Synopsis 12

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SYNOPSIS (Chapter Twelve: Describing Each Other) [Richar !

s P"O"#"$ I a% c&rrentl' rea ing %' script ()r the ne*t ta+e" I l))+ ar)&n e*pecting t) see Dawn" ,n """ ,'&n- She!s having a chitchat with #ivs an )ther sta((s an )&r c).stars" The' were la&ghing an tal+ing" She!s s) per(ect" /er e'es0 n)se0 lips0 all )( the%" Even when she has this 1b&ngisngis1 (acial e*pressi)n0 she!s still re%ain attractive t) %e" She!s s) c&te an b&bbl'" 2a al al per) with a sense" ,n the %)re s&rprising is0 even a n)nsense t)pic will be re%ar+able an %e%)rable an start t) have a sense when she starte t) tal+ ab)&t it" This w)%an is ver' &ni3&e an """ 4ea&ti(&l" ,%a5ing- I cant e*plain it aga aga 0 ba+a0 we!ll ta+e the ne*t night t) e*plain all0 ,ll ab)&t her" She!ve g)t the s'%path' )( al%)st all the pe)ple she!s w)r+ing with" She!s (rien l'0 (&nn' an %)st )( all bea&ti(&l with)&t even tr'ing" She!s n)t b)ast(&l an pr)& an the best an %)st that I li+e ab)&t her is0 she!s n)t pic+'0 '&ng hin i %aarte +&ng baga" Si%pleng babae an that traits" That character is all I!% l))+ing ()r t) a w)%an" Si'a na talaga0 she!s the w)%an I wanna %arr'0 the w)%an I wante t) wait at the en )( the isle" The w)%an that!ll be the %)ther )( %' chil ren an the g)) wi(e )( %ine0 re%)ving the tire %)) (r)% w)r+" 6issing %e an ta+e awa' the ta%p&han an the ba vibes ar)&n " She l))+ at %' irecti)n" She ca&ght %e s%iling while staring at /er" She s%ile bac+" She starte t) wal+ t)war s %e" It was li+e0 I was %)ving )n earth with a sl)w %)ti)n" O&r w)rl " I cant resist th)se s%iles" She!s s) Da7% bea&ti(&l""" 1Richar """1 I still l))+ing at her" Na+alapit na si'a sa+in" I still have %' e'es gl&e )n her (ace""" 1Richar 0 an lali% ata ng iniisip %) ah-1 She seate besi e %e" I still l))+ing at her with)&t sa'ing an'thing" 2a'a %a'a0 she b&rst int) la&ghter0 nata&han na a+)""" 18h' are ')& la&ghing91 I as+ 1I+aw +asi eh- 8h' are ')& staring at %e li+e that- 2at&t&naw na a+) ni'an eh"1 Still la&ghing 1Sa gan a %) ba na%an +asing 'an- 8h) )n earth can resist that91 1,'an +a na na%an- Na%b)b)la-1 14a+it ba lagi %)ng sinasabi na na%b)b)la lang a+)91 12&+ha +a +asing cl)wn eh- /ahahaha-1 1Tawa +a i'an0 hali+an +ita eh-1 Natigil si'a 1an)91 1Sabi +)0 ang gan a %)"1

1S&s-1 1S)0 tap)s +a na i'an91 :))+ing at %' script 1,ct&all'0 hin i pa eh" T&l&ngan %) a+)"1 1/a9 Paan) na%an91 I h)l his b)th sh)&l ers" She l))+ at %e e'es wi en an s&rprise " 18hat!s this91 She as+ Instea )( answering it0 l&%apit a+) sa+an'a""" P&%i+it si'a" Na+a s%ir+ a+) at napa ngiti" 4in&l&ngan +) lang si'a""" 1Practice with %e"1 I sai be()re letting g)" 2in&lat na%an ni'a '&ng %ata ni'a" She slap %e sa %a' sh)&l er" 2asa+it ah0 in(airnes" Na+a+ata+)t na rin t)ng babaeng t)" 1,ra'- Para san '&n91 8hile %a+ing hi%as sa bras) +)" ,ng sa+it12asa+it ba91 She as+ w)rrie l' 1,ra''''''-1 ;%arte pa a+)" Tsa+a '&ng +iss +)" 2a%a'a nalang sa +)tse pag &wi (<:D=) 1S)rr'""" ,n +&lit %) +asi eh-1 /ini%as ni'a rin '&ng bras) +)" Nag ta%p) ta%p&han a+)" /ehe- Pa epe+ lang- >D" T&%ali+) a+) sa+an'a na parang nagtata%p)" 18&i- S)rr' na" ,n)ng gagawin +) para %a+abawi sa')" ,n'thing-1 /&%arap a+) sa+an'a" (Evil plan) 1an'thing91 I as+0 ?&st wanna %a+e s&re 1O)0 an'thing" 8ag +a nang %agta%p)"1 1Sige"""1 Then i p)&te 1/&h9 ,n) 'an91 [a@n: :A p) it) si %& ra naten"$ I p)&te again" This ti%e0 i p)int at %' lips" Para %a gets ni'a" ,t a'&n0 na gets ni'a ata" 1Nil)l)+) %) na na%an a+) eh-1 1Ehh- Sabi %) an'thing iba91 I sai 1/in i na%an gan&n" Iba nalang"1 1Ehh- Y&n ang g&st) +)-1 I sai with pac&te e((ect 1N)- Pag ta') na0 )) 0 Pwe e na" Per) nga')n0 wag na %&na" /&g na %&na"1 Then she

h&g %e 1,ng a'a- Sag&tin %) na a+) nga')n-1 12ag e(()rt +a %&na-1 She sai 1Sige t&l)'" Ililista +) 'an ah- Na+a isa na a+)"1 1/ala-1 1,n)ng hala-1 Then her ph)ne rang""" 1/ell) ,lice""" Talaga9""" Papas&n ) +a9""" Sig&ra ) +a""" Sige0 i!ll ?&st te*t ')& the a ress""" 2a%a'a na9""" Sige sige""" Ingat lang-""" O+a'0""" I!ll tell #ivs""" N) pr)ble%""" 4'e""""1 Then she r)p the call 1Its ,lice0 the )ne Na +in&went) +) sa')" Re%e%ber91 1,h0 'es""" ,n) aw sabi91 1She!ll be here b' %a%a'a"""1 1S&n &in natin91 18ag na aw" She can ta+e care )( it" ,(ter all0 %as %atagal na si'a it) than %e" 6a'a0 she!ll be alright" 14asta '&ng +iss +) ah91 /irit +) 1:)+) +a talaga-1 1I!% seri)&s"1 1O+a' )+a'" ,n 'an na si ire+ )h- 6anina +apa hinahanap" Y)&!ll ta+e na aw" Sige na0 g)"1 1O+a'0 2ag prepare +a na rin" 2a' scene +a pa ba91 1O)0 isa nalang" I alrea ' g)t the lines" 8ala na a+)ng pr)ble%a"1 1O+a'" Sige"""1 T&%a') na a+) 1"""4abali+ a+)"1 1O) na- Sige na"1 She sai s%iling I le(t her sa bench" 8hile %e t)gether with The little %ilissa an nathan an the Bane ta+e )&r sh))t" [Dawn!s P"O"#"$

/e alrea ' le(t %e an ta+e her sh))t with the )ther stars" 8hile %e0 I!% ?&st thin+ing ab)&t what he ?&st sai 6,NIN," The wa' he l))+ an stares at %e0 the wa' he tal+ t) %e" It was""" i((erent" /INDI 6O N, 2,INTINDI/,N TONA S,RI:I 6O" Richar %a+es %e 3&ite insane" /e alwa's r&ns thr)&gh %' %in 0 all a' l)ng" I cant ta+e a %in&te n)t t) l))+ at hi%0 N,2I2ISS 6O P,A /INDI 6O SIY, N,6I6IT," N,S,S,N,Y N, 6,SI ,6O that Richar was alwa's here besi e %e0 ta+ing care )( %e an I!% +in a scare """ 8hat i( he leave %e9 8hat i(0 he ) the sa%e thing that Sean an 2arc&s i t) %e9 8hat i(""" 8hat i("""" ,ish- Rachel0 ')&re being PR,NINA again" St)p thin+ing ab)&t it" I a% rea ' t) l)ve an be l)ve again" I a% n)t ?&st s&re i( 2,6,6,Y, 6O N,0 2,S,6T,N ;:IT" /INDI N,2,N ,T, Y;N A,A,8IN S,6IN NI Richar " /e )esnt ) an'thing that %a+e %e t&rne )(( N,2,N S,6,NY," ,n he )esnt sh)w an' %)tive P,R, :;2,YO ,6O S,6,NY," In(act0 he i things that %a+e %e %)re inl)ve with hi%" I cant help b&t s%ile""" 2)re e(()rts Richar 0 an I will be ')&rs""" 6ONTI N,:,NA""" 1/e' Dawn-1 It was #ivs 1Oh91 1Di ,lice0 alrea ' calle 91 1Yes0 6,NIN, :,NA" wh'91 1N,S, 4,/,Y N, D,8 SIY, E/" P;NT,/,N N,TIN" Dire+ Berr' t)l %e N,0 8,:, 6, N, D,8 I4,NA S/OOT" IS, N,:,NA"1 1Yes""" 8h'91 1O+a'0 I!ll g) an %a+e her S;NDO" 2,I8,N 6, N, DITO ,/- I!ll be bac+ with her )+a'91 1SIAE"""1 Then vivs le(t" She rive her car" I was still sitting""" 12s" Dawn"1 1Oh0 4,6IT91 16,YO N, PO"1 1SIAE"""1 I get &p an starte t) act" This is when E%il' )r E%ilia was tal+ing t) his (ather" NA,YON :,NA ,6O N,6, ECPERIENCE NA A,NITONA r)le" 6,Y,0 I was ver' e*cite t) tr' this )ne[a@n: na+ali%&tan +) p) '&ng %ga sinabi it) ni %& ra" /in i +) na p) t'.t'pe" 4ahala na

p) +a') %ag i%agine" /ehe-$ It was alrea ' DD:EF in the %)rning" S&per late na" I ()&n %'sel( Yawning while sitting )n a bench" That night was s) 2,:,2IA an &n()rt&natel'0 I!% n)t able t) bring %' ?ac+et )r an'thing" I!% ?&st h&gging %'sel(" 6,NIN, P, D;2,TINA SI:, ,lice t)gether with #ivs" 8e ) the chitchats an 6;:IT,N that was we never en?)' t)gether in a wee+" N,6,6,2ISS T,:,A, TONA SI ,lice- I %iss her teases )n %e" ,NO P, NA, 4, when she ()&n )&t that Richar was c)&rting %e" The %an wh)% she!s tal+ing ab)&t N, she has a cr&sh )n" 6,Y, :,NA0 P,R,NA A;2;/O ,NA 2;NDO NIY, when N,:,2,N NIY, N,0 /e was c)&rting %e" I als) tease her" I was h&gging %'sel( when NI:,PIT,N NIY, ,6O" /e p&t )n his ?ac+et )n %e""" 1Than+s-1 I sai s%iling at hi% 1,re ')& sleep'91 /e as+ 1N)"1 7'awn7 /e la&gh" 1Y)& reall' are n)t sleep'"1 Still la&ghing 1I!% ?&st""" Tire " /aving a a' with the tw)0 #ivs an :is0 was ver' (&n b&t tiring"1 1Ta+e a nap"1 /e sai while tapping his sh)&l ers" 1/&h9 DIY,N91 I as+ p)inting at his sh)&l er which he ?&st tappe 1Yes" /,:I6, N,"""1 /e h)l %' hea an %a+e it lean )n his sh)&l er" 1,re ')& s&re9 2,NA,:,Y Y,N"1 1Shh""" B&st ta+e a nap"1 S) I i """ [Richar !s P"O"#"$ she!s tr'ing t) av)i %' )((er b&t I p&lle her hea an %a+e it lean )n %' sh)&l er" 8ala na si'ang %agawa" She alrea ' (ell asleep" Napag) talaga +anina ahil sa +a a al al n&ng alawa pati na '&ng taping" 2ag hap)n si'ang nag tape" I p&t %' ar%s ar)&n her sh)&l er s&pp)rting her" It s) g)) t) have the w)%an ')& l)ve )n ')&r sh)&l er0 sleeping an (eeling c)%()rtable with ')&0 in ')&r han s" N)thing %)re can I as+" 2a'a %a'a0 %e ') na ngangala' na a+) +a'a0 I eci e t) %a+e her sleep sa lap +)" /er hea )n %' lap while her (eet &p" 2ahaba na%an '&ng bench +a'a0 she!s c)%()rtable na%an t) sleep there" I was l))+ing a her0 %' hea )wn" R&nning %' (ingers thr)&ght her ar+0 blac+ sh)&l er length with en c&rl a bit hair" I s& enl' s%ile" She!s s) inn)cent an has an angel (ace" /er e'es0 i wante +) +iss it" 4&t instea 0 i ?&st

+isse her ()rehea " Then s)%ething (lashe " Gr)% %' le(t si e" I l))+ at it" It was #ivs an the )thers" ,ll )( the% incl& ing ire+ an the sta((" The' all staring at &s as i( the' were watching a %)vie" , r)%antic %)vie" The' were all s%iling an +ini+ilig" I s%ile at the%" The )ther sta(( shrie+s that ca&se Dawn t) wa+e &p" /i%ala nga eh0 nagising si'a b' that shrie+0 per) pag ginising %)0 hin i na%an nagising" Napab&hat si'a an stares at the sta((""" 14a+it91 She as+ She l))+ at %e li+e as+ing0 !wh' are the' staring! I ?&st s%ile """ S)%e)ne (r)% the sta(( sh)&te """ 1,ng sweet- Tal) pa ang Twilight-1 Dawn bl&she an l))+ )wn" I raise her (ace b' the chin" She!s still bl&shing""" That ca&se the cr)w shrie+ an +iligin even %)re" I h&g her" Then the sta(( i nt st)p t) ta+e pict&res )( &s" N)w she!s la&ghing" 1Para +a')ng %ga ewan- /aha-1 She sai 1Per)0 a%inin- 6inilig si'a-1 ,lice tease 1Che- Ewan +) sa')-1 1O+a' g&'s- A) bac+ t) w)r+" The %)vie is )ver" C!%)n c!%)n-1 Dire+ Berr' sai an nilapitan +a%i""" 1I want t) see that in %' teleser'e"1 Then he le(t &s I l))+ at her with a s%ile""" She s%ile bac+""" 1Narinig %) na%an ata si ire+"""1 1Direts&hin %) na a+) Richar """1 1That %eans0 we sh)&l alwa's li+e that1 1:i+e what91 She as+" /ere she g)es again0 being an :A 1:i+e that" That0 %eans0 being sweet an """1 1I+aw ha- Y)&re ta+ing a vantage na-1 1N) I!% n)t- 4a+a i+aw lang 'an" A&st) %) lang a+)ng %a.tantchingan" /ahahaha-1 16apal net)-1 Slapping %' sh)&l er0 per) %ahina lang 1Y)& cant ) an'thing""" Dire+ pers)nall' sai that0 we sh)&l alwa's be sweet-1 1Dire+ sai 0 he wants &s t) ) the T/INA )n his teleser'e an that %eans0 NOT all the

ti%e- Swerte +a-1 1O+a' )+a'" Per)0 +&ng g&st) %)0 )+a' na%an sa+in na tanchingin %)"1 1I w)&l n)t ) that-1 18eh9 8ell0 lets see- /aha-1 16apal %) talaga-1 She slap %' sh)&l er again0 the sa%e where she slappe %e tw) ti%es +anina 1Arabe +a na%an %a+a sa%pal" :a%)g na bras) +)"1 1/ahaha- S)rr'- Na+a+agigil 6a +asi-1 She sai pinching %' n)se 1,ra'- Pati ba na%an il)ng +)9 2aawa +a-1 I sai 1Para +ang baliw-1 1A&'s- Can I have ')&r attenti)n please-1 Dire+ Berr' sai " 8e l))+ at hi% an listen""" 18e cant g) h)%e nga')n" ,n ')& +n)w that0 we )nt have )&r tents here +asi hin i na+a rea '" Y)& +n)w na%an na we alwa's g) h)%e a(ter the sh))t +a'a0 hin i na ta') nagpalaga'" Nga')n lang na%an t)ng gabi" B&st sta' where ')& are0 ')& can ta+e a nap while we were having this" 8e have0 +)nting pr)ble%a lang na%an" Y)& als) have ')&r cars right9 Pwe e +a')ng %at&l)g while waiting" Than+ ')& g&'s-1 Dire+ Berr' sai I l))+ at her again" She was chec+ing her wrist watch" I chec+ %ine t))" Its!s H:IE a"%" palang" This is a l)ng ti%e chatting in""" 1,las )s palang )h" /in i +a na %at&t&l)g &lit91 I as+ her 1S) %&ch I l)ve t) +a'a lang0 I cant"""1 1/ali+a"""1 8hile tapping %' sh)&l er 1Richar 0 wag na" Na+a+ahi'a na sa')" Tsa+a ')& +n)w0 pe)ple here were s) %alici)&s" 6&ng an) an) nalang iniisip"1 1Y)& let the%" I l)ve that t))"1 1Isa +a pa eh-1 She pich %' n)se again 1S)bra +a na ha-1 I stan &p an chase her a(ter she r&n awa'" She was la&ghing an la&ghing an I (in it c&te" Napansin na%an +a%i n&ng ibang sta((" The're all l))+ing at &s" /in i na%an na%i% sila pinansin" 8e +eep )n chasing each )ther"""

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