair, feelings, surfacing

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It is washed by ,#E doing. u Two years ha!e already passed since it met. )eanwhile, it grows up ..[kokoroha] [kunha].. little by little ..holding... It is ..[kokoroha] [kunha] today.. different. those days4 [kokoroha] [kunto] -ecause I of a literary girl who has continued to eat the cc [kokoroha] [kunnoo] talk say, the mistake is not found for myself though it is likely not to notice0 It declares to cheerful [hoga], and power is put in the grasped hand only a little. Is it really so? The confidence of little rubbish must collapse, lea!e, hesitate, and to foolish Aina4s. u That sleep cc.

*ill [shi] ..attempting.. ..going.. ..[n] coming [n].. absorbed 4'hunkin4 inad!ertently at the round in space in the way book pa!ilion while seeing the [kokoroha] [kunto] map? To print out the harp to the mind through all eternity in spring when [sasuketsubu] [bi] was scolded, Tasuku associate [ha] my eyes are crushed. cc though it trembles. be o!erwhelmed to being [omo] ..Tasuku.. ..associate.. drink in the form of one !ery merchant sublime [oshikute] lo!e no matter how it reads it breathed in so 'leeping, I think the act of him to be correct. *as it really good for the harp in the Tasuku associate [nitottemo] spring that only a beautiful 'teller4s sea lion appearance of a fa!orite other party tried to be mindful? *asn4t there possibly another way though it is thought that it might ha!e been happy for two people or either .. -oth, obtain different more happiness.

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8hapter ,#FE Cid [dare] kill the small bird? aks that are not the [mode] diffidences are ..idea.. cc0 I also think while feeling the warmth of [tooko] senior4s hand. *as it of me happy also now if only memories that [biwa] is beautiful were cherished? I ha!e learnt ..sali!a.. ..decided.. [dakedo]. *hen [biwa] cheats, hates not the angel with white wing but others or is a girl of free man. It thought, and it was [kotode] worried [tsurashin] of [biwa] [chan] and it is 0cc to be said in importance for a long time ..[itakara] and [biwa] [chan].. ..the dislike.. ..painful.. [kokoroha] [kunha] as for [biwa] [channokoto]. Howe!er, it can be opposite to [kokoroha] [kunnara] today and true [biwa] [chan]. [-iwa] [channi] and another road only not hated should be able to be indicated. cc I think so0 It was thought that it was not possible already to ha!e stood up the dark a little while ago.

*hen the dark can do nothing but not understand the direction of tra!el dark, and deeply, and crouch while bled. The blood of forehead [bansoukoukeredo] and amount was stuck on a plaster by the [tooko] senior, and stopped. "n intense black bli//ard that blows hard quiets down before one is aware the humble chest, too. The indoor telephone rings, the [tooko] senior stands up, and the recei!er is taken. u Des. I see. cc 2o the e(tension was e(cellent0 It put, it looked back on the recei!er, and it said with a smile straight. u It will print in fi!e another minutes. #S Time is ..question.. [ne] of [attoiu]. 'low return [rokka]? [7okoroha] [kun]0

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,#= [bo] 1 ..turning o!er.. i and ) Ichi0 The outside was the cold fro/en to the bone ..on.. ..i!y C.. though it fro/e and [fuu] stopped. "ir pierces, it sticks, and the face is smart numb. The [tooko] senior shortens [buru] and his body while walking in the ne(t. [Ise] u It is, and it neglects and I should ..4Tales of Ise4.. get [de] peacefully on the night of [uu] and winter after all.

I am embarrassed because of the [itte] forecast will snow around ne(t week though it said. *eekend..national center test for uni! one4s head..white..hand..breath..!omit..repeat. ''aturday..tomorrow..eye..peel. Des, the encounter ..0.. face on 'aturday for a long time pri!ily of getting cc ..the ne(t on 1riday.. ..[damono]0 0The day before of one remark [tterun6aarimasen] e(amination ..[naniyattendesuka] #.. 0.. ..the [kokoroha] [kunga] lobby.. when [nanasechannoo] pays a sympathy !isit.

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8hapter ,#>E Cid [dare] kill the small bird? The cheek in a moment becomes hot + cheek [tooko] senior4s word because it ..[de].. stood. Then, cc though it is certainly so. cc though it is not likely to be able to study by returning in that situation. cc though I do not understand how to ha!e become it now when returning. The e(aminee4s consciousness is really passing of being. in spite of ah Canger and I remo!ed my muffler, and wrapped it around [tooko] senior4s neck round and round by $ 6udgment e!en for free. u The problem collection is not said about saucer mathematics now remember officially or it is necessary to be undone. 2o [yasu] ..cold [haya].. ..turning o!er... make today warm it it of it it of it of it of it of it of it "bility $ 6udgment falls into 5 6udgment when catching a cold0 Hlo!es are remo!ed, [tooko] senior4s hand is gripped, and it fi(es it by force. [%unto] swelled and ..cheek.. complained 7a [monku] [tooko] ahead. u It went up to C 6udgment by the last pri!ate e(ams.

0It is neither it, not nor ability, and a miracle like the accident0 08atch lightning in a bottle0 8 attaches or ability like - should be able to be demonstrated on that day because I am strong in the real thing0 " pure&white muffler is rolled in the neck, and 0+iterary girl0 that fi(es a little large glo!es laughs da//ling like light.

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If it is this, it is likely not to be strained, and the real thing is relie!ed a little about ,,? while ama/ing [utenkiakikinchiyou] traditional masked dance&drama weather [sani]. Aipen..senior..muffler..neck..bury..glo!es..face..push..glad..lo!ely..mutter..a little while ago..light..step..walk. ..peel.. ..[naga].. ..saying.. knitting kneads [hyokohyoko] [to]. There is only someone in the ne(t also at dark night, and it becomes warm feelings. "d!anced courage ahead boils. The [tooko] senior was repaired on the separation of0 0-ecause of here I then road and the direction was slightly repaired to me. u Thank you for the muffler and glo!es. It returned it in the room on )onday0 The [teyuku] of 0$ach other , [tooko] senior0 bag away [tooko] senior was called to stop, and I dragged the pen case from the bag. 0?0 The mechanical pencil used whene!er the case is opened rushing it while saying, and three [dai..] is always written to wait to the [tooko] senior who inclines his fading neck is gripped, and it presents it. u %lease take it to tomorrow4s e(amination. It is guard to catch lightning in a bottle0 *hy why ..[hehehehe].. [rashikunaikotowoshi] ..shamefulness so much, and unscientific..?

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8hapter ,,#E Cid [dare] kill the small bird?

It became bald, the [tooko] senior encouraged me hard surely, and I wanted to return it. The [tooko] senior watches me with a popeyed, red face. )y cheek was also hot. )echanical pencil..grasp..hand..glo!ed hand..blow..see. [Too]&eyelash child senior turns down long [], it looks down quietly, and a small smile is floated on the mouth. u Then, [kokoroha] [kunno] feelings are not fully put in this pen. Hi!e to me praying for me to able to attack the problem in mathematics0 The remaining one hand was piled up on [bokuha] [tooko] senior4s hand, and it muttered to shamefulness looking down. 0The miracle happens, the [tooko] senior sol!es the problem in mathematics smoothly, and it passes the uni!ersity of the fa!orite0 *hile feeling the throbbing pulse the temperature of a body each other by the [kutsukodoutsukisouna] ..amount and amount.. distance by looking the breath that !omits [sa/ahito] to white in in the dark assumed to be bright bright and an unpopular right angle crossroads. The tip of a finger is sincerely told the word. The touching hand becomes in the cloth of glo!es and the tip of a finger becomes hot with gin. The [tooko] senior looks up. 0Thank you0

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It grasps and it has parted as ,,, ci 8iornie is ..[nagomase].. plentifully happy and the smile seeing and the mechanical pencil are important. [Hanba] 0Co your best it is so good in the [kokoroha] [kunno] fa!or tomorrow. 0 u It returns straight without stopping on the way.

'uch a stupid thing is stopped as a fe!er ran without noticing because it engrosses oneself in a book in the bath though it is a cold water bath. It often dries without di//ying, and it sleeps at once about ..pulling out.. hair that was [nura] the remainder. It is not forgotten to set an alarm clock0 The hand that gripped the mechanical pencil while going away 0There is ..&.. it is0 with a smile is !i!idly wa!ed. I saw off indefinitely indefinitely until a slight appearance disappeared in the other side of the dark of the night. KL KL If you do not regain the one that KL was depri!ed. *ho is [nanihi] and [tsunakushi] any further? $!en if "llais has already been done, it is not sa!ed. It begins to fail to get, and the head is a function in normality from the garbage bo( at the filthy term.

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The mind 6ust breaks so that it is not possible to destroy it ,,9. It is possible to regain, and it regains it. [7okoro] can ..crowding.. fly to air, ..eye.. make them absorb it, and finish the ear. It doesn4t go well. It is not possible to sleep today. The night is scared and it scared that [gi] lea!ing and the morning come during the week. It handles, it is 6udged from among the room in which [hiya] when the sun is seen to rise to clearness and the dawning sky, and it becomes a nature to which the epilogue punishment has been recei!ed. The body seems to be torn up into da//ling light that clarifies e!erything. $!en if timidly comparing [naruna] [&] and this bodying it crumble, it is regained e!en to substitute it with [mogetemo] and ..hands and feet.. life.

It is tracing eyebrow surely [keru] of [tadoaa] , [sousurepa] in the star of great. Then, I will learn why there is at last 01ortunately of the truth0. Is it warm and purity? It is likely to be able to sleep restfully in the sacred ground. "rri!ing on the memo this day is B?. [7oshin@oto] resounds fully in the head whene!er carrying trembles though the [keitaihibi] sound is sure to be cut. It keeps ringing for a long time for a long time e!en if carrying is mo!ed to the place in which it doesn4t see it.

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'topping already and stopping It is not ..garbage.. a throw and it has already o!erflowed full, and ..garbage bo(.. abo!e. Cid this 8hapter ,,BE [dare] kill the small bird? Telephone from - death sleep, betrayer, and one satan mama. It is angry though you called. %apa will come ne(t week. It is annoying. Telephone and finishing ringing $!eryone and he are also all annoying. [&] ..already unpleasant.. KL KL the weekend of KL national center test for uni!ersity S It was raining in daytime. [7o] senior is that ..long way.. [sha] this time. hear the rain sound that the sleet mi(ing is cold in the room where heating works It was thought whether to paint out the mark sheet with the pen. [7otofu], )r. dirt [gawa] [gomoku] 'ichuan, and [biwa] after that

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'houted [biwa]. do eyes that seem to take, to a!oid ,, and to be painful to me who asks that ..,,E 5apanese syllabary.. [yuru] ..hanging down.. can do reali/ing the hope for [kamupanerura] then I wanted to reach the answer at last. It tries to e(pand the map made from two people on the desk, and to watch again. ur minds drew close certainly together on that day promised to go to outskirts of space. To turn one4s eyes away up to now and not to run away but opposite to [biwa], I do not want to deny that it was between [shii] [toki] e(celling ..[odayakana]... *hen the space drawn in the iris with [naga] [iro] pencil is looked at, mother has entered the room. [)u] u $lder brother. The steamed bun was made. +et4s make it to tea. $;c is.. it0 The map on [tsukue] is seen, and the face ..o!ercast.. is clouded. 01ound it from the interior of thrusting0 and 0'o cc0 [chinmokuenriyo] mother !ailed one4s eyes to hesitate and became silent. "fter that, the glance was raised a little, and [ta/u] was asked coyly. ..elder brother.. cc *as there cc anything ..in6ury 0.. though there seemed to be a lot of in6uries recently? 0 It hesitates and continuation is pushed out. 0, Aelated to. !

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8hapter ,,FE Cid [dare] kill the small bird? *hen coming home making ..reco!ering.. [wo] in the face I when )r. "kutagawa of the bruise had !isited suddenly, mother had not pursued it any more when I said, 0It was nothing0. It is likely to ha!e worried for a long time the kick. [Isuhoku] rotated the chair, and the direction was repaired to mother. u cc Des. Aecently, it met [biwa]. Then ..returning.., ahead.. cc0 The surprise floats on mother4s eyes. It looked up at mother, and I put and said feelings. u [-iwa] keeps still undergoing rehabilitation. cc for !arious reasons I seemed to suffer, and want to do being able to do by me0 )other ga/ed my ..seemed to conceal of the shake desperately.. eyes, and muttered in the !oice that painful feeling had. 0cc [biwa] [chanha] and so ..returning.. cc0 u )other and mother are not [bokuni] [biwa], and ha!e said you might play with other children. *hy does that ;? 0 It looks down so that mother may hesitate again. *hen I was waiting quietly, eyes that seemed to be sad were done, and spoken ..0cc0.. cry. 0-ecause should not [biwa] [changa] seen done, cc. 0

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'upermarket..sleep..pocket..electric..ra/ out..catch. [)anbi] [biwa] misses calling and is #F gate 0cc because the moment as for shoplifting. It was [biwa] [chanha], and was !ery accustomed and was [yokeiru]. "nd, the foot did not mo!e e(tra in surprise0 There was an electric ra/or in the treasure of [biwa] if it was said along. ther tooth polish powders or sho!els or canned cat foods or changeable whats had mi(ed. "nd, when you see [biwa] as a mass merchandiser. "t that time, did [biwa] ga/e the shelf of a men4s hair care commodity why? *hen the skirt of the skirt not to flatter was quickly shaken and you turned the back the skirt, did not you see the shine, and disappearing in the skirt the one like a small bottle with [chikari] by the hand of the beauty wing? If the collection of [moshimo] , [biwa] is booty of shoplifting. The sweat is blotted to done [gekiteki] [shu], and mother informs me who knits my breath of a impact or more thing. Then, it dances or, that much, 'etsu tendon 0cc not is...!e.

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*ho killed the small bird? , 8hapter E 0 mother !ails one4s eyes painfully. u "t that time, [mahana] was in li!ing, and mother was taking in the laundry in the garden. It tried to wrench the mouth of [mahana] open by [biwa] [changa] and one hand, and to push fragment [kahen] of soap like the thumb there when returning. It entered frantically for the stop. It was said that it would ha!e gotten off to use [biwa] [chanha] and the washroom. Then, [mahana] did the other party because it had seemed to want you to play.

Ha!ing thought that this soap was cool because it smelled good e!en if eating was lonesome cc. cc ..becoming... ..[kotoga].. scary of [biwa] [chan] since then selfishness cc that it was [biwa] [changa] and was not [ttan] *hen the ricebird died elder brother4s !aluing, it doubted it. It is suddenly too timely in the day when it came ..the death.. e!en if it is not thought that it disregards it by ..such a thing.. thinking in ..[biwa] [chan].. play cc ..thinking... "t that time, will blood ha!e blotted from the throat of the tutu? In e!ery respect, because it did not die of sickness, and it seemed to ha!e thrust throat [kawai] with the needle or the pin, cc. It is not sure ..elder brother who has cherished [chuchiyu].. to gloss it o!er It is not thought and cc of [datoshitara] and [biwa] [chanshika]0 It becomes cold in the head and the appearance of a white small bird that did not mo!e floats.

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,3? ne [doushite]? Has ..peel.. , reddened why? In the tutu, is dying [tta]? $ )other equi!ocated to me who appealed while crying because of the throat of the tutu why by a pale face. "nd, it was said that it went to space, and it comforted, the story of [yu] was heard, and comforted the tutu smiled softly by [biwa]. The smile of [biwa] at that time completely wears another impression. It is a smile in [hi] that conceals dark feelings back with the poison. [Tatakafutokoro] ran through in the [sesu6isenritsu] line of the backbone. "nother one and another image start coming from the bottom of the memory to the surface.

*hite curtain, blackboard, water tank, and desk that breathes in and shakes wa!eringly so. I of grade&schooler. Hrade&schooler4s classroom of morning only of [biwa] and two people. [8huchi]

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8hapter E Cid [dare] kill the small bird? ne was done, it became painful as the head cracked, and the throat was tightened strongly momentarily. $lder brother and ..0cc.. ..piling up.. ..0 0.. safe? 0 It touches my shoulder as millet mother panics. u cc It is cool. [7ura] and [shitadakedayo] for a moment0 $yebrow mother4s eyebrow falls. ..0.. I4m sorry cc. )other was from ..[hen].. [hana]0 02o thank you for speaking0 mother4s face seems to cry a little again. The !oice that [mahana] called us under the stairs was. u I seem not to be able to wait for [mahana]. )other who went to the under0 )other said to me who stood up from the chair by a face that seemed to be sad. u cc It was ..[kotoga].. scary of [biwa] [chan], and when 6umping down, the elder brother regretted from ..[biwa] [chan].. rooftop !ery much with the lot way kept away wanting do the elder brother and mother. $!en if you only ha!e to scold [biwa] [chan] as an adult neatly when it is a cer!ine [biwa] [chan] child.

*hen a correct direction can be taught by doing so, oaks that 6ump down are cc in [biwa] [chan]. 0

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,3, rubs the interior of the chest that e(ceeds it, and makes a small sound. cc for this two and a half years ..suffering also of mother... It is not only a child that loses one4s way on the road of the night. $!en the adult might hesitate, and make a mistake. )other muttered in a !oice small while !ailed one4s eyes. [)ahana] runs in [takataka] and the stairs when answering, 0It helps and cc of the elder brother and [biwa] [chan] sleeps0 I am 0cc yes0 and it has gone up. )other, elder brother, and steamed bun and [samechauyoo] ..0..&. 1ather is waiting [teruyoo]&0 " small face is e(cluded from the dice basing on door, and it presses it. I to whom 0+et4s crawled, and went0 mother pulled the hand of [mahana] by a gentle face also went down the stairs. It had the dream on that e!ening. I who gasps on morning of day when it cleared up and opens door in classroom. *hat story might be heard from [biwa] today. It is the en6oyment. The front food housecleaning, feeding to the goldfish doesn4t clean the water tank.

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8hapter 3E Cid [dare] kill the small bird? -uoyantly, a white curtain lifts greatly. Hrade&schooler4s [biwa] stands in the other side.

[-iwa] looked down at the water tank by cool eyes. 'mall smile car!ed for mouth cc. 8rowd of goldfish that shows stomach, and floats on [pukapuka] and water tank. Cying e!eryone ..the ll goldfish.. is [ttane]. Howe!er, [biwa] that sneaks in quietly ..V.. is muttered to the ear of me who ..tray water tank.. makes it to run&up [....]. 1ragrant of soap that smells faint. *ater of water tank that bubbles in white. It is grain in the hand of [furayakutsububoku] that is white and blue that adheres to the tip of a finger of [fureru] [biwa]. *asn4t that a detergent to ..[hehehehehehehe].. ..decrease.. [hehehe]? Coes it distribute to [hemihehehehehehe] and did not [biwa] distribute the detergent to [hehehehehehehehehehehehehe] in goldfish4s water tank?

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1ear like one worn out ice pierces through the back to the brain to [hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe] laughing at [biwa] at that time. The whisper of [biwa] is heard from the other side of a white curtain that shakes wa!eringly. "h poor It is sleep food in poor. The goldfish did a poor thing. The tutu also did a really poor thing. [7onoha] and I are poor in all things to be ali!e. It was 0 i.0 and the cold like the knife stabbed the whole body momentarily at the time of ha!ing set up the body from ali!e the bed. It was already a morning when looking consult one4s watch. 2e!ertheless, is it dim in the room, and has died out by the li!ing thing as for the other side of the curtain?

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8hapter ,3BE Cid [dare] kill the small bird? It is thinking quiet. sol!e Is it cc ..0.. dream now? 0 The sweat sticks thickly in amount and the scruff of the neck. The edge of [hashibokuha] and the blanket was firmly grasped. ..unpleasantness and ..difference.. &... The dream, it was really. The smell of the soap that drifted from [biwa] in the meaning at which [biwa] smiled at that time was nothing but forgotten, and [bokuha] did not think, and had forgotten the grain of the detergent that adhered to the finger. "n appearance of [biwa] with [fushinkagi] [deisukauntoshoppu], and a suspicious action of [biwa] put it away in the interior of the chest all locking it. The head that aches as cracking is held, and the molar is chewed well. I ha!e been o!erlooking a lot concerning [biwa]. How should I do this ahead? 8an you can is the purpose [biwa] of [naniwosurukoto] or reach the answer at last? I got off the bed, and pulled the drapes with stifling that seemed to be crushed in the dark had been felt. The snow flutters intensely [usu/umi] [gai], and the thin ink color world has e(tended. n the roof and the road are grays.

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,3E snows lie thick. In Tokyo, the hea!y snow to here is unusual.

*hen it tied, the personal computer was started up, it tied to the net, and the weather situation was confirmed, the reception of mail was noticed. [Tenbu] sender4s name is an alphabet, and the attached file is attached. *ill it be a !irus? The hand stopped momentarily of trying the deletion. In sender4s name, the title of 0'ola0 and the attached file is 0c tuki. 0 in 0Hatori0 and the title [Hatori] Hatori, sky the sky, settling down tree, and 3 words flash back in the head. The pri/e winner 4+ook like in the blue hea!ens. 4 of [miu] [sora] Inoue The girl of the hero who appears there is a tree. The tree opened, and and, the boy of the childhood friend who fell in lo!e did not hesitate by me ..Hatori.. #, and opened mail.

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Is Hatori4s hope ..4.. reali/ed? ( 8hapter ,3FE Cid [dare] kill the small bird? There is no submission name, and such short sentences are written. The file of the attachment is compressed. If the answer is D$', will it be ..file.. [utoiu].. significant? The arrow is mo!ed, and after double&clicking, it opens and [kuwo] is chosen by the displayed message. The capacity of the paddle light leek is slow and a lot of processing is slow. It gradually stares at a blue belt that shows the progress of the decompression software and it applies it. The picture of the file was displayed before long. " small image, that is, pieces how many has e(tended to a full display when it is opened.

Is this cc photograph? There are about ,?? images that a black, red point scatters on the surface. ne piece is suitably chosen, and it e(pands. It has been understood that it is sentences that I wrote momentarily at the time of saw the character printed on the paper that grows yellowish. The photograph was the one that the page of the no!el on [miu] Inoue was taken. Then, it is not the kick that much. The layout of the book is originally considerably !oluminous, and the blank is taken in surroundings a lot.

