GEAS Review Notes

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In engineering materials, for high frequency capacitors, ester fluids are occasionally used.

The main disdvantage of ester fluids however is that they have _______________.In fluid mathematics, what is known as the movement of liquid through a porous diaphram or other permeable solid resulting from the application of electric field? a:electron-osmosis In engineering materials, the color of the common transition metal called tungsten, used in making electric lamps is a:silvery-white In engineering materials, in the study of metals, what do you call of an alloy whose approximate composition is 60% copper and 40% zinc?

present in the chip. It is ____________ x 10 raised to 20th power, atoms. A:1.33 In engineering materials, what refers to matter that do not have definite form or structure? A:amorphous In molecular physics, an atom with electronic configuration 2, 8, 8 ..... has ___________.In molecular physics, an atom with electronic configuration 2, 8, 8 ..... has ___________. A:an atomic number of 18 In strength of materials, which among those mentioned, subjects the material to ______________ shear, when a cutting action is applied as you would with scissors, tin snips or punches. A:direct What refers to the value of stress on the stress-strain diagram curve at which the curve first deviates from a straight line? A:proportional limit What do you call of the ratio of shearing stress to the shearing strain? A:rigidity

What refers to the ability of a material to absorbed applied energy without failure? A:toughness When an electric current passes through an anisotropic crystal, the liberation or absorption of heat known as ____________________ effect occurs. It arises from non-uniformity in the current distribution and is additonal to the Peltier and Thomson effect. A:Bridgman In the study of metals, what is alloyed with steel to make the alloy corrosionresistant? A:chromium A material whose atomic arrangement occurs as periodic, repeating structure over large distances, is what is referred to as _____________________ material. A:crystalline What is a typical toxic silvery element of lanthanide series? this element is used in modern super strong permanent magnets. A:neodymium A thin square steel plate 10 cm on a side, is heated in a blacksmith forge to a temperature of 900 degree celcius. If the emissivity is 0.60, calculate the total rate

of radiation energy. (S = 5.67 x 10 raised to minus 8th power, W/m2 K^4). A:1287 W Poisson's ratio is a property of the material used in fabricating the member. The theoriticial maximum value of Poisson's ratio of any given material subjected to a uniform stress is ________________ A:one-half It is the classification of materials, where atoms are arranged in a very orderly manner. A:metals The hardness of rubbers, plastics and similar soft and elastic non-metallic materials is generally measured using an instrument known as ___________. A:durometer What type of resin is exclusively used for manufacturing plumbing pipes? A:polyvinyl chloride

Among the statements given, which describes best what took place during the electrolytic refining of copper? Copper is removed from _____________. The solution ___________. A:the anode and deposited on the cathode; remians blue A silicon chip in an integrated circuit (IC) of microcomputer has a mass of 6.20 mg. Calculate how many silicon atoms are

Among the scientists mentioned, the one who determined the quantitative relationship between the amount of electricity used in electrolysis and the

amount of chemical reaction that occurs is ____________________. A:Michael Faraday In the study of lens, a defect in an optical system, such that the image is NOT a true picture, is known as aberration. A type of abberation wherein the focal length of paraxial rays is more than the focal length of the marginal rays is called _____________ aberration. A: spherical The study of equations, a unit of volume often used is ______________. (By definition, the molar volume of gas at 0 degree Celcius and at 1 atmosphere.) A: Amagat n the study of light waves, double refraction of light, when passed through crystals of certain materials, is known as Bire fringence. What do you call the effect exhibited by a viscous liquid consisting of an isotropic molecule, and flows in such a way, that a sharing velocity gradient occurs, exhibiting optical Bire fringence? A: Maxwell Ohm's Law states that the ratio of the electromotive force or voltage to that of the current. In the case of magnetic circuit, the ___________ Law states that

the ratio of the magnetic force to that of the magentic flux is equal to the reluctance. A: Bosanquet's It is the effect of setting-up of a voltage in a semiconductor or conductor, by illuminating one surface. A: Dember In the study of light waves, what is known as the radiant or luminous flux emitted per unit area of a surface? It is also known as emittance. A: exitance A pressure gauge registers 40 psig in a region where the barometer is 14.25 psia. Calculte the absolute pressure. It is ___________________ KPa. A: 374 In the study of the universe, the ratio of velocity to distance of galaxies, (in the universe) is constant, derived as the reciprocal of the time calculated to have elapsed since the collapsed state of the universe that existed. This is embodied in _____________ Law. A: Hubble's In the study of light waves, the effect that results when light is passed through certain liquid or crystalline materials in

