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SYNOPSIS (Chapter Thirty Two: Because of Him [Part 2] [ aw!"s P#O#$#] I too% my &ast si'h (efore procee)i!

' to the )i!!i!'# I sat )ow! i!fro!t of $i*s who was waiti!' for me# I 'et those hot)o's a!) starte) eati!'# I )i)!t say a thi!'# It was !ot me+ who ta&%s )uri!' mea&+ so I a&ways remai! ,uiet# I )i)!t !otice that I was cutti!' the hot)o' *io&e!t&y u!ti& it -umps# I was surprise# I ca! fee& her eyes o! mi!e (ut sti&& )i)!t &oo% (ac%# I starte) to cut my hot)o' (ut !e*er ha*e it taste)# ./!o!' !a!'yayari sayo0. She as% worrie)&y .12wa&a### o!t mi!) me#. I sai) a*oi)i!' her stares . aw!+ I %!ow you+ a!) you %!ow me *ery much# Spi&& it Out# Its -ust me#. I si'h .its -ust### 3ichar)###. . aw!+ (ayaa! mo !a yu!# He"s wor%i!'# /!) you !ee) it# 4specia&&y the (a(y# I ca! see him# He"s pursui!'# He is i!)ee) a 'oo) a!) respo!si(&e hus(a!) a!) father#. .I %!ow !ama! it $i*s# /!) I u!)ersta!) it# 5aya &a!'+ you ca!t it off of me+ of thi!%i!' a(out him###. .I %!ow# Si'e !a+ tumaas %a !a )u! a!) 'et prepare#. .1hat0. .Sa(i %o+ ma' ayos %a !a )u!#. .Saa! !ama! tayo pupu!ta0. .I"&& ma%e you pamper6. .7u%ha !a (a a%o!' &osya!'0. I as% pouti!' .Hahaha6 Hi!)i !ama!6 5aw !ama! oh6 Para !ama! ma%apa' re&a8 %a# 7a' u!wi!)# P&us+ I wa!te) to ha*e a (o!)i!' with you# Its (ee! a &o!' time si!ce we &ast )i) that#. .O%ay. i starte) to %eep the p&ates (ut she stop me . aw!+ a%o !a !iya!# 9ma%yat %a !a )u!#. .Huh0 I mea!+ i ca! he&p#. . aw!+ a%o !a# Si'e !a#. .But###.

.No (uts#. She sai) with a! "ate" a!) authori:e) *oice+ i -ust !o))e) a!) uma%yat !a to prepare I wear my 'rey ;9H/I3 793/ %!ee2&e!'th )ress+ <9CCI (a' a!) CH/N4= f&ats a!) eye2sha)ows# I -ust po!ytai& my hair a!) 'o# Buma(a a%o seei!' $i*s a&rea)y rea)y+ sta!)i!' with her fu&& f&ash of teeth# .1ho"&& ta%e the ri*er"s0. .7e#. She sai) .O%ay#. [3ichar)"s P#O#$#] 1e arri*e at the 'ree!(e&t# She+ a'ai!+ has her 'rip o! my arm# I )i)!t (other her (ecause I %!ow that she"&& !e*er e*e! (other too# I -ust wa&% thi!%i!' somewhere %u!' saa! %o pwe)e!' )a&hi! to!' (a(ae!' to# Pumaso% %ami sa Sha%ey"s# the waiter approach us !ama! a'a)### .Or)er0 Sir0 7aam0. .Two car(o!ara a!) ice) tea#. /'a) !ama! !a si!u&at ito !u!' waiter at uma&is !a .So### /s what I"*e sai)### I wa!t to !e'otiate###. .Stop foo&i!' arou!)#. .I am !ot6 I"m )am! serious 3ichar)# 5aya wa&a %a!' i(a!' choice#. .I ha*e6 /!) Its a !o6. .Si'e# I%aw (aha&a#. She was a(out to 'ot up whe! I ca&&e) her ./!)rea#. .Yes Ba(e0 Paya' %a !a0. .Ca! you 'i*e me time0. .Sure )ar&i!'#. [ aw!"s P#O#$#] 1hi&e o! the whee&s+ we ta&% to each other# =au'hi!'+ te&&i!' stories a!) a&&# 1e were ha*i!' our B>> time which we ha)!t for a &o!' years# .3emem(er whe! you (ro%e a)"s car"s wi!)shie&)0 You &oo% so fra!tic a!) a&&6 Hahahaha6.

