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SYNOPSIS (Chapter Twenty Five: The Lady at the Passenger's Seat) [Dawn's P O !

" It's #een a wee$ %&ng staying at the h&spita% 'nd at %ast( he's &$ay and )*%%y re+&vered ,*t I sti%% have a d&*#t &n hi- t& drive .,a#e( I'%% drive na %ang /indi $a pa -aga%ing &h . I said +&nvin+ing hi.L&ve( I'- &$ay n&w Ta$&t $a #a0. ./*h0 Ta$&t0 Saan0. .Na #a$a -a#angga tay&0. .O& na O$ay01 ,a#e( a$& na%ang p%ease1 2ag na -a$*%it . .3h( &$ay na-an na $asi a$& eh . .4ahit na . .P%ease000 . /e p%eaded I -ade a sigh and a n&d ./ep hep1 ,asta( and ta$#& ng sasa$yan( -ga 56 %ang . .3h . .D&nt arg*e with -e any-&re( 7&-e81. .O$ay 9rs 7&-e8 . Then he h*g -e . sa pag$a$aya$ap . %ets g& na . 4*ng hindi %ang $ita -aha% eh1. 4*-a%as siya

I( again( :*st n&dded( %a*ghs and *-a%is na ng h&spita% /e &pen the d&&r )&r -e and he t&&$ the driver's seat whi%e I t&&$ the passenger's and he started t& drive [;i+hard's P O ! " I %&&$ at her whi%e I drive She was %&&$ing &*tside with the windshie%d was &pen that +a*sed her hair t& )%y (Passenger's Seat< Stephen Spea$s) I %&&$ at her and have t& s-i%e 's we g& driving )&r a whi%e /er hair #%&wing in the &pen wind&w &) -y +ar and 's we g&( I see the %ights I wat+h &n her )a+e whi%e the %ights +&-ing )r&- the %ight p&sts str*+$ &n her eyes

I wat+h the- g%i--er in her eyes In the dar$ness &) the evening She's rea%%y #ea*ti)*% The Dawn( ;a+he% that I &nes -et ' #ea*ti)*%( va%&*pt&*s and +%assy yet( si-p%e %ady that I -et 'nd I've g&t a%% that I need ;ight here in the passenger's seat The Lady wh& d&esnt $n&w h&w t& +&&$ The %ady wh& %&ves t& eat and eat th&*gh( she's n&t getting any )at Y*ng -ada%da% na type Na -i-iss $& rin y*ng %ine niya na 'N&( 'y&$&' Oh( and I +ant $eep -y eyes &n the r&ad 4n&wing that she's in+hes )r&- -e I +ant he%p t& g%an+e at her &nes in a whi%e She rea%%y has this s&-ething That I +ant e=p%ain1 ,asta1 St&p t& get s&-ething t& drin$ /ear -y heart and I +ant thin$ S+ared t& death t& say I LO!3 /3; .,a#e( +an we drive #y the drive thr*0 Naiin&- na $asi a$& eh Tsa$a ga#i na 2e need a +&))ee( espe+ia%%y i$aw . .O)+&*rse . ')ter we g&t &*r +&))ees( I +&ntin*e driving Then the -&&n pee$s )r&- the +%&*d /ear -y heart( It is s& %&*d In the dar$ness &) the evening .'ng ganda ng -&&n &h( #a#e1. She said %&&$ing at the -&&n then a)terwards %&&$ at -e .Yeah( $asing ganda -& . I s-i%ed She s-i%es #a+$ .,&%er&1 /ahaha1( sige na . Then she gigg%e and %&&$ at the -&&n again 'nd I've g&t a%% that I need ;ight here in the passenger's seat Oh( and I +ant $eep -y eyes &n the r&ad S&-ething

4n&wing that she's in+hes )r&- -e I s*dden%y s-i%ed whi%e re-inis+ing the -&-ents and the past whi+h +a%%ed her attenti&n She %&&$ at -e with a #ig >*esti&n -ar$ &n her )a+e as$ing .Oh0. .2a%a %ang 'ng ganda -& $asi . 4agaga%ing -& %ang sa &perati&n( na-#&#&%a $a na na-an1.

She gigg%ed .

.2hy( I'- seri&*s . .3wan $& say&( F;'N41. .'ng $*%it -& ta%aga 9';I31. She d&esnt %i$e t& #e +a%%ed #y that na-e I %a*ghed when I saw her )a+e's rea+ti&n 'nd I $n&w That this %&ve gr&ws .St&p +a%%ing -e that na-e . She said I pin+h her n&se .'ng +*te -& ta%aga1. .3hh1 3wan $& say&1. She said p%ay)*%%y I %&&$ at her and have t& s-i%e 's we g& driving )&r a whi%e 't %ast we +a-e I drive her h&-e and sye-pre( gent%e-an parin .'rent y&* g&ing inside0. .O& na-an 2a%a #a si '%i+e0 Si !iv0. I as$ whi%e getting inside and seated at the +&*+h .Y&* want a drin$0. She as$ -e .S*re1 D& y&* have( +ha-pagne0. I as$ .L&$& %&$& $a ta%aga1 Pina C&%ada y&* want0. .Y&* have0. .'- I g&ing t& &))er i) I d&nt have0. She as$ O& nga na-an di#a0 .Yeah( yeah1 /ahaha1. .2ait -e here( &$ay0. I :*st n&dded whi%e she ta$e her way t& the $it+hen( i +he+$ &n -y

