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Hamizah Sukiman 9B Unit 3 Assessment Game Making (Action Plan) 31/03/14

Action Plan
For this assessment, we were put into groups and asked to create a game relating to our given topic (e.g. governments, peacekeeping, water security & peace security). Myself, Samara, Farzin, Yara, Haya & Layal were placed in a group and we were assigned the topic of peacekeeping. What is our topic? Peacekeeping is referred to the Peacekeeping operations carried out by the United Nations, as an act of international aid in several aspects like natural disasters, wars & conflicts. Peacekeepers are those assigned by the UN to carry out these operations all around the world. Peacekeepers are assigned operations either to aid (for natural disasters) or to observe (ceasefires, wars, etc.). Why is peacekeeping important? Peacekeeping operations are one of the major changes made from the League of Nations to the United Nations. Peacekeeping is a very important aspect globally, as most of the countries in the world (except 3) are part of the United Nations. This makes them part of each operation, indirectly, as a member of United Nations. Therefore, it is important for myself and my peers to understand how and why peacekeeping operations work to help fully comprehend the operations that are being carried out worldwide today and for days to come and how we could assist as global citizens. Issues surrounding peacekeeping There are several issues surrounding the topic of peacekeeping. Some examples are : a. Wars & Conflicts Wars and conflicts are one of the most common issues relating back to peacekeeping. The UN peacekeepers were formed due to a war (Arab-Israeli war). War ceasefires are constantly observed by the UN peacekeeping troop. Some examples of these are the Indo-Pakistani War (India/Pakistan Kashmir conflict), the Arab-Israeli ceasefire, the Iraq-Kuwait conflict, the Uganda-Rwanda ceasefire and many more. Other than ceasefires, the UN peacekeeping troops are also sent to observe post-war peace and to make sure no chaos breaks out. b. Politics Other than wars, politics are also a main reason for troops to be sent to a certain country. Although these cases are rare nowadays, it still occurs in some parts of the world. The peacekeepers are sent to make sure those who are campaigning in elections and its country citizens remain safe. The troops are mainly used on the day of the election itself, to ensure the politicians who are campaigning are not hurt as well as making sure the citizens are not hurt. c. Humanitarian crisis The final example is humanitarian crisis. These can be split into two main categories, natural disasters and ongoing aid. Natural disasters are aid given to those who have just gone through a form of natural disaster like earthquakes & floods. Usually, food, clothing and medications are distributed to these people at the time. At the same time, ongoing aid is aid given constantly to those in need of basic needs constantly. For example, currently, UNICEF (United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund) is organizing a UNICEF tap program,

Hamizah Sukiman 9B Unit 3 Assessment Game Making (Action Plan) 31/03/14

where a child would be given one day of clean water for every ten minutes your phone is left on a flat surface. Programs like these are ongoing aid, aid for those who are in need of basic survival needs. Key events in peacekeeping There are three main events that I would like to discuss in this assessment. These are: Arab-Israeli War of 1948 (UNTSO) This war was the start of all the UN peacekeeping missions. The Arab-Israeli war ended with a ceasefire. Thus, the UN has sent troops over to observe the ceasefire and make sure there is no chaos post-war. The first assignment was to observe this ceasefire, thus making it an important checkmark in the history of the UN peacekeepers. Indo-Pakistani War for Kashmir (UNMOGIP) The Indo-Pakistani war ended with a ceasefire as well. UNMOGIP is an operation set to observe the ceasefire in Kashmir and this is an important part of the UN peacekeeping history as it is one of the earlier ceasefire observation operations and it is still ongoing until today. This is one of the longest peacekeeping missions. UN support mission in Libya (UNSMIL) The UNSMIL is a recent support mission in Libya. It is one of the most recent operations in the UN peacekeeping force and it shows how much the UN peacekeeping operation methods have improved over the years as well as how the peacekeepers act today in comparison to how the acted back in 1948. To conclude, these three events all have a major impact when related back to the peacekeepers. UNTSO is the operation that started it all; the Arab-Israeli war caused the forming of the UN peacekeeping troop in the first place. The Indo-Pakistani war was one of the first few ceasefire-observing missions that the UN troop were assigned to and UNSMIL is one of the latest missions they were assigned to. The case studies help me to observe how the peacekeeping concept have developed since their formation to their first few missions to their recent ones.

Game creating
What game are we creating? We have decided to create a physical game. This board game is inspired by the board game Monopoly and the classic board game Ludo. The game is a competition-type game. Two groups are to go against each other. The group who gets to the final space (called Home) will win the game. Each step from Start to Home is labeled a number from 1-5, representing the question category. The group will be asked a question from the category their game piece corresponds with (E.g Group one lands on a tile with the number 3 on it. They will have to answer a question from category 3). If the group gets it right, they progress 2 steps, and proceed to answer the question based on the number they land on, and so forth. However, if they get it wrong, they will move back one step and answer the question on that number, and so forth. Our game also includes act it out questions where the players have to act out and say words that could resemble the phrase and one player from that team has to guess.

