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SYNOPSIS (Chapter Five: BitterSweet (Memories) [Dawn's P.O. .! I threw m"se#$ to %e&.

I 'now that the two sti## ta#'in( to ea)h other. *MP*+ B,*,-, SI-,+ PIN,./0-0N.,N P, NI-, ,1O2+ O'a" o'a". M,1,1,.,N/I DIN ,1O.I'## ta'e m" reven(e+ 34D5 . I stan& 6p to )he)' on m" phone. I #oo' $or it insi&e m" room. Oh M"+ M" phone+ I #e$t it S, S,-,+ B,1, M,S,B,S, NIY, Y0N. S, Conta)ts+ Sh7t+ Yo6r a mess /a#eon+ I pee' o6tsi&e. I saw the two ta#'in( an& #a6(hin(. /hen8 somethin( )a6(ht their attention. It was m" phone. Sh7t+ Yo6 rea##" are in tro6%#e Dawn+ *e (ra% m" phone $rom the ta%#e. ,nswere& the )a##. I saw his $a)e )han(e&. P,9,N. .,-I/. *a#a+ Sino 'a"a "6n2 *e &rop the )a## an& #oo' at m" &ire)tion. *e saw me pee'in(. *e sa" somethin( to ivs then ivs #e$t 6s. *e (et insi&e m" room. I step %a)' an& #oo'in( at me. It me#ts me+ /he stare thats $or s6re8 )a6se %" ne(ative thin(. :;ho's Mar)6s2: *e as' me :*e's a $rien& o$ mine. /he one I'm ta#'in( a%o6t on sett#in( &own.: :Frien&s /,POS P,.1, S,.O/ 1O N. P,.1, S,.O/. *I B,B<2+: .osh .,-I/ N, SIY,. /<1,+ ;h" is he ma&2 Is he m" %o"$rien&2 1,Y,8 I stan& 6p an& ta#' to him. :B,1I/ B, .,NY,N 1, M,1, ,S/,2+: *e stoppe&. ;,-, N,M,N /,-,., DIB,2 B,1I/ SIY, N,.,.,-I/2 *mph+ :OO N.,8 B,1I/ N., B, I am a)tin( this wa". O'a"8 I'## #eave. See "o6 tomorrow.: *e sai& with a )o#& voi)e. *e #e$t me $or(ettin( a%o6t the phone. 1,Y, N,D,-, NIY,. I trie& to r6n a$ter him to (et m" phone %6t no )han)e. I have m" Ni(ht(own+ I =6st (et m" s#eep. It was a wee' a$ter we #ast ta#' an& see ea)h other. ,n& to&a" is the Press)on $or the te#eser"e ;,-,N. *,N..,N. -6)'" me8 #earne& ta(a#o( ver" we##. O1,Y N, O1,Y N, ,1O+ B6t i was worrie& a%o6t the two o$ 6s... Me an& 9i)har&. I was 'in&a tense an& &ont 'now what to &o when I see him. B,*,-, N,+ So me an& ivs &rive to the press)on an& I emme&iate#" saw him. *e was ta#'in( to 9ita ,vi#a. /he sai& to %e >ane Boni$a)io. *e #oo' at me an& his smi#e &isappeare&. I 'new it. I am the one who'## r6in his who#e &a". I t6rn aro6n& then someone )a##e& me... :Dawn+: *e )a##e&. I smi#e& a %it an& t6rn aro6n&. :*e"+: I smi#e& %a)' *e raise& his han& sa"in( )ome over. So i wa#' to them. *e wears his smi#e N,. *e ho#&s m" waist a(ain. :9ita8 this is Dawn ?6#6eta. She's $rom Fran)e. I %e#ieve "o6 'new her.:

:Oh "es+ /he 9a)he# /a#eon o$ Fran)e2: :Yes: i simp#" sai& an& smi#e :So8 "o6re8 Dawn ?6#6eta N,2: :Yes.: I rep#" a(ain :/his is the <mi#"+: 9ita sai& :OO. M,SY,DO N.,N. M,BI-IS. /he #ast thin( is8 D0M,/IN. ,1O DI/O ,/ N,-,M,N 1O N,-,N. N, M,Y P9O><C/ N, P,-, 1,S,M, ,1O.: :M,.,-IN. 1, N, S, /,-,.,-O. ,*.: :M,.,-IN. 1,SI M,./09O '/ON. SI 9i)har& <*.: /hen ;e )h6)'#e& :I see... -overs2: She as' N,/I.I-,N N,M,N 1,MIN. D,-,;,... :Di& I sa" somethin( wron(2: :0h... ;,-, N,M,N.: I sai& :;e'## (o there N, M0N, 9ita. /I/, Charo was #oo'in( $or this woman 1,NIN, P,.: :S6re+: She sai& P0M0N/, 1,MI S, Corner where /ita Charo8 ivs an& the others were. /he" were #a6(hin( an& havin( a (reat time. :/ita Charo... ,NDI/O N, PO SI Dawn.: 9i)h sai&. :Oh8 he" there Dawn. SY, N., P,-,8 this is >6#ia Montes8 the 1aterina. Co)o Martin8 the Danie# an& "o6 two's son. Mr. B6en)amino8 the Mi(6e#. Mi#issa 9i)'s8 the >ohanna. /his is Pao#o ,ve#ino naman as Nathan8 the riva# o$ "o6r son8 Danie# S, P0SO NI 1,/<9IN,. ,n& the Mr. &ire)tor.: Ms8 Charo sai& :*e##o Ms.Dawn+: /he" a## (reete&. I #oo' at Danie# or Co)o. *e's starin( at me. N,P,1, .;,PON. B,/,. :So8 I1,; P,-, ,N. ,N,1 1O.: I sai& ta#'in( to Co)o :Yes8 Ms. Dawn.: *e sai& smi#in( :Oh no. >6st )a## me Mama Dawn.: I sai& with a h6(e smi#e to him :SI.< PO8 M,M, Dawn.: :Ms. Charo8 ,N. .,ND, N,M,N PO N. M,M, 1O. B,1, S,BI*IN NI-,8 1,P,/ID

1O SIY,.: Co)o sai& :N,P,1, >o'er NIYO N,M,N.: I sai& #a6(hin( :O*8 Comp#ete Fami#" 1,YO *,. O'a". -ets start the press)on.: So we ta'e o6r seats an& the press starte& to as' thin(s a%o6t the movie even o6r private #i$e #i'e8 #ove#i$es an& )areers. [a@n: inisa isa 'o po to...Im%ento #an( po to. -o# *ehe+ ABA trip 'o #an(! Press C: /o Ms. Dawn... ;hat is "o6r ro#e PO in this /e#eser"e2 Dawn: ;e##8 IS, ,1O DI/ON. M,*I9,P N, B,B,< N, /9,B,DO9 S, *,CI<ND, NI-, Mar)o8 whi)h is p#a"e& %" 9i)har&. M,.1,1,.0S/O 1,Y Mar)o8 ,Y,N. /hen8 P,9,N. M,-,-,M,N 1O N, PIN,. P0S/,*,N -,N. NI-, ,1O N. M., F9I<NDS NI-,. ,,-IS ,1O N. -0.,9 ,/ M,.