Synopsis 2

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SYNOPSIS (Chapter Two: The WHO?

[Dawn's P.O.V.]
"Were here!" Viv said. I automatically put on my sunglasses. We both did.
We left the country without any alerts from press. I want it to be private and confidential.
Viv just texted her friends in the Philippines to send us to hotel and stay there. Ofcourse!
We dont have house here to stay for. We already checked in with Vivs. We have only
one room, I Insist. I threw myself on the bed. Jetlag, you know...
"Get some rest. I'll just go out and see someone." I look at her with Is-It-A-Date look.
"Woah! Ms. Taleon, stop using those tactics."
I just laugh. And she left. I change clothes and take a sleep. A long sleep. Then, I just
heard a voice...
"Get up Taleon!"
Wait! This happened before... Dejavu
"Get up!" Shaking my arm.
"What is it Vivs?"
"Oh, c'mon! Dont tell me your not going to do something."
"Youre not going to showbusiness?" She added
"Okay okay, I'll get up... Later. Just five more minutes."
"Marie Rachel Salman Taleon!" She said
I get up and enter the Shower. I cant do anything, she's the boss of me. I take my
shower and wear a White Dress. Pair with a White shoes and white sling bag. A little
make-up and a curl down hair.
"Let's go." I said with an active voice and a smile.
Viv took the Driver's and mine was the passenger's. I scroll my phone. Some texts and
calls from friends in France.
"So, where's our first stop?" I ask her still scrolling my phone
"Our first and last stop... ABS-CBN Studio..."
"First and last?" I ask looking at he

"Yeah. The president of the channel knows about our flight and arrival. She emailed me
which I just check on yesterday. She's so excited to see you and work for her channel."
She explained
"She? Amazing! I cant wait to see her too." I said smiling
"And guess what?"
I stare at her with a curious face and 'what is it' look
"Youre going to have the best, and most famous leading man! Isn't it amazing! The
president really wants you to be comfortable and for you to have a best time working to
her channel."
"Now that really makes me more interested and curious. I guess, 2 months..."
"Maybe three?"
"Dont expect much. Plus, I'll first study for the language. Cant stand talking to them while
I, still speaking THIS language."
"Yeah. You better do so." She chuckled.She stop the car after a not so long drive. I enter
the company and was greeted by the guards.
"Good afternoon PO!" The guard said with a smiley face and a bow
The people here were so... Polite. Now I'm starting to like it here...
"Good morning too!" I greeted and smiled back
A woman standing with an age of 45 (I guess) with a white blouse, jeans and a heels,
together with a man in a Ralph Lauren checker, pants and a black shoes. He's tall, dark
and handsome (haha! TDH! Alam na! XD). They stop when the man stop talking and
look at my direction. He has his eyes glued on mine. Oh my! Starstruck! The woman
whom the 'TDH' was talking to stop and look at what direction the man was looking at,
and its MY direction... She hurriedly come to me and give me a hug. Now I am the
Surprised one. I glance at the man again, now he's smiling. I look away and talk to the
"Rachel! My gosh! Youre really here!" She said with a surprised face
"Yes, Ms. Charo?" I ask expecting her to be the President
"Yes. But you can call me TITA Charo." She smiled at me
"Ow, yes. TITA Charo." I give her a smile
"Oh hey there Vivs! MUSTA NA? Long time no see! ANG GANDA NG ALAGA MO AH!"
Now she was talking to Vivs and hug each other. What did she said again?
'MAGANDA...ALAGA?' I only understand the two... I look at the man-in-a-Ralph-Lauren-

