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SYNOPSIS (Chapter Twenty Three: I Shouldnt have left [Dawn's P.O. .!

"#re you sure a$out th%s&" %vs as'. I was pa('%n) *y th%n)s up. +ra$$%n) and Putt%n) *y (lothes stra%)ht sa *aleta 'o. " %vs, I 'now what was th%s all a$out." "#re you )o%n) to have your )ood$yes to h%*&" "No v%vs, I wont tell h%*" "-a'%t& I%wan *o lan) s%ya n) )anun )anun na lan)&" " %vs, ayo'on) *ala*an n%ya... #yo'o s%yan) *a*oro$le*a pa. -es%des... .ay )usto na s%yan) $a)o, % *ean, dat%." "Dawn... Please... .aawa 'a sa'anya..." "Naawa $a s%ya sa'%n, sa ana' n%ya& %vs, sa'%n o'ay lan). Pero everyt%*e na na%%s%p 'o na s%ya an) dah%lan 'o $a'%t na*atay an) ana' 'o..." /sn%ff/ "... Paran) unt% unt% a'on) p%napatay0" She hu) *e... "Shh... S%)e na. 1%nd% na '%ta tatanun)%n." "Dont tell h%* na aal%s a'o. -a'a p%)%lan pa a'o nun." "I wont. s%no pala 'asa*a *o&" "I a*... 2%th... 3ohn..." "4strada&" She as' surpr%sed I nodded "#la* na ala* *o Dawn na ayaw na ayaw n% 5%(hard na *a)'asa*a 'ayo n%yan) s% 6ohn... 2hat were you th%n'%n)&" " %vs, you 'now, he's a fr%end. 2alan) %$a." She s%)h... "S%)e na, *a)$%h%s 'a na, $a'a *ahul% 'a pa sa fl%)ht *o." I 3ust a)a%n, nodded. [5%(hard's P.O. .! I've $een try%n) to (all her a hundred t%*es, $ut she d%dnt answer and pro$a$ly turned her phone off for )ood.

"Da/n %t0" Pero na%s%p 'o, na h%nd% na*an tala)a yun )anun 'adal%. .ay$e I should )%ve her a spa(e. .ore spa(e, far far away fro* *e %f poss%$le. #yo'o na r%n na*an 'as% s%yan) *asa'tan l%'e I've $een do%n) the whole t%*e. She's $een too )ood for *e. I de(%ded to (all %vs. Call%n)... Call%n)... "1ello& 5%(hard&" "Naandyan $a s% Dawn& I've $een (all%n) her s%n(e two a*. She d%dnt answer." "#h*... 5%(hard, I'* sorry..." "2hy& Its o'ay %f she doesnt want to tal' to *e. I 3ust wanted to say sorry." "5%(h, she already left the (ountry." "2hat&0" "She left for 7ran(e. #nd she's pro$a$ly never $e )o%n) $a('" "2hat&0 Dont you 3ust say that0 She (ant 3ust leave *e l%'e th%s0" "I'* sorry 5%(h..." " %vs, wa%t0 Can I atleast, have her adress, I swear never tell her you )ave *e." "I'* so sorry 5%(h, pero, I'* afra%d I (ant help you th%s t%*e." Call endded... "-ull8h0t0. You (ant 3ust leave *e Dawn0" I hop %n *y (ar and p%naharurot n) super $%l%s. Pu*unta a'o sa $ahay n%la n% %vs. " %vs0" 9nfortunately, she's )one. She pro$a$ly left also for )ood. "+od0 2hy %s th%s happen%n) to *e0" I dr%ve a)a%n and try *e $est para *aa$utan yun) fl%)ht n% Dawn at $a'a *ap%)%lan 'o pa. #nd the the se(ond unfortune (a*e. :a'al%pad palan) n) eroplano n% Dawn when I arr%ve. Napahawa' a'o sa noo 'o. [Dawn's P.O. .! I was loo'%n) around... "1ey, are you o'ay&" 6ohn as'

