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1 Identify four different types of organization in UK

A business will always be owned by someone, it may be an individual a group of people or a body who owns it. A business can have a number of different types of ownerships depending on the aims and objectives of its owner. The main aim of the business is to make profit for its owners. At times profit may not be the main objective for the owners mainly when it com es to organizations like NGOs or any social body which is formed for the benefit of the society; however even these organizations would need profit in order to survive in the longer run. There are various types of business organizations in the United Kingdom. The four main types of business organizations are stated below. 1. Sole Traders 2. Partnership 3. Companies 4. Franchises Partnership: Any organization involved in partnership can have minimum two and maximum 20 partners. The UK partnership act of 2002 has made most of the forms of partnership legal for e.g. big law firms can have more partners so that all the partners can have flexibility and have limited liability. Partnership firms are mainly formed so that the partners can share respective skills and also workload to a certain extent. This makes operations easy and may be easier to raise the capital funds. For e.g. A firm which is engaged in developing and selling software. One or more partners can get involve in finding new business in the market in order to expand the business, while others can get involved in developing the software and others can be involved in selling the software. Since there is a backup for every partner with the help of cross functioning the business can survive even if one of the partners is unavailable due to some reason. The partnership firm usually is set up by having a deed of partnership amongst all the partners involved in the business. The partnership deed has important details of the firm such as profit and loss sharing ratio of each partner. Partnership is a common practise normally in professions such as accountants, law firms, builders and constructors.

Companies: A company is mainly owned by shareholders who appoint Directors in order to give direction and guidance to the business. The CEO of the company is the one who is responsible for making any sorts of decisions. The board of directors will appoint managers with a particular skill set in order to run the company. A company itself is a legal body and has its own rights and has its own laws. Shareholders put funds into the company by buying shares, new shares of a firm are usually sold at a face value of 1 per share. Limited Liability is a form of business type which protects the companys shareholders and some limited partners. For the business owners the maximum amount that they can lose if the company goes bust is only the amount that they had invested in the company. Private companies have ltd after their name, share in a private company can only be bought and sold with the permission of the Board of Directors. Shareholders in a private limited company have limited liability. A public limited company such as BT can sell its shares to the public and to any other organization or institute and have their shares traded on the stock exchange. Public limited companies mainly offer their shares through IPOs. The benefit o f having a public limited company is that funds can be raised rapidly in a quick succession. The disadvantage of a public limited company is that the ownership might be lost if more shares are sold or taken over bid to the normal public having no other involvement in the organization. In order to create a public limited company the directors have to make an application to the Stock Exchange and Council which carefully checks their accounts. Every company above has to be registered under the companies act and needs to have an official address. Identification of the selected organization: British Telecom is widely known as the first telecommunication company in the world. British telecom was formed; when Electric Telegraph which was incorporated in 1846 the separation of two of its departments lead to the formation of British Telecom in 1977. British telecom has many stakeholders currently who are important to them. BT maintains very good relationship with all their stake holders and always aims to meet their needs and requirements. When we talk about BTs stakeholder they can be their own employees, suppliers or customers, as BT offers its employees good communication and feedback and also offers them an opportunity for them to express their views and opinions on company levels in order to make the changes in the organization, have smooth operations and also to meet the employee satisfaction criteria.

1.2 Describe the extent to which this organisation meets the objectives of its stakeholders.
British Telecom is widely known as the first telecommunication company in the world. British telecom was formed; when Electric Telegraph which was incorporated in 1846 the separation of two of its departments lead to the formation of British Telecom in 1977. British telecom has many stakeholders currently who are important to them. BT maintains very good relationship with all their stake holders and always aims to meet their needs and requirements. When we talk about BTs stakeholder they can be their own employees, suppliers or customers, as BT offers its employees good communication and feedback and also offers them an opportunity for them to express their views and opinions on company levels in order to make the changes in the organization, have smooth operations and also to meet the employee satisfaction criteria. The companys objectives are to achieve their vision, mission, aims, values and general operational objectives in order to succeed and keep everyone involved with the organization happy. BT has a very wide range of customers due to its diverse operations and it uncompromisingly focuses equally on every customer in order to satisfy their requirements. This practise on a large scale helps BT to retain their old customers and attract the new ones. BT in the meanwhile also takes good care of its suppliers and they have put in place a newly formed system called supplier relationship management system. This new system has turned into a good two way communication system with all its suppliers. BT also has to communicate with the government on local as well as national level in order to provide the best customer service and have strict system in order to follow the laws, rules and regulations. Stakeholders: An individual or an organization having interest in the project or the entire organization and is ready to invest in terms of money or time is basically known as a stakeholder. The most common stakeholders are investors, employees, customers and suppliers. However these days the government bodies and trade associations have also shown interest to become stakeholders of respective organizations. When the number of stake holders increase in an organization equal interest to all the stake holders may not be aligned. The primary goal of a corporate enterprise is to maximise profits and increase the shareholders value.

