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Neurophone-A Vital Hearing and Learning Tool

M.Anitha devi, N.Karthika.

Abstract--This paper deals with one of those suppressed inventions with great capabilities and brilliant idea. Neurophone is one such fascinating device. It allows human to hear using their skin without their auditory system. The key to the Neurophone is the stimulation of the nerves of the skin with a digitally encoded signal that carries the time-ratio encoding that is recognized as sound by any nerve in the body. This device is known to increase the brain activity with regular usage. It has great potential to be used as a learning device since it stores information in long term memory. In this paper the evolution of Neurophone, its working, components used for its construction, future developments are discussed.



The Neurophone i% a devi&e per'itting (ou to hear through the %kin )ithout the %ignal% ever rea&hing (our ear%. I.e. the %ignal% are tran%'itted through the nerve% and are interpreted in (our *rain *( the neuron%. It i% a pre&i%ion %&ienti+i& in%tru'ent )ith an e,ten%ive digital %ignal pro&e%%or that en&ode% %ound and 'odulate% it onto ultra%oni& %ignal%.

Initiall( the devi&e )a% &on%tru&ted *( atta&hing t)o 8rillo pad% to in%ulated &opper )ire%. 8rillo pad% are &opper )ire %&ouring pad% u%ed to &lean pot% and pan%. The( are a*out t)o in&he% in dia'eter. The 8rillo pad% )ere in%erted into pla%ti& *ag% that a&ted a% in%ulator% to prevent ele&tri& %ho&k )hen applied to the head. The )ire% +ro' the 8rillo pad% )ere &onne&ted to a rever%ed audio output tran%+or'er that )a% atta&hed to a hi-+i a'pli+ier. The output voltage o+ the audio tran%+or'er )a% a*out 0,299 volt% peak-to-peak. When the in%ulated pad% )ere pla&ed on the te'ple% ne,t to the e(e% and the a'pli+ier )a% driven *( %pee&h or 'u%i&, (ou &ould :hear: the re%ulting %ound in%ide (our head. The per&eived %ound ;ualit( )a% ver( poor, highl( di%torted and ver( )eak. He o*%erved that during &ertain %ound peak% in the audio driving %ignal, the %ound per&eived in the head )a% ver( &lear and ver( loud. When the %ignal )a% o*%erved on an o%&illo%&ope )hile li%tening to the %ound, the %ignal )a% per&eived a% *eing loude%t and &leare%t )hen the a'pli+ier )a% over-driven and %;uare )ave% )ere generated. At the %a'e ti'e, the tran%+or'er )ould ring or o%&illate )ith a da'pened )ave +or' at +re;uen&ie% o+ 49-29 kH<. The ne,t Neurophone &on%i%ted o+ a varia*le +re;uen&( va&uu' tu*e o%&illator that )a% a'plitude-'odulated. Thi% output %ignal )a% then +ed into a high +re;uen&( tran%+or'er that )a% +lat in +re;uen&( re%pon%e in the =9-099 kH< range. The ele&trode% )ere pla&ed on the head and the o%&illator )a% tuned %o that 'a,i'u' re%onan&e )a% o*tained u%ing the hu'an *od( a% part o+ the tank &ir&uit.

II. INVENTI"N The Neurophone )a% invented *( -r. .. #atri&k /lanagan in 0123 )hen he )a% 04 (ear% old. #atri&k )a% a &hild prodig( in ele&troni&%, &he'i%tr( and ph(%i&%. He had di%&overed an entirel( ne) )a( to tran%'it %ound into the hu'an *rain. It took 'edi&al %&ien&e 55 (ear% to di%&over ho) the devi&e )ork%. When he )a% +i+teen (ear% old, He gave a le&ture at the Hou%ton A'ateur !adio 6lu*, during )hi&h he de'on%trated the Neurophone to the audien&e. A+ter an initial te%t on a dea+ per%on, )hi&h turned out a %u&&e%%, an arti&le on the Neurophone a% a potential hearing aid +or the dea+ appeared and )ent out on the international )ire %ervi&e%.
III. EV"L TI"N "/ NE !"#H"NE7