"#h... Yeah." I flash a fa%nt s*%le I loo' around a)a%n... "2ere you loo'%n) for so*eone&" 5%)ht, Dawn0 2hy were you e;pe(t%n) h%*& Our fl%)ht (alled... "<ets )o." "Y=yeah..." (Sa eroplano> .y tears $e)un to fall... "Shhh... Dont (ry." "I 3ust... Dont 'now what to do. I dont even 'now %f leav%n) h%* %s r%)ht. It frustrates *e to hell when se%n) h%* w%th 145. -ut %t '%lls *e leav%n) h%* $eh%nd." "Th%s %s not your fault. Youre 3ust too )ood for h%*." I shoo' *y head "no, he's the one who's too )ood for *e. S%no $a na*an a'o d%$a&" "Shh... Ta*a na yan. Cheer up0 :al%*utan *o lahat tun)'ol sa P%l%p%nas. Those $%tter *o*ents and... If poss%$le... 4ven your *o*ents to)ether... 4ven h%*." "I... Cant. I love h%* so *u(h. .ore than *y own l%fe. I let h%* po%nt a )un here." Po%nt%n) at *y heart "...1e pulled the tr%))er. 2ala nan) nat%ra sa'%n0 2ala s%yan) t%n%ra sa'%n, 'ah%t 'ont%." 6ohn hu) *e, 'asa$ay n) pa)l%pad n) eroplano... [5%(hard's P.O. .! Call%n)... "Pare, oh& -at 'a na patawa)&" "Pare, $ar tayo0" "5%(hard na*an, s%la #)a nalan). Sorry pare ah. Yun) ana' 'o 'as%." "S%)e pare. Pa'%tawa)an na lan) s%la para sa'%n oh&" "S%)e sure. -ye." Drop the (all...

I dr%ve *y (ar papunta sa -ar. +usto 'on) *a'awala sa pro$le*a 'o. In%wan lan) na*an a'o n) $a$aen) p%na'a*ahala)a , at p%na'a*a*ahal 'o. #n) sa'%t0 S%ya yun) unan) $a$aen) *%nahal 'o0 +an%to pala an) pa'%ra*da* n) *asa'tan. S%)uro, 'ar*a na r%n %to sa *)a )%na)o 'on) $a$ae noon. Pero, *asyado na*an atan) so$ra to. Nasasa'tan a'o n) so$ra so$ra0 :aya 'o na*an s%yan) $%)yan n) t%*e eh. She (an )et how *u(h t%*e she wants and need. Pero, wa) na*an sana yun) )an%to. Yun) %%wan n%ya nalan) a'o $%)la0 "#n) tan)a *o 5%(hard0 #n) tan)a *o0" Sa$ay ha*pas 'o n) la*esa "#h, s%r..." "1o%0 :uha *o pa 'o n) tatlon) $eer0' 9tos 'o sa wa%ter. #)ad na*an %ton) su*unod. "O0 Pare0" -at% sa'%n n% #)a. "Pare, upo 'a d%to0 Dal%, %no* tayo0" Sa$ay offer 'o sa'anya nun) $eer "Pare, ta*a na yan. <as%n) 'a na." "1%nd%, h%nd% #)a. #san $a s% 6ohn& D% 'o na na'%'%ta yun) )a)on) yun ah0" "Pare, d% *o ala*&" "#la* na ano&" Sa$ay %no* ul%t ":asa*a n% Dawn s% 6ohn papuntan) 7ran(e." "#no&000" S%)aw 'o "Oo pare." "-at d% *o a)ad s%na$%&" "4h, sa$% 'as% n%ya, wa) daw sa$%h%n sayo." "-ullsh/t0 P%na)*u'ha n%la a'on) tan)a000" "Pare, hu*%nahon 'a." "#non) u*%nahon0 1ahanap%n 'o s%la0 Duduru)%n 'on) *u'ha n) )a)on) yun0" "5%(h, walan) *a)a)awa yan 'un) %dadaan *o sa )al%t." "Papatay%n 'o yun) )a)on) yun0" [Dawn's P.O. .! ".a)papah%n)a lan) a'o 6ohn. I'aw d%n. I 'now you need rest too." "S%)e na, *atulo) 'a na. I 3ust need to do so*eth%n)."