Stakeholders of BT: BTs main aim is to care about doing the right things the right way, the passion of keeping the stakeholders happy runs throughout the organization. This attitude of the organization keeps the stakeholders happy and content. The main stakeholders of BT are their customers, employees, their suppliers and the government. BT Group is mainly divided into four companies BT retail, BT wholesale, BT global services and open reach. The aim is to be dedicated to help its customers flourish in the ever changing world; BT aims to be the market leader in delivering congregated network services. BT claims to be trustworthy and deliver exactly the same product or service that the claim to provide; they aim to work as a team in order to create new possibilities, while making things clear and deliver what they say. BT has certain long term objectives which are stated below . Driving broadband based consumer services. Being The Brand of Business for UK business and SMEs. Ensure that BT is a global leader by 2020. Being UKs number one choice and being number one in terms of revenue by 2015. Being the best network provider in terms of number of customers by 2015. Being an accountable and supportable business leader.

BT has separate objectives when we talk about revenue. To improve long term free cash flow, multiply the current cash flow three times by 2020. To reduce the current debt every year by 4% Reduce the pension deficit to zero by 2017 by supporting the pension scheme. Pay liberal bonuses to shareholders.

Attempts to meet the objectives of its different stakeholders Connect the customers anywhere at a reasonable rate: BT can use its Hotspot technology to connect to gadgets and devises with superfast broadband. BT also has come up with BT open space which allows their

customers to access internet using their BT accounts anywhere in the United Kingdom. No competitor has the resources and the facilities to provide these kinds of services at the moment. Provide Broadband services anytime: BT uses its hub and the technology to provide internet broadband services for 24 hours throughout the year. BT aims to provide hassle free broadband services to its customers. Influence the network for corporate clients: BT intents to align with other organizations in order to be a global leader in the market; as BT aims to Global Service leader. If BT successfully pushes their broadband services to the corporate level they will dominate the UK market as well as line up to dominate the European market. Innovate to lead the market trends: BT has successfully sustained in the market for the past 150 years. Being an experience campaigner by now BT has understood the requirement of its customers in terms of technology and price. BT focuses on innovation and implementation of new technology for its customers at a moderate price. For example BT has transformed its infrastructure to support fibre optic connection.

2.1 Understand the nature of the national environment in which the business is operating.
If you have a look at our world history the world capitalism has been closely associated or linked with other related countries or states, this also included markets and private enterprises. Capitalism transformed feudalism in western countries like United Kingdom and started spreading into all the European countries. This mainly led to political, cultural and economic development. Later on during the 18th and the 19th century capitalism was transformed into industrialization. Economic system and identification of at least two economic systems An organized way in which a state or an organization assigns its resources and distributes goods and services in the community is called the economic system. The study of economic system explains how these agencies and institutes are inked to each other, how the information floats amongst the entire network. There are

different types of economies; different countries use different types of economies. The types of economies are mentioned below Free Market Economy Command Economy and Mixed Economy

Free Market Economy: This approach is mainly known as capitalism, in free market economy the demand and supply of all goods and services is determined by the market values, the government generally doesnt participate in this activity. However in such type of economy the prices, supply and demands are partial due to the governmental regulations. Command Economy: Command economy is popularly known as controlled economy. In this type of economy rather than the market force the supply and price both are controlled by the government. The government decides the type and kind of goods and services to be produced, in addition to that the quantity and the final customer is also decided by the government. Mixed Economy: The economy which is controlled partially by the government and partially by the market forces is called mixed economy. Medical aid and hospitals are controlled by the government where there is a social motive; however the industries are controlled by the market forces. The main aim of the industries to earn profit and excel; however this industrial sector is also monitored by the government. Most of the developed or developing countries follow the mixed economy approach; however China initially followed the Command Economy approach. In the 1990s the Chinese government released majority portion of the industrial sector and steadily it got converted into a Free Market Economy. The consumers had a major role to play in this kind of economy; the industries managed themselves to allocate the resources and made an optimum usage of the allotted resources. The government participated in this trade only to operate through the price mechanism of supply and demand.