Later 'odel% had a +eed*a&k 'e&hani%' that auto'ati&all( ad@u%ted the +re;uen&( +or re%onan&e. The( +ound that the diele&tri& &on%tant o+ hu'an %kin i% highl( varia*le. In order

to a&hieve 'a,i'u' tran%+er o+ energ(, the unit had to *e retuned to re%onan&e in order to 'at&h the :d(na'i& diele&tri& re%pon%e: o+ the *od( o+ the li%tener. The =,999 volt peak-topeak a'plitude-'odulated &arrier )ave )a% then &onne&ted to the *od( *( 'ean% o+ t)o-in&h dia'eter ele&trode di%&% that )ere in%ulated *( 'ean% o+ M(lar +il'% o+ di++erent thi&kne%%e%. The Neurophone i% reall( a %&alar )ave devi&e %in&e the out-o+-pha%e %ignal% +ro' the ele&trode% 'i, in the non-linear &o'ple,itie% o+ the %kin diele&tri&. 39A%

The %ignal% +ro' ea&h &apa&itor ele&trode are 039 degree% out o+ pha%e. Ea&h %ignal i% tran%'itted into the &o'ple, diele&tri& o+ the *od( )here pha%e &an&ellation take% pla&e. The net re%ult i% a %&alar ve&tor. "+ &our%e he did not kno) thi% )hen he +ir%t 19A% =999

developed the Neurophone. Thi% kno)ledge &a'e 'u&h later )hen the( learned that the hu'an nervou% %(%te' i% e%pe&iall( %en%itive to %&alar %ignal%. The high +re;uen&( a'plitude-'odulated Neurophone had e,&ellent %ound &larit(. The per&eived %ignal )a% ver( &learl( per&eived a% i+ it )ere &o'ing +ro' )ithin the head. Modern Version: The digital Neurophone &onvert% %ound )ave% into a digital %ignal that 'at&he% the ti'e en&oding that i% u%ed *( the *rain. The%e ti'e %ignal% are u%ed not onl( in %pee&h re&ognition *ut al%o in %patial re&ognition +or the 5-- %ound lo&ali<ation. The digital Neurophone i% the ver%ion that )e eventuall( produ&ed and %old a% the Mark BI and the Think 'an Model 29 ver%ion%. The%e neurophone% )ere e%pe&iall( u%e+ul a% %u*li'inal learning 'a&hine%. i+ )e pla( edu&ational tape% through the Neurophone, the data i% ver( rapidl( in&orporated into the long-ter' 'e'or( *ank% o+ the *rain.

/ig.0 all ne) d%p Neurophone

W"!KIN. #!IN6I#LE "/ NE !"#H"NE7 A. Basic idea of Neurophone7


The organ i% &alled the %a&&ule and i% a*out the %i<e o+ a pea. It &ontain% nerve ending%, &alled 'a&ula, and an otolith, a gelatinou% &ap &ontaining +ine %andlike parti&le% o+ &al&iu' &ar*onate &alled oto&onia. When the head i% tilted in relation to gravit(, the 'a&ula %ignal% the ve%ti*ulo&o&hlear nerve in the nervou% %(%te' %o that *alan&e &an *e regained. The %a&&ule ha% nerve ending% that are di%tri*uted throughout the *rain. So'e o+ the%e nerve% go to the area o+ the *rain that &o'pute% %ound. "ther nerve% are di%tri*uted into area% &on&erned )ith longter' 'e'or(. The Neurophone tran%'it% 'odulated ultra%oni& %ound at 49,999 &(&le% per %e&ond C49 kH<D. When )e %)i' )ith dolphin% or )hale%, )e &an hear the ultra%oni& energ( e'itted *( the%e 'a''al% through our %a&&ule. 8( u%ing the Neurophone, )e &an train our *rain path)a(% %o that )e &an :hear: through the %a&&ule path)a(. It 'a( *e that our an&e%tor% &ould &o''uni&ate )ith )hale% and dolphin% *( the u%e o+ ultra%oni& %ound. When the Neurophone i% u%ed a% an e,peri'ental li%tening devi&e, the%e path)a(% are developed and appear to e,pand &on%&iou%ne%% *alan&ing the le+t and right he'i%phere% o+ the *rain. The %kin i% our large%t and 'o%t &o'ple, organ. In addition to *eing the +ir%t line o+ de+en%e again%t in+e&tion, the %kin i% a giganti& li;uid &r(%tal *rain. The %kin i% pie<oele&tri&. When it i% vi*rated or ru**ed, it generate% ele&tri& %ignal% and %&alar )ave%. Ever( organ o+ per&eption evolved +ro' the %kin. When )e are e'*r(o%, our %en%or( organ% evolved +ro' +old% in the %kin. Man( pri'itive organi%'% and ani'al% &an %ee and hear )ith their %kin. When the Neurophone )a% originall( developed, neuroph(%iologi%t% &on%idered that the *rain )a% hard-)ired and that the variou% &ranial nerve% )ere hard)ired to ever( %en%or( %(%te'. The eighth &ranial nerve i% the nerve *undle that run% +ro' the inner ear to the *rain. Theoreti&all(, )e %hould onl( *e a*le to hear )ith our ear% i+

