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1 Aries - 21 Mar to 20 Apr: Work/Career

Nine of Pentacles

The recent lunar eclipse in your sixth house (which rules things like careers and productivity) will cause quite a shakeup at the job site. But if there's one sign that can handle change, it's Aries. To be sure, your sign practically thrives on the new and different. Where other signs falter in the face of a switch-up, you'll manage to prove your worth at the workplace in a big way. And what's more, these changes will inspire you and cause you to take more of an interest in your career. Single Last month was a rather un-Arian month in terms of love and coupling. You found yourself less bored with the idea of a relationship when typically your sign runs for the hills after the first couple lovemaking sessions. But this is part of an overall trend in which you will actually set, GASP, goals for yourself in the area of romantic kinship. We all feel that urge sometimes to find somebody we connect with and even the dominant Mars-ruled Aries is subject to this rule. In Love Arians who have already been nabbed by a significant other, on the other hand, will display that aggressive forwardness that your sign is so well known for, albeit in a different direction. Instead of becoming bored and actively trying to get out of a relationship, you'll be gung-ho about moving the relationship into something deeper, more lasting. The important thing to remember here is that you needn't rush into such things. Let them occur organically and you have a much better chance of keeping things healthy. Finances Next month a Neptunian trine will conspire to give you the edge in terms of finances. Your luck will increase and you'll come out on top even with minimal effort. As such, it is recommended that you sit on your laurels in April and avoid any investments or big purchases until May comes around. Impetuous Aries may not like to hear this advice, but if you follow it you'll be in a much better position to see your earnings increase healthily as the year trudges onward. Health Aries is a sign that practically exudes energy. The first sign of the Zodiac, the most fiery of the fire signs. Activity, competition, these are all things that define you. So it will seem kind of strange this month when you find that your energy stores are lower than usual. But this is mostly due to factors such as work and love, which are consuming a lot of your waking thoughts. We all can benefit from slowing down the pace just a bit every now and then. Keep this in mind, Aries, and your high octane levels will return before you know it.

2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 21 May: Work/Career

Two of Cups

One of the things that headstrong Taurus takes the most pride in is his or her ability to get the job done. When it comes to work, few are as industrious as this workaholic sign. But while it is a fine thing to take pride in your accomplishments, you must not let it give you a swelled head. This month you're more predisposed to a bit of hubris with Mercury entering your sign you'll be more inclined to rub your higher output level right in the faces of less accomplished colleagues. This is a big no-no: It can create dissension in the ranks and ruin your standing at the workplace if you aren't careful. Single Conversation is key this month. While plenty of relationships are begun by physical attraction, they often burn out when the couple realizes that all they have in common is their mutual good looks. In April, you will need to work on the vocal part of courtship if you want to meet someone with which you have a true connection. This may sound like a tall order, but in reality it is the cosmos making sure that the next relationship you have will be more serious, more lasting than the frivolous partnerships that have marked the last couple years of your romantic life. In Love As with single Taureans, those of you in a relationship will also need to communicate with your partners if you wish to bring things to the next level. Don't forget that your sign has plenty to offer in the way of discourse. You learn more easily than other signs and your wide range of interests means that you can converse lucidly on a number of different topics. Sure, most Taureans are averse to displaying their feelings and passions but this is someone you might spend the rest of your life with. Why not start opening up now? Finances Sharing is important this month. If you have a partner in which the both of you handle the finances, you will have to bite the bullet and allow him or her to help take part on the overall shaping of your money matters. There are a couple of benefits to doing this, however: On the one hand, it will bolster the strength of your relationship (either personal or business) but it will also help you gain a new perspective on your finances. You may notice some beneficial ideas that would have been overlooked had you not allowed someone else to share in these important decisions. Health Lung issues may pose a problem this month, so do your best to avoid anything that could exacerbate the condition. This means avoiding any harsh chemicals that you might inhale. It goes without saying that smoking is a big no-no, and any Taurus who is a smoker should be particularly wary. Most Taureans are too health-conscious to ritualistically poison themselves over a lifetime, but it still needs to be said. If you're a runner or otherwise athletic, you may find yourself winded a bit more easily than usual.