Resources in the context of economic System Clients and producers take sums as a representation in a free market. When the manufactured goods value rises as matched to additional product on the patron behalf; the acquired products should be prorated by the consumer. In other words, every creation should be treated greatly due to higher cost at which they are bought. A great income opportunity is increased by the producers when the price of specific products goes higher. By the government there is low involvement in the market in the free market economic system which origins waste of market forces. China has the worlds successful economy. In china distribution of resources is done mostly by the sequestered sector, the manufacturer sets the price of their goods according to the request of their product and the Chines government does not impose limitations on the prices. In China resources are distributed according to the demand. In short, the Free Market leads to an efficient allocation of resources because prices are continually changing, representative scarceness and surplus through the actions of millions of individuals. Nonetheless, specifically the 18th century became critical in the underpinning of entrepreneurship concept later the 1st economic school was established in the United Kingdom. This school has shaped most of the essential contexts through its assumed arena of conventional dogmatic economy reinforced by the priceless assistances of Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Jean-Baptiste Say, John Stuart Mill and others, who methodically investigated numerous ways how goods were produced, distributed and swapped under the market conditions. Mainly the classical thoughts have set the basics of the modern awareness of capitalism (J. Smith, 2007). During the early part of the 19th century, John Keynes had a marvellous inspiration on the idea of capitalism and the role of underwriting financial policies. The British economist highlighted on the significant purposes of financial policies within economic policy. Economic mode particular to the capitalist society could sustain its indefinite equilibrium even in spite of high unemployment (Keynes, 1930). During the 1930s Keynesian approach to economics expected that noninterventionist

entrepreneurial economics was independent and did not want any interference from a state to cut down redundancy or boost collective demand.

Economic System Additionally, Keynes recommended pump-priming method to save the economy from stagnation in the old-fashioned economic down-turn; which complicated upsurge in government plagiarising and expenditure as well as cutting-down taxes. In such a way, Keynes put onward his idea of wounding real salaries over the system of their regulator from the government and discouraging from land money throughout inflation period. This specifies that Keynes much preferred state guideline as an actual tool to eradicate financial slowdown. Actually, Keynesian policies enabled the capitalism retrieval subsequently the state of the downheartedness (Friedman, 1970). The modern theoretical investigation on the perception of entrepreneurship is mainly beached on classical economics and the pertinent approaches established by the Chicago School. The modern awareness of entrepreneurship consequently favouritisms unbiased administration directive and organisation of markets with the focus being positioned on property rights upkeep; deregulation of labour markets; elevation of corporate ascendancy by private landlords; growth of translucent monetary systems with capital market-based bankrolling in their core. Milton Friedman, known as a devoted follower of Adam Smiths philosophy, appealed that inside the outline of free rivalry, social accountability develops an essential part of commercial activity. With this, Friedman presented that selfcentredness is able to give advantage to the modern society (Friedman, 1970).The major distinguishing sceneries of entrepreneurial humanity were penetrating out over the 20th century while authorities related and likened due construction with the centrally deliberate economic system. In due respect, entrepreneurship has always allowed customers with free choice, while manufacturers remained able to content a customer request. By dissimilarity, in the prearranged economies the making was completely measured and absorbed by a hierarchically-led public policy. Thus, capitalism unaccompanied has attained adequate distribution of goods and services through the transfer of before public-sector means of manufacture and infrastructural substances. In calculation to this, the idea of entrepreneurship is thoroughly connected with the abolishment of subventions and free trade where commercial society is horizontal to accomplish both normal and illogical movements that are often changeable. Specifically the last 25 years of the preceding century presented

the cumulative trend to overall enlistment of wealth and human resources. Globalization unaccompanied has unlocked a new street for the expansion of both industrial and non-capitalist representations. Today, free enterprise is viewed by many as world scheme contained by all the idiosyncrasies of entrepreneurial trade. Forecasters state that such awareness of private enterprise dates back to the early 20th century expansionism. Subsequently the same manner, imperialistic policies highlighted on the elevation of capitalistic philosophies of free trade among countries. Taking the aforementioned topographies of the fashionable entrepreneurship into account, it is remarkable that along with many constructive belongings global entrepreneurship has caused the state of worldwide dissimilarity in revenue rates, communal security, admission to strategic possessions, and redeployment of world capital. In due respect, since the eras of the Industrial Revolution there have been considerable differences improved by financial growth in such parts as life expectation, charge to informative profits substantial declaration skills, literacy, toddler impermanence, child labour etc. By and large, universal entrepreneurial economy has been histrionically released by the conception and fast request of infrastructures inside the last 30 years. Information and communication technologies have allowed farthest occupational transactions in basically any part of the world (Evans, 1997). Generally, entrepreneurship inspires economic development and communal characteristic of living restful by GDP. According to Adam Smith, free marketplace alone assigns essential capitals and panels manufacture and price, which is specific to the modern world capitalist system.

