Synopsis 11

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SYNOPSIS (Chapter Eleven: Her Past) [Richard's P.O.V. !t last" #ere here sa $anila.

I drive all the %a& here %hile 'a%n( she's asleep. !n) pa n*a +a, -.l)* /anti0a" Na+.s)* ata 0anina sa /*a 0inain. !n* ta0a% 0asi. 1.t she's di22erent 2r)/ )ther %)/an. She didnt care 0.n* t./a+a si&a. #ell( act.all&( 0ahit an)n* *a%in ni&an* 0./ain( hindi na/an si&a nata+a. './irets) na 0a/i sa +aha& ni&a. 3.c0il&( *isin* pa si Vivs. She's %aitin* 2)r .s sa *a4ee+). Inaant)0 na n*a ata. I carried 'a%n na/an and *inisin* 0) si Vivs. Hinatid 0) na si&a sa 0%art) ni&a. Na* .sap 0a/i si Vivs sa salas. (-i/e: 5:67 a/) 8!n* ta*al nit) na/an"8 Vivs said 8!&( s)rr&( i t).r her 0asi sa 1ic)l( 0a&a a&.n. Pa*)d na pa*)d.8 8!ll da& l)n*,8 8Yeah" Si*e pa n*a an* 0ain ni&a n.n* pili n.ts( and ta0a% ni&a. Hahahaha"8 8Richard( tapatin /) n*a a0)... Ser&)s) 0a +a 0a& 'a%n,8 8Vivs na/an. $atanda na 0a/i para /a*sa+i na hindi.8 I s/iled 89a&) na,8 8Hindi pa. /a*i*in* pa lan*...8 89a&a /) &an Richard" 0ita 2)r 'a%n. !ll )2 the thin*s she's l))0in* 2)r sa isan* lala0i( nasa&) na. Sana lan* d)nt h.rt her.8 8!n) +an* pr)+le/a sa 0an&a,8 83)n* st)r&...8 8Vivs( si*e na. -ell /e please.8 8O0a&. 9asi *ant) &.n. 1ata pa lan* &an( l./a0i na &an sa ;rance her /)/ is a desi*ner there and her dadd& is a +.siness/an. She's an )nl& child 0a&a na/an sp)iled per) /a*anda an* .*ali ni&a. Hindi 0at.lad n* /*a sp)iled +rats. She's a s%eet and l)va+le child sa parents ni&a. 3al) na sa dadd& ni&a. She l)ves her dadd& s) /.ch. 1.t( tra*ed& happened. Her dadd& %as sh)t )2 +.siness /atters and died. She's <.st eleven that ti/e. Hal)s hindi si&a /a0a0ain n.n. She l))ses interest in st.d&in* %ell in2act na t)p si&a sa 0lase. $ata*al si&a +a*) na0a /)ved )n. -hen( a2ter a &ear( her /)/ le2t her... ;)r s)/e reas)n. Hindi na si&a +./ali0. 'a%n live a l)nel& and .nhapp& li2e. Si&a lan* na /a* isa sa +.ha&. Yes( she has the /)ne& and all. She ta0es )ver all the +.siness )2 her 2ather. 1.t she's s) depress. She even intend t)

