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^COPy Utah County Sheriffs Office

Incident Report 11UC05200

Nature: A G E N C Y ASSIST Location: GENOLA SOUTH Offense Reported: AGNC Offense Codes: Agency Assist Received By: Legerski M Responding Officers: Howell D (UC) Responsible Officers: Willes D When Reported: 22:51:12 05/27/11 Assigned To: Status: Radiolog: Unit: 1J171 Enroute: Completed: 22:51:40 05/27/11 REPORTEES: Name: B L A C K , CHAD OFFR Race: W Sex: M DOB: Name Number: 109422 ight: 5'10" Weight: 170 Hair: S D Y Eyes: GRN Arrived: 22:51:15 05/27/11 Disposition: Pending 06/08/11 Occurred Between: 22:51:06 05/27/11 and 22:51:06 05/27/11 Detail: Status Date: */**/** Date Assigned: **/*/** Due Date: **/**/* How Received: Officer Initial Agency: UCSO Offense Observed: AGNC Address: 637 E C E N T E R ST GENOLA U T 84655

Address: 95 E C E N T E R ST, Orem, U T 84057 Home Phone: VICTIMS: Name: B L A C K , B A I L E Y Race: W Sex: F DOB Name Number: 557982 Hght: ' " Weight: 0 Hair: Eyes: Work Phone: ( ) -

Address: 158 S 600 EAST ST, GENOLA, UT 84655 Home Phone: ( ) Name: B L A C K , BRANDEE K. Race: W Sex: F DOB: Work Phone: ( ) Name Number: 557983 Hght: ' " Weight: 0 Hair: Eyes:

Address: 158 S 600 EAST ST, GENOLA, U T 84655 Home Phone: ( ) WITNESSES: Name: BURGESS, BRENDA C . Race: W Sex: F DOB: Name Number: 66348 .. Hght: 5'06" Weight: 200 Hair: BRO Eyes: HAZ Work Phone: ( ) -

Address: 593 E C E N T E R ST, GENOLA, UT 84655 Home Phone: OTHERS INVOLVED: ^ 4 Work Phone:



Incident Report 11UC05200 Page 2 of 6 Name: OBERG, DAREN Race: Home Phone: Name: NELSON, DON R. Race: W Home Phone: Name: WATSON, THOMAS Race: W Sex: M DOB: Sex: M DOB: Work Phone: Name Number: 557980 Hght: 5'07" Weight: 185 Hair: BRO Eyes: BRO Sex: M DOB: Work Phone: Name Number: 203510 Hght: 5'09" Weight: 195 Hair: Eyes: Name Number: 203506 Hght: 6'00" Weight: 160 Hair: Eyes:

Address: 14 S 600 E A S T ST, GENOLA, U T 84655

Address: 554 E CENTER ST, GENOLA, U T 84655

Address: 637 E C E N T E R ST, GENOLA, U T 84655 Home Phone: SUSPECTS: Name: WATSON, SHERRI J. Race: W Sex: F Name Number: 289688 DOB: > . Hght: 5'03" Weight: 155 Hair: BRO Eyes: BRO Work Phone:

Address: 637 E C E N T E R ST, GENOLA, UT 84655 Home Phone: Work Phone: ( ) -



Incident Report 11UC05200

Page 3 of 6 Page

NARRATIVE: I was asked to conduct a c o n f l i c t of i n t e r e s t conduct i n c i d e n t which occurred i n Genola.