ph&ne )&r a whi%e and have -y L&g& ?*i8 '%ready have -y way t& Leve% @A( the hardest .2hat's that0. She as$ as she p%a+e the #&tt%e &) Pina C&%ada and tw& g%asses She p&*r s&-e &n -y g%ass and her's I get -y g%ass and have a sip .Its the L&g&s ?*i8 I'- &n the way t& %eve% @A1 I$aw0 D& y&* sti%% p%ay this0. .O& na-an I a%ways d& D*ring -y )ree ti-e Per&( %ahat na-an ng ti-e $& )ree( s& Lagi . She gigg%e .Ta%aga0 2hat %eve% are y&* n&w0. .Bh-I'- &n the %eve% @A per&( )irst set 'ng hirap .

.2&w1na*nahan -& pa $& ah1. Then t&&$ a sip .Sye-pre1 9as -aga%ing a$& say& eh1. She said with a taray v&i+e /er %egs +r&ssed whi%e h&%ding the g%ass &) Pina C&%ada .'ng ya#ang ng #a#e $& ah1. Then I %eaned +%&ser t& her( C*st t& tease She %eaned #a+$ against the +&*+h and stare at -e 2e have &*r eye t& eye +&nta+t I %&&$ straight t& her eyes d&wn t& her +*rved<d&wn n&se and )ina%%y( her %ips DaD- th&se %ips1 I -iss $issing th&se $issa#%e pin$ish %ips I #it -y %&wer %ip whi%e staring at her %ips I +arressed her s-&&th #%*shing +hee$s whi%e we sti%% has that p&siti&n She stares at -e with T/3 )a+e I t&*+h her %ips with -y th*-# .I -iss y&* . I said a%-&st in a whisperring v&i+e She re-ain spee+h%ess I %eaned +%&ser t& her +%&sing &*r )a+es' gap She a%ready +%&sed her eyes C%&ser C%&ser C%&ser C%&ser C%&ser D,&gsh1D ('En: s&*nd p& yan ng na#asag na #as& /ahaha1 Pag pasensyahan ang %&%a( -edy& -ahina na /ahaha1 Pea+e &*t1 FGF!) [Dawn's P O ! " /e +%&ser &*r )a+es' gap /e was staring at -y %ips I $n&w what he is p%anning t& d& I :*st +%&sed -y eyes and waited )&r her %ips t& %and &n -ine Then s*dden%y( the g%ass that I a- h&%ding s%ip thr&*gh -y hand I didnt $n&w h&w that happened It +a*ght &*r

attenti&n I %&&$ d&wn )&r the #r&$en g%ass then %&&$ at hi- again I saw his )a+e 9edy& naiinis na )a+e ang na$ita $& .S<s&rry . I ap&%&gised /e gra# the wa%is ta-#& and the wa%is sa -ay +&rner and started t& +%ean the #r&$en g%ass I %&wered a #it and started t& pi+$ th&se #r&$en g%asses .2ag1 '$& na %ang ,a$a -as*gatan $a pa . /e st&p -e ./indi &$ay %ang '$& na-an na$a#asag eh . .L&ve( ang $*%it na na-an '$& na%ang &$ay0 'y&$&ng -asa$tan $a Bp& $a na%ang . .4<$asi . .Sige na %&ve '$& na #aha%a dit& . I give hi- a n&d and *-*p& wat+hing hi- ')ter niya itap&n y*n( I sti%% has -y eyes g%*ed &n hi- #*t I a- n&t saying a w&rd .Oh0 'n& yan0. /e as$ ./a0 2<wa%a . Na*p& siya sa +&*+h sa harap $& . .Yes L&ve0. .S<s&rry . I said with -y head d&wn 2hy a- I saying s&rry t& hi-0 Is it a#&*t the #r&$en g%ass0 Or is it the $iss0 I d&nt $n&w '%% I $new is t& say s&rry t& hi- th&*gh( i d&nt $n&w what wi%% I answer when he as$ -e why .Para saan L&ve0. .4<$asi 'n& 3rr Y*ng an& . Y*ng an&0 Na $asi0. /e as$ ,a#e0.

/e %a*ghed at -e . .Bh-.