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"s many as ,3= interlinear spaces are also wide. 'entences besides [picchiri] are written in the free space with a red pen. n my sentences, a red line is drawn at length. "s if, saying, [tsuni] ##, and an arrogant sonny were !ery dangerous, arrogant, were selfish, and more right in a red character written sentences in ..these sentence.. make a mistake I hated it your being hated. In that way..cruel..beha!e..damage. Dou were laughingly looking tearing up [okusa] ser!ant4s mind in [kiki/etsukiyou] of [suhamo] to shreds with the cutlery that became thin and passed in the brilliant shine, the e6aculation, ..smell smell [modainosuru] blood.. ..sink.. writhe, and suffering. 8haracter that grade&schooler writes of disorder. It is recalled that [raimei] [biwa] embraced my book closely with the bed in the sickroom like thunder, and the pulse quickens. That this ll that fades co!er, and wa!es to [boroboro], and swelled page. This red character wrote by [biwa] or is se!en 0

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8hapter ,3>E Cid [dare] kill the small bird? Dou were laughing pleasantly always always because you saw me who suffered. It snuggles to the fi(ing [tsusoushite] me, !arious one is stolen from me, and I ha!e been ruined. $!en if it sleeps, it gets because it is [fukushiyuu], and I re!enge it on you, will you be permitted? The model of boy Hatori of the would&be no!elist of [sora] 4+ook like in the blue hea!ens4 was [biwa]. "nd, narrator4s girl tree was e(istence like my one4s double. -ecause it was shameful to make the tree a boy and to make Hatori a girl as it was, I replaced the se( of two people. The story is talked about by the first person of the tree. *hen a stupid face of the irritation sonny is seen, it becomes impossible for finish it gets irritated. *hen such entertainment and it has a telephone call and [gitatokiya] and the garbage bo( are filled, I always do "llais. *ho cares though the di//iness [dandan] di//iness feels like being awful?

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If I do not do 9? "llais, and no I of me. The confession of the boy of burning dangerous [tagiraseta] was absorbed in feeling, and I forgot and absorbed the click of the image from the edge, and the breath absorbing shade [i] flame quite different from Hatori about whom two trees talked. Hatori was a repeat offender of shoplifting. The imagination was won, and the story was gi!en to stolen goods. [7owa] [sominna] [boku] is called a liar. I was flipped, it saw by cold eyes, ## dirty [..ha] was whispered, and it laughed nastily from among our circles.

That child is addition sali!a It is not good ..talking.. with that child. I did not want to talk about [..] T me alone. I was able not to be able to do by them, and saw what they did not see. The one not heard was able to be heard. In my world, it was always a new story and [apureteite] and I were kings in my world. Therefore, it is narrow of them, and put and to the tri!ial world without ha!ing wanted, and alone

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It is [icharadattanoni] to ..possession.. [/en/en] Cid 8hapter ,9#E [dare] kill the small bird? Halberd Hatori talks proud. Is the world where [suba] I am surrounded how much wonderful? The story has gotten off to original of Hatori while always glittering. Hatori only had nothing but to recei!e it. The tree appeared in front of Hatori at such time. Dou ha!e entered my world one day the story that flows from the sky. It approached me with a smile innocent in there was no [mu6iyasa] precaution mind, and it pleaded to me for the story. The story that saw only me was shared and you came also to share the story only who mine. *hen noticing that it is a mistake, my world is tragically ruined [mu/anhousore]. The hand that operates so [mau@su] trembles coldly. )eeting Hatori was the happy one for the tree. It glittered in transparent [toumeidokomademo]. The world of the tree e(tends by Hatori.

[$nd of %age ,33]

*asn4t [keredo] , Hatori so? danced *as the e(istence of the tree only hateful for [tsuto] Hatori? It went out to the house of the peel e!ery - and the ser!ant seeing e!ery day of e!ery day e!ery day when the school ended. I did not want to go to your house in reality ..the kick... bird..wing..cut..confine..think..chest..block. I hated your house. I was hated by feeling nausea of your family. Dou were hated ..the kick.. ..0... The pain to which the head that calms down is hit, and the body is cut in pieces runs about the whole body. It transmits from the character and sentences where intense of [hitsuatsu] Hatori4s hatred of one [biwa] is written by the pressure of the brush of the dent of about the page. " red character starts will come from the screen of the personal computer to the surface at any moment, and it eating eyes and throats...

[$nd of %age ,39]

It seems to come. 2ot reading, It doesn4t become it if it kicks. *hat feelings did [biwa] spend with me, and did 8hapter ,93E [dare] ..not knowing.. kill the small bird? The snow has fallen none only the lamplight, and is dim besides the window. )other comes for telling the rest of the school because of the snow.

I said that breakfast was unnecessary, and read continuation. It was sometimes written the memo on the corner, and there is a hitting writing. )oreo!er, it telephones it. It is the 3?th in this today. It hates, it knows the telephone, and it puts it ..[te].. on purpose. $!en if it is told to make it to mail, it is not effecti!e. It laughs unpleasantly in the other side of the recei!er. It keeps starting being persistent until it answers the telephone. It has a telephone call and [gita]. It is the lowest. Ceath [ne] , -. The dirty fast one collects in the garbage bo(. Here

[$nd of %age ,3B]

[Ceginakute] and [tta] ..endurance... cannot ..,99 endurance.. permit [temo] "fter all, the telephone is disad!antageous. It calls here. It tunes off, and it is ..dupe.. [dama] of stripes telephone and [mukatsuku&] [kakeruna] i and the opinion requests [] and no - [sashi/u] order [suruna] [&] and no you. [&] it is possible going out and telephone ceasing rut. [-iwa] gets irritated, and is frightened because of the telephone that hangs to frequent [hinban@obi]. Is - that often comes out )r. "kutagawa? Is this [burukaniro] a name? Then, it is not that much.

There were sentences to think the theft, taking )r. "kutagawa4s carrying in the memo, and $&mailing to [kotofu], too.

[$nd of %age ,3E]

The same model is prepared. It quietly substituted it. It will scratch because it is annoying not to come with the face of [i], and not to bite and not to do a thing foolish as [chuu] was seen the ne(t day. The pi&6aw stinks, and $&mail in the worst thief cat. habit about the good&for&nothing 8hapter ,9BE Cid [dare] kill the small bird? Aeply of mail. 8onsiderably frighteningly though desperately concealed. It is easily attacked. Co not it e(ist ..this fellow.. weakly it is what? The plan of - is quite good. 'urely, [konoha] is meeting [nigitekureru]. *as the wound said that it was scratched by dirt pool [kunga] and the cat what [biwa] applied it? Incidently, neither a strange telephone nor mail came to carry at that time of me nor it frequently worried. It is the about same that [kotofu] was frightened because of portable mail.

[$nd of %age ,3F]

The chest is tightened only with the limit by the ineptitude and the weakness of me who doesn4t notice furnace 9E at all and was spending it. "nother story by two Hatori4s aspect still continues. It was [karetandattetsu] hated & and it was said to [haruguchi] [harukuchi] the beating.

It might be so. To [ro] because it taught in spring mine you. +ewdness has already been done. Is it good in handed down of [mu] [saiku] [boku]? Dou, howe!er, to the habit of plainness laughingly because of warming up in front of [teu/attaitte] and me and ha!ing made it to the one. That time when saying the face of the mouth in spring. It crimsoned, tears were straightened to eyes, it struck, [] was done, [yuuaku] trembled, and it was really ugly. Co the slap of the girl of the class of her cheek at the 6unior high school suddenly, and it was said, 0Hatred []0. The fallen leaf is monopoli/ed to the gust, and the road under that comes into !iew and the rough dew crocodile comes into !iew clearly as becoming coming into !iew of not understanding that time. Co not you go to play with 7on of ..seeing.. [sai] and the peak? How did you do? *ere best friends ## people?

[$nd of %age ,3=]

2e!ertheless, the peak does to you in a remote manner, and is up. It is an unpleasant guy. It is because [hakokitto] and you 6unked the promise with the peak many times. It is reluctant. -ecause I said no ..going.. goodness. 8hapter ,9FE Cid [dare] kill the small bird? The man friend and [biwa] that was the friend ..0.. ; to [konoha] with the kite. It became awkward. *ill it be good because I am?

+ was done so and you became one person. $!eryone was gone to your surroundings e(cluding me. "h it is pleasant. It is the highest. It is likely to ha!e been able to notice why. Hio!anni becomes, and ..the plot of comforted saddle [kamupanerura] it.. only has to say by companion ha!ing become a gap, and to become one person more. Dou only ha!e to be torn up to shreds, to be soppy dirty, and ..[kowaporoporo].. to break.

[$nd of %age ,3>]

" sideward wail, and [hatara6itsu] only has to despair so that it is not possible to stand up, and to be done. It ..pain that goes through the heart.. feels di//y. Cid [biwa], [biwa], and you hate me so much? It is gets cold the body to ha!e kept clicking the mouse without applying heating completely, completely benumbed of the hand, and there no feeling. 'till, I was not able to turn my eyes away from a red character that reflected on the screen. n earth, how much time might ha!e passed. The e(amination of the music bo( flowed to a cold room where only my breathing was heard. I hit, raised the shoulder to the surprise, and saw the cellular phone that had been thrown out on the desk. It is soft and the clear melody is a theme tune of 4-eauty and the -east4. *as one [kotofu] body [kotofu]4s carrying able to be repaired though [biwa] had to ha!e thrown away from the window? r, was the new one bought? "s for either, it [kotofu]4s is only number and address that sets this ring tone melody.

8arrying was gripped, the lid was opened, and [futaboku] was appropriated to the ear.

[$nd of %age ,9?]

8hapter ,9>E Cid [dare] kill the small bird? Hello ..0.. [kotofu] ! The !oice that got hoarse 6umps into it through the lent thin metal. -e and 0[] cc is.. Inoue0 u How did you do? *as there anything? ! 0That child is cc0 [kotofu] begins to squee/e the !oice desperately. ["sakura] u )r. "sakura is [icchattano] . somewhere. It is not anywhere about one hospital though it is snowing so much. $!en if 0Ho to space0 has the letter left behind in the room ..and.. !

[$nd of %age ,9#]

8hapter F The snow of hitting blew hard to the 6ourney course trench of the dark night of sidewise outside [hokeshi] [do] and [youaoishirushi] [yokonagu]. It becomes hea!y with surprising swiftness because of the snow e!en if the umbrella is pierced, is monopoli/ed to the wind, and is useless. ['uneboku] closes the umbrella on the way, and has ad!anced ahead desperately by the i!y snow while being scooped the foot e!en in the middle of the leg as for the getting off product. 8lothes was changed to plain clothes at once after the telephone was gotten from [kotobukihao] [kotofu], the coat was worn, and it went out of the house. It had a telephone call from )r. "kutagawa in front of dirt [gawa] [nao]. [7otofu] seems to ha!e reported. )r. "kutagawa said that it was going to the hospital in the future. ["sakura] w "fter ha!ing thrown hatred at you, "sakura was unstable more and more. The one in the room has been thrown out shouting, 0Co not enter e(cluding [konoha]0 when my a!oiding !isits on the weekend. nly [konoha] is 0cc ..may touch me by you, and may talk to by you.. ..not saying as #9... "sakura waited for you to come. (

[$nd of %age ,9,]

)r. "kutagawa asked me because of the constrained !oice when it was necessary to sa!e [no] "sakura. *hy was [biwa] suddenly gone to [na/emiu]? Cid I try to tie and stop it while shouting hatred? How many lie [ko] did you keep telling a lie in front of me?

The meaning besides the time that Hatori4s confession read first while recklessly ad!ancing in the [hatori] snow that rains hard is worn, and it floats one after another. It might be what true fortunately. "t least, money is not had a lot, and done. )ight it do, it succeed in [yutsuse] [kai] 8o., and , ..letting go.. be the 6ourney course wick at such a man and the dark night 8hapter ,B#F of the marriage great. It might be found if going to where. It becomes pitch&dark in entertainment and the melon [ini] chest that thinks about such a thing, and cleared [kowa] [kunatte] and ..piling up.. head seem to e(plode. *hat was the hope for [kamupanerura]? 1alling body [gaburu] style [ru] ; by the tremble.

[$nd of %age ,93]

*as it ..,B, [naniga] [kamupanerura].. great? In the search for it, wasn4t solitude or more Aina [kamupanerura&] [biwa]? *hen you go to space getting on the )ilky *ay railway like [kamupanerura] at one time. Cid not [biwa] about which it talked so was not able to find the ground whereabouts, and suffer? Therefore, it might ha!e wished that it start on a 6ourney by train that faced the star. nly 0Imagination0 that was able to go freely across the sea of [yuiitsunagusa] [hoshihoshi] was a comfort with the only arms of the beauty wing, and sa!ing. <ntil appearing in front of [bokuga] [biwa] so. [-iwa] that spun the story alone piled up obtained the reader named me for the first time, and shared the world of [biwa] through [bokuha] [biwa]. It ripens, and that is !ery glad, happy, and happy. *asn4t [biwa] f so? If it becomes and it doesn4t like me, it is [iteho] in me though hating it. nasty by the shadow

[$nd of %age ,99]

Cid not you scold? Cid not it want you to hear the story? It passes each other, and it has gone mad ..[sunanika].. little by little since when howe!er. 8hapter ,B3F The 6ourney course ser!ant at the dark night might ha!e put it away why. The first time amusing these kind of things "llais was done repeatedly repeatedly. 2e!ertheless, it doesn4t happen to the a!alanche. 2o one comes. I do not hear it. The garbage that they threw away is !omited, and has disappeared from among my body if one not felt that it doesn4t see always does "llais. It is not good though it is [fushiyuu]. It doesn4t change no matter how "llais is done. It collects in soppy [shita] black [taimonoga] and me who shoots the corrupt smell. 8onfusion and fear that Hatori felt. It was imagined why it was, and did "llais. It becomes suffocating.

[$nd of %age ,9B]

B9 did "llais many times many times. Co not you suffice by two [mada]? If "llais is not done, isn4t it good still?

[-iwa] that continues, opens binder of a/ure, and spells writing story in loose&leaf notebook happily. 1lood of word that pistil [rema]ing is so !i!id ..not ..packing.. going... The beautiful world that o!erflowed in transparent feeling. The stomach of [neki] [goto] day and e!ery day does "llais in feelings that seem to be ..twist.. [ki]. 2ausea has come to ha!e a lump in one4s throat because the head becomes painful only by thinking "llais is done sooner or later. 'till, e!erything impro!es if "llais is done. <neasiness that the dirty one collected in the chest trembles, too, fear, and anger. It was belie!ed that despair was lost, too. If it does, and [biwa] has lost the world. *hen the story that has surrounded [biwa] up to now lea!es suddenly on a certain day. It is because of you already ....kick.. not good.. ..[&].. e!en if "llais is done. The garbage bo( doesn4t become empty.

[$nd of %age ,9E]

[Himiga] and I were dri!en mad. [-iwa] said, what of seeing [ya/awaken6i] it gets irritated and I who tried to borrow 7en6i )iya/awa4s book am watched with eyes to which it gets irritated in [haka] [shokan], and grade&schooler reads talk4. I who returned a book to the shelf timidly. Therefore, I know only 42ight of the )ilky *ay railway4 that 7en6i )iya/awa read with the picture book. w Though it is a child. 8hapter ,BBF *hen the 6ourney course [hi] [okosenpainatsu] [tooko] senior at the dark night talked about 7en6i )iya/awa4s story, I thought the !ery nostalgia.

It was not the one to call and to awake the mausoleum [kashisaha], warmth, and the relief. I felt fear uneasy that crushed the chest in ..crushing.. [gyaku]. *hy was it? "s for me, was 7en6i )iya/awa so scared why? Co it become feelings to which should not do at time when 7en6i )iya/awa4s story is heard, and ha!e it become it? 8annot breath

[$nd of %age ,9F]

Hetting knows the story of meeting at the time of pupil [reru] girl to the female singer and her whom BE 7en6i draws and I know two. The heron lark is helped so, it knows the treasure, and I know the story of [moratta] [kousagi]. The !i!id color onomatopoeic word resounds repeatedly in the head repeatedly. 8aen, 8aen, [kankaeko], and ..4.. [kankokankokan] ( 4[Higin/an], phosphorus, and [gigin]4, 4[7a&ka&koko&ko] i and 6ar4, and 4[Tanpararata], [tanpararata], and [petanpetanpetan]4 w, [nonnonno], [nnonnon], (

[$nd of %age ,9=]

8hapter ,BFF 2either 6ourney course high [ku] at the dark night nor the !oice heard low are [tooko] senior4s !oices. It is a !oice of [biwa] to [hehehe]. [-iwa] talked to me.

7en6i )iya/awa4s story is gone through to [hehehehehehehehemohehehehehehehehehehehehehe] and a cold impact that doesn4t hang the cre!ice by doing one like the story of [biwa] goes through the head. Coubt that started be negati!e many times in interior of [ikudo] [ni] [maka/awaku] core, being decei!ed, being concealed, and being forgotten. It is [kitsuto] so. kick It talked about [hehehehehehehe] [hehe] [biwa] to me as a story that I had thought about 7en6i )iya/awa4s work as for [biwa] that had plagiari/ed and was not able to wea!e a tale. Therefore, it tried to see me who tried to borrow 7en6i )iya/awa4s complete !olume by such scary eyes, and to stop it. The [nodoshihoohitai] throat is tightened hot. The snow like the needle strikes it in the cheek, and it strikes in amount and it strikes eyes. *hy Cid ha!e kept do it do so why, and you talking?

[$nd of %age ,9>]

*hile knowing the story of others who are not the one for [ke6i] to be [..] ..along... *hile being frightened because it is uneasy ..when it isn4t [runo] -arre... Ci//iness [sonowake] was imagined, and I felt di//y. -ecause I pleaded to hoped body &$ [bokuga] [biwa] for the story. -ecause it was strong bonds of bond [naniyori] by which it ties [bokuto] [biwa]. Therefore, it can do nothing but ha!e kept making it so that there were two people together through all eternity this ahead. Is [biwa] stolen from others and, howe!er, it the story and one ..polish.. , complete? $!erything was stolen. It steals and the guilt comes my after [tteitta] and ne!ertheless [koreppocchimonai] with a smile.

-esides, do you still request it? Co not it disregard and do it sincerely sha!e it off from my body?

[$nd of %age ,B?]

-ecause carrying rang suddenly by the pocket in the 6ourney course [keitai] court of the dark night 8hapter ,B>F, it halts my being surprised, and arri!ing .... has been seen any longer Is e(cellence Takeda? *as there [sekenpanashi] anything? r, the usual small talk? I returned the pocket carrying at the hesitant end. ..[gomen].. because it will call later. It was in the 6unior high school to trace, to make [tou] and the shoulder pure&white because of the snow, and to reach at last to which we had gone. In the map made when it is attendant Doko of the lot, our )ilky *ay railways fly away from the rooftop in this schoolhouse to space. It is not understood there whether there is someone. how the rooftop now is going only because the snow that distributes the feather gets off one after another e!en if piece [tsumo] [ko] face is turned to the sky I had the con!iction that [biwa] was here. ne ground when we are two those day people to meet. [nattemo] [banare] of away in space

[$nd of %age ,B#]

-ecause chart E? was made. It came to ha!e a tightness in one4s chest whene!er ad!ancing one step when coming with the [tooko] senior, it suffered from acute pain that crushed the skull, and it was not possible ..skeleton V.. to reach it at last from the gate to the schoolhouse by two [/u] in front of [dakono].

The stomach when running through at the gate was ..twist.. [ki], and stifled bathing in the head wind in the face now. Cone [kougura] still knocked down the body to pre!ious, and reached the entrance at last while recklessly firmly stepping on the snow. It is a temporary school closing because of the [rin6i] snow or it has quieted down in the schoolhouse. I went up straight the stairs that continued to the rooftop with it in the hand it did not care, shoes were taken off though some the shoes teachers were sure to be going. It is not easy to run by slipping when it is socks. It is taken off on the way, and it thrusts it in the pocket. The pain is put out like the head4s the breath4s becoming more painful as it floor of ..the first floor.. two&approaches the rooftop, ha!ing dim sight, and being hit with the hammer hammer. There was same thing before. )ay in day when it cleared up. It was Takeda that it was in the rooftop. It is cra/y and the stairs [nohotteitta] because it stops Takeda who tries to commit suicide. It was an appearance of [biwa] that [anotoki] and the chest ..torment.. were crushed, and imagined in the head I the strangulation of the throat minutely while being painfully afflicted.

[$nd of %age ,B,]

-e in time this time. whether !ery of the dark night 8hapter ,E#F the 6ourney course Takeda must not 6ump down like [biwa]. It ran desperately while wishing strongly and intensely by seeming the piling of the beauty wing on Takeda, and the tear of the heart and it went up. The door was taken outside because of the wind momentarily at the time of ha!ing opened a continuing hea!y door to # rooftops ..the [biwa] person in question it.., and it fell forward together by I now ..the kick.. was pre!iously ..faced it...

The snow like gra!el blows hard all o!er, and the rooftop cannot be looked about at one !iew. The mark where a small footprint and crutches were dragged to the snow that piled deeply remained when one4s crutches [keredo] , feet was seen, and a line road was made as if the rail of the train. It put on shoes that had it in [suashibokuha] and the hand on the bare foot, the breath was knit, and the ner!e was traced, and it was 6ust strained, and the rail was traced. The heart almost stopped when [biwa] that made it lean and stood was found to the hedge put up on the edge of the pool 'aku rooftop. The emptiness under of [namariiro] leaden. The skirt of the cut hair an ahead, skirt muffler i.. long, and the skirt 5apanese syllabary Hitomi court is disarranged short, and I am watched with the pupil that hatred and the sorrow are big ..6umbling.. the wind that blows intensely as obsessed.

[$nd of %age ,B3]

It scoops, [rapiru..] skin is blue transparent like ice, and the lip and the body tremble with the cold small. "rgent crutches are lying in one4s two feets, and the hand grasps the hedge firmly. -ecause [morohidoku] was strained, I felt the appearance fragile at the same time. *hen [biwa] 6umps down at this moment now. ' [-iwa] silently watches me. I also ha!e approached [biwa] with the eyes watched. The snow that sticks in the cheek melts by the !omited breath. It pours down gradually like the wing with pure&white snow between us who shorten the distance. *e had already approached e!en [nime&ru]. It seemed to cry because [mune] ..0cc [biwa]0.. became full and one seemed to split and it became full ....suffering.. [kute] #.. and I called while becoming it.

