Evaluation Question 1

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Evaluation question 1: In what way does your media product, use, develop and challenge forms and conventions

of real media products? Setting When planning our romantic drama we researched into other films from this genre in order to get a clear understanding of the most suitable settings. We chose natural suburban places in order to reflect on our characters and narrative to set up the story for the audience. By using park and natural environments this allowed us to create a social realism effect so when the audience would view the trailer they could relate to these settings themselves. We were influenced by the research into the film 500 Days Of Summer in which showed both characters building their relationship in exterior settings. In our production Show Me Love we used this convention of a romantic drama in a park or outdoor space. This reflected on the romantic couple bonding together and creating that strong relationship. However we began to develop this in our production by having a wider shot of the protagonist and the girl walking towards the camera and audience in which they are able to relate to current affairs they may have. Compared to 500 Days Of Summer where the couple are shown to be closer together and focused on each other detaching themselves from the audiences view. Construction of narrative We chose the romantic drama genre for our production so in order to create a trailer within this genre we had to use the conventions of a typical romantic drama such as One Day or Remember Me. In our production we used the main element of a love hate relationship which matures into their strong bonding love. This idea would allow us to create two different personalities draw into each other by showing opposites attract. In the film One Day there are many close up shots of the protagonist and their love interest. This creates the romantic element to the genre in which we followed to pursue in our production. We also challenged this genre by additionally having a sense of social realism to our narrative through our script and casting. This allowed our restorative justice narrative to become more lifelike so therefore the audience could relate back to the story. Majority of the films we researched were mainly focused on the romantic aspect whereas in our production we engrossed into the intensive relationship and emotions

both characters formed. However we still kept in line the romantic element through our typical montage scene where were attentive to their facial emotions and actions towards each other. Construction of character In our production our main protagonist Cain aged 19 is shown as a deviant and troublesome character that has a record with the law. The first shot that appears in our trailer is of him smoking in which reflects his characters personality. This portrays our character as confused and a stressed person prior to his release from prison. We used a close up of Cain at the beginning of the trailer in order to convey he was the central protagonist making it aware to the audience. This has been done throughout the romantic drama trailers that we have studied. In relation to other films such as Remember Me, the protagonist is also shown as a defiant and troubled character in which has been caught up in crime. We used this convention to create our narrative. However in our production we carried on to show the reality of the consequences when committing a crime. Restorative justice is a common act that the criminal faces to owe time back to the community. We took the ideas such as smoking and rebelling against authority from the protagonist Tyler in Remember Me. Masie the love interest character is presented as a shy yet content character that faces tough decisions when forming this relationship with Cain. However her character is left on a cliff-hanger to the audience due to her car accident shown in the trailer. Use of props/costumes Throughout our trailer we didnt have any specific props that symbolises any sort of meaning to our characters or narrative. The use of the old styled radio challenged the convention of modern day new reports in romantic dramas as we kept to the simple form of a voice over which transitioned through two shots of our protagonist. This created a reflection scene for Cain to sink in reality of what is going to happen after his release. The use of costume for all characters in the trailer reflected on their personality and age. Cain has the typical rough teen look which shows his lack of maturity and self-pride within his appearance. This helps portray our protagonist as a disobedient character but his emotions shine through towards the end of the trailer. Masie is shown as a simple girl dressed casually yet smart reflecting her content character who finds it hard to express her emotions when it comes to love.

Use of titles To keep continuity running through our trailer we chose the same colour scheme and font throughout. Our font Ever after was a modern effect which was easy to read, stood out from the black background and had that romantic feel to it. The colour scheme of blue and white was shown throughout our trailer and also correlated with some of the lighting and shots that were used. In other films that we researched such as 500 Days Of Summer also used the black background in order for the text to stand out. However, we chose to place our titles towards the right and the middle. The quotes and the film title were placed towards the middle right hand to give an edgy effect and challenge the norm of being central.

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