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SYNOPSIS (Chapter Nineteen: A Night With Each Other) [a/n: this is rated SPG, Strict Parental G idance, !

a" c#ntain lang ages and scenes that $as n#t s ita%le &#r "# ng readers' Str#ng G idance is Ad(iced') [*a$n+s P'O',') I sl#$l" #pen !" e"es' I still &eel the pain &r#! !" $rist' I &# nd !"sel& l"ing #n the c# ch' I l##- ar# nd' I $as inside # r tent' .:/0 a!' Napa p# a-# ca sed $hen naalala -# na I $as in the !iddle #& # r sh##t' I h rried" ha(e !"sel& prepared and l !a%as ng tent' All I see is pe#ple ha(ing their acts and ca!eras ar# nd' I l##- &#r 1ichard ar# nd, l c-il" I &# nd hi!' 2e $as $ith #ne #& the sta&&s and $ith C#c#' Nilapitan -# and p#-e 1ichard+s sh# lder''' 3Oh, he"4 Gising -a na53 3Yep'3 I said' 2e e6c sed hi!sel& &r#! C#c#, then he lea(e' 32#$ $as "# r $rist53 2e gra% !" $rist and chec- #n it 3It $as %etter, n#$'3 37h!''' 1ichard53 3Yes53 3I $anna g# h#!e na sana' Can "# !a-e !e hatid53 3S re 8#(e' I+ll 9 st as- dire-, i& $e still ha(e s#!e scenes'3 We %#th as- dire- i& $e still ha(e # r sh##ts' 8 c-il", $ala na!an na' S# $e ha(e # r g##d%"es t# # r c#:stars and sta&&s' We se his car dri(ing it''' ;A< <2E CA1; A &e$ !in tes $hen $e $ere at the car, the silence ta-es #(er' N# #nes a%le t# start the c#n(ersati#n' Were r n # t #& t#pics' 2e #pen the radi# and the s#ng <he $a" Y# 8##- At =e #& Christian >a tista $as pla"ed''' It $as act all", 9 st pla"ed %" a &e$ !in tes s# $ere a%le t# listen the start #& the s#ng''' 2e started t# h ! the s#ng''' While I 9 st s!ile p#n hearing hi!''' CA7SE <2E1ES SO=E<2ING IN <2E WAY YO7 8OO? A< =E''' the ti!e $hen I $as l##-ing at hi!, the line he sings $ith he+s &acing !e $ith a s!ile''' I@ I< IS =Y 2EA1< ?NOWS, YO71E <2E =ISSING PIECE' I =A?E YO7 >E8IE,E I@

<2E1ES NO<2ING IN <2IS WO18* I CO78* >E' I NE,E1 ?NEW YO7+8 SEE' CA7SE <2E1ES SO=E<2ING IN <2E WAY, YO7 8OO? A< =E''' =" s!ile %eca!e a la gh' <he $a" he l##-s at !e' <he $a" he sing that s#ng &#r !e, It !a-es !e happ" and #(er$hel!ing' We $ere la ghing and ha(ing # r s# ndtrips #n # r $a" h#!e' Pla"ing # r &a(#rite s#ngs #n the radi#' 2e d# all the dri(ing $hile I d# a l#t #& dancing $ith !" hands high and $a(ing it' A&ter a hal& h# r #& dri(ing, at last $e arri(e' It $as alread" A:.B a! since $e le&t at &# r' 3<han-s &#r the ride %a%e'3 I said -issing hi! at the chee-' I $as a%# t t# g# p and ta-e !" sleep $hen he sat d#$n #n the c# ch' I st#p' 3Are "# n#t''' G#ing "et53 I as3A"4 Pinapaalis !# na -#53 2e said $hile p# ting his lips 3N#, n#t that' What I !ean, arent "# g#ing h#!e5 It alread" !ag !an lang %a !at t l#g53 !aga #h5 2indi -a

3Edi, dit# nalang a-# !at t l#g' 3 he said l"ing #n the c# ch' I sha-e !" head $ith a s!ile and tataas na sana''' 38#(e43 It !ade !e t rn 3Oh5 ?ala -# %a !at t l#g na53 3Eh, hindi a-# !a-a-at l#g pag $ala -a'3 3Andit# na!an a-# ah4 I a! 9 st p here' C st call !e i& "# need s#!ething'''3 I t rned and started t# $al- again $hen he called !e , AGAIN''' 38#(e43 3An#53 I as- $ith !ed"# irritated (#ice 3Sa%i !#,call "# i& I need s#!ething'3 3What is it53 2e didnt repl"' Instead, he tap his lap' 3What53 I as-' I didnt get it 2e tap it again'''