2.2 Impact of Fiscal and Monitory policy on business and their activity.
The UK pledges to a self-governing, legislative system of governance known as the Westminster system. The construction of the management safeguards that there is a satisfactory parting of authorities amongst the managerial division, led by the prime minister, the two-house parliament and the judiciary, and that there is a arrangement of payments and balances in place. The current population of the UK is 61.1 million. The UK was one of the largest macro economys in the world. It was seen to be one

of the sturdiest and most steady economies before 2007, however post 2008 economic braking began and the GDP development rate fell to 0.7%. In 2008, the economy entered into a downturn, with a forecast undesirable growth rate of -4.5% for the following year. The current conventional managements main economic aims are Economic growth with more goods and services produced in the economy, together with low increase, little idleness with a reasonable circulation of income. Taxation originates in two forms direct taxation (taxation on income and profits) and indirect taxation this is taxation on spending (VAT, excise duty). The UK government devotes in the area of 400bn a year. Over a t1/3rd of this money goes in welfare assistances such as pensions, unemployment benefit and other forms of income support. The rest is spent on wellbeing, schooling, defence, roads, law and order and on supporting businesses and local communities. The account of financial growth is an increase in Real GDP (gross domestic product), which is usually calculated annually. Therefore in order to calculate economic growth, GDP, which is the total value of production in an economy, needs to be calculated. There are three ways of doing this, the expenditure method, the income method and the output method. There are small discrepancies between the values of GDP using each method, and so in the UK the official measurement used by the government is an average of all three methods. However the government can measure this differently via the GNP (Gross National Product). The GNP is calculated by the country's total economic activity, or the wealth of the country. GNP is usually assessed quarterly or yearly, and is defined as the total value of all goods and services produced by firms owned by the country concerned. It is measured as the GDP plus income earned by domestic residents from foreign investments, minus income earned during the same period by foreign investors in the country's domestic market. GNP does not allow for inflation or for the overall value of production. It is an important indicator of an economy's strength. It can be argued that GNP is a better guide to the welfare of British residents than GDP, but GDP is a better measure of how well the economy is producing. At the moment of writing the UKs GDP currently is $35,400 per capita (PPP). The last time the UK suffered from a recession was between 1991 and 1992, the economy actually shrunk, and real GDP fell. This can be linked to other leading indicators. However, since this time the UK has achieved steady and sustainable

economic growth, which has been one of the highest rates in Western Europe, allowing the UK to be competitive. This economic growth has probably been aided by an expansion in the labour market, due to the influx of migrants into the UK. The government is expected to exceed its target of 2.75% growth this year, and this is likely to continue for the foreseeable future. It would seem that this can only be positive for the UK economy, improving individuals standards of living and helping to increase confidence in the economy, increasing investment and therefore increasing aggregate demand. Aggregate demand is the total demand for goods and services produced in the economy over a period of time. Defining Aggregate Demand is aggregate planned expenditure for goods and services in the economy. It is made up of the expenditure of four sectors; namely, households (consumers expenditure), government sector (government expenditure) and the overseas sector (export minus imports). Aggregate demand normally rises as the price level falls. This can be explained in three main ways: As the price level falls, the real value of money balances held increases. This increases the real purchasing power of consumers. A lower price level increases the real interest rate - there will be pressure on the monetary authorities to cut nominal interest rates as the price level falls. Lower nominal interest rates should encourage an increase in consumer demand and planned investment. If the UK price level is lower than other countries (for a given exchange rate), UK goods and services will become more competitive. A rise in exports adds to aggregate demand and therefore boosts national output. For instance there could be an increase in export demand causing an injection of foreign demand into the domestic economy. The government may also increase its own expenditure and businesses may raise the level of planned capital investment spending. If the aggregate supply does not increase, then the inflation rate will rise, which can cause many problems for the economy. The UK will need to be careful that this does not happen, as inflation has been on the increase. Inflation means a continued increase in the collective or overall price level in an economy. Inflation means there is an upsurge in the cost of living. It is the Bank of Englands job to uphold the worth of money by keeping the amount of inflation at a

