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SYNOPSIS (Chapter Fourty Two: Taking Chances) [Third Person On the Pre!

ious Chapter""" I stare at the annu#$ent papers once $ore" %&ai#angan kong gawin to 'ichard" Patawarin $o ako"""% ()()()()()()() &IN*+,&*S*N""" %Tandaan $o ang sina-i ko sayo. /awn"% 0ohn said as he stop the car in1ront their gate" %2i!e $e ti$e"% She went out o1 the car together with Ceska" 0ohn #ook at her once $ore -e1ore dri!ing away" Tha wa#k staright as they reach the hous that was une3pe3ted to -e open" 'ichard was a#ways concious when it co$es to things especia##y to their house" She took her seat on the couch with those 4T,5I'O4 1ace" She didnt know how this things wi## work out. or e!en. is it good 1or the$ or not6 +ut she4s not du$$y 7ust to stare at their situation especia##y hi$" She #o!es her 1a$i#y so $uch" She #o!es hi$" %8o$$y. can I go to $y roo$6 I $iss danny9% %Yes -a-y" +ut -e care1u#9% %Yes $o$9% She watch the #itt#e kid c#i$- up the stairs and e3citing#y go to her roo$" /anny is her dog stu11 toy" She started thinking again. when she heard a 1a$i#iar !oice utter her na$e" %/awn6% The !oice said" :e #oo at the door and saw hi$ standing there" She stood up and wanted to hug hi$ ang kiss hi$. -ut she contro# herse#1" :e dont want to screw it up especia##y. she4s weak when it co$es to these" ;hen it co$es to hi$" :e hurried#y co$e c#ose to her and hug her tight" She was contro##ing herse#1" :e started to cry and ta#k to her" %/awn" P#ease dont #ea!e $e" ;ag niyo na akong iiwan ni Ceska" :indi ko kaya /awn"% :e said whi#e he cries" :e is known 1or his -ra!e" She knew her strong and its her 1irst ti$e to see hi$ cry #ike that" ;ho wou#d ha!e e3pect6 %'ichard"""% %Shhh""" /ont say that" *yoko nang $arinig yan" 0ust dont #ea!e $e okay6 P#ease6% She re#ease 1ro$ the hug and ta#k to hi$ serious#y" <!en i1 ts hard" It is so pain1u#" She cant do it -ut he has to"

%'ichard" I was here with Ceska and""" =sigh= pagod ako 'ichard" Tataas #ang ako"% She said and wa#k straight#y to Ceska4s roo$ without #etting hi$ answer to that" :e tears 1a## -ut she didnt #et 'ichard saw it" ;hen she opened the door. she saw her daughter p#ay with her /anny whi#e sitting on the -ed" %:ey $o$9% The kid said upon seeing her $o$ ca$e in" She sitted on the -ed -eside her daughter. and started touching her dark -rown hair" %:ow was /anny6% She ask %Oh9 /anny4s good" :e p#ays woth $e" +ut he said. he $iss $e so $uch9 Thats why I a$ gi-ing hi$ $y hugs and kisses"% %Oh. that was sweet"""% The door opened seeing 'ichard ca$e" She 7ust #ook a her and to her Ceska" The #itt#e kid has her eyes wide open upon seeing her daddy" She e$$ediate#y stood up. run and hig her dad" %/addy9 I $issed you9% %I $iss you too -a-y" :ow was the p#ace6% She re#eases 1ro$ the hug" %;hat p#ace daddy6% %The p#ace that your $o$$y went" Is it nice there6% %Nope9% She straight#y said with a serious tune %;hy6% She didnt #et her daighter 1inish the ta#k" She stood up and ta#k to 'ichard. cutting her o11" %+a-y. your hingry right6% %Yes $o$$y9% %So. weshou#d go down at the dinning and eat your 1oods. okay6% The chi#d agreed to it and wa#k with her $o$$y outside" 'ichard 1o##owed the$ with a stare. especia##y ti /awn" %/addy. arent you 7oinng us6% The chi#d ask hi$" :e ga!e her daughter a s$i#e and ho#d her right hand" %O1course. I4## co$e with you"% The #itt#e kid was eating whi#e the two re$ain si#ent. -ut 'ichard cant keep stea#ing g#ances on her" She 1e#t so unco$1orta-#e" She4s a-#e to ho#d it. -ut not that #ong"