3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun: Work/Career

Knight of Swords

After a few months of relatively smooth sailing at the workplace, be prepared for tests to come your in the form of strife with friends and coworkers. These tiffs can arise in any number of ways but it is important to ensure that they remain just that: Tiffs. Try to avoid turning a mole hill into a mountain. Any spats can quickly spiral out of control and threaten everybody's standing at your place of employment. It can be hard for Gemini to be the bigger man or woman, but it's a lesson we all have to learn sometime. Single This month your libido will be generously accentuated and you will find yourself sexually interested in a wide array of possible suitors. It goes without saying that you should be careful during this time. Yes, the loins want what the loins want but it is the brain's job to make sure that the entirety of you stays safe and free from harm, both mental or physical. This doesn't mean you should go upstairs and slip on the chastity belt, but to dry to exercise a little discernment when it comes to going home with somebody. In Love As for Geminis who are committed to someone else, be forewarned. The call of another's touch is strong this month. Whereas single Geminis can get away with desiring several different people, you've made a vow to be faithful to your one and only. Yes, we all get those urges to stray, but it is important during this time to spend extra waking moments with your partner. Try to remind yourself of why you fell in love with them in the first place. And work out that sexual aggression on that person instead of a perfect stranger. You'll be happy you did come May. Finances Geminis will be a bit more prudent with their spending this month. This is a very good thing, because your sign isn't always the most adept at holding onto money when it comes your way. This is just the beginning of a period in which you'll find yourself on a much better footing financially by year's end. Sure, some of your friends might call you a cheapskate or a miser, but that's their problem, not yours. Soon they'll begin to understand that you're not quite the spendthrift that you once were. Health Your immune system will take a hit this month and it is imperative that you try to limit physical contact with others, lest you succumb to a transmitted illness. It's a sad trick of nature that this happens to coincide with a time when you will most likely be more sexually active. Naturally, you will want to use protection even in times when you aren't more susceptible to STD's, but in a time like this, you will want to be extra vigilant. Stay responsible and you'll make it to May completely unscathed.

4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 20 Jul: Work/Career

King of Cups

Responsibilities at the workplace will increase for you this month, Cancer, and that's just something you will have to deal with. For a great many of you, this extra responsibility will be the result of a change in your job. It doesn't necessarily mean that you've switched occupations, but many Cancers have gone through some sort of shakeup in their career that has led to more opportunities, but of course more immediate tasks to see to. Don't worry, though: The stars have conspired to give you a little extra boost to help you get through it all. Single In the last few months you've been eschewing the typical Cancer desire for warmth and affection from a partner and instead have focused inwardly on what is really important in a relationship. Not surprisingly, this has caused you to be a bit less sociable than usual. But this month brings back your fun side. And fun is the key word. You'll be looking for partners who know how to have a good time, who can keep you out of the doldrums. And here's hoping you find just such a person, Cancer. In Love Your partner will be happy to find that you've dug yourself out of the little self-contemplative rut that you've been living in for the past couple of months. It's a return to good times and it is also the perfect moment to recapture the enjoyment and livelihood of a happy relationship. If you and your lover have been going through some difficult times lately, you can rest easy knowing that the entirety of April will be a time of great joy and togetherness for the two of you. Finances Your creativity is at a higher level this month, but it won't be manifested in artistic endeavors so much as it will center around financial matters. You will be looking at your investments, bank accounts, and so forth from an entirely different angle and this will help you to be more assertive with tying up loose ends that have been costing you a tidy sum of money up to this point. You will likely stumble upon some simple idea to save money that heretofore hadn't even crossed your mind. Health Your hands and feet (which are always indelibly tied to the sign of Cancer) may be a bit more at risk of injury this month so do your best to keep them safe. You needn't be fearful, however. You won't be cutting off any toes with a lawnmower so much as you might be more susceptible to things like hangnails, stubbed toes, paper cuts, and the like. Sure, these are all pretty insignificant little injuries, but wouldn't it be easier if you didn't have to deal with them, however fleeting these battle wounds might be?

