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LCCI International Qualications Update

January 2012 April 2012 July 2012 October 2012




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April 2012

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Financial and Quantitative qualications

English Language qualications

Business, Administration and IT qualications Marketing and Customer Service qualications

Ask the Experts

Special Feature: Chief examiner top tips

Whats happening around the world


LCCI International Qualications Update. For all marketing enquiries contact: Rupa Shikotra rupashikotra@ediplc.com

Tel. +44 (0) 2476 518951 Email. internationalenquiries@ediplc.com www.lcci.org.uk



The n ex the L t issue of C will b CI Updat e e ava ilable July 2 i 012 n

Notification of New Diploma Codes

0077, ASE20078 and If candidates have taken the new Text Production (Subject Codes ASE2 0073 and ASE20074) ASE20079) or Business Principles and Practice (Subject Codes ASE2 need to use the new qualifications and wish to apply for a Diploma certificate, Centres will ates for the Specialised Diploma Subject Codes shown in the table below when registering candid only be used when Diploma, Group Diploma or Diploma. The old Diploma Subject Codes should 074, ASE2074 and the candidate has taken the old Text Production (Subject Codes ASE1 309) qualifications. All ASE3074) or Business Practice (Subject Codes ASE2309 and ASE3 other Diploma Subject Codes remain unchanged.
SPECIALISED DIPLOMAS Qualication Title Level 3 Specialised Diploma in Business Management & Accoun Old Subject Code ting DIPBMA3 New Subject Code DIPBMA3V2

GROUP DIPLOMAS Qualication Title Level 3 Group Diploma in Management Accounting Level 3 Group Diploma in Business and Industrial Administration Level 3 Group Diploma in Marketing Level 3 Group Diploma in Principles and Practice of Manage Level 3 Group Diploma in Accounting Level 3 Group Diploma in Cost Accounting Level 3 Group Diploma in Public Relations Level 3 Group Diploma in Selling and Sales Management Level 3 Group Diploma in Advertising DIPLOMAS Qualication Title Old Subject Code ASEDBAG11 ASEDBAG12 DIPBST2 DIPCOMACC2 ASEDBAG21 ASEDSAG11 ASEPSDG31 ASEDBAG31 DIPCOMACC07 DIPMANPR07 DIPBUS07 l ICT Skills options) Level 1 Diploma in Administration (with inclusion of Practica Practical ICT Skills) Level 1 Diploma in Administration (with options other than Level 2 Diploma in Business Studies Level 2 Diploma in Computerised Accounting Level 2 Diploma in Business Administration Level 2 Diploma in Secretarial Administration Level 3 Private Secretarys Diploma Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration Level 3 Diploma in Computerised Accounting Level 3 Diploma in Managerial Principles Level 3 Diploma in Business Studies ment Old Subject Code DIPMANACC07 DIPBIA07 DIPMAR07 DIPPPM07 DIPACC07 DIPCOSTACC07 DIPPUBREL07 DIPSSM07 DIPADV07




Revised policy and procedures for Appeals and Document Retention

As a result of new requirements from the qualifications regulator, Ofqual, EDI has revised its appeals policy and procedures as well as its document retention policy. A key outcome of the appeals procedures revision is that there is now an application form that must be used to submit appeals requests. This application form and the revised policy documents can be downloaded from the Centre Administration Area of the LCCI website, www.lcci.org.uk.


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Renaming of credit grade in LCCI IQ Examinations

In order to comply with the requirements of Ofqual (the regulator of UK Awarding Organisations), the current credit grade will be renamed merit. This change applies only to the name, and there will be no change to how students work is assessed, or to the standards applied. We are currently updating our syllabuses, other qualification support documents and our website to reflect this change. The change will apply to all relevant certificates issued after 1 June 2012.



New Teaching Resources for Level 4 Diploma in Accounting and Finance

EDI is pleased to announce that we are in the process of developing guidance for teachers delivering the Level 4 Diploma in Accounting and Finance. The aim of this guidance is to emphasise the need for candidates to develop the higher order thinking skills necessary to cope with the cognitive demands of the Level 4 assessments. The guidance will include sample questions and answers to show how candidates are expected to apply these skills in answering questions.

The guidance will be available in PowerPoint presentation format and will be available for download from the website, www.lcci.org.uk by 30 June 2012.