Checker's direction. He's gone. I pouted. I turn around and was surprised when I see the
man standing behind now infront of me. Our faces were inches with each other. I step
back to give more space to each other then I give him a sweet smile.
"AKO BA HINAHANAP MO?" He ask, seriously, what the? I give him with a I-DontUnderstand-a-thing look and face.
"Oh! I'm sorry! I forgot."
"What did you just said?"
"Oh, THAT. Nevermind. Its not that important though."
"Ow" i give a smile again
"The Who?" I ask him then Vivs and Miss Charo cross the line
"Uhmm... Richard this is DAWN and DAWN this is Richard!" Tita Charo said
"Rach. Your screen name will be, DAWN ZULUETA here. I just heard you mention, 'I
wont be bother' which also means 'I dont wanna recognize'. So I decided to change your
screen name in France and in here." Viv expained
"Oh, yeah. Okay. The DAWN ZULUETA will be... Great!" I said
"Then, its settled then. By the way Rach, I mean Dawn, Richard here will be your
Leading man in your upcoming teleserye. Richard, we'll go ahead. BAHALA KA NA SA
"OPO TITA, AKO NA PO BAHALA." He said smiling. (O.P. si mama! Haha!)
"So, lets go?" He said looking at me
"Where to?"
"The staffs and the other actors. They dont have any idea that youre here. Especially
Megan Young. She's a Huge fan of yours. Let's surprise her." That made me smile again.
Cant imagine, I still 'knew' here. Amazing...
"That would be great! I cant wait to see her."
"Ok then, lets go!" He said holding my hand while walking to the elevator. While at the
elevator, the only two of us was inside. He's still holding my hand. When I look at him,
he's wearing a huge smile. What's with that?

We started walking again. Then we stop infront of the room with the star on its door and
a name 'Megan'. So, this is HER room. Richard step infront of the door covering me. He
knock. The door opened.
"KUYA, BAKIT PO?" A voice of a young lady is all I can hear.
"I have a surprise for you!"
"KAW TALAGA KUYA! You really up to surprises. What is it?" She ask. Richard step out
causing me to see her. She's still young, between 20-25 years old. Her smile becomes
wider when she see me. She hug me tight. I hug her as a response.
"Oh my gosh!" She said and face me again. Leaving the hug.
"Tell me this is not a dream KUYA." She said. I just laugh
"Youre not dreaming Megan dear. I am here! Its so good to see you." I said with a smile.
She shriek and jumps... Richard and I laugh
"Sorry, I just cant help it... Thank you KUYA!" She said hugging Richard.
"Anything for the little sister!" They're siblings?
"Youre siblings?" I ask
"No, i just treat her like one." He smile
"Ms. Rachel! Your stunning!" All compliments... =D
"You too as well dear. Drop the formality, just call me Ate Rachel, or should I say, Ate
Dawn." I chuckled
"Thank you Ate Dawn! Your just so so stunning! A goddess I can say."
I just laugh "okay okay..."
"SIGE PO!" Then she hug me again.
"Bye Ate Dawn!" Then Richard guides me to my Room. It has a star written 'Dawn' on it.
"You know, I like it here." I said while smiling
"Me too." He said. I dont understand that much
"Is it good to be with this people? Work with them? Laugh with?"

"Ofcourse! They so, make my day. Even its tiring and stressful, when the laughter and
bonding comes out. Wow! It was relieved!"
"Well, thats good to hear. Uhmm... Richard?"
"Can I ask you a favor, I know we just met but, if its just okay with you..."
"What is it?"
"Can you... Uh... Be my tutor?"
"For what?"
"I wanna learn to speak... What is it again?"
"Yeah, tagalog. If its okay with you... If I wont be a bother..."
"Ofcourse! Why not. And you wont bother." He said smiling
"Thanks! " then I hug him. Oh Em! I take off the hug emmediately.
"It's okay." He said smiling
"By the way, where's your room?"
"Ow, its just two doors from here. So if you need anything, just knock..."
"How long you've been here?" I ask him again
"20 years." She smiled
"Wow! Thats legend. How old are you?" Definitely, showbusiness is his life
"I'm 30. KAYA, I didnt expect Tita Charo will give me a project with you. If I am not
Mistaken, still Ms and 20? He ask. Am I really that young to look like 20?
"Correction, I'm 30. But, yes, Still Ms." I smiled
"Seriously?!" He ask with eyes widen and shocked

"Haha! Dont be silly! Why??"