It ..0[-iwa] and your no!el were read0.. stares at [raboku], the shoulder of applied [biwa] shakes with [pikuri], and the hedge is grasped more strongly. [-iwa]

[$nd of %age ,B9]

The light that seems to cry floats on as many as E9 eyes. , u I4m sorry [biwa] cc I was damaging you a lot. I4m sorry for your not being noticed suffer. ! 0cc "pologi/e why0 [biwa] becomes a face that seems to cry more and more. u [I] because it doesn4t want it. apologi/e , is not useful. drink [I] there is slightly a guilt of [konoha] ..only not becoming... [konoha] easy and easy only I I am ..painful.. [imamadawa] for a long time. ! The chest is thrust into the word thrown out with the snow where it dances intensely. u [7onoha] is ne!er understood always. How did you hate [konoha] I, family of [konoha], and house cc hatred or cc? How were you mortifying for [konoha] to hold the cushion of mother4s handmade /ebra like showing off [kuyarareteru] when laughing? It is cc# to ha!e trampled down the cushion many times when there is no [konoha].

! u It did not know. )other in your house cc 1ather also ; cc also ! It is shouted that it beats, the face of [biwa] reddens, and it throws it. Crinking, and [i] getting [ruwakenai6anai] papa and mama hate each other and ..fight 0.. fight [$nd of %age ,BB]

Influencing papa4s work when doing only 8hapter ,EBF in the 6ourney course at the dark night, blowing in e!en to grade&schooler4s daughter ..abuse each other.. se!erely, and ..[kebetsukiyoredo].. di!orcing goes out, and ha!ing changed one4s school and the separation because of the appearance bad, too. + !omits the chagrin by [biwa] and disperses unbearable anger. u In the receipt of the mama of me, it was an insinuation to the grandma of papa and papa4s mother [atashi]. " cer!ine grandma li!es in a house ne(t door, and ; because it !ery often comes, and it scolded the mama. "s for the mama, the grandma was hated more than papa was hated. The grandma ..[muki].. ..taking [masutte].. only said [natte] [biwa] because I had told papa to lea!e it. [I] because of no lo!e. I It was made hearing papa and grandma4s abuse after it came to ha!e li!ed by two people e!ery day. Dour papa is the lowest. The grandma is like the demon. The mama is unhappy.

%apa and grandma4s painful, mortifying cough [yo] it is possible to endure and ..[tsura] [tsura] [i] ,.. ..[nai].. all. It had had a telephone call from the grandma me that it is made hearing such a story e!ery day when there was no [ta] mama more unbearable. 'peaking was always only mama4s abuse though said worry. I )other of [biwa] [chan] is a really awful woman. -ecause it married such a woman, father.

[$nd of %age ,BE]

,EE has become unhappy. )other doesn4t ha!e [biwa] [chan] lo!e, and ..[hottarakashinishite].. be playing [biwa] [chan]. Ha!ing recei!ed [biwa] [chan] gets e(penses of bringing up children of [biwa] [chan] from father [youikuhi], and the yearning ; easiness. [<rago] and [en@enhidoitokiha], and grandma4s grudge remark is staring at me in hate by the mama on side in which whether it is long [ki] is done and is [tawa] . by telephone. It is such garbage bo( where it drinks and those people throw away their dirty feelings by one [atashiha] of daily life it in [..] [shikunai] and my house and [tanoyo] :. $!en + [konoha] is [shinai] and [] in the garbage bo(. It seems to recall [biwa] that e6aculates toward mother in the [/etsukiyou] hospital, and to burst the chest. I was suddenly pressed by mother, aimed by eyes that [giragira]ed and shone, was thrown out the [komotsuta] word of hatred, and did not understand why it to was good at that time. The body seemed to stiffen, to pierce some with the needle by the heart, and to be turned to the poison where [ikuhon] is !omited. It was se!erely abused that it was a mistake of the raising wound that you had recei!ed [biwa] to one ....doing.. width.. mother&in&law by the head of the house from the beginning as it was necessary to abuse or an important grandchild was damaged.

[$nd of %age ,BF]

The 6ourney course [neba] face at the dark night 8hapter ,EFF was misinterpreted, and the face of mother who asserted it was sticky when it was the lowest kud/u !ine, it floated on ..arri!al.. ..[kuyosesu6iuna] !oice.. head in the cord, and the line of the backbone trembled father of [biwa]. [-iwa] was e(posed in that glance for a long time in childhood and it was e(posed to that !oice. u That much [6anai]. It has had a telephone call from papa4s mistress many times0 [-iwa] continues by the bruise straw 6eer [uyouna] e(pression. ..mother of wife [dearu] [biwa].. when daughter4s [biwa] looks at the time that is, it manages, and it calls it purposely. *hen there is father with mother because of you is not possible to separate... Dou li!e in there is no free [fu] of what, do not ha!e money by me, and it ..flat ..embarrassment.. [tsu].. when indifferently talking because of [ruto] and the lowered !oice. *hen ha!ing continued for a long time after such a telephone is recei!ed by mother, and it comes to this town. [-iwa] hated telephoning. It was asked a confirmation that it ne!er called me. -ack of [sou/etsuso], such !iolent circumstances were. It might be ordinary and be also unhappy that parental 2aka is bad, the mother&in&law has looked at each other with mother the bur, and father has the mistress. 'uch a thing is how much in the world.

[$nd of %age ,B=]

$!ery day might ha!e been a hell for [mashiteya] and the elementary school girl. the person concerned ..the kick of ,E=..

It might ha!e been feelings to which the body trembled whene!er calling rang a bite, and the heart was stirred with the knife soppy. [-iwa] tried ..0.. to change the world pitch&dark without such an e(it by managing the imagination. In an intense snow and a pale lip are shaken, and [biwa] talks. ..ugliness.. [kirei] u cc [] by which I ha!e not wanted to hear filthy term and ugly word any longer at all. Therefore, it thought it only to be a beautiful thing, warm, happy. It is plentifully bright, and anything [gawa].. ..beautiful.. though the world where mamas e(ist is dark, cold, and is dirty.!ide..carry soon as..many..story..create. It shoplifted when the garbage bo(4s in the [manbi] chest becoming full, and stifling and becoming helpless. It in the bag goods and to the bag when it reaches it and the pocket when becoming feelings to return to the house, to take out booty, for the mind and the head when it looks at to lighten abruptly, and to win the big one though the sweat when it puts it seems ..[/uki].. to be done [/uki] by the balloon and the temple, and to collapse the chest The face of [biwa] is greatly distorted to suffering. ,

[$nd of %age ,B>]

8hapter ,E>F in 6ourney course at dark night u cc ..piling up.. :. They were all lies e!en though a !ery beautiful story was made. -ecause on a roll I # get irritated only in the place where [konoha] is seen to be hateful [konoha] not beautiful, and to laugh like [konoha] though I who narrates a tale was an ugly, dirty li!ing thing. It damages as the chest seems to tear, it depri!es of all things

of [konoha], and [routte] and [konoha] are confused, it breaks, and [kasete] and the [routte] ..cry.. aspect ha!e started laughing at [konoha] innocently a lot of yearnings for it awful because of trowing because it doesn4t notice such [chittomo] though it is #& [yoro] [6iyaki] It was finished to belie!e me, stuck after of me anything, it turned, it applied to my word, and [ta] #0 The shout that the blowing crack cracks intensely affected in the snowstorm and it e(tended. u *hy, and it is one [doushite] of no awareness of nastiness, and is foolish so much why and stupid [nano] : of introducing # why. *hen it does though it is disliked ..hatred.. and I call the 6ar, [no] ? that is the run&up why. shake the tail like [suruno] [&] and the dog, etc. a face that seems to be glad n a roll I who sees me # ; to the child4s face only in the place where the skin is smart, the head becomes hot only by a ha/y, dirty one4s collecting in the interior of the chest, and speaking with [konoha] with [fu] someone [konoha] ..the pull.., and one [shi] hanging [] [konoha] ..along and succession.. corbicula [i].. though thought sees ..girl.. for a moment by entranced eyes to finish belie!ing.

[$nd of %age ,E?]

It does so because ,F? fires are [tsukete] and are # [ritakunarunoni] [konoha]. *hy..white..beautiful..remain..introduce oneself..snow..face..intense..spray. The body gets cold a cold wind that seems to be carried out to the bone completely, and e!en the sense named cold [mahii] is paraly/ed. [Daibananoni] and the mind keep being cut in pieces to the blade of the word, and bleeding while fraught the pain. [Cuuhaibokuga] and [biwa] were worshiped. "ll of [biwa] were belie!ed. *hen it was an unbearable pressure for [biwa]. It appeals from knee rubbish person in question4s mouth in the re!ealed impact, and the knee collapses, and, in addition, [biwa] appeals to me into whom the mind seems to split. u

The mistake of something [/unaitte] one 0Imagination0 is [shiyou] and all&out . of [shitawa] in one [ta] [sonna] as in!ersely pushed down in the cool water when [konoha] is thought from me by at all or depri!ation [tanoyo] and the story and doesn4t float through life. Howe!er, only the bribery and corruption e(tends to the head howe!er, and the beautiful one is no birth [nakattatsu] .. [7owa] [kute] to which no word came seemed to be scary, and to become strange the nature. It was not good though it was thought that it returned to the origin if "llais was done, and had done "llais many times. It is a lie when it tries to make a beautiful story, and these kind of things the true world..

[$nd of %age ,E#]

It is not or it is selfishness, and the !oice is ..hearing.. [runo] : e!en in one 8hapter F in the 6ourney course [damada] and you at the dark night laughingly because the person is taken in telling a lie concealing a mind dirty like the [dobu] water that not is. )y world is ugly, and stopping wea!ing a tale, it is dirty and collapses. It comes to like other girls when it becomes impossible for me to wea!e a tale e!en with [konoha]. I am left, and it goes boys and to play. It is on a roll # dislike : as for [konoha] though a lot of fa!orite people hurt though I had only [konoha]. [2ai] of can permission [konoha] of unpleasant [yo] [sonna] is [kara] that is my dog. [Ino] should be.. : by me. -ecause it was food, food had to keep being gi!en to [konoha]. Howe!er, sentences are copied, and it is showing [tanoyo] : in [konoha] from among the book that thinks by the story in all respects, doesn4t float, and e(ists of [atashiha]. 0 [-iwa] firmly shuts eyes. The despair of [biwa] dyes and the pain dyes my mind to the black. It hurts and [yuki] swirls more and more intensely.

*hen it does so and the story was copied o!er and o!er again. *hen you showed it to me. I who does and depends and doesn4t do write more when it was read, and praised doubtfully and am [tosegandanodato].

[$nd of %age ,E,]

[<ruwashibiwa] kept misinterpreting the face, shaking the !oice, and shouting painfully. *hen I became uglier man because of me. [7onoha] and ..dependence.. secret It becomes the writer and me. The book on one [atashi] ..power of people.. is read. It is good when becoming possession. *hen the people told it to me along and a happy nature, [biwa] might ha!e really dreamt such me. If the world is beautifully changed with the story that I began to spin, it is good. It is ..f... It stares at me by the pupil that strained I [rere] [biwa], and it says in the !oice that stiffened hard. cc again ..the purpose is to write... my own story declared application [surutte] to [kunpuu] 0cc rookie of the year award of the balmy wind company "ll such pinches can o!erset, guys who were holding me in derision be looked at, and it return it if chosen the pri/e. *hen I become a genuine writer, [konoha] doesn4t part from me either. I ha!e the power only of it or it is uneasy and the stomach [hine].

[$nd of %age ,E3]

It seemed to cut by se!en child in the 6ourney course two [6i] about the dark night.

To regain it, my world could do nothing but be put. nly my again surely story can be created safe and ahead was possible to wea!e a tale so easily... It was cra/y about my story, and [konoha] was said to the writer and said to [narerutte] in case of [biwa] that [biwa] has the talent. I should be able to take the pri/e therefore safe surely. It persuaded to me so o!er and o!er again. "fter all..write..face..misinterpret..throat..split..!oice..e6aculate. " red muffler is flapped by the wind, and it dances intensely. u The sense of defeat kept full if the outside of one window whitened one hour alone when the line was not able to be written passed fast, and not being possible to sleep and daybreak came, and the head seemed to crack when the night of e!ery day of e!ery day came though the pen was gripped sitting at the desk. ..writing.. [kanakyatte]. do not write still ..writing.. [kanakyatte] because it ..application [surutte].. has already said to the pri/e. 2e!ertheless, the manuscript paper blocks the chest like being pure&white how many times, cannot write, and is cc on the morning0 [)ayumana/aka] c [biwa] lowers the eyebrow. It whispered in eye difference [shide] that seemed to cry as e(hausted and the !oice that quietly saw me, and had gotten hoarse.

[$nd of %age ,E9]

The body ..[gu].. felt the shake [ri] like ,F9 [taba] 0[<e] is ..hit.. cc ..putting the bunch of the manuscript paper of the cc white paper in the en!elope and posting in the presence of cc [konoha] to boss light [n] [to]..0 0##0 head4s ha!ing been hit. I thought that the world where we were surrounded swung widely, too together. I was going to shake the ponytail, to look back lightly, and to laugh that it is cheerful at [biwa] to ha!e finished posting the application manuscript that entered the tea en!elope to the pillar bo( near the school that day. , has been put out by one [ehe].

It seemed to be a little e(citing because do the blush of the cheek to lo!eliness, and my arm was bound in my arm and said. ne announcement is )ay. The en6oyment. The white paper contents of the en!elope. "s for cannot take the pri/e by me, [biwa] knew that or is # it.

[$nd of %age ,EB]

8hapter ,FBF in the 6ourney course caly( tray at the dark night is an aghast 5apanese syllabary and [biwa] seems to disappear in me who does and it mutters indifferently in the e(pression of []. Here u doing !ery and cc the way when known to [konoha] It felt more dead than ali!e ..till then.. Therefore, cc ..bubbling o!er... laugh a lot than usually *hen it is asked by what pen name apply, cc secretly ..saying... 8onfidence to decei!e was cc cc each other. -ecause [konoha] belie!es any thing that I say, cc. If the pri/e winner is announced w [&] and fall [dya] encounter [8huuama] of regrettably and world ( I was going will ..[tte].. worry at all and laugh by the [tenaitte] face. & I drink though I am #9 years old still cc. There is still a chance cc.

It drinks though it is originally impossible to take the pri/e at the age of #9 cc. ..such a thing.. usual cc that cannot be done. This time, cc to which [konoha] is [dama]ed0 It squee/es and the profound despair floats on the face of [biwa]. The eyebrow was lowered, eyes were moistened, and [biwa] was said in the !oice that began to be squee/ed. cc ..the child named [miu] Inoue #9&year&old taking the cc pri/e.. in spite of 00 I chewed its molar well a pain sharp ..pierced [surudoka] [mune]... " red muffler blows in surroundings of [biwa] that seems to begin to weep and it falls into disorder. [)iu&] Inoue.

[$nd of %age ,EE]

How was [biwa] shocked when ,FE [sono] name was seen? The child of the same age of the same name as me ha!ing been chosen to be a grand pri/e. I I am [miu] cc Inoue. The impact of [biwa] when confessing so is imagined, the despair of [biwa] is imagined, the pain in [biwa] is imagined, and the presence becomes pitch&dark. ne4s [houkai] feet collapses, and fear to which the world collapses. It knew only the boy who was floating the e(pression of a nature so weak in fi(ed ..piling up.. ..[me].. front was a person of ruined cornering me and it knew [biwa] at this time. The tree is Hatori, [konoha] when the book on [miu] is read, it understands, and I .. [hatori] 0.. at once cc. "s for Hatori who had seen from the tree, one was different at all from me true strong, beautiful, all&out toward my dream. *hen I who greets eyes of such looking [terunda] [&] [konoha] think of any child like such a beautiful angel, the breath ; me to [konoha].

[$nd of %age ,EF]

'e!en 8hapter F in the 6ourney course of the dark nights almost stopped. I did not ha!e power to detain [konoha] any longer. [7onoha] is much more beautiful than the imagined story in the written story I and cc I am not a pure, straight child like Hatori who likes trees. [I] ..ugliness or more.. ..the uncleanliness..0 The despair of [biwa] is pierced and sticks in my chest. 0[7onoha] is my dog and [yotsu] of [irebayokatta] for a long time0 I cornered [bokuga] and [biwa]; The inside and [biwa] of the snow that rained hard e6aculate. u # on a roll grand pri/es contributed to the same pri/e as on a roll me who secretly wrote the no!el to me # are taken, the book is put out by the [miu] Inoue name, and [nankanattano] : in the no!elist why. It is di!iding # into one [i6anai] [] [sonna] feelings and [konoha] ..can do nothing but not forget all its life because it afflicts it because one [shikanai6anai] [konoha] is damaged by 6umping down in front of [konoha] already ..can do by me.. when [fuu] [konoha] is away in such a way, and the death not to understand [wakaranai] # that doesn4t understand0 The sound of the style disperses the shout of [biwa]. The thunder sprayed with the !oice is pierced, sticks in eyes, it melts, it becomes water, and it flows to the cheek. Cay when that early summer cleared up.

[$nd of %age ,E=]

[7amupanerura] at which it smiled wished because it turned around by two cheeks under emptiness [ku]4s clearing by F= blue ..becoming empty... %rint out the appearance of me who starts on a 6ourney to Hio!anni4s pupil about it. It became eternal e(istence for Hio!anni. It was the same as that time, and a smile seeing that seemed to be lonely floated on the mouth of rust [biwa]. 0cc ..there is poetry sleep cc 4Cefeat boy4s song decreases4 in 7en6i )iya/awa4s work...

The bird like sleep cc ghost has drawn there. It saw drawing in the 2ew Dear4s card and sending. That bird is my.. cc. 'urely ..sleep.., cc ..becoming.. when defeated. ghost ugly cc of begrudging cc or anger cc in despair the person cc when the morning comes It is noticed that I am a ghost, and drinks cc loud !oice cc darkly while seeing ..[shiro].. [kara] $c$$. I did not want to be seen me who had become a ghost of me cc in [konoha] alone in reality. cc 2e!ertheless, why ha!e I sur!i!ed cc? The hospital changes, it parts from [konoha], and cc I ha!e become one really cc. In the world where [konoha] did not e(ist, it was dirty and cc was pitch&dark cc J.

[$nd of %age ,E>]

..6ourney course.. still of the dark night 8hapter >F, cc when ;;; o I am painful to suffer. recall me also by [konoha] it is possible to endure when thinking that I am regarded .. [konoha].. surely It cries because [konoha] also thinks of me when I am crying. )y pain is a pain that [konoha] feels at this moment now, and my sorrow is a sorrow of [konoha] cc. -ecause it was possible to think so, it was cool cc. cc I am cc ..writing of [konoha] the story of 0Aeality0 that is not the lie there reading the written book.. ..the idea only of cc [konoha] in the night of e!ery day of e!ery day, daytime, and the morning..0 The !oice of the millet seed and [biwa] that keeps coming falls in my mind like a light snow, and samu [ku] has melted. 'orrow of wish for the truth of [biwa] and [biwa] and [biwa] u It is not stopped e!en if it thinks of cc meeting [chaikenaitte] because it wants to meet [konoha] when the grandma dies, and it returns here, and it becomes it unbearably and the school is called in cc.

[$nd of %age ,F?]

cc of ,=? [ta/usei6iyouta]. *hen it was asked why, [konoha] was taught the homeroom teacher though entered the [sei6ou] educational institution. [Tte] cc because it seems to do energetically relie!ed... *hen I suffer, . after ..usualness.. high school student it. [konoha] It ser!es a sentence, and it goes and [u] has been forgotten the betrayal of me, and forgetting of [konoha] me though I lost complete because of [konoha], and. "t that time, I shouted the desire as re!enge on [konoha] in feelings that it seemed to burst #+. 1orgetting 0is [nakattayo] :. ! It pa!es, it pa!es, [ya@gu] ..face.. ..[gu].. ..[ya@].. is misinterpreted while inhaling the wind that the snow mi(ing is cold, and it appeals like feelings. -ecause I also thought of you for a long time. nly you were regarded by pulling the curtains together and shutting yourself up in the cut dark room at morning, daytime, and night. [-iwa] might ha!e 6umped down why. [-iwa] might be those kind of things remark [ttan] why. )ight [banarenina] ..part.. why. *here must be it or why must e(ist or of what do you think, and only you always always now. u [Ta] it is possible forgetting for a long time. It thought only about [biwa]; Aeunion while it was away.

[$nd of %age ,F#]

8hapter ,=#F [Gutto] after [shi] of 6ourney course at dark night for a long time. ! [-iwa] draws the body to the hedge. The court wa!ed buoyantly, it floated in!ersely on the head the falling image, and it ..eagle heart.. ..eagle [dukamisare].. stifled with a red muffler. The shaking 0cc0 by the side [ku] pupil watches me. Moice to put wish 0If so, ne!er to betray cc, do you take train together?0 utmost. [-iwa] has been understood in case of not being utterly any longer on the ground. It despairs too much. There are only a lot of sadness. u Co e!en outskirts of the cc space where where go with me? It hopes the truth of cc [kamupanerura]. !

+et4s go together e!en where where. It was a said 42ight of the )ilky *ay railway4 [serifute] dialog read in the childhood. ..Hio!anni.. ..[kamupanerura].. )ukai. it ..drinking.. in [chuu]

[$nd of %age ,F,]

[)ouanna] [dai] comes by ,=, dark one ser!ant and ..drinking.. [chuu] ..[na] shade.. is not scared either. It surely goes to [sagashi] fortunately of e!eryone true. It ad!ances thoroughly e!en where where. It has a lump in one4s throat to a full chest ..[ama/u] [amasan] tile.. ..switching off.. [nasaga].

To where where S To cord. *ord sworn because eyes are made to sparkle when it is 8hika child, and finger is twined. -y this world that draws cheek and cheek each other and makes it / )ap only of piece. [Hanba] w -ecause it works hard a lot, and it attaches to [kamupanerura]. )ay I go together sleep and the mediocrity therefore? ( It is so. [-iwa]. *e promised. The line long ages ; by two people e!en where. I am [tsuiteyukutte] in you. The hedge is grasped, the short hair is shaken, a red muffler and the skirt of the court are blown to the wind, and [biwa] is disarranged.

[$nd of %age ,F3]

8hapter F I am watched with the pupil by which three 6ourney course desires of the dark night. The snow pours down on us. I will be able to refuse the wish that puts all of [kopa] [biwa] why. If [biwa] and you hope, my hand is raised. )y foot is raised. $yes are raised. $!erything will be gi!en to you in my mind, the life, and the future. Therefore, it doesn4t go by one person any longer alone.