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Incident Report 11UC05200 Page 4 of 6 SUPPLEMENTAL NARRATIVE : Name: Willes D Date: 21:46:29 06/02/11 Synopsis: On 05/27/11, I was asked to conduct a c o n f l i c t of i n t e r e s t case f o r Santaquin P o l i c e Department. The i n i t i a l i n c i d e n t involved the c h i l d r e n of a p a r t time employee of Santaquin P o l i c e Department, Chad B l a c k and a neighbor, S h e r r i Watson. The i n i t i a l r e p o r t was the neighbor, S h e r r i Watson, was swearing at, and c a l l i n g Chad B l a c k ' s c h i l d r e n , lewd names. Ms. Watson denies the a l l e g a t i o n s and b e l i e v e s the c h i l d r e n are making up the s t o r y a t the request of t h e i r p a r e n t s . Ms. Watson b e l i e v e s Chad Black has been r e t a l i a t i n g a g a i n s t her by s t a l k i n g and h a r a s s i n g her, ever s i n c e she c a l l e d and complained about one of Mr. B l a c k ' s f r i e n d s and co-workers a t Orem City, I n i t i a l Information: On 05/27/11, I was contacted by Santaquin P o l i c e Department, r e q u e s t i n g my a s s i s t a n c e i n the i n v e s t i g a t i o n of t h i s case, due to the c o n f l i c t of interest. I was t o l d Santaquin P o l i c e responded to the Black r e s i d e n c e i n r e f e r e n c e to a harassment d e t a i l . When they a r r i v e d , they met with the Black family. The B l a c k s f i l l e d out witness statements and gave them to O f f i c e r D n i s s e l and O f f i c e r Grfeen. I was given the names and phone numbers of a l l the individuals involved. Statements from the Black f a m i l y : I met w i t h the B l a c k f a m i l y on 05/29/11. Chad Black, Toni Black, B a i l e y Black, Brandee Black, and the r e s t of the f a m i l y was t h e r e . The o l d e r daughters. B a i l e y and Brandee t o l d me t h e i r v e r s i o n of the stoary. They t o l d me they were walking t h e i r pony along w i t h t h e i r younger sisters. When they a r r i v e d i n f r o n t of S h e r r i Watson's home, S h e r r i came out of her garage w i t h a video recorder. She approached the c h i l d r e n and t o l d them she was j u s t video taping t h e i r pony. Soon, S h e r r i s t a r t e d c a l l i n g the g i r l s crude names and i n s u l t i n g t h e i r f a m i l y while u s i n g abusive and f o u l language. B a i l e y s a i d the abuse continued x i n t i l the g i r l s turned around and was out of earshot on t h e i r way home. The v e r b a l statement was v e r y c o n s i s t e n t w i t h the w r i t t e n provided to the Santaquin O f f i c e r on the day t h i s occurred. statement

Statement From Brenda Burgess: I met w i t h Ms. Burgess on 05/29/11. Ms. Burgess t o l d me she was i n her f r o n t y a r d when she n o t i c e d the B l a c k ' s c h i l d r e n standing i n f r o n t of Ms. Watson's home. T h i r t y or f o r t y minutes l a t e r , she heard Ms. Watson y e l l i n g i n her d i r e c t i o n s a y i n g "Look, see what I am doingw" as Ms. Watson h e l d the video camera up f o r Ms. Burgess to see. T h i s was the o n l y t h i n g Ms. Burgess heard Ms. Watson s a y i n g . She t o l d me Ms. Watson d i d not say anything t o the c h i l d r e n . Contacting S h e r r i Watson: On 05/27/11, I stopped by the Watson home. A note was posted i n t h e i r f r o n t door, s t a t i n g they had went to S a l t Lake C i t y u n t i l f u r t h e r n o t i c e . I stopped a t the home again on 05/28/11, s t i l l no one answered the door. On 05/29/11, Thomas Watson, S h e r r i ' s husband, answered the door and spoke w i t h me. He t o l d me S h e r r i d i d not wish to speak t o me without her a t t o r n e y p r e s e n t . We


06/13/1 i

Incident Report 11UC05200 Page 5 of 6 made arrangements t o meet 06/06/11.