Hamizah Sukiman 9B Unit 3 Assessment Game Making (Action Plan) 31/03/14

What materials do we need? For the creation of this game, we will need several things. Firstly, we will need a large colored paper/card paper for the base of the board game. Then, we will need smaller colored paper to label the numbers, Start and Home on the base paper itself. Other than that, we will need around 40 individual question papers for each of our questions in each of our 5 categories. Finally, we will need dice to roll during the game to determine how many steps the players progress. My tasks & my groups tasks The following are a list of what my peers have done to contribute to the group: Farzin: Farzin has designed mostly the physical board game itself. She drew several different continents & countries on the board game to resemble international and she has assisted Yara & Samara put in the number cards in the board game. Farzin and I have together determined the category number on each of the individual number cards on the board and she has brought in dice for the day of the game itself. Farzin has also helped Yara in creating the two game pieces. Samara: Samara & Yara have assisted in the making of the question cards. Samara has cut out all 40+ white question cards before the writing of the questions. Samara had color coded all the question cards with Yara, to help differentiate between each of the 5 categories. On Tuesday, the day before the due date, Samara has stayed after school with me to finish up writing the answers on the question cards for the following day. She has also helped Farzin in the making of the board game. Yara: Yara has assisted the group through the forming of the question cards and the writing of the questions. Samara & Yara have divided all the 40 question cards and they have color coded all of them (according to its category) and Yara has cut out all the extra white paper that we needed after we found out that we have not cut out enough for all the questions. She has helped to write down the questions that we started with on each question paper (divided equally with Samara) and she has also assisted Farzin in the creation of the board game. Yara has also assisted Farzin in making the game pieces and folding them. Haya: Haya was absent on the one class due to the fact that she was sick. Although, before that, she has helped me come up with around 10 questions or so for the categories and we worked together to edit and proof read most of the questions we already have. We have worked together to come up with the 5 different categories and we have worked with Farzin in making sure we have enough category number cards on the board game. Layal: Layal was absent for almost all classes (except one) for when we were designing the game. She was also absent on the day of the presentation itself (Wednesday, April 2nd). But, she helped to contribute ideas for our game. Myself: My main contribution to the group was creating the typed up work for the game. I have created the remaining questions that Haya and I didnt finish in class (Around 30 questions were created by me) and Samara has helped me with coming up with a few final questions for the game. After that, I wrote the remaining answers on answer-less question cards at home and I finished up writing the questions onto the question cards. I have also typed out and printed out all the rules for the game that we will attach on the game on the day we will be playing the game itself. Finally, I helped Farzin in organizing the category numbers on the board game to make sure that the numbers dont repeat themselves on the board game.

Hamizah Sukiman 9B Unit 3 Assessment Game Making (Action Plan) 31/03/14

Have I typed up a Rules sheet? Yes, as mentioned above, I have typed out the Rules sheet for the whole group and I have printed it out to be stuck onto the board game for when people play it. The Rules sheet is also stuck at the back of this document. Have I clearly incorporated aspects of peacekeeping and action plan into the game? Yes, I feel like as a group we have included several aspects of peacekeeping into our game. Firstly, the most obvious aspect is our game itself. Our game is based on questions and most of our questions are related to different aspects of peacekeeping like wars, humanitarian aid, etc. and the questions rest entirely on these aspects. Some of our questions are not entirely based on peacekeeping and they are related to United Nations itself. Other than that, our game piece is a blue hat, representing the peacekeepers blue helmets that they wear when they are assigned an operation. Therefore, not only our questions and directly related to peacekeeping, but so is the little details in our game. How many people can play at one time? A maximum of 6 people per group can play at one time, which allows 12 people to play per round. Although, it is best to have only 3 or 4 people per group to avoid chaos.