*hen it compromised to chopsticks [biwa], and it touched the finger, [biwa] looked me up, and spilt tears from the edge of the pupil by one streak. ur hands get cold !ery much, are cut, and the feeling of a hand each other has not been understood. It is .. piece.. good. +et4s go together e!en where0 [-iwa] presses the face against the chest of me who mutters by the lip that bends and gets [koo]. "fter that, we tied to a wrist each other a red muffler. 2e!er part any longer. 1eelings of being ....boiling.. [kowa].. had not sprung. -ecause the mind was completely paraly/ed 6ust like the hand and the body, too it seemed not to feel it at all. It helps it so that it may get off to the other side of the hedge pre!iously, and [biwa] may come here. The body of impro!ed [biwa] is a wing.

[$nd of %age ,F9]

It is as light as ,=9. The knee seems to stagger a little, to be flapped by the wind, and the foot is missed as it is and to fall. It was not able to ha!e the reality e!en in the [ayasonna] knife&edge situation. ne hand is connected with the muffler each other, the hedge is gripped by the remaining one hand, and it looks down at scenery. It is the world of the dingy gray that e(tends to the presence. 'now with white one side that pours down there. There is not a line, and either a dark wind sprays light from the under. The snow is a mist of around and !iew in eyes and cheeks if looking down. [7onoha] ..0cc for a long time S cord it..0 [-iwa] whispers in the moistened !oice in the ne(t of eyelash [ketsushiyou].

The snow crystal sticks in long []. 0Des cc and [biwa]0 I also answer. The train that faces 0cc [konoha] where it goes0 space comes, and the door is opened for us. *hen you 6ump together by two people. The melody of the music bo( was heard instead of the bell of starting. It is gentle and [odayakana] tone cc. $

[$nd of %age ,FB]

8hapter ,=BF The 6ourney course [sono] melody at the dark night is a theme of my chest [motoniaru] and 4-eauty and the -east4 cc. [7otofu] was calling [pokuwo]. It flowed from the pocket in the court. u cc How did you do? [7onoha]0 It asks me who stopped its foot that tried to be stepped forward and [biwa] asks uneasiness. " soft melody like small light still rings on my chest. [7otofu] is calling. "t that time of telling to it that 0cc It was [konoha] [], such a telephone, and # tri!ial that not was0 [biwa] scolded, the !oice to call my name was from the other side of the snowstorm. 'omeone runs toward here. 'mall silhouette to which it goes thin [sorishita] silhouette and ahead of that. The !oice like the scream roars in the rooftop. [7onoha] 0[7okoroha] cork tile #0

[$nd of %age ,FE]

It was 02ot good food and cork tile # of one [kokoroha] senior [kokoroha] in ..death.. [nanaide] # of not good food and mediocrity and mediocrity # ..the death mediocrity [e] #..0 Takeda that it did while seeming to fall down many times as the face was soppy by the scattering tears and had run ..inside and ..=E.. , of the snowstorms that fell into disorder ..blowing..... Cid Takeda show up in this place now ..death.. why ..[nanaide] #.. death..? Takeda who had desperate eyes keeps not dying and it shouting to me confused while crying that dying is one one [yada] [kokoroha] senior #. Takeda who watched me in an e(pression as hollow as the doll ; in the rooftop in the educational institution on that stricken day of )ay. If it did not seem to be sad when the best friend is kneaded to the car in the presence and it dies, Takeda who confesses eye difference [shide] of despair ;. "rm..early..hang..die..ha!e..entreat..Takeda. 4It is a hardened offender4 habit 4It is the one like the habit wanting the death..4 It says so and Takeda who was going to laugh ;.

[$nd of %age ,FF]

8hapter ,=FF 5ourney course [bokuni] at the dark night shouts it is not good when feelings are bared toward while opening swimming eyes wide while running, and it dies. 'enior [] of one [kokoroha] senior [] [kokoroha] [kokoroha] senior ..0.. []. 0 [Tooko] senior4s appearance was seen behind Takeda. " long knitting three is dishe!eled, and it runs. [7okoroha] ..0.. [kun]. 0 The [tooko] senior said that I two years ago and I today were different in a gentle !oice. *hen growing up little by little ..holding...

Hrasp my hand, and while ..unclouded eye.. seeing starlike. The warmth of [tooko] senior4s hand re!i!es in the finger from which 4-ecause I of a literary girl who has continued to eat the [kokoroha] [kunnoo] talk say, the mistake is not found4 sense was lost and softness re!i!es.

[$nd of %age ,F=]

"fter that, [kotofu]4s smile that the blush of the cheek to shamefulness and watches me ;. , [Aukara] and I ..4.. ..working hard.. cc. The # for which it suitably asks this year4 u [7okoroha] ..doing.. how. *hat, are you hesitant? It is me. 0 [-iwa] pulls the muffler by the scared look. The distance of the deaf person and Takeda approaches [tooko] ahead. It tries to make the body bite the lip by [biwa] as fretted at [6i] mo!ement or me who not is, grip the muffler firmly, and dance. I pressed the back of [biwa] the hedge, and embraced closely. u; ;;[Homen]0 [-iwa] gra/es and the sound in which it catches one4s breath gra/es the ear. "ffecting of despair that doesn4t become !oice.

It reports embracing closely strongly for [biwa] for the chest to seem to tear feeling it, for the throat to tear, and so as not to 6ump down though it becomes in each hedge, and tightly because of the shaking !oice. 0I cannot go0 [-iwa] that impatiently mo!ed the body stopped all operation at the moment.

[$nd of %age ,F>]

8hapter ,=>F I ha!e still learnt not to return in us in those days while becoming it that I seem to transmit the despair of 6ourney course [biwa] at the dark night and to be cra/y. It would meet the [bokuha] [tooko] senior in [biwa] and two and a half years away, it met Takeda, and [kotofu]4s feelings were recei!ed. Therefore, the promise cannot be kept. The hope for 5apanese syllabary [kamupanerura] cannot be reali/ed. I cannot go with you. [2ainda] it is possible doing . The omission of the soul did not mo!e in [tamashii] [biwa] in my arm like ha!ing become a dropping doll. It was pulled by the [tooko] senior and Takeda, and we tumbled down to the other side of the hedge. [%ou/enhatsu] [biwa] threw out hands and feet on the snow, opened [....] and eyes wide while ha!ing fallen, and a word did not originate the !oice. The situation until the [tooko] senior came here while taking it out outside the schoolhouse worrying about [bokuya] [biwa] was spoken. The class had taken a rest because of the snow when going to school. It met Takeda in the library.

[$nd of %age ,=?]

Then, it became a flow said going to !isit of [kotofu] ,>?.

*hat [biwa] spoke that gone from hospital when calling from Takeda4s carrying to [kotofu]4s carrying as [kotofu] crying The [tooko] senior says that he or she recalled the map at once hearing the word of the letter left behind of [biwa] to go to space. "nd, toward this place that was the starting station in the )ilky *ay railway with Takeda. I seem to ha!e worried about both while mo!ing because I did not answer the telephone. It entered for the stop finding [biwa] and me who tried to commit a double suicide in millet and the rooftop, and panicking. The shoulder of [bokuha] [biwa] was held, drawn, and had been supported while the ta(i was waited in front of the school gate. [-iwa] was silent. The snow by which the pool power becomes weak watches the fall dancing lightly with hollow eyes. I rewound the muffler with a red neck. [-iwa] remained though was done. The brake of feelings comes off suddenly and it does, and it prints slowly, and tears are [poroporokoboshi]. [youni] and nose about [matsutaka] Takeda in the opposite I4m sorry, and the [tooko] senior comforts I4m sorry apologi/ing Takeda in a small !oice, and the hand ties. The ta(i stopped in front of the gate before long. [-okuha] [biwa] was supported, and it began to walk slowly.

[$nd of %age ,=#]

"t that time, the body of [biwa] buoyantly parted from cc me. It groans and the big truck gi!es [..ri] from [muka] long ages and it runs. [-iwa] was made it to fall down, and 6umped into the front. 0##0 S It was an e!ent of ..blink.. [no].

'ound of brake that thrusts ear. Aed muffler that flutters body and air of [biwa] that 6umps up. -eauty wing that doesn4t mo!e while crouching on snow. 8hapter ,>#F It is and # [aaaaaaaaattsu] ..6ourney course 0.. [shiichaaaaaan] at dark night. 0 Takeda e6aculates. KL as if I also had ended the world while hearing the !oice KL KL and you why came about my after. It shouted.

[$nd of %age ,=,]

Two ser!ants hated you, and were doing only awful to you. *ere you so much always laughing why with a smile? "t last, it was [gimiga] gone, I noticed. It is [gimidattato] that my world was shone gently, and beautifully. The world where you are not is cold, and [..kura] [de] and I are [katsuta] ..dying to meet you again... It was !ery painful in reality ne(t to you. I wanted to go together in ..showing.. [demo] while looking at the drawn map by ## people ..where.. e!en to where. *ere [kitara] and we able to find 01ortunately of the truth0 to outskirts of space by two people with tracing clan [kukotoga]? Then, did you say that you watched eyes of my [atashi], and liked it?

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. . d . . ### ..4.. [..] u 8hapter = [hataratsu] pe indigo the tenth passed. [-iwa] that brought sou!enir [miu] 0cc sou!enir ! *hen the door in 0It is ..[konoha].. glad0 [mu6iyaki] car chair sickroom ..ripening.. is opened, [biwa] clatteringly turns, and approaches an electric wheelchair for me with a smile innocent. It lo!es in piece [waa], the pudding of tea here, and the furnace and the furnace. Thank you [konoha] Co it sleep, it get, and was there anything at the school today? How is the goldfish? 8an the closing ceremony lea!e hospital cc? *hen it is the same class as [konoha] e!en if becoming the fourth grader0 ..good.. The short hair that cannot be pressed is smoothly shaken, and the small head that the smell of soap has is pushed, appropriated, and said [n] to my stomach happily. Co it ..0.. eat [konoha] and the pudding? !

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, 0Des cc0 cap lid is remo!ed, it scoops with the plastic spoon, and it carries to [ro] of [biwa].

[-iwa] opens the lip from [haha] [esahinadori] lip parents for a moment like [morau] [hiyokotori], and the spoon is held in one4s mouth, and with a smile. Celicious& is.. ..0... Hi!e to me more0 It seems to scoop the pudding many times as pleading, and to collapse to a young gesture and the e(pression of [shigusatsubu] [biwa] while quietly inserting it in the cherry color lip the chest. Cay of snow ten days ago. The body was stopped in front of [odobokuha] and the track, and it danced and [raseru] [biwa] was not able to be stopped. They ha!e been made so near and to go alone in [biwa]. Co..cre!ice..dri!er..step..early..lie on..snow..impact..soften..in6ury..light..in6ury..end. The hands and feet when awaking returned to the state before undergoing rehabilitation, and were hardly mo!ing the kick. Then, it was not that much, and had returned to the third grade of elementary school when the mind of [biwa] met me. It was said that the reason for the doctor was that it had hit one4s head hard at the accident. Kf

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[ ku6iyoukopakeredo] and I were not able to be without thinking it was because I refused [bokuga] [biwa] and to go with that day rooftop. [-iwa] to ha!e watched snow that dropped to feathery [umouutsu] with hollow eyes. "t that time, I ha!e killed the mind of [biwa]. It doesn4t go to school to take care of 8hapter ,>B= of the working [biwa]. It shuttles in the house and the hospital e!ery day. The [tookosenbai] [tooko] senior has called it se!eral times. I am 0e(amination ..holding out.. cc ..working hard.. though it had been transmitted to worry about me0 Telling a flatly and an indifferent !oice was utmost.

It is said that )r. [takeda] Takeda also has been stopping away from school since that day. The appearance of the best friend who had died of the accident was piled up to [biwa] that hit the track and fell. The memory at that time seems to re!i!e, and to stay indoors by shock. It was spoken that the knee was held like the doll in the [higitsurariyuu] room as the [tooko] senior was painful. It is said that it remains shutting one4s mind though the subculture and )r. Iri ha!e gone to see the appearance e!ery day. It seemed also to burst the chest of me who heard it. It is and because the [tooko] senior said that he or she will want you to read the rewriting no!el on [miu] Inoue that [biwa] wrote, is [paso].

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*hat printed out from >E confession Hong was mailed the lodging house ahead. It might ha!e been two [youna] of the flag of ..regret.. [no] act for me. 'o that [bokuga] [biwa] had been damaged how much or it car!es it for chest again 1ormer book is ..departure.. .. It disposed when [biwa] slips out the hospital or is ..found.. [ranakakkana] anywhere. u Coes it retreat and was [de] done? [7onoha]? ..seeming sadness somehow.. cc0 [-iwa] that finished eating the pudding an(iously looks me up. 0cc It is nothing0 It mutters in a quiet !oice, and the emptying container is put away in the garbage bo(. u That sleep, [konoha], and a new talk were made. Co you hear it?

0 [-iwa] pulls my arm, and it begins to speak happily. u In the !illage in the foreign country, there is a brother and sister of the friend, and it sleeps, and the tomato is planted in the field. Two people who saw it surely think of gold as for this because a yellow tomato grows on the [ougon@aru] day. It becomes happy feelings a lot looking at the tomato of gold in [noyo] [ku] by two people on [naga] [goto] day of the day.

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[2asonnatoki] sees [hatarahachishou] F and two people see a spectacular circus come0 [-iwa] that floats the smile seeing on the cheek food lip, makes eyes glitter, and talks innocently. I know the continuation of the story. The interior of the calculation chest 6ars and the pain 6ars. %ainful that wants to cry has a lump in one4s throat to the throat as for the throat. u Two people ha!e a yellow tomato instead of money. The member, w This might be a free tomato. Co not hold it in derision. ( Tomato..throw..younger sister..begin to weep..see..think..story. It is 7en6i )iya/awa4s 4Dellow [irono] tomato40 %ainfulness is endured, and for me who reports quietly, [biwa] is !acant. The hair shakes lightly again. u

[2aanisore]? It doesn4t know. It is talked made this by me0 It is done that it is along, and keeps singing. u "h as for this brother and sister, it is poor. cc The elder brother and the younger sister are ..poor.. mediocrities. They were !ery good children. It ne!ertheless becomes those kind of things, seems to encounter poor, sleeps, and is mediocre cc0 The chest 6ars.

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I wonder whether a small brother and sister was able to be happy only when yellow fruits that ha!e grown in eight fields are belie!ed that it is gold and looked at. cc in case of being without noticing that it is a free tomato. u It comes for the !isit [konoha] and tomorrow. It is not possible to do at all if there is no [konoha]. cc ..whether come to mo!e neatly my cc of body cc ..whether reco!er....0 [7ishikishi] and the cc chest ..pant.. hear of [ku] sound. 0Impro!e if keeping undergoing neatly rehabilitation0 and seeming 0cc0 It looks me up ..uneasy.., and it ..blowing.. is laughed as [kkori]. u Howe!er, it is good when there is [konoha] e!en if not reco!ering. I am plentifully happy when [konoha] came to me to meet, and it played together0 The smile seeing of the skirt really looked happy restfully clear. 0cc 8ome e!ery day. 0 u Des, it waits e!ery day.

%romise. It is for a long time together until the night and sleeps today0 The wheelchair lifts [nakabin] [biwa] in one4s arms, it lays oneself on the bed or it competes. It was said, 0The water of the !ase was changed0 patting the hair smoothly had and went out of the room. )r. "kutagawa and [kotofu] in the court in the uniform were standing on ..wa( or dirt.. [wakotobuki] passage.

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)r. 0Inoue cc0 0cc0 [mayune] [gomoku] 'ichuan drew [mayune], and was floating a painful e(pression. [7otofu] is watching me sadly with the lip shut. *e went to the lounge in congressional, sat on a chair, and talked gradually. Has not "sakura ..[asakura] 0.. returned yet? ! u cc Des. It is thought that I and I are in the third grade of elementary school0 )y hand that )r. "kutagawa put on the knee is firmly grasped. It bit, it left on [saki] day hospital, [teitta] [kotofu] also bit the lip small, and it looked down. Two people who !isited the sickroom are seen [hatarahachishou] two or more days ago, and [biwa] ;. w [Caare]? %erson whom [konoha] knows? ( It is muttered that it was frightened, and has hidden oneself in my back with wearing. w

%utting out cc and it ..[].. returns. I do not want to talk with the people other than [konoha]. ( [Haku/enfuruanotoki] and )r. "kutagawa opened eyes wide and were aghast. [7otofu] trembles with a pale face, too.

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There were ??. [-iwa] pee!ish by three [bokuha] was told, 4Aeturned soon4 beforehand, two people were in!ited, and it went to the courtyard in the hospital. Then, it bows deeply, and, up to now, it has apologi/ed. Aeally, ..[fuu] 4.. [gomen] cc. It was unbelie!able of you. [-iwa] became it in that way because of me. -ecause [bokuga] [biwa] was betrayed though it goes and [kutte] was promised together, cc. cc because it took one4s eyes off [biwa]4 How I may put both words on such me might not been understood. [-okuchinmoku] did not blame, and became silent. 0cc *ill "sakura be the state as it is for a long time?0 It mutters in the !oice that squee/es and )r. [gomoku] 'ichuan begins to squee/e. He might also be blaming himself as much as me. cc of more [biwa] ..helping... [7otofu] [sangabikuttoshi] and I ..uneasy.. are seen )r. "kutagawa4s word. I muttered quietly with the !ase held. u cc It doesn4t understand.

)ight reco!er suddenly by the chance of something, and years how many might be fading as it is. 'eeing the appearance without rushing it said and the cc doctor also said saying. 0

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)r. 8hapter 3?#= of the working "kutagawa misinterprets my face and the molar is chewed well. 'urely, my mother was recalled. )r. "kutagawa4s mother already keeps sleeping for years how many. *hether it is when stops breath or awake is said the doctor no understanding. "s for suffering that keeps being waited like being aimless, he is often wisdom [tsuteiru] from whom. u cc Inoue and you do !ery. *hen "sakura doesn4t return to original as it is0 [7otofu] also catches one4s breath and is watching me. It ..throat.. ..[bo].. is put, and the pain that is [..] runs the chest. It is good why or is [wakana/eranai]. *e will ha!e become it in this way why. [-iwa] cannot be betrayed any longer. 0I e!en years how many am nearby as long as [biwa] hopes0 0cc#0 [kotofu] catches one4s breath. )r. "kutagawa also firmly drew [mayune]. If it reaches at that time where it retreats in going and [biwa] is caught. It is earlier and when I notice in the truth, I am cc of [biwa] from it as soon as good regretted so many times. Then, [biwa] might ha!e ended without being cornered there pre!ious 2ipponia nippon and this time.

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I am a compensation placenta or three [tta] only in being by [biwa] that has returned to the child compensation because of ?, despairs. )r. "kutagawa of 0cc "nd, is it good?0 [kewata/u] asks it in a steep !oice. [7otofu] stared at one4s feet when bu//ing 0cc yes0 leek small 'aku, it applied, and it said. u cc )r. "sakura is [/urui]. ..Inoue.. cc ..putting up [shibari].. [] ..the torment of Inoue....0 [Ao]ing ..rot.. ..piling up.. had the face that seemed to cry though got rough, got rough, and scolded tone [ha]. The chest is tightened. $ndurance [kotofu] looks up, and I am seen desperately with eyes that seem to cry more wanting the cry & by endured eyes. u "re not you made Inoue of me cc? 1or me, when it is possible to do e!en by cc, it says though it might be useless. It doesn4t care by what0 The desire like painful has a lump in one4s throat to the neck as for [uremana/a]. )r. "kutagawa is watching eye difference [shide] of the an(iety and me. u Thank you. 'afe..deflect..say.

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The word from it doesn4t hit on. 0[] Inoue cc0 [kotofu]4s eyes are moistened.

It seems to collapse when the rubbish cry face is seen. u ..slowness.. [ito] [biwa] too much doesn4t return because it worries. [2iarigatou]0 Two people were bidden farewell to, and I began to walk alone. I stood up. -oth came today, and it had a telephone call from )r. ..truth.. ..e(ercising.. "kutagawa of 8hapter 3?3= [keitaiso] at night in carrying. 4Inoue and I are cc not to ha!e apologi/ed to you in the classroom yet4 It calms down. u Cid you hit it by you and me each other? If it is that, it is an e!en. 0 w ;$c I unpleasantness was obtaining many to Inoue too much. "sakura4s asking you when it is necessary to sa!e her when gone from the hospital. "t that time, I also released the hand of "sakura cc. cc in [aanattanoha] and # .."sakura.. Inoue that is not responsibility. It was sorry. ( "fter all, he suffered, too. The pain that blotted to the subdued low !oice was felt, and my chest was thrust. )r. "kutagawa keeps surely blaming himself[herself this ahead though it was muttered no such a thing.

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3?9 [runodarou]. The [godamananika] starting to say, it equi!ocates to4 4cc though it is it, and [kotofu], and it falls silent.

I packed the breath, and listened. "fter it had returned to the room of [bokuga] [biwa], did [kotofu] ha!e anything? "fter the embarrassed silence had continued, )r. "kutagawa muttered in an inarticulate !oice. w; It worried about you as became and obsessed whether it was $c4 [)ayune] was drawn, [kotofu] who was enduring it hard floated on the head, and the chest almost tore. Cid [kotofu] cry after that? I cut the telephone call in 41ollowed it as long as it was possible to do by me4 and 0Thank you when cc you were lucky, it is safe0 aspect remark. It was the ne(t day that [kotofu] appeared in the hospital. The door opens suddenly none as for the knock, and [kotofu] in the court has entered the uniform when talking in the room of [biwa]. ..bag.. [kotofu] [sanha] stern e(pression was floated, and the bucket was carried instead of the bag why. #?? yen [sho]

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8hapter 3?B= It is a guy who that is a little small and plastic who e(ists in [hataratsu] [ppu]. *hen stopping it, contents of the bucket were thrown out toward [biwa]. [2ubashan] and 08oming [ya@]0 sound are heard, and [biwa] to sit on the wheelchair becomes soaked. The drop of water hung to the face of me who was sideways. cc ..0.. [] of [nanisuru]. 0 [%otapota] and the dripping are dripped from pa6amas, and [biwa] lifts up [ki] and the eyebrow, and it goes straight to [kotofu] from [shi/ukushitata] [wa] hair with an electric wheelchair. The right hand ..[hirateu] [kotofu] silent [sanha] it.. was raised, and [biwa] that had approached was slapped to one4s heart4s content.