our %en%or organ% are hard-)ired. No) the &on&ept o+ a holographi& *rain ha% &o'e into *eing. The holographi& *rain theor( %tate% that the *rain u%e% a holographi& en&oding %(%te' %o that the entire *rain 'a( *e a*le to +un&tion a% a 'ultiple-+a&eted %en%or( en&oding &o'puter. Thi% 'ean% that %en%or( i'pre%%ion% 'a( *e en&oded %o that an( part o+ the *rain &an re&ogni<e input %ignal% a&&ording to a %pe&ial en&oding. Theoreti&all(, )e %hould *e a*le to %ee and hear through 'ultiple &hannel%. The ke( to the Neurophone i% the %ti'ulation o+ the nerve% o+ the %kin )ith a digitall( en&oded %ignal that &arrie% the %a'e ti'e-ratio en&oding that i% re&ogni<ed a% %ound *( an( nerve in the *od(. All &o''er&ial digital %pee&h re&ognition &ir&uitr( i% *a%ed on %o-&alled do'inant +re;uen&( po)er anal(%i%. While %pee&h &an *e re&ogni<ed *( %u&h a &ir&uit, the truth i% that %pee&h en&oding i% *a%ed on ti'e ratio%. I+ the +re;uen&( po)er anal(%i% &ir&uit% are not pha%ed properl(, the( )ill not )ork. The intelligen&e i% &arried *( pha%e in+or'ation. The +re;uen&( &on-tent o+ the voi&e give% our voi&e a &ertain ;ualit(, *ut +re;uen&( doe% not &ontain in+or'ation. All atte'pt% at &o'puter voi&e re&ognition and voi&e generation are onl( partiall( %u&&e%%+ul. ntil digital ti'e-ratio en&oding i% u%ed, our &o'puter% )ill never *e a*le to reall( talk to u%. The &o'puter that )e developed to re&ogni<e %pee&h +or the 'an-dolphin &o''uni&ator u%ed ti'e-ratio anal(%i% onl(. 8( re&ogni<ing and u%ing ti'e-ratio en&oding, )e &ould tran%'it &lear voi&e data through e,tre'el( narro) *and)idth%. In one devi&e, )e developed a radio tran%'itter that had a *and)idth o+ onl( 599 H< )hile 'aintaining &r(%tal &lear tran%'i%%ion. Sin&e %ignal-to-noi%e ratio i% *a%ed on *and )idth &on%ideration%, )e )ere a*le to tran%'it &lear voi&e over thou%and% o+ 'ile% )hile u%ing 'illi)att po)er. I'proved %ignal-pro&e%%ing algorith'% are the *a%i% o+ a ne) %erie% o+ Neurophone% that are &urrentl( under develop'ent. V. H"W -"ES IT W"!K$ The devi&e take% a &o'ple, %ignal, %u&h a% the %ound o+ an or&he%tra pla(ing a 'u%i&al interlude, and ele&tri&all( pro&e%%e% it a% %ho)n in the +igure. /ir%t the %ignal i% pa%%ed into a %e&tion that &lip% ever(thing into a %erie% o+ %;uare )ave%, re'arka*l( analogou% to the %ort o+ &lipped )ave% Li%it%(n &on+ir'% are the in+or'ation &arrier% o+ the hu'an *rain. Ne,t the %;uare )ave% are di++erentiated, (ielding a %erie% o+ %harp %pike% Cnote that the%e %pike% retain the pul%eti'e &ontent o+ the &lipped %ignalD. The%e %pike% are again di++erentiated, and %in&e the%e are +inite %pike% )ith real non<ero ri%e ti'e% and de&a( ti'e% rather than theoreti&al &on%tru&t%, a %erie% o+ noi%( %pike% re%ult% +ro' the %e&ond di++erentiator %e&tion. /ro' here, the noi%( %pike% are introdu&ed to %pe&ial &onta&t ele&trode%, one o+ )hi&h i% nor'all( pla&ed on the +orehead, )hile the other 'a( *e pla&ed al'o%t an()here, in&luding on the +oot. No)here are an( %ound )ave% introdu&ed to the head.