direction perpendicular to an applied magnetic fluid, making the material doubly refracting is known as ___________ effect. A: Majorana What do you call of a tube used for measuring the static pressure of a fluid in motion? It is placed in the fluid, such that it is NOT affected by pressure changes caused by the motion of the fluid. A:static The vapor-pressure of a liquid is measured using an apparatus that compares the vapor-pressure of the liquid with that of water, using the same temperature. A:tensimeter In physics, regarding the wave number, among the statements given, which statement is NOT correct? It is the statement that says, the wave number is ___________. (the reciprocal of wavelength) A: directly proportional to the speed of light. What is known as a low energy electron emitted by a substance after bombardment by high energy particles? It is known as __________________ ray.

A: delta In the study of lens and mirrors, if a plane convex lens of focal length 14 cm in air is to be made of glass whose refractive index is 1.50, what should be the radius of curvature of the curved surface? A:7.0 cm What do you call of the units or quantities, other than the six base quantities, used in measurement? It is called ___________________ quantities. A:derived When some isotopes are being separated, a phenomenon occurs, when a mixture of gases is subjected to a temperature gradient; the heavier atoms concentrate in the cooler region, while the lighter ones, in the hotter regions. A:thermal diffusion In the study of heat engines in thermodynamics, what refers to the substance that is subjected to temperature and pressure change in the heat engine? It is called _____________ substance. A:working A telephone subscriber line must have a SNR (dB) above 41 dB. Calculate the minimum number of bits. A: 6.52

For an optical fiber 12 km long with pulse-spreading constant of 5 ns/km, calculate the maximum digital tranmission rate for return-to-zero. A: 16 Mbps A satellite orbits at a height of 250 km above the earth's surface. Calculate the period of the satellite. (G = 6.67 x 10^ -11 N.m2/kg2, mass of earth = 5.98 x 10^24 kg, radius of the earth = 6370 km.) A: 132.6 min Calculate the gravitational force between two identical balls, separated by 0.60 meters between the centers. (mass of the balls is 6 kg.) It is equal to __________ x 10^ -9 N. A: 4 Spherical sound waves are emitted uniformly in all directions, from a point source, the radiated power being 20 Watts. What is the sound level pressure of the sound wave, a distance r = 2.0 m from the source? A: 116 dB A logic circuit that accepts general digital data input and selects one of them at any given time to pass on the output, is known as _____________. A: digital multiplexer

The wavelength of the red light from a certain light sensor is 600 nanometer in air, but 474 nanometer in the aqueous tumor inside the human's eyeballs. Determine the speed of light in this substance, ______________ x 10^8 m/s.The wavelength of the red light from a certain light sensor is 600 nanometer in air, but 474 nanometer in the aqueous tumor inside the human's eyeballs. Determine the speed of light in this substance, ______________ x 10^8 m/s. A: 2.37 Among the given non-metals, which is an example of a molecule? A:hydrogen In chemistry, which among those compounds given is electrovalent or inoic? A:carbon dioxide

A: flourine In the study of the periodic table, Group 5 are also called alkali metals. Which among the properties of alkali metals has the tendency to decrease as we go down from the top position to the bottom? A: density Which among the metals given is known as the strongest reducing agent? A:magnesium A hot air baloon that rises upwards is based on _______________? A: Archimedes' Principle The pairs of substances that can be used in preparing metal salt is _________________.The pairs of substances that can be used in preparing metal salt is _________________. A: iron and dilute sulphuric acid

A: nitrogen dioxide In making calculations of pressure, meteorologists use bar instead of Pascals or Newtons/m2. What is the equivalent of 10 bars in N/m2? A: 1,000,000 When measuring lengths, instruments commonly used are tape measure, vernier caliper, and micrometer screw gauges. What is the accuracy of vernier caliper? It is +/_ ____________. A: 0.01 cm A 500 g sample of water is heated from 30 degree Celcius to 75 degree Celcius. Find the amount of heat absorbed by the water. A: 151 kJ

In the study of the periodic table, which among the elements given has the property of having the greatest tendency to form positive ion? A:cesium Among the elements given, the element which is the most powerful oxidizing agent is ___________.