c)//it s.icide( l.c0il&( p./.nta na/an 0a/i n.n sa 0anila that ti/e. #e 2).nd her ).t sa CR %ith a +l))d c)/in* ).t 2r)/ her %rist h)ldin* a +r)0en /irr)r. Sin.nt)0 ni&a &.n* /irr)r and .sed it t) c.t her 2lesh. Sin.*)d na/in si&a sa h)spital and started cr&in* e=plainin* ever&thin*. -in.rin* si&an* ana0 n* /)/ and dad 0). 9a&a( %ere /a*0apatid na an* t.rin*an. #ere 2a/il& 2riends. Na*0a +)&2riend si&a n.n. E=cept $arc.s R)vi>r( /er)n pan* isa. Si Sean. Si&a &.n* 2irst l)ve ni&a. #e %ere <.st nineteen that ti/e. :ra+e( %hen the& +rea0 .p. S.per depress si&a( %hen &). see her that ti/e( /aaa%a 0a tala*a sa0an&a. 9.n* an) &.n* na0ita /)n* reacti)n ni&a %hen her parents leave her( d).+le the thin* she did a2ter the +rea0 .p. She intend s.icide then( and a*ain( napi*ilan 0) si&a. Nan*a&a&at si&a n.n. !l/)st 2)r*et ever&thin* a+).t her career. Per) hindi na/an i&)n p./.t)0 sa sh)%+.siness. Pinala+as na/in na( she <.st ta0e a vacati)n s)/e%here( 0a&a( she never *et t) si*n a pr)<ect.8 8#h& did the& +rea0 .p,8 8#ell( its a+).t( third part&. Pl.s( Sean al%a&s h.rt 'a%n( n)t )nl& e/)ti)nall& +.t als) ph&sicall&. Sean %anted 'a%n's di*nit&( per)( a&a% ni&a. He +eat 'a%n /an& ti/es. She al%a&s c)/es t) /e late at ni*ht cr&in* at /a& /*a pasa. 9a&a i0a% Richard( %a* na %a* /) si&an* sasa0tan ha" 3a*)t 0a tala*a sa0in"8 89a&a na/an pala *an.n 0a 0a pr)tective sa0an&a.8 8E=actl&. Hindi natin ala/( +a0a /a.lit .lit &.n* *ina%a ni&a dati. 9a&a n*a( a&)0)n* nahihi%ala& &an sa0in. Na* aalala lan* a0).8 8')nt %)rr& Vivs( i %)nt d) that( especiall& n)%( na ala/ 0) na lahat.8 8Sana richard. ?.st ta0e care )2 her ha.8 8Yes I %ill. !n&%a&s. I'll *) h)/e na. :a+i na eh. !nd $a& sh))tin*( t)/)rr)%,8 8Yes. $at.l)* 0a na. !nd )ne /)re thin*. %a* /)n* sa+ihin 0a& 'a%n na sina+i 0) sa&) &.n...8 8N)( I %)nt. Sala/at vivs.8 -hen I drive h)/e... 89a&a pala... Hindi 0) si&a pa+a+a&aan.8 -HE NE@- '!Y... ['a%n's P.O.V. A&a%nA 8Ha&&"8 I stretched /& Hands and chec0 )n /& cl)c0. B:CC a/. Its t)) earl&... $!-D-D3O: N! S!N! !9O %hen Vivs entered /& r))/ 8')nt even thin0 a+).t *)in* +ac0 t) sleep $s. E.l.eta8

8Its t)) earl&...8 8N). $!Y SHOO-IN: N:!YON( pl.s( Y).r leadin* /an is %aitin* d)%nstairs. $!: Prepare 0a na.8 8Si Rich,8 8Dh.h"8 !:!' N!$!N !9ON: -D$!YO !- N!: !YOS S! S!RI3I. N!9!9!-D#! SIY!. Inl)ve N! -D3OY !9O S!9!NY!( !N' $!S 3!3O P!. Each da&( ever&da&. I *et dressed and 1D$!1! N!. I sa% Richard standin* and %aitin* 2)r /e... 8!N: !:!.8 8SYE$PRE( :DS-O 9O EH.8 8!N: 9D3I- $O"8 8HIN'I !9O $!9D3I-( I'/ <.st s%eet"8 8O0a&.8 I said la.*hin* 8Vivs( S!1!Y 9! S!$IN,8 Richard as0 8N)( !YO9ON: $!SIR! /)/ent NIYO.8 S!1!Y -!#! 8SI:E Vivs( S!3!$!-"8 Richard said %earin* his h.*e s/ile 8HOY" -!#! $O"8 8#!3! 3!N:. HEHE"8 8Y).r s) na.*ht&"8 I said pinchin* his n)se. 3D$!1!S N! 9!$I S! 1!H!Y and Richard started t) drive. PDROS 9!$I 9D3I-!N !nd 3a.*htrip. He's a cl)%n t) /e. 8Richard( #!: $O !9ON: S!N!YIN( 1!9! $!#!3! 9! 3!N: N: 9ON-IN: OR!S( H!N!P H!N!PIN N! 9I-!"8 8HIN'I N!$!N !9O -I-I:I3 S! P!:P!P!-!#! S!YO !- P!:$!$!H!3.8 8!N: 9ORNY $O -!3!:! 9!HI- 9E3!N"8 8#ait... I +et %ere 2)r*ettin* s)/ethin*.8 He said 8#hat is it,8 I as0. #!3! !9ON: I'E! 8O.r 'eal...8