The %;uare-)ave &lipper %e&tion redu&e% the &o'ple, %ignal%, their overtone%, and their &o'ple, 'odulation% to %;uare )ave%, retaining the te'poral &ontent o+ the )ave 'i, *ut not the )ave% the'%elve%. The +ir%t and %e&ond di++erentiator% heighten or +ilter through the te'poral &ontent o+ the higherorder di++erentiation%, that i%, the( %erve a% a *and pa%% +ilter unit to a&&ent the ti'e ke(ing o+ the neutrini& and 'ind+ield portion% or a%pe&t% o+ the %ignal. When the%e ti'e %pike% are then introdu&ed a&ro%% the *od( a% pul%ed voltage%, the( are 'odulated dire&tl( on the dendrite +iring% o+ the *rain and nervou% %(%te', providing dire&t and pul%ed 'odulation o+ the neutrini& and 'ind+ield &o'ponent &hannel% o+ the 'ind*rain-&on%&iou%ne%%-li+e loop it%el+. Thu% the Neurophone dire&tl( input% in+or'ation into the *rain and nervou% %(%te' , *(pa%%ing all the nor'al %en%or( %(%te'% that lie *et)een the 'id-*rain loop and the out%ide environ'ent. It )ill dire&tl( +eed the *rain and reprodu&e %ound and in+or'ation dire&tl( in the *rain and 'ind %(%te', )ithout going through the auditor( %(%te' at all. Electronic Telepathy: The Neurophone i% reall( an ele&troni& telepath( 'a&hine. Several te%t% prove that it *(pa%%e% the eighth &ranial nerve or hearing nerve and tran%'it% %ound dire&tl( to the *rain. Thi% 'ean% that the Neurophone %ti'ulate% per&eption through a %eventh or alternate %en%e. All hearing aid% %ti'ulate tin( *one% in the 'iddle ear. So'eti'e% )hen the eardru' i% da'aged, the *one% o+ the inner ear are %ti'ulated *( a vi*rator that i% pla&ed *ehind the ear on the *a%e o+ the %kull. 8one &ondu&tion )ill even )ork through the teeth. In order +or *one &ondu&tion to )ork, the &o&hlea or inner ear that &onne&t% to the eighth &ranial nerve 'u%t +un&tion. #eople )ho are nerve-dea+ &annot hear through *one &ondu&tion *e&au%e the nerve% in the inner ear are not +un&tional. A nu'*er o+ nerve-dea+ people and people )ho have had the entire inner ear re'oved *( %urger( have *een a*le to hear )ith the Neurophone. I+ the Neurophone ele&trode% are pla&ed on the &lo%ed e(e% or on the +a&e, the %ound &an *e &learl( :heard: a% i+ it )ere &o'ing +ro' in%ide the *rain. When the ele&trode% are pla&ed on the +a&e, the %ound i% per&eived through the trige'inal nerve. We there+ore kno) that the Neurophone &an )ork through the trige'inal or +a&ial nerve. When the +a&ial nerve i% deadened *( 'ean% o+ ane%theti& in@e&tion%, )e &an no longer hear through the +a&e. In the%e &a%e%, there i% a +ine line )here the %kin on the +a&e i% nu'*. I+ the ele&trode% are pla&ed on the nu'* %kin, )e &annot hear it *ut )hen the ele&trode% are 'oved a +ra&tion o+ an in&h over to %kin that %till ha% +eeling, %ound per&eption i%

