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SYNOPSIS (Chapter Fourty Eight: Flame and Water)

[Third Per on! "#ari$el%&" "'a(n%&" She tand up and lo(ly (al) to(ard her*** "#ari$el& I)a( nga&" She hug her tight* They+re ,riend ,riend * /nd a,ter i0 year 1 they meet again* "'a(n& /nd ganda mo parin&" "Su & 2olera )a parin& 3ahahaha&" "So1 )umu ta%" 'a(n a )* They ,orgot that 4i$hard (a there* "O)ay lang1 eto* Sho(5i6 parin1 i)a(% Wala )a 5ang plano%" "Siguro 5y /pril pa*" "Talaga%& That good&" "/hem&" 4i$hard ,a)e a laugh* "/y& Sorry& Naali( lang a)o )ay 'a(n* T a)a1 ngayon na naman lang )ami nag )ita* /,ter i0 year &" "O)ay lang* Sige mai(an )o muna )ayo1 para ma)apag $at$h7up )ayo*" The t(o nodded* "So1 ano%" 'a(n+ ,a$e $hanged* "Oh% 2a)it parang ang lung)ot naman ata niyang mu)hang yan% /ya( mo 5a%" "3indi naman* 8aya lang1 i 4i$hard )a i eh& Sa5i niya1 a)o lang ang 9eading lady niya& Tapo ngayon na papa o) na a)o ng ho(5i61 may 5ago iyang leading lady* /no pala a)o ngayon% Ii(an niya )o%& Na)a)atampo na )aya& 7:7" mari$el laugh upon hearing her* "Oh% Tina(anan mo pa a)o%" "8a i naman1 he didnt told you yet%" "3indi1 ano 5a yun%" "Eh1 i)a( ang leading lady niya* It (a a$tually ;ret$hen again1 pero nung nalaman niya in$e -.+ and they (ere o $lo e

na gu to mong 5umali)1 pina)iu apan niya i Tita Charo1 i a a mga produ$er1 na i)a( nalang* Natu(a naman i Tita Charo1 dahil 5a5ali) )a no&" "Talaga%" She hug her ,riend* "Oo& I)a( naman&" :::::::::::::: Ce )a had 5een drop to $hool1 and they+<e 5een gone 5a$) home* She hadn+t ta)e her ho(er yet1 +$au e he (o)e up late and de$ided to ta)e it (hen they+re 5a$)* She (anted to 5e le,t at home1 5ut Ce )a in i ted her to and he $ant ay +no+ to her daughter*=pon arri<ing1 he emmediately too) her tra$) to their ho(er room1 and too) her $lothe o,,1 )no(ing that 4i$hard le,t ,or the la t three day o, hoot* She already (ent into the (ater1 ,eeling the rela0ing (ater and a mil) that moi turi6e her al5ino )in* 4i$hard (a a5out to dri<e ,or the hoot (hen he ,elt a udden +(ee7(ee+ ( orry ,or the poor term) and too) hi tra$) to their main toilet at the ,ir t ,loor only to ,ind out1 it ha loo e lo$)* 3e de$ided to u e the toilet at their room* On hi (ay1 he heard ome noi e in ide Ce )a+ room1 )no(ing it (a 'a(n* 3e emmediately open the door and tarted to too) o,, hi 5elt1 (hen the $urtain that de<ide the 5athtu5 and the toilet (a remo<ed ,inding out 'a(n1 yelled "/y 2a)lang 4api t&" loo)ing at him (ith an7oh7(iden eye * She+ nude1 and he $an ee her /991 3er ,ully gro(n 5rea t and her hardened nipple1 5e$au e o, the $old (ater ,rom the tu5* =pon eeing a ala$iou mile ,rom him1 he $o<ered her mound (ith her 5oth hand and lo(ly itting do(n to hide her +do(n there+* "What%" 3e a ) almo t laughing "2a)lang 4api t%"* "Why are you here%" She a ) he itantly* "Iihi ana1 )aya lang***" 3e lo(ly too) hi 5elt and pant o,,1 dropping it on the ,loor1 (hile (al)ing to(ard her* "4i$hard1 ano yan%" She a )* 4i$hard too) hi hirt o,, and only hi 5o0er le,t* The 5ulging in ide (a een* She (a pu hed to lie do(n in the large tu51 (hen he $ame $lo er to her and remo<e hi under(ear that he only ha * 3er eye (iden1 e<en he )ne( ho( huge he i * "/,raid my 9o<e%" 3e tea ed* The (ater (a a5out on $he t ((hen lied do(n)* She 5it her lo(er lip that pulle hi trigger in (anting her more* "Youre eddu$ing me1 arent you%"* "Sira& 2a)it naman )ita aa)itin1 a5er% T a)a )ung aa)itin )ita1 you dont $are a5out it* / a(a )ita1 )aya p(edeng7p(ede )ong ga(in yun*" * "Well1 I+m not topping you* 2ut Plea e top 5itting your lo(er lip*"* "Why%" She a ) inno $ently1 5itting her lo(er lip on$e again* 3e didnt ay a (ord in tead1 he )i her o,t1 pin)i h lip * 3e+ )i ing it agre i<ely (hile hi hand tarted to e0plore on her tummy1 around it* She re ponded to hi hot and (eet )i e that he $ant e<en e $ape and he ne<er (anted to* 3i )i e (a o aggre i<e that he $ant 5reath anymore* She he pu hed him a(ay* "Te)a lang***" She aid 5et(een her hea<y 5reath * "/nong te)a lang%" 3e )i ed her again1 and again1 he $ant do anything 5ut to an (er it all* 3i hand tarted it tra$) again1 and thi time1 to her 5rea t* 3e ga p (hen he uddenly $up them (ith hi 5oth hand * 3e gently >uee6e and $arre it (hile he+ pre<enting her el, ,rom moaning* They didnt ha<e in mind1 that they+re at the 5athtu5* 3i le,t hand lo(ly remo<e the +thing+ that )eep the (ater till and open it* The (ater lo(ly dried up1 eeing her 5ody* 3er healthy 5rea t that ?u t ,it in hi hand * 3e