Why is aluminum, when added to dilute hydrocholric acid, exhibits no reaction initially? A:It is because it is protected by a thin but strong surface layers of oxides In the process of iron extraction, among those mentioned, the least likely to be present in the blast furnace is ____________.

Calculate the mass of 40 liters of gasoline. (Use as specific gravity of gasoline = 0.82.) A: 32.8kg In the study of hydraulics, a hydraulic system opeartes based on ____________. A: Pascal's Principle Calculate the volume occupied by 8.80 g of ammonia gas at STP (Standard

Temperature and Pressure). (molar mass of Ammonia is 17.03 g). A:11.57 L A spaceship moving away from earth with speed equal to 0.910c fires a robot space probe in the same direction as its motion, with speed of 0.710c relative to the spaceship. Calculate the probe's velocity relative to the earth. It is in ___________ c. A: 0.984 What do you call the derivatives of ammonia whereby one or more of the hydrogen have been replaced by the alkyl group? It is characterized as having unpleasant odors. A: Amines In what law is it that states that at constant pressure and temperature, the volume of gas is directly proportional to the number of moles present? A: Avogadro's A certain type of gas which is colorless and very unreactive is in a steel vessel whose volume is 5.43 L at 30 degree Celcius temperature. Determine the pressure (in atm) exerted by 1.2 mole of gas in the vessel. A:8.80

A bottle of ceramic cleanser, which is essentially a solution of hydrogen chloride (HCl), contains 120 g of HCl and 700 g of water. Calculate the percentage by mass of HCl in this cleanser. A: 14.6 % In the atomic theory of matter, what is known as the concept that electrons occupy all the orbitals of a given subshell singly, before pairing begins, wherein, these unpaired electrons have parallel spins? A: Hund's Rule Which among the elements given, has the highest ionization potential of its atom? A: Helium Among the items mentioned, which is an example of a ternary compound? A: copper sulphate What principle is it that states that "it is not possible to find actually and simultaneously both the position and velocity of a moving particle"? A: Uncertainty Calculate the number of moles of nitrogen gas present in 67.2 L at STP. It is _________ mols. A: 3

A mass of 8 kg is 100 m above a given datum, where local g = 9.70 m/s2. Calculate the gravitational force in Newtons with respect to the datum. A: 77.6 N Which law states that the vapor pressure of each chemical component in an ideal solution is dependent on the vapor pressure of the individual component and the mole fraction of the component present in the solution? A: Raoult's law The weight-density of air at 32 degree fahrenheit and 29.92 inches of Hg pressure is 0.081 lb/cubic ft . Calculate its weight-density at an altitude where the pressure is 14.0 inches Hg and a temperature of 39 degree fahrenheit. A: 0.370 Calculate the final temperature, in degree Celcius, after a hot iron whose mass is 800g at 100 degree celcius is dropped into 300 g of water at 20 degree Celcius contained in an iron vessel whose mass is 50 g. A: 18 In thermodynamics, a 3 inch wall of firebrick, whose thermal conductivity (k) is equal to 9 Btu/ft2-hr-F/m, has one surface at 300 degree fahrenheit, the

other 100 degree fahrenheit. Calculate the heat conducted through the area of 2 ft in one day. A: 28,800 Btu Calculate the work done in compressing slowly and isothermally 2 moles of an ideal gas from an initial volume of 5 cubic ft to 2 cubic ft, at a temperature of 310 K. It is minus _______ kJ. A: 4.72 When 2 lb of unknown metal at 212 degree fahrenheit is dropped into 5 lb of water at 35 degree fahrenheit, the resulting temperature is 41.2 degree fahrenheit. Calculate the specific heat of the unknown metal. It is __________ Btu/lb - degree fahrenheit. A: 0.0907 During an isentropic process of 1.5 kg/s of air, the temperature increases from 4.40 degree Celcius to 115 degree Celcius. Using Cp to be 1.0062 kJ/kg.K for air, for a non-flow process, calculate the change of heat (dH). A: 167 kJ/s The statement contained within the second law of thermodynamics which states that no device can transfer heat from a cooler body to a warmer one without leaving an effect on the surroundings, refers to __________________ statement.