re%tored. Thi% prove% that the 'ean% o+ %ound per&eption via the Neurophone i% *( 'ean% o+ %kin and not *( 'ean% o+ *one &ondu&tion. 6"M#"NENTS SE- T" 6"NST! 6T NE !"#H"NE7 It i% an o*@e&t o+ the pre%ent invention to provide a 'ean% o+ initiating &ontrolla*le re%pon%e% o+ the neuro %en%e% )ithout appl(ing pre%%ure )ave% or %tre%% )ave% to the ear% or *one%. Another o*@e&t o+ thi% invention i% to provide a 'ean% o+ &au%ing a per%on to re&eive an aural per&eption o+ the %ound &orre%ponding to the audio 'odulation o+ radio +re;uen&( ele&tro'agneti& )ave% that are &oupled )ith the nervou% %(%te' o+ the per%on. The%e and other o*@e&t% o+ thi% invention )ill *e under%tood +ro' the +ollo)ing dra)ing% and de%&ription o+ the invention, )herein7 VI.

/ig 5 i% a diagra''ati& vie) illu%trating one +or' o+ +ield generator adapted to *e u%ed )ith the devi&e o+ /igure 0.

/ig 4 i% a diagra''ati& vie) illu%trating another +or' o+ +ield generator adapted to *e u%ed )ith the devi&e o+ /igure 0. /ig 0 i% a %&he'ati& illu%tration o+ one +or' o+ the pre%ent nervou% %(%te' e,&itation devi&e.

/ig = i% a &ir&uit diagra' o+ one +or' o+ the pre%ent nervou% %(%te' e,&itation devi&e.

Description: A% %ho)n in /igure 0 o+ the dra)ing, in a pre+erred +or' o+ the invention, a +ield o+ ele&tro'agneti& )ave% i% generated *( a +ield generating 'ean%, %u&h a% a pair o+ ele&trode% 0. The ele&trode% 0 are pre+era*l( ele&tri&all( in%ulated, +or e,a'ple *( %urrounding the' )ith a %uita*le ele&tri&al in%ulating 'aterial =, and are arranged to generate a +ield &oupled )ith at lea%t a portion o+ the nervou% %(%te' o+ a per%on, +or e,a'ple *( *eing pla&ed near or along oppo%ite %ide% o+ a per%onA% head. The ele&trode% 0 &an *e pla&ed in dire&t &onta&t )ith the %kin and the ele&trode% &an *e pla&ed on or near variou% portion% o+ the *od(, %u&h portion% pre+era*l( *eing near the %pinal &ord. The ele&trode% 0 are ele&tri&all( &onne&ted to a %our&e o+ 'odulated ele&tro'agneti& )ave% in&lu%ive o+ a radio +re;uen&( po)er a'pli+ier and varia*le +re;uen&( o%&illator, indi&ated in *o, 4, a %our&e o+ audio %ignal, indi&ated in *o, 2, and a po)er %uppl( +or the %ignal %our&e, 'odulator and a'pli+ier, indi&ated *( *o, E. The varia*le +re;uen&( o%&illator 5 i% pre+era*l( provided )ith a 'anual radio +re;uen&( &ontrol 'ean%, indi&ated *( *o, 5a. Nu'erou% +or'% o+ the &o'ponent%, indi&ated in *o,e% 5 to E, that provide %uita*le po)er and a %our&e o+ 'odulated ele&tro'agneti& )ave% are pre%entl( kno)n and the kno)n devi&e% &an *e %uita*l( u%ed a% long a% the( are arranged to

