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SYNOPSIS (Chapter Thirteen: Officially Yours) [Dawn's P O !

" Its #een a wee$ since we ha%e our o%erni&ht stay in the set Its #een also a %ery #usy wee$ for all of us In a few 'ays the show will start an' it will #e( seriously( a %ery #usy )onths *n' this ti)e( no trippin&s an' no swi))in& +oo' thin& there still chocolate ca$es an' #on'in&s ,ichar' an' I were #eco)e #est of frien's since( we were to&ether in two wee$s an' ha%in& #on'in&s an' co)e o%ers I spen' al)ost )y 'ay with hi) which soun's unfair to !i%s an' *lice which were )y chil'hoo' #estfrien's They were teasin& )e all the ti)e since they were with )e in the sa)e house -You $now Dawn( ,ichar' is the &uy that really suits you - I loo$ at *lice whose tal$in& .e were at the %eran'a tal$in& an' ha%in& our col' 'rin$s while I /a%e )y re' wine -.hat0 1*T N*2*N N*S*2* Y*N S* 3S*P*N0- I sai' ha%in& the wine - /*45,06 1ut( seriously sis( Dont )a$e a wron& )o%e on hi) .*+ 2O N* P*7*.*4*N /e's tall( 'ar$ an' han'so)e( e%ery wo)an's 'rea) ,ich( fa)ous( $in' an' all Dont ta$e a wron& )o%e on loosin& hi) - !i%s a''e' -!i% is ri&ht 2*D*2IN+ 1*1*5N+ N*+7*7*ND*,* P* 7*Y ,ichar' 1*/*4* 7*6 1*7* 2**+*.*N 7* -O$ay o$ay /e's courtin& )e N+* DI1*0 I let hi) an' that )eans( S*S*+3TIN 7O SIY* -You )ean0 You li$e hi) #ac$0- !i%s as$ -You say 4O!5 hi) #ac$ - *lice a''e'

-*N+ 73734IT NIYO T*4*+* So)eti)es it )a$es )e won'er( P**NO 7O 7*YO N*+IN+ 7*I1I+*N0 /INDI N*2*N *7O 7*4O+ - *lice cut )e off -/OY6 58cuse us 2s Taleon6 I7*. N+* TON+ PIN*7*1*4I. o%er us three Yes( you were the silent one( P5,O( You are the )ost terror - She sai' lau&hin& -*r&h6 You cau&ht )e off9&uar'6- I sai' with a sarcastic %oice -Ow6 C')on Taleon6- *lice sai' I :ust lau&h at the) -P5,O( 1*+*Y 7*YO Taleon You #oth were Chil'ish6- *lice sai' 1efore I coul' say anythin& ;rin& rin&; -*Y*N N* Y3N+ Prince Char)in&- i :ust &lare' at the) while they lau&h I answer the

call -/ello0 ,ichar'0- I starte' the con%o -3h) Dawn( this is Pia( ,ichar''s 2ana&er -

-*NO PON+ P,O1452*0-,ichar' here( *N+ T**S N+ 4*+N*T NIY* -1*7IT PO0- I as$ worrie'ly -/e is 'run$ 5/ Coul' you please co)e o%er0 *Y*. 7*SIN+ S323NOD S*7IN I thin$ you can )a$e hi) -N*S**N PO SIY* N+*YON0-/e's here at his con'o -SI+5 PO I') on )y way S*4*2*T -Than$ you Dawn #ye - Then we 'rop the call I loo$ at the two -Can you -No I7*. *N+ 7*I4*N+*N NIY*( /INDI 7*2I -

-1ut -You can 'ri%e- %i%s sai' I s)ell so)ethin& fishy *Y*. NIY* N+* *7O IP*9'ri%e N+ car then now( SIY* P* *N+ P32IPI4IT P*,*N+ PIN*P*4*Y*S N* *7O -O$ay - I left the) at the %eran'a an' i prepare )yself I ta$e )y shower an' wear )y +ucci flats( 4e%i's :eans( a si)ple shirt fro) Penshoppe an' )y fa% Chanel slin& #a& I hurrie'ly &ra# )y $eys an' hop in the car I was worrie'ly 'ri%e the car P*,*N+ P*4IP*,IN 7O N* Y3N+ 7OTS5 S* 1I4IS -,ichar'( what the hec$ are you thin$in&6- I sai' while 'ri%in& /e has a alchohol reaction after 'rin$in& too )uch 7*Y*( I') %ery worrie' ri&ht now The hell this ,ichar' were thin$in&6 /ow co)e he &et 'run$0 *NON+ P,O1452*0 *fter the short 'ri%e that )a'e )ore shorter after hurryin&( I arri%e at his con'o unit an' -.hy is this 'oor open0- I as$ *n' &uess what0 Its %ery 'ar$ insi'e 1*T .*4*N+ 73,Y5NT50 N*P3T34*N0 /INDI N*2*N SI+3,O( 2*Y*2*N Y3N 5/ I :ust &et insi'e the 'ar$ roo) I &ra# )y phone fro) )y slin& #a& an' use it as a li&ht to )y trac$ 1ut thats not enou&h I still cant see it I can feel s)ooth T/IN+S fro) the floor .hat the0

-*ny#o'y0 ,ichar'0 You here0 Pia0- I sai' #ut no response The 'oor close' I was shoc$6 I try to open the 'oor 1ut I cant -,ichar'( *NO N* N*2*N TO0- I as$ #ut scare' Yes( I') scare' of the 'ar$ -,ichar'( N*T*T*7OT N* *7O Da;n6- I sai' Then the li&hts went open I cant #arely see all N*P*7*4I.*N*+ 2*Y* 2*Y*( N*7* ,eco%er N* Y3N+ 2*T* 7O fro) the stron& li&ht I open )y eyes slowly I saw ,ichar'( $neelin& infront of )e /e has )y han'

-2arie ,achel Sal)an Taleon( can you #e )y &irlfrien'0- /e as$ I loo$ aroun' !i%s an' *lice was there 2s Pia( our co9stars( the %eteran actresses( 'ire$ an' e%en Tita Charo 5%en our #a#ies They were all s)ilin& at )e I loo$ at ,ichar' a&ain which is still( $neelin& -2s Dawn <ulueta( can you #e )y &irlfrien'0- /e as$ a&ain Now )y tears #e&un to fall -Yes Yes 2r ,ichar' +o)e=6- Then he stan' up an' hu& )e I hu& hi) #ac$ The people starte' applau'in& I was wearin& a hu&e s)ile /e &et off the hu& an' wipe )y tears with his thu)# There was a party at his place The others were 'ancin& an' sin&in& The others N*2*N were eatin& an' ha%in& their wines They all ha%e the &reat ti)e 5specially )e .e two were sitin& at the couch I a) ha%in& )y wine an' he too -7*. T*4*+*6 7INONC/*1* 2O P* Y3N+ 2+* T*O DIN*2*Y 2O P* SI TIT* Charo -*re you happy0- /e as$ -So )uch than you thin$ I a) You0-So )uch - /e sai' i s)ile -Dawn -/))0-Than$ you ->or what0-5TO S* P*+ S*+OT 2O S*7IN -2*S*Y* N*2*N *7O 5/ TS*7* -/a0 NO 34IT Y3N0+3STO 7IT* -

-S*1I 7O( +3STO 7IT* -DI 7O 2*,INI+0-I 4O!5 YO3 2r +o)e=6- I shoute' I cau&ht the attention of all They starte' to say 'wuiiiiii6 *N+ S.55T NI4*6' /e lau&h I slap his face playfully /e loo$ at )e -2*Y 3T*N+ 7* P*4* S*7IN - /e sai' -.hat0 754*N0 /INDI N*2*N */ /e poute' -Y3N+ 7ISS 7O -I7*. T*4*+*6/e poute' a&ain I pinch is lips P5,O 2*/IN* 4*N+ N*2*N -Oh( *Y*N N* - I sai' -5hhh6 *N+ D*Y* N*2*N 5/6 You as$ for it6- I lau&h at hi) /e cup )y face with his #oth han's 2y eyes wi'en /e $isse' )e6 I close' )y eyes an' response to his $isses So)ethin& flashe' It was !i%s that too$ a picture of us( $issin&6 -!i%ian ,ecio6- I sai' !i%s an' the other lau&hs inclu'in& ,ichar' I pinch his nose -*ray6- /e sai' in pain /*1*N+ /*.*7 /*.*7 NIY* Y3N+ I4ON+ NIY* -You as$ for it - I sai' with a )anly %oice than lau&h [,ichar''s P O ! " Na$auwi na yun& i#a They left us two here sa con'o $o Para 'aw )a$apa& solo $a)i She's still lau&hin& after She pinch )y nose 2ahili& 'in siyan& )an&urot Nan&&i&i&il tuloy a$o sa &irlfrien' $on& to6 5to na)an $asin& si !i%s pinictur9an pa6 Ilon& $o pa tuloy na pa& 'is$itahan This is :ust the )ost an' the #est 'ay of )y life Than$ +o' pu)aya& siya I will ne%er lea%e this wo)an I'll )arry this wo)an /in'i $o )aintin'ihan $un& ano an& )a&i&in& reaction $o She's :ust so perfect That '#un&isn&is' face which I lo%e the )ost( the way she lau&h( s)ile an' e%en pout She's )y 'rea)( all )an's 'rea) -2r +o)e=6 1a$it natahi)i$ $a 'iyan0 Pa n&iti n&iti $a pa ano yan0I s)ile -)apasa&ot $o #a na)an an& pina$a)a&an'an& #a#ae sa )un'o0-Sus6 *yan $a na na)an -

-.hat0 I') tellin& the truth an' only the truth 4o%e -*t saan na)an &alin& yan& 4o%e na yan0-Its )y feelin&s for you-O$ay #a#e -1a#e0-*y6 *yaw )o0- She poute' -/in'i na)an i lo%e it *n' woul' you please stop poutin&0-.hy0 She poute' a&ain I 'i'nt say a wor' I :ust $iss her a&ain It ta$es a )inute -So#ra na ha6- I $iss her a&ain -,ich ;$iss; -2r +o ;$iss; -*yo$ ;$iss; -Say one )ore thin& 2rs +o)e= an' I'll rape you6- I warn her She :ust loo$ at )e Sha$in& her hea' li$e a chil' /aha6 You shoul''%e seen her face6 She's li$e a #a#y -/aha6 ?o$e lan& I wont 'o that #ecause i respect you( an' I lo%e you -.alan& hiya $a6- She sai' while lau&hin& /ours pass @A:BC p)

She's 'run$ She was :ust lau&hin& an' lau&hin& while tellin& her stories -1a#e( tulo& na tayo Ta)a na yan - I sai' -Si&e si&e - She sai' I carry her with a couples carry an' ipinaso$ sa $warto $o I slowly lay her sa $a)a I re)o%e her shoes an' $inu)utan I on the aircon para co)forta#le siya I $isse' her forehea' #efore lea%in& Yes( lu)a#as a$o at natulo& sa sofa /in'i $o siya pwe'en& ta#ihan *yo$o( #a$a $un& ano pan& )a&awa $o 'un *n' I respect her I

cleane' up the roo) It ta$es an hour #efore I finish it an' after that Natulo& na a$o

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