5 Leo - 21 Jul to 21 Aug: Work/Career

Three of Pentacles

Finally things are starting to cool down at the workplace. The last few months (as well as a decent portion of last year) were no doubt hectic, and when you weren't bogged down with work you had other career-related issues that occupied your mind, leaving you very little room to breathe. But now there is a light at the end of the tunnel. While difficulties in work will still come in short, sporadic bursts, the worst part of the year is over. Congratulations, Leo: You've made it through the rabbit hole. Single After a few months of relative calm in the dating scene, Leo is finally starting to get its groove back, as it were. Any Leos who were fearfully wondering if their natural charisma has forever left them can rest a bit easier: Uranus has finally shifted into a much more agreeable position, squaring Pluto, and your ability to charm members of the opposite sex (as well as your own sex) will continue to ramp back up to your typically high levels. Leo is back on top! In Love Leos in a relationship will also notice that they are more attractive and alluring to others. Of course, this comes with a bit of a caveat, considering that you already have a partner that you are (hopefully) committed to. Either way, it isn't your fault if other interested parties make come-hither glances your way. But conversely, you can't really blame your lover for feeling any twinges of jealousy. It should go without saying that you shouldn't stir the pot in this respect, if you know what's good for you. Finances It's quite likely that Leos will feel a bit insecure about their ability to manage money this month. It isn't so much that April is an unlucky month for Leos in terms of finances, but your own self-doubt will rear its head and shake your confidence, making you feel that any action you take will result in disastrous losses. But this is a passing phase and by the middle of the year these fears will be dispelled. And since there is no reason why you absolutely must make any investments in the next couple months, why not just take a break from money matters until you feel more secure about it? Health Any Leos who have digestion problems may feel some discomfort this month, but it shouldn't be anything too major. If you do feel any excessive pain for more than a day, it is recommended you see a doctor, but this will be a rarity for Leos this month. Instead, you may just feel slight indigestion, acid reflux, and other relatively minor ailments. Try to avoid any food that you know will set off a bout of gastrointestinal distress within you. Many Leos are predisposed to gallbladder issues and, if this description fits you, you should be doubly careful.

6 Virgo - 22 Aug to 22 Sept: Work/Career

IX The Hermit

To most Virgos, a job well done is its own reward. But like certain other signs in the Zodiac (Capricorn and Taurus come to mind), you sometimes run the risk of pushing yourself too hard. This is just such a month. Your energy levels will be a bit higher than usual in the beginning of April, causing you to think that you've got plenty of gas to burn. But as the month draws to a close, your energy stores will become depleted much more easily. Nobody tries to burn out intentionally, but it is important for you to remember that you aren't Superman. Single One of the best parts of love is the early phase, when you're just starting to get to know each other, and there is plenty of conversational fodder. The thrill of the new is powerful, and an exciting surprise is always around the corner. But this month, your excitement levels may be a bit depleted and it will be hard for you to transform an infatuation or courtship into a full-fledged relationship. But not every friendship is meant to become something deeper and more romantic. This is an important lesson to remember not just this month but every month. In Love No matter how much you love your partner, it is also important to have a strong circle of friends that you can support on for platonic relationships. This month you will desire the kinship of your besties more than usual, and here's hoping that your lover understands this fact. If not, it may help to explain to him or her that choosing to spend time with your friends isn't a judgment on anybody it's just something that, as human beings, we all need every now and then to keep from descending into depression. Finances Your mental acuity is a bit higher this month and it will serve as a great boon to help you make sense of the various monetary issues that may be occupying your attention. If you've been putting off any consolidation of debt, now would be a great time to take care of it. Also, any investments that pique your interest have a better chance of coming to fruition than they have up to this point in 2014. Try not to stress yourself out too much about these decisions, however. Just trust in your ability to make the right decisions and you should come out swimmingly. Health As mentioned above, the possibility of burnout is very real this month if you don't take any measures to curb your energy output. Yes, we admit, it can be difficult to convince Virgos that they've got too much on their plates. That being said, any measures that you can take to help calm you down at the end of each day can go a long way toward making sure that you don't overtax yourself. Some meditation, peaceful music, or even a soothing bath can make all the difference this month.