produ&e a relativel( high voltage output that ha% a radio +re;uen&( a*ove the audio range and i% &apa*le o+ *eing 'odulated *( an audio %ignal or other %ignal adapted to *e &onve(ed *( the 'odulation o+ ele&tro'agneti& )ave% o+ %u&h a +re;uen&(. The 'odulation &an %uita*l( *e e++e&ted *( 'ean% o+ either an a'plitude or +re;uen&( 'odulation o+ %u&h ele&tro'agneti& )ave%. The%e )ave% pre+era*l( have a +re;uen&( in the range o+ a*out =9 kilo&(&le% per %e&ond to a*out =99 kilo&(&le% per %e&ond. The output o+ the %our&e o+ 'odulated ele&tro'agneti& )ave% i% pre+era*l( at lea%t a*out 0 )att )here the +ield generator &o'pri%e% a pair o+ in%ulated ele&trode% pla&ed on the head o+ a per%on. The e,tent to )hi&h a per%on i% aurall( per&eptive to the output %upplied at a given )attage i% 'ateriall( in&rea%ed )hen at lea%t one o+ the ele&trode% i% pla&ed in ele&tri&al &onta&t )ith the *od( o+ the per%on. In a pre+erred 'ode o+ operating the apparatu% %ho)n in /igure 0, the ele&trode% 0 are pla&ed on the %ide% o+ the head o+ a per%on. The %our&e 2 o+ audio %ignal i% a&tuated to produ&e an audio %ignal &orre%ponding to %ound% re&ogni<a*le *( that per%on, and %our&e 5 o+ 'odulated ele&tro'agneti& )ave% i% a&tuated to &ouple the )ave% )ith the nervou% %(%te' o+ that per%on. When &ontrol 5A i% ad@u%ted %o that the +re;uen&( o+ the 'odulated )ave% i% a +re;uen&( to )hi&h hi% nervou% %(%te' i% parti&ularl( re%pon%ive, the per%on to )ho' the +ield o+ %u&h )ave% i% applied ha% the %en%ation o+ hearing the %ound% &orre%ponding to the audio %ignal %u*%tantiall( +ree o+ di%tortion. In the &ir&uit %ho)n in /igure =, a pha%e %hi+t t(pe o+ &arrier o%&illation, generall( de%ignated *( dotted re&tangle >, )ith a +re;uen&( &ontrol, generall( de%ignated *( re&tangle 3, i% arranged to produ&e ele&tro'agneti& )ave%, %ho)n at A, a +re;uen&( ranging +ro' a*out =9 to =99 kilo&(&le% per %e&ond. The o%&illator output i% &oupled through &apa&itor 1 to a radio +re;uen&( po)er a'pli+ier, generall( de%ignated *( a dotted re&tangle 09. #otentio'eter 00, )hi&h i% &onne&ted *et)een &apa&itor 1 and ground, provide% a 'ean% o+ ad@u%ting the input to the a'pli+ier. S)it&h 0=, )hi&h i% &onne&ted to the &athode o+ tu*e 05 o+ the a'pli+ier, provide% a 'ean% o+ %)it&hing *et)een re%i%tor% 04 and 02 to var( the operating po)er &hara&teri%ti&% o+ the tu*e. The output o+ a'pli+ier 09 i% &onne&ted to tran%+or'er 0E )hi&h i% &oupled *a&k-to-*a&k )ith tran%+or'er 0>. Thi% arrange'ent o+ tran%+or'er% provide% an indu&tive load %u&h that the a'pli+ier (ield% a high voltage output i% i%olated +ro' other &o'ponent% o+ the &ir&uit. !e%i%tor 03 &onne&ted a&ro%% the output %ide o+ tran%+or'er 0> %erve% to redu&e an( dangerou% voltage %pike% )hi&h 'ight *e produ&ed. The output %ide o+ tran%+or'er 0> i% &onne&ted to a %uita*le +ield generator, )hi&h 'a( &o'pri%e the ele&trode% 0 %urrounded *( in%ulating 'aterial =. The output o+ a'pli+ier 09 i% a'plitude 'odulated *( 'ean% o+ the 'odulator generall( de%ignated *( dotted re&tangle 01. A +lu&tuating ele&tri&al %ignal 8, pre+era*l( o+ audio +re;uen&(, i% applied to the 'odulator *( 'ean% o+ input @a&k =9 and tran%+or'er =0. The output o+ the 'odulator varie% the