%Cant you p#ease. stop staring at $e"% She co#d#y said" :e get -ack to his 1ood and started eating again" ['ichard4s P"O">" ;hy is she so co#d to $e6 I dont understand her" +ut. $ay-e. she4s 7ust tired 1ro$ the p#ace they4re 1ro$" They 7ust pro-a-#y taken their !acations or $other(daughter -onding there" +ut she see$s worried" I can read her 1or I know her too #ong" I wanted to ask her a-out it when $y phone -eeped" I answer it""" %:e##o6% %Sir. we ha!e a pro-#e$"% %;hat is it6% %Sir. $ay -a-e pong nanggugu#o dito" *ndrea po ang panga#an"% %*no69 ;ait $e there at pupuntahan ko kayo"% %Yes sir"% I 7ust #ook at /awn a1ter the ca##" I stood up and kiss her te$p#e" She didnt do anything" So$ething4s weird ta#aga sa -a-eng to" ,$a#is na ako and nagpunta sa o11ice" *nd there. I saw *ndrea na nakiki#a-an sa $ga guards outside" This gir# is rea##y cra?y9 I wa#k towards her" %'ichard9 *yaw ni#a akong papasukin9% Yes. i to#d the$ not to #et this wo$an get inside" /ahi# a#a$ ko na $anggugu#o #ang na$an itong -a-aeng to" %*ndrea" Stop this"% I said ca#$#y %I ca$e here to ta#k to you 'ich" &ausapin $o na$an ako9% %;a#a na tayong pag uusapan pa. *ndrea" You -etter get out o1 here at u$uwi ka na"% %*no69 :indi9 :indi ako aa#is dito9% %*ndrea. ano -a69% %I wanted to -e with you 'ich" 8aha#in $o na$an ako9% She p#eaded" I #ook around seeing $any peop#e started staring at us" I 7ust drag her inside to a!oid issues" *#a$ kong $asyado na na$an akong $a e(e3pose nito. kaya I ha!e no choice" I drag her to $y o11ice and a-rupt#y get o1 her grip" %*no -ang pro-#e$a $o at nagpunta ka dito69% I said with $y !oice arise

%'ich"""% She hug $e tight" Ina#is ko yung ka$ay niya sakin" %*no69% %'ichard. $aha# na $aha# kita" +u$a#ik ka na sakin" P#ease69% %*no69 *#a$ $ong hindi ko $agagawa yan9 8a asawa at anak ako9 *t $aha# ko si#a" I #o!e the$ than anythng e#se9% %*ndito na$an oh9 8aha# na $aha# din kita9 Youre $y #i1e 'ichard" P#ease9 Papayag akong $aging $istress $o" -asta wag $o #ang akong iiwan"% She p#eaded again %*re you cra?y9 *ndrea. #ook" 8aganda kang tao. $aya$an. at $ata#ino" ;ag.$ $ong sasayangin ito #ahat dahi# #ang sakin9 8ada$i pang #a#aki ang $as $ay karaatan at deser!ing kesa sakin"% %+ut. ikaw ang $aha# ko"% %*ndrea tu$igi# ka na9 :indi kita $aha#9 *t hinding hindi kita $a$aha#in9 &aya u#a$is ka na dito at wag ka nang $anggugu#o pa9% +e1ore she get #ost. she said thses things""" %+a-a#ik ka sakin. 'ichard" I swear na pagsisisihan $o ito. at -a-a#ik at -a-a#ik ka sakin na nag$a$akaawa9% I was 7ust standing up when she #ea!es $e" I 7ust ha!e $y 1ocus in $y paperworks and hardwork on it" Isinu-so- ko na#ang ang akong sari#i sa tra-aho para $aka#i$utan ko yung -a kng pro-#e$a" [/awn4s P"O">" :e #e1t the house due to so$e e$ergency" :e kissed $y te$p#e -ut I didnt do anything. re$ain sti## and co#d" &ai#angan ko na ring sanayin ang sari#i ko. dahi# kaunting oras na #ang ay wa#a na" %8o$$y. why are you crying6% I ca$e -ack t $y senses and wipe $y tears away" :indi ko na$a#ayan na tu$utu#o na pa#a yung $y #uha ko" %I$ not cryng -a-y" 0ust continue your 1ood" /ont $ont $o$$y"% %+ut"""% %Ceska. continue your 1ood"% She 7ust nodded and continue to take her 1ood" *ko na$an. nakatinginn#ang sakanya" *no kayang $angyayari sakanya pag #u$aki siya na wa#ang a$a6$agaga#it kaya siya sakin6 :indi niya kaya ako $aatawad dahi# dun6 ;ag na$an sana" *t a#a$ ko na$an na $aiintindihan niya yun" [Third Person