tare at it ,or a (hile* While he+ >uite hy1 $o<ering it lo(ly1 5ut 4i$hard pre<ent it* "'ont e<en thin) a5out it #r * ;ome6*" 3e aid (ith a ala$iou ,a$e* She $an ee her hu 5and+ de ire and lu t ,or her* She )ne(1 and he $an ee it in hi eye 1 that he (anted her o mu$h* 3e didnt (a te time and he )i her again* 3e+ )i ing her ,rom her lip do(n to her ne$)1 5itting and li$)ing them1 lea<ing a lot o, lo<e mar) * "#oan ,or me my 9o<e*" 3e $ommanded1 5ut he didnt* 3e $arre her 5reat more1 ,or her to moan* 2ut he 5it her lo(er lip to pre<ent it* She+ 5eing o naughty1 that he (anted to tea e 4i$hard more1 e pe$ially1 eing him (ith tho e lu t* "Youre 5eing naughty #r * ;ome6*" 3e in erted hi ,inger to her $ore and made a rhythm on it* ;etting it in ide and out o, her1 (hile hi other hand (a till $arre ing her 5o om* No( he $ant pre<ent her el, to moan1 upon the en ation that he+ gi<ing to her* "/hh***" She moaned o,tly* "That+ it 9o<e***"* 3er orga m $ame out* "So (et and ready ,or me 9o<e*" 3e aid again* She (ant him in ide* 2ut he gra5 her hand and put it into +hi +* "Plea ure me my 9o<e*" 3e aid* She nodded and tarted her ?o5* 3e $ant a<oid to $lo e hi eye * Fa ter he doe 1 5ut he top her and )i her 5y the lip 1 torridly* Without ,urther ado1 3e tarted to propel in ide her1 and the ame1 getting in ide and out o, her* She+ into her loud moan that he $ant )eep anymore* The room ,illed 5y their (eet moan and name * =ntil they rea$h their $lima0 together and he get out ide her* They+re 5reath (ere une<en* ::::::::::::::::: "2ye* Plea e 5e 5a$) at @%" 'a(n )i ed her hu 5and a good5ye* "I (ill* Si Aame nalang ang mag u undo )ay Ce )a* You $an $ome i, you (ant*" "/h1 ige* 2e $are,ul and I 9o<e you*" She (eetly miled "I 9o<e you more*" ['a(n+ P*O*B*! 3ayy*** #ag i a na naman dito a 5ahay* 8umu ta na )aya i /li$e* Sya na )a i yung 5ahala muna a $ompany )o* /,ter all1 magaling iya* 2a)a nga ma magaling na a)in yun mag pala)ad* While Bi< 1 he+ gone to /meri$a to <i it #ama and Papa (Bi<ian+ Parent )* I )no( he mi e them a lot* ;u to na da( ma meet nila #ama ang Papa i Ce )a1 and a,ter all1 ummer i $oming1 o*** 'un nalang namin ipapa yal i Ce )a* It+ 5een i0 year naman na hindi na )ami dun na)a)apunta* /nd may gimi) itong i 4i$hard* /no na naman )aya ang urpri e niya a)in%* Pero I tru t ?im* /y ano pa man yun1 I+m ure1 na ma u7 urpri e talaga a)o dun* Nag5a)e a)o ng 5ro(nie dahil a (ala naman a)ong nagaga(a dito* #ag i imula pa )a i a)ong mag tra5aho ulit a ummer pa1 dahil may aayu in pa da( i 4i$hard* ;u to nita )a i1 na unang 5ali) )o a ho(5i61 iya na agad ang leading man )o* Pero1 ina5ihan )o naman )a i iya na iya ang gu to )ong leading man* 8aya1 iya na talaga* /nd tagal talaga ng ora at hindi na a)o na)a)apagpigil* I+m o 5ored& 8aya1 I de$ided to go to mall and troll around* Para naman mali5ang a)o1 at 5i5ili narin ng mga 5agong