low level. Inflation in the UK is honestly low, but it used to be much higher. In the 1970s, it be an average of 13% a year and touched a peak of 27% in August 1975. The Government is likely to cut interest rates. Lower interest rates in philosophy, would arouse economic movement. This is for the reason that subordinate interest rates decrease plagiarizing costs. This upsurges the throwaway income of customers with hypothecation attention expenditures and should inspire spending. High increase is bad news for the budget as costs and prices keep increasing. And transporting increase under regulator can be throbbing. Interest rates might have to go up suggestively, foremost to feebler economic movement with business closures and job losses. If the redundancy rate was to increase this would mean that people would not be making as much money and they forcefully have to cut back on luxuries. The steadiness of expenditures is a record of dealings between one country and the rest of the world. In the UK it is divided into two foremost books, the current account and the capital account.

2.3 Evaluate the impact of competition policy and two other regulatory mechanisms on the activities.
Modern administrations particularly large multinational companies set their purposes not only in economical viewpoint, but also distillate on social, ecological and customer perspective & etc. (Carpenter, 2010) pointed out that it can be seen many organizations progressively accept noneconomic aims and methods like tripartite bottommost is acquisition so much courtesy in the businesses. Triple bottom line is a standard for gauging administrative success in economical, ecological, and social features. BTs purposes too involve triple bottom line. BT has six guiding values and SMART objectives which help them to achieve its business strategy which focuses of sustainable development; therefore BT similar to any other multinational companies in the modern world. Investors are the individuals or groups who have interest and/or inspiration over the organization and its action. (Marquisette, 2009) points out that stakeholders have interests in what the organizations does but may or may not have the power to effect the group to protect their interest. Investors interests are diverse. However, and their interest may coincide on some issues & n ot others. Therefore a business should have dissimilar objectives in the direction of different stake holders.

Bondholders are one of the most important investors to a company. Shareholders final objective is wealth expansion. BTs official website shows that its Functioning profit for the year 2011 was $11.1 billion and had earnings of $6.1 billion which demonstrations that the business has been able to deliver financial returns. Staffs are another significant internal shareholder and have supported more than 5122 bursars, apprentices, graduates and other trainees. As talent management methods, BT has instrumented People Development project in 2010 and a new presentation management system in 2012. In addition to these stakeholders BT have a duty towards customers, general public, government and etc. aggressive against global poverty: Fanning the Flames report points out that BT conceits the aforementioned not only on its profits and market thrashing returns to stockholders but also on its corporate social responsibility (CSR) high. To this end, BT has completed abundant of its respectable nationality commercial values and its participation in numerous charitable CSR schemes; however in additional says that For societies live with the influences of BTs activities, such charitable enterprises mean very little.


Price fortitude is one of the greatest vital features in micro-economics. Business directors are predictable to make faultless conclusion grounded on their information and decision. Since every financial movement in the marketplace is restrained as per price, it is significant to know the ideas and philosophies related to evaluating. The purpose of a marketplace is to allow a conversation of properties and amenities to take place. A marketplace is that zone which brings purchasers and vendors into contact with one another. According to Frederic Bentham, A market is any area over which buyers and sellers are in such close touch with one another, either directly or through dealers that the prices obtainable in one part of the market affect the prices paid in other parts. Thus it is not essential that a arcade should be in a structure or at a specific place; it is also not essential that buyers and sellers should be actually

close to each other. The main article of an arcade is that vendors and purchasers should be able to get in close contact with each othermay be through telephonic discussion or tele-printer or any such contemporary expedient. What is obligatory is that that industry with each other (buying and selling) would be well knowledgeable about prices predominant and other circumstances. Thus, a market is any association whereby purchasers and vendors of a respectable talent are kept in close touch with each other. It is exactly in this setting that a market has four basic mechanisms: 1. consumers, 2. sellers, 3. a commodity, 4. a price. By classifying markets in terms of their basic physiognomies, it may be possible to identify a limited number of market constructions that can be used to analyse executive. Although there are many possible ways of sorting market constructions, the following physiognomies are regularly employed: Classification by the area: When area is used as a foundation of market organization, we classify markets into local marketplaces, provincial markets, national bazaars and intercontinental markets. It depends on the way in which the purchasers and vendors are situated in a specific place. Classification by the nature of transactions: We can classify the market on the basis of nature of transactions into two broad categories: The spot market and the future market. Classification by the volume of business: On the basis of the capacity of business, the markets are roughly intimate into complete and retail markets. Classification on the basis of time: Some time the time component is used to classify the marketplace. The time is confidential as very short period, short period and long period. Therefore we have very short period markets, short period markets, and long period markets. Classification by the status of sellers: On the basis of the status of vendors the markets are approximately confidential into three categories: Primary, Secondary and Terminal markets. According to the law of request the petition curve of a service normally grades descending. In other words, with the fall in price, amount required rises and viceversa. In the theory of firm we deliberate that the source curvature of a product typically slopes mounting. In other arguments, an industry will offer to sell more

