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SYNOPSIS (Chapter Three: The Catching Up) [Dawn's P.O.V.] I w !e "p. I chec!

n #$ ph ne that was ser%e as #$ a&ar# c& c!. It was ':(). I was s"rprise*+ $ " !n w wh$, -eca"se+ this is #$ .irst ti#e t w !e "p s ear&$ &i!e this. It was a&wa$s+ Vi%s wh wa!es #e "p. She s #eti#e+ /ac! then+ sha!e #$ wh &e / *$ 0"st t wa!e #e. She e%en taps the .r$ing pan har* as #an$ as she c "&* 0"st t wa!e #e. 1"c!i&$ she has this & ng patience n #e especia&&$ in wa!ing #e "p. Or e&se I'%e pr /a/&$ & ng en "gh n t &i%ing in this w r&*. I g t "p an* prepare. I ta!e #$ sh wer. Vi%s *i*nt g h #e &ast night. 2n* a/ "t that+ I'&& 0"st ca&& her a/ "t it. I p"t n #$ /&ac! *ress that was /e& w the !nee. It has its & ng s&ee%es an* a pair . sh es. I a&s pair it with a /&ac! s&ing/ag an* a .ew acces ries an* a &itt&e a# "nt . #a!e "p. I si#p&$ c"r& #$ hair at its en* an* * wn. Ti#e chec!: 3: () a# 4 sh5 The ti#e r"ns s .ast+ i 0"st *i*nt n tice. Or+ its 0"st #e ha%ing #$ har* ti#e ch sing #$ *ress. 1i!e+ g ing "t .r # #$ wa&! in c& set a c "p&e . ti#es /e. re *eci*ing that the .irst ne .its /est. Its 0"st gir&s5 4ir&s were %er$ c nci "s especia&&$+ when it c #es t & !s. Ver$ har* ti#e. S / $.rien*s sh "&* prepare . r it. I *eci*e* t 0"st wait hi# at the sa&a. I inten* t sit+ when the * 6ichar*... 78e$5 Y " & !... Prepare*...7 1 !ing at #$ *ress r... I pen it. It was

7N + n t rea&&$.7 71ets g ,7 8e as! ..ering his ar#. I wrap #$ han* ar "n* it an* starte* t wa&!. 8e pen the * r (car) . r #e. I was seate* at the passenger's whi&e he was at the *ri%er's. I starte* t ta&! an* ta&!. 9hi&e he was n thing t * /"t+ &a"gh an* &a"gh. S #eti#es it #a!es #e w n*er+ wh$ is he a&wa$s &a"ghing when I thr w a 0 !e n hi#. 9e&&+ in.act I'# n t g * at it at a&&. Vi%s sai*+ #$ 0 !es were a&& 7921:Y7 e%en I *i*nt !n w what that #ean is. 76ichar*...7 78##,7 79hat is 7921:Y7,7 I as! seri "s&$. N w+ this is #$ chance t !n w what that it. Vi%s an* 2&ice a&wa$s sai*+ it #eans+ its ."nn$. -"t+ I * nt ha%e tr"st with th se tw gir&s 79h$ *i* $ " as!,7 7I 0"st+ hear* it... S #ewhere... 9hat * es it #ean,7 7921:Y #eans...7 Then he has his th"#/ * wn. Ow5 S + th se tw gir&s were &$ing5 I

cant /e&ie%e this5 The$ were ta!ing a*%antage5 7Oh5 O!a$...7 ;si&ence; 76ichar*+ where are $ " ta!ing #e,7 I as! whi&e we pass the 2-S<C-N st"*i . 7 I /et+ $ "re n t ta!ing "p $ "r /rea!.ast $et.7 Oh5 Shesssh5 6ight5 I *i*nt ta!e "p #$ /rea!.ast. =arie 6ache& Ta&e n5 9hat is happening t $ "5 I 0"st sha!e #$ hea* sa$ing 'n t $et' 8e &a"gh... 7>2Y2 P212 2N4 42ND2 =O N42YON. N24P242ND2 >212N4. TU1OY N2>21I=UT2N =O =24 -rea!.ast.7 8e sti&& &a"ghing Un. rt"nate&$+ i "n*erstan* a&& . what he 0"st sai*. I ha* #$ seri "s .ace. I g&ance at hi#. 7Ow5 S rr$+ $ " *i*nt "n*erstan* it a&&. 1U4I >257 72NON4 1U4I >25 I "n*erstan* it a&&5 2n* ?YI5 This is #$ "s"a& " I'# #a* n w. Vi%s !n ws #e+ she !n ws a/ "t #e+ /eing # *$7 79ere... 8ere.7 9e st p at the rest . Its inti#ate an* c&ass$. 1i!e the resta"rant I'# %isiting at ?rance. I *i*nt #in* hi#. I ha%e #$ ar#s cr sse* with "t & at the ther *irecti n. 7Dawn+ 9ere here.7 7 0"st /ring #e t the st"*i . I'&& 0"st eat at the ca.eteria.7 7N + were here a&rea*$.7 I *i*nt & ! at hi#. !ing at hi#. I was instea*+ & !ing