*,*,N,P N. p#a)e to start over. Press D: /o Mr. 9i)har&... M,Y $ee#in(s PO B, 1,YO P,9, 1,Y Ms. Dawn2 9i)har&: (stares at Dawn) 0hm... ;e##8 to %e honest with "o68 OO. ;hen I $irst saw her in the Phi#ippines. She )at)hes m" 1I-I/I. I mean8 SINO B, N,M,N ,N. *INDI M,.1,1,.0S/O S, IS,N. B,B,<N. .,NI/O 1, .,ND,. Yo6 )ant even pre&i)t her rea# a(e ri(ht. Press E: /o Ms. Dawn... ;hat )an "o6 sa" a%o6t that Ms. Dawn2 ,n& I-,N. /,ON N, PO B, 1,YO2 Dawn: ;e##8 ,N. M,S,S,BI 1O -,N. is8 O1,Y -,N. N,M,N ,N. M,.1,.0S/O S,1IN. P<9O8 I thin'8 wor' an& )areer N, M0N,. ,n& I'm EF "ears o#&. M,.1, <D,D -,N. 1,MI NI/ON. SI 9i)har&. Press G: /o Ms. Dawn...,NO PO B, ,N. se)ret N,/IN DIY,N2 Dawn: (-a6(hs) Smi#e is m" se)ret. ;,. P,-,.IN. B0S,N.O/. Y0N -,N.. Press H: /o Ms. Dawn... *ave "o6 eIperien)e& s6r(eries2 Dawn: /hats the thin( that I &i&nt even tr" an& I &i&nt want to tr". -</S 9<SP<C/ O09S<- <S. Press J: /o Ms. >6#ia... ;hat &o "o6 eIpe)t a%o6t "o6r team 6p with Co)o Martin2 >6#ia: ;e##8 /he Co)o Martin is one o$ the %est a)tor in the show%iK wor#&. I mean8 what )an I as' more2 (-a6(hs) ,-,M 1O N,8 M,.I.IN. S0CC<SSF0- ,N. team 6p N, /O. Press L: /o Mr. Co)o... *ow a%o6t "o68 ;hat &o "o6 thin' o$ >6#ia2 Co)o: >6#ia has man" Pro=e)ts %e$ore. /he Mara C#ara. ,n& M,S M,/,.,- N, SIY, S,

S*O;BI? than me. So8 N,1I/, N,M,N N,/IN 10N. .,,NO SIY, 1,.,-IN.. <Ipe)te& N, M,S .0M,-IN. SIY,. Press M: /o Ms. S6san... ;hat is "o6r ro#e PO DI/O2 S6san: ,1O PO DI/O ,Y 1,P,/ID NI M,9.,9</8 NI *<-<N. ;,-,N. -ove#i$e (#a6(hs). M,.I.IN. N,N,Y N,N,Y,N NI D,NI<- DI/O8 SI COCO. Press N: /o Ms. *e#en... ,NO N,M,N PO ,N. 9O-< N,/IN DI/O2 *e#en: ,1O Y0N. terror N, M,M, NI M,9CO8 9IC*,9D. ,/ ,Y,; N, ,Y,; 1O 1,Y D,;N DI/O P,9, S, ,N,1 1O. Press CF: /o Ms. Dawn 0-I/... Ms. Dawn8 ,NO PO Y0N. F<<-IN. N, M,1,1S,MP,-,N NIYO Y0N. /I/, NIYO2 Dawn: SY<MP9< M,*I9,P. I )ant even ima(ine %ein( s#appe& %" m" /ita. P<9O8 I'## &o m" %est. ,n& it is m" p#eas6re to have this pro=e)t with /ita *e#en an& /ita S6san. the press)on was over. /he invite& photo(raphers as' 6s to ta'e o6r pi)t6res. ;e have o6r (ro6p pi)t6res8 the sin(#es an& %" #oveteams... :Ms. Dawn8 Mr. 9i)har&8 )an we have a pi)t6re o$ "o6 two2: Photo(rapher C :O$)o6rse+: 9i)har& sai&. *e p#a)e his arms aro6n& m" waist8 as what he a#wa"s &o a## the time. ,n& /he" ta'e a pi)t6re o$ 6s. :/han' "o6 PO+: /he photo(rapher sai& %e$ore #eavin(. :;ere o'a"2: I as' him :,rent we2: :Y0N. N,N.Y,9I P,-, #ast wee'...: :It's o'a". /,N..,P 1O N,M,N...: *e $#ash a $aint smi#e :SOsorr"...: :,NO 1, B,8 Its o'a". So8 *,/ID N, 1I/,2: :/hat wo6#& %e (reat+: So8 *IN,/ID NIY, N, ,1O S, B,*,Y. #eavin( ivs8 S,BI NIY,8 S0S0NOD N, -,N. D,; SIY,. [a@n: na'a%i#i na po si Dawn na %aha" sa phi#ippines8 'asi a#am ni"a naman na ma(tata(a# an( te#eser"e ni#a.! :M,Y B,*,Y 1, N,2:

:Yes8 1,1,-IP,/ P,-,N. N,MIN NI ivs Yester&a".: :O'a"...: :I/0/09O 1O N,-,N. 10N. S,,N.: *e open the &oor o$ his )ar $or me a(ain. <ven M,Y S,M,,N 1,MI N. -OOB8 he sti## remain (ent#eman. ,n& thats what I #ove a%o6t him the most. *IN,/ID NIY, N, ,1O. PIN,P,SO1 1O M0N, SIY, S, B,*,Y. I o$$er him a seat an& a &rin'. :Can "o6 sta" here $or an ho6r2: I as' him :S6re+ ,$ter a## were $rien&s ri(ht2: :Yes8 $rien&s: :Do "o6 eat %rownies2: *e as' me :Yeah+ ;h" &i& "o6 as'2: :O'a"... I'## =6st (ra% some st6$$s at the (ro)er". ,n& I'## %a'e one $or "o6.: :Yo6 %a'e2: :Yeah. I'm (oo& at that. >6st wait here o'a"2: I =6st no&. S,N, M, satis$ie& NIY, ,1O S, -0/O NIY,. *e's a )oo' P,-,. *e #eave the ho6se whi#e I starte& washin( the thin(s that wi## %e 6se& $or the %a'in(. I a#so set it at the ta%#e. P,9, M,D,-I NIY,N. M,1I/,. M,Y,OM,Y,... :,N. BI-IS MO N,M,N.: :M,-,PI/ -,N. 1,SI DI/O.: :O'a". /he thin(s are rea&". D0N N, /,YO S, 10SIN,.: I sai& smi#in(. N,.P0N/, N, 1,MI S, 10SIN,. *e starte& to meas6re the $#o6r8 mi#'8 s6(ar et). ;hi#e8 I am =6st #oo'in( at him8 /INI/I.N,N 1O ,N. .IN,.,;, NIY,... :Can "o6 preheat the oven2: *e as'8 I'm sti## #oo'in( at him :Dawn2: Sti##8 #oo'in( at him :Ms. ?6#6eta2: :,h8 ,NO2: :*aha+ P, Preheat N,M,N N. O <N $or me.:

:O'a".: /hen I open it. *e's so %6s" meas6rin( the in(re&ients. I miI them N,M,N 6sin( an e#e)tri) miIer. N,.1010-I/,N 1,MI NI 9i)har&. NI-,.Y,N NIY, 1,SI ,1O N. Cho)o#ate Paste S, M01*, 1O. I )ant %e#ieve this man. .IN,N/I*,N 1O SIY,. ,NO SIY,2+ *,BO- *,B0-,N S, -OOB N. B,*,Y. *e )a6(ht me an& #i$t me. (IO Dawn ?6#6eta mo 'o. PD). ;e =6st #a6(h an& #a6(h 6nti# we p#a)e the %rowniesOtoO%e in the oven. ;e nee& to wait an ho6r. ;e ta'e o6t seats at the S,-, an& wat)h Movies /o passe& ho6r. /,M,N. /,M,8 It was the Movie o$ mine an& Mar)6s 9oviQr. O6r #atest movie. /he :#Q Pas:. Shoot+ O6r 'issin( s)ene+ /hat s)ene was a h6n(r" 'iss. /his was a#so the s)ene that Mar)6s to6)he& m" %rea7t. 9i)har& remain si#ent wat)hin( the movie. I )overe& m" $a)e with a pi##ow. N,1,1,*IY,... P,. /IN.IN 1O S, M01*, NIY,8 I was s6rprise&. *e's smi#in(... :;h" are "o6 smi#in(2: :I 'now "o6r hot when I $irst saw "o6. B6t I &i&nt 'now N,8 "o6re hotter than