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Another interesting article from Raja Petra Hang the police first

Posted by admin Thursday, 29 October 2009 17:00

Have no delusions about it. The enemy is the Malaysian police. Those are the people we must first bring down if we want to bring down the regime called Barisan Nasional. Malaysians must declare war on the Malaysian police. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin

Take a walk ack into histor!" Look at how the #SSR hel$ on to power" Look at how the Shah of %ran hel$ on to power" Look at how Sa$$am hel$ on to power" Look at how &arcos hel$ on to power" Look at how S'karno an$ then S'harto hel$ on to power" Look at the last ()*** !ears of the recor$e$ histor! of mankin$ an$ look at how an! of the regimes hel$ on to power" An$ !o' will $isco+er one common $enominator" An$ that common $enominator is a +iolent police force that ser+es the regime in an! wa! that is re,'ire$) legal or otherwise" An$ that is the sit'ation in &ala!sia to$a!" Then look at how these regimes were ro'ght $own" Onl! when the police change$ si$es or were -ne'tralise$. $i$ the regimes fall" Onl! when the 'nhol! alliance etween the regime an$ the police was roken $i$ the regimes fall" So there are no two wa!s a o't it" Histor! has ta'ght 's so" Regimes $o not fall 'nless the ack of the police force is roken" So) to ring $own the regime) !o' m'st first ring $own the police" An$ !ester$a!.s e+ent at the Perak State Assem l! was the last straw" The manner the police treate$ the lawmakers from Pakatan Rak!at was the final nail in the coffin of the &ala!sian police force as far as % am concerne$" %t is not that % $o not know how r'tal the police can e" After all) % ha+e een their -g'est. more than once an$ m! own son is eing s' jecte$ to fre,'ent eatings in the S'ngai B'loh Prison at the han$s of the police as a means to get ack at me" An$ look at the high inci$ence of e/tra0j'$icial killings in &ala!sia the last man! !ears" %f this can.t con+ince !o' that the police act as e/ec'tioners o'tsi$e the j'$icial s!stem then nothing will"

Naji T'n Ra1ak is now the Prime &inister instea$ of sitting in jail for conspirac! to co+er 'p the real stor! ehin$ the m'r$er of Altant'!a Shaarii '' eca'se of the police" An$ the 2hief 2onspirator to this co+er0'p is none other than the %3P himself) &'sa Hassan" This was tol$ to me personall! ! the Honorar! 2ons'l of &ongolia to &ala!sia) Dat'k S!e$ Rahman Alha shi" An$ he tol$ me in no 'ncertaint! that he ha$ gi+en &'sa Hassan a thick $ossier of e+i$ence that has now een 'rie$ an$ has not een allowe$ to s'rface in the m'r$er trial" Let me make this +er! clear" Naji is Prime &inister instea$ of sitting in jail eca'se of &'sa Hassan an$ the &ala!sian police" An$ &'sa Hassan is ehin$ the r'talit! against the opposition" An$ what happene$ in Perak !ester$a! sho'l$ e proof eno'gh to con+ince !o' in case !o' are not alrea$! con+ince$ ! now" &'sa Hassan m'st e sent to jail" An$ he knows he will e sent to jail if Barisan Nasional were to e place$ in the most 'nfort'nate sit'ation of eing sent into the opposition aisle an$ Pakatan Rak!at takes o+er as the go+ernment" So it is in &'sa Hassan.s interest that Pakatan Rak!at $oes not replace Barisan Nasional as the go+ernment" An$ he will $o an!thing 'n$er the s'n to ens're this wo'l$ ne+er happen" There are those who sa! % ha+e gone 'n$ergro'n$ to -escape p'nishment. for the allegation % ma$e against Naji an$ Rosmah in relation to the Altant'!a m'r$er" That.s what the! want to make !o' elie+e" B't this has nothing to $o with m! se$ition or criminal $efamation trials" % ha+e gone 'n$ergro'n$ eca'se % know the! want to $etain me witho't trial 'n$er the %nternal Sec'rit! Act to stop me from getting f'rther e+i$ence on how the police helpe$ co+er 'p the facts ehin$ the Altant'!a m'r$er" B't the facts will not remain hi$$en for long" Before 2hristmas this !ear the facts will s'rface" &ala!sians will e tol$ the tr'th ehin$ the Altant'!a m'r$er" &ala!sians will see the e+i$ence of how &'sa Hassan an$ the &ala!sian police ma$e s're that Naji wo'l$ ecome the Prime &inister instea$ of sitting in jail for conspirac! to co+er 'p an act of m'r$er" %t is too late for them to stop 's now" E+en if % $isappear to$a! it will not pre+ent the facts from s'rfacing" The last eight months that % spent 'n$ergro'n$ were not to i$le m! time awa!" The facts are all now in" 4e are j'st p'tting e+er!thing together into a neat little package to present to &ala!sians" An$) once we present it to &ala!sians) e+er!one will see the role &'sa Hassan an$ the police pla!e$ in co+ering 'p the m'r$er of Altant'!a to sa+e those ehin$ the m'r$er from eing sent to jail" Recentl!) T'n Dr &ahathir &ohama$ lamente$ that &ala!sia has een t'rne$ into a police state" &ahathir) one time &ala!sian Prime &inister of &ala!sia for 55 !ears) is 'pset that the police are r'nning this co'ntr! an$ is helping to prop 'p what &ahathir +iewe$ as an illegal regime" This is &ahathir.s +iew" An$ this has alwa!s een m! +iew as well" An$ % shall $o &ahathir a fa+o'r" % shall help &ahathir pro+e what he sai$ is tr'e" &ahathir shall e pro+en that what he sai$ was the gospel an$ that &ala!sia is a police state an$ that the police are helping to prop 'p an illegal an$ +iolent regime" An$ ne+er min$ if Naji an$ his gang of conspirators goes to jail or not" That is secon$ar! as far as % am concerne$" &'sa Hassan has to e the first to go to jail" He m'st e sent to jail eca'se he is the 2hief 2onspirator in the co+er 'p of the