On 06/06/11, I r e c e i v e d a phone c a l l from Thomas Watson. He t o l d me he and h i s w i f e would l i k e t o meet w i t h me; however, they d i d not have t h e i r attorney w i t h them. I went t o t h e i r home and met w i t h the Watsons. Ms. Watson t o l d me t h i s a l l s t a r t e d over a y e a r ago. She t o l d me one morning she was standing along the roadway w i t h h e r c h i l d r e n , who were w a i t i n g for the school bus. A tiruck approached a t a high r a t e of speed, Ms. Watson s a i d she t r i e d t o slow t h e t r u c k by waiving h e r arms a t the d r i v e r ; however, the d r i v e r kept d r i v i n g a t a high r a t e of speed. Ms. Watson happened t o n o t i c e the t r u c k had a Orem C i t y F i r e Department s t i c k e r on i t . She c a l l e d the. Orem F i r e Chief to f i l e a complaint a g a i n s t the d r i v e r . Ms. Watson t o l d me t h i s i s when Chad B l a c k s t a r t e d g i v i n g h e r and h e r f a m i l y a hard time. Ms. Watson t o l d me Mr. Black i s f r i e n d s w i t h the d r i v e r o f the truck, a s they both work f o r Orem C i t y . According t o Ms. Watson, the d r i v e r of the t r u c k i s now employed by the P o l i c e Department w i t h Mr. Black. Ms. Watson c l a i m s Mr. B l a c k has r e p e a t e d l y c a l l e d the Santac[uin P o l i c e Department on her f o r no other reason, other than t o pay h e r back f o r complaining on h i s f r i e n d . Ms. Watson has provided me w i t h a l i s t she created, documenting some of t h e times she n o t i c e d one o r more of the Black f a m i l y harassing her. Ms. Watson t o l d me Chad c o n t i n u a l l y goes out of h i s way t o d r i v e p a s t her home. When he approaches, Chad slows t o 1 o r 2 mph and then speeds up once he has passed h e r home. She a l s o t o l d me the B l a c k ' s c h i l d r e n a r e c o n s t a n t l y walking t o the f r o n t of h e r home and then j u s t standing out f r o n t and s t a r i n g a t her f o r 30 t o 40 minutes a t a time. When I asked Ms. Watson about the video recording of t h e i n c i d e n t , she t o l d me she t r i e d to review the r e c o r d i n g a couple days a f t e r t h i s occurred, and learned she d i d not have the r e c o r d button pushed, o r t h e r e was a malfunction and the recording d i d not work out. other Contacts: I met with s e v e r a l other neighbors i n Nelson and Daren Oberg. Neither of these a l l e g e d a c t i o n s by Ms. Watson which caused of these gentlemen responded to the Watson while the Santaquin P o l i c e Department were

the a r e a i n c l u d i n g Don Ray i n d i v i d u a l s witnessed any of the Chad B l a c k t o f i l e t h i s r e p o r t . home t o calm Thomas and S h e r r i a t the Watson home.


Further Developments: On 06/04/11, I r e c e i v e d a phone c a l l from Thomas Watson. He l e f t me a message, t e l l i n g me the B l a c k c h i l d r e n were back i n f r o n t of h i s home again, he was requesting my a s s i s t a n c e . I was not working and d i d not get the message f o r s e v e r a l hours. I was l a t e r t o l d Mr. Watson c a l l e d the S h e r i f f ' s O f f i c e and was a s s i s t e d by Sgt. Packer and Deputy Chapman. Conclusion: Due t o the i n c o n s i s t e n t statements from the v i c t i m s and the suspects, along w i t h the f a c t , the only independent w i t n e s s i n t h i s i n c i d e n t reported Ms. Watson d i d not s a y anything t o t h e c h i l d r e n , I am r e f e r r i n g t h i s case to the Utah County Attorney's O f f i c e f o r review f o r p o s s i b l e charges.



Incident Report 11UC05200 Page 6 of 6




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Name: - / / ( ^ / ^ / ^ ^ Home Phone _ . _.

Date: ^ . ^ CelJ Phone:. ^ ' "

Case Number: ^/ ~ Work Phone: State:^ Pa^e


/J/^ Zip:^^.-5--^ of

Address:^.^x".^. ^^A/Td'y^ PQB:_ . . . ^J^SS#:

Cm':_^i2i^^__ Drivers License #;

Notice: Pursuant to Section 76-S-504.S, Utah Code Annotated, 19S3 az amended, you arc notified that statements you are about tc make may be presented to a magistrate or judge in lieu of your sworn testimony at a preiiminaiy examination. Any false statement you maiie and that you do not believe to be true may subject you to criminal punishment as a Class A Misdemeanor. 1 do give this statement of my own free will. I understand that I have the right to remain silent, that an)nhing I say can be used against me in a court of law, that I have the right to talk to an attorney, and tc have him present when I make this statement, that if I cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed for me if! so desire. I understand i that I have the right to stop answering questions at any time. ^Fully understanding then^hts above I make the following statement.