['urudohibihoo] [surudo] ..saying.. [oto] sounded, and the cheek in the right of [biwa] was dyed in red. In addition, it wa!es to a left cheek and it sells it wholesale. [7otofu] and it ..0.. stops it. 0 [-iwa] floated the waist when returning to me and running up, and it caught at [kotofu] by the crimson face. [7otofu]4s court is grasped, drawn by the right hand, and [kotofu]4s cheek is beaten by the left hand. ..fa!or.. [doro] of [yokumo] and [ttawane] # [bouneko] ..0.. []. [7otofu] is made to shine chewing the lip well, and [biwa] that pours the hoot is beaten and returned.

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The obstruction that co!ers si( is planted 0*icked cat [] of dependence # of [docchi] for one.. [neko] with this big lie0 [paan]. [%aan]. [%aantsu] # and the sound are consecuti!e and it resounds. 0[7uutsu]0 or [biwa] dragged [kotofu]4s arm gripping it, and [kotofu]4s face was scratched by an opposite hand. It is [shi], and harp [fu] is formation [ku] though the packing [/ori] [yokuhotsu] fingernail was 6ust cut by me the other day and had shortened. it is possible to disclose still, to bear considerable power, and to e(ert $yes were made to be bloodshot, and [biwa] sprang at [kotofu] when the hand of [kotofu] [sanga] [biwa] was shaken off and it retreated. The waist of [biwa] floats completely from the chair, and it falls down to [kotofu] for a brief flash after my body is supported by two feet. 0#0 Two people lay in the floor, and tangled as it was each other. [Getsukiyou] [biwa] grips [kotofu]4s hair, and it e6aculates. [5iyama] 0The guy who obstructed [konoha] with me did not take notice by you, disappeared quickly by one [nai] of being able permission [konoha], and was #0 a!oiding [kotofu] also shouted while grasping pa6amas of [biwa] and it returned it.

u It is one coming, and the spoon was [naka] of can possession the hand and the mouth4s ha!ing come to mo!e fairly yesterday.

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8hapter 3?F= of working [ttanoni]. 'hipping water, head refreshing, too and how old I did not you recall it? 0 It is ama/ed as 0[2a] [&]0 [biwa] was made [ha]. "gape [bokumo] agape ,. ne to which [biwa] should not be able to sit on the wheelchair does the fight of standing, fight [kotofu], and the scuffle is superior and makes a the re&dry sound in [ka] beauty wing alone by the cheek of one beauty wing. ' too much..bind..apply..afflict..and..satisfactory..after all..low..clamour..rain..hit repeatedly..pour on. <sual neatly and suitable [shite] and making of it with hair of froufrou ....0.. guy who cannot satisfactorily mo!e his finger.. good smell #0 It beats, [kareteita] [biwa] hits [kotofu]4s head with [gu&] sidewise oppositely one&sidedly, it scratches from the face by both hands aiming at the neck, and it rolls it up. 0 ..woman4s ..woman of ..putting.. ,.. lie.. ..[kara] that is [barebare].. u 1or you, it is [nanigawakarunoyo] :. 1or a long bored..such a thing..decide..on a !

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3?= is because soap is bedaubed to the floor.. :. 2o 0[2chiyou] of ..pale face [shite].. coming is strained when coming here though it was frightened because of my mail, it enters the room, and laughed at moss [tesa] #0 you ..0.. ..that.. 0 0Tumble down from the stairs. 0 0..your pushing down.. dependence #0 u 1ood for [souyo] , you to lure out [konoha]. 2e!ertheless, it gets on my in!itation, it comes nonchalantly, and large [mon] omission. 0 'huttling [erikubi] [biwa] rides [kotofu], and the face is slapped. The nape of the neck of [kotofu] [sanga] [biwa] is gripped, the body is re!ersed, and it throws down oppositely. 0'top as soon as, and both; as many as # [biwa] ..the sick person one [biwa] [kotofu].. was # ..stopping..0 The memory of [kotofu]4s unbelie!able action and [biwa] was returned, and I was confused completely. It was possible ..arm.. to hang on when ha!ing started di!iding between two people and entering. 0It drew, and [kotofu] was put for you0 It had entered the room between serious [itsu] or )r. "kutagawa was standing in a serious e(pression. It is seeming, and after it is determined that it might be disliked by you, liberating ..0cc for me0 0.. [suruta] from "sakura as for you.

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I !olunteered to [meni] and [kotofu] for the unpopular role0 [7ouchiyou] [kotofu] flushed the cheek, and is grappling to [biwa] with set teeth. u Inoue thinks of you for a long time, and is suffering [detandayo]. Dou monopoli/ed Inoue4s feelings. Tears blot to0, and the lip trembles a little. In it, [kotofu] was an e(pression when it was desperately strong.

, ..4.. ? ..not being made to Inoue.. ..saying.. ( It was recalled to ha!e said so hard when might be able 1or me ..8hapter 3?>=.. ..e(ercising.. 4cc though it might be useless was [te]4 by the face that seemed to come saying [na], and had a lump in one4s throat. *e are fighting against [biwa] for me though I damaged a lot of [kotofu]. u It is ..fa!or.. [kareteitanoni] in Inoue. It were !alued. ne [atashi] where you were pre!iously saw it of smiled of Inoue for a long time always always. 2e!ertheless, Inoue why.

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It 6umps down in the front of damage [runo] [&] and Inoue 3#?, and [konoha] is # in 0of the torment of Inoue because of kneading and lie.. attaching to the car away by one [atashikara] that forgets me if it doesn4t do so. ! The hair was disarranged soppy, and [biwa] that did a front button of pa6amas in [toba] by three [tsumadesu] began to weep raggedly squatting down and crowding with [petan] on the floor. -ecause piece you ha!e the family and the friend who comes for the !isit, I do not understand. It went quietly to see the appearance when you were hospitali/ed in summer. Dou were enclosed by friends at school, were [konoha], were made fun, and were negati!e with the crimson face. "fter that, father, mother, and the grandma were seen to be burning your care. It seemed to get along well !ery much your family, and you were sulky of not treating like a child. Dou are not there is a person who is together besides [konoha].

1or me, it is [konoha] [shikainainoyo] :. It becomes a face seeing the appealed beauty wing spilling + tears, and sobbing con!ulsi!ely, and doing that harp [fu] is [bo] ..wholesale.. ..floatage.. ..[/e].. [....] as for the raised hand. ['oushitsu] [biwa] completely lost the fighting spirit, shook the dropped shoulder small, and sobbed like the child.

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8hapter 3##= of working u )y papa, the mama, and the grandma made cc me only the garbage bo( taking the place and there was an inside e(hausted. It was only [konoha] to gi!e me a beautiful word and a gentle word. 2e!ertheless, [konoha] is gone cc, too. ! It crushes, the grain of [namida] spills from the cheek on the floor like rain, and it falls. It crowds, )r. "kutagawa of [na] draws [mayune], and [biwa] is watched painfully. "s for me, the chest rubbed against painful. u cc *hat [kku] , cannot already imagine. ;c$ [] that cannot imagine the beautiful world. In me, there is only the dirty one. How anywhere there is fortunately no truth: ..ugliness.. ..[atashimo].. [i] ..pitch&dark.. ..ugliness... this world Therefore, child4s [mamadeiruno] .. cc is in those days.. [] that goes and promises [kutte] to space by two people. cc because [konoha] is away from me when growing up.

*ith me because it doesn4t go. Therefore, child4s [mamadeiruno] . for a long time for a long time. It is [toranaide] # and [ranaide] # from asking and one obstruction [naide] [atashi] as for [konoha]. ! [-iwa] that cries because !oice is gi!en. It doesn4t disregard and useless [hataratsu] not gotten for which it doesn4t wail. Cespair. The pitch&dark world like abyss in space. )ind cut down. The pain [sono] painfulness sticks, and the scream is pierced and sticks in my chest. How did [biwa] request me?

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Cid it try to be restricted me by all souls by 3#, whole bodies and apply it? It is lonely like the rust it by [biwa], and is painful. It kept hesitating dragging the body that slept at the center at night, comforted, was not permitted running away [ni], and was being not able to imagine the beautiful world and to obtain the comfort nothing but damaged. [-okuga] [biwa] was depri!ed of sa!ing. The world of [kowakiyo/etsu] [biwa] was broken, and the last wish for [biwa] was re6ected. If it is not possible to go, what are you? The hand of [biwa] was released, and the mind of [biwa] was killed twice. The whole body is torn up into the repeated despair, and it becomes pitch&dark in the head. I might be gi!en great by you if it does !ery. [Tadodoushitara] and we might be able to reach the ground of great at last.

*hen )r. [gomoku] 'ichuan, ..pain.. [kotofu], three people, sorrows, and we who can continue ..paralysis [ki].. become silent holding, and [biwa] is watched. The limpid !oice was heard in the door. 0I teach the place where great is seen0 " thin, long knitting three is spilt from the shoulder, and it is gentle and the way of the [nagomasete] and !iolet flowers of ci 8iornie.

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The [tooko] senior who worked and floated chapter of + [konna] [bi] smile and had worn a na!y blue coat to one uniform was standing. [-iwa] raises wet eyes. 0Dou are cc0 " pure surprise e(tends to the face of [biwa]. The [tooko] senior slowly compromised to [biwa], bent the waist a little, and said by a gentle tone where familiarity had shut oneself up. u It was not possible to introduce oneself when meeting in the rooftop. "t that time, you ha!e suddenly cut though a story has been told by telephone once cc. ! I shook, and was perple(ed. *hat ..being likely to say.. [tooko] senior ;. 5ust a little, lamplight [biwa] seemed to be frightened by telephone. cc that had been spoken with [biwa] "nd, it is, is dressed [..], and it looks up at the [tooko] senior remaining quiet ..eye difference [shide] that it is not possible to turn one4s eyes away... It is the presence of me who makes it to [ra/u] [..] ..understanding.., and the [tooko] senior is [tsutanodatta] of the remark ..holding out a pure&white hand... u 2ice to meet you [biwa] [chan]

0+iterary girl ..[hawatashi] of [amanoko]... 0 in the [tooko] "mano [kokoroha] [kunno] senior as seeing it ! 3#3

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..decrease.. [ba] #.

. 'ky..see..all..flame..e!ening sun..dye. The limousine of black paint stopped in front of [kuronu] and the [okosenpai] hospital, and [bokura] got on it as it was said by the [tooko] senior. Comed building surrounded by pitch&dark trees seems to be a planetarium whose it was [tenmondaiaru] astronomical obser!atory in suburbs that fi!e people Vseeing [u] dirt [gawako], [bukitadobokuto], [tooko] senior, and [biwa], )r. "kutagawa, and [kotofu]W reached at last. The [tooko] senior enters the inside pushing the door that is lowered the note of the door closing a library. It cried too much, and red eye [woshita] [biwa] shortened the body like the kitten that had been gotten, clung to me firmly, and walked. [7otofu] and )r. "kutagawa follow the furnace afterwards. It is strained with two coming [nchiyou] people or the e(pression is hard. I who boiled who did not come either had been perple(ed. "bout what the [tooko] senior thinks is not understood. [-iwa] and the [tooko] senior ; !ery ..speaking by telephone.. ..[arutte].. though it has missed hearing.

[$nd of %age 3?B]

cc when you are looking at the sky ..might 8hapter 3#B> [iukoto] it... It had dyed in [6iyoun@ishitsu] and the [umeiai] screening room to transparent indigo to which the e!ening sun seemed 6ust to drop. In a round roof, not [awadou] [hi] but performed [toueipotsupotsu] and the floating star are still light and small, too. The rocket of pro6ection coming [ki] arranged at the center of the seat that queued up like the concentric circle that tried to fly away to space. The hair of [nafun] raging brown is rough, and the resplendent atmosphere is shaken, reeled, and the hemp your senior meets 0[Iratsushai] and [tooko]0. 'he the well informed man is usually drawing the picture of the hobby with the queer old stick a little in the atelier in the [shiyuuchiyaku] top floor in the music hall in the educational institution in the granddaughter of the chief director in the educational institution. )oreo!er, when it wanted you to be attached to the [tooko] senior, and to become a nude model, an ardent approach was done. u It prepared it as said. Two. This, and the last amount and additionally loans it It pays ..[aoa/anamaki/uni].. tightly before it graduates. *hen [aoiya] or the bruise is applied to the body, it is an unpleasantness. Howe!er, deflecting [kannouteki] ; and though it might be sensual. ! *ith a smile, [tooko] senior4s knitting three is scooped by the tip of a finger, and doubtfully with a smile. The cheek [tooko] senior reddens his cheek, and it is hurried. [Aiyuuto] u The story of , ..along.. doesn4t ha!e after the e(amination ends ha!ing said. Hetting [tto] cc [naganin] is still oaks. !

The blowing gunwale hemp your senior became in the mouth [woheno] character, and it misinterpreted, and it became a face that seemed to be ill&humored for a moment.

[$nd of %age 3?E]

3#E dissipation [musugo] u It has already come with her if it is that dissipated son. Hey. ! )r. [naganin] who had sat pre!iously on the seat on by the indication was seen. )r. [takedahi/a] [naganin] took Takeda in the knee, and was patting his hair importantly. It seemed to draw the face and, and to whisper. [%ikuritomo] doesn4t mo!e while ha!ing dripped because of )r. [sanha] dark Takeda [naganin]4s chest. 1loatages, the [utsubu] e(pression e!en doesn4t blink to the transparent dark as hollowly as dolls, and !igor is not felt by me at all. 'uch [samuke] Takeda was seen, and I was cool. ne lees food beauty wing firmly clings to my arm, and it is muttered that e!en here was supposed to be awful because of the getting hoarse !oice though Takeda4s appearance was heard from the [tooko] senior. It shocks in the appearance of falling 0cc has been done ..that child.. !ery0 Takeda, and fear is floated on eyes and it trembles small. [7otofu] and )r. "kutagawa ha!e stiffened the e(pression hard. *hen 0[2aganin]0 [tooko] senior called, )r. [naganin] saw us. They are made to start laughing toward the [tooko] senior in a cheerful manner, to whisper something to Takeda, to support the waist, and to stand, and the passage is descended with the shoulder held.

[$nd of %age 3?F]

8hapter 3#F> when you are looking at the sky u [7onoha] who is [chi]. [7otofu] is a shin. as it is easy to lea!e safely hospital ! )r. [tomado] [naganin]4s !oice and the e(pression were usually streets by pu//led of us. 0)r. [naganin] and Takeda are cc0 Takeda is not shown us the concern at all, and drips to )r. [naganin] silently with air hollowly watched. 0..becoming empty.. sleep cc seems not to be able to react when a !oice here is heard ..what that wants to be e(pected it is..0 $!eryone puts it away as 8hin. )r. [naganin] held, drew Takeda4s head, and laughed nicely. u [8hoppi] is done from , person and a delicate guy often e(ists. It is repaired sooner or later with [kero]. [2aa] and [chii] ! The word and the hand that patted Takeda4s head were strong and bright. *ith a smile gentle to Takeda of the [tooko] senior. [8hia] u It brought it to [naganin] thinking that #??? )ana did the recreation today. It en6oys it. ! 0cc0 )r. ..dupe.. Takeda remained becoming silent after all. The [tooko] senior made us sit on the seat, and stood in front of the profile pro6ector.

[-iwa] sits on the right of me and [kotofu] sits on the left. $ither e(pression is also hard. )r. "kutagawa ; after [biwa].

[$nd of %age 3?=]

'eat..arri! addition..a one4s legs. The changing lighting darkens gradually, and the number of stars that scatter in the ceiling increases. " light light that shone on the profile pro6ector made [tooko] senior4s slight appearance come to the surface like the moonlight that spilt from the sky. The unpleasant straw 5apanese syllabary opinion flows to the transparent dark in [kokochi] feelings. [Taneyamagahara] u This starry sky at which it looked up from seed mountain [ke] Hara in Iwate %refecture. 'eeing [ya/awaken6i] writer 7en6i )iya/awa !isited this ground of the )orioka ad!anced agriculture and forestry school for the soil sur!ey at the third grader. +iterary coterie maga/ine 4["/aria]4 was 6ust started with [tomoshio] ..[pi] [u6inshi] 7en6i at that time.., e!ery day had been enhanced, it o!erflowed in the ideal to the future and hope, it saw at the happiest time in such a life, and it wrote in natural rela(ation.. ..dispirited.. [i] and 7en6i who recei!ed deep impression wrote many done works in the theme of seed mountain [ke] Hara in the creation acti!ity afterwards. 1or instance, the work of this poetry after eight years in undecided [..] that consists of four parts in #>,B. ! $yes are shut as the [tooko] senior imagines the spectacle that 7en6i saw, and a part of poetry is recited. ..[shimasanriyou] 04.. line at the hea!en end that sinks ..making to some [sou] declaration hilts that flow to stripes [noyau] of sea that wait for arete and point and swelling because of hilt..

[$nd of %age 3?>]

'!ide..?..all..already..all..transparent..turn! u It is said that 7en6i4s most important work 42ight of the )ilky *ay railway4 was born from this ground, too. The star star4s in the whole sky that shines to o!erhead e!en ha!ing associated one )ilky *ay [su] [a&shon] with the train left there. Has not the person who has not read 4)ilky *ay railway&4 either heard of the outline or .. Hero Hio!anni helps sick mother and is attending school while working. It becomes impossible for the distance to arise between two people while growing up, and to talk recently though Hio!anni had the childhood friend named [kamupanerura]. It was enclosed [kamupanerura] by the friend at night of the crow hanging festi!al and was Hio!anni to the ri!er though it went to the sink in the light of [karasuuri]. There was Hio!anni about the train that ran in the )ilky *ay when noticing ..the kick... [7amupanerura] waited for Hio!anni there. Two people go out to the )ilky *ay train tra!el together. ! The round sky with which o!erhead is co!ered darkens a little again. u It is said that there is a model in [kamupanerura] with Hio!anni. 'olitary Hio!anni is 7en6i, and about the model of [kamupanerura] though there are some theories ..liwa [chiki] shy [ko] it.. y It is said that it is 7en6i4s younger sister Toshi [..].

[$nd of %age 3#?]

It seemed to do 3,?, [yuseki] Toshi to be , from 7en6i the younger, and they to be always top honor students in the school. It was ..Toshi.. [6imanshita] boast, there was no other way, and Toshi also adored elder brother 7en6i 7en6i. Two people were great friend, and it kept e(changing the letter for a long time while Toshi went on to the school in Tokyo and it was away. 7en6i who had awoken to [notoki] [hokekiyou6iyoudoshinshiyuu] #= years old [houkata] deepened confrontation [yuiitsu] with father who was the belie!er of ardent 5odoshin sect, and Toshi understood such 7en6i, and nothing but ; in the family. / Teaching [houkata] was belie!ed, and it became 7en6i4s support. Toshi was a person of the matchless that was able to ha!e [tomo] [muni] for 7en6i more than it was a younger sister as for the world and thought0 "bout what the [tooko] senior might try to talk. " ha/y fog e(tends to the [mana/ahi] mind. +impid !oice and gentle eye difference [shini] [..] ..being possible to come.. are listened and enter the kick. [-iwa] also watches the [tooko] senior like the hard&set e(pression. u Hio!anni and [kamupanerura] were also so. *ise [kamupanerura] was e(istence of a da//ling yearning for Hio!anni, it was an other party who shared the warm past, and it was an important tra!eling companion who had wished that it went together e!en where. ! The [tooko] senior smiles with [odayakana] eyes. It is and ..settling down.. ..taking.. shakes [biku] and the shoulder by 0It looks like the tree and Hatori who appears the relation between two people in the no!el on [miu] Inoue for a moment, too0 [biwa].

[$nd of %age 3##]

It replaced and [kotofu] seemed to ha!e stirred with [tonari] with 8hapter 3,#> when you were looking at the sky. I also packed the breath while feeling in the mouth dry up. u In this case, does the tree become Hio!anni? " girl of the tree in the narrator of the story in the second grade of 6unior high&school. 2oboru is spending small, happy e!ery day together childhood friend4s Hatori4s being lo!ed by lea!ing school, and doing homework in the library near the school. Hatori is a bright boy whom the blue sky suits, and the no!el that I always wrote in the tree is read. Hatori4s dream became a no!elist, and the tree assisted in it. If it is Hatori, it is surely [narerutte] in a genuine writer. ! [Hashiirada] [biwa] grips the edge of the seat by the trembling finger. 'mart irritation blots to eyes. u The tree and Hatori also had the model with Hio!anni like [kamupanerura]. In the [hanabana] real world, the tree was a boy, and Hatori was a girl. "nd, ha!ing brilliantly debuted as a no!elist was not Hatori but a tree. ! It is turned to eye difference [shiga] and the [tooko] senior who bares the [/ouo] abhorrence. The [tooko] senior watched straight, returned it, and continued wording. u : Two people were [banareninari] of away as a result, and it began to spell another ..Hatori.. story of ..thing.. ..continuation.. [kata] that the tree had written up. Hatred, it is painful, and despairs to it by the denial of the world of the tree.

[$nd of %age 3#,]

They were three stories. ! [-iwa] was power might kill the [tooko] senior by the glance. The skins of us in tense air [hifuga] and the ne(t run through are stabbed and it sticks. The [tooko] senior doesn4t pull it the kick. [1ukushiyuu] u Then, it is not that much. Hatori began re!enge on the tree also in the real world. It was not possible to mo!e for myself because Hatori ruined the body and was hospitali/ed. It tried to use the classmate of [nanode] and the tree. He was a sincere boy, it became the best friend of the tree, and ..getting tired.. attempt fell through the kick. 'till, Hatori did not gi!e it up. This time, the target was changed into the girl near the tree, and contact was tried to her. "n une(pected cooperator showed up to in such and Hatori. ! 0 [biwa] catches one4s breath. Co it get bored and who on earth do you ..0of cooperator #F.. say? )r. "kutagawa? [7otofu]. It is not unpleasantly possible. -oth, it tried to keep away [biwa] from me. Then, the chest becomes hea!y the presentiment that it is seditious whom.

The [tooko] senior asks. )ystery u Co you know there is a person of the mystery named Cr. [burukaniro] in 42ight of the )ilky *ay railway4?

[$nd of %age 3#3]

It is gone in the following finished [..] though 8hapter 3,3> [kono] doctor e(ists to in e(istence [hatsu..], the second [..], and the third [..] when you are looking at the sky. He appears at the end of the story, talks my e(periment Hio!anni4s tra!el, and indicates the road to the future to Hio!anni. The person who hits Cr. [burukaniro] appears in another story that Hatori wrote. To the scribbled note written at the blank of the story accurately ! The red character written the e(periment on [burukaniro] so that it was led to [nouri] [tooko] senior4s word crossed the mind. 'uch a word was certainly in the memo so. "fter that, it describes it concerning -. *as - of 0"nnoying -#0, 0..being able silence.. -#0, and 0 rdered ..becoming it.. -#0 of [burukaniro]? [Hinban] u Hatori is made get irritated because it calls it frequently while Hatori4s plan is helped, and this - that comes out repeatedly is cornered. *as - Hatori4s teammate? *as it an enemy? "ll the appearances of - of either flicker on the back side of the e!ent that actually happens. !