Few days passed -ut she sti## re$ain @uiet and co#d on hi$ which he can o-ser!e and see that" :e was wondering how and what happened to her wi1e" :e sti## cant 1igure it out" :er 1ace was so unpredicta-#e and she cant read anything 1ro$ it" :er espressions -ack on their hughschoo#s see$s going -ack" She4s serious. -usy and a 1ocus wo$an on so$ething" :e stayed at the o11ice. #ike what was their nor$a# thing" The two stayed at the #i!ing roo$ whi#e watching T>" Ceska was en7oying it. -ut /awn has her $ind out" She sti## cant stop thinking a-out it" Then the door opened she #ook at it e3pecting it to -e 'ichard. -ut no" It is 0ohn. t her surprise" She stood up upon seeing hi$" %;hat are you doing here6% :e s$irk upon seeing her with that reaction" %8o$6% She #ooks down seein gher daughter" The kid #ook at 0ohn4s direction and ha!e her 1urrowed -rows" %You again6 That -ad guy 1ro$ the town house9% She ye##ed and run towards hi$ and punch his thigh. that was her reach" She run and get her daughter away 1ro$ hi$" %8asyado atang natataga#an /awn6 Parang wa#a ka nang -a#ak na tu$upad sa usapan"% %:indi ko yun nakaka#i$utan 7ohn"% ['ichard4s P"O">" Oh9 I #e1t the report in the house9 8atawagan nga si /awn""" ACa##ing 5o!e"""A /an$9 ;hy the he## she4s not picking up her phone9 *no -ang nagyayari sakanya69 /ecided na pu$unta na#ang dun and co$1ront her" I$ 7ust a#ways du$-1ound and I cant take it any$ore" Parang gu$aga#aw ang $undo na wa#a $an #ang akong kaa#a$ a#a$" I took $y car and straight#y went to our house" I went to ask her a-out it" I was a-out to open the door. when i heard her ta#king to so$eone on phone" I open the door a crack. enough to see her She4s ta#king to""" 0ohn69 *nd I #isten to their con!os""" %Naiinip na ako /awn9% %*no -a 0ohn69 ;a#a ka -ang tiwa#a sakin69% %8eron"""% %O yun na$an pa#a eh"% %+asta4t wag na wag ka #ang $agkaka$a#i na tu$akas kasa$a siya dahi# kung hindi. papa-agsakin ko ang ku$panya niya at wa#a ka nang $agagawa9%