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Address - 5075 hhnh Main Spanish Fojii, Utah S4660 Feo:-80J-B5]-4059 inwnc-80]-S,53^^^



Case Number

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Address-3075 North Main Spanish Fork Utah 84660 Fax-801-852-4059 Phone - 80J-85J-4000

Santaquin/Genola Police Department Voluntary Statement
Case n:. Name: Address: City: Phone: ^ 7 / ^ A ' A h ^ State: Cell: _ /J T^A^ 577 Date: ^ / ^ ^ / / / Time:



Zip: fi^<^fpf=>
Date of Birth:

Notice: Pursuant to Section 75-8-504.5 Utah Code annotated, 1953, as amended, you are notified that statements you are about to make may be present to a magistrate or judge in lieu of your sworn testimony at a preliminary examination. Any false statement you make and that you do not believe to be true may subject you to criminal punishment as a Class A Misdemeanor. 1 give this statement of my own free will. No promises, threats or coercion of any kind has been made to me by any Santaquin/Genola Police Officer.

J _

7~ Lk.H"

Sherri statement Santaquin Police My Statement



On May 27 aprox 4:30 PM I noticed something suspicious. I have been harassed and stalked for over 1 year by Chad Black and his Family. My lawyer along with lots of Santaquin police told me it was perfectly legal to video anyone and anything in public view, especially if it were suspicious. Chad Blacks childeren like to stand right in front of my driveway and stare at our family. Chad Black continually drives by my home at 1 mile an hour in his police cruisers from Santaquin and Orem. The kids try to intimidate and harass us just like their father. My lawyer told us to video and write notes as to this harrassment also we have spoken to our neighbor and asked them to keep eyes open and take notes wich they have. So the kids were standing in their normal position in front of my driveway starring. I was going to get my mail when \d them trying to encourage the pony to poop in the road right in front of my driveway. I thought my camera was going and I proceeded to get my mail. When they saw me they turned and started walking toward their home. I noticed Brenda Burgess and hallard at her to watch what they were doing and that she would be a wittness. I was starting to go down to Brenda's house when my kkjs hallard for me, I decided to call her from my home instead because my kids did not know where I was. Approx. 2 hours later 1 had three police cruisers in my driveway my husband went out to speak to them. I was terrified and so vy^re my childeren. The police told Tom I had better come out or they wouW come in and get me. I was scared for my life because of Chad Black's relentless persuit of me. The police refused my plea for my lawyer. I started calling my neighbors for help 1 needed vwtnesses as to what these police were going to do to me. I believe they would have killed me If there were no witness around. I went out only after my neighbors came over. The police demanded that I tell them what happened. I told them that Chad Blgick has been stalking me and harassing me for over 1 year now and two of the three policemen knew about my complaint from last year and refussed to do anything about it so \s Page1

Sherri statement Santaquin Police

j j ^Q^^


taking documentation as to the little stalkers that Chad and Ton! Black sent over. They wanted to know if I spoke to the kids I said "NO" They let me go back into my home. They gave Tom a voluntary statement fonn and told him 1 have to fill It out and I have 1 hour they would be back. I felt very un-easy about giving a voluntary statement that was anything but voluntary. They would not let me consult my lawyer. I have been stalked and harrassed for a long time now and I asked the Mayor to be a witness when I handed this forced and coerced Non-Voluntary statement that I had been threatened with bodily harm and life to hand over. He came and the policeman did not like that we had all these witness and he sped off without getting the coerced statement. The Mayor was so concemed for our saftey and lives that he asked us to leave our home. We fled ASAP in fear for our Ih^es. The Mayor escorted us away from our home.