The [tooko] senior turns to eye difference [shiwo] and [bokuto] [biwa] of intellectual and it reports. [7onoha] u It is not a coincidence to meet [biwa] [chan] again in [kokoroha] [kunga] and the hospital. Ha!ing put it together on mother of [biwa] [chan] with the sickroom [kokoroha] [kunga] and the bee after that also. )other of appearance [nai] [biwa] [chan] came to that day hospital only once e!ery two months why why.

[$nd of %age 3#9]

aks of ]. abuse In the memo, there was a description that abused - as the betrayer. ! The heart contracts with [gyutsu]. *ho summoned me to original of [biwa]? Coes it purposely introduce mother of [bokuto] [biwa], and was the hatred that [biwa] had concealed e(ploded? *ho informed me first that [kotofu] had been hospitali/ed? *ho asked it to go to [bokuni] [kotofu]4s !isit the day before when it met mother of [biwa]? " cold hand pats the scruff of the neck of me who traces [wo] of ..becoming it.. storage. u It is not surely a coincidence that I pay a sympathy !isit by [nanasechannoo], and met [kokoroha] [kunni] that day in the lobby. Isn4t it [yoyuu] - to ha!e sent 0Hatori4s story0 to the [kokoroha] [kunno] personal computer or

It is thought [hanakatta], and [biwa] [chan] is not good alone to prepare the machine parts for that by the scanning of the page only in that either. [biwa] [chan] at that time the sent room ! [Tooko] senior4s glance is poured on us. It becomes suffocating the desire ne!er said. To [hehehehehehehehehehehe] u *ho is -? *hat was the purpose of -? [2aganin] and you know. !

[$nd of %age 3#B]

" tough !oice responded back. u "h. -ecause it is I that introduced [chiito] [biwa] first ! 8hapter 3,B> [kewakuchibiruka] [biwa] bites the lip by the stern e(pression when you are looking at the sky, and it looks down. It looked up at the back with [bokuto] [kotofu] had sat on a chair on an opposite chair. )r. "kutagawa and the hemp your senior also were looking at )r. [naganin]. )r. "kutagawa is eye difference [shide] of the surprise. The hemp your senior ; in the scowl. "gape [soshite] and [bokuto] [kotofu] are dumbfounded. )r. [naganin] is car!ing the mouth the smile like en6oying this situation.

Takeda is watching air with hollow eyes in the ne(t. [-iwa] that grasped the <me fist was and there was a rumor in the !oice that the dislike of ..blowing.. , blots. [8hia] u cc ['ouyo] . -ringing [tanoyo] to me. ..[soitsu].. lo!e - Takeda #??? ! "h after all, Takeda is -. [-iwa] was seen in the reflection, and [nigaboku] shook and looked up to )r. [naganin] in bitter feelings. %iece body [douiukotonano]? )r. [naganin]. *as it acquainted from [kimihaitsu] with [biwa]? )r. + [naganin] answers the smile that is noisy of the mind while floated.

[$nd of %age 3#E]

3,E 0The telephone is withheld among them putting it. 0 u Telephone? [-iwa] is ; of the telephone cc why. ! It asks, and it makes it to [ha]. The [tooko] senior said that he or she would ha!e spoken by telephone with [biwa]. If you called the [tooko] senior as [biwa] struck [kotofu] mail. The [tooko] senior says in a melting !oice.

To [hehehe] u The telephone was gi!en to [biwa] [chanha] and me. [2aganin] relaid the telephone. ! The lip is bitten mortifying with it regrets and do the clasp of [biwa] of the fist. [-iwa] was heard the appearance of me who went to the hospital for [kotofu]4s !isit from )r. "kutagawa in 0$c$$ "ttached0 summer. "t that time, there was [tooko] senior ne(t to me. [-iwa] might ha!e remembered the name 4[Tooko] senior4 that I had said. "nd of [keineiama], the house of [ko] of [too] "mano was called ..registration in )r. "kutagawa4s carrying.. ..0... To be going to annoy it as made to [kotofu] It was )r. going out [tanoha] [naganin] in the telephone. kicked u It is an(ious in amusing the [naanka] appearance and [tansuyone]. [Ce] and [tookoane] were quietly heard to speak. !

[$nd of %age 3#F]

It is said that the con!ersation was !ery short. It took the place by one telephone. It is [tooko]. *ho is it? ne getting cc. [7okoroha] [kun]?

*hen the sky is seen, you are 3 8hapter > i c The [tooko] senior only is this the word that your.. [biwa] [chan]&)r. [naganin] heard of, and says that he or she replaces the handset, and got [shibarata/uku] [..] in front of the telephone. If you did not teach, 4%erson whom you do not know4 e!en though whether from whom it is telephone is asked. 0-ecause it is, and was called the name suddenly, [bitsukurishite] cc0 )inoru .. [ro].. ..tie.. ..[biwa].. [ru] again. It had and the [tooko] senior might ha!e tied to [surudo] the other party of the name and the telephone 0[)iu]0 that I had leaked before during [ta] minute momentarily. -ecause it is peaceful [nanoni], a strange point, and it is a person that 8aen is sharp, cc usually. n the other hand, the other party of the telephone has heard )r. ..interest.. [waita] [naganin] from the other side of the recei!er, and it is said that the standard of the place was applied from )usic of the beginning clock and nurse4s !oice.

[$nd of %age 3#=]

"fter 3,=, it happily became parties concerned in the hospital as usual, and it only had to confirm whether the girl named [miu] was hospitali/ed. )r. [souyatte] [naganin] was to ha!e !isited the sickroom of [biwa] suddenly. 0..unbelie!able.. [i]0 [biwa] is made to chew the molar well, and it mutters pro!oking. "fter it greets it of the impudent depended greeting of )r. [naganin] to [biwa] w To your [kotoha] [kokoroha] because it keeps secret and it sol!es it. "s for [tookoane], I want you to concentrate on the e(amination for a while. ( It is said that it offered sol!ing. It did sometimes so and a pre!ious notice came sometimes to come none casually. 0It was dangerous, and it was type of the fa!or, and ..[kokoroha] interest.. e(isted in [nantsu] [&] or the [ii] feeling0 [-iwa] stared and )r. [naganin] of calm in a burnt face in the leek eyebrow who talked is applied.

)r. "kutagawa also puckered up one4s brows unpleasantly. *as the person of the relati!e whom [shinseki] [biwa] had meant possibly )r. [naganin]? Aose 0Has the rose of )r. [naganin], you, and the orange been taken to the !isit?0, 0"h [morattansuyo] ..happily to the elder sister in the flower shop near "llais and the hospital..0, and 0..[ippen].. die0 [biwa] means whether )r. [naganin] greatly likes it because of the [kitsui] !oice.

[$nd of %age 3#>]

*hen you were looking at the sky, 8hapter 3 > and [kushiyuboku] were confused. It is understood that )r. [naganin] is interested in [biwa]. -ecause )r. [naganin] is a person of a special hobby. )r. 0*hy [santo] Takeda [biwa] ..introduction [tarishitanda] [&]..0 [naganin] answers in a haughty e(pression. u I wanted to see true Takeda #??? lo!e. In front of [chiiha] and me because it did not remo!e the mask easily ! [Tsuna] u It doesn4t understand. How do you lead with it to the introduction to [biwa]? ! It talked ironically and it talked ironically and the [gena] light floated on )r. [naganin]4s eyes. It says slowly to me who makes it to [doki]. To [he] u

It is because sky and [kokoroha] are special for [chii]. 4The [kokoroha] senior looks like a fa!orite person4 speaks when going to the e!e to see the sea and is [mashitayo]. ! The breath stopped. %erson i who was fa!orite of Takeda. It is from a rooftop in the [sei6ou] educational institution to the person named [..] 7ataoka , that 6umps to death in ago of [sei6iyouo] color [youkataokashiyuu6isoreha] and #? years. Takeda who worried because it was not able to sympathi/e with others only held o!erwhelming sympathy in man who knew only in the photograph. I ..face.. like it about the [fuu] [kokoroha] senior. -ecause it is 6ust like two [..] seniors. It is recalled to ha!e been said in such a way.

[$nd of %age 3,?]

They are not only 33? deflecting. ['uboku] was little man who got to know Takeda of the source. "lso in such a meaning, it might ha!e been special. The fa!or or hatred or such a dimension is e(ceeded. u 4[7okoroha] was my dog4 ..!ociferation.. ..scattering.. saw [rasu] [biwa], it was ..[chiiha].. popeyed, and became e(pressionless like ice from it. It had a chill. I thought that you may bring it. ! [Tousui] made [nchiyuu] eyes sparkle fe!erish, and the psychology of )r. [naganin] who talked that it was into(icated had e(ceeded [han..] of my understanding.

The [tooko] senior interrupts )r. [naganin]4s word by the stern e(pression. u "fter that, it is imaginable from the memo. cc though confused because the time series is !arious. #??? )ana went to [biwa] [chan] to meet alone, and offered cooperation. "nd, it began to be positi!ely related to the re!enge of [biwa] [chan]. Co you sleep so? [-iwa] [chan] ! [-iwa] is painful and it mutters. u That child cc 4This is an e(periment4 was said. That child thought about the plan to summon [konoha] to the hospital by using [kotofu]. ! The throat is sounded with [hiku] so that [sakenodo] [kotofu] may swallow the shout. "n innocent [iwana] 6unior4s who greets it always energetically ha!ing proposed it to fi( him into the trap ; [mu6iyakikou].

[$nd of %age 3,#]

It might be feelings that cannot belie!e by 8hapter 33#> when you are looking at the sky. It is neither or I also ha!e understood Takeda4s intention. Cr. [burukaniro] was Takeda. Takeda ..the kick.. did want to corner [bokuya] [biwa], and what do? *hat e(periment? ..0cc *hy Takeda might ha!e done such a thing0 throat.. [/ara/arashi] , !oice got hoarse.

Takeda doesn4t answer with a silence like the doll. They are made ..air.. to wander eyes howe!er. 0I wanted to know whether I was able to get wounded0 It was )r. [naganin] that reported in an e(pression settled by looking to haughtiness. u 8an feeling [hehe] ..0.. decrease similarly for me by seeing special person summons damaged ..the pain and suffering..? *as I able to become man of ..completing.. [na]? r, is it a taking the shape thing that is still felt and doesn4t e(ist in [he]? It wants to know by seeming lose one4s mind, it wants to know, and [tamaranakattansuyo]. ! " strong, cold seeing [su] eyes stare at me. It e(perimented because of 00 line of the backbone was made [hehehehehehehehehe] with [/okuri]. 'uch [sonna] an e(periment. 1lat )r. [naganin] reports further indifferently.

[$nd of %age 3,,]

3, u 1eelings were cooled e!en if [kokoroha] of [biwa] and [kotofu]4s ..question.. [de] who suffered was seen, it ..[kubakkaride].. ..three.. faded, and what not felt by me. 2o goodness might ha!e been ..[chiiha].. in a hurry as it was. %arents of [sonde] and [biwa] are called, and it tried to send [kokoroha] the copy of the no!el, and to damage [kokoroha] more. To be similarly damaged, I also ;. !

Co you really look usual one [atashi] cc? Takeda who was looking me up was recalled by the pupil of shaking [], and the wick of the body trembled with uneasy ..despairing.. [hitomishin]. Takeda suffered at that moment. )r. "kutagawa frowns, and mutters my face. [-iwa] in 01oolish thing0 [totan] looked back on )r. "kutagawa in great force. 0$ach other 1ear that might be lost .., you.. ..originating.. .., foolish [nakoto] it.. ..when it is that it is uneasy and [kowatamaranakattakara] and thought destruction because it did not collect in [mitaini] and the knead you # the person who calmly says only the 6ust argument because it is important di!iding # that doesn4t understand one.. ..breaking.. .. [nakattakara] it is possible to endure..0 [hatsura] [ara] it and to !omit feelings that go mad, [biwa] shouts, and )r. "kutagawa becomes silent painfully.

[$nd of %age 3,3]

8hapter 333> when you are looking at the sky u If like cc it is uneasy, uneasy, and the sleep stomach [ki] of [kku] cc of the pitch&dark dark, as left ..the twist.., seem e!erything is rather destroyed before it breaks and stripes are stricken. "nd, there is remaining something in [mo] confused [&] e!en if it breaks or it can like me true or [ta] of wanting the confirmation. ! " sorrowful shout of [biwa] affects in the dark and it e(tends. *e might keep losing our way in the world of the night why. The mind might keep being damaged, it throwing out while being torn up, and it grie!ing. [-iwa], Takeda, and I. The throat was tightened, it was not possible to breathe, and ripe fellows in becoming [tooko] ahead muttered to the surging sorrow in the !oice that the an(iety blots like ..sorrow.. [ha]. u

It seems to be cc. It is !ery ..uneasiness.. cc not to see the road to which it goes. 2ot understanding feelings of an important person either ! [-iwa] sees the [tooko] senior as stricken to the limpid !oice. [Tooko] senior4s pupil seemed to be inhaled and ..sympathy.. filled deeply with a quiet sorrow. Has the [tooko] senior also hesitated at night cc? ..piling up.. painful and the limpid !oice spin the word. u Hio!anni is [kamupanerura], and it is sad cc ..the desire...

[$nd of %age 3,9]

339 -ecause 42ight of the )ilky *ay railway4 is a story written by Hio!anni4s aspect, feelings of [kamupanerura] are not clearly written. Hio!anni doesn4t understand about what [kamupanerura] thinks. The reader therefore ..y.. ..cord.. becomes sad with Hio!anni. [7amupanerura] ..howe!er.. worried about Hio!anni for a long time though did not put out to the mouth. -e other children were not make fun of Hio!anni, speak ill, and only [kamupanerura] nasty to Hio!anni? *ill you ha!e sadly seen Hio!anni? [7amupanerura] wants also must to talk to Hio!anni, and did collect or ! [-iwa] blocks the !oice and it shouts. [7ouman]

u 'uch a thing. I to be nasty, arrogant [kamupanerura], to do happily in train as girl, and not to understand Hio!anni is looking at it in !ery painful feelings ! "h seeming cc? I understood with the surprise. It was thought that I was Hio!anni, and [biwa] was [kamupanerura] for a long time. I had changed into [kamupanerura] in [biwa] the kick when it was. It was felt that [biwa] was Hio!anni where only I was left as the yearning to .. [akogaboku].. [biwa], no understanding of the mind of [biwa], and tightening the chest, etc. , too.

[$nd of %age 3,B]

*hen you were looking at the sky, the hope for three 8hapter > [kamupanerura] was a sorrowful appeal to me who had become it at the same time as the question of [biwa] whose [kamupanerura] it was the [ano] question before it. [kamupanerura] Dour mind is not understood. Dour real intention is shown and the question. "ll might be someone4s [kamupanerura], and they be Hio!anni possibly. It does, other party4s of [tsuto] feelings are not understood, it is uneasy, en!ies, it becomes sad, and c$;. It talks as the [tooko] senior is gentle to [biwa] to which it gets irritated. u Aeally, do not you think that [kamupanerura] was understood at all? In that case, reading 42ight of the )ilky *ay railway4 again and return This time, while considering feelings of [kamupanerura]. *as it really so though was strong ..becoming empty.. [kamupanerura] and drawn like the healthy ideal boy?

$ *asn4t it a usual boy who has the part where [kamupanerura] is as weak as Hio!anni or -ecause [/aneri] were scared, it was not possible to be likely to do though I wanted to do to 'eems +ike ld Times happily with Hio!anni. It might ha!e been worried by that. Cid not you not want to spend with the lo!ed best friend before the last departure therefore or .. Cid not you not want to tell something that has not been told up to now cc or .. It sleeps, it gets, and 42ight of the )ilky *ay railway4 is read again by a different aspect. There is a story of [kamupanerura] on the back side of Hio!anni4s story as there was Hatori4s story on the back side of the story of the tree. !

[$nd of %age 3,E]

33E [biwa] is intense and it refuses. Tears that ha!e been had a lump in one4s throat blink desperately, are repelled, and it shouts by red eyes. 0The star lea!es Hio!anni ..[kedo].. after all by [kamupanerura], and becomes fatty fat bird that cannot fly, and erases, gets by [na], and can do nothing but ..Hio!anni where going [chatta6anai] [] # was left for the distance only by one person.. look at as it crying that the morning dawns0 tears that o!erflow and fell drop and [po] ..passing.. ..[po].. drops on the skirt. [Tooko] senior4s eyebrow falls, too and the an(iety floats on the clear pupil. I also know the last scene of 42ight of the )ilky *ay railway4. 4+et4s go thoroughly ..[kamupanerura] and us..4 in front of Hio!anni who had turned around, there was no [kamupanerura] any longer. [Getsukiyou] Hio!anni hangs out at from the window of the train, hits the chest, e6aculates, and ..full throat.. begins to weep.

"nd, it is told to Hio!anni who awoke in the grass on the hill for [obo] [mupanerura] that goes out to the light sink of [karasuuri] to help classmate4s [/aneri] and to ha!e been drowned in the ri!er. The day Hio!anni might ha!e looked at the sky in what feelings. ['hira6ira] and it panels it ..dawning.. cam disappearing of twinkling [hoshihoshi] one by one.

[$nd of %age 3,F]

*hen you are looking at the sky, the appearance of se!en 8hapter > [ra] might be desire [kokoroyo..] to the other side of the dark. It is not permitted to sleep, and the light in the morning makes the cruel truth come to the surface at the break of dawn ..length and painful... *hen ha!ing understood, it is !ery deep howe!er toward the pure&white sky and when it is made to notice, [tata] dog ..working.. ..becoming empty.. has only [ru] by the person when he or she goes back if a road that must be ad!anced doesn4t change desperately the [motoita] place and at all. Tears slip one after another soppy in the cheek of [natta] [biwa] and it falls. u Hio!anni is [kamupanerura] and already [nai] it is possible to meet. Cid 7en6i )iya/awa write a sad story so much why? -ecause ,, people of writing the story not so sa!ed kept tra!eling happily indefinitely, did not you yep disregard it? -e able the wholesale of the train, cries only of Hio!anni why, and did not it e(ist in case of the birch? The same where are [tanoni] upon one4s word for a long time for a long time. It is lie [] that 7en6i )iya/awa4s story is gentle. +ie [] [konnahidoi] [waka] as for there is a dream doesn4t ha!e such awful despair that not is. 7en6i )iya/awa is hated #. !

The [tooko] senior mutters by moistened eyes. u " !ery sad story of sleep cc 42ight of the )ilky *ay railway4 so. 7en6i lost an important person also in the real world. Dounger sister who encounters and lo!es [wamatata] [/e] Toshi has died of sickness in [kashikoha6ime] [..] coming [ichi] #E&year&old winter cc. 7en6i ; the impact and the pain. 4)orning of [naga..]4

[$nd of %age 3,=]

It writes it in poetry eight [museiyotamashii] and 42eedle of the pine4 and 4Moiceless [hatarawara]4. cc ..seeming collapse the chest... there is not a !oice and either ..crushing.. superb poem that does where [de] e(ist bleed by the soul "nd, [ko] senior talks to the beauty wing of cc + 'hin [shi] that keeps crying in sincerity ..writing nai!e [..] of 42ight of the )ilky *ay railway4 in these two years.. ..far.. who lost 0It is [michitsure] of [surutatsutahitori] in one as for the belief0... "s if, hard as you speak an intimate person. u There were a lot of sad 7en6i after that. It sleeps, and cc [biwa] [chan] of the mediocrity. 7en6i )iya/awa was not said like the saint who e(erted one4s powers for the farmer in the hometown, and it went well actually well in association with the person with father. It had become a belo!ed younger sister, the best friend, and a separation separation, and it was not admitted as a writer during ali!e. It does and only two of the 4Aestaurant where a lot of orders e(ist4 of 4'pring and sura4 of the anthology and the fairy tale collections ; the book that leek 7en6i published before the life. 2either sold completely, too.

-orrowing money from father to poor sales of the remainder after #?? is gotten instead of the royalty and ha!ing bought about ,?? of the stocks ; 4" lot of [in/ei] restaurants of the order that are4 to 4'pring and sura4 in the publication on one4s own account treatment. The e!aluation was hardly done0 It kept putting it was, the lo!e mandarin duck, and painful, and the [tooko] senior talking. *hen there was such a person. *hen he also felt the pain and suffering where it li!es.

[$nd of %age 3,>]

8hapter 33>> when you are looking at the sky u "s for the tomato or the tulip ..the first time ..agriculture.. cauliflower.., it saw in a serious bad har!est and 7en6i who was raising useless lu(ury goods was seen by the people in the farm !illage in which it panted only in the queer old stick though it ..sophisticated [namonoshinkokukiyousakuae] fa!or [hinwo].. planted. It almost remained unsold e!en if [riyaka&] was pulled and it came into the market, and it seems to ha!e come back while distributing it for free. In the letter to the tendon friend who not is, when person4s feelings are also sly in a dirty town, my hometown is writing [takotomoasei6inkunshiruwa]. "ctual 7en6i was a saint gentleman, and only in not going well, and not lasting long, was continuous of the defeat. Cid [ro] [tsurade] spell the grudge to suffering, despair where I had felt 7en6i, and a useless reality in the work as it was? Is 7en6i4s story a story of the defeat and [suki..]? 0 [-iwa] opens swimming eyes wide, and the [tooko] senior is watched. The eyes are watched quietly, returned, and the [tooko] senior mutters. 2o 0cc in the aspect. 0 The shoulder of [biwa] ..0.. shakes small. 0 The story of Hatori who had been spelt on the story of the tree o!erflowed in the pain and the hatred of baring.

If 7en6i was not so, the [tooko] senior clearly reported the story that 7en6i had written to thwack the cheek as it was not a story of a pitch&dark defeat the kick.

[$nd of %age 33?]