Level 2 Award in Computerised Book-keeping Skills and Level 3 Award in Computerised Accounting Skills
Due to customer feedback and a review of the marking criteria we have amended the Immediate Fail criteria for these qualications. Previously, candidates who failed to produce and submit the Trial Balance or the Audit Trail, received an Immediate Fail. We have now changed the criteria so that failure to produce and submit the Trial Balance or either the Audit Trail or a complete Nominal Ledger will result in an Immediate Fail. This is because the Audit Trail and a complete set of Nominal Ledger accounts contain similar information so it is appropriate that either one could be used for marking purposes. This should also make the assessments less time-consuming for candidates because they will no longer be required to select particular accounts within the Nominal Ledger.

Level 3 Award in Principles of Auditing

Following the review of the Level 3 Award in Principles of Auditing, we conrm that this review has been completed and that the qualication now consists of 30 multiple choice questions, with 1 mark allocated to each question. Please note that this is the only change in the syllabus, and that the learning outcomes, assessment criteria and indicative content, along with the qualication title and code, all remain the same.

Updated International Accounting Standards (IAS) Guidance Document

EDI is pleased to announce that an updated version of the International Accounting Standards Guidance: Terminology and Presentation document is now available on the relevant qualication pages of the website. The document is primarily an aid for students preparing for our Accounting IAS examinations but can also be used by teachers in the delivery of the accounting syllabuses. It is also a useful terminology guide where a non-IAS textbook is being used.



Level 3 English for Accounting Teachers Toolkit

We are pleased to announce that the Teachers Toolkit for the Level 3 Award in English for Accounting is now available on the qualications page on our website. Centres will need to log into the secure area to access the toolkit. The main resource in the toolkit is a Scheme of Work, which gives examples of how to plan the course and teach the content. It provides a logical sequence for teaching the syllabus topics, starting with a needs analysis and making suggestions for classroom activities and exam preparation.


JETSET Level 6
EDI would like to highlight a change to the timing for the JETSET Level 6 Writing examination. It has now been changed from 90 minutes to 105 minutes. An updated version of JETSET syllabus is now available on the website.

CertTEFL Level 5
The EDI Certicate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language accredited at Level 4 on the National Qualications Framework has expired and has been replaced with Level 5 Certicate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (CertTEFL). The new level 5 qualication is accredited on the Qualications and Credit Framework and has been developed through discussions with Lifelong Learning UK (LLUK ), the Sector Skills Council responsible for teacher training in the UK, and the other Awarding Organisations. So what does this mean for centres? As the level 4 qualication has now expired we will not accept any further registrations for this qualication. All centres seeking to deliver the new level 5 qualication must apply for approval through the standard centre approval process, including a site visit. QCF requires the application of a different assessment strategy compared to that of qualications on the NQF. To this end, EDI will now carry out external visits to those centres delivering CertTEFL. You will nd full details of what this involves in the CertTEFL specication found on the LCCI IQ website (www.lcci.org.uk).



Certicate in Business Administration (New 2012) qualications

Following on from previous articles announcing the redevelopment of the Levels 1 3 Business Administration qualications, we can now inform centres of the new examination format for these qualications. For all three levels, candidates will now have four compulsory questions to answer, each carrying 25 marks. Question One will always be in the form of a scenario-based in-tray exercise, which will require candidates to produce a form of written communication using information given in the scenario. At Level 1, candidates may be asked to complete a form using information given in the scenario instead of producing a written communication. The remaining three questions will be presented as short answer questions. These questions will be broken down into a number of part-questions. The new syllabuses will contain an Appendix, which provides guidance on how candidates are expected to format each type of written communication that they may be required to produce in Question One. Additional assessment support will also be provided on our website to guide candidates on how to approach and answer this question. The syllabuses and sample assessments for the redeveloped qualications will be available on the LCCI website by 16 May 2012 (instead of 16 April as previously advised. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause). On Demand examinations for all three levels of Business Administration (New 2012) will be available from 1 November 2012. Levels 2 and 3 Business Administration (New 2012) will also be available for rst sitting in Series 4 2012 . In order to allow centres and candidates time to complete courses based on the old syllabuses, examinations on these syllabuses will be available concurrently with the new syllabus examinations in Series 4 2012 and then On Demand only until 1 November 2013.



