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SYNOPSIS (Chapter Thirty Six: The Visitation [Part 2]) [Richard s P!O!V!] It "as a#ready $ o c#oc% in the a&ternoon!

'a"n see(s tired &ro( c)dd#in* "ith the %ids and &ro( ta#%in* to Tita S)san and Tita +e#en! The others a#so *reet )s! They rea##y (iss her so ()ch! I decided to ta#% to her and *o ho(e! ,-o.e/ )"i na tayo!, ,0a%et1 2aa*a pa oh3, ,Pa*od %a na oh! 0a%a %)n* (apano %a pa!, ,0ayaan (o na a%o! 2insan #an* na(an to eh!, 2y phone rin*s! 4nd it "as 2r! -ocsin! This ()st 5e a5o)t the Cr)ise Ship! 6On -ine6 ,Yes 2r! -ocsin1, ,I "anted to say so(ethin* sana! 2y da)*hter/ 4n*e#a 7)st ca(e ho(e! 4nd *)sto niya da" (a%ita si 2s! 'a"n!, ,4h3 Ta(an* ta(a/ %asa(a %o siya dito!, ,Ta#a*a1 8here are yo)1, ,'ito sa st)dio/ yo) can co(e here! 2a(aya pa na(an %a(i ))"i eh!, ,S)re3 I ## te## her! I ( s)re she ## 5e happy!, ,Yeah! Si*e! I ## h)n* )p! Ca## (e i& yo)re there!, ,Si*e/ sa#a(at Richard!, ,Si*e, 69nd o& Ca##6 ,Sino y)n1, ,Si 2r! -ocsin! +is da)*hter "anted to (eet yo)! 4 &an!, ,Rea##y1, She as% "ith a s(i#e ,Yep!, ,I#an* taon1,

,9#e.en!, ,+a13 :e 5ata pa3 I "anted to (eet her!, ,Yeah! 4ct)a##y they re co(in* here to see yo)! The chi#d ()st 5e so excited!, , Ta#a*a13 Si*e si*e3, She s s(i#in*! She s is that! She her &ans so ()ch! She "anted to p#eased the( and (a%e the( happy! Thats her! Its her nat)re! 666666666666666 ,2r! -ocsin3, I said )pon seein* hi( "a#% "ith her da)*hter 5ehind her! She see(s so shy! 'a"n "as p#ayin* "ith the other chi#dren! ,Richard3 :)()sta1, ,4yos #an*! Is she 4n*e#a1, ,Yes! 0a5y/ say hi to Sir Richard!, The *ir# say hi shy#y and sti## hidin* &ro( her dad s 5ac%! ,2ahiyain* 5ata!, ,Yeah/ she is! 8here is 'a"n1, ,4h/ "ait!, I ca## her ,'a"n3 They re here3, 'a"n t)rn and sa" )s! I sa" the *ir# s &ace chan*ed! -)(a%i y)n* (ata niya to a s)rprised! 'a"n stood )p and #)(apit sa %anya! She #o"ered her &ace ca)sin* an eye #e.e# to the #itt#e *ir#! ,+e##o3 I 5et yo) re 4n*e#a1, She as%! The *ir# nodded and speech#ess! She extend her hand ho#din* a Pin% +e##o :itty paper "ith (atchin* he##o %itty pen/ "itho)t apartin* her stares to her! She *a.e it to her! ,Yo) "ant (e to si*n it1, She as% The *ir# 7)st nodded and a*ain "ith her eyes *#)ed on her! 'a"n si*ned it "ith a (atchin*; I -o.e Yo) 4n*e#a ;! Then the *ir# h)* her! ,'o yo) "ant to p#ay "ith (e1, 'a"n as% The *ir# nodded and *o "ith her! 8e &o##o"ed the( 5y o)r stares as they "a#% a"ay! ['a"n s P!O!V!] 8e "a#% a"ay &ro( the( and stay "ith her at the co)ch at the (y roo(! 8e seated at the co)ch and I ta#% to her! ,+e##o a*ain3 +o" are yo)1,

She s(i#ed at (e and said!!! ,I<I ( o<o%ay and h<hap<py!, She said sta((erin* ,Oh1 4re yo) o%ay1, ,I ( 7)st happy that I sa" yo)/ &ina##y!, She said s(i#in*! ,I #o.e to see yo) too 4n*e#a3 8here are yo) st)dyin*1, ,I a( ho(eschoo#ed po!, ,0a%it1, ,I dont "ant to see the(! They 5)##y (e and I ( a&raid o& the(!, ,8hy1 Yo)re pretty and %ind!, ,=)st #i%e yo)1, I s(i#ed ,yeah/ 7)st #i%e (e!, She notice (y t)((y ,4re yo)* a 5a5y1, ,Yes!, ,So/ cant I 5e yo)r 5a5y any(ore1, She as% sad#y! ,O&co)rse yo) can3 Yo) can 5e (y 5a5y too! So/ this 5a5y is yo)r #itt#e sister!, ,Rea##y3, I 7)st nodded "ith a s(i#e! She #oo%s aro)nd and sa" (y teddy 5ear that "as a +)(an si>e! This "as Richard s *i&t to her &ro( their &irst third (onthsary! She h)* it and tried to carry it 5)t she cant! It "as 5i**er that her! ,Yo) #i%e her1, She nodded! ,That "as 4ddie!, ,4ddie is so c)te!!, She s(e##ed it ,!!!and she s(e##s s"eet!, I ch)c%#ed ,yeah! Yo) can ha.e her/ re(inder o& (e!, She #oo%s s)rprise ,rea##y13, ,O&co)rse! 4ddie is yo)rs no"!, ,Can I 5rin* he ho(e1,

,Yes!, ,Than% yo) po3, She said as she h)* (e ti*ht! Napa%asaya %o that I (a%e this #itt#e chi#d happy [Richard s P!O!V!] ,She s ()te!, I "as s)rprise! That chi#d "as a c)tie 5)t!!! ,8hat1, ,Yeah! She is! Y)n an* pro5#e(a!, ,2ay paraan pa 5a1, ,2eron %aya #an*/ operation! 2edyo de#e%ado! I ( a&raid na (a"a#a siya sa%in %)n* hindi ito (a*ta*)(pay!, ,Paanon* nan*yari1, ,Since she sa" her (o( "ere %i##ed 5y a *)n! She sa" it harap<harapan! The doctor says/ it "as the e&&ect o& her tra)(a na )nti# no"/ hindi parin siya (a%a!, ,I a( sorry to hear that!, ,Its o%ay!, 8e #oo% at the( ,i sa" her so ()ch happy as o& no"! She s a#"ays at her roo(! She s a ho(eschoo#ed 5eca)se she doesnt "ant to ta#% to other peop#e! She s e.erythin* to (e!, ,I!!! I )nderstand 2r! -ocsin!, The t"o ca(e o)t &ro( the door "ith the s(i#e! 'a"n "as ho#din* 4ddie/ the 5ear that I *a.e her at o)r third 2onthsary! ,Richard/ i& yo) dont (ind1, I *et her! ,Yeah/ s)re! ?or the #itt#e *ir#!, I said s(i#in*! ,Yo) %no" 2r! -ocsin yo)r da)*hter is so 5)55#y and (ad#da#!, 'a"n said! 2r! -ocsin and I #oo% at each other! I sa" hi( shoc%ed! ,She s "hat1, 2r! -ocsin as% ,She s so (ada#da#! Panay an* %"ento3,

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