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SYNOPSIS (Chapter Fourteen: Sweetness (Officially Yours)) [Dawn's P O !

" #yawn# Its $ornin% I chec& the ti$e ':() a$ *reat+ ,he shootin% will -e on .:// Shoot+ I hurrie0ly %et up -ut $y hea0 aches I $assa%e $y te$ple with $y left han0 ,his was -ecause of too $uch alchohol last ni%ht 1ut when I re$e$-er the happenin%s last ni%ht2 I cant help to s$ile It was %reat2 the $ost won0erful ti$e 3 $an I lo4e confesses to $e an0 the ni%ht that I -eca$e officially his 5hat a won0erful an0 $a%ical ti$e 5hile I'$ re$iniscin% the $o$ent last ni%ht2 the 0oor open 6ichar0 oh+ I re$e$-er2 I'$ in his con0o I loo& at its 0irection It was

7I -rou%ht you -rea&fast in -e0 7 8e sai0 with a s$ile carryin% the tray I s$ile -ac& 75hat is that97 I as& s$ilin% 7 I &now you'll li&e this 7 ,hen he place the tray on the -e0 It has its co4er 7:3Y N3;3;3:3N <3 P3N* *3NY3N+7 I sai0 8e unco4er the plate 5ow+

7,en0erloin+ I lo4e this+ ,han& you+7 5ithout loo&in% at hi$ *o0+ I'$ star4in%+ 7Youre for%ettin% so$ethin% ;o4e 7 8e sai0 I ta&e a -ite on the ten0erloin an0 loo& at hi$ 75hat is it97 I as& 7:y $ornin% &iss 7 8e sai0 poutin% 78$$ 7 ,hen I &iss hi$ in the chee& I continue eatin% the ten0erloin 73N* D3Y3 N3:3N+ *=S,O <O DI,O 7 8e sai0 poutin% a%ain ,=:353 ;3N* 3<O 7OO N3 7 ,hen I &iss hi$ s$ac& on the lips 7Satisfie097 7Yes+7 8e sai0 7<=:3IN <3 N397 I as& hi$ 78INDI P3 >82 can I eat you97 8e sai0 7C8>+7

8e ?ust lau%h while I continues eatin% 8e's starin% at $e while I eat She's s$ilin% 7I'$ finish+ I'll ?ust ta&e $y shower *osh+ I for%ot the tapin% 7 7*o ahea0 I'll follow 7 8e sai0 with a &iller s$ile 73NON* I'll follow9 No+7 ,hen I enter the Shower roo$ I ha0 $y clothes off an0 starte0 to ta&e a shower I loo& at his soap stan0 75ow+ 8e's usin% 0o4e9 O<3Y N3 DIN ,O 7 I too& the soap ,he sha$poo It was Clear I'$ usin% ,rese$$@ -ut2 >,O ;3N* N3NDI,O O&ay N3 ,O after I ta&e $y shower 7Oh :y *osh+7 *reat+ I for%ot2 I 0ont ha4e $y towel an0 $y clothes Sheesh+ ,he hec&9+ P33NO N3 ,O+ 76ichar02 -a-e are you there97 I shoute0 fro$ the shower roo$ 7Yes ;o4e97 ,he shoute0 -ac& 7I 0ont ha4e $y clothes Do you ha4e anythin% to spare97 7I ha4e $y shirt here 1ut its &in0a hu%e 8INDI <O 3;3: <=N* :3*<3<3SY3 S3YO 7 7,hats o&ay Can you please 7 7O&ay+ Aust wait there 7 7,han& you+7 So I waite0 a few $inutes #&noc& &noc&# I open the 0oor 7P5>D> N3 13 ,O97 8e as& showin% the hu%e white shirt 7Yeah 7 I %ra- it an0 close the 0oor e$$e0iately I wear $y ol0 ones an0 the shirt It is an inch a-o4e $y &nee P5>D> N3 6IN ;=:313S 3<O S3 S8O5>6 6OO: an0 I saw hi$ stan0in% 8e loo& at $e 7O&ay ;3N* 1397 I as& loo&in% at $yself 7Yeah 3re you co$forta-le with it97 8e as& 78onestly2 no 7 7,hat's o&ay I wont ta&e a04anta%e7 he sai0 s$ilin% 7,han&s+7 I s$ile