%&reen voltage o+ tu*e 05 o+ the a'pli+ier %o that the 'odulation envelope o+ the &urrent o%&illation% 6 produ&ed a&ro%% the load o+ tu*e 05 &orre%pond% to the +lu&tuating %ignal 8 applied to the 'odulator. #otentio'eter == i% &onne&ted to the &athode o+ tu*e =5 a% the &athode re%i%tor o+ tu*e =5. #otentio'eter == i% pre+era*l( ad@u%ted %o that the plate &urrent o+ tu*e 05 o+ the a'pli+ier %o that the 'odulation envelope o+ the &urrent o%&illation 6 produ&ed a&ro%% the load o+ tu*e 05 &orre%pond to the +lu&tuating %ignal 8 applied to the 'odulator. #otentio'eter == i% &onne&ted to the &athode o+ tu*e =5 a% the &athode re%i%tor o+ tu*e =5. #otentio'eter == i% pre+era*le ad@u%ted %o that the plate &urrent o+ tu*e 05 i% a*out hal+ it% nor'al 'a,i'u' value. The +lu&tuating %ignal applied to 'odulator 01 i% then ad@u%ted to &au%e the plate &urrent o+ tu*e 05 to var( *et)een the 'a,i'u' and 'ini'u' value% %o that a large &urrent variation o&&ur% in the load 0E o+ tu*e 05.The apparatu% %ho)n in /igure = ha% *een u%ed to &o''uni&ate %pee&h and 'u%i& to nu'erou% per%on% in&luding regi%tered ph(%i&ian%. In the%e u%e% the ele&trode% 0, in the +or' o+ &ir&ular di%& &overed *( a pla%ti& in%ulation =, )ere pla&ed again%t the %ide% o+ the head% o+ the per%on%. When the ele&tro'agneti& )ave% )ere ad@u%ted to a +re;uen&( to )hi&h per%on% having nor'al hearing )ere %ele&tivel( re%pon%ive, none o+ the%e per%on% per&eived an( %en%ation% o+ hearing or e,perien&ed an( di%&o'+ort )hen no audio 'odulation )a% applied to the )ave%. When the )ave% )ere audio 'odulated )ith a %pee&h or 'u%i& %ignal, none o+ the%e per%on% e,perien&ed an( di%&o'+ort, *ut the( ea&h had the %en%ation o+ li%tening to the tran%'itted in+or'ation and hearing it at lea%t a% &learl( a% the( )ould hear %u&h in+or'ation +ro' an audi*le tran%'itter. When the %a'e apparatu% )a% %i'ilarl( e'plo(ed on a per%on )ho%e hearing had *een da'aged to an e,tent re;uiring a hearing aid to hear nor'al &onver%ation, that per%on heard the audio %ignal C)ith thi% hearing aid di%&onne&tedD and heard 'u%i& )ith a *etter +idelit( than that o*taina*le )ith thi% hearing aid. /igure 5 %ho)% an arrange'ent +or 'ounting the +ield generating 'ean% in a po%ition %u&h that a portion o+ a per%onA% nervou% %(%te' 'a( *e 'oved into and out o+ &oupling )ith the +ield at the )ill o+ the per%on. In thi% arrange'ent, ele&trode% 0 %urrounded *( in%ulation = are 'ounted in verti&al align'ent along the *a&k o+ a %eating devi&e, %u&h a% &hair =4. When a per%on i% %eated and leaning *a&k in the &hair, portion% o+ hi% nervou% %(%te' are *rought into &oupling relation%hip )ith the +ield produ&ed *( ele&trode% 0. /igure 4 %ho)% an alternative arrange'ent o+ the +ield generating 'ean%. In thi% arrange'ent, indu&tive &oil =2 i% &onne&ted to the output o+ a %uita*le %our&e o+ 'odulated ele&tro'agneti& )ave% and %erve% a% a +ield generating 'ean% )hi&h i% adapted to *e pla&ed around the head o+ a per%on.