" i just thought youre 20. Ms. Charo was right! You look like 10 years younger that your
"Yes! Absolutely."
"You too! You're POGI. I bet youre married. And who's this lucky woman?" I ask hoping
not. (Mama Talaga! Haha!)
"Nope! Still single."
"Haha! Anyways. I'll just fix this. My stuff."
" i can help you." He said
"No need. You helped me up here. I can handle this."
"I insist."
The door opened... It was Vivs
Even, I didnt know what they are talking about, i know that its about me and him. We put
the things in place...
After a couple of hour...
"Lets have a snack. My treat!" Richard said
"Sure!" I said "Lets go vivs!"
"No, I'm not going. I have a lunch meeting with someone. A staff for the upcoming movie
of you two. Just you two go."
Now I am the Ms. O.P. here.

"I need to go now. Enjoy and take your time!" Viv said teasing us both
Viv left and we get out of the building. He open the door for me. How gentleman...
"Thanks!" I said getting inside. I seated at the passenger's seat. He drive to the park...
PARK? Whats this?
"Were here!" He said lossening his seatbelt and open the door for me"
"Were going to eat here?" I ask looking around
"Yup! This is Pinoy's style!" He hold my hand and went to a stand. With a name 'MANG
BERTO'S KWEK KWEK'. This is weird. I saw a orange balls deep in oil. And a white flat
circle thing. Before we go their, we change our clothes. I, now wear a long sleeves,
pants, sneakers and cap. While he was wearing a t-shirt, pants and a shoes (vans) and
also a cap. He get 2 sticks and give the other to me. I stare it for a moment. I watch him.
He get some of the orange balls with his stick, so I do so. He dip it in the grey thick
sauce (i guess) and eat it. I followed. I slowly eat it. Wow! Thats yummy!
"How is it?" He ask
"This is great! Its yummy!"
I get more and didnt notice, I eated 10 of it. Wow! He paid it and again, go to other
stand. The next one has 'PINOY BUKO STAND" thats it written. He again give a 20 to
the vendor and give the plastic with a 'BUKO' to me. He bought two. I take a sip... Yum!
Its natural, compared to what I was drinking in France. This is better.
"Wow! This is..."
"Natural... All natural." He said smiling
After the snack, we go back to the car and drive...
"We should do that more often!" I said smiling
"Yeah! I thought you wont like it NGA EH."
"Ofcourse I love it."
"Expecting you, a classy, a fashionista woman, wont like it there. You know, girls are
known to be picky."
"Oh, no! Not me!"
"Yeah, I just thought. But youre different." He smiled
"Thanks!" I said looking at him
"For what?"

"For the night. Thanks for being with me."

"I think, i should be the one who's saying that." Then he chuckled. At last we arrive at the
"Do you want to get inside? I have Ros. " I ask
"No. I'm good. Bye!"
"Uhmm. By the way, Dawn. I'll pick you up tomorrow."
"Huh? I mean, i have driver."
"Please?" He said with a puppy eyes and I find it cute.
" okay okay. See you tomorrow, 7"
"Okay, 7."
Before closing the door, i look at him while walking away. He has a hand gesture like
saying... "Yes!" . I closed the door and a smile comes out of the face. Whats with the
smile. And I cant help it. I threw myself to bed then suddenly, my phone Ring.I grab it.
Unregistered number... I answered it...
"Hello?" I ask
"Good night Ms. Zulueta!" I knew this voice
"Mr. Gomez?"
"Yup! "
"Where do you get my number? And why did you call?"
" i had it from Vivs and I just wanna say goodnight before going to bed."
"Were just together lately."
"Im just missing you."
I stop... Missing me?. Oh c'mon Rachel!
"Hmm! BOLERO!"
"And where on earth did you get that term?"
"Haha! Your just guilty! I just got it from the people around."
"Okay okay... I admit it."

"Okay. Good night!"

"Uhm, Dawn?" That caused me to pause
"I... I..."
"I...I L-Love you." O_o
"Dawn, you still there?"
"Uhm... Yeah."
"Okay... Uhm..."
"Goodnight!" I said before dropping the call.
What did he say? He loves me? Oh, no, hell no! We just met. Maybe this guy is just
joking around. I get down to sleep.

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