.Yeah6 How ca! I for'et0 Youre the o!e who threw the ca&& up i! the air#. .But sti&&### You hit it6 Bi' time6. .Hahaha6 Yeah6. .Oh+ how I miss those times###. .Yeah### Ow6 /!) the ro&&ercoaster too6. I tease her# .Hahaha6 $ery fu!!y6. .Hahaha6 I%aw !ama!6 That was the (est )ates with your tw B>s $i*s6. .(fS0. .Yea+ (oyfrie!) a!) (estfrie!)6. .Haha6 Cor!y6. .I -ust ca!t (e&ie*e you pu%e o! his shirt6 1ow6. .Comp&ime!t0. .4wa! %o sayo6. 7aya maya+ !a%arati!' !a ri! %ami sa 'ree!(e&t# .1here to0. . resses#. .Yeah+ )resses#. /fter sa )ress shope+ we )eci)e) to the (a(y"s sectio! sa )epartme!t store# .So+ here###. .Yep6 You"&& 'o to the (oys sectio! a!) a%o !ama! sa 'ir&s#. .Si'e si'e#. I 'ra( the pi!% (oots a!) the pacifier+ pa'(a%i% !iya+ a!' )ami !iya!' )a&a# I show her the ratt&e . o you thi!% she ca!t a&rea)y appreciate music0. I as% .Oo !ama!6 It is (etter %u!' maa'a pa+ oo !a# 5esa !ama!+ ma'ma!a sayo# Na%u6 5awawa !ama! yu!' (ata. .5ai!is %a6 7a'a!)a %aya (oses %o6. Sa(ay tawa %o#

.Si!o !a'sa(i0 Si a))y0. .Har har6 1hate*er6 I!''it %a &a!'6. ./%o06 Huwaww6. /fter that+ we 'o to the )ep# store+ we 'o to the sa&o!# The!+ yu!' 'ay+ a'a) !a !a' we&come sami!# .$i*s6 =o!' time !o see6 1ho is she0. . aw! ;u&ueta# 7y a&a'a#. .He&&o ms# aw!# >a! !iyo po a%o6. .Tha!% you6. .BT1+ aw! meet 3affy# 3affy+ .He&&o6. .He&&o po6. ./!o po 'usto !iyo!' ser*ice0. .Hmm### =ahat6 Hahaha. .Na%u6 i !a %ai&a!'a! 'ur&6 7a'a!)a %a !a from hea) to toe6 No !ee)6 Swear6. .Bo&ero6. .9h uh6 Correctio!6 Bo&era6 Hi!)i ri!6. .Si'e !a6. 1e starte) the (o)y massa'e# 3affy ha*e us perso!a&&y a!) %we!tuha!+ syempre# /!' saya !' araw ay6 .Tha!% you *ery much 3affy6. I sai) .No pro(# >or the )iyosa#. .Na%u6 Si'e !a&a!'# Hahaha6. [3ichar)"s P#O#$#] .I !ee) to 'o# 9uwi !a a%o#. . o+ whats the fi!a& )ecisio!0. .No6. aw!#.

.Pero###. .No (uts6 No o!e wi&& threate! me &i%e this6 Not a!yo!e6 Not you6. I was a (out to sta!) up whe! he cau'ht my ha!) a!) %iss me# [ aw!"s P#O#$#] .Ba&iw %a ta&a'a $i*s6. I sai) as 1e &au'h# 1e pass throu'h the sha%ey"s p&ace with thise '&ass wa&&s+ so I ca! see the peop&e i!si)e# I was shoc% a!) a&so cause) me to stop wa&%i!' whe! I saw him### 1ith H43### 5ISSIN<### $i*s stop# .Oh0 1hy )i) you### 1hat the he&&0666. She a&so saw them .=ets 'o aw!6. She sai) pu&&i!' me away# I sti&& has my eyes ! them with a tears fa&&i!' )ow!# ?/t The Car? . aw!###. .Its o%ay *i*s# I"m sure she"s -ust a frie!)#. .>rie!)0 7ay ha&i%06. .$i*s###. . aw!# I wi&& !e*er a&&ow this6 Not for the seco!) time hi!)i a%o papaya) hi!)i6. [3ichar)"s P#O#$#] She %isse) me# I push her away# .1hat the he&&06. .3eme(ra!ce# Ba%a ma' (a'o pa isip mo#. sa(ay %uha sa (a' !iya a uma&is#

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