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SYNOPSIS (Chapter Fourty: There Still A Chance) [Third Person] Three days and !

e"ll #o$ %ohn said as she"s loo&in# outside' seein# the scene in(ront o( her$ Oh' ho! she !ish she"s li&e this$$$ That si#ht o( peace$ She"s currently at her roo)$ She turn around to (ace hi)$ She still cant *eli+e thet her hus*and"s *est(riend can do this$ ,hy do you need to do this- She as&$ .ut this ti)e (ull o( /uestions and !orries 0a!n$$$ 1e !as a*out to hold her hand !hen she )o+e her hand a!ay to a+oid it$ %ust ans!er )e' %ohn$ I told you$ I lo+e you 0a!n$ 2ahal din na)an &ita' *ut only as a (riend$ And ala) )o yon$ Ala) &o$ .ut still I") hopin# that you"ll learn to 3o+e )e soon$ ,a# &an# u)asa$ At aya! rin &itan# paasahin$ 4+er since I 5ot here' siya na tala#a an# )ahal &o$ And until no!$$$ And Fore+er$ 1e held her shoulders that surprised her and )ade her (linch a *it do to the ti#ht hold$ Youre )ine 0a!n6$$$ 1e loo& at her (ro) toe to head $$$only )ine6 Naiintindihan )o *a-6 A&in &a na6 A&in6 1e"s actin# cra7y and desperate$ 1e &iss her nec& *ut she (i#ht$ %ohn ano *a-6 She pushed hi) a!ay and outside the roo) that )ade hi) lie on the (loor and she close the door$ The door has no loc& due to so)e pro*le)s in (i8in# it$ She 9ust pushed the door (or hi) not to #et inside$ Open this da:) door 0a!n6 She dont &no! !hat to do$ She"s pushin# the door as hard as she could$ She started to cry$ Aya! )o tala#an# *u&san ha-6 Then he &ic& it resultin# her to *e pushed hard and she accidentaly lied on the *ed due to hard push$ She !as a*out to stand up !hen he ride on top o( her !ith his li)*s on hers stoppin# her to (i#ht$ She cant )o+e and stand either due to his !ei#ht$ She 9ust cry and tal& to hi)$ %ohn' please$ ;un# )ay plano &an# )asa)a' !a# )o nna# ituloy6 She pleaded$ .ut he"s desperate that he cant thin& on his senses any)ore$ 1e (eel the lust on 0a!n"s *ody !antin# it to *e his$ 1e"s loo&in# at her !ith an e+il and hu#e #rin$ %ohn6 .ita!an )o a&o6 She yelled !ith al)ost (adin# +oice$ 1e"s &issin# her

oppressi+ely$ She &eeps on a+oidin# her (ace !hile cryin# and yellin#$ 1ayop &a6 1ayop6 Then she 9ust heard a little child"s +oice$ 5et o(( )y )o))y6 5et o((6 The 3ittle #irl say !hile she"s hittin# hi) !ith her doll$ 1e see)s irritated causin# hi) to hit her$ Ces&a !as on the (loor cryin# !hile still screa)in# #et o(( )y )o))y6 $ She #et her (ull ener#y to push hi) then she succeedded$ She e))ediately stand up and help her dau#hter stand up and hu# her$ I") sorry$$$ 0<0a!n$$$ 1indi a&o papaya# na an# ana& o an# sa&tan )o6 She yelled !ith (ull o( an#er and lea+e the roo)$ ================= 2o))y !ho"s that #uy- Ces&a as& her 1e"s 9ust a (riend$ 0ont )ind hi)$ Then' !hy did he hurt you1e"s not$ ,ere 9ust tal&in#$ I") not *elie+in# you )o)$ Shh$$$ .elie+e )e$ ,ere 9ust tal&in#$ She hu# her dau#hter$ 1er tears started to (all$ I( e+er he"ll hurt you a#ain' I"ll al!ays *e here$ I"ll (i#ht hi) (or you )o)$ The little &id release the hu# 2o)- ,hy are you cryin#- The little #irls as& then surprisin#ly !ipe her tears a!ay *y her little hands$ She s)iled I 3o+e you )o))y$ And Al!ays re)e)*er that$ And$$$ I &no!$$$ 0addy lo+es you so )uch also$ That chan#ed her )ood in a snap$ 2o))y' dont *e sad$ I") al!ays here and I !ont (or#et you$ I"ll ne+er lea+e you' no )atter !hat$ They hu# each other$$$ =================== >>:?@ p)$$$