3An# %a -asi "an53 3A" ang 8G talaga4 7p# -a'3 <ap his lap again 3Nagpata$a -a %a5 =at t l#g na -#'3 3Eh di, dit# -a nalang !at l#g'3 3What54 Pan#53 32ali-a nga -asi'3 I sigh' > !a%a lit a-# and ! p# sa lap ni"a, as he instr cted' 2e $rap his ar!s ar# nd !" $aist c asing !e t# %e cl#ser t# hi!' 3What is it53 3<a-e a sleep'3 32a5 Paan#'''3 3Cl#se "# r e"es'''3 I did' 2e !a-e !" head lean sa !a" sh# lder ni"a' 2e r n his &ingers thr# gh !" hair' 2e started t# h !' I la gh s#&tl" % t I ne(er -ne$ that he -n#$ I+! still a$a-e and la ghing''' 3>at -a %a t !ata$a53 I st#p' And &ell int# a deep sleep [1ichard+s P'O',') I h ! a s#ng $hile %r shing her hair $ith !" &ingers' I can &eel she alread" asleep -asi !ed"# !a%igat na " ng -ata$an ni"a' I lean at the c# ch and tinaas " ng paa -#' (P#siti#n: l"ing at the c# ch $hile *a$n $as #n hi!' Na-atagilid lang si"a sa-an"a and her right hand #n his chest' 2e has his right hand na!an ar# nd her $aist, para hindi si"a !ah l#g) I -issed her %" the hair and als# ta-e !" sleep' [third pers#n) /:BB''' *a$n !#(ed a %it and h g hi! e(en !#re' /:.B''' She !#(ed again and this ti!e, na-adapa na si"a #n hi!''' 0:BB''' 2e h g her $ith his right ar! ar# nd her $aist parin and the le&t hand #n her %ac-

D:BB''' 2e "a$n''' 2e realise na na-adapa na pala ang girl&riend ni"a sa-an"a' 2e s!iled' 2e gentl" t# ch her hair and s!ell it then ta-e a -iss''' [1ichard+s P'O',') It $as alread" !#rning' =ali$anag na sa la%as' I &eel the light #& the s n &r#! an #pen $ind#$ str c-ing !" &ace' I #pen the e"es, realising she $as a%#(e !e, na na-adapa' I gentl" t# ch her hair and s!ell then -iss it' She !#(e a %it % t she didnt still a$a-e' I tried t# $a-e her !" sha-ing her na r %%ing her s-in''' 3*a$n, l#(e''' Gising na''''3 I said al!#st $hispering #n her Esha-eE 38#(e'''3 Esha-eE 3Ah, a"a$ !#ng g !ising ah'3 I -iss her chee-s' 32!!'''3 She 9 st s# nds li-e that 3A" ang - lit talaga ng l#(e -#'''3 Ets pE I -iss her %" the lips $ith a s!ac-''' *i parin nagising' I -iss her #n the lips % t this ti!e, $ith a t#rrid #ne' At &irst, she didnt resp#nse per# n ng nagtagal' Nag resp#nse na din si"a''' 3Gising na'''3 I said %et$een # r -isses' <hen she st#p -issing !e % t still has # r lips t#gether and she #pen her e"es' =a"a !a"a, l !a-i " ng !ga !ata ni"a' < !a"# si"a %igla and ina"#s " ng da!it ni"a''' 3W:$hat are ":"# d#ing53 She said sta!!ering [*a$n+s P'O',') 32indi -ita -a"ang pa-a$alang 1ichard, hindi43

3> t "# ha(e t#, l#(e'3 3N#43 I said h gging hi! 3Please d#nt lea(e !e' I pr#!ise t# l#(e "# &#re(er' C st d#nt lea(e !e'3 3Shh'''3 I get #&& &r#! the h g 3Aalis -a pa %a53 2e sha-e his head''' 3Yes l#(e' I need t#' Para saatin t#'3 3P:per#'''3 38#(e, please' 7nderstand !e'3 3Yes''' Naiintindihan -ita'''3 <hen $e -iss''' 3Gising na'3 S#!e#ne+s (#ice tter and d !ilat a-#' I #pen !" e"es and $iden $hen I realise that I $as -issing hi!' Napata"# a-# -aagad and ina"#s " ng da!it -#''' 3W:$hat are ":"# d#ing'3 I said sta!!ering 2e s!iled' 3G##d !#rning43 2e greeted I pinch his n#se''' 3G##d !#rning -a di"an' >a-it !# -# hinali-an53 32a5 2indi ah43 2e denied 3Eh4 An# %a53 2e la gh 3-asi hindi -a nagising' At, %a-it -a pala nai"a-53 32a53 I as- $iping #&& !" tears %" !" pal! 32indi ah43 I added 32indi da$'3 32indi nga4 Ang- lit53 3Wait43 2e said' 2e st##d p and t# ch !" &#rehead $ith the %ac- #& his hand' 3Oh5 An# "an53