.Sanda%i . /e said and he %eaned +%&ser t& -e again 'yan na na-an siya1 L*-a%apit na na-an1 I +%&sed -y eyes again waiting )&r it t& happened Then a)ter a )ew se+&nds( the #a+$ &) his hand t&*+hes -y )&rehead that -ade -e &pen -y eyes .2a%a $a na-ang sa$it ah0. .,a$it na-an0 2a%a na-anta%aga . .I :*st n&ti+e na( y&* were a+ting weird this past )ew days 'n&ng -er&n0. Then he seated #eside -e .3<ewan $& .

.Did y&* a%ready visited y&*r O,<7YN this wee$0. I -ade a head sha$e -eaning n& .O$ay T&-&rr&w we'%% g& . I had -y n&d and a s-i%e at hi.O sige na ,a$a -a stress $a pa . /e said as he -ade an es+&rt t& -e pataas sa hagdan .,a#e( I'- &$ay /indi na-an a$& %*-p& . .4ahit na #a#e Dapat a%ways #e +are)*% . I :*st had -y s-i%e &n -y )a+e Pag $apas&$ na-in sa $wart& $&( I gra# -y r&#e and p*-as&$ sa C; ')ter $& -ag sh&wer( I wear -y r&#e I &pen the d&&r e=pe+ting hi- na he a%ready %e)t I didnt %&&$ ar&*nd $asi direts& na a$& sa wa%$<in +%&set $& I &pen it and gra# -y night +%&thes I was a#&*t t& ta$e &)) -y r&#e when s&-e&ne h*g -e )r&- the #a+$ I $n&w it was ;i+h $asi siya at a$& %ang na-an ang naandit& /e started $issing -y ne+$ whi+h is his )av&rite sp&t ./--,a#e Na$i$i%iti a$&. i said #etween -y gigg%es

.Can we stay a %itt%e %&nger %i$e this0. /e said as he $iss and #reaths &n -y ne+$ .,a#e( a%a- $& $*ng saan na na-an pap*nta 't& /-St&p na #a#e .

/e didint answer instead :*st $eep &n d&ing what he's d&ing .,a#e . I as$ )a+ing hi- . p%ease0. /e -ade a sigh . &$ay . I s-i%ed

.Sige na #a#e( %a#as $a -*na . I said ./*h1 4ai%angan pa#a y*n0. /e as$ na*ghti%y I g%ared at hi- .,a#e( #ehave Tsa$a si #a#y -agaga%it . /e %a*gh .&& na Sige na Nasa sa%a %ang a$& . .3h( #a#e0. .Yes L&ve0. .9at*t*%&g na $asi a$& ,a$a -a stress pa $a-i ni #a#y &h Tsa$a( -ay %a$ad pa tay& t&-&rr&w di#a0. .'h( yes I )&rg&t . Then he threw hi-se%) &n the #ed and stares at -e s-i%ing /e tap the )ree spa+e #eside hi- sa -ay #ed ./*h01 Y&*re g&ing t& s%eep here01.

.Yeah1. .,*t . .Pr&-ise( I wi%% #ehave . /e said it .,ehave ah1. Then h*-iga na rin a$& sa ta#i niya and +&ver -yse%) with the +&-)&rter /e h*g -e #y the waist .,a#e( #ehave . I re-inded .,ehave na-an ah0. .Sige na 7&&d night1. .7&&dnight . [;i+hard's P O ! " Nagising a$& 2hen I +he+$ &n the a%ar- +%&+$( Its a%ready H:@I a- I %&&$ at her and h*g her .L&ve( gising na . I whisper t& her ./-- . 7*-a%aw siya ng $&nti per& hindi na-an nagising .L&ve( gising na( -ay %a$ad pa tay& . I whisper again( #itting her ears p%ay)*%%y( sti%%( h*gging her I started t& s-e%% her hair Th&*gh( hindi pa siya na%i%ig&( ang #ang& parin Tsa$a(ang sarap ha%i$<ha%i$an Na$a$agigi%1 .,a#e . .7ising na $asi . 2hi%e I have -y p%ay)*% hands e=p%&ring her #&dy She -ade a gasp when I t&*+h her #reDDD and t*rn t& )a+e -e .,a#e1. She ye%%ed I %a*gh at her . gising na $asi 9ay Che+$ *p $a pa &h . She -ade a s-i%e ' -&rning s-i%e .Pa s-i%e s-i%e $a pa diyan( g*st& -& . I was a#&*t t& +*p her #rDDDD again when she st&p -e .O& na1 Ta-a na ,a#ang&n na p& 3t& na . She said sa#ay tay& and gra# her r&#e and t&we% p%*s her +%&thes 2hen I +a%% t& st&p her( she -ade a t*rn .Te$a L&ve1. .Oh0.

.Sa#ay na tay& . ./a%a $a1 ,a#e( #ehave1. .I w&nt ta$e advantage na-an L&ve eh Sige na . /e said with his pa<+*te )a+e I s-i%ed at hi- . n& . Sa#ay pas&$ sa C; and %&+$ it L&$& %&$& $a ta%aga 9r 7&-e81 Ts$ ts$1

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