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SYNOPSIS (Chapter Twenty Nine: Mango, Pipino and Cheesecake) [ ichard!

s P"O"#"$ % Month Pass""" &'a(e""" 'a(e"""& Nagising ako ng )ay k*)aka+a(it sakin" &'akit,"""& Tanong ko na )edyo na aantok pa ang (oses" Pi+it k*ng i)in*)*+at y*ng )ga )ata ko" &'a(e, g*sto ko ng )angga tsaka pipino"& '*+ong niya sakin" Na*po ako and co)p+ete+y open )y eyes" &-no +o.e,& Tanong ko *+it" /*st 0or c+ari0ication" &'a(e, I want )angga ang pipino" 1*sto ko y*ng )angga hi+aw pa"& ha, -no, 2hats this, &Ma)aya na+ang 3o.e" Its too ear+y pa oh" 3ook, 4:45 a) pa+ang"& &Pero (a(e, I want it na" ight now"&

&2a+a pa na)ang (*kas na tindahan niyan"& &'a(e, p+ease, 6or )e and 0or (a(y,& She said with her p*ppy eyes" Naa+a+a ko na" She!s pregnant pa+a" &Oh, why cant I say no to yo* with that eyes,& I gigg+e" &Okay, 7*st wait )e here and I!++ ca++ -+ice para da+han ka" Meron ata siyang stock"& &No8 I want new+y pick" 1*sto ko hi+aw pa"& she said with her po*ty +ips" 2hat,8 Saan na)an ako k*k*ha niyan, 9h, hindi pa na)an tig )angga ngayon, &2hat,& :sigh: &okay, 7*st wait )e here" 3a+a(as ako and I!++ try to 0ind )angga"& &-nd pipino"""& She added" I nodded &yeah, and pipino"& So, i gra( )y coat and )y keys and nag dri.e" Sarado pa na)an y*ng )arkets and the )a++s" 2a+a pa ta+agang (*kas" I a+ready searched 0or % ho*r and 45 )in*tes (*t, I can 0ind Nothing" ;nti+ I 0o*nd a tree sa )ay gi+id ng highway and it was )angga" I ha.e a grin and (*)a(a sa car" I search 0or the (*nga and 0ort*nate+y, It has < na (*nga na hindi pa siya hinog" So I c+i)( *p and pick those" T*wang t*wa na)an ako kasi, )ay i(i(igay ako pag *wi" 2hen" =op in the car, I notice )y phone ringing and its >awn" I e))ediate+y answer it""" ?ON 3IN9? &=e++o, +o.e,&

I heard a so(s and sni00s 0ro) the other +ine" Is she crying, =e++ yes8 She is" '*t why, I know she cries (*t not that easi+y" She!s not too sensiti.e when it co)es to these things" Yes she )ake a+a+a, (*t not to the point that she!++ cry or what" &Oh, -re yo* crying,& &2here are yo* (a(e, 2hat taking yo* so +ong,& She said (etween her so(s &Shh""" =*sh 'a(y, dont cry" Naghanap ako ng )ango" -nd g*ess what"& :so(s and sni00s: &I ha.e yo*r )ango8 So, cheer *p )y princess8 I!) co)ing +ater with these"& :sni00: & ea++y,& :sni00: &Yep8 '*t, hindi pa ako nakakahanap ng pipino and I need to"""& &'a(e, *wi ka na dito p+ease" I )issed yo* so so )*ch8& She said, sti++ (etween her so(s" &'*t""" -re yo* s*re,& &Yes (a(e" I 7*st want yo* dont +ea.e )e"& &Okay okay" I!) on )y way ho)e okay, I!++ (e @*ick& &P+ease do so"& &I wi++" 'ye"& &'ye"& ?C-33 > OPP9>? I dri.e as 0ast as I co*+d" Nahihiwagaan +ang ako sakanya" I )ean, 1an*n (a ta+aga pag (*ntis, 2eird tsaka s*per e)otiona+, =ayy""" '*t she!s sti++ c*te e.en her .oice e.en she!s e)otiona+" I 7*st s)i+ed whi+e thinking on those things" 2hen I arri.e, agad akong p*)asok and *)akyat sa kwarto 0inding her sitting wearing her 0*++ s)i+e" 2eird ta+aga and (ipo+ar" She h*g )e tight" &Oh, Para na)ang hindi tayo nagkita ng sa)p*ng taon"& I 7oked &I!) sorry" ich can yo* (ake a cake 0or )e, I want a cheesecake" I )issed it so (ad8& A*)a+as siya sa pagkakayakap sakin" 2hat,8 Aanina )angga, ngayon cheesecake,8 &2hat a(o*t these, >ont yo* want to eat )agga,& &'a(e, I want to eat that to)orrow" -nd 0or now8 Cheesecake8 P+ease,& She said with her p*ppy eyes"