A: Clausius A spherical tank has a diameter of 4 ft and a wall thickness of 4/7 inchess. Determine the allowable internal pressure if the stress is limited to 8000 psi. A: 157 psi A Carnot heat engine receives 600 kJ of heat per cycle from a high temperature source of 800 degree Celcius. It rejects heat at a low temperature of 50 degree Celcius. Calculate the thermal efficiency in percent, of the Carnot engine. A: 70 A piston cylinder device contains a liquidvapor mixture of water at 400 K. During a constant pressure process, 800 kJ of heat is transferred to the water. As a result, part of the liquid in the cylinder vaporizes. Find the entropy change of the water during the process. It is ___________ kJ/K. A: 2.0 Among those given, which of the following processes are involved in a Carnot cycle? A: two isothermal and two isobaric A 300 N block is resting on a plane inclined at 30 degree Celcius with the

horizontal. It is subjected to a pull of constant force of 350 N acting parallel to the inclined plane directed upwards. After the block has moved 2 m from rest, the 350 N force was removed. Calculate the distance that the block will move along the inclined plane, until it stops. (Coefficient of friction is 0.2) A: 2.83 m The normal acceleration of particle on the rim of a pully 12 feet in diameter is consatnt at 1200 ft/sec2. Calculate the speed of the pulley in revolutions per

reflected ray. It is _________________ degrees. A: 48 A metal bar suspended from a certain support has an axial load of 20 kN. If the bar has a cross-section of 40 mm2, calculate the stress experienced by the bar. A: 500 MPa A marksman holds a 4 kg rifle loosely in his hands. He fires a bullet of mass 4.5 g with a mussel velocity of 200 m/s. calculate the recoil velocity of the rifle. It is equal to minus ___________ m/s. A: 0.225 A piston cylinder contains 1 kg of a system, which expands from state 1 (U1 = 2700 kJ/kg) to state 2 (U2 = 2600 kJ/kg). During the expansion process, the system receives 40 kJ of heat. Calculate the work done in the system. A:60 kJ Calculate the molar concentration of a solution that contains 15 g of sodium hydroxide, in 250 ml of solution. (Atomic weight of Na is 23). A: 1.5 A ball is thrown vertically with an initial speed of 20 m/s from a height of 60 m.

Calculate the speed of the ball in m/s, just before striking the ground. A: 39.7 A uniform solid disck has a radius of 25 cm and spins on an axis through its center and perpendicualr to its plane. Calculate the radius of gyration. A: 0.17 m Using a wheel and axle, a 400 N load can be raised by a 40 N applied to the rim of the wheel. The radii of the wheel and axle are 85 cm and 6 cm, respectively. Calculate the eficiency of the machine. A: 71.4 % The heat of neutralization of a strong acid and strong base is nearly equal to _____________ kJ/mol. A: -57 Both ends of a steel girder of length 20 m are clamped in a position at a temperature 5 degree Celsius. Calculate the stress produced in the girder, if the temperature is raised to 35 degree Celsius. (Linear coefficient of expansion of steel = 1.1 x 10^5/K and Young's modulus = 2.1 x 10^11 N/m2). The stress produced ___________ x 10^6 N/m2. A: 69.3

minute, rpm.The normal acceleration of particle on the rim of a pully 12 feet in diameter is consatnt at 1200 ft/sec2. Calculate the speed of the pulley in revolutions per minute, rpm. A: 135 A snow sled is travelling at 5 m/s speed along a horizontal stretch of snow. The coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.05. Calculate how far will the sled go before it comes to a halt. A: 25.5 m Material A is water, while material B is made of glass. The index of refraction of the glass is 1.55. If the incident ray makes an angle of 48 degrees with the normal, calculate the angle of reflection of the

A horse was used to lift water from a deep well over a certain period of time. The well is 10 meters deep, and the horse worked for 8 hours. Calculate how many liters of water did the horse lift from the well. It is ___________ x 10^5 liters. A: 2.19 A 3.5 lb weight hangs at the end of a spring with k = 20 lb/ft. The weight is pulled slightly and released. Calculate at what frequency it will vibrate. A: 2.17 Hz A projectile is fired with a horizontal velocity at 300 m/s from the top of a cliff 60 m high. Calculate how far from the foot of the cliff will it strike? A: 1050 m A 10 N block is to be pulled up a 10 degrees incline at constant speed. Calculate the force needed to pull the block if friction is neglected. A: 6.4 N What do you call the enthalpy change associated with the condensation of gaseous positive and negative ion into a crystal? A: lattice energy In project management, the ratio of actual work finished to the percentage of