Page 2


To whom this may concern, Thistetteris to inform you about an incident that happened with John Savage. On the morning of Feb 2. 200S. I Sherri Watson was walking my 2 childeren. Conner 8 and Cody 6 yrs old to the bus stop for school. Down the road I noticed a vehicle coming E on Center street in Genola. I told my kids to stay to the side. The pick-up truck seemed to be going pretty fast. Ya. it was, he did not even attempt to slow down when he saw us, I was in the middle of the road putting my hands in the slow down position he even sped past that as I was yelling at the top of my lungs for him to slow down, slow down. The only reason he slowed down and even stopped was because I flipped him off. So he stopped and backed up his truck to me,(I felt very threatened by this action if 1 would have had a phone I would have dialed 911) The only reason he stopped was to tell me what a horrible example I was setting for my kids. 1 told him I would blank blank blank do or say anything to get some asshole to slow dovim when my chidren were on the road. I asked him about the great example he was, speeding down the road like that. He told me that what I had done was way worse of an example than his speeding.He wanted to know if I knew how fast he was going I told him I knew he was going well over the 30 MPS that was posted. I told him it did not matter how much over he was going when you see pedestrians on the road young or old you slow the hell down. I told him he was a stupid asshole, and I thought he had run over his brains with a steam roller one to many times As he drove off I realized that he was a fireman whom lived here in Genola. What a hipocrite. This thing of a man is a public servam and he wants to talk about my example. As a public servant! Fireman) I would expect him of all people to have saftey in mind at ail times. I am sure that he knows of the homfic accident here on Jan 5. It happened just four houses East of where we live and he was headed right for the same Intersection. That accident left 2 teenagers dead and 2 in the hospital. That boy was speeding now he Is dead. It was a horrible feeling to see 3 life flight helicopters fly out of here that morning. I do not wanl more lo die, because some kjlot can not wake up 5 min. earlier to get to work on time. I only want you to know of the loose wire you have protecting and serving the fine people of Orem. My heart goes out to anyone this crack nut may hurt in the line of duty or off. If the people of Orem knew what kind of whack job was protecting them Tm sure they would not sleep at night. Thank you for taking your time to listen to my concerns. I really hope you hear them clearly this man Is a dangerous, careless, wreckless, selfrightous, hypocrite. This combination can cause physical damage or kill some inocent bystander in his wake. Thank vou Sherri Watson 637 E Center Street Ge/iola, Ut 64655




Santaquin/Genola Police Department Voluntary Statement


: ]]^6yin Name: %\0C)(Of}m\0\:



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>-J> Cell:


Date of Birth.,


Notice: Pursuant to Section 76-8-504.5 Utah Code annotated, 1953, as amended, you are notified that statements you are about to make may be present to a magistrate or judge in lieu of your sworn testimony at a preliminary examination. Any false statement you make and that you do not believe to be true may subject you to criminal punishment as a Class A Misdemeanor. I give this statement of my own free will. No promises, threats or coercion of any kind has been made to me by any Santaquin/Genola Police Officer.







Santaquin/Genola Police Department Voluntary Statement

C a s e # : J l S i i a S y ^ 3 ^ Name: Address: City: ^ i C n O
\^ \^





State: Cell:-_-^

)T D




Date of Birth.

Notice: Pursuant to Section 76-8-504.5 Utah Code annotated, 1953, as amended, you are notified that statements you are about to make may be present to a magistrate or judge in lieu of your sworn testimony at a preliminary examination. Any false statement you make and that you do not believe to be true may subject you to criminal punishment as a Class A Misdemeanor. I give this statement of my own free will. No promises, threats or coercion of any kind has been made to me by any Santaquin/Genola Police Officer.

a. o




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Santaquin/Genola Police Department Voluntary Statement

Caseff: Name:

6UJ> g t A ^ ^


_^^|2a|at__ ^ m e : I Z i ! ^

Address: /^^^' City: Phone: ^*B^ - -

State: -v> Cell:

VAT" ^

Zip: Date of Birth:

Notice: Pursuant to Section 76-8-504.5 Utah Code annotated, 1953, as amended, you are notified that statements you are about to make may be present to a magistrate or judge in lieu of your sworn testimony at a preliminary examination. Any false statement you make and that you do not believe to be true may subject you to criminal punishment as a Class A Misdemeanor. I give this statement of my own free will. No promises, threats or coercion of any kind has been made to me by any Santaquin/Genola Police Officer,



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Sheriff J a m e s O. T r a c y





Date: ItU. Phone:

Ip "

Case Number: Work Phone:


Home Pi)one: Address: DOB:

$ ^ 3 IcAiA,'}' (LlJ^dj^
, , SS#:


Gre^.^^ I A

State: jj-h


Drivers License =:

?2 .ge_

Notice: Pursuant to Section 76-&-504.S, Utah Code Annotated, 1955 as amended, you are notified That statements you are ahoui tc make may be presented to a magistrate or Judge in lieu of your sworn Testimony at a preliminary examination. Any false statement you make and that you do not believe to be true may subject you to criminal punishment as a Class A Misdemeanor. } do give this statement of my own free will. / understand that I have the right to remain silent., that anything I say can be used against me in a coun of law, that I have the right to tall: to on attorney, and to have him. present when ! make this statement, that if I cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed for me if i so desire. I understand that I have the right tc stop answering questions at any time. Fully understanding the rights above I make the following statement.



Address- 3075North Main Spanish Fork, Utah 84660 Fax-80]-85]-4O59 Phunc - 803-851-4000

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