Hamizah Sukiman 9B Unit 3 Assessment Game Making (Action Plan) 31/03/14

Game Rulings
Group players into two separate groups. They will compete against each other. The pieces will move according to dice numbers and they will land on a category. A question will be given to the group based on the category their piece lands on. If they get the question right, they will move forward 2 steps and they will answer the next question based on the category they land on, and so forth. If they get an answer wrong, they will have to move back one step and let the other team roll the dice. If they get a Act it out question, the group must work together to hint out the word to one player in their group, without using words from the phrase and/or anything that rhymes with it. The first group that reaches home wins the game. Categories: 1 Wars & Conflicts (Color code : Red) 2 Humanitarian Aid (Color code : Light blue) 3 Peacekeeping History (Color code : Purple) 4 Questions on UN (Color code : Pink) 5 Random Facts about Peacekeeping (Color code : Orange)

Hamizah Sukiman 9B Unit 3 Assessment Game Making (Action Plan) 31/03/14

Game making:
"Peacekeeping Fact Sheet. United Nations Peacekeeping." UN News Center. UN, n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2014. <>. "Peacekeeping Operations. United Nations Peacekeeping." UN News Center. UN, n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2014. <>. "United Nations Peacekeeping." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 30 Mar. 2014. Web. 01 Apr. 2014. <>. "List of United Nations Peacekeeping Missions." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 31 Mar. 2014. Web. 01 Apr. 2014. <>. "UNICEF | United Nations Children's Fund." UNICEF. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2014. <>. "Member States of the United Nations." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 31 Mar. 2014. Web. 01 Apr. 2014. <>.

Action plan:
"Peacekeeping Statistics. United Nations Peacekeeping." UN News Center. UN, n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2014. <>.

Hamizah Sukiman 9B Unit 3 Assessment Game Making (Action Plan) 31/03/14

Assessment criteria overview

Criterion A: Knowing and understanding
Year 4 (Grade 9) Criteria Terminology: structure, patterns, ideology, organization, politics, technology, networks, religion, society, laws, rights. 0 1-2 You do not do the assessment. You: make a limited attempt to use some relevant terminology demonstrate basic knowledge and understanding of content and concepts in relation to your given topic with simple descriptions and/or examples You: uses humanities terminology that is accurate and/or appropriate demonstrate knowledge and understanding of content and concepts in relation to your given topic through adequate descriptions, explanations and examples You: Use a range of humanities terminology accurately and appropriately. Demonstrates good knowledge of understanding of content and concepts in relation to your given topic through accurate descriptions, explanations and examples. You: Use a wide range of humanities terminology accurately and appropriately. Demonstrates detailed knowledge and understanding of content and concepts in relation to your given topic through thorough developed and accurate descriptions, explanations and examples. Achieved?




Criterion B: Investigating
Year 4 (Grade 9) Criteria 0 1-2 You do not do the assessment. You: Formulates and follows a limited action plan to investigate the research questions. (Does not complete all of the action plan guide questions) Collects and records limited information, not always consistent with the research questions. (May or may not use reliable sources eg: Wikipedia etc; information may not be correct) Make a limited attempt to address the research questions. (Very general answers to questions; all questions are not present in the Game) Achieved ?

Hamizah Sukiman 9B Unit 3 Assessment Game Making (Action Plan) 31/03/14




You: Formulates and follows a partial action plan to investigate the research questions. (may or may not complete the entire action plan guide) Uses a method or methods to collect and record some information consistent with the research questions. (May or may not use reliable sources throughout the assignment eg: use of Wikipedia etc; all information may or may not be all correct) Partially addresses the research questions. (Use of general statements to answer questions; all questions may or may/not be present in the Game) You: Formulates and follows a satisfactorily action plan to investigate the research questions. (Action plan guide is complete) Use methods to collect and record appropriate information consistent with the research question. (All references used are reliable sources) Satisfactorily addresses the research question. (Answers are correct; thoughtful answers to questions; all questions are present in the Game) You: Formulates and follows a detailed action plan guide to investigate a research question. (Complete action plan) Use methods accurately to collect and record appropriate and varied information consistent with your research question. (All references used are reliable; Clear evidence of thorough research) Effectively addresses the research questions. (Answers are correct, thoughtful answers that demonstrate thorough research; all questions are present in the Game)

Criterion D: Communicating
Year 4 (Grade 9) Criteria 0 1-2 You do not do the assessment. You: Communicates information and ideas by attempting in a limited way to use a style that is appropriate to the audience and purpose. Makes a limited attempt to structure information and ideas in a way that is appropriate to the specified format. Makes a limited attempt to document sources of information using MLA Achieved?


You: Communicate information and ideas in a style that is sometimes appropriate to the audience and purpose. Structure information and ideas in a way that is sometimes appropriate to the specified format. Document sources of information sometimes using recognised

Hamizah Sukiman 9B Unit 3 Assessment Game Making (Action Plan) 31/03/14

conventions using MLA


You: Communicates information and ideas by using a style that is often appropriate to the audience and purpose. Structures information and ideas in a way that is often appropriate to the specified format. Often documents sources of information using a recognized convention using MLA


You: Communicates information and ideas effectively by using a style that is consistently appropriate to the audience and purpose. Structures information and ideas in a way that is consistently appropriate to the specified format. Consistently document sources of information using a recognised convention using MLA

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