7So 7 783,ID :O <O S3 1383Y 1efore we %o to the set 7 7SI*> ;et's %o 7 8e %ra- $y han0 an0 %o to the car 8e 0ri4e [6ichar0's P O ! " 5hile I a$ 0ri4in%2 she's loo&in% outsi0e2 hin0i &o na$an na -iBnother I &now she's unco$forta-le with the hu%e shirt She only has this un0er%ar$ents un0er that shirt I continue to 0ri4e to her ho$e 7!i4s+7 She calle0 75ait lan% 7 I open the 0oor 1u&as na$an pala Pu$aso& na siyan% una at pati a&o Naupo na&an% a&o sa couch 75ait for $e here I'll ?ust chan%e 7 I no00e0 I saw an ol0 s&etchin% pa0 un0er the %lass center ta-le I %et curious &aya &inuha &o I scan it It has a 0ress 0esi%ns2 heels an0 -a%s I 0i0 &now that her $o$ was a 0esi%ner -ut I 0i0nt &now she's into this I scan it a%ain =ntil I arri4e at the last pa%e It has a %own2 a we00in% %own to -e eCact an0 sa li&o0 niya $ay na&asulat na ':y Drea$ *own' then si%ne0 -y her It also has a 0ate It was when she was D/ ,en years a%o It was written on :arch E which is her -irth0ay Si%uro2 a&ala niya2 hin0i na siya $a&a&a asawa She's super wor&aholic &asi 3yan tuloy Nawalan n% ti$e para sa sarili =nli&e $e >4en I'$ a -usy person2 I still $ana%e to ha4e %irlfrien0s Pero2 an0ito na$an na a&o I 0eci0e0 to tear the pa%e an0 put it on on $y poc&et 8in0i na$an &asi siya %anun &ala&in% s&etchin% pa0 I ?ust fol0 it an0 %o I also place the s&etchin% pa0 un0er the %lass ta-le :aya $aya an0yan na siya She's wearin% a si$ple i4oryBcolor -louse that ?ust li&e her s&intone She also has a s&inny ?eans an0 flats an0 a ponytaile0 hair 7Youre -eautiful 7 Shes ?ust so si$ple I open the 0oor an0 lea0 her sa &otse I also open the 0oor for her Sye$pre2 %entle$an 3n0 we 0ri4e to the set 3, ,8> S>, I open the 0oor's car for her an0 inalalayan 0in siya pa-a-a I put $y ar$s aroun0 her sli$ waist an0 na%la&a0 papunta sa tent Yes2 $eron na &a$in% tent 75ui+ 3n0 sweet nila+7 ,he staff tease I ?ust s$ile at the$ Para &a$in% na%lala&a0 na prinsesa at prinsipe Na $alapit nan% i&asal 5hen I loo& at her face2 she's -lushin% 8alatan% halata pa na$an 0ahil sa &aputian niya Isinu0so0 niya yun% face niya sa chest &o while were wal&in% Nahihiya

siya eh 5hile the staffs &eep on teasin% us with 'an% sweet+' 75ui wui+ ,a$a na yan Nahihiya na si :rs *o$eF7 i sai0 to the staffs who tease0 us Dawn loo& at $e an0 %i4e $e a %lare 75hy9 Dun 0in na$an yun papunta 0i-a97 I sai0 7>wan &o sayo+ Dun na tayo sa tent 1a&a su$a-o% pa a&o 0ito sa hiya 7 73y9 <ina&ahiya $o a&o97 I sai0 with ta$po 4oice 78in0i na$an sa %anun2 &aya 7 I cut her off 78$$+ <ina&ahiya $o a&o+7 78in0i na$an yun2 sorry+7 Still hin0i &o siya pinansin 78$$+ 8ali&a n%a 0ito ,a$po na na$an an% -a-e &o 7 She sai0 $a&in% $e face her I still ha4e the -usan%ot face 7Oh2 -at -a %anyan $u&ha $o 0i &o na $aipinta 7 I still 0i0nt answer She stan0 up an0 %ra- $y han0 She 0ra% $e put of the tent an0 stop where the staff were She calle0 their attention 7Staffs an0 coBstars2 I'$ here to tell you all na hin0i &o i&ina&ahiya iton% %wapo &on% -oyfrien0 na si :r *o$eF 7 3fter that2 she cup $y han0 with her -oth han0s an0 She &iss $e I slowly put $y han0 aroun0 her waist an0 her ar$s aroun0 $y nec& Our eyes close0 ,he &iss laste0 for (/ secon0s 5hen I open $y eyes2 I saw her s$ilin% at $e 5hile the staffs re$ain silent 7You -elie4e $e now97 She as& I ?ust s$ile at her an0 hu% her ,he staffs -e%un to cheer -ut it was li&e2 we ha4e our own worl0 Feels li&e were 0ancin% an0 sin%in% 3n0 3n0 I cant eCplain it+ 7I ;o4e you :r *o$eF 7 She sai0 7I lo4e you too :rs *o$eF 7 5e hu%

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