quantity of a good at a developed price than at a inferior one. The equal price at which petition and source curve cross each other will lastly come to stay in the market; and at this price amount required generations amount supplied and it is called symmetry price. Only at the evenness price, needs of both the purchasers and vendors are content. If values were better or less than the symmetry price the purchasers and sellers needs would be unpredictable. If prices were better than the evenness price, quantity supplied would surpass quantity demanded. It means some of the vendors will not be able to sell the amount of the goods they desired to supply. These vendors would try to arrange of the unsold goods by bidding low prices. The price will go on deteriorating till the amount required contemporaries amount provided. On the other hand, if values were inferior to the symmetry price, the quantity required would surpass quantity provided. Some buyers would not be able to obtain the quantity of the properties they desired to acquisitions at the usual price. They will consequently bid price up in their effort to get all that they wanted to buy. The price will go on rising till the amount demanded and number supplied is again equal.

4.1 Analyse the impact of global factors on UK business organisations

Businesses are pretentious by an exterior environment as much as they are exaggerated by the contestants. Global factors swaying business are legal, political, social, technological and economic. Sympathetic factors are important while emerging a business strategy. Social factors - These issues are connected to vicissitudes in social structures. These issues provide visions into performance, discriminations, and lifestyles decorations of a populace. Buying designs are greatly prejudiced by the changes in the structure of the populace, and in consumer existences. Age, gender, etc. all control the procurement designs and sympathetic changes is dangerous for emerging plans which are in line with the market situations. In a global environment it is important that business strategies are intended possession in mind the social and cultural changes that vary from country to country. Customer belief, language, lifestyle designs are all vital information for fruitful business management.

Legal factors - These features influence business plans are related to changes in government laws and guidelines. For a effective business procedure it is important that the business consider the legal issues involved in a particular situation and should have the capability to forestall ways in which vicissitudes in laws will affect the way they must perform. Laws keep changing over a period of time. From the opinion of view of business it is significant that they are conscious of these changes in the areas of consumer shield legislation, environmental legislation, health & safety and employment law, etc. Economic factors - These features involve vicissitudes in the global economy. A rise in living morals would eventually imply an increase in call for products thereby, as long as greater chances for businesses to make profits. A cheap observer brings variations in economic activities. This would imply that in case of a rise in economic activity the demand of the invention will increase and hence the price wills growth. In case of reduction in demand the prices will go down. Business strategies should be developed keeping in mind these fluctuations. Other economic changes that affect business include changes in the interest rate, wage rates, and the rate of inflation. In case of low interest rates and increase in demand Businesses will be encouraged to expand and take risks. Therefore, business strategies should have room for such fluctuations. Political factors - This refers to the changes in government and government policies. Political factors greatly influence the operation of business. This has gained significant importance off late. For example: companies operating in the European Union have to adopt directives and regulations created by the EU. The political arena has a huge influence upon the regulation of businesses, and the spending power of consumers and other businesses. Business must consider the stability of the political environment, governments policy on the economy etc Technological factors - These factors greatly influence business strategies as they provide opportunities for businesses to adopt new innovations, and inventions. This helps the business to reduce costs and develop new products. With the advent of modern communication technologies, technological factors have gained great impetus in the business arena. . Huge volumes of information can be securely shared by means of databases thereby enabling vast cost reductions, and

improvements in service. Organisations need to consider the latest relevant technological advancements for their business and to stay competitive. Technology helps business to gain competitive advantage, and is a major driver of globalization. While designing the business strategies firms must consider if use of technology will allow the firm to manufacture products and services at a lower cost. Firms can select new modes of distributions with the help of technology. It has become easier for companies to communicate with their customer in any part of the world.

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