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct: Work/Career

Eight of Wands

An air of dissatisfaction looms for some Leos this month in the workplace. This is especially true for Libras born at the end of September or the beginning of October. Ennui, disappointment, and even frustration will unfortunately be part of the mix, and the only advice we can really give you is to do your best to weather the storm until May comes around. Avoid rash decisions made in the heat of the moment: Though your temper may tell you to walk off the job, remember to count to ten and wait for reason to come into play. Single Libras aren't particularly known for turning friends and acquaintances into bedfellows. On the contrary, many a Libra prefers a separation between partners and friends. But anomalies are born from the cosmos just like everything else and in the next few months the possibility of a friendship growing into something deeper and more intimate will be very high. It most likely won't be a friend that you have known for many years, but rather a colleague that you've known for just a short while, and nevertheless have grown closer to. In Love Libras are generally pretty easygoing when it comes to other people judging them. Cancers, for instance, feel as if the world has come down upon them when someone lobs even the slightest criticism their way. Aries and Leo are both signs that succumb to a bruised ego very easily. But this month you'll feel as if you're less Libra and more Leo. Your partner's observations about you, however innocuous, will cut deeper to the bone. But it is important that you try to shrug off these supposed slights, because that's really all they are. Finances If you plan on purchasing any items online this month, do take precautions and try to be as careful as possible when giving out your credit or debit card number. The chances of you losing money through fraud, theft, and other unseemly possibilities is significantly higher in April. This applies to purchases made in the real, tangible world as much as it does to the webisphere. A good piece of advice is to simply avoid making any major buying decisions until May rolls around. Who knows you might even catch a break on a great Memorial Day Weekend sale. Health This month you'll be more concerned about your body image than in recent months. Any Libras who have left that treadmill collecting dust will feel inclined to jump back into that workout routine. If you've been holding on to some of that winter weight, it will be a lot more apparent when you look into the mirror. Fortunately, you'll have the energy stores handy to get back into a fitness regimen and, provided you don't push yourself too hard at the outset, you'll be able to get back to that beach body in no time.

8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 22 Nov: Work/Career

Four of Wands

You'll be second guessing yourself at the workplace this month. Things that are normally rote for you will be given a once-over due to self-doubt regarding errors and mistakes. But this isn't necessarily a bad thing at all. Going over things with a fine-toothed comb is something we all should try to do a bit more. And Scorpios are definitely not immune to minor gaffes. As long as you don't let any obsessive-compulsive leanings get in the way of your productivity, this increased discernment should help you rather than hinder you. Single The dating scene can often be a great help to those who feel insecure about their appearance or suffer from self-loathing. Nothing helps alleviate that inferiority complex better than a nice conversation with someone who finds you attractive. But sometimes the opposite happens. This month you'll feel a bit more self-aware about your age. You may feel as if you're too old to be out on the scene, flirting and trying to pull. Eyeing all the cool, pretty people may cause you to wrongly assume that you don't belong in this group. But this is just that typical Scorpio cynicism coming to the forefront again. Ignore it and continue to enjoy yourself, Scorpio. In Love Scorpios in a relationship will also feel a bit of insecurity with regards to their bodies and overall appearance. But having a loving partner is a great way to keep these feelings at bay. If you're truly as unattractive as you think, why would this person be with you for the long haul? And of course there is nothing stopping you from losing a few extra pounds, or building some bigger muscles. Just a few sessions at the gym every week can go a long way toward repairing your self-image. Finances The desire to clean house, as it were, is strong with you this month. Part of this is due to Jupiter, a bountiful planet, being in opposition to Pluto, a planet that (due to its distance) is more grounded and stable. You'll take stock in your various possessions, valuables, and assets with a more discerning eye. This is a great time to set up a garage sale or hawk some of your undesired items on e-Bay or Craigslist. As such, you may end up with a nice, tidy sum at the end of the month that you weren't expecting. Of course, many Scorpios will care little for the financial boon that comes with the chore of selling off goods, and will instead opt to give small gifts to their friends in the interest of ridding themselves of things they no longer want. Whatever you choose, your desire for streamlining will either line your pockets or strengthen the bonds of friendship. Health Hearing problems may come to light this month, among other issues that could plague your ears. Any Scorpios who prefer to listen to music with the headphones turned up to full volume are especially at risk. It should go without saying that if you feel any hearing loss, you should consider shelving the iPod and listening to music through speakers. Ear infections are a risk for Scorpios across the board, and anybody feeling pain in their inner ears should consult a physician immediately. While all infections are dangerous, infections of the ear have the potential to cause great harm to the entire body.

