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com/site/greatwar2/countries-involved-in-ww2 The United States of America They were brought to war after Japan launched a surprise attack to Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 that claimed around 2400 servicemen and civilians lives, damaged and destroyed US warships in their aim to expand to the Far East. & Russia Joined the war after three German army force surprisingly launched an attack that destroyed around 1000 Soviet aircrafts during the first day of their invasion. France Joined the war along with Great Britain in their aim to appease Germanys hostility. Britain Joined the war along with France after they sent an ultimatum to Hitlerwherein they would wage war if the Germans would not withdraw their forces in Polandwhich the Germans neglected. Canada Joined war on September 10, 1939 since they were a part of the British Empire and was expected to join the war against the Germans.

AXIS Germany Italy Japan

3. What happened to the League of Nations that led to the alliance of Germany, Italy and Japan?

4. Why was Vietnam war called the Waterloo of America? 5. Is the unification of Korea possible? Why or why not? The unification of Korea is possible. However, it might take a while or would rather be difficult not only because they differ in their ideologies but also because of their divergence in language, culture, and beliefs. For years, North and South Korea had been drifting apart because of their idea that North is different from the South and vice versa. According to Epstein (2013), "There are almost 25,000 North Koreans in the South. The North is no longer anywhere near as mysterious as it was. US Intelligence Analysts were expecting the collapse of North Korean regime around 2020 to 2025 and that South Korea was hopeful that the German Unification Model would be applicable to them. Overall, unification between North and South Korea would be possible if they build trust and institutions that would bring them to partnership for prosperity, peace and security.

2. Compare and Contrast

WORLD WAR I War started after the assasination of the heir to the Hungarian Throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, in Saravejo on June 28, 1914, by the Black Handa Nationalist Secret Society in Serbia. The Austro-Hungarians wanted to take the opportunity to exercise its authority against the Serbians and issued an ultimatum which nullified Serbias sovereignity. Written theirin was their demand to bring the assassins to justice. Serbias rejection to the ultimatum served as a pretext for the limited war in Serbia.

Countries Involved

Reasons Why They Joined the War Not satisfied with Serbias response to their ultimatum; declared war to Serbia on July 28, 1914.

Effects of the War


Austria was forced to cede large parts of its empire, including Hungary and Balkan territories (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia), minimizing it to a fraction of its size going back centuries, trimmed down to primarily cover areas dominated by Austrian-German populations.


Included because of its treaty with Serbia and stated that their army would mobilize in Serbias defense.

Communists secured their hold on power within Russia; Russia was unable to prevent the independence of several former dependent states, such as Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland. It did manage to reassert control over Belarus and Ukraine.


Bound because of its treaty to Austria-Hungary and declared war on Russia (August) after they viewed Russias acts as an act of war against AustriaHungary.

Was severely weakened due to loss in WWI. Lost its overseas territories; No longer a serious challenger to the UK and USA as leading world powers; was unable to reach potential in the military and industiral areas due to peace treaty signed to end war. Germanys economy and morale declined.


Bound because of its treaty with Russia; later on fought Germany after it invaded Belgium.

Was utterly devastated by the trench warfare fought against the Germans on French lands. Suffered a high loss of life, destroyed industrial region and economic devastation. France did gain additional territories Rhine (from Germany), also gained part of Germanys African territories, and multiple

territories in former Ottoman Empire (Middle East).


Allied with France because of its oral treaty. Fought with Germany in August 4; was also obligated to defend Belgium because of their 75-year old treaty.

Gained even more territory (especially in Middle East), but weakened due to high loss of life and financial damage. Ireland begins Independence movement, that lead to its Independence in 1921.

Autralia Canada India New Zealand Union of South Africa

Britains colonies an dominions. Offered military and financial assistance upon Britains inclusion to the war.

United States

Remained neutral until 1917 when Germanys submarine warfare threatened US commercial shipping.


Recognized their military agreement with Britain and waged war with Germany on August 23, 1914.


Allied with both AustriaHungary and stated that it will remain neutral and will defend either if it is a defensive war. Finally joined the conflict on May 1915 through siding with the allies against her two former allies.

Difficulties after the war led to violent protests by the rapidly growing socialist party; facilitated a coup led by Mussolini's Fascist Party. WORLD WAR II Adolph Hitler's Germany Army elements crossed onto neighboring Polish soil on September 1, 1939, in an effort to conquer the sovereign nation. The event forced British Prime Minister

Neville Chamberlain to officially declare the United Kingdom to be at war with Germany. Countries Involved ALLIED: United States Remained neutral but were brought to war after Japan launched a surprise attack in Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 Retained military commitments to European security while providing economic investment to rebuild nations suffering devastation during the war. Became the leader of the western Allies in forming NATO, and host the United Nations in which it gained one of the permanent seats on the Security Council. Reasons Why They Joined the War Effects of the War


Joined the war after three German army force surprisingly launched an attack that destroyed around 1000 Soviet aircrafts during the first day of their invasion.


Joined the war along with France was liberated by the Great Britain in their aim to Allies in 1944 and the French appease Germanys hostility. Fourth Republic became a permanent member of the Security Council of the United Nations and founding member of NATO after the war.


Joined the war along with France after they sent an ultimatum to Hitlerwherein they would wage war if the Germans would not withdraw their forces in Polandwhich the Germans neglected.


Joined war on September 10, Many Royal Canadian Navy

1939 since they were a part of ships and personnel were the British Empire and was transferred from the Atlantic to expected to join the war join the British Pacific Fleet. against the Germans. AXIS: Germany Adolph Hitler's Germany Army elements crossed onto neighboring Polish soil on September 1, 1939, in an effort to conquer the sovereign nation.


Did not join in the war until June 1940; planned to get a share of Allied territory with the defeat of France.

Italy was split between an Allied-occupied south and the remnants of the Fascist government in the north, the Italian Social Republic; became a member of NATO after the war, but lost Istria peninsula to Yugoslavia.


Included in the war after its Japan became 1 of the most invasion in China. leading countries in production. COLD WAR In 1949, the Soviet Union developed its first atomic bomb, the confrontation between the USA and the USSR escalated to the nuclear level, and humanity trembled at the prospect of a global nuclear catastrophe yet they never fought each other directly.

KOREAN WAR North Korean (lead by USSR) troops suddenly attacked South Korea (led by US troops) in their aim to spread communism.

Countries Involved Victor Side: United States Republic of Korea United Nations United Kingdom Australia Belgium Canada Columbia Ethiopia France Greece Luxembourg Netherlands New Zealand Philippines South Africa Thailand Turkey Opposition Side: Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea Peoples Republic of China Soviet Union

Reasons Why They Joined the War

Effects of the War

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