+eg u The one that poetry famous 4Aain [nimomake/u]4 was composed in sickbed. It is hopeless to write the testament determining the death the about one month ago. "fter that, 7en6i has died without as many as two years passing0 " deep geniality blots in the !oice and painful blots to the pupil of the [tooko] senior who watches. [-iwa] is chewed the lip well like ha!ing forgotten to cry and trembles. The [tooko] senior indifferently reads out 7en6i4s poetry. 0['hite] ..regulations.. ..shutting.. [ra/uitsumoshidukaniwarattekiru] of [no] of strong [nakaradawomochi] desire of [sanimomakenu] [hanakui@ka] in rain [nimomake/u] style [nimomake/u] snow [nimo] summer0 0[Hiderinotokihanamidawonagashisamusanonatsupaorooroaruki]0

[$nd of %age 33#]

8hapter 39#> sonny tightens and 0[)innanidekunobo& toyobarepomeraremose/ukunimosare/u]. 0 and 0['auifumononi]. 0 and 0[*atashihanaritai]0 painful ..when you see the sky.. tightens the chest strongly. The throat trembles hot. 'uch a thing is surely impossible. In us, easily, it is defeated at rain, and it is not the people that wish that it is defeated who are winning. *hen I wish it, we ha!e already shaken uneasily, and are defeated. Therefore, it wishes the kick. *hile shouting while writhing in the dark.

To be defeated. It is defeated at the wind.

[$nd of %age 33,]

Two [houdaimagiwa] ..inhalation.. [u] u 7en6i kept polishing repeatedly until the !erge of the death, and rewriting the published huge aimless manuscript. If 7en6i was ali!e, 42ight of the )ilky *ay railway4 of the Bth [..] and the Eth [..] might ha!e been born. $!en what how many degrees it e!en was defeated or one the standpoint where I was left was, kept ha!ing an ideal by 7en6i in such a way. It is [naritaitte] in such myself whom I imagined some time. *hat kind of person is that your it ha!ing wanted [biwa] [chan] to become it? 0 The e(pression made [....] floats on the face of stupefied [biwa]. The one that [biwa] wanted to become it. Cream of talking to me with starry eyes before. )yself of ideal held in chest. It becomes one [atashi] and a writer. The book on one [atashi] ..power of people.. is read. It is good when becoming possession. The people and saw, and a happy ..nature.. e(pression of ..o!ercast.. [biwa] was sad eyes, and saw in feelings that seemed to split cloudy weather. The chest puts painfully moistened on me.

[$nd of %age 333]

It seemed not to become a word though it tried to mo!e the lip slightly, and to answer [biwa]. It looks down like the stray child it is not possible name.. to say and e(ist. "ir is hea!ily strained. "t that time, the !oice was in we back. Three 8hapter > [bokuga] and [biwa] look back when 0I am cc0 sonny sees the sky and [kotofu] looks back on Takeda as [ha]. Tears were floated on eyes like an e(pression as hollow as [sanha] Takeda [shiokatachi]. It continued in the !oice that had gotten hoarse as it was. 0cc I wanted to become human of cc [futsuu]0 "kutagawa of )r. and the hemp your senior packed the breath, and Takeda was seen. )r. [naganin] and the [tooko] senior are listening to the !oice of quiet eye difference [shide] Takeda. -loodless lips weakly push the word out. cc I do not want ..lie 0.. ..lie.. to attach to cc nobody cc in reality cc. cc not to hear whose !oice %ainful cc. cc in quiet place only by one person cc then It is cc because it doesn4t become shameful that I am all different.

[$nd of %age 339]

cc because it ends without attaching. [keuso] cc surely cc cc true happiness howe!er cc it The sorrow o!erflows with tears and it goes out of a hollow c$; + pupil the difference. It is damaged, and a broken girl talking desperately in a small !oice. Takeda is watched as [biwa] trembling. Takeda trembled, too. The hand is a shoulder, and ..lip.. !oice ;. The e(pression is regained little by little while trembling.

cc really .. piece me.. It is cc all usual same cc wanting to become it cc ..girl cc... It is cc though is not me true it. cc me of the lie. cc cc Howe!er, $c; I want to come to get all things that cc e!eryone feels felt in [futsuu] by me cc. cc though it might be impossible It was shameful, and I cc ..wanting become it.. [] in such cc a person in e!eryone4s this place that was now only such a yellowtail though it was not possible to do.. though dying utterly became..0 Takeda who finished 2arrator drowned in tears from eyes with the focus firmly like rain, and was looking at [ko] +iao seniors. The [tooko] senior smiles softly in the watery light. u 'o #??? sleep cc )ana. It is good in such a way when it is possible to become it0 [Ho]. 0I am not a man who can defend the woman who fell in lo!e to the last minute.. want. 0

[$nd of %age 33B]

)r. [naganin] three [kutsutaku] says by a tone not careworn, and the radiant smile is turned to Takeda. The smile seeing floated slowly on Takeda4s face, and it looked up at )r. [naganin] in the smile like the puppy. 0)r. Ayu was parentheses credit0, both 0I originally good&looking0, and no 0Hetting [hehetsu]0 The soppy cheek was acceptable in tears whether the smile of [hokorobaseru] Takeda was a real thing. It says though it is [kotofu] [sangatsukkae] in 0"s for cc [] and my feelings, I am [naritai] in the child obediently told0 I the ne(t. )r. "kutagawa straightens one4s spine continuously, and it reports because of the steady !oice. u I want to be sincere at any time man.

$!en if it is likely to fail because of it, I want to carry out it sincere0 The hemp your senior also floats a !i!id smile and it declares. 0I was not bound [nonimo] at all, and was painful by myself free0 I also saw the [tooko] senior. 0I want to become man who can be opposite to the truth0 deflecting is made ahead, and I ha!e always petrified. It hesitates in the dark many times surely ahead of this.

[$nd of %age 33E]

It might be [yuukan]. It is likely not to come through all eternity on the day when it can become bra!e. 'till, I wish strongly at this moment now when I want to become myself who can watch the truth. The [tooko] senior loosens his lip, and eyes are gentle and [nagomaseru]. "sakura and you ..getting tired saddle 0.. ;. 0 It was )r. "kutagawa to ask in the !oice in a straight 8hapter 39F> when the sonny saw the sky. [-iwa] to shorten the body small while hearing e!eryone4s answer and to look down grasps the hand put on the knee with [gyutsu]. 0cc0 $!eryone watches [biwa]. It hesitated se!eral times, it panted painfully, and [biwa] was said at last in the !oice of the tears mi(ing. The !oice of [biwa] flows while sobbing 0cc I wanted to become a person who kept happy ..someone..0 under the starry sky of which it quieted down. u cc It was thought it was good in cc because it became it when cc all were happy because only it was unhappy, and the dissatisfaction of the person around me of papa, the mama, and all grandmas, and it was laughing. ..4.. the )ilky *ay

[$nd of %age 33F]

I wanted to become e!eryone4s person who put it to use like the bullhead that came out in the night of the O_ 39= scorpion railway4. Therefore, it is impossible for me and [ta] in the writer though [naritaitte] cc one. [7ukotoha] and others bound [kokoroha] and applied it to my.. [shitami] with the stolen story. I was [i], and 6et&black ..ugliness.. [dawa] #0 The face was buried under the knee, and [biwa] sobbed con!ulsi!ely intensely. %lease body.. run an errand for e!eryone4s 'achi of )akoto fortunately. The bullhead that had wished to the !erge and the god of the death so became a star where the dark was shone on. I wanted to become such a person [biwa] in reality.!ide..that..word..solitary..such..think..put ..know..chest..thrust..hurt. Three [tooko] seniors shook knitting, and it compromised to [biwa] at that time. It stands in front of [biwa] to sob, and both hands are gripped gently. 0cc0 as for [biwa] to which it looks up in surprise, it is a clear seem a sad somewhere eye difference [shide] looking down, and the [tooko] senior is a remark.

[$nd of %age 33=]

[Ttanodatta]. u cc 7en6i )iya/awa was not able to become me who hoped, too. 7en6i surely is [youni] of [biwa] [chan], and cc ..might the cry... 7en6i4s story remained the kick. "nd, the people who lose their way holding the same suffering now become bald and are encouraged. To the way of a small light that shines at night.

*a( that leads tra!elers while burning my body0 Hio!anni talks to [kamupanerura]. *hen you are looking at the sky, one 8hapter 39>> ser!ant may already really ha!e #?? [danan@yaka] [pen] [..] from mine like that scorpion for e!eryone4s 'achi. Transparent tears go along in the cheek of [biwa]. Co the clasp of a small, weak hand, and 0+iterary girl0 spins the word. [5iyunrei] u *hat is it true fortunately cc? It tries to walk like all pilgrimages that aim at the ground of great for it. There is fully what to it despairs because it doesn4t reach it at last easily e!en if keeping tra!eling all night, too. There might fortunately not be e!en if reaching it at last possibly there true. )oreo!er, painful tra!el might ha!e to be continued aiming at a new sacred ground. Aather

[$nd of %age 33>]

If it is stopped to walk, 3B? might be able to become easy. 2e!ertheless, why do you keep tra!eling cc? 7en6i seemed to ha!e asked the student when the teacher at the agricultural school had been. *hy was man ..4.. born in this world? 4 7en6i is answering so. 4%erson [mon] has appeared in this world to ha!e to know why it to was born4. "nd, when !alue where the person li!es whether thinking whether this problem is serious neither or think is decided, it is ..desire.. [utte]. Therefore, it doesn4t obtain, and ..difference.. [n6anabiyoushiyouikashira] that keeps being looked for. the really important one

Cid 7en6i keep not rewriting the manuscript that I wrote in the sickbed in such a way or .. It is belie!ed that it can reach the utopia where all can become happy at last and + [biwa] hangs one4s head while crying at one time. u I cannot draw any dream e!en by cc any longer. It is not imaginable0 The [tooko] senior softly grasps the finger of [biwa]. There can be no one ..0.. ..!ery strong.. cc. It occasionally becomes tired. There is a story for such time0 [-iwa] refuses intensely like the child. 8oming [nai] to me ..story.. already ....eight.. turning o!er cc... 0

[$nd of %age 39?]

8hapter 3B#> when you are looking at the sky u In that case, you only ha!e to go to meet from [biwa] [chan]. Then, it can meet someone4s imagination if it opens the co!er of a book. It does so, [pe] [6i] is turned o!er, and the horseradish imagination cooked little by little in the cc mind is sa!ed. The book is read when feeling that it is lonely alone. It touches someone4s mind and cc. cc what did you want to tell, and about what the person thought it imagines it. Then, the wonderful one might be able to be recei!ed. It sleeps, it gets, and [biwa] [chan]. It was # that it looked up, the sky was seen, and in one the earthborn field, there were a book and an imagination in the number of stars, too0 " long knitting three was shaken, shaken, and [hoshihoshi] of burial [tsukusuhodo] shone pre!iously ..looking up.. ..the dome.. before one is aware.

[-iwa] to which it is hung by the [tooko] senior and it looks up also opens wet eyes, and it opens wide, and the mouth is opened to an obedient surprise small. ..becoming empty.. [kiyo] or clear [hoshihoshi] is bright the night, shines on, and soft light is thrown on us on the ground. The sky that must be the artificial product is healthily gentle more than the real thing empty, and we are wrapped. 0It presents [biwa] [channi] and that one empty star from me today0 or boiling [too] child senior smiles lo!elily. u 42ight of the )ilky *ay railway4 spoke the question and rewriting [ni] many times for nine years. "s for the in e(istence manuscript, both [hatsu..] and the second [..] lI this first half parts are lost. "nd, the fourth [..] # of the third [..] and finished [..].

[$nd of %age 39#]

3B, Cr. [burukaniro] is gone from the fourth [..]. "s a result, the last to the third [..] and the last of the fourth [..] change greatly. It is not clearly told that [kamupanerura] dropped up to three [..] in the ri!er by the reader. Cr. [burukaniro] is father of [kamupanerura], and they are made to hear that it fell in the drink in the fourth [..] ..the kick.. as for [kamupanerura] Hio!anni. 8ontinuation is not written. 1ather of [kamupanerura] only talks about the fact in the fourth [..] though Cr. [burukaniro] indicates an ad!anced road to Hio!anni e!en in the third [..]. How did Hio!anni catch the death of [kamupanerura], it tries to li!e in what wind this ahead or it is entrusted to the reader4s imagination0 " suspicious [tooko] senior cuts the word once, and [..hoko] [souna] [kao] [wosuru] [biwa] is watched gently. The doubt floated further on the face of 0The no!el on [miu] Inoue ended by the schoolyard of early morning in the place where the tree started confessing to Hatori0 [biwa], and I also hung out at.

u Howe!er, when the word of the 6udge in the end of a book is read, a strange thing is noticed. "ll four 6udges ha!e gi!en unpleasant but wholesome ad!ice to last. The conclusion of the no!el where it doesn4t go it is possible to be borne has re!erberations there is a transparent feeling and beautifully [Casokuyoin] 4It is too sweet4, 4'uperfluity4, 42arrator passing into which the beginner falls4, and 4There are no re!erberations4 the kick of one when published. The reader4s imagination is written up. It is imagined that last was rewritten when the pri/e winner is published from these.

[$nd of %age 39,]

8hapter 3B3> *hen the sonny sees the sky, it can do. Then, what one was an original manuscript? *hat was written in the last scene rounded down when it was a superfluity? 0 The rowed pulse acts rashly and the cheek becomes hot. . of [naniwo] and the [tooko] senior who tries to say of what. It reports with a smile to the shine of the [tooko] senior. u +ast scene from which [miu] Inoue is lost. " soft !oice ..0its.. 0'pecial present from me who was literary girl [odo]00.. had flowed like the music that spilt from the sky when ha!ing instincti!ely caught one4s breath [hatsu..] and what of [miu] to be said [runda] [&]. u Hatori is like a bird. The [tooko] senior who grasped the hand of cc + [biwa] shuts his eyes, and the smile seeing is floated, and it whispers to the mouth the possession of a transparent wing in the sali!a back, and the free flight where the blue sky. " thunderstruck impact ran through in my whole body.

-ecause of the limpid !oice u

[$nd of %age 393]

The supremacy deflecting was a confession of the tree by which I spelt writing on the manuscript paper while making the heart throb before. I heard the word that was sure to be lost flow without from [tooko] senior4s lip stagnation the confession, and reproduce and go well in unbelie!able feelings. u It sleeps, it gets, and it is Hatori. I want to become a tree. That is howe!er true though Hatori had a hearty laugh when saying ahead so. I really think [naritaitte] to be a tree. Then, because Hatori is looked up in a place that is the nearest Hatori when Hatori flies o!er the sky. 8an the [tooko] senior smoothly recite the dialog written in the application manuscript before it rewrites it to [anshiyou] ..why it.. ..0of [&] F.. why? The imagination? *as it impossible e!en by the [tooko] senior, and, then, did the [tooko] senior read [hatsu..] of [miu] surely? 8ome.

[$nd of %age 399]

Cid you ask the hemp your senior as usual? )oreo!er of the pre!ious state, near for three years, can the contribution manuscript able to be obtained and obtain it? The [tooko] senior knows the word written in my manuscript why;

8hapter 3BB> It is drunk that it is a talk that wrote as much as one [kokoroha] [kunga] when the sonny sees the sky though does cc. [Tsumo] , is not forgotten. cc ..the remembrance of e!erything.. [Tooko] senior who whispers. the soft clasp of the hand of [poroporo] me who cries looking down in the sofa in the person karaoke bo(, and with a smile as a neat, neat flower The !oice re!i!es to the interior of the ear at this time now the word, comes in succession in the !oice of the [tooko] senior who reads the no!el on [miu] aloud in the presence, and the important word embraced closely in the mind is said for a long time. +ooked at repeating many times, and talk about a dear word many times. The [tooko] senior was telling [biwa] my confession in a gentle !oice. u Therefore, I want to become a tree. +argeness with which branch is fully e(panded so that Hatori may find it, and )idori4s leaf is made to grow thick da//ling

[$nd of %age 39B]

I want to become a sardine [kina] tree. "nd, it is good when stopping in my branch when Hatori became tired and taking a rest0 [-iwa] cried. [Tooko] senior4s hand is grasped, the face turns down, the shoulder is shaken small, and ragged cc of [poroporo] cc. The grain of tears like the belief [yutsubu] pearl drops to the skirt, and it pops. I on a young day quietly draw close to [biwa]. The face is drawn to shutting [tamama] [biwa] of eyes of 4I want to become a tree4 and 4[7onoha] and man cannot ..fool.. become trees4 [hoga] [tooko] senior, and the last word is told cheerfully. *ord that I wanted to say for a long time. *ord that was not able to be said. 'imple, natural, important word.

u It lo!es, and it lo!es !ery !ery much. Hatori lo!ed for a long time !ery much0 ne small star spills from starry sky in the whole sky, and it falls into the chest of [biwa].

[$nd of %age 39E]

*hen you are looking at the sky, 8hapter 3BF> sob [biwa] bites [nanondo] that has a lump in one4s throat to death. The [tooko] senior quietly unpicked the finger, and the hair of [biwa] ..mother [noyou].. was patted. "nd, I was gently watched and with a smile. 2ow say your turn here. The star dropped to my chest. The knee was taken in front of [bokuha] [biwa] while being encouraged while being surprised at the clear light that the [tooko] senior ga!e, and it attached, and the hand of [biwa] was taken instead of the [tooko] senior. [7otofu] moistens eyes, and [bokuto] [biwa] is seen. ther e!eryone also was quietly watching us. 'oppy face [woshita] [biwa] in tears looks down at me ..uneasy... I watched firmly hesitatingly bashfully and returned the eyes. It talked about my 0Truth0 by the [odayakana] tone. *hy did you decide that I wrote that story? Cid you apply for the same pri/e as [biwa] it? *ere [miu] Inoue and the pen name applied? u The purpose of my writing the no!el is to con!ey feelings to a fa!orite girl. -ecause the child was shameful though lo!ed and not made a word face to face in childhood. 0

[$nd of %age 39F]

3B= # and [konoha]? )y [kotoga] [..] coming ? )y eyes are seen and it says. It felt in [ama/u] [biwa] and spent e!ery day, and [amasuppa] of ..painful.. [ihodo] is filled in the chest. I wanted to lo!e [biwa], and to always tell it. It becomes, and it has not spoken the kick as the chest is too full when it is ga/ed by large eyes in [biwa], and it is made fun. It was not able to be the cheek4s seeming to be inhaled into the lip and the pupil of [biwa], becoming hot, and without turning one4s eyes away. Then, [fugai] felt that it was shiftless that it was made fun more and more by [biwa] as a man. I want to say [biwa] the fa!or. It is shameful. 'uch an impatient desire was hit on and I hit on making it to the no!el. [-iwa] took the pri/e when declaring that [biwa] applied for rookie of the year award and it became a genuine writer.

[$nd of %age 39=]

It was uneasy and the chest seemed to collapse might become 8hapters 3B>> when the sky was seen and far&off people by you. That also pushed my back. I wanted to approach [biwa] e!en a little. I wanted to see the same world as [biwa].

Therefore, I decided that wrote a no!el, and made it to the confession to [sorewo] [biwa] by me. $!en if you make the story that puts a lot of feelings of liking [biwa]. To tell that you are so lo!ed. 2ow though it is after all shameful, changes the tree into the girl, and Hatori has been changed into the boy when beginning to write. 'till, feelings of the tree to think of Hatori were feelings of me who thought of [biwa]. It drinks and 0no!el finished writing was contributed because of thinking it is good because it becomes it when the name is printed in the maga/ine by the street of the first selection0 [Tomado] [biwa] watches me in the e(pression of the surprise and pu//led. I laughed embarrassed and small. 7ei dice u *hen the work of winning a pri/e is announced with the maga/ine, the selection result till then is published together. *ill the child also see the maga/ine if applying for the same pri/e? I thought [miu] Inoue to be good because I became it when the child found the name at that time. Then, this is [tte] who me.

[$nd of %age 39>]

'trike by ? remarks I also wrote a no!el. It read if it was good or it became0 It ..deflecting.. ..con!enient, foolish.. was scheduled that the child seemed to think. "pplication 8omposition was fluttered, and the scene was imagined many times many times in the head while the selection was waited while it was writing, and the chest was fluttered hot the kick. If the name of [miu] one Inoue appears in a maga/ine.

I will read my no!el in [biwa] then. +et4s confess to [biwa]. *hen the name of [miu] Inoue can e(ist in only corner of the maga/ine from which [biwa] is chosen to be a grand pri/e. u The word of the confession to the child was written at the end of the manuscript that I contributed. The tree con!eyed my feelings to Hatori by the last scene. The person of the publisher, it ..[] that ends in the place where two people were opposite because you should not e(ist this scene.. has been said0 The beauty wing lowers the eyebrow, and watches nature weak [ni] me. It listens to my confession with the whole body while trembling small. %ower was put in the finger that was the clasp of the hand of [bokuha] [biwa], and it said with a smile. In not the word of the tree but the word of my [kokoroha] one Inoue.

[$nd of %age 3B?]

3E, u [-iwa] and [bokuha] [biwa] were lo!ed. [-iwa] ga!e me a lot of stars. [-iwa] made my world beautiful. The thank you for making me happy0 Tears o!erflow from eyes of [biwa] again. The face was applied to the knee with my hand grasped, and it muttered while sobbing con!ulsi!ely many times. 0cc happy and happiness I am.. are cc cc of cc of c;$ ..glad.. ..saying to cc someone so for a long time.. ..hope..0 watches me by the [tooko] senior by a clear gentle eyes and watches [biwa]. The person is defeated at rain, and is defeated at the wind.

It ..monopoly.. hesitates in [yami], and [hatara..] is done to the light in the morning actually ..e(posing... It might not be ..request.. fortunately there e!en if it reaches target ground at last at last as the [tooko] senior said. It is likely not to e(ist !ery much fortunately in this world of the eternity. " soft pupil talks to us the kick. Hreat and the impression at the moment ha!e scattered innumerably while li!ing. "s for it, if the morning comes, no do be known of the by the side potato like the star where it disappears either. *hen small light howe!er might ..blink.. continue in the mind. "nd, [su] that !anishes the dark, clears up the sky, is purified the sad truth, and e(tends e!en where.