Aichard !as at the Aed and .lac& *ar$ 1e"s dro!nin# hi)sel( !ith a ,his&ey$ 1e"s al)ost (inish !ith his Bnd *ottle$ 1e"s drin&in# alone !hen so)eone pat her (ro) the *ac&$ 1e still )ana#e to loo& *ac& despite o( hi)' drun&$ 1ey6 ,ho areeee yooouuu!!!- 1uuhhhhAich$ It"s Andrea6 Andreaaaa-6 ,hooooAich' c")on$ Youre drun&6 I") not drunn&&&&6 I") 9ust dran&&&&6 1ahahaha6 She )ade his #rip !rap around her nec& on her shoulder$ Then she support hi) (ro) !al&in#$ She dri+e her car on their !ay to her condo$its not a lon# dri+e' thats !hy' they arri+e in 9ust a (e! )inutes$ She a#ain do the sa)e in supportin# hi) (ro) !al&in#$ She lie hi) on the *ed and started to uncloth hi)$ She re)o+ed his polo e8posin# his )usclelous and *roaded chest and a si8 pac&s a*s o( hi)$ She re)o+ed her clothes and started to &iss hi)$ And he"s ans!erin# to all o( it$ She !as a*o+e hi) &issin# hi) li&e no to)orro!$ 1e slid his hands inside her clothes and in a snap' they *oth !ere na&ed$ And the thin# happened *et!een the)$$$ They !ere lyin# *eside each other$ 1e"s still sleepin# !hile she"s hu##in# hi) and tracin# his (ace !ith her (in#ers$$$ And to her surprise' he sleep tal&$$$ I 3o+e You$$$ She #rin upon hearin# it *ut$$$ 0a!n There' her tears (all do!n that crash her heart so )uch$ 1is !ords$ .ut she cant 9ust let #o o( hi)$ She lo+e hi) e+er since and she dont !ant hi) to slip a!ay' A5AIN$ ================= She !as sittin# *eside her dau#hter' that !as sleepin#$ She"s o*ser+in# and starin# at her$ She really #ets her lips (ro) Aichard$ She cant a +oid a s)ile (ro) it$ Then %ohn spo&e (ro) *ehind that e))ediately chan#ed her )ood and )a&e her s)ile disappear$ She didnt turn$ 0a!n$$$ Can !e tal&- 1e as& I #uess' !ala na tayon# &ailan# pan# pa# usapan$$$ %ohn$ 0a!n$$$ So<sorry$ I &no! I") !ron#$$$

She (ace hi) and cutted hi) o(($ Ala) )o na)an pala na )ali &a6 Then !hy are you still pursuin# this-6 She a#rily as&$ .ecause I 3o+e you 0a!n6 I 3o+e you6 1e yelled Youre not !orth it %ohn$ I thou#ht i*a &a6 A&ala &o &atulad &a ni Aichard$ 1indi pala6 Isa &an# ahas6 1e !as a*out to slap hi) !hen she shut her eyes$ 1e stopped$ She open her eyes$ %ohn$ There still a chance$ There still a chance (or you to chan#e your )ind$ Ala) &on# )aiintindihan &a ni Aichard$ %ust stop this6$ No 0a!n$ .uo na an# decisions &o$ 1e"s thin&in# so deep$ .ut he 9ust lea+e the t!o in the roo)$

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