%O(oo"""% %Sige" *a#is na ako"% I went inside a1ter the con!o" The pain at yung ga#it na narara$da$an ko sakanya ay -ig#ang nawa#a" sa #ahat ng $ga na#a$an ko" hindi niya pa#a ito gusto" sinasa-i ko na nga -a na $aha# niya ako" I open the door and saw her" %/awn"""% She gra- the papers 1ro$ the ta-#e and ga!e it to $e" I #ook at her $isera-#e -ut serious 1ace -e1ore taking $y eyes on the paper" I rea#ise it was an annu#$ent paper" *no na na$an -a to6 %*no to6% I ask serious#y %'ichard. $aghiwa#ay na tayo" I know this re#ationship wi## ne!er work"% %*no69 Iiwan $o na na$an ako69% %Oo" /ahi# hindi na kita $aha#9% %*no -ang pinagsasa-i $o69"""% I he#d her shou#ders %"""na#o#oka ka na -a6% She wigg#e her -ody getting out 1ro$ the ho#d" %*no -ang hindi ko naiintindihan sa sa#itang. ayoko na69 :a9 :indi na kita $aha#" 2usto $o -ang $a#a$an kong anong dahi#an69% She stop 1or a $o$ent whi#e I re$ain si#ent %"""$aha# ko si 0ohn at hindi ikaw9 8ataga# $o na siyang $aha#. 'ichard" Ni#o#oko #ang kita si$u#a pa nung u$pisa9 /ahi# siya ang $aha# ko9 *ng kai-igan $o ang $aha# ko a hindi ikaw9 Ngayon. *#a$ $o na ang totoo at kai#angan $ong tanggapin at pir$ahan yan" Pa#ayain $o na ako 'ichard. dahi# hindi kita 8aha"""% %Tu$igi# ka9""% I ripped the annu#$ent paper that surprise her" % /ahi# -a sa ku$panyang yan. kaya $o ko hihiwa#ayan69% I ye##ed -ack at her" She see$s so surprise. her eyes widen" %P(papano $o n(na#a$an6% She said stuttering" %/awn. kahit ano pang $angyari. $as $aha#aga kayo sakin kesa sa ano $ang -agay" ;a#a akong pakia#a$ kung $awa#a na ang #ahat sakin" &ayo ang i$portante sakin" &ayo ni Ceska" &ayo #ang"""% I hug her tight whi#e she cries" :indi niya a#a$ na a#a$ ko na" *t. sa wakas ay yu$akap na siya pa-a#ik sakin" %I4$ sorry 'ichard"""% She weeps so hard %Shhh""" ;ag ka nang u$iyak" Shh"""% %I4$ sorry" &asa#an ko to" /apat"""%

%Shh""" 5u$ayo na tayo dito" ,$a#is na tayo"% %Pero. papaano ang"""% %;ag $o nag intindihin iyon" 8as $aha#aga kayo sakin"% She s$i#ed at $e and" &iss her" %8o$$y. daddy6% Napa-itaw ka$i sa ha#ik ng $akita ka$i nung anak na$in" Pinandi#atan ako ni /awn" %;hy are you kissing6% She ask with her innoscent 1ace I knee# i 1ro$ o1 her with an eyes #e!e#" %That4s nothing -a-y"% %/awn. #ets pack up"% She 7ust nodded and we went to our roo$ to pack up and go out o1 the country" [0ohn4s P"O">" Nakaupo #ang ako at tu$atawa" *#a$ kong sa $ga oras na ito ay $agkahiwa#ay na si#a" :ahahaha9 Naoakasaya ng -uhay at sa wakas9 8agiging asawa ko na si /awn" Sa ha-a ng panahon na naghintay ako" *t hindi na ako papayag na $awa#a pa siya sakin" Pinuntahan ko siya sa -ahay ni#a nang naktawa" &onting tiis na#ang 0ohn. $agiging iyo na rin siya" Pag -ukas ng pinto nang -ahay ni#a""" %/awn6% Tawag ko" Pagtingin ko sa $ay sahig" Nakita ko yung annu#$ent papers" Pinu#ot ko iyon" ;a#ang hiya9 Sa-i ko na nga -a69 So. youre trying $e /awn6 Tignan na#ang natin kung ano ang $angyayari" I dia# on $y phone""" %I1 you wanted her -ack" You need to do this"""% ACa## /ropA

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