I eIpe)t.: :;hat are "o6 ta#'in( a%o6t2+: :I )an sa"... *mm... I'm ima(inin( that I am that Man havin( a 'issin( s)ene with "o6...: OBO :P,/,YIN MO N, N., Y,N+ N,1,1,*IY,+: :,NO 1, B,2 ,N. .,ND, N., N. I<;.: *e sai& with P,N.INIS voi)e :9i)har&8 IS,+: ;arnin( him. :O'a" o'a".: /hen he t6rne& o$$ the / I remain si#ent an& sti## N,M0M0-,... ;hi#e he %6rst into #a6(hter. :<hhh+ ;h" are #a6(hin( B,2: :;,-, -,N.. B" the wa"8 are "o6 rea&" $or the $irst &a" o$ shootin( tomorrow2: :Shoot+ I a#most $or(ot+ ;hat's with the shoot tomorrow an"wa"2: :SY<MP9<8 O6r $irst $ew s)enes to(ether. ,rent "o6 eI)ite&2 Ca6se I am.: *e sai& smi#in( :-O1O 1, /,-,.,+: :-0/O N, Y0N B9O;NI<S+: I sai& r6nnin( P,P0N/, S, 1I/C*<N. *e app#" the )ho)o#ate paste *ershe"'s. I ta'e a s#i)e an& we en=o" it. :,N. S,9,P+: I sai& :Come here.:

:*m2: :Come here.: /hen he remove& a )ho)o#ate paste $rom m" #over #ip. *e sti## starin( at m" #ips... :0hm... 9i)h2: :,Y8 sorr"+ 1,IN 1, -,N..: *e sai& smi#in( whi#e I8 ,N. /,1,; 10M,IN. 7B09P7 :Oopss+: ;hi#e )overin( m" mo6th. *e #a6(h %e)a6se o$ m" %6rp... :/hat was the %est %rownies I've ever taste in m" who#e D7mn #i$e+: /hat rea##" satis$ie& me :Shhh+ Stop )6ssin(+ N,1,1,SI9, N. ima(e. B,B,< 1, P, N,M,N.: :Sorr"+ *ehe+ ABA: i sai& with a pea)e si(n Its a#rea&" G:FF o')#o)' in the a$ternoon. I &i&nt see an" si(n o$ ivs. B0/I N,-,N.8 I &i&nt (et %ore&. /han's to 9i)har& here. I (ot $ree %rownies+ I was #oo'in( o6tsi&e an& #oo' worrie& an& was N,P,NSIN naman ni 9i)har&... :Yo6 #oo' so worrie&. ;hat's the pro%#em B,2: *e as' :Its a#rea&" G an& that wit)h+ Di&nt even %eep me+: :;h" so prote)tive2: :-oo'. She's a %est$rien& o$ mine. She's m" responsi%i#it". ,n& ,YO1ON. M,;,-,N N. P,MI-Y,. DI P, 1O rea&".: Sti## #oo'in( aro6n& eIpe)tin( to see her :10N. S,B,.,Y8 ;,-, 1, P,N. ,S,;,N. /,O. ts' ts'+ Poor Dawn i$ /hat'## ever happene&...: /INI.N,N 1O SIY, N. M,/,-IM. Y0N. P,9,N. /i(er #oo' B,. : </O N,M,N+ .,-I/ ,.,D2: :;,. 1,SI M,. =oO=o'e N. .,NY,N+ M,M,Y, NIY,N8 "o6 =6st stoppe& s)reamin(. Y'1now wh"2 Be)a6se that time8 I mi(ht have eaten "o6+: I sai& tr"in( to s)are him :Not even a$rai& a %it+ P#6s8 No one wi## ever %e#ieve that a %ea6ti$6# woman #i'e "o6 )an eat an inno)ent man #i'e me. So8 thats it. /he point.: ;e##8 m" ta)ti)s rea##" &i&nt wor'. :<hh+ B,S/,+ >6st stop p#a"in( aro6n& an& start to )anta)t ivs. ,n& that'## wi## rea##" he#p me8 a -ot+:

:O'a" o'a"+ Yo6re %ein( P9,NIN.. ,re "o6 a#wa"s #i'e this a## the time when "o6r mana(er is not aro6n&2: :Do "o6 a#wa"s ma'e $6n o$ serio6s peop#e #oo'in( $or someone an& )ant he#p to sh6t the mo6th 6p2: *e raise& his %oth han&s as i$ he's %ein( arreste&. I =6st ro##e& m" e"es whi#e he starte& to )a## ivs. <ven me... Its a#rea&" CF in the evenin(. I'm sti## 6p an& waitin( $or ivs in the S,-,. I am ver" tire& %6t sti## tr"in( to )onta)t her. ;hi#e 9i)har& here... 7SNO9 SNO97 *e's a#rea&" s#eepin(. *e )onta)t a## his )hanne# stars $rien&s 1,NIN,. I )ant he#p to stare at his $a)e. ;hat an ,n(e#i) $a)e+ I am tra)in( his $a)e with m" $in(ers thin'in( 'I1,; N, S,N, ,N. .0S/O 1ON. IP,1I-,-, S, M., M,.0-,N. 1O...' /hen somethin( $#ashes m" min&... OF#ash%a)'O (C:DG am@Mar)h G8 DFFL@/a#eon's 9esi&en)e@Paris8 Fran)e) :9a)h8 thats 6p+: Someone (ra% the (#ass o$ %eer $rom m" han&. I opene& m" e"es. It's %#6rr"8 I )ant even re)o(niKe her $a)e. :.ive me m" %eer woman+ ;ho are "o6 h6h2: I as' her with a &r6n' voi)e :/hats eno6(h+ Yo6re &r6n'+ -ets (o now to "o6r room.: :;haaaaat2+ ;ho are "o6 to sa" that to me2 ,re "o6 ivian2 *6h2 Yo6 'now ivian2 Can "o6 p#ease te## her to =oin me here2 Im a #oner. /hat st6pi& Mom+ She #e$t me+ Can "o6 ima(ine it2 ;hat a 6se#ess $re7'in( woman+: I stan& 6p %6t m" %o&" is heav" )a6sin( me to $a## &own an& ma'e me #ie &own on the )o#& $#oor. I =6st #a6(h #i'e )raK" an& )rie& at the same time... :;owan8 "o6 'now8 m" &a& #e$t me. Yo6 'now where &i& he (o2 O'a"8 I'## (ive a hint. Its ver" $ar $rom <6rope even $ar $rom ,sia. Yo6 (et it2 Yes+ *e #e$t me. *e (o to heaven an& #e$t me with m" st6p7& 6se#ess mom+ ,n& m" mom2 *e #e$t me a#so+ *e =6st (o to a part" an& never (o %a)' home. Da7n+ I've waite& an ho6r+ B6t she &i&nt )ome. Yo6 'now what I &i&2...: :9a)h8 thats eno6(h. -ets (o to s#eep...: :I am the patien)e one who wait wait wait wait $or her. It was a )o#& Dar' ni(ht+ She sai&8 she'## =6st %6" some (i$ts an& a &ress $or m" %irth&a". I've #on( to (et that %#a)' &ress. B6t she &i&nt )ome %a)'+ ,n& thats the stor" o$ 6se#ess #i$e o$ Marie 9a)he# /a#eon+ *e" woman8 "o6 #i'e it2: I as' sti##8 with a &r6n' voi)e. ,$ter that i saw a &ar'ness an& pea)e

in m" min&. O<n& O$ F#ash%a)'O

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