Levels 2 and 3 Business Principles and Practice qualications NQF Accredited

We are pleased to announce that the revised syllabuses and sample papers for the NQF accredited Levels 2 and 3 Business Principles and Practice qualications are now available on the website, www.lcci.org.uk . As explained in the last article, the change of qualication framework, from QCF to NQF, has no impact on the technical content within the syllabuses or the assessment format. However, there are slight changes to the wording of some assessment criteria in the Level 3 qualication and in the weighting of syllabus topics in the examinations at both levels. As explained in the last article, the only signicant change is that all learning outcomes will no longer be assessed in each examination but will be sampled over time, resulting in more indepth testing of syllabus topics. On this basis, the pass mark on the NQF accredited qualications will be 50% instead of the previous 60%. All examinations, Series or On Demand, sat after 1 June 2012 will be based on these NQF accredited qualications.

New Student Revision Books

EDI is pleased to announce that new Student Revision Books for the following qualications will become available for free download from our website from 31 May 2012: Level 3 Certicate in Business Principles and Practice Level 3 Award in Introduction to Business Strategy and Planning Level 3 Award in Measuring and Improving Business Performance These Student Revision Books outline the key points arising from each learning outcome and provide explanatory notes, tables and diagrams to clarify concepts and show relationships between different

concepts and principles. The Revision Book for Level 3 Business Principles and Practice will also provide tips on the application of key concepts, how they are tested in the examination and how to answer different types of questions. These books can be used for self-study and revision as well as within the classroom as a supporting learning resource.




Level 3 Certicate in Marketing and Level 3 Certicate in Selling and Sales Management
EDI is currently reviewing the Level 3 Certicate in Marketing and Level 3 Selling and Sales Management qualications. This is to ensure that they remain relevant to the demands of the current business environment. The new syllabus for each qualication will be available on our website from July 2012. The rst Series examination on the new syllabus will take place in Series 3, 2013 and On Demand examinations will be available from 1 June 2013. In order to allow centres and candidates time to complete the courses based on the current syllabuses, examinations on these will be available concurrently; the last Series examination on the current syllabuses will be Series 3 2013 and On Demand examinations will be available until 31 December 2013.




Dont forget to use the Ask the Experts tool, which is accessible via the Tutors and Teachers section of the LCCI website, www.lcci.org.uk. Here you can contact our experienced qualications development and examining teams to ask them any qualication-related questions that you may have. The service is fast, efficient and will enable you to receive answers from our professional experts, to questions about any of our qualications.




Chief Examiner top tips

To help you get the very best from your students we have compiled top tips from our Chief Examiners for some of our most popular subjects. Subject: Level 3 English for Business Chief Examiner, Peter Leggott says: 1. Make sure you adopt an appropriate business style when you are producing the documents such as a letter, a report and a memo. Always keep in mind who is going to read the document and your relationship with this person. 2. Never copy large sections of the exam paper. You need to read everything rst, then select and re-order the relevant information before producing answers in your own words as far as possible. 3. Use the three hours you have wisely to make sure you have time to answer all questions and still have time to proof read your answers to spot any errors you have made. Subject: Level 3 Accounting Chief Examiner, Bob Hillier says: 1. Ensure you are thoroughly aware of Level 1 and 2 Topics, as the syllabuses are cumulative. This is explicitly mentioned in the syllabus, but many seem unaware of it. 2. Answer all parts of questions. Some ignore numerical parts, more written parts. On written parts the markers are explicitly told that English is not the rst language of many candidates, and to allow for that in marking. In addition many of the sections are asking for the opinion of candidates, there is not necessarily a right answer, and marks will be given for any realistic comment. Full marks can be obtained, and are obtained, by a minority of candidates on written parts. However the paper will remain predominantly numerical, with no fully written questions. 3. As with virtually every exam, allocate your time correctly between questions, and within questions.



Subject: Level 3 Marketing Chief Examiner, Bob Brooks says: 1. Read the question thoroughly and understand what the examiner is asking you to answer. 2. Use relevant real life examples that you are familiar with to highlight your answers. 3. Allocate your time correctly and give relevant length answers in relation to marks awarded. Subject: Level 2 Book-keeping and Accounts Chief Examiner, Margaret Swift says: 1. Answer the question that is required. Marks will not be awarded for any unrequired answers. 2. A ll workings must be shown to avoid valuable marks being lost. 3. L evel 2 candidates must be thoroughly aware of all Level 1 topics.