damit ni Ce )a* Sigurado )a ing hihingi na naman yung ana) )ong yun* I dri<e my $ar and (ent to the mall* Nag hade * Pero a5agay1 hindi naman na ata a)o nila ma)i)ilala1 dahil o<er i0 year na a)ong (ala a ho(5i6* Nagla)ad la)ad a)o1 )umain1 at nagpunta a mga damit1 (hi$h ,it Ce )a* She (anted to 5uy imple dre e na namana niya talaga a)in* I al o 5uy phone $a e para a)anya and ne( hoe * Nagpunta naman a)o a national 5oo) tore* I 5uy ome 5oo) para naman ne0t time na mai(an a)o a 5ahay1 ay mag pag )aa5alahan a)o* Na a may mga $oloring 5oo) at $olor a)o1 para )ay Ce )a1 (hen omeone $alled me* "'a(n&" 9umingon naman a)o* I a(*** "S7 haron%" I heard that nag o,, din da( iya a ho(5i6 ime ome rea on * Pero1 hindi a)o ma)apani(ala na naandito iya at ma lalo na nung niya)ap niya a)o* / little 5it a()(ard1 i nt it% "I o mi ed you&" Na)a mile iga ng mala)i* 3indi )o alam pero1 nararamdaman )o pa rin yung galit noon a)anya1 nung ina)it CahemC niya i 4i$hard* "'a(n naman1 that (a pa ed& 8alimutan na natin yun&" Nahalata niya ata na i5a ang mu)ha )o* Nag mile nalang a)o ang $ipontinue to $he$) tho e a$ti<ity 5oo) ,or Ce )a* "So1 para )anino yan%" She+ pro5a5ly re,,ering to the 5oo) "/h1 para a /N/8 )o*" I gi<e an empha i6e a (ord na ana) )o* 3indi )o alam pero1 may omething parin a)anya* "/(*** 9u$)y& Who+ the lu$)y man%" She a )* 3indi niya alam1 eriou ly% Sa5agay1 nung nag a(ay )ami1 na(ala na din iya na parang 5ula* "Si 4IC3/4'*" "O(% Yap% No (onder& /ng g(apong lala)i& #ayaman pa&" I ,a$ed her* Na)a)a e(an na )a i* #edyo na)a)airita na* I miled ,a)ely1 hindi )o alam a mile na yun1 5a ta I $alled it "Fa)e"* "4i$hard ;ome6* Yung i)at na #odel ng 2en$h%*" "3a%& Talaga% O(&" Parang napahiya ata a ina5i )o* 8aya he $he$)ed her phone* "'a(n1 I (anted to tal) to you longer 5ut1 may naghihintay )a i a)in eh* #ay5e ne0t time*" Seriou ly%& /yo)o na iyang ma)au ap )ahit )elan* It ?u t annoy me* "Sure*" I miled at her* /nd iya naman1 tuluyan nang umali * 3ayy*** #ga tao nga naman*** /,ter trolling around1 at pagod na din a)o1 umu(i na a)o1 malapit na )a ing mag u(ian

ila Ce )a1 )aya dumiret o na lang a)o a $hool nila* Tamang tama1 nag 5ell na at naandunnna iya1 papala5a ng (aiting area* She e0$itedly ran to(ard me and ga<e me a pe$) one the $hee)* "3ey mommy& 9oo)& I+<e got a tar&" She aid proudly "Wo(& #y 5a5y+ o good& What do you (ant mommy to gi<e you%" and andal and ne( phone $o<er &"

"=hmm*** I (anted a ne( dre "E0a$tly (hat I 5ought*" "4eally mommy%"

"Ye 1 it in the $ar* 9et+ go home and prepare daddy+ dinner*" "Ye mommy&" Tina(agan )o naman na i Aame na a)o na ang nag undo )ay Ce )a* /t o)ay lang naman da( a)anya* "2a5y1 you gotta urpri e daddy 5y your tar&" "Ye mom& I (ill1 plu & I+ll 5e the ha<ing the lead role on our 5allet pre entation mom&" "4eally%& When i that% "The ne0t (ee) mom1 at the re$ognition&" "O(& I+m ure youre daddy (ill 5e o happy&" "4eally mommy%" "O,$our e he (ill*"

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