work planned to be finished at any given time during the life of the project is known as A: rate of performance In project management, what do you call the plan developed for risks that constitute high impact on attaining project objectives, that is intended to be used in case attempts to reduce the risk may not be effective? A: fall back A xerox machine costs Php 20,000 and lasts for 5 years. It has a salvage value equal to Php 200 at the end of 5 years. Calculate the book value at the end of 4 years, using the straight line method. A: P 4000 An IT company bought an equipment for Php 60,000 and paid Php 2000 for freight and delivery charges to the job site. The normal life of the equipment is 10 years with a trade-in value of Php 10,000 against the purchase of a new equipment at the end of the life. Calculate the annual depreciation cost by using the Sinking Fund Method. Assume interest at 6% A: Php 3945.37 A management approach used by some managers to make sure subordinates do

their jobs, by threatening them and using various control schemes. A: Theory X A manufacturing company purchased a machinery for Php 250,000 and used it for 8 years, the life span of the equipment. Calculate the book value of the machine after 4 years of use. Assume a scrap value of Php 25,000. Use double declining method. A: 79,101.56 In project management, what technique refer to this, "when you have to finish your project on time with limited resources, you added a project buffer before the end date and feeding buffers before each critical task". A: critical chain scheduling Suppose your team has identified several risks related to your project. you decided to take preventive actions to reduce the impact of the particluar risk event by reducing its probability of occurence. What risk response strategy will you use? A:migitation In risk management, for a buyer, which among those given regarding contracts provide the least amount of risk? A: firm fixed price or lump sum

Items purchased form a vendor cost Php 10 each, and the forecast for next years's demand is 2000 units. If it costs Php 5 every time an order is placed for more units, and the storage cost is Php 2 per unit per year, calculate the quantity that should be ordered each time. A: 100 units Decomposition is defined as sibsidizing project dleiverables into smaller pieces. This process is used in developing _________________. A: Work Breakdown Structure Cost performance in project management is the ratio of ___________________. A: earned value to actual cost value A law is defined as any rule of action or any system of uniformity. Among those mentioned, which is defined more in detail, as the divine inspiration in man of the sense of justice, fairness and righteousness, not by formal promulgation but by internal dictates of reason alone? A: Natural Law In the study of obligation and contracts, the main classification of law is first as to its purpose, and second, as to its nature. The law or portion of the law creating and

defining rights and duties that may either be public or private in character is referred to as A: Substantive Law Among the laws given, which states that if a reaction is carried out in a series of steps, the enthalpy change for the overall reaction will be equal to the sum of the enthalpy changes for the individual steps? A: Hess' Law Who among the following is NOT a signatory to the Implementing Rules ad Regulations (IRR), of R.A. 9292? A: Jose de Venecia In the law of obligation and contracts, what obligation gives to the creditor a right under the law to enforce their performance in Courts of Justice? A: civil What kind of obligation is that in which the subject is a thing which the debtor must deliver to the creditor? A: real Among the sources of obligations given, which is described as the obligation that arises from damage caused to another through an act of omission, there being fault or negligence, but no contractual relation exists between the parties?

A: Quasi-delicts or torts In the law of obligations and contracts, this deals with obligations arising from quasi-contracts or contracts implied by law. What do you call a juridical relation which is created when something is received, when there is no right to demand it and it was unduly delivered through mistake? A: Solutio indebiti A kind of negligence in contracts, according to source of obligation, that results in their breach iss known as _______________ negligence. A: contractual The failure to perform an obligation on time, whereby the failure constitute a breach of obligation is known as ___________________. A: Legal delay A condition in an obligation or contract is a future and uncertain event, upon happening of which the effectivity or extinguishment of an obligation (or right) subject to it depends. The kind of condition, the fulfillment of which will extinguish an obligation (or right) already existing is the ______________ condition. A: resolutory

What kind of condition is described as a condition that fulfillment of which will give rise to an obligation (or right)? A: suspensive In the law of obligations and contracts, different kinds of conditional obligations are mentioned. What do you call the condition, suspensive in nature, and which depends upon the sole will of one of the contracting parties? A: protestative Plans, drawing, permit, and applications and other technical documents prepared by and/or executed under the supervision of/and issued by a PECE shall be stamped and sealed by the PECE concerned. He shall include, in addition to his PRC ID NO., date of issuance and expiration date, he shall be required to include the following, in each page of the document, where he ______________ A: 1, 2, and 3 In the study of obligation and contract, every obligation has four essential requisites. Prestation, one of the requisites, is also known as _______________ A: the object