Subject: Level 3 Certicate in Business Priciples and Practice Chief Examiner, Stephen Jakubowski says: 1. Most questions have a short scenario to provide a context for the answers. You need to read this carefully to identify the key points as your answers need to be relevant to the situation in the scenario. If you provide general answers you will not be awarded the full marks for the question. 2. Do not concentrate on one or two key words in the question - make sure you fully understand what the question is asking and then note down the main points which you will cover before starting to write your answer. 3. Pay attention to the command words used in the questions. Command words tell you the level of detail you need to give in your answers. It is important that you understand how to respond to different command words as this can affect your success in the examination.

Subject: Level 3 Advanced Business Calculations Chief Examiner, Roger Brewis says: 1. Prepare thoroughly for all syllabus areas, as all questions are compulsory. 2. Understand both business and calculations aspects of each topic. 3. Know your subject forwards and backwards, as not all questions are written in the standard, simplest way.

Subject: Level 2 English for Business Chief Examiner, Colin Payton says: 1. Remember that English for Business Level 2 is designed to test your abilities to understand written instructions and to respond to them in English. 2. An answer that does not show these skills is never an appropriate response to a question. 3. P rove that you can both understand a given business situation and communicate appropriately in English by selecting the necessary facts, organising them sensibly, conveying the required message accurately and using your own vocabulary and grammatical structures as far as possible.




LCCI China Market Development Center (Xian) visit to LCCI LCCI Hungary EfB Presentation at Regional Language Event Business English Competition and Medallion Awards Ceremony, Poland

LCCI China Market Development Center (Xian) visit to LCCI

In December 2011, the Vice Chairman of Xian High-Tech Development Zone, Mr. Liu Minghua and the Vice Chairman from the development center of Xian High-Tech Software Development Zone, Mr. Chen Junfeng leads CEOs from many Xian outstanding companies visited LCCI London office, the delegation group had a discussion on the examination system of LCCI and its status in international market, as well as its further development plan for LCCI China Development Center. The delegation group also gave highly recommendation for LCCI China Development Center in terms of talent training for outsourcing company and its examination systems. Ensure LCCI China Development Market in Xian will have a better occupation and will better serve the High Educational Institutes, outsourcing companies home and aboard, continue to make a bright development future for Xian High-Tech Development Zone. Mr Charles Luke Wales the International Business Development Manager from Education Development International plc.(EDI) and the European Market Manager, Mr Adam Robinson presented the delegation group with a warm reception and wonderful speech. This times visit gave the delegation group a better understanding of LCCI and many of them showed great interest in cooperating in the on coming year. Article / image submitted by Jary Jan, China



LCCI Hungary EfB Presentation at Regional Language Event

A highlight of the Debrecen Language Day in February organised in the university city of Debrecen, was an English for Business presentation by Kriszti Godsave, Country Manager of LCCI Hungary. This important annual event, organised by LCCIs local partner Debrecen Language School, attracts companies, students and teachers from all over the East of the country. The LCCI stand in the main exhibition area, alongside all the countrys major examination providers and international publishing companies received a steady stream of visitors who were keen to learn about the only locally accredited, internationally recognized, Business English examination available in the country. This event is part of LCCIs Hungarys ongoing programme of spreading the word through interaction with partners, teachers and students.