9 Sagittarius - 23 Nov to 20 Dec: Work/Career

VI The Lovers

Advancement in your job or salary is a definite possibility, and it's hard to imagine any Sagittarius that wouldn't take this as great news. If you've been awaiting a promotion, April looks to be the month in which it will happen. Ditto for a pay raise. If you've already moved up in your position recently, don't think that you'll be excluded from the fun. Though you may not get back-to-back promotions, some happy turn of fate will add further blessings to your work life. This is definitely a good month for your career. Single This month your attraction to the opposite sex (or the same sex) will skew to a more exotic type. Your interest in people outside of your typical comfort zone will be higher, as will your desire to learn more about the vast world that surrounds you. This doesn't necessarily entail that you will be attracted to someone of a different race, although that is certainly possible. Rather, the swath is wide enough to encompass people of different ages, backgrounds, and even careers. If it is something you aren't used to, you will feel a pull in that direction. In Love As for Sagittarians in a relationship, things are a bit trickier. Trouble looms in the form of boredom. Sure, we all can feel a bit of the ennui when we've been with someone for a long time, but the truth of the matter is that boredom can lead to relationship problems very quickly. Instead of suffering a case of the blahs, however, try to spice things up. Go to a show or a new night club that neither of you two have been to before. Try a little experimentation in the bedroom. In most cases, boredom can be solved easily if you actively try to extinguish it. Finances Sagittarians who like to play the stocks are in for a treat this month. But even if you aren't interested in the invisible paper chase, you may find yourself taking an interest in Wall Street regardless. As for those of you who have already dabbled in investing, now is a great time to listen to your gut feelings and make a go of it. Mutual funds are a safer bet, but if you can manage to put a bit of money aside and invest in something a bit more lucrative, you will be blessed with much better luck than in recent months. Health Any Sagittarius who works out or plays sports knows that stretching is important, but this month it is doubly so; flexibility issues are going to be a real issue this month. Before performing any exercise, you'll want to stretch even more than you do so already. And whereas many of us ignore the whole cooldown phase of a workout, it is recommended that you go through the process religiously every time you break a sweat. Cramps are also a distinct possibility in April, so be prepared to deal with those little annoyances.

10 Capricorn - 21 Dec to 19 Jan: Work/Career

Queen of Wands

This month you'll take a much greater interest in your work than in months past. Yes, that sounds a bit funny when describing a Capricorn, because work is something people under your sign are almost always interested in. But rather than focusing on the actual tasks at hand, your interest will center around the machinations behind the scenes, and the minutiae of each area that you oversee. The best part is that the close attention you pay to your job will help you to become even better at it than you already are. Single Capricorns who are still single at this point needn't fret. While we have been discussing for the past couple months that love is around the corner for the vast majority of your sign, the fact that you're single doesn't mean that you have become Persona Non Grata in the dating world. Are you actively making the attempt to meet new people? Capricorns are notorious for preferring alone time. Are you trying to strike up conversations or waiting for suitors to come to you? Capricorns are known to be quite shy when it comes to courtship. In Love For many Capricorns, the relationship that you are in right now is very fresh and recent. This is a good thing. You are in the best part of love the young part of it. Try not to rush things or go overboard; things will progress the way they ought and if you sit back and let it ride, you'll have a much easier time of it. As for Capricorns who have been with someone for quite a while, don't think that you're missing out on the fun. Love is in the air for everybody under your sign, and old married couples will get to take part in the fun too. Expect a nice boost in intimacy between one another. Finances You won't be as concerned about money as you have in recent months, and this is all well and good, considering that no financial strain is due to come your way in April. What's more, any attempts at juggling your bills or debt could actually have an adverse reaction this month. So why not just relax and enjoy the happiness that is pouring throughout you as Spring comes into full bloom? There will always be time to balance that checkbook. If no major debts are pressing, just leave them be for now. Health Overeating is a possibility this month, although this isn't as major a problem as it may be for other signs (such as Cancer or Pisces). The reason you're more predisposed to clean your plate is because you are becoming happier and learning to enjoy the fleeting things in life that we sometimes forget to acknowledge. If your health is in relatively good standing and you don't have any major dietary issues, there is nothing wrong with treating yourself to an extra slice of strawberry rhubarb pie. Or whatever your poison might be.