8ENE/ITS "/ NE !"#H"NE

Har'oni<ing +eeling o+ *eing grounded in thought% and a&tion. !ela,ation though li%tening to pink noi%e or e,ternal audio. In&rea%ed learning potential )hile li%tening to audio *ook% or +oreign language%. In&rea%ed &on&entration and +o&u%. In&rea%ed auditor( %en%ation.

into altered *rain %tate%. ItA% 'o%t po)er+ul u%e 'a( *e in dire&t &o''uni&ation% )ith the *rain &enter%, there*( *(pa%%ing the :+ilter%: or inner 'e&hani%'% that 'a( li'it our a*ilit( to &o''uni&ate to the *rain. I+ )e &an unlo&k the %e&ret o+ dire&t audio &o''uni&ation% to the *rain, )e &an unlo&k the %e&ret o+ vi%ual &o''uni&ation%. The %kin ha% re&eptor% that &an dete&t vi*ration, light, te'perature, pre%%ure and +ri&tion. All )e have to do i% to %ti'ulate the %kin )ith the right %ignal%.



In&rea%e in telepathi& a)arene%%. 8rainF'ind link *et)een 'an( people. Su*li'inal learning Cpla(ed at lo) volu'eD. 6on%&iou% learning *( %i'ultaneou% u%e
o+ headphone% and Neurophone.

Su*li'inal progra'% to alter unde%ira*le ha*it. 6ontrol o+ the aging pro&e%% *( &ellular

Hearing rendered po%%i*le +or dea+ people.

B. 6"N6L SI"N To &on&lude, Neurophone )ith +urther develop'ent% &an prove to *e a a)e%o'e %&ienti+i& devi&e. It &an *e u%ed a% a valua*le devi&e in the %tud( o+ ES# and other related thing%. I+ u%ed in a +air 'anner it &an *e a *ig 'ile%tone in the hi%tor( o+ 'ankind allo)ing &ontrol over our *rain. Man( re%ear&he% regarding thi% Neurophone are in progre%% i+ it attain %u&&e%% then the %tandard o+ living o+ ever( hu'an in thi% )orld )ill in&rea%e. There are 'ore &han&e% o+ getting another Ein%tein, Ne)ton, /lanagan )ho revolutioni<ed thi% )orld *( their e,&ellent invention% and di%&overie% )ith their in&rea%ed *rain a&tivit(.
!E/E!EN6ES G0H IThe Hi%tor( o+ the NeurophoneJ, THE NE !"#H"NE Mk BI MAN AL 01>1 .. #atri&k /lanagan, #h.-. G=H ))).+lanagan-neurophone.&o' . G5H ))).neurophone.&o'. G4H ))).re,re%ear&h.&o'en.) G2H ))).keel(net.&o'. GEH ))).a*ovetop%e&ret.&o'. G>H ))).alternativelearning.&o'. G3H ))).eternal%hop.&o'. G1H ))).tool%+or)ellne%%.&o'.

IX. / T !E -EVEL"#MENTS The +uture o+ neurophone% i% ver( e,&iting %in&e it ha% opened a po%%i*le %our&e +or ele&troni& telepath( The Neurophone i% a po)er+ul *rain-entrain'ent devi&e. I+ )e pla( alpha or theta %ignal% dire&tl( through the Neurophone, )e &an entrain an( *rain %tate )e like. In a +uture arti&le )e )ill tell ho) the Neurophone ha% *een u%ed a% a %u*li'inal learning devi&e and al%o a% a *ehavior 'odi+i&ation %(%te'. 8atteau?% theor( )a% that i+ )e &ould pla&e the Neurophone ele&trode% %o that the %ound )a% per&eived a% &o'ing +ro' one %ide o+ the head onl(, and i+ )e pla(ed a 599 H< %ignal through the Neurophone, i+ )e al%o pla(ed a 559 H< %ignal through an ordinar( headphone )e )ould get a *eat note i+ the %ignal% )ere %u''ing in the inner ear *one%. When the te%t )a% &ondu&ted, )e )ere a*le to per&eive t)o di%tin&t tone% )ithout a *eat. Thi% te%t again proved that Neurophoni& hearing )a% not through the 'ean% o+ *one &ondu&tion. When )e u%ed a %tereo Neurophone, )e )ere a*le to get a *eat note that i% %i'ilar to the *inaural *eat, *ut the *eat i% o&&urring in%ide the nervou% %(%te' and i% not a re%ult o+ *one &ondu&tion. The Neurophone i% a :gate)a(:

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