Article / images submitted by Krisztina Godsave, Hungary



Business English competition and Medallion Award Ceremony, Poland

A celebration day for LCCI Poland at the British Embassy in Warsaw
The 30th of March 2012 witnessed two major LCCI IQ events in Poland. The British Embassy hosted the top-ten nalist of the 5th National LCCI Business English Competition (BEC) 2011, an event which has carved out for itself a noteworthy place in academic lives of Polish students and teachers. The honorary patronage of the LCCI BEC 2011 were: the British Embassy in Warsaw, represented by the Deputy Head of Mission, Ms. Jennifer Glover, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, and the Ministry of National Education. The event was an outcome of diligent efforts of its main organizer, inMedia Polska (LCCI IQ National Representative in Poland) and its President, Mr. Roman Pcienniczak who is the originator of the LCCI Business English Competition, an initiative which aims to popularize specialist English and promote LCCI qualications in Poland. The Competition has received tremendous support from Education Development International over the years. The awards in the 2011 Competition were generously donated by inMedia Polska, EDI, and sponsors Pearson, Harvard Business Review and KGHM Polska Mied S.A. More than 800 candidates from esteemed Polish universities and schools of higher education registered for the 5th edition of the LCCI Business English Competition, proving its popularity and LCCI prestige. The Competition comprised of a multiple-choice test and an essay on one of the three topics offered. EDI congratulated the entrants and their teachers for the excellence of their achievements, and emphasized that selecting the top entries in the Competition proved a delightful, yet challenging task, as the nalists displayed a highly commendable standard of English, an exemplary expertise in expression, and highly intelligent organization of the arguments presented, together with convincing and compelling mastery of vocabulary. The LCCI Business English Competition 2011 winner, Mateusz Barandziak, a student of the Warsaw School of Economics, wrote a comprehensive and insightful essay regarding the problems that are currently being faced by the EU. The deserved contestant was awarded with a diploma and, among many other valuable prizes, an internship at EDI. All winners received awards and diplomas, and the top-3 nalists were additionally awarded with iPads. The culmination of the evening at the British Embassy was the LCCI IQ Medallions and Certicates of Excellence Ceremony. The prestigious awards are announced annually to recognize students outstanding achievements in LCCI International Qualications examinations. Winners from LCCI Centres across Poland were honoured for achieving some of the worlds best results in 2011. The prizes for successful candidates were generously sponsored by Pearson. It must be mentioned here that special diplomas were awarded to teachers and LCCI Centres for their support, educational efforts and commitment, which greatly contributed to the success of the LCCI Business English Competition 2011 and LCCI IQ Medallions 2011 winners. The exceptional evening at the British Embassy in Warsaw concluded with a ceremonial dinner and interviews with media. Congratulations to all winners, their teachers and LCCI Centres that took part in the ceremony.

Winners and images from both events can be found on the next page...



LCCI Business English Competition 2011

PLACE WINNER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mateusz Barandziak Agnieszka pionek Tomasz ladowski Marcin Henryk Kubica Paulina Krzyko Dominika Wycichowska Przemysaw Kreft Magdalena Zagodon Jdrzej Figurski Marcin Strawczyski UNIVERSITY/ SCHOOL Warsaw School of Economics Warsaw School of Economics Philological School of Higher Education in Wrocaw Cracow University of Economics Warsaw School of Economics Pozna University of Economics Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toru Maria Curie-Skodowska University in Lublin Warsaw School of Economics Warsaw School of Economics

LCCI Medallions and Certicates of Excellence Winners 2011

CANDIDATE Karolina Jarosz Anna Grzegorska Piotr Antoni Woniak Aleksandra Maria Brzozowska Barbara Nejman CENTRE Empik School of Foreign Languages The University School of Banking and Finance in Katowice Cracow University of Economics Cracow University of Economics Global Training Centre in Warsaw SUBJECT Level 2 English for Business Level 2 English for Business Level 3 English for Business Level 3 English for Business Preliminary Level English for Business AWARD Country Gold Medallion Country Gold Medallion Country Gold Medallion Country Gold Medallion Certicate of Excellence

(by M.Pozna) In this photo: (from left) T.ladowski, A.pionek, M.Kubica, P.Kreft, M.Barandziak, M. Zagodon, M.Strawczyski, J. Figurski i D.Wycichowska i P. Krzyko

(by M.Pozna) In this photo: (from left) Boena Bielak, Piotr Woniak, Sebastian Florek-Paszkowski, Aleksandra Brzozowska

Article / images submitted by Katarzyna Maaczuk, Poland


As an EDI registered centre you have access to a range of free services:

Dedicated Customer Support and Customer Enquiries teams trained to deal with specic and general enquiries

In-country support through our local offices and representatives worldwide


Marketing support and promotional materials to help you promote your centre

Free of charge syllabuses, sample papers, past papers, model answers, teachers' toolkits, support packs and annual qualication reviews on our website www.lcci.org.uk User-friendly Centre Administration area on the website where you can access necessary administration forms and documents

Fast access to examination results through our website www.lcci.org.uk

Recognition of your centre and your students achievements through LCCI Medallions - awarded to top scoring students throughout the world

LCCI IQ Update to provide you with information and advice on any changes and qualication developments

Tel. +44 (0) 2476 518951 Email. internationalenquiries@ediplc.com www.lcci.org.uk

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