11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb: Work/Career

Six of Cups

Optimism will bless you during your time at work this month something that was in short supply last year. But as things have begun to make a positive turnaround for you this year, you are finally starting to rekindle the flame that makes you such an indispensable asset to whatever vocation you've chosen for yourself. You'll think more positively and have a better outlook at everything that comes your way in the workplace. Even minor problems, which seemed like major hurdles last year, will be brushed off with ease. Single Last month we discussed the idea of a new friend coming into your life and gradually becoming something more. If you haven't met that person yet, he or she is likely waiting right around the corner for you. Interestingly, it's quite possible that you've met them already but don't yet see them in the light of a potential lover. Not yet, anyhow. At any rate, it is important during this time that you avoid being abrasive or otherwise standoffish to anybody this month. You never know who might capture your heart in the coming months. In Love Aquarians who are in a relationship will be happy to know that April bodes no ill tidings that might threaten your happy home. You and your partner will get along better than you have in the last several fortnights. If you have children, you'll enjoy the family time spent with them and your spouse. Any fights or spats can only arise if you are actively trying to make them happen, and with the good mood that you're putting forth, it seems like a highly unlikely event indeed. Finances You'll be a bit more lax about your spending habits this month and this can pose a problem. With the general bon fortuna that you've been experiencing through April, you will be more likely to try to keep the good times going by purchasing things on your wish list. A couple gifts to yourself or your partner isn't a bad thing by any means, but do try to keep everything in check. A night out with friends is all well and good, but don't close down the bar with a massive tab, lest it come back to bite you in May. Health What a terrific month for Aquarius! Sure, the possibility of spending too much money is a threat, but other than that things look rather good. Much better than they were this time last year. And as a bit of icing on the cake, you'll be happy to know that there are no major health issues on the horizon. So long as you maintain a responsible diet and exercise routine, and shy away from dangerous activities, your health should be in tip-top shape all throughout the month.

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar: Work/Career

VIII Strength

You may be a bit more stressed at work this month, although your actual job isn't really to blame; not entirely, that is. Yes, you may feel a bit of frustration when you think about how you should be further up in the ranks than you are at this point, but what it all comes down to is money. This month you'll be preoccupied with your bank account and since your career is the source of that supposed middling sum of money, it will suffer the brunt of your anger. Single At this point, your desire for love will only be fully satiated through physical means. Pisces typically are happy with an intimate kinship, with many of your sign requiring just the bare minimum of sexual gratification. But we all have periods where we need to get off, as it were, and this month you'll be more attracted to people who seem like they will be able to give you what you want in bed. Now, we're all adults here, and we all have a right to choose our partners. That being said, it still behooves you to be careful and very discerning when it comes to picking out a mate for a torrid fling. In Love This month you may be more dependent on your partner for a wide variety of things. Your sexual desires will simply have to be fulfilled lest your lover earn your ire. But on top of that, he or she will also need to satisfy you on an emotional level. This is a tall order for anybody and it will be a great help if you avoid voicing your frustration at your partner if he or she falls short on either of these requirements. Just try to remember that you're going through a particular phase right now and you'll be back to normal soon enough. That bit of advice will hopefully help you to avoid saying something that may come off as hurtful. Finances Money won't accrue as fast this month as last month and next month, and hopefully you've got a bit of savings stored up to help you through. You needn't fear any major loss of capital, because there are no gigantic purchases that you'll be forced to make this month. But you will definitely feel a tightening of the purse-strings unless you have plenty of money in the bank. Pisces who are in a relationship will feel inclined to ask their partners for help, which is perfectly understandable and can help a great deal during this lean month. Health Your ability to heal is very prominent this month, thanks in large part to Chiron, one of the most self-sustaining celestial bodies hovering in the sky right now (and particularly attuned to you at this moment). While there is a bit of disarray in other parts of your life, you can rest easy knowing that your immune system is working in top form right now. Any ailment that comes your way will pale in comparison to your bolstered fortitude. So at least there's one ray of light in an otherwise dubious month.
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