In accordance with R.A. 9292, which among the qualifications of a Board Member listed below is NOT correct? A: Be a citizen and resident of the Philippines for five (5) consecutive years prior to his/her appointment. What refers to the functional boundary of the biological cell which is a thin bimolecular lipid and protein structure? A: membrane In accordance with Section 2 of the IRR of R.A. 9292, in the Statement of Policy, "the state shall therefore develop and nurture, competent, _____________, productive and well-rounded PECEs. ECEs, and ECTs. A: virtuous In accordance with the provision of R.A. 9292, what is the minimum punishment for any person who shall present or use a revoked or suspended Certificate of Registration as PECE, ECE, or ECT? A: Fine of not less than 100,000 pesos or imprisonment of not less than 6 months. In accordance with the IRR of R.A. 9292, Section 22, all successful examinees shall be required _____________________ as a prerequisite to practicing their PECE, ECE, or ECT profession. A: to take a professional oath

A 1kg cart is moving at a speed of 5 meters per second. Find the force needed to stop the cart in a time of 0.8 milliseconds. It is ___________ x 10 raised to the 4th power N. A: -2.5 In Mechanics, the type of equilibrium that exists if a body, when displaced from its equilibrium position, remains in its displaced state. A: neutral In the study of mechanics, the type of equilibrium that exists when the body moves away from its equilibrium position is known as _______________ equilibrium. A: unstable In engineering material, with regards to electrical insulation, if thermal stress is of utmost consideration, the material highly recommended is _______________. A:cordierite The functional force acts only in respect to a disturbing force. Assuming the disturbing force is equal to the maximum fucntional force, then the body is said to be in what phase? A: motion impending

A special group of polymers that decompose rather than melt upon heating are called A: thermosets The two phases that describe the relationship between functional force and disturbing force is known as ______________ phase. A: equilibrium and motion impending In engineering mechanics, an exoergic impact is an impact wherein ___________ energy. A: there is a gain in kinetic In the study of Mechanics in Engineering Materials, which among those given below is the coefficient static friction for dry condition of steel on steel?In the study of Mechanics in Engineering Materials, which among those given below is the coefficient static friction for dry condition of steel on steel? A: 0.78 In Engineering Mechanics, in dry condition, which among those given below has the lowest coefficient of dynamic friction? A: cast iron on cast iron

Among those given below, which one is the coefficient of dynamic friction cast iron on cast iron under dry condition? A: 0.15 In Kinematics, when driving a vehicle and the brakes are applied, and the vehicle begins to skid, the skidding distance to a complete stop on level surface is directly proportional to what? A: square of the velocity In kinematics, the skidding distance to a complete stop on a level surface is found by taking the ratio of __________________. A: square of velocity over twice the acceleratio When two colliding body meets, the impact is said to be an inelastic impact if the kinetic energy is lost. Another term used for inelatcis imapct is _________________ impact. A: endoergic What is the atomic packing factor of a body centered cubic structure? A: 68 4 kg of aluminum with specific heat capacity, Cv = 900 J/kg. K are placed in contact at 250 K with a 16 kg of copper, Cv = 390 J/kg.K at 375 K. If any transfer of

energy is prevented, calculate the final temperature of the metals, in K. A: 329 In mechanics, cohesion is the force of attraction between molecules ____________________.In mechanics, cohesion is the force of attractio between molecules ____________________. A: of liquids only Calculate the (ASTM) or the American Society for Testing Materials grain size number of a metal specimen if 64 grams per sq. inch are mentioned at a magnification of 100x. A: 7.02 In Engineering Materials, among the materials given below, which will you use when high compressive ultimate strength is needed? A: copper In Engineering Materials, which has the highest ultimate strength for tension among the materials given below? A: copper Among the fluids given, which has the highest bulk modulus, at ordinary room temperature? A: oil