I nodded and too' *y $ed. .aya *aya, u*al%s na d%n s% 6ohn. -ut st%ll, d% par%n a'o natulo). 1%nd% a'o *apa'al% sa 'a*a. Pa )ulon) )ulon) lan) a'o... "5%(hard, why (ant you leave outta *y head0" "P=pero... O'ay 'aya s%ya dun&" "I'* sorry 5%(hard, $ut, I need to to do th%s..." [5%(hard's P.O. .! "Pare, uw% na tayo." I heard a fa*%l%ar vo%(e fro* *y $lurry v%s%ons "1uh&0 Pare, na'%ta *o $a s% Dawn&" "Pare, hal%'a na. <as%n) 'a na." "#non) las%n)&0 Pare... S% Dawn..." "5%(h, wala s%ya d%to..." "1%nd% n%ya 'o pweden) %wan0 1%nd%000" "5%(h..." 1e sa%d and %nalalayan a'o papaso' sa 'otse 'o. "#'o na lan) *a) d%=dr%ve sayo, 5%(h." "No0" I sa%d and dr%ve *y (ar "5%(hard, are you out of your *%nd&0" "I )uess0 -al%w na a'o0 -al%w na at s%ra na0" "#'o nalan) *a)hahat%d sayo..." ".as o'ay na ata to. Para *a*atay na 'o0 2ala na*an nan) saysay an) $uhay 'o, a)a. 2ala na0" "5%(hard0 #no 'a $a&0 Dont say those0 Your 3ust *a'%n) th%n)s na para h%nd% 'a n%ya $al%'an0 .a'e up your *%nd +o*e?0 You are the 5%(hard +o*e?, pare0" "5%(hard +o*e?& 2ho& 2ala na s%ya, *a*atay na s%ya, pro$a$ly n)ayon) )a$%..." Sa$ay paharurot 'o n) 'otse. I d%dnt %ntend to loo' $a(' and l%sten to h%*. I have *y (ar on @A=BAA '*Ch. 1%nd% 'o lan) tala)a ala* 'un) anon) )a)aw%n 'o. I was wre(' and $ro'en. Dawn... "I <ove you Dawn, and I w%ll always do. .ahal na *ahal '%ta..." Then a stron) l%)ht flashes fro* the front. That *a'es *e (over *y fa(e w%th *y ar*s... [Dawn's P.O. .!

I )asp and *a'e *e )et up fro* *y $ed. I feel *y sweaty $ody. I was (at(h%n) *y heavy $reaths. Napana)%n%pan 'o 'as% s% 5%(hard na *ay nan)yar%n) *asa*a. I (ant st%ll *y *%nd. :un) ano ano na an) pu*apaso' sa uta' 'o. .aya *aya, *y phone r%n)... "1ello&" It was %vs, answer%n) her (all "Dawn..." She sa%d w%th her worr%ed vo%(e "2hat happened&&&" #n) la'as n) sense 'o na *ay nan)yar%n) *asa*a. "5a(h... I th%n', you should (o*e $a(' here. 5%(h needs you..." "2hy& #non) nan)yar% sa'anya&" I as' worr%edly. "5%(hard was drun' and dr%ve h%s (ar. #n) $%l%s daw nun) ta'$o and *ala'as an) pa)'a'a$an))a fro* the tru('. 1e was $etween l%fe and Death Dawn0 1e needs you now." "2hat&0" "Yes Dawn. I a* ser%ous0" "O'ay o'ay. I'll (o*e. 6ust wa%t for *e there ha&" "Yes. #nd I 'now he w%ll also." I drop the phone (all and a)ad na %n%nfor* yun) e*$assy and $oo' *y fl%)ht as soon as poss%$le. I had $oo' yun) 'ah%t *ahal $asta *a'auw% na a'o. The fl%)ht last for atleast and hour. Du*%retso na a'o sa hosp%tal wh%(h 5%(hard was (onf%ned. 1e was hav%n) h%s operat%on now. Na'%ta 'o s% %vs s%tt%n). I started to (ry na na*an. It started s%n(e the n%)ht I was %nfor*. " %vs..." I sa%d hu))%n) her wh%le (ry%n) "Shh..." "Th%s %s *y fault0 #ll *%ne0 :un) h%nd% lan) sana a'o u*al%s, %f I 3ust d%dnt leave h%*, wala sana s%ya r%to..." "Shh. Dont $la*e yourself. .a'a'asa*a yan sa%nyo." I st%ll have *y sn%ffs and sno$s... "9po 'a *una and tu$%)..." She sa%d offer%n) *e a $ottle of water. "S=sala*at." I )et %t $ut, h%nd% na*an a'o na%no* "#no $an) na)yar% sa'anya&" I as'