8#as that even i/p)rtant,8 I as0 8O0a&( #e'll st)p it.8 8Ha&&&" S!3!$!- N!$!N. I <.st /issed spea0in* in En*lish.8 8Hep hep" Y). still are n)t all)%ed t) spea0 in En*lish( /issie"8 I slap hi/ pla&2.ll&... 8Y).re s) .n2air"8 8One slap( One 0iss...8 8#hat,"8 8One slap( &). )%e /e )ne 0iss.8 8N)" HIN'I P! N:! -!YO EH"8 81!S-!" -hats /& r.le.8 #!3! !9ON: -!9!S 'I-O. $!HI3I: P! N!$!N !9ON: $!N!$P!3( 9!HI- S! !NON: 1!:!Y. 9!Y!( Vivs( She reall& didnt %ant /e t) la.*h t)) /.ch )r cr&. I *ra+ his ph)ne t) chec0 it... 8He&" -hats /ine"8 8I 0n)%.8 8!9IN N! Y!N.8 8!YO9O"8 #hen I slide it. I sa% /& 2ace as a %allpaper. It %as %hen %ere at $aca*an*. #hen I'/ asleep... 8Y). t))0 a )2 /e,8 8Isnt it a+vi).s,8 8!r*h"8 I said. :DS-O 9O IFdelete 8')nt even thin0 a+).t it $s. E.l.eta"8 He *ra+ his ph)ne 2r)/ /& hand +e2)re I can delete the ph)t). He a.t)/aticall& place it inside his p)c0et. 8He&"8 He la.*h. He l))0 at /& 2ace /a0in* hi/ la.*h even /)re...

8#hats %ith the la.*h,8 I as0 8#hats %ith the 2ace.8 He said still la.*hin* I l))0 a%a& at the )ther directi)n. O.tside the car. #as a +ea.ti2.l scene. 1.ildin*s and pe)ple. I /issed Paris... 8I /iss ;rance.8 I said still l))0in* ).tside 8H/,8 He as0. I 2aced hi/ 8I <.st /iss ;rance.8 8Y).re <.st had a %ee0 here.8 8I d)nt /ean( *)in* +ac0 there s))ner. I <.st /iss the place and /& 2riends( /& career...8 8Y). have career N!$!N here 'I1!, Pl.s( &). have the /)st PO:I N! leadin* /an in the %)rld"8 8!N: Y!1!N: $O"8 8!nd I'/ l.c0& t) have a *)ddess leadin* lad&( s))ner t) +e *irl2riend and s))n t) +e $rs. :)/e4 here. #hat can I as0 2)r /)re.8 8!- N!$1O3! P!" !nd h)% are &).,8 8GCGH" !Y" -heres )ne thin* P! P!3!( I'/ as0in*...8 8#hat,8 8O.r )%n 1a+ies.8 He l))0 at /e and la.*h 8HOY" $r. :)/e4" !NON: 1a+ies,8 8Yes( a+).t GC 3ittle 'a%n and 3ittle Richard.8 8HIN'I 9I-! P!P!9!S!3!N"8 8Haha" ?.st 0iddin*" 9!HI- '!3!#! 3!N:. I'll +e the happiest pers)n in the %h)le %)rld.8 I s/iled at hi/... 8!nd I'll +e the happiest and l.c0iest %i2e and /)/ %hen it happens.8 I said in /& /ind I;!S- ;OR#!R'J KS! SE-K 8He& 'a%n( Richard. 9D$DS-! !N: S#I$$IN:,8 'ire0 as0

8O9!Y N!$!N PO 'IRE9. 1ic)l is *reat"8 I said 8#e'll( in +ehal2 )2 the teleser&e( %e'll *) sh)t S! 1ICO3.8 8Reall& dire0, I'/ ver& happ& t) hear that. Pl.s( the /a&)r %ill +e happ& t).8 8#e <.st need t) +e 2)r atleast. Has the LCH ratin* in the )verall teleser&e ran0 in the c).ntr&. P!R!( #e'll +e havin* ).r l)n*er epis)des. I <.st need &). t) d) all &).r +est in actin*.8 8#e %)nt let &). d)%n dire0.8 8'ire0( $ERON PO P!3! 9!$IN: '!3! 2)r all )2 &)..8 Richard said -hen( he hand the pili pr)d.cts t) dire0. 3D$!PI- N!$!N YDN: I1!N: $:! S-!;;S !N' S-!RS !N' :E- -HEIR SH!RES. I s/iled at hi/( he s/iled +ac0. !2ter that. #e d) ).r sh))tin* and has a happ& da& t)*ether %ith the sta22s and stars especiall&( hi/.

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