Savoury Semolina Cake

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INGREDIENTS 1 cup Semolina(Roasted/unroasted) 1 cup Yoghurt 1/2 !/" cup #ater 1/2 cup $eas 1 %arrot grated 1 tsp crushed/grated ginger 1/" tsp turmeric po&der(optional) 1/2 tsp red chilli po&der(optional) 1 tsp Red chilli 'la(es 1/2 tsp %umin seeds 1/2 tsp )ustard seeds 1/2 tsp *a(ing soda(Soda *icar*onate) Sesame seeds a hand'ul(+ptional) Salt to taste +il )ET,+D 1- Grease and 'lour a loa' tin.preheat /our o0en to 211 degree %/!23 degree 42- )i5 semolina. carrots. peas. ginger. turmeric po&der. red chilli po&der and salt in a *o&l6dd &ater and /oghurt.mi5 &ell &ith a &ooden spoon(I' /our /oghurt is reall/ thic(. add !/" cup o' &ater.i' not 1/2 cup o' &ater &ould *e enough)!- ,eat oil in a pan and pop mustard seeds in it. once the mustard seeds ha0e popped add in cumin seeds immediatel/- +nce the cumin starts gi0ing out its aroma.remo0e pan 'rom heat and stir it into the *atter prepared in step 2"- Stir in *a(ing soda and immediatel/ pour into /our greased loa' tin and smooth out the *atter- Sprin(le sesame seeds generousl/ on top o' the smoothed out *atter3- $op it into /our o0en and *a(e 'or !3 "1 minutes or until the top turn7s golden *ro&nN+TES Recipe Source 8 6n9um 6nand:s Indian %oo(ing )ade Eas/ ;ideo Sa0our/ Semolina %a(e < I *a(ed this ca(e t&ice and I added the turmeric = red chilli po&der the second time 9ust to add more colour as m/ 'irst ca(e appeared >uite pale<?se a smaller loa' tin and ma/*e 1/2 tsp o' *a(ing po&der as &ell 'or a taller loa'-

Sa0or/ Semolina %a(e8 Ingredients8 2 tsp 0egeta*le oil. plus e5tra 'or oiling1 cup semolina1 cup plain lo& 'at /oghurt! t*sp &ater@ cup 'roAen peas@ cup chopped onions@ thinl/ sliced carrot@ chopped *ell pepper1 tsp grated1 green chilli chopped 'inel/4e& curr/ lea0es1 tsp red chilli po&der@ tsp turmeric po&der1 tsp mustard seedsB tsp cumin seeds1 tsp *icar*onate o' soda1 tsp sesame seedsSer0es C$rocess8 1-$reheat the o0en at 1C1 % and oil a medium loa' tin2- )i5 together the semolina. /oghurt. &ater. salt to ma(e a *atter o' a medium thic( consistenc/- ,eat the oil in a small saucepan- 6dd mustard seeds. curr/ lea0es. green chilies and cumin seeds and coo( 'or a*out 21 seconds until the mustard seeds ha0e popped and the cumin is aromatic- 6dd the 0eggies and spices and coo( 'or 2 ! minutes Stir into *atter!- Stir in the *icar*onate o' soda and immediatel/ pour the mi5ture into the prepared tin and sprin(le o0er sesame seeds- Da(e in the preheated o0en 'or 21 23 minutes"- The ca(e is read/ &hen a toothpic( inserted in the middle comes out clean and &hen the edges are crisp- Eea0e the ca(e to cool in the tin-

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