7Dawn+ * nt #a!e #e carr$ $ " 0"st t get $ " insi*e...7 Sti&& *i*nt #in*ing hi#. 8e wrap his ar# ar "n* #$ waist rea*$ t carr$ #e. I st p hi# 7O!a$ !a$+ I'# c #ing.7 8e gra/ #$ han* an* we enter the resta"rant. 2s I was e@pecting+ it was c&ass$ an* has

the .rench st$&e resta"rant. The =an appr ach "s... 7This wa$+ Sir 6ichar*...7 8e &ea* "s the wa$. 8e p"&&e* a chair . r #e. It was a ta/&e . r tw . 7=s. Dawn+ Sir 6ichar*+ what * $ " want,7 71atA . r #e...7 I sai* 7Cap"ccin . r #e...7 8e sai* 72n$thing e&se sir+ #aa#,7 79e'&& 0"st ca&& $ " i. we nee* an$thing.7 The waiter / w an* &ea%e "s... 7S + since were catching "p+ $ " /etter te&& $ "r st ries n w.7 79hat * $ " wante* t !n w,7 I as! 79e&&+ &ets start with+ 9h$ *i*nt $ " sti&& sett&e*,7 79e&&+ I was c& se t it. I 0"st #a*e the right *ecisi n... I g"ess.7 79ith wh #,7 72 .rench+ =arc"s 6 %iAr.7 72h+ $es... S + what happene*.7 7I 0"st... Di*nt gi%e hi# a sec n* chance. -eca"se . r #e+ it was en "gh that+ I a&rea*$ gi%en hi# a .irst. 8 w a/ "t $ ", 79e&&+ I * ha%e a & t . gir&.rien*s /ac! in B)'s. i a# a tw ti#er+ #a$/e three...7 8e ch"c!&e* 7... I 0"st get what I want t a w #an an* *"#p the# a.ter7 79 w5 Y "r *anger "s57 7Yeah...7 8e ch"c!&e* 7that was the &* 6ichar* 4 #eC. -"t n w+ i thin! . sett&ing * wn. I ha%e . "n* that w #an a&rea*$7 he & ! at #e 7Y...$eah.7 7D $ " ha%e an$ seri "s re&ati nship,7 I as! 7Yes .c "rse. I'# n t a St ne<hearte* N2=2N. Shar n C"neta,7 78##... 2h5 Yah5 I re#e#/er5 ?r # 'c,7 7Yes5. She's /ea"ti."&+ se@$ an* ta&ente*. N w n*er i .e&& . r her...7

79hat happene*,7 79212.7 7Y " !n w+ $ "re s 1 w 4ets57 7:@c"se #e5 D nt "n*eresti#ate the Sa&"tat rian . UP in "t /atch /ac! in 8ighsch &57 [aDn: $es+ Dawn st"*ie* in UP . r . "rth$ear an* &ast $ear. =a$ !a"nting pr /&e#a &ang sa /"siness !a$a gan"n. -"t she ret"rne* t ?rance again t p"s"e c &&ege. 9hi&e 6ichar*+ #a$ pag!a /a&iw. 8in*i p $"n &itera&. 2ng i/ig sa/ihin+ p&a$/ $+ #a*a#ing gi#i!. -"t sti&&+ she re#ain n t p !asi &i!as ta&aga si$ang #ata&in ] 79h$ * nt $ " / w * wn t the Va&e*ict rian . OU6 c&ass in UP /ac! in B)'s7 =$ e$es wi*en... 7S + $ "re =r. 4 #eC57 78ear* #e right57 78a5 Y "re sti&& the =r. 4 #eC. Pr "* an* / ast."&. Y " *i*nt change a /it57 7Y " t as we&&+ $ "re sti&& the sa&"tat rian . "r /atch in UP+ wh *i*nt !n w wh the pe p&e ar "n*. Di*nt !n w h w t spea! taga& g "nti&... n w. 9h$ *i*nt $ " ha%e a .rien*s /ac! then,7 79e&&+ $ " !n w the answer in that E"esti n.7 72ct"a&&$+ i wante* t /e .rien*s with $ "+ that ti#e. -"t... I was a.rai*...7 7-eca"se . #$ h"ge g&asses an* #ess$ "p* hair,7 7N ... N t that. I'# 0"st a.rai* t /e re0ecte*. 9hen I see $ "+ $ " a&wa$s rea*... 6ea*... 6ea*... 6ea*. I th "ght+ I'# n t the !in* . .rien* s"it $ ".7 72n* &ea%e #e there a... 1 ner,7 7I was 0"st... 2.rai*. Y " !n w #$ >U=P26:+ F hn,7 72h+ $eah. 8e's 1O>O 1O>O.7 7Y"p.7 78e p&ane* t c "rt #e that ti#e. -"t I -2ST:D hi#.7 7Y " !n w+ I p&ane* t c "rt $ " t 78"h,7 /e. re.7

7Yes... 9hat * $ " thin! . #e,7 79hat * $ " thin! . #e+ what,7 72/ "t+ a h"s/an*,7 79e&&+ I. I'# the /ri*e+ I'&& /e s &"c!$ an* s happ$ t ha%e $ ".7 7Y " #ean+ I'# g 7Yeah,7 79h$,7 79e&&+ $ " $ "rse&. t &* #e that $ "r a p&a$/ $. 9e&& that was rea&&$ a seri "s pr /&e#.7 79hat I.+ I change,7 79hat i. n t,7 79hat i. $es,7 79hat i. n t then,7 79e&&+ sec n* chance is change...7 7-"t sec n* chance is gi%ing a sec n* chance . * ing it again.7 7S c n* chance is gi%ing a &i.e7 7Sec n* chance is &i%ing a &i.e an* !i&&ing...7 7Sec n* chance is the re%i%a& . & %e...7 79e&&+ sec n* chance is...7 79hat,7 7:hh5 St p it57 8e & ! at #e+ n 5 Stare. I cant sa$ an$thing. See#s &i!e th se w r*s were trappe* insi*e #$ thr at. 7=a'a#... Sir...7 *,7

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