"1e was, na$an))a yun) 'otse n%ya sa tru('. .a$%l%s... #nd, *ay ta*a s%ya sa *ay d%$d%$. Sa r%)ht s%de, lu('%ly. :un) na)'ataon..." I (r%ed even *ore... "2a) 'a nan) u*%ya'." ":='asalanan 'o 'as% to lahat eh. :un) h%nd% lan) sana a'o nan)=%wan..." "5a(hel... Dont $la*e yourself. The %*portant %s, naand%to 'a na." "-a'%t, 'un) naand%to $a 'o...*al%l%)tas $a $uhay n%ya&" "5a(h, 3ust 'eep the fa%th." I 3ust hu) her a)a%n... I saw Sharon na na)aantay d%n. Na)$antay d%n ata... N%lap%tan n%ya 'o and '%nausap... "Dawn..." "O=oh&" She slap *e $y the r%)ht (hee'... 1%nd% a'o )u*ant%. I 'now that I deserve th%s. :ulan) pa n)a eh... "1ey0 1ow dare you0" It was %vs. P%n%)%lan 'o s%ya w%th a hand s%)nal na 'wa) na' "2hat&0 :asalanan *o to lahat0" 1%nd% a'o *a'asa)ot. I 3ust had *y tears fall%n)... "#no&0 :un) h%nd% *o lan) s%ya %n%wan0 Dawn, %'aw na) p%n%l% n%ya0 Tapos anon) )a)aw%n *o& 1a&0 N%lo'o *o s%ya0" "I d%dnt... I'aw, h%nd% *o $a natanon) sa sar%l% *o 'un) ano an) na)awa *o sa relasyon na to&0" I sa%d. I $ursted already. D% 'o na *ap%)%lan... Now, %ts her turn to shut up... "#no& 1%nd% *an lan) $a su*a)% d%yan sa uta' *o 'un) ano yun) na)awa *o sa relat%onsh%p na*%n& Nun) pu*aso' 'a sa *)a $uhay na*%n&" "1%nd% *o ala* an) s%nasa$%..." I (ut her off "1%nd% 'o ala*& Na ano& Na 'un) paano *o s%ya %na'a%t&0" I sa%d us%n) *y h%)h tune. Sasapa'%n n%ya sana a'o ul%t... "S%)e0 Ituloy *o0 #no&0" I yelled "#la* 'o na *al% a'o sa *)a*na)%n) des%syon 'o0 1%nd% 'o ala* 'un) paano at $a'%t0 :un) $a'%t 'o s%ya na%wan nan) )anun0 #la* *o $a yun ha&0"

"Dawn, lets )o0" %vs sa%d pull%n) *e away fro* her. -ut $efore na *an)yar% yun, % slap her $y the fa(e. "Thats for steal%n) *y $oyfr%end0" Sa$ay wal'=out. # few hours pass and were st%ll wa%t%n) for h%*. 1%nd% 'o ala* 'un) ano an) *)a susunod na *an)yayar%. :un) ano an) *a)%)%n) rea(t%on n%ya pa) na'%ta n%ya 'o. 2%ll he dr%ve *e away& Or w%ll he slap *e or paal%s%n n%ya na a'o sa $uhay n%ya. Yun) *)a t%*es na )an%to, yan lan) an) *)a na%%s%p 'o. 1%nd% 'onala* an) d%re'syon n) uta' 'o. .%; e*ot%ons, yan an) narara*da*an 'o. I d%dnt not%(e that *y tears $e)un to fall na na*an... %vs holds *y hand, % loo' at her... "Dawn, everyth%n) w%ll $e alr%)ht." I flash a fa%nt s*%le... "1=h%nd% 'o ala* %vs. I feel really )u%lty." "I told you na*an. 1%nd% *o to 'asalanan. Th%s was an a((%dent." "Pero, a'o an) *ay 'asalanan 'un) $a'%t nan)yar% ton) a's%dente na to. I shouldnt have leave h%*." "Shh... I 'now, h%nd% s%ya )al%t sayo." "Than' you %vs. 7or $e%n) here for *e always." I hu) her... "Its noth%n). <%ttle s%ster '%ta d%$a&" She (hu('le "Yeah." The do(tor went out fro* the operat%n) roo*... I stand up. N%lap%tan 'o yun) do(tor and tal' to h%*... "Do(, how %s he&" ".s. Dawn. 1e's o'ay for now. The operat%on %s fortunately su((essful. Pero, wala pa r%n s%yan) *alay. .ay$e, one to two *ore days $efore *a)'a *alay s%ya." "#=ah. +anun po $a&" "Yes .s. Dawn. 4;(use *e." "Than' you po." I sa%d $efore he leaves. I fa(e %v%an and tal' to her. "The operat%on was well. 1e's safe now." I s%)h sa$ay upo