Altant'!a m'r$er" Then the others can go to jail" The &ala!sian police are a 'nch of gangsters in 'niform" The! are in fact worse than gangsters" E+en gangsters ha+e some sort of ethics" %f !o' ha+e e+er mingle$ with them !o' will know what % mean" The gangsters in 'niform) howe+er) ha+e a sol'tel! no ethics whatsoe+er" An$ to make it e+en worse) these gangsters in 'niform prostrate in pra!er fi+e times a $a! an$ face &ekah an$ imagine themsel+es as 3o$.s chosen people who ha+e een g'arantee$ a place in hea+en no matter what sins an$ crimes the! commit" % ha+e een to jail efore" An$ jail is where the worst t!pes of people an$ sc'm of societ! are ho'se$" B't man! a time these so0calle$ sc'm of societ! ha+e pro+en to e etter people than those gangsters in 'niform" % ha+e) in fact) een gi+en 56 ho'rs) aro'n$ the clock protection ! those !o' wo'l$ regar$ as sc'm of societ!" The! stoo$ o'tsi$e m! cell while % slept to ens're that no harm comes to me an$ to ens're) to ,'ote their own wor$s) % can li+e to contin'e the fight for a etter &ala!sia" 7es) what iron!" Those we wo'l$ rather lock 'p an$ throw the ke! awa! ha+e pro+en to e m! sa+io'rs in prison who protect me from those in 'niform" This is what prison has ta'ght me" %t ta'ght me % am a le to tr'st m! life in the han$s of gangsters) ro ers an$ ki$nappers while % m'st ne+er t'rn m! ack on those in 'niform" Ha+e no $el'sions a o't it" The enem! is the &ala!sian police" Those are the people we m'st first ring $own if we want to ring $own the regime calle$ Barisan Nasional" &ala!sians m'st $eclare war on the &ala!sian police" An$ all is fair in lo+e an$ war" An$ &'sa Hassan.s hea$ m'st e the first to roll" An$ once we separate his hea$ from his neck then the regime will cr'm le" An$ onl! then will those ehin$ the man! m'r$ers at the han$s of the police e ro'ght to j'stice"

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