3Wala -a %ang narara!da!ang sa-it5 Or !ala!ig %a pa-ira!da! !#5 Or $hat53 32 h5 >a-it53 32e d#ct#r said, na !a" %ig p#ssi%ilit" da$ na !ag-alagnat -a -aga%i'3 3S s4 A-#5 =ag-a-asa-it5 N# $a"4 =ala-as ata a-#43 3Ang "a%ang !#4 Patpatin -a nga'''3 32#i4 E6c se !e p#4 An#ng patpatin5 Se6" a-# n#43 3Ang la-as na!an ng sel& c#n&idence !#43 I p# ted 3hindi %a53 3C#-e lang4 S"e!pre4'''3 2e h g !e &r#! the %ac- 3 =" girl&riend is the se6iest and the !#st %ea ti& l $#!an in the ni(erse43 2e said $hile he s!ell !" nec3Na- 4 =r' G#!eF, !a"#s -a43 32 h53 3Sa%i -#'''3 7!alis a-# sa pag-a-a"a-ap 3''' !a"#s -a' =alilig# na a-#'3 3Wala na!ang sh##t ah53 3>a-it, pag !a" sh##t lang %a !alilig#53 32ehe4 Sa%i -# nga'3 3S s4sig r# i-a$, nalilig# -alang pag !a" sh##t an#5 2ahaha4 E$$$$43 38#(e, !ag !# nga a-# !a e$$$ e$$$ di"an43 3Eh, %a-it5 <#t## na!an di%a5ata53 32indi -a"a43 3O# na4 Sige na4 =alilig# na a-#43 3Y# sh# ld, and %ah# !# na -asi eh43 3A"4 O sige, $alang !#rning -iss43 3=er#n na nga eh'3 2e said $ith +<2E+ &ace 3Ehhh4 A" e$an -# sa"#43 <hen, t !aas na a-# sa -$art# -# and d##n nalig#' When I get ins#de the C1, i started t# h ! s#ngs' And cant help t# s!ile $hile !e!#ries &lashes' When he !a-e the p# ted lips'

38#-# l#-# talaga " ng lala-ing " n43 I sl#$l" s#aped !" $rist $hich has a $# nd #n it' =ed"# !ahapdi % t -ailangan linisin''' 3O ch43 >inilisan -# nalang " ng paglig# -# and l !a%as na sa C1 $aring !" r#%e' @# nd hi! #n !" %ed, sitting and $ith the read" #& the plasters and s#!e %etadine and alch#h#l' 3Oh53 I said 32ali-a dit#' 8ag"an lang nating ng plaster "an'3 3N# need' O-a" na!an na si"a eh'3 3N#'3 With his t ne and his &ace, i alread" -ne$' A"a$ ni"ang nas s $a" si"a' 2e+s s ch a sp#iled %rat' 7! p# nalang a-# sa ta%i ni"a and he get !" $rist' Pinat#ng ni"a sa !a" lap ni"a and p t s#!e alch#h#l &irst' 3O ch43 I said and &linch as he press the c#tt#n that has an alch#h#l' 2e %l#$ it para !ed"# !a%a$asan " ng sa-it, and its e&&ecti(e' Sec#nd thing, he p t the %etadine and the plaster''' 3<han-s %a%e'3 3An"thing &#r !" l#(e''' O sige, !ag%ihis na -a' I+ll $ait &#r "# sa %a%a'3 2e said s!iling 3Sige'3 I s!ile %ac-, %e&#re he lea(es' I $al- in t# !" $al-:in cl#set and $ear !" s al pa!%aha"' Sh#rts and shirts' > !a%a na a-#' I s!ell s#!ething " !!"' 3?ain na l#(e'3 2e said placing a plate #& %ac#n strips #n the ta%le' 3W#$4 Sarap na!an n"an43 I said and sit d#$n at the chair 3O&c# rse4 A-# nagl t# ni"an43 3Sige, let !e taste it43 <in s#- ni"a " ng isang strip and''' 3Ah43 2e said #&&ering !e the strip 32!4 Ang sarap nga43 3<#ld "# 4 >asta a-# nagl t#'''3 3< r an !# -# %a%e !agl t#'''3 2e+s &ace -inda sh#c- $hen she heard !e sa"'''