"O'ay na pala eh. 4h, $a'%t )anyan *u'ha *o& D% *a%p%nta&" She as' "In%%s%p 'o lan) 'as% 'un) anon) *a)%)%n) rea(t%on n%ya na naand%to na a'o." "I'aw na*an. .asyado 'an) ne)at%ve. I'* sure *asaya yun0" I s*%led at her w%thout day%n) anyth%n). Pero, 'ah%t s%na$% yun n% %vs, I st%ll th%n'%n) a$out %t. #no $a to0 Napa'a ne)at%ve 'o na*an0 .aya *aya, lu*a$as na yun) *)a staffs and the stars nun) re(ent teleserye na*%n. Co(o approa(h *e... ".a*a, $a'%t d% po 'ayo pu*aso'&" "#=ah... 4h, $a'a 'as%, )al%t yun sa'%n... #la* *o na*an..." ".a*a na*an 'as%, wa) 'an) ne)at%ve. 2ell, theres only one eay to f%nd out." "I... I dnt 'now..." ".a*a..." "Oo na, papaso' na a'o. Sa*ahan *o a'o..." "S%)e po." 2e enter the roo* and andun s%ya, na'ah%)a. 1e was loo'%n) outs%de the w%ndow that was %n h%s deep thou)ht. .as lalo a'on) '%na$ahan when )u*alaw s%ya... "Papa, and%to po s% *a*a..." Co(o sa%d. 1e slowly turn h%s head fa(%n) *e. I doesnt wear anyth%n), even a $%t of s*%le. Na'atayo lan) a'o dun. Stand%n) ready 'un) ano *an an) sasa$%h%n n%ya... "Dawn..." 1e sa%d w%th h%s tears stay%n) on h%s l%ds... I wal' slowly towards h%*...nun) na'alap%t na a'o sa'anya... Na$%)la a'o when he hu) *e. Super t%)ht. Napah%)a na tuloy a'o a ta$% n%ya... "Dont leave *e please." 1e sa%d st%ll hu))%n) *e I s*%led... " % thou)ht, )al%t 'a sa'%n." "That'll never happened." #nd w%th that word. Is the t%*e that only, napanata) an) loo$ 'o. -e(ause I 'now and I heard %t fro* h%* personally. "Than' you 5%(h, and I'll never leave you. 2e'll never leave you a)a%n..." I s*%led "24&" 1e as'. :u*alas na 'a*% sa pa)'a'aya'ap sa %sat %sa. I s*%led a)a%n... "I was plann%n) to tell you sana noon pa. Pero yun)... #la* *o na, dah%l dun, h%nd% 'o sayo nasa$% and u*al%s pa a'o. I'* sorry."

"You dont need to $e sorry. Th%s %s all *y fault... Now, tell *e. 2hat %s %t&" 1e as' "2e, 'as%... .a)%)%n) daddy 'a na 5%(h." I sa%d s*%l%n) <u*a'% yun) n)%t% n%ya sa *)a la$% n%ya. 9*upo s%ya sa 'a*a... "#ray0" 1e fl%(h. ":aw 'as% eh, wa) 'a *unan) )u*alaw )alaw. :a'a opera palan) n) su)at *o." "I'* 3ust so happy0" 1e sa%d w%th del%)ht I hu) h%* t%)ht $ut not to the po%nt na, *asasa'tan s%ya. 2e $oth were happy and *%ssed ea(h other. 2e hu) ea(h other l%'e no to*orrow and l%'e, we d%dnt see ea(h other for a de(ade. I (up h%s fa(e w%th *y $oth hands. I 'now na, h%nd% *apapal%tan an) sa'%t n) )a)aw%n 'o. -ut % 'now, that, yun lan) an) )usto 'un) )aw%n and $y th%s, I *a'e h%* feel what I feel for h%*... I '%ssed h%* $y the l%ps. 1e responded to %t and he (arressed *y fa(e. 1e s*%led at *e... 2e d%dnt 'now that all the people who v%s%ted h%* were %ns%de wat(h%n) us. -ut I dont (are0 I hu) h%* t%)hter...

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