Among those given below, which is involved in the investigation of the relationship that exists between the structures and properties of materials?Among those given below, which is involved in the investigation of the relationship that exists between the structures and properties of materials? A: materials science In engineering materials, what do you call "the failure of a material due to repeated loading and unloading"? A: fatigue In engineering materials, for high frequency capacitors, ester fluids are occasionally used. The main disdvantage of ester fluids however is that they have _______________. A: poor thermal conductivity For high frequency capacitors, ester fluids are occasionally used. The main disadvantage of ester fuilds however is tat they have ___________. A: poor thermal conductivity The electrical conductor alloys are normally used for stranded conductors. Eletric Conductors have ___________ percent aluminum. A: 99.45

In strength of materials, in combined stress computations, one of the rule used is that for every calculated shear stress, there is a corressponding induced normal stress. The value of the normal stress is ________________ of the shear stress. A: equal to that For high resistance thermocouple, the material usually used is A: platinum In Engineering Materials, when silver is used as an electrical contact, the voltage used must be low and the current must be limitted to _____________ amperes. A: 20 For variable capacitor, steatite ceramic is usually used because it is suitable for __________ application. A: low tension; high-frequency In Engineering Materials, the material used as substrates, whenever high heat dissipate and very flat surface are required is A: sapphire In strength of materials, in order to find the section modulus of a circle with respect to its centroidal axis, multiply the product of pi and the cube of its diameter, divided by __________.

A: 32 Acetylene is normally used in welding shops. It is composed of the element _______________. A: carbon and hydrogen Monel contains how many percentage of carbon, %? A: 0.12 In engineering materials, how many atoms per unit cell are there in a simple cubic unit cell if there is only one atom at each lattice point? It has ____________ atom(s) per unit cell. A: 1 In engineering materials, which cast iron mentioned below is soft, easily washed out, and the most widely used? It is ______________ cast iron. A: Grey Engineering Materials are often times fabricated from carbon steel which may either be in sheet or plate form. The type of carbon steel that is called a plate or iron plate is the one whose plate thickness is from ____________ and higher. A: 6 mm

One of the most commonly used nonferrous metals is copper. All of the statements below are true except the one that says copper _________________. A: used commercially contains up to 2% impurities Copper is difficult to weld because A: it has high conductivity Brass is difficult to weld because A: zinc will evaporate Among th metals given, which has the highest melting point? A: nickel In Engineering Materials, gun metal is an alloy that contains ______ percent copper. A: 88 Among the iron given below, which type is manufactured from peg iron by using the padding process in removing impurities, leaving the pure iron? A: wrought iron Among the cast iron used in industry, the type that is difficult to work on machines and is not weldable is the ____________ . A: white cast iron

In Engineering Materials, bronze is an alloy containing how much lead? A: less tha one percent lead Oxygen is an element commonly found in nature. The boiling point of oxygen is A: -183 oC Among the inert gases, which one is the most abundant? A: argon When we talk of high carbon steel, we mean steel containing ____________ carbon. A: 0.60% Bronze are welded using bronze electrodes. It is done using what is known as A: arc welding process The color of pure copper is A: reddish What is referred to as the ability of materials not to deflect under an applied load? A: rigidity In designing a belt system, the horsepower to be transmitted should be multiplied by a service factor to obtain

the desired power. The minimum service factor is A: 1.0 Among the pairs of metals listed, which pair have the same value of shear modulus? A: titanium and brass What is the shear modulus of titanium? A: 40 x 10 raised to the 6th power, kPa One of the most commonly used reinforcing bars in concrete structures is steel. Its coefficient of themal expansion is ___________ degree Celsius. A: 12 The beam deflection is defined as the vertical displacement of the x-axis of a loaded beam. The graph of this deflection is called the equatin of ___________. A: elastic line The term used to describe an engineering material whose structural member has the same material properties in all directions at any particular point is __________ material. A: an isotropic

The ultimate stress in engineering materials is __________________. A: the maximum stress that cause the material to break When the moment diagram of a beam was taken and a graph was drawn, the result is a triangular diagram. Among the statements given, which one is correct? It is the one that says that the beam is _______________. A: a simple beam that carries a concentrated load at the windspan Yield point is a point in the stress-strain diagram at which a sudden inscrease in strain occurs without a corressponding increase in stress. Among the given structural members, which has the highest yield point? A: beryllium copper Yield, ultimate, and fatigue strength are obtained by testing standards representative specimen at __________ degrees Fahrenheit, at normal atmospheric pressure. A: 68

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