[$nd of %age 3B#]

*hen you are looking at the sky and there is a moment when the beautiful world in which [takoromi] [ki] appears in the presence. [-iwa] still cries. [7eiken] [kotofu], )r. "kutagawa, )r. [san@ya] Takeda [naganin], and the hemp your senior are watching the last chapter of this story in of where.. ..Takashi degree.. e(pression. The [tooko] senior smiles at [odayaka]. The starry sky of the artificial product had changed into genuine starry sky. The star twinkles da//ling on us. The pilgrim keeps aiming at the imagined sacred ground, and walking. "h all of e!erything is already transparent. 8hapter 3E3>

[$nd of %age 3B,]

, Og [dogono], eel, and a6 X lamplight of the last ..epilogue ##&.. ..shedding.. [..]. crowding t It was a start of summer that the doubt appearance of [amanotooko] [ten] [notooko]. *hen it was practiced to walk to usual wa( on the passage in the hospital, the !oice for which it called, eight [kono] [kun]0 was ..0... The heart 6umped up when quietly e(cluding it, and it stifled. 'een sardine [rini] [konoha] for two years becomes taller and is adult [bbokunatteita] a little. It had the bag of [baran], and the girl of taking was holding the bouquet of the rose or 'umi grass. -eautiful, seem gentle slight [kute] girl of nice&looking, long three knitting. It walks in the ne(t of [kono] = like being becoming and seem natural she, etc. , and it in6ures 0It apologi/es together by eight [kono] [kunmonanasechanni] and sleep0. u I see in crawling. It rolls in the reckless dri!ing of the unsatisfactory director, and it has gone up the stairs with the girl whom [konoha] doesn4t know in the other side of the corner. It talked to in the hand and [kono] = was talked to indeed ..confectionery.. [oya]. It in6ures it.

[$nd of %age 3B3]

I4m sorry for 3EB epilogues it only has to bow0 The cork corbicula. u I think no such e(pression. ' m..cease..face..frown. It complained. The getting tired sigh deflecting was its face that I saw for the first time.

It uttered a sigh as ama/ed and [kono] = seems to permit her feelings while beating wry comments, and the head became and the chest became painful with [kaa@] as became hot, and pierced with the blade one thing. -ored who? *ho. [7onoha]? The person is who. "m the stop I made to taste despair, and is it fought, is [ni] pushed down, and why is the girl e(cluding me walking by the distance that seems to touch the shoulder? "re you called by eight [kono] [kunnante]? It burnt as a 6et&black flame whirling round and round in the chest, and it seemed to be cra/y. It found it out by questioning when the [ka/ushi] person whom I saw from one poetry later was a senior of [konoha], and the name of [tooko] "mano. [7otobuki] [ni] person came [kotoou] [nanaseno] and to !isit the classmate of [kono] =. Co about [kaeko] "mano and [kotofu]. It had been decided ahead [tooko] "mano to dri!e away from [konoha] [no/opa]. -eing possible to do of [kotofu] is a hoe in the nature.

[$nd of %age 3B9]

I will take time to be going to hurt here later though 3EE. 1irst of all, it is [kaeko] "mano. It ..saying.. confounds ..calling the name [gi].. ..[do] [re] that cannot be shot.., and the telephone has been hung up though it called the [keitaisou] trowing and the stolen number from the carrying of one poetry. In addition, it appeared to an impolite man named "mano4s younger brother in the sickroom. The 'akurai style person said the [ro] to en6oy the reaction of cherry blossoms [iyuyuu] and 0If I was not attack [taitteyu] [&], I ; [tookoane] though I did not stop by all means0 [atashi] with b the shake.

u [Tookoane] ..strong... *hen ..salty.. [nakara] knocked against, it is your surely defeat0 That regret though it was mortifying for [mune] to [chirichiri] it. [Coosoushitemo] I am more disad!antageous ..telephone.. to fight, and ..4.. [miu]. "sk..limpid !oice..recall..di!ide..understand..uneasy..ha!e a lump in one4s throat. It did and because it was toothpick [yun], aim was changed it was possible to do of [kotofu] that seemed to be weaker than [tooko] "mano. *hen the wearing mail is stricken, [kotofu] has returned the reaction so that it is interesting. I did not collect pleasantly when frighteningly and it was possible to crush easily if it was [rutsubunoga] round understanding, and this e!en if it was strong. )ail of many [haruguchiikutsumo] is sent. [7onoha] and I wrote no mole in others, and taught to the position of the mole of [konoha] like the spring mouth. [7otofu] is a sickroom for the first time and ..turning.. [paseteyatta]. paint soap on [setsuyunha], [ttekitatokimo], and the door

[$nd of %age 3BB]

It hesitated in [konoha] ..[kotofu] [nanase].. still ..[itapurinagara] and me.. somewhere of the mind it as for meeting ..the kick... It was scared to meet [kono] = like the same though it wanted to meet by being not able sleep in [ikudo] [yoru], seeming the reconsideration of [sa] during the week many times, and collapsing of the chest, it wanted to meet, and I wanted to hear ..ugliness.. [te] and the !oice. I did not want to be seen me who had become an ugly bird in [konoha]. I did not want to admit such myself weak. The 'akurai style person at such time is ..that child.. ..carrying.. [retekitanoda]. I who ranted on ..3EF epilogue [..] last type field.. was watched with the face without ..mask.. ..[..].. feelings.

*hen Takeda would come to the sickroom alone the ne(t day of p, and cooperation was offered, I was surprised. *hen it was asked what obtaining you were in [ta/ushite] and that, such a thing was answered in the smile, 0It is an e(periment0. ..neglecting.. [omo] of [....] like Cr. [niro] of [buru] power it as for [nakoto] The cooperator was necessary for [usukimiwaru] honest weirdness bad [kattakeredo] and me who was not able to mo!e. Takeda ; to it. u The [nanase] senior, because it is not so in the fa!or. It was heard to say, from [/urui] ..usual ..[nanase] senior.. [me/awa] it..0, [kotofu] handled me with eyesore surely, obstinacy badness was done, and [to] spit was able ..taking.. ..passing.. ..[i].. to do interpretation to be able to consent tentati!ely might In that case, e!en if I use this fellow oppositely.

[$nd of %age 3BE]

The time that had stagnated seemed to be cut and to ha!e effused after ha!ing accepted the offer of one Takeda in [ta] weir - of three ..saying.. weir [..]. I met [konoha] again at last. "nd, on that night. It becomes impossible to sleep more and more. [7ono] = is hated scary. It hates and it hates it unbearably. I want to damage it. I want to destroy it. "fter all, I was losing my way on the other side wished by the hot tremble of [nodofurukedo] , throat. It is likely to be able to return to old times if the [usokonomama] lie is succeeded and passed.

[7ono] = be [isoba]. It might be for a long time on the side. There: - did not permit such o!erreliance. The mama was summoned to report that [kono] and I = did not ha!e to be more imper!ious, and my real intention was dragged out in front of [kono] =. It crawled on [..] coming and the floor, and as for [ragiume], after ha!ing left by [kono] =, - that appeared in front of me who spilt the attaching denunciation tears looked down, and muttered me to acute pain to which the body seemed to dry up in splinters and to cut by eyes of which it had woken up. 0"ll, you hoped0 I threw out the book on [konoha] to -. - did not change the e(pression at all though it struck the chest of -. The book that dropped on the floor was picked up, and it went out of the room because of a no thunder.

[$nd of %age 3BF]

*as it despair that it was in [kanaano], the sound, and [hoai] one Takeda of -? *as it a sorrow? "fter the story ends, her feelings are considered now. Takeda #??? lo!e might ha!e kept also requesting same [yo@uni] as me and something far&off. Takeda came to put the book back with 'akurai at 3E> epilogue end. *e who were not able to become it cc. the one ..becoming it.. b 'till, we who wish that it becomes it cc. The finger that along the book be able had a lump in one4s throat and the affection of affection ..touching entertainment.. 6ust a little had a lump in one4s throat. It ripens, it laughs at the cheek food as 'akurai is awfully glad because of the side of smiling Takeda, and cc. Therefore, it is likely to cook it in Takeda4s chest as the star surely stayed in me.

It came to meet it was possible to do of small star [gamata] [kotofu]. u I4m sorry for cc doing the round trip slap the other day. cc that did cc for a moment too much0 The lip was pointed out and was ..lip.. ..[rase] [ma] red.. ..[kao].. ..[tsukkaetsukkae] remark [unoni].. ama/ed. It ..[].. ne!er apologi/es if I am [kotofu].

[$nd of %age 3B=]

It was too astonished, and did the nature to which stiffening of the chest loosened though [atsuke] F?. Is it three? u I do not think that I did too much. It is regretting good e!en if it only has to scratch more0 The [rasou] remark lifts up the eyebrow, stares, and is [gita] in [mayutsu] when doing. It ..straight reaction.. suppresses a smile. u -ecause it is strong though thought it is [yowa] you. It was sweet at all in that e(tent0 [7otofu] was turned down the corners of one4s mouth after it was popeyed and said snappishly. 0If that , ..along.. was a moti!ation, always became an other party0 fight deflecting was heard, and it fought and it thought. -ecause of the first time of the fight against someone because of the front. I was running into it without telling the truth in its world. It might ha!e been a mistake. That literary girl ga!e the important one a lot under starry sky that day. It taught me. [7ono] = is not those days4 [konoha] that started following me up.

[$nd of %age 3B>]

[7aeko] "mano surely changed by 3F# epilogues and being possible to do of [kotofu] changed [konoha]. If [miu] on [itsukiha] and [ritsudu] [..] spells the following story, it is not tree and Hatori4s stories. It is another story. That can be accepted in quiet feelings. The going out permission will be gotten one of these days, and the [taano] ..[..].. story goes, and is burnt to the sea my coming of [..]. If possible, night. In the place where the star is seen. *ill it be wrapped in a red flame, and the book that burns quietly while shaking look going out to 42ight of the )ilky *ay railway4 surely like scorpion [kuru] wa(. [1uu] I want to become a person who can wish others4 happiness in that way, too. n condition that..body..miraculous..other Then, another someone might tell it that [kono] = said again. Dou are here, and e!en happiness. cc cc I will be only really a little nice to as much as one poetry only a little more. Though [mukatsuku] when it is scolded by a calm face. -ecome silent when you hum I decreased [damareshi] boy4s song while looking out through the window yesterday4 and to nearby because it was. ..4.. [yabu]

[$nd of %age 3E?]

The trap of the shine ..doing.. of [kototohi] burning [keruwoyoki] as it were ..[kano] star.. [rodaito] your word [moteware] ..3F, [sekiun] [yoru].. ..the birth from the a!erage of a

doubtful cumulus.. t It melted to [kukanosora] and it was not only ..going.. ..[rugimi].. sad to [kutoshitehiruga] when the poetry of star [kosokanashikereutako] was sung. cc because it was thought it is transparent. ..becoming empty.. [kokoro] L KL *hen it wanted you not to come to KL !isit, [biwa] was said.

[$nd of %age 3E#]

[5i] is trailed by 3F3 epilogues, and turn a fresh smile to me in the screening room in the planetarium, and , saying that 0It becomes energetic, and, this time, go from me to [konoha] to meet0 on the day of [tsusugasugaa]. It was supported and it went out to [wasoushite] and )r. ..dirt.. "kutagawa. "m it and may I ..0.. ..[] Inoue cc.. not run after? 0 I was to ha!e answered [kotofu] who an(iously asked it with a smile, too. 0Think yes cc to be the last time when it is a start of time when [biwa] surely came to me to meet as follows0 bygone4s end. 'tart in the future. ..[asakura] 0.. [naruttekoto] ..)r. "sakura.. ..the fa!or..? 0 [7otofu] sees me by the face that seems to cry awfully and timidly. Hardening u 2o. It is not if it curettes it. 1a!!ide..hea!y..mass..snow..melt..disappear..go..think. 1eelings to [biwa] or cc !arious cc0 I did not think that to be sad. %leasure that saw the sky of which it cleared up was stronger though there was painful that remained in the interior of the chest. The hand of surprised [kotofu] was grasped by both hands, and I said with a smile sincerely.

0Thank you for fighting against [biwa] for me [kotofu]0

[$nd of %age 3E,]

F9 [kotofu] staggers [kotofu]4s eyes by the crimson face. Three [tooko] senior was speaking with )r. subculture person in a place a little away from us. "t this time ..kick... I thought that it floated it [nagomase] and a beautiful smile as [hokorobase] and the pupil were soft the Hitomi lip was small it quietly looked back on us. "nd, se!eral days passed. )r. "kutagawa seems to go to the hospital e!ery day. *hen eating one4s lunch at lunchtime, the appearance of [biwa] is casually spoken. I hear that [biwa] will undergo rehabilitation ardently. Takeda also is going to school, and it runs , saying that 0It is [kokoroha] [senpa]&0 when meeting in the passage and the library with a smile as the puppy bright. It is said that it will associate by way of e(periment with )r. [sanha] Takeda [naganin]. u )r. Ayu was a person who did not choose the means for the purpose, and it looked like such [toko] , me, and meeting of e!ery day came, and was talked to while it stopped away from school by me cc howe!er though ..[te].. scared me.

[$nd of %age 3E3]

3FB epilogue [ndesu]. I talked fully in a bright !oice though I did not answer at all. "nd, ha!ing induced it so that the [tooko] senior might come to the hospital on the day when I summoned mother of )r. "sakura to the hospital is )r. Ayu0 It was this that the [tooko] senior had said, 4Ha!ing met me in the [kokoroha] [kunga] hospital is not a coincidence4.

The [tooko] senior who had noticed )r. [naganin] related to [biwa] might ha!e imagined the [santo] Takeda [biwa] [tsunano] connection there. u )r. Ayu called the [tooko] senior, and it was good. The [kokoroha] senior did not break, and it was good0 Takeda looked me up, and said by the clear smile. Co it come to like )r. [sanha] Takeda [naganin] this ahead cc? )r. [naganin] ; though he seems to associate with other girls as usual. Howe!er, I did not think be to good when Takeda neatly fell in lo!e with )r. [naganin] some time, and )r. [naganin]4s only one person became Takeda. *hen an indebted reward was mentioned in front of [nigako] when meeting )r. [naganin], it was said, 0[] ..[konoha].. [hoshikattansuyo] of [wo] in the past of [itoko] ..early.. ..blowing.. ..switching off..0 by the scowl for a moment.

[$nd of %age 3E9]

It goes to the postponed mo!ie with [kotofu] on 3FE [nono] [nichi] day of the week. )ay I ..0.. eat together after seeing the mo!ie cc? It ..0.. li!es. u f course, [7otofu]4s fa!orite one is treated to being the reco!ery congratulation. 0 u 'uch []. along Is it cc and do it e(ist about shopping after the meal of [moano] cc though it is separately good? 0 It laughs gladly because do the blush of [kotofu] of the cheek to me who nods 0"ssociate anywhere0 cheek with a smile. It looks forward to 'unday4s coming !ery much both. "nd, the [tooko] senior ;.

It ate three [dai..] that I wrote in art and literature part 0[ma//uuuuuui]0 [sandaibanashiisu] after school, it clung to the back of a chair, and it was maudlin. It becomes 0$!en place4s where "egean [tama] appeared seawater why though it was wonderful0 woodwork pound 0from among piece 0'uitcase0. In the paella, it is a yam of the pudding taste.

[$nd of %age 3EB]

%irogue..put. ..stickiness.. [suruuuu] .. in the mouth [Hidoi] and [hidoiwa] . It is, and writing ha!ing such a talk suddenly carelessness. 8enter..e(amination..fight..senior..acknowledgment of one4s!ide..pass..foot..switch u ..[runimohodo].. [arimasu]. sa!ing appearances 'cience and mathmatics..tone&deaf..depend..reason..rice field..originally..commemoration..e( that case..usually..unlike..challenge. 0$!en the challenge was not good at the foot by switching off. 0 u ..remainder of fa!orite.. [terumono] . ..reeling.. ..,.. still Here is asked to the [tooko] senior who insists with foot switching off [sarenakattamono]0 tears eyes. [<u] and ..0Then, shall a sweet guy be written ..mouth straight [shini].. a lot?0 0.. the truth. 0 The [mana/a] [tooko] senior lowered the eyebrow while ha!ing clung to the chair, and looked up ..watched eye difference [shide]... I ga/ed the eyes and returned it. 0cc0 It food.. writes.

The [tooko] senior learns sentences written in [bokuno] [hatsu..] why and [i]. [$nd of %age 3EE]

*hen you confess [noka]. It did not speak though it tried to question closely so. The [tooko] senior is 6oke [boku]. want to do the same current [ikudo6iyoudan] question se!eral times u 'ecret. It imagines it. ! It did not answer. The [tooko] senior smiled when we were. u "fter all, it is good today. -ecause it puts it for the passing celebration from [kokoroha] [kun]. " sweet, delicious story is written 6umping when I pass and it puts it. ! It ..chair.. mends with a smile of peaceful [giyougi], the wrapped foot is turned o!er in the school socks, and it begins ..[ku] manners bad chair [nouru].. to turn o!er putting physical education seat [rishi] and Hesse4s 4Douth is a beauty eagle4. Three setting suns inserted through the honey window wrap an antique profile to which knitting hangs down because of a wa!e golden that melts honey. 0*hat kind of person is that the [tooko] senior4s it wanting to become it?0 is answered as it pungently tearing up the edge of page with thin fingers as doing and the question. The [tooko] senior who with a smile from a place a little away and was packing [bokuto] [kotofu] was recalled after 0cc the person who was able to laugh beautifully when it was unbearably sad0 [biwa] had left from the planetarium, and it made it to [doki]. The [suanotoki] [tooko] senior seemed to be floating a clear gentle smile seeing cc. [$nd of %age 3EF]

[7obi] 0*ell, cc ..4Douth is a beauty eagle4 of delicious Hesse.. cc of c$; [mattari] and [yawara] like the mousse of [....a6i] ..thus slightly bitter.. ..painful..0 Tear [tape] [6i] that is obstructed and burnt is put in the mouth, and it tears up the page [..ka6i] [shi] ..reducing.. swallow. " sweet smile that seems to melt has e(tended to [tooko] senior4s mouth. The chest was tightened momentarily of no desire seeing this strange, gentle scenery in the soupcon after usual cc J of scenery. It is warm time of dusk that this , we twilight are. In happy golden mist toward long night. The separation is near. ..kick by 3F> epilogues.. night !isits, and the clear shine is wa(. The star might twinkle in the sky at which it looks up e!en if the dark wraps me. It stays in our chests, keep ad!anced courage to the aimed ground is gi!en, and [ruda].

[$nd of %age 3E=]

? KL KL Is it a story of it is possible to do of [kotofu] that KL [kono] = writes as follows? r, the story of [kaeko] "mano? Howe!er, [kono] =. There is a secret in [kaeko] "mano. [Tooko] "mano mans it. be sure not to e(ist in this world

[$nd of %age 3E>]

'eeing [u] 0+iterary girl0 series B story eyes were the talks of [biwa] according to a pre!ious notice ..[muramiduki].. hello that were the 2omura beauty moons of postscript #.

The material book is 7en6i )iya/awa 42ight of the )ilky *ay railway4 that had been decided since the series beginning seeing and [/awaken6i] The chest is unbearably tightened the masterpiece in name [tooko] [tsuku] to gi!e new impression as [tooko] talked when the story is chased by the [kamupanerura] aspect at the time of each rereading though one Hio!anni aspect to ha!e is painful. %lease read by all means and return ..reading ..already.... [no] to this machine because !arious hows really to en6oy it are the books that can be done. 7en6i is & ..good poetry, too... [Tsuketera] the tune ..4Cefeat boy4s song decreases4 quoted in 8omposition.. has the [ichiyousussharu] person polo has cried because of the clear singing !oice to feel hope though it listened on the net. The tune flowed for a long time in the head while writing the last scene. $nd [biwa] is sung because of this. %lease acknowledge that the rice of [tooko] [kochiyouriyoushiyoua] , opening has a little e(aggeration. "ctually, I also read for this not good a scary story at all, rice by a desperate resolution. Howe!er, it is safe. $!en a person not good can go the scared one. It fears it from me, and whether I should ..[kata].. stop it is interesting cc self& responsibility and V..becoming it.. M in encounter cc thank you !ery much. [$nd of %age 3F?]

W ..there is no space of [kotobukifubin@aa] & and postscript any longer.. ..V.. ..cry.. It was not a column more than [kotofu], and this time, it was [watanoha], and it was )r. ..[akuta].. "kutagawa. It is not thought be to good if the people who cannot write by this !olume easily are followed because the e(tra chapter is scheduled to enter ahead of that though this !olume is graduation a chapter from the following and ends. Thank you for e!erybody who read here. "nd, it is ..#.. then & again ..wonderful... this illustration of )iho [takeokamihosuba] Takeoka #

I was allowed to quote the the inside by 2omura beauty moon h and following books on "ugust 3, ,??F or to refer. 7en6i )iya/awa ..8ollection 0Cefeat boy4s song decreases0 5uly ,>, written by 7en6i )iya/awa, 8hikuma %ublishing +td., and #>=E[0.. complete !olume 47en6i )iya/awa complete !olume #0 collection 0$n!y of [akatsukiho6i]0, 0'eed mountain and ..seed mountain.. Hara0, and 0Moiceless [hataratsu]0 on 1ebruary ,E, written by 7en6i )iya/awa, 8hikuma %ublishing +td., and #>=E. B0 7en6i )iya/awa ..collection 0'hellfish4s fire0, 0Tse rat0, 0Ciamond of ten power0, 0$nd of ctober0, and 0[%ennennennennen]; -iography of no [nemu]0 and 0Twin star0 )arch ,B, written by 7en6i )iya/awa, 8hikuma %ublishing +td., and #>=E[4.. complete !olume E0 7en6i )iya/awa ..4.. complete !olume of[of collection of 0-rotherly three people doctor and general the north )amoru0 )ay ,F, written by 7en6i )iya/awa, 8hikuma %ublishing +td., and #>=E F0 8ollection 02ight of the )ilky *ay railway0 [hatsu..]&four [..] and written by 7en6i )iya/awa and 0Ae&'aburo of style0 8hikuma %ublishing +td. 1irst edition issue on 02ew [henmiya/awa] 7en6i anthology4 collection 0Aain [nimomake/u]0 1ebruary ,? the first in [minoruhen] 2akamura, 7adokawa 'hoten %ublishing 8o., +td., and #>E3 42ight of new [henginga] railway0 collection of 1ebruary 9 the first, #>=B[02ight of the )ilky *ay railway0 and 0Dellow [irono] tomato0 5une #B, written by 7en6i )iya/awa, the stocks association gro!e 'hincho company, and #>=>, issue[ *ritten by 4Aenewal [hanmiya/awa] 7en6i story4 [kannobohisashi] [..] the fifth re!ision edition on )ay ,B, #>>F issue[ *ritten by )anabu 4-ook that understands by 7en6i )iya/awa interesting4 7oyanagi of Inoue ea!es, [komatsu] [suwahen] [cho], 4It asks 7en6i )iya/awa4 [nesuko] of 1ebruary #, the first in Hakken 8o., +td. and #>>B[V5apanese image publication +td.W, and 'eptember ,=, -ungeishun6u +td. and #>>B[and the passing publication when mesne of +td.. The ,Bth month ,??9T [$nd of %age 3F#]

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