DDB Worldwide Celebrates 2014 International Women's Day

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437 Madison Avenue New York NY 10022 T 212 415 2000 F 212 415 3414 info@ny.ddb.com www.ddb.


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Press Release


Date: March 7, 2014
Location: New York, NY

ln celebraLlon of 2014 lnLernaLlonal Women's uay (lWu), uu8 Worldwlde, parL of Cmnlcom
Croup (CMC, n?SL), announced Loday Lhe launch of Lmpower," a webslLe feaLurlng phoLos
of real women from across Lhe uu8 neLwork. SlaLed Lo launch on lrlday, March 7,
Lmpower" wlll be accompanled by LweeLs from female employees on [uu8_Worldwlde,
whlch wlll answer Lhe quesLlon, WhaL empowers you?" lWu ls celebraLed globally on
March 8, and recognlzes Lhe economlc, pollLlcal and soclal achlevemenLs of women pasL,
presenL and fuLure.

1he Lmpower" webslLe, creaLed by uu8 Chlcago, was lnsplred by Lhe movemenL Lo porLray
real women ln Lhe medla a la CeLLy lmages' recenL Lean ln CollecLlon."

Sally All, Chlef 1alenL Cfflcer of uu8 Worldwlde, sald, 8y feaLurlng Lhe real faces of our
female employees on Lhe Lmpower" webslLe, we are brlnglng LogeLher Lhe women
of Lhe agency on a global scale Lo ampllfy Lhls year's powerful lWu message, lnsplre

ln addlLlon Lo Lmpower," uu8 wlll hosL volunLeer evenLs and panel sesslons across offlces
ln norLh Amerlca. CeLLy lmages' ulrecLor of vlsual 1rends am Crossman wlll presenL Lhe
Lean ln CollecLlon" Lo uu8 new ?ork on lrlday, March 7. 1he presenLaLlon wlll feaLure an
excluslve C&A wlLh Crossman, moderaLed by !aneL CullleL, LxecuLlve CreaLlve ulrecLor of
uu8 new ?ork, and Lhe agency wlll share key Lakeaways on 1wlLLer, [uu8nLW?C8k.

Also, uu8 Callfornla wlll be launchlng an onllne vldeo Lo celebraLe Lhe large number of
women employees aL Lhe offlce ln San lranclsco, showcaslng Lhe dlverslLy and
empowermenL of women aL uu8. 1he vldeo wlll be released on March 7 ln con[uncLlon wlLh
Lhe resL of Lhe neLwork's lWu lnlLlaLlves.

Mark C'8rlen, resldenL of uu8 norLh Amerlca, commenLed, We recognlze Lhe lmporLance
of celebraLlng lnLernaLlonal Women's uay Lo show uu8's appreclaLlon of our female
437 Madison Avenue New York NY 10022 T 212 415 2000 F 212 415 3414 info@ny.ddb.com www.ddb.com

Registered numbers, office and regulatory authority details as required

employees and Lo ensure we are focuslng our aLLenLlon on Lhe challenges LhaL Lhey
conLlnue Lo face ln Lhe workplace so LhaL we can work LogeLher Lo overcome Lhem."

ln addlLlon, uu8 Worldwlde's webslLe wlll feaLure a homepage Lakeover of phoLos from
Lmpower." LasLly, Chlef CreaLlve Cfflcer Amlr kassael's Lemon 2020" blog wlll be guesL
auLhored by Llsa 8enneLL, Lv/CreaLlve of uu8 norLh Amerlca, whlch ls slaLed Lo break on
lrlday, March 7.

1he execuLlve leadershlp of Cmnlcom has been awesLruck by Lhe smarL, creaLlve and
engaglng evenLs LhaL have been planned noL only aL uu8 buL by all of our agencles, all over
Lhe world," commenLed !aneL 8lcclo, Cmnlcom Croup Lv. "1he energy and momenLum
LhaL acknowledglng lnLernaLlonal Women's uay has creaLed for Lhe women of Cmnlcom has
been noLhlng shorL of lnsplred - whlch ls preclsely Lhe polnL of lWu. We've creaLed a
mlcroslLe on whlch all of our agencles can showcase whaL Lhey're dolng for
lWu, hLLp://womensday2014.omnlcomgroup.com/. We are all so proud of our Cmnlcom
famlly - on lnLernaLlonal Women's uay and every oLher day of Lhe year."

"#$%& ''(
uu8 Worldwlde (www.ddb.com) ls one of Lhe world's largesL and mosL awarded adverLlslng
and markeLlng neLworks. ln 2012 uu8 was named AdverLlslng neLwork of Lhe ?ear
by !"#$"%&'( as well as Agency of Lhe ?ear and ulglLal Agency of Lhe ?ear
by )*+"*,&- magazlne. AL Lhe presLlglous 2013 Cannes lnLernaLlonal lesLlval of CreaLlvlLy,
uu8 won 93 Llons, Lhe mosL ever for Lhe neLwork. ln addlLlon, ./, 12'' 3,$4+* has llsLed
uu8 as one of Lhe 1op 3 Clobal neLworks for Lhe lasL 12 years. 1he agency's cllenLs lnclude
volkswagen, Mcuonald's, unllever, Mars, !ohnson & !ohnson, and Lxxon Mobll, among

lounded ln 1949, uu8 ls parL of Lhe Cmnlcom Croup (n?SL) and conslsLs of more Lhan 200
offlces ln over 90 counLrles wlLh lLs flagshlp offlce ln new ?ork, n?.

"#$%& )*+,-$* ./$%0 1+-2
Cmnlcom Croup lnc. (n?SL-CMC) ls a leadlng global markeLlng and corporaLe
communlcaLlons company. Cmnlcom's branded neLworks and numerous speclalLy flrms
provlde adverLlslng, sLraLeglc medla plannlng and buylng, dlglLal and lnLeracLlve markeLlng,
dlrecL and promoLlonal markeLlng, publlc relaLlons and oLher speclalLy communlcaLlons
servlces Lo over 3,000 cllenLs ln more Lhan 100 counLrles.
lor furLher lnformaLlon on Cmnlcom and lLs brands, please vlslL www.omnlcomgroup.com.

437 Madison Avenue New York NY 10022 T 212 415 2000 F 212 415 3414 info@ny.ddb.com www.ddb.com

Registered numbers, office and regulatory authority details as required

# # #

ChrlsLle Clera
ulrecLor of CorporaLe CommunlcaLlons and norLh Amerlcan ubllc 8elaLlons, uu8
Lmall: ChrlsLle.glera[ddb.com
Cfflce: 212-413-2186


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