:sigh: &okay"& &Yayy8& She said +ike a chi+d with her +o++ipop" She!s so c*te tho*gh" She has these h*ngry eyes" =aha8 6*nny a+so, as I 0ind it" I went to the kitchen and I started to (ake" 2hi+e she was sitting and waiting 0or it sa roo)" I saw her 0ro) the other side i0 the g+ass that separates the and the kitchen" She!s p+aying her ipad and see)s +ike .ery en7oyed with it" I cant he+p to s)i+e and I contin*e to (ake" Nagp*nta na ako sa )ay and sit (eside her" She +ook at )e with a .ery innoscent 0ace" -nd I was +ike !awwww! &2hy,& She ask &-rent yo* s+eepy,& I ask her" Aasi ako, oo na ta+aga" &Nope8 I think yo* are8& She said" I yawned and she +a*gh so hard" &2hat,& I ask with a s)i+e &Yo*re s+eepy8 -nd yo*re c*te8& She said &=aha8 Yo*re c*ter that )e )issie8& I said pinching her nose &Yo* rea++y +ike )y nose, dont yo*,& &Yeah8 Its pango8 =ahaha8& I 7oked &2hat,8& She said worried+y ho+ding her nose" Now, I +a*gh so hard that )ake her s+ap )e (y the sho*+der &-ray8 =ahaha8 Yo* sho*+d!.e seen yo*r 0ace )issie8 =aha8& &Tawa ka ka diyan8& She was a(o*t to stand *p when I gra( her )y the hand and p*++ed her to )e res*+ting her to sit on )y +ap" I h*g her and (*rried )y 0ace on her neck" &Sorry na" =indi ka na)an )a(iro"& &Aasi na)an eh""" 'a(e,& &=*h,& &2hat i0""" T*)a(a na ko, 2hat i0 p*)angit na ako, 2o*+d yo* sti++ +o.e )e despite o0 a++,& &O0co*rse I wi++8 Maha+ na )aha+ kita, ang (a(y natin" I +o.e yo* (oth"& Inha+ing her scent 0ro) her hair &>ont pro)ise, 7*st do it"& &I wi++"&

I was kissing her 0ro) her neck down to her sho*+der down to""" & ich8& &Oh8& &Mas*s*nog8& She sho*ted" Napatayo na)an ka)ing da+awa and inBo00 ko y*ng o.en" &-yan kasi8 -ng +andi )o8& She said (*t she!s +a*ghing &=aha8 Ikaw kasi, nakakaadik ang a)oy )o" ayan t*+oy"""& &So""" yo*re (+a)ing )e (eca*se o0 )y scent,& &Yep8 9Cact+y"& &I!++ take that as a co)p+i)ent"& Then she gigg+e" &Oh8 Aainin natin to pareho ha,& Then she yawn" &I think, we can do that to)orrow 'a(e" I!) s+eepy na eh"& &=a, 9h"""& &3ets get *p8 I!) so s+eepy"& T*)ayo na siya and *)akyat" I shake )y head s+ow+y &Tsk tsk8& Ni+agay ko na+ang y*ng cake sa 0reeDer and t*)aas na rin" It was )ag 0iB0i.e na and )at*t*+og pa+ang *+it ka)i" I h*g her 0ro) the (ack and kiss her sho*+der" &1oodnight )y princesses"& I whisper and c+ose )y eyes to s+eep"

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