3>a-it53 I as3Ser"#s#53 3O# nga4 I $anna learn h#$'3 3Sige' What d# "# $ant t# learn &r#! !e %a53 37h!''' G st# -# ng ad#%#43 3Nge-4 Eh allerg" -a d n eh'3 3Eh4 G st# -# " n43 32indi p$ede4 =a!a"a ni"an, - !ain -a pa' Eh, ala! -# na!an na ang ta-a$ ta-a$ !#'3 I p# ted''' 3An# pala53 3Prit#ng itl#g nalang'3 2e s gg ested 3Ehh4 Ang dali na!an n n eh43 3=ar n#ng -a %a n n53 I l##- d#$n and sha-e !" head' 2e la gh at !e' 3Sa%i -# na43 2e la gh again 3?asi na!an eh4 <a-#t a-# sa langis4 Wag na " n4 An# nalang''' 7h!''' >r#$nies4 <a!a4 >r#$nies43 3Sige, later' > t &#r n#$, "# sh# ld &irst eat "# r %rea-&ast'3 2e said #&&ering !e the %ac#n strip' I eat it' 3I-a$ na!an43 I said gra%%ing the &#r- &r#! his hand Nags % an -a!i ng %ac#n strips d##n' <he s#rr# ndings $as & ll #& s$eetness and 8#(e' 2e al$a"s treat !e li-e a %a%"' [1ichard+s P'O',') 3>a%e, pag#d na -#43 *a$n said' ?anina pa -asi -a!i naghaha% lan sa l##% ng %aha" ni"a' 8agi -# na!an si"ang nah h li per# a-#, !insan lang''' 32ahaha4 S -# -a na4 2ahaha43 I teased 3Ah, gan n ah43 <hen he chase !e again' As i& na!an na !aha%#l ni"a a-#' <a$a lang a-# ng ta$a hanggang sa !apag#d na rin a-#'

3A"#-# na43 I said Na-ata"# sa $ith her right hand at her %ac- na parang !a" tinatag# $earing her -iller s!iles''' 3Oh, an# "an53 2e s!iled e(en !#re' Y ng na-a-al#-#' Parang !a" !ada!ang %ina%ala-''' 3>a%e53 She said sing her s$eet t#ne #& (#ice 32!!53 I as-' Na-alapit na si"a sa-in then''' 3Ahhhhh43 I "elled' 3*a$n4 Alisin !# "an4 *ali4 Ahhh43 2indi na a-# !apa-ali' <inap#n ni"a lang na!an sa-in " ng ipis na ha$a- ni"a -anina' She all d# % t t# la ghat !e' Natigil a-#' 3Oh53 I said $ith a -a%ad# (#ice 38ar an lang " n4 2ahahaha4 <a-#t -a pala da ipis53 32indi %a halata53 I said $ith a !ed"# naiinis na (#ice' Nilapitan ni"a a-#''' 3S#rr" %a%e'''3 She said 2indi -# na!an si"a inintindi' < !ali-#d a-# sa-an"a, per# !i-#t si"a at h !arap sa-in''' 3>a%e, $ i4 S#rr" na''' Please53 She said $ith a %ea ti& l e"es' 2indi -# parin si"a inintindi' <he ne6t thing she did is''' She -iss !e' A s!ac- -iss''' 3>a%e, s#rr" na #h43 she -issed !e again and again''' the third ti!e she -iss !e''' 2ina$a-an -# " ng li-#d ng l# ni"a para hindi si"a !a-agala$' She tried t# escape &r#! !" -iss % t I didnt let her' She resp#nded t# !" -isses' I carr" her t# her r##! $ith # r lips t#gether ha(ing this t#rrid -iss' I sl#$l" press her #n the %ed $hile -issing' I st#p''' I l##- at her cl#sed e"es''' She #pen it''' [third pers#n) 38#(e, are "# s re a%# t this53 2e as-' She didnt sa" a thing, instead, she -iss hi! again' 2e sigh %et$een their -isses and a&ter$ards, he t##- her cl#thes #&&' 2e nh##her %rE and re!#(e her pEnG"' <his ti!e, she $as a%#(e hi! and started t# ndress hi! als#' And again, he $as a%#(e her' <he" st#p -issing $ith their hea(" %reaths'''

38#(e'''3 3I $ant''' Y# %a%e''' Inside'''!e'''3 She said %et$een her hea(" %reaths' 2e -iss hi! again' @r#! her &#rehead, d#$n t# her n#se' @r#! her nec- $hich she !#(ed it, d#$n t# her c#lar %#ne' 2e -issed her chest d#$n t# her %rEast' While -issing her le&t nipEle, he $as carressing her %rEast that !a-e her !#an' She has her &ingers thr# gh his hair and ha(ing a tight h#ld #n it''' 3Are "# read"53 2e asShe &lash a s!ile and he did it' 2e has hi!sel& inside her' She cant help % t !#an' <he pleas re and the happiness the" &elt and share &#r an h# r' When the" %#th has their cli!a6' <he" st#p $ith their hea(" %reaths' 2e -isses her sh# lder''' 3I l#(e "# , 8#(e'3 She didnt sa" a thing, instead, she 9 st h g hi! that !ade hi! s!ile' 2e -iss her &#rehead''' 3G##dnight !" princess'''3